East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 25, 1888, Image 3

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    ft:I..SKSI'AV,AI'l!ll.!5, I8S9.
llrnlli'll OHIee,
t. ,f tun ilAxrOiirii'iNtAN Inn
f " ? llo,,..'" It 'TOlm'k. lP 'lll bo
1:1. II V '"'M,''.'.' .,,. ...rvlra III 1.1
liull.v MMer u '
Itltl VIT1HS.
I... tl!ll,.,,'a liiltlV lit Vl'fV Hifk
II 11.1111 IIHiv"
... t4 to tlio Masonic leHtuui-
riiii.-- I
a'-twiin Hoilii tit II. F. .lolut'
Imli'Cl'lk I III II HII Weill iu nun
1 v reluinlm?ln ll.o evening
P fill..'..) tinlii!' I'OII 111 llllH U'CIl
jui'oic't and decorated by Link
..rtml HiuMlio ro-mirvey ot tlio
ICl'V"' .
i-.tion will Ikj i-onilieiC(i in u.cc
ibiitn'AlH b:'liniliiB to grow
' r.'lir-X! v.x-nt to Kclio liiHt iihsht to
Ufior lil- I t.iiii'li jjallory, which is
I l.'o. llitl'i. Wild HIKJtlt tllO
l'in t,m ninlllllillim ut tlio Orclla
I. n tuv, n.
t m. Jimw ."imIII' havo opened u
lirV DlliriJ II "IU Olll 1MUHH.-U IIIIIHI
nrtrthe ltM:.
i., U.i.w.lll ii.h tome llrntt!iiiKH inr
, ,i moiii 1 1 rent at tlio old polollleo
.till'il!! I Hill MIC.M.
mujn II.miNoii Hiiiuliit'il hi ankle
a ,ir in. ii "" "
Kiiiiii, who Iuih been vcty
ho itblo to
in 1' ko. l ily bHiltht.
.1! iiihV V. A.MIIIo'.S. While,
itwlJ r'Ui' wont loConloi
Uh'i iii. fi noon, mill will lotuni to-
irjele residence lot only four
Mill tllO I'HI't llOIIHO, for HillO
Itimil'o t I.oe.er v Miobloin
ip. i'i
trail urvol" U cr;t niti.sasuK, loft
tll.td Ii 'ti 'o, will Id luomptly do
ll liv Iniit-y Winllold, tlio clly
mier Ikiv.
'ilwlc.''ti,;tiof.liiviifoI'ou In lown.
;i.lvt IiiikIi full lit IMohattUoii'it
1 1 c Jin 'r on .'Iii'n blioot, between
j .ml Webb.
"outer 'Iimil.iv ntul Tutwilay ovonliiK.t,
J tDiTlmwI.u ovoiihur. unit an onera
aruni Trlday ami attnilay ovuijIiim.
UHilH ill KIlinilHCIIIOIll bill tlllrtWCOK.
i lm Oa.n foiinil a u'ikiiI fixed taran-
tin a iiinu'li of I aimiituiR which ho to-
uM till- III Millie. It lH litllit ill 11
.ill. nail titlr.tctrt coiihitl'.'niblo alien-
Iilali a noble red man, was nr-
'el totbv lor lukinir whiM-v on tlio
j'icn iiml uill Ik) oxiMiiinoil thlH af-
nnanJl.iucn bolow to-nlahl imo'i-
r S Wttflle )icpiili'il jo ioM)rlor wllh
!i l."JS!t 0 n! Ilio HOaWHl" IIHK
irnlo. I'iiIIiiiiihmimIdih iuu 7 inuhox
n juiferciico ono way ami ft tlio
It J. I. IVck icconllv a farmer llvltijf
Helix liiin bought a half tuloj ttnt In
e ''tciifT'iit-lii'-Hof Ziki Honsor, and
II 10 11 f 11 UI iIRT 111 tllO bllHlll"HH hoi o
i' llnfaiiillv will niovo to town in
' til 0) Wt'i'k'H.
oNnui o a do io on tho .ut of u
r' ut lVfsi'o hi lioiplo to boar
lu to tin... I of 'Mikako" i'liilay
t nj, Mm! i ' dihI ' I'iiiaforo" mo
'iDD'e" well worn out. and "Ollv
licooi a atlvcly now horo.
Vkiaia Signal . A hi dicato of Tn-tuMIILdht-
havo pnifhased of the
'' n r.uii i rallrp.ul M.000 aoros of
ai' In tlio stitinyflilo country. Yakima
' atriTnUmies totvino to Ibo front In
W. unobtrusive, but vorv HubHtantlal
y miaiiv.liowas a.iosted Sunday,
iiusii'ii . i'tii anio loir- to foint
!''f aHiKMI't i'tf')iu .Iiw'irn Itinbnii
'r Ilia.. Ill', l.ivm" Ii iw kl.lnmwl
P'Uhtr IMHIIU ono to in-1 KiMttit linr.
tlif iiI--vol with Konio L'ood ad-
51 VV rpinn: Trark-lavltiL' on tho 0.
l railroad m mm on Saturday
niss and by .Sunday nlyht ovurthioo
''w track was laid. A laiRoforcoof
' '"' n'o alroadv at work, and
Cmu-r uill I-. I. I I..
Mesct jo Juvo la tnilca of rails laid
! It last of Mav.
AlCrniy Swoilc -ut llli Thnint. ami I.Itcr
Kiivnral Duyn In til Jlountiilin Without
Yostorday iiftcrnixin, J. II. Klrbv, of
Adania, canio down from that placo Villi
a mail who k'ivoh IiIm iiaiuo uh Audtow
rotorHon, who In in a veiy bad tondillon
from ii wound in Ills neck, indicted by
hlniHt'lf, with Intent at Kolf-derttriieliuii.
Ho wiih found last .Monday In tho nioiin
laiiiH near We.ton, by Jlr. Oholscn, and
bioiigbt to AdaniH, wboio bin wounds
woio dieted, llo eelllH to havo been
crazy, thinking that Homo men in the
wooiieiiopiiei-H eami). wiiero lie wiih at
woik intended to kilt him. AeeonlliiL'
to IiIh Htatoinent, bo left tho uamp about
hIx davH uo to emio tlieHo men, but
Hoon afterward naw two men coming
toward him. lie Marled to win.
and thinking they woio following unii
would ove. lafeo him, lio took bin poekot
knife and cut hlriown throat, Hovering tho
windpipe. Uu Iuih been iu tho inouii'
tttlim over niiico, without unto and jire
Hiiinably wilboiit fowl. When biouht
down ye.xfjiday tho wound had beeomo
badly Hwollon anil full ot pun. Tho in
dex linger of his loft hand 1h noveied,
with tho exception of tho bono, and will
havo lo lio amputated. Tho wound in hlx
neck is alwut four Inches long and very
llo KiiyMtho wound In his neck la a very
good tiling, us tho frogH In bin Hloniacli
ean yet out theio.
liming the opo'iillou of mowing up tho
wound ho did not oven Hindi, ami lav
pe'fcclly Ht til without iillciing a groan.
The wound has been neglected ho long
that It l.s liable to catii'b Ills death yet.
llo is now kepi In jail, but will pioh
ably be nent to the ItiHaiio asylmn, wlieio
ho will get potior eato.
Dr. V. V. Vlneoiit Ik atlondltig him.
Till! MOIM'llYolilC lilt. I,.
C..1 Si'httir. is in Germany.
MiniHter rundlotun Is bottor.
The Clc'inan Kniperor is dying.
John Hates, mayor of Portland, Is very
To Your Own Interest i
Russell Ik,
Imllaiii In ...I
Kill liailli'il Kilu-ni
Iv'' "lt Jen 'I'I.vk ago to kh-uio two or
e 1 11)11 :l ltl.lt Z l ..... I.. ....in
1. . .. . "'...'' ... nru iii rciiuii u
l and t nee Intllnnu ! , mi,,,.
,"" Vjent Colleo would not give
-u-tit io their doiwtturo until pcr-
nhiis tioen obtained fix.ni AVaxh
. 'mis teK'giai.hed for tlio d
L . .". ,,'mt re,elved a negative i-
n 'n'imri to p. to Washington and
'' IlOCMlllll ,1,1 1,.. , .....1 1..II,,
ka ti , . i'"'iim uu-
rac Mev imluetu Ma I.mUi.. ... n.
lw v"".4 hatary ot 1JU jior
Tlin KimhI din li .Mnilii 111 .iImiiiIiic
Tim C'linin (,'iei'lt lliutio liiiiincll(-iililr.
.1. Al. I.LW.oi-aiiil I). IC. Smllh leluined
yostottlay iDin Alim. Thoy found the
Camas eivok ,onlo enthely imiiiaeticiblo
for u load, without the oxnoumiuio of a
great ileal of money. .Mr. Snillii thinks
tho iNo' In Ioik hill can !). nut in outer
easily, ho that tlio Long Creek travel will
como this way. Ho mivh that tho ', cli
ent ditllcully with It iih gtaded loio,o was
tiiat . no grailo is u n wiilo onuudi on tlio
till us to auiiilt of a team of olulil or ten
lioiHot. as in ii -.t be ibeil, imlliii toxo'he .
Tiio i1istaneo.uf thohteon :uulo l. onlv
ab jut a mile and it (ini' ler ami ho be-
llovos that bv (loubllni! teams tho io-
iliici) will oiiine this way.
i lie lKiopio am all auxloiiH to como, us
t hoy havo n inueu l.uue aiul lielior town
hoio than at A llngt.in or Hcpimcr. Tho
llstaueo fioai l.oii!.' C.eek to rcmlleton is
live miles less than to Heppnoi', and the
mad. except this ono bill Is far belter
than that either to lloiipiioi' or Aillniiloii.
The I'.o.ihI of Tiado oii'ilit to hold
ntiothei' Hpeclal meeting as hoqu as poI
i.i.. .. i... ii... ........ i .. ...ii "
UlU. Ill IIL-all IIIU lUI'UllVI IllU.'llgeJUIVIIlVll,
ami to adopt plans d . Immediate action.
Tho wool-clip will hoon bo roadv to move,
al K it jij lv como this way tlioro is no
tlino ( Hparo.
llulcl Arrhul.
A'ii.i.aiii) Iloi'ht: J AV I'ettendll, Cal:
it U.iilow, Tacoma; 1'.) Knight, isov; d
I. DoU'enl'iiuub. Idaho: U V I!o.idliig,
Orllla .Mine; K.I .Smith, Pilot Koek; J C
o:id, Idaho: .) K liomi l.a (iraudo: I'
H Clioiiiiov. (J .1 (ii'itiit. 1. (S Ivi'iiL:illn.
Charles Jfoeker, IS Holdmaii.l'hll lheeui-
lier.Mlios V .letiKlnH, l i .MeiMualil, 1'
Ci Iliiiinti, Win Child, J IllngerRoll, Port-
liiiiil: J lt Kretinv. Cltv; II V Ilolmon
and family, Colj'll S flanland, K CJIo
rlson. San I'liinclHeo; (J C Crano. V 1)
Hllswottb and wlfo, Iowa; .1 C Hall, U
liiKxhick Allan ; t W Hughes, C Her
mann, Wullula! T V Doyler. Pilot l!ock;
Kd S iralgato, Corvallis; Sirs Hii'visnii,
lho Dalles; Jeiinlo Let Spokane Falls,
lioi.iu.w Ht i.i:. 1) P llallaid, lluny
Harvey, Marsh Myent, II Keith, l'lancis
.Mclntyro, WalK Walla; Will Wilson. l
tddos," Helix; 0 Stowe, Umatilla; Tom
Kelly, .lack Canyon ; John 'inker, Peter
lilam-hait, city. '
I'owman Hoi hi:. I L Itood, City; J A
Horn, A H Noblo, V liailoy. Pilot Hock;
(1 Waitcbow, lown; Hur y Seolt,
Diowov; I Hathaway, Conniiy; H (i
Huth, 'Now York j T A.nok'i H U Her
Hhov, Illinois: S S lteed, Kaunas; II A
Adams and wife. A J AiIjids, II It Allen,
Kansas: H A Crownor. .Meatbam ; J L
Heavis, Aldor; J A Dowy, Portland: W J
Straelian, San Francisco; J A Hobotts,
Po'llandi C Ii CiiiiuiiH and wife. Lafay
ette; Charles llywater, Jt Hraudu.
Tho Ciuirt Sln'i-l Iiiiiruiiiiniit.
Negotiations for tho wldoniiig of Court
ntrcot, from Cottonwood to A'incent
HtieotH, bv moving tho building on tho
Houtli hido back twenty feet, aio neatly
concluded. Tho oxpotu;o and damago is
to bo iald bv tho p-o,oity ownoi on
lwtb Hides of tho street all of whom
havo agieed lo do ho oxcont II. W.
AVIieelor. In his o.e-o thero w ill probably
havo to bosouio lltigalion. Itiseslhu
uted that tho total oxpem-o, incltidini.' tho
value of tho property vacated, will bo
about fo,500, or :5.,)0 per front foot. It
would Ikj a groat improvement, and
should bo made without fail.
Dexter, tho famous t'olto -, Ih dead.
Illaino is In Poino, looking palo tuid
eaovro: n.
Aiitlionv Coinsioek ha-t been arieJlcd
for eonsp("..c,v.
A P.ullyln . A., young woman Hlejit
.'!;! tl.iVH, taking no mod.
Prominent .Mexicans aio tintlei Inking
to abolish bull-balling in that country.
Saietday was Kpont by tho Houko in
loiiKiMeatlon of the Itiver and Harbor
llishop. tlio mind reado", is a IioihiIch
lMiiatic, and Is conlliied h a isan IV.tu
einco asylum.
L. D. ilailii.cha'iinan oftho Uopublicaii
Sl.do Central Committee, lias appointed
J. T. tliogj. or S.,'eii, e t Ids ix'ciet.uy.
Iu Poitlunil, 'Ic., a M. ngo man nliot
ami unieu a wouiaii, him) a Hi'.inger, ami
then fatally wouiuied biniKelf, on tho
It is now believed that iAI.h. Stoker, tho
East Poilland woman who was limned
lust v,-cek, died ftutn thooHeclaofati ovoi
tlo. o of moi mine. inMead of from tho lire.
Tho l'ast I'o tlaud tlocloiH tiro iniai.'ollng
about II.
Seven children iu loss than two vea's
Is tho leiocd of il.H. Phit'bo Lyncli, of
Seymour, Iml who, eighteen ' months
as" gavo bittli to 'iolels nnd who io-d.iy
Ih Ibo molberof twobovH end iwo s' V.
All toven, wiiii thoir niotlio -, a e a'ivo
and well.
Coiivon!iouH for tbo i.e'ci Hon of dele
sal"H 1j the Chi'Mjio loiivention v.oro
held Tlitiirtlay In eveiy consi.essioiia! dis
diet In Imii.'ii.i. Wil'n'mt one exception,
all tlio dek..ilos it v ius.i-tiel"d for Ccn.
Hai ShOii. ami in lh..t i-.i o tho delegation
woio per miaHy o!( il;,?d 10 bis H0pH) t.
l':iin, a Mexican, and Joseph Silva, a
Poilumiao, iitiiii'eled on a Hheep lane'n
near Los Coi-lllos, N. .AL nver (ho liuht
oi" rn. offion of Homo laud, when Silva
l ow a pis'iil and nhot Pino thtoiigb tho
jaw. Tbo liuler leiti net; the liio, ami
nhot SHva tlnotigli the buiin killing him
IiiHUintlv. Pino wi'l pioliablv leeove".
Opiu Sloo"i', a feune , living near lho
v.llfio of Lisbon iN. IL. while Hilling in
Ii'h tlining-ooni, 'wading bis wmt, in
company witli his family, was killed by
an unknown hums 'in, who literally blow
Ibo too of his htv.tl oil". A load of 'nick
nhot was tired Ihtough tho window, four
feet av.av. No tea on 1'iihHiiited (ue tho
c lino. J'lio euti-e couuliy is liiint'ngtlio
At tho two nt annual mrelins: of tho
Hlockholilers of Ilio Oregon if; CidboMila
Hall oad Company, the followiiig dict
oih v.oro elected for tboeiiHiilngyear: Le
l.ied Stanford, C. P. Huntington, Timo
tii v lloiikins. 11. D. Htiulingtou Chinles
t'ock) , Itieliaiil Kojldu., Donald Mao
leay iclm rcCraLon. K. V. Karbail,
W. V. IS-ol hot ton aim Cooiyo II. An
i ows. Ah hooii as tho dhectois ciualh'y
tnoy will meei and elect oilicoin.
Tho Htatoinent is puiilishod that C. P.
Htiulingtou and Chailes C'ockei', ibning
Ihoii- ivcont visit lo lho Pugot Sound
cotini y Hccu-"di;ovoial untloveloiH'd but
iiroiuisliig mining propoitles, which, It is
said, will give (ho Soulhuin Paclflu an
excellent Hiipnly of coal. Tho nowacoiii
hi, ions mo Haiti to bo on both Hides of tho
bonier lino ot lbilisli Columbia, Ihopiop
ety lwiiig near Doia liiio b.iv. It is iiIko
slated that lho Soiilhern I'aclllu is having
plans piopatetl for lho coustiuclion of
th.co ll'tit-t'lurM Htcel-collioiH, v.blcli aro
to exceed iu Mro nnylhing notv on tho
coast. No estimate ot lho t ost lias lieeu
made but it is thought it wi'l bo over a
iut million for each Hteamor.
Buy Your Goods
Where you can lmy
1 Imvo on Imiiit n cotnptctu llnoof
Ladies, Contsund Cliildron's
Ami n lull thin of
Gent's Furnisiiing Goods jpRjjg
"ines, Tliresh.exs and Sn,wmills
-Ai.so i)i:.t,i:us is-
" Ttin PiM-fSC
Which I urn PollliiRitt
!( Prices.--
. r-!Mm-)
y-r.. ZWS-mi
Come unit co mo nml 1 will ronvlucn you
thnl 1 mean Just what I Miy.
Photogeaph Sallery
Is llrlll(-Ht(Mt III IVlllllt'lOU, III ItllMlIll Ntlllllt
at the fool of Main shoot, miir the tii'iac,
and for line
Phot graphs, Tlntypos, En
larging and Copying,
t'annol Iki rxi'-'li'il n ii vli -i. All work
KUllllltlli'lU In u,vu l' ill ll'i- niIIi.i linn. Ill'
MUTlfllll.V, yoltm, I'. V. WAItlt.
' V.P
Wo Imvo tho best Straw llti'iilng Knliiu in tho AVorld.
Russell & Co..
1(10, KVJ, Kit and IM Front Street. PORTLAND, OREGON.
iS,1!!?,lor,,om,,t"," lwst, has been
Iu, iuiii tne time on
,""" yesterday, and
Hobm Mt. V """""neii u retiortor
wme grains of un . . r-i,tnt.,ln i na
ICS9.M;',,were obtaI Von two
2&,8,'.uirt Ho is very entliusl-
.ane n i 0ve,7 and l fl,lr8 1,18
Aimlliar Tiiiiurnnlliiriiiil.
F oin now h that eoaie.s ) om Denver it
would i"oin that a very iuimi i.,nt ii'bonio
Is '.oitig dot'eloed in ibo l.oavea'..o III
Denver ho.t Lino JMi o.ul Com .,n...
'l ids iiioi-ct Is the com. cil ii "f a pew
uh' nili' id gnuse laid to iu bom tiio . lis
ton 1 ilvo'- to tbo Pacille Ocean. Tho Col
oMtlo & Caliroiiiia Sim, t Lino, fntiie'cd
lie ii lj'.'VHiiu'o.ili ri). ,M)i ill ion li. irt lu-
centlv Iron Jnco no uled ia Denver. Tiie
comp.iiiy i.ileiiiih to mrl.e a hti voy fiom
lho Colo ado W.ito I'mo on thoe.ihl to the
Colo'.ulo ami rich lino. Those voy of
tho I louver Sho t L'ne has Iron com
ploiodi.om Kim".,s Cby to I do Colorado
Mil. 'It. lit Mll.lt lllll Clllll .lllO f . 'I
fi- aiia Coiiu'm,).' will l.tko it ti roullniio
it td ou'.ii Deuve lii'on;;!! tbo moan-t-liiH
ami to too Cl. !i lino. Then it will
bolLen ti be hiuiilii" (oi.vnaiion. lo bo
o .tiSi'.eil In Kalt I ko Cii v, and ta"ied
on Id oiih Utah ami Novuda lo tho Call
fo aia lino. Thon u C. Hi'o, niu company
will cotnploio it to San V ancl-co.
Wire nnd jickct Fence, rabbit
tight timl bin i blroug.
A fenco which will lust u life
time. Price only 50 to 7o cents a roil.
For sale in small or largo quan
tities, at
Carpet Store,
Main street, near the britlg,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Wo aro iccelving, alintwt tlally,
Goods Direct rrom the Eastern Tilanuraolories.
Our Htock will be new ill d"!lgii and complete in ass irtmeut, consisting of
Whatnots, Brackets, Chairs, Springs, Mattrosses, Gtc
Also a complete lino of
Carpets, oil cloths, linoleums, shades, portiores,
ana upnoisterers' goods.
Forbes & Wheeler,
Association llulldlug, Pemlletou, Or.
Groceries, Vegetables, Fresh Fish
D. KEMLER'S Grocery Store, on Court Street. i- I
nlitilnjiiiii tl'in Sultl.
Judge Ison hasiondered Ids decision in
the caseu of Saigont. Matlock and otlioia
against tho county, In favor of tho de
fendant, tha county. Tboio wore tfto
Milts bi ought to enjoin tho county court
from selling tbo Coiut )lmiio block and
from bulldhiK tho now com t hotico on a
now Bilo. Tho tleclslim ot Judgo Ison
vacates tho tonipoitu v injunction granted
by Jndso Walkor, and decides piactlcallv
that tbo coiut bouso block may Lo sold,
and that tho now coiut houso m.v J'
built on tho now site as pronved. T ho
cafo will doubtless bo apjicaled to tho
Siipiutno Coiut.
The I'ltyniii'tT.
Tho Harrison-Hogers troop presontcd
tho Paymaster at tho onera Iiouhj last
evening in a very creditable manner. Tho
l I I, ..1.1 tin. iiftiititinn ut
lictlll as uwiiiiii.i i... .-"--,-,-1 . , , . rti.nj
tbo audienco from tirsi jo iasi mo . TiamDietOniau DttllHOU
31 r. Grurlii'n i i I n t m t .
John M. Gearin. DenKM'inlie iiomitieo
for (.'ongres, will Hjieak iu Umatilla
county at tbo places and on the d. les
J'omlleton, Tuotlay, May 1, ut 8 p. m.
Ctntatvillo, WednoHilay, May U, ut L
p. in.
.Milton, Wednosday, May 'J, at 8 p. in.
i i 1 - 1
And now Topeka, Kan., hs lest its
ii.OOO Hopubllcan majority ttlidgono Dom
fMj'atle. Tho mora wo lead about food utliilt ora
tion tho moro lospcct wo Imvo for our old
bovine frlond Nebuchadnezzar.
John Hiiskin now imagines himself an
elephant and stands for hours hwu Ing
Ids Isxly and tossing an imaginary trunk.
Foreign Immigration is rapidly in
creasing. Tho "pauper labor" of hmopo
in it'sliing In at S ior beati, and no tariff
protects Aiiiericuii workmen against It.
and Sals Uk
J. D. KEENF.Y & CO., Props.
Put up your p.nimnls and your
money at this stunc. Thoro
is no bottor in town. Our
patrons and friends will bo
woll tr atocl.
HPF.oiAL induckmunts offkhkd for cash.
Fine Spicos, Fine Cotteo, Fins Tea, and Everything Fina that a First-class
Grocery should contain.
Call on mo if you want (irocilertcho.ip. D. ICEMLER.
Iluvii iii'iii'il a I I rut Clum
James Crawford,
Miiiiiinuittiri r ut ui.il Don I it In
Harness, Saddles, Bridles.
Whips, Etc.,
Tonts nnd Wagon Shooto
for Salo
Oild Ki-llou' IIiiIIiIIiik, Mnlimtrost. Ju2l
For Salt? or Tra'lo for JIorte
i 1. at.mlW tluin it KhOlllll 1
liuuru huh ii piivt ..".. -
ISE Cller audfenco 'is alargo j Slate Prize Winner in Salem-1 884.
ono only whon a party of bam storiiient j u only third dinrt from Vermont
toJtownorelBO a "nigger sliow" J. wdlUrtaBlJi2?2bi.fcr.wod
put on.
Tlio tinil'Tnltfifd, ii nitent tor Ititclinler &
U'j lli', will soil nt auction kale, on
Saturday, the 28th of Anril. 1888.
At twooVilodc In lho afteroon m(nuM ilny, Iu hi VI
rAnttrvltIn. flrcinn. tllffA Vo. 4 fint Unitnir W!'"0.
1 ' - - w
Ill lho Imlhlliiif ui tliiMomrr of Moiii uti'l Walor wlMietn, iumI will rurry a full linn of
Groceries, Canned Goods, Vegetables,
Ami do all t Ii tit u llr-a cl.iks yriiet ry mIoiu kIioiiIi! do,
np'.'t iUw
im:niii.kton, oiiikion.
Sash, Doors, and Building Material,
A.(: 13 ot torn Prices,
Fur all kliulM nf I.Ku i.l.
II.ANS klll-l 114 I.i- . , Jt!
Ill l-ln, li'. llf'll'f . I"'- ,
m l iiui in i rorniH for ' tui'.
1'i m v uti'l Juiilfi t ' ir -.i
itook .iiiil Jii'i I I iiif. lloiKi7.ii'..
I tooth Hvetlers, comploto, wltli doiiblc-trctH ! ft'utiU llwiks, r ' n n " ' i
I und iii'ckynke. r lolr III mil iik'Iiii'. u' tl
in- KAST tlllKCHIN' N
Hll't IL CO., I'enil B-.in.uie
Jy;iiiipii upon upiillciitlnii,
upltit AQKXr. U&SUtSZ'inZlTu.
AO i :. N'T.
0 m trir-.a i
Vedleton Baths,
.Hutu Ht.vct I'l'iHlli'toii,
Am now n mi uml ninly f..r lnuilnon. Newly
mid I'U'Kiiiilly lllli'il upor tln onvinli'iieu
ut Hi" piitillc.
IIiUIik, . ail-in, Mlmvlii'f, -
Ituir-t-ultliiKi i'H-l. UU iiipoomu, awtM,
hen Koiini, I.'io'i.
I employ llm'. -Inn Intuit only,
H. L. CARL. Proprietor.