-r A TT .V X) A.ILY. JI!ST W"T VU WANT. A l ltKi: MllttAltV. 1'ntron if tint Iliilly ir Scml-AVrrltly KAST OltKOONIAN run fri-ely imikn tins or tint i:AST OltKOONIAN library wlien ovrr tlu-y mi tlt-nln-, Tim public urn cor illally lnltccl to vlnlt tint nlllcn whenever an lurlltieil, -.nil iii inotiry " ",,,i' wi" i"r rUly HAST OHUCIONIAN L unlll ntfr llm ,liiii Hcollnn,.. ,j,,f.iMHwrnt-flvrrnl will pay "illy KAr OIUCdONIAN for tlio length of 11 ! T )L. 3. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25,1888. NO. 48. 1 igc t """",,ssssaBBaBBBaBBaBBBBBBWaWaBBj HJirAKlFF Has been taken off both ooien ana ooiton ijrooas Hot by Congress, but by And tlicy now offor their Largo and Complete Stock of RY GOODS, CLOTHING, Ac AT- TKA JW r K, 1 1 J U N tnv f 1 A SH ' H.S.m 4lnii rrnrwlo rrnf flint i iittnno tmr iAtUlilllV f-N I O ------ I ' - w w-j a a a a V T V 14 1 1 .1 ........ a1 -..Ml 1 ttUOllUOVU uiu nut iijuju i.aMuuuus. uub uuu iiicy will SUij- . . 1 (Ml ..-w n - linf Mint mm ' wnra tu itrvt on iWmif lwliw,.f " 1 1:111: ItllflV lT viuiiiu Aiiug JQ iiwis tilt LllUllDLIV refore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely .:.:......, ..11 ,.....,.(...., 'm ' l COIIipeiiliuii iivm 1111 iiuui tuioi iiii'v uiu y 11 1 Mnnnli omlinn Gin.! Consisting of 1 o "n Tv ri "i . r n bhti 1 rum v irv itntiiis. ivirtvh nnvH n n n UU11U1 D1X O Vfa.WUXXJ.JLlg, JL' Ui XXXD1X1X1K UUUUD, Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. .AT THE- L UI II I LiiULL 1 uii uuui ft iu onuL o unc I will will for t no noxt :t0 dnyH at u t of 10 per Gent, for Cash! My Largo Slock of ArM'w 11 "I I "t y-v -vi I 1 i --.--. rnrt Saddles, Whips, Hits and Spurs. fllVK MF, A CALL AND IJU CONVINCHI). goods marked in plain figures. JAS. WHEELAN. J. VAN SCHUYVBR & CO., WINE AND SPIRIT MEKOI-IANTS, FRONT STREET, - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. AGKNTH 11 1 1 1 1 r- niiiiMMiim n iuii u v t uu uiwirik-wa 11 11. w u -r uuh. w m z M. (Milwaukee. Wis. EXPORT PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. ARCA DIAN SPRING MINERAL WATER, (Waukonsaw, Wis.) VEURE CLIQUOT "ONsARDIN CHAMPAGNE, (Yellow Label.) mch0d.wa. TO-DAY'SJTELEORAMS. A OUKAT HIT.nCH Ity MCMIM.AN. ChrlMhiRcr I'arilnneil-llutrl llm ne.l In Ilutte-lllU la ror cUvrluiul-IiulInn War In Mrxlro A Nrgto l,)'iirhit Olhr Coutt, Knitorn unit r(irrli;ii Newn. a 1-i.KA run tiii: ninu man. .McMlllKn of Teiiiicmet, Million n Slroiljt nlcll In Fnviir of Tarlrr It. dtictlun. Wahiiinoton, April !. IIoiiHO wont into eominitteo of the wholo on tho turiir bill, llio Uoor being uccorded fo iMC.Miimn, 01 lcnnoHHoo. .McMillan opened with n declaration Unit whosoever udvocated tlio iiresont ...irr 1 . .fn . 1 . . 1 limn nivoruu xiinn noi tor revenue, uuv for 11 mirnliiH, and u tarill" f.ir tnint coiliv panieH. Coininentlnj,' on tlto Hiirphm, bo Hald: "Wo are drawing nionoy frou'i coinniorco and blocking it up In tbb Treiwury at Hiieb a rate that It Ih only 11 (mention of time ulu'ii a trlm coney will net In. Wo aro rob' iiinir not only eoininorco of Hh fu blood, but tbo people of tlio meaim o; paylnif taxcH to tbeir uo eminent. Inter. mil revenue yielilH a bundred and twenty millions of revenue to tlio government;! uiu aniiiiui HiirpniH ih only aliout bixty luillioUH. HO that if all interim! ntviuinn Iiiwm were rojiealed it would leavo a do- ncieney in our taxeH of hixty mlllioiiH. What in thin to bo raised from? Sh.ill wo rodintioHe tbo lux on tea and eolieoV rso, Hlr. there Ih not a man who would ro-tax colluo to untax whinkv. Slmll wn increano dutleH on woolen goMlH,ormigar? No, Hlr. for tbo neonlo would not mul HiiotiKt not tolerate any hucIi taxation. uniorH would reduce tax on that without which man cannot live, nmi prosper, or upon that which Ih cxxonl al to thuireom lort, and it narrowH IIhoIi down to a eon toot iHUweon the drunkard'H wily ami the Door man'ri back. In that lMit I do not hesitate to miy I c.simxiho the caumi of tho back. Tbo iiresont law taxed tbo )oor man'8 nrtieleH liichly. and placed a ow rato on luxur on. Tbo coniuiitteo'ri bill Ih ho framed that the tax will bear moHt heavily on luxtirlcH, and IIioho tliinuH without which ooopIo can live. rather than upon tho nucenfarlo8 of life.' iMo.Minan tieciareU protection tlio wontt enemy tlio luercliunt-nmrlno bud. and that ft bad crushed Hoafuring indiiHlry, yet tbo gontleinan proponed to pay Hub- HiiuoH out 01 tlio treasury, or In other wordH. to levy u tax on tbono who live in tho land to make monoy for Uioho engaged in carrying trade Ho mudo u telling HiM'ccn 01 eoiiHiueraDlo length, and wan replied to in a long-winded protection Hlicoi'll liv ltnrrmi'H. nf Mli'lilonn nt llm end of wfiicb the Uouho adjourned, ago. Itccently ho married Mollio Scot ferd, who jiift ocrved ilvo yeara in Han tiuentin pilni.ti. Trent o in ixj.sstwcd of Homo propetty.wlilfli tho woman wanted. LunI night kIio got a revolver, and at tempted to take tho old man'n life. She told him Hho Intemled to kill lilin. and burn i s body with tho houno. Treulo 11111(10 I1IH O.ueaiK) UUil lnul llm U'mimn nr. rumen. ChrlnriiEar l'nnlnnoil. A 1 V.""Al.)ril. Hio Hcntcnro of Hobert M. ChriHHlnger to three years ii .uu i-viiituiuiiir.viroiii I'uiaiuia county, for aHHiiult wilb Intention to commit rape on 1'obruarv Hth, 1837, was to-day com mitted by tho Governor to exnlru to-nmr. row. Tho reasons ussigncd are iietitlons by a majoilty of tho jury, and by all tbo totinty onicials, and a number of Inlluon uai cnizeiiM, and doubt as to IiIh guilt. Oiiren Victoria In (Icrmany, Jtintl.lN. Atiril LM. Oiipi.ii Vlrlnrln linn arrived at Cliarlottesburg. Tho greeting ooiweon iiio imeon ami roval lumily was JUU .111 111 lllirillllll I (IlTllIIll HllVU "iior aiajesty will l.o welcomed by tl whole people of (!ei many, and above all bv the luhidJhiiitn nf Porllti. ultli vnnnr. atton ami with sympathy. HulllvAii ArrUm In llniton. IIoston'. Am .Ii.lin I. Knlllvnii arrived hero to-day on tho steamer Cata lona. Ills wlfo was hero, and endeavored to securo his Immediate iimHt mi urlmi- of ImproiKjr relations with Annlo Living stone, with whom bo bus been tiaveling me pusi year. lrt T.ni. ufNtvlll. I oitTiiANi). Anr II i.5. A loam uIIul-Iipi! to u Chinese mvlll wagon run away to-tlay and dashed upon a Hidowulk, knocking uowii uu oiii man named Jonn (.iarwood, breukiiiL' two ribs and bis left hIkhiIiW. ino HWill was a total loss. An UnronitUutliibat Arrrtt. I'ltKSNo. Gal,. Anrll LM. A farmer named Jchso uraliam was arrcxted hem to-tlay for tlio alleged killing of Dennis lienuett, near bantu Cruz, eighteen years ago. no was tried lor mo erimo at tlio tune ana acquitted. Drownnl lllniinlf In n Wll. KnnniMi, Cai... April L'.'j. 1 II. liar- rott becumo insane last nicht. mul find away iroin urn iriemis ami drowned limi ne! f in his own well. Ho leaves a wifo and four children. l'AY HACK TI1K H1.000. A MOMENTOUS DIl l MUU.NCK. IIOTI'.I. IIUUNHD. Two I'ariona 1'crLli In tha l'Um.i, In Hultff, Montiina. iiif. r.iv.... a ..-ii ,ii 'pi. r.. .. tounlul hotel In tills city burned this forenoon. A man named (Sledding, for merly clerk of tbo hotel, eriHlied in tho llames. His body, burned to a crisp, was found in tbo ruins. Frank Lincoln, assistant postmaster, was rescued alivo from the burning building, but not until ho had received injuries of w hich ho died a fow hours uftorwurd. Thoro were over ono hundred guests in tbo hotel at the timo of tbo tiro, including men, women and children, who barely cscaiicd with their lives. Tho hotel was a two-story frame structure, Tbo uucstH oscaned in their night clothes, losing all their ior Houul ellects. The loss is f3,000 ; insu rance, $5,000. WAIt in .mi:xii.o, .1 m mi nocK island - Ann iJUILJ I, II. M W I 1 1 l'1'l.'VJ 'net anJ in.... . - .luriiirii I.,,,,..... .... --.ui nouMinneanolU "-"U Ellf. l-TMMt T. Ii HOUtll. "e i JlohieH, I.eu veil worth AtrhlNii .r ... . - . itnuuii uuv Ulllv I inn Conilfctll.r. will. II. n CtMl nf - "resoil Slu.rl f.l., fc, ". wavenwortli una KaniX rn... AH, I'UIMTH KANT. 1 II I II . . rUI,ce Sleeping ami Jlce J)tllhtu tw ggjr all ,UroUl!h E,,)rels Trau(1 Qn ! tor !. jrrr ".ion. .aaje ,n uIl, J -Northimi UM,Wiln.?t - It 'i. or to "n 1 IH 1 Hiillwny Com. TABej,a."iV-N Co, 1 rIUlltillM.Or....r.. ' 1,'1'VIU... '"Wn 8t., . . i.orlllm(1 0re Notary and Corporation Seals, In Pendleton, FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EACH. Tlio usual price tor avail made by other parties, In Portland or tlio Kant, ii from ftt.00 o (7.00, with exprea i barges added. If yuu need a seal, send your order to us, nud save from J2.f0to J3.00 thereby. East Oregonian Pub. Co,, mhiidtf Pendleton, Oregon. II Hay ll Will Vf llllnf ly I.aail the New York Daleeatlun far Clevtlaml. Wasiiinqto.v, Ajiril '-'4. Col. Tomlln- son, editor ol the umuha Ueinoerat, has keit (iov. Hill's name at tbo bead of the editorial columns for hoiiio time us his choice for tho Domocrutio eaudidato for President, but last nlnlit, huvim; just returned to Washington from u trip to Albany, where bo had a long conference with (Joy. Hill, lie te euratihed to his liatior to tuko 1 Jill's name down, us tho They do happen every day, mul .when one (Jovernor told him lio was not onlv not u III M lMI .lil I ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN I MikIvhii Truop. mul Yaijul Indiana l!n KiB In lluttla Mnliy IndUn. Killed, .Nod.M.ni. Ahizona. Anrll UI. Tho Vuipii IikII.iih itro now at war with tho Mexican federal forces in Souora. Thoy uio loiiuyiug (iiiiereut iditces, ami maKiim u ueu troops, A few and Lioutciiuu iimns of federal trooiis, utlacked tho In Uolng After the U. V. t)nfimuiiiil.illi..i A...lnMn.. t Tn !.. ,,vi'ivrvnmiiiu liiiiuinuii, ui aui.ii, in troduced in tho House Monday u bill di recting tbo uttornoy-goncral to instltuto Judicial proceedings against thcr Union raclllo Kuilroud Company and other par lies. A very long preamble to tho bill recites that It appears from the rojiort of tbo l'ucilic railroad commissioners that tbo Union l'acitle has for years orsist ontly refused to comply with the con ditions of various acts of Congress re lating to it; that tho olllcors and managers have siiuunderod largo sums of money out of tho gross earn ings, in extravagant and unprofitable en terprises, and have divided immense sums of money among themselves; that tbo company bus, since tho passago of tbo act of lK7:t, issued now incumbrances without tho eon-tent of Congress, thereby Impairing its ciedlt and destroying the value of the United States lion, that It has lovied oxcessivo charges Uh)ii jieoplo tributary to tho lino, and tho company has, by its unlawful acts, forfolted its rights, privileges and grants, including its privilege to further timo in which to pay its indebtedness to the United .States, Tho bill, in substance, directs tbo attorney-general to forthwith instltuto pro ceedings in tho courts of the United States, either in law or equity, to enforce tho lorieiture, provided m tho law ol 1H7H Another l.lrctloii la Cnmlnc on und Simon i Wunta tho Money. From tlio Halem Vldolte. llio Mdotto presents to-day u letter iroin ongressinun Hermann, evidently uiiuiiuuii iui i.uniini .UCIIieiflCll, sec retary of tho Hopubllcan National Cum iHiife-ii vyoniiniueo. riy carelessness on tho part of Mr. Hermann tho letter was undressed to Mr. hdward Mel'berson, iiaioui, urogon, who received it yester day. .Mr. Mel'horson was naturally siirnriscd ut tbo contents, und not being uiuiej-any oniiguiiouH to .losepll Stinon nor tho itopiibiican party for 1000, to as statin tho election of Mr. llermann, ho very justly declined to nav It or unv nor lion of it. .So far us tho Jtoptibliean party being in peril is concerned. Mr. Me- riierson Is well awaro of tho fact without being itosded from Washington. Tho contents of tlio letter bIiowh ii llttlo of tho insido yorklng ol tlio inuchine, und the KOIHlOltCUU Datiers lliav hiihiipim I'rltlrium of tlio l)pmoeratie metliols, lonir onoueh o explain tho ring methods, 'llio lotter Is Still in tllO IHJSSOSsIon of Mr. Alel'hnr. son, as ho has a right to believe it was Front thn Unlnu . Scout (Ind.) Cleveland's mossago was a bravo ono such us wo did not expect. Whether ho deserves credit for it or not, wo do not know nor euro, Doubtless ho interpreted tlio handwriting on tlio wall (for it was there, in diameters us distinct us thoso that startled tho ancient king) and hud Hugueltv enough to direct bis followers in tho right direction. Wo would have been pleased had the lionuhlicuns Ijccn as sagacious and turned tiieir course in tbo direction pointed out by the wnrn Ing linger. That thoy bavo not done so wo believe is tho fault of .1. (j. Itlaino, thelt chosen leader, who uppurently In pique, having accepted tbo ehullongo of Ills adversary, and mur sballed bis legions In Hue of battle, albeit on disadvuntiigeous ground, concludes that ho don't want to light any htmsoll, and withdrawn to the rear whilo all oven are turned expectantly on him. Wo wuiit to seo tho "Plumed Knight" pluced in nomination again for tbo presidency. Ho is unanimously tbo choice of his nar- tv and apparently their only bopo. Why does no hesitate it ho thinks his cause is pressing Hermann for it and threatens to iKjlitlcully dlseuilsjwcl him uhIchh the mutter Is llxed up before the election. tiii: pat ai i.irrrmt. IIousi: ok Ki:i'iii:si:ntativks, Washington. I). C. Anrll tl. ikhh Hon. Edward Mcl'hcrson, i i. , . . ii;.Ml i? IK .U111V Ol o r nenn n nm feeling very soro over tlio long delay In tho matter of the navmcut of that il.ooo advanced by Hon. Joseph .Simon, of rortlund,Uregou, chairman of the Jteiuib llcnu state central eominitteo. at our hint election, on the (.0 duH promise from you as to payment. Keurlv two years have elapsed. 1 hoy are out tlio principal and merest, ino &enatorH ol ureuou us well as myseii wuo weio parties in somosenso, aro appealed to bv Mr. .Simon nod hix iriemis who tmiiK ureal In us ice has boon dono him. Wo cannot uirnnl in have any misunderstanding at this timo in Oregon, us ut tlio best wo shall Jiuvo n narrow escniK) from defeat, if we do not Hiilliir It. Our election on tho Illli of Juno Involves the lection directly of ono senator and nd rcctly of tbo other, ami of my successor, in Oregon who is to bo votiil fur at Unit time. Uregon is in dancer. Tho Domocratlu State Convention has mot and nut in tho fluid u Klmm. tli-Vnt. Tho problbltionlstH bavo also asscmhletl in largo and resectable nuiiibers. Thoy have presented a full ticket und on it aro excellent men. Tbeir eaudidato for con gress is an ublo man and will address tbo iHioplo of the .Stale. Ilcsldes this thoy have legislative tickets in all tho Koputiiicun counties ami in womu Demo cratic counties. 1 oil will oImitvii frnm this tliut tho Kejiublicau Statu and elect oral ticket In Oregon is in iieril. lours truly, l!lN(ll;it IIllllMANN. TAlCII'l' ON I.UMIIIilt. I'rnm tho Portland World. Senator Dolph, in his recent siieecb bo- foro tho United States S'enato, on the tariir ipiostlon, lays grout stress on the lumlier Industry. Tho S'onator suvh if tho tarill is taken oil from limilmr. ihut in. and other acts, and collect moneys duo dustry w ill bo ruined, und thousands ii... 11..11...1 C1..1..J r,... 11... ....... 11.. ii.r.m n ...ii ,,f ,.,.,.,1 1 1.. ,1... I lliu Mliuuil I'lintn Ulll lliu I llll'tlllj , IIP iihmhii iim, w. viiijiiu lliuill , llllll III UIU siocKiioiuors anil oiiicors. no is uiso tit- irumo tireimi suys coinpeiiuon will keep reeled to brliiu suit auuinst tbo Union Pa- Mbo price down, so that the Poor man ciiio und tho Kuusas Pacille to recover will not bavo to pay any iiioin for lumber llio proceeds 01 wrongiui issues ol stock man 11 Micro was no tarill. Hero tamo 01 prices found in a raiicisco Paper, which Ii'IIh n lillerent story, and 0110 that has IVailtllL'U of 1161111; true, of tint haul. Jay Ooiild, Frod L. Ames, Uussell Hugo , ships which consumers uro now Hiillbring i..oi t ..1 i.t ..1 .i... I... ... I I II " 11.1 ' V " limn .ut llllll l-uuiu lljl IIIIIII UN II I'UUlUb intended for him. 'Iho tirpximmtiim u Li.n,.i.i 1..1 1.1.. r..u 1 '... .n.. . , .' ... n.iuiiui, ui iui inn luiiuiiuin iuiii uiu inn- hat .Mr. Hermunnhad becomo tired of honored plumes from bis heud nnd brund tryinir to trot tlio national loiumtimi to I i.t, ,,u .. .1. ,.,... .,...1 ........... ..1 - 1 ' . . ; . . tin ir t iuiiinui.iiu tiiiii i vuiiiiii rcltubtiiso .Mr. .Simon und bus tuken this As will lie seen by reference to tho two eourso to oxtioso tho mutter. Hie tone of plutforms, thoro is oulto a ununiintly of tho lot er shows that ho Is apprehensive of Hontluiont in all essential ikiIiiIh except HepubllcatiHUccess inthoJuno election; tho matter of tbo reduction of tuiiir und thut It hinges, in his estlinutlon, on tho the disposal of tho surplus which bus ae- repuyinent of tho 1000; that Simon is cumulated in tlio Treasury of Ihu United u..i.. 1 .....!..:. ai lorces in rjouora. ihoy tl,0 proceeds of wrongful isstios of Htock than 1 diirerent phtces, und uro nn,i bonds, amounting to fi.UOd.HOtl, in-, is u ti rmined stunt ugulnst tho 'cjutllng In tho action John 11. Alloy, K1I- S'an Fr, VlWif" ,ll1'.'r lvnd,,c,0 ' sha Atkins, ira II. 1 laker and s'itlnoy dillorent it lllatell, with two wl-. Dillon ; unci to Join ns partlos defondant thoadvit lit wi11 IJ iill.lillrinl llm In. , . "as . Ill tarllf system. This ono point 01 dlU'erenco, however, Is enouiMi. it is a momuntuus 1 ereuco. and ono in which wo believe tbo welfare of the eoile Is more vitally ut stake than 111 any uuesuou 01 itoverumentai noi ev that has been raised for years. Wo uro in accord wilb. and heartily endorse that plank of tlio Democratic platform relative to this question, and, also, approve tho iwllcy of tlio nresont uibiilulstrutlon us exemplillud in thu Interior I)eiartiiiont by the General Land Olllco In Its etrorts to protect the public lauds from unscru pulous syndicates and dishonest private citizens, which Pol lev the ltomtbllcuus. in their platform, have scon lit to censure. - 1 A I-rttur frnm Mllla. Tho Iroquois club's llflli annual ban quet was celobruted at Chicago Mnnduy, ino nnuiversary 01 mo birth 01 stepiiou iV. Douglas. Among tho letters read was one from Conitressmaii .Mi ls, w ho said : "Our Prwldont has Iwldlv planted hm colors on tho Held, und challenged our opponents to try conclusions with us on tlio issue presented, lie has dono Ills duty faithfully, has mudo oery of- fort to redeem the pledge that wo, as ll..,..r..rlu 1.... I...... II... ........1.. I...... iuiiiuvitiin. iii.iUHl.vil lliu 'Uifilu, ill lu- dttco taxation. Ho has culled tha atten tion of Congress to tlio heavy and unnec essary burden ol luxation now resliui; on necessaries of life, lie has urged Con gress to reduce rates and make them liuliter. These extraordinary duties aro bringing to tbo national ticusury an excess of 180,000,000 per year, andyottho ueiiiiiiiicans are opiHihintr a reduction on food, clothing anil implements of labor. It Is tho duty of every Democrat to stand 1 by him and support him. ami the Iro quois Club, known all over the Union. lor lis unshaken lldolity to Democratic piinciples, can do good service to, Iho country by shaking out boldly in bis support and in support of the Deinocratje House, who are trying to carry his rec ommendations into ctlcct, and leliovo tho country from tho ornIcious results of tuts exiiausiiug taxiiiiou, 11 we si and bravely by the Picsidout, und force tho nullum; on me issue 10 ueii iH-iweeumosu who favor fiee whiskey on one side, ami those who favor fiee tlotlilne on the other, wu will win a gieut victory in No vember, 11 victory Ihut will lie full of the best results to the country and to thu puny." uii iiM, wiio were in a Hirongiy loruned jo-1 am others, to recover $.'tt,000,0;)0, moro from exactions of the gieut tiniber"trust" sition in tho uiiiuluvordo .Nlountalns.und or 0fM (l0 proceeds of tho miIo of bonds, I companies. These iigures w ill give some a destiorato tight onsued. Iho fedorulHtAll fluhiiH growing out of tbo transaction : ideu of the plunder extracted from tho routed UIU JIIIII1II1H, K1I11I1L' (neil(eeil III 1 whirl, ,.,v lui wllliif i.mtt..r,.f 1,1 muII i lieonln williin lliu iiiihI tun vi.nru l.v II,.. the number, and wounding a largo num ber, ihu leuerais lost but one man. IIIL.Ii NOT A OANUIliATi:. uro to lio exempted limitations. Completion nf u Great Dam. Tlio completion of tho great Sweetwater ! dam and Mitlonul Lity works was for Jinally observed near Sun Diego, Cul., Friday. Tho dam is of solid masonry, built across tho Sweetwater valley, in or ' der to form a lurgo reservoir for tbo pur I poso of storing wuter for the dry seuson. I Tho dam is ninety feet high from tho ' but-o of tho gorge, mid is claimed to bo by !,..,!,. f,.,.l ll.n l,tlwl .1.,... t II... 1 ...UII. IVUt ..IV Mtkll,ni nam I(J vcurs. from tho htututo of ring which Is now lugging for prolection, uiiii truthiuiiy sIiowh now eoniblnutious I uro mudo to rob the ;eople, when tho turiuis liigh enough to keep out foreign coiiijxititioii, On this coast in 1H80 there Niiiremo t'iiiirtlncliiliip.. Followim; aro the syllabi of two cases decided by tbo Supiemo Court Monday: 11 is mo duty 01 the respective circuit courts at each (enn thereof louscertun tho fees to which the district uttornei- Is entitled for the term, and direct an older to lie entered upon thu oiirnul that thu sumo 1h Paid. Where u defendant hi 11 criminal action, who bad )ceii admitted to nun lulled, without sullicieut excuse, to appear for arraignment, and the under taking of bail was declared foifellcdand was frco coiniietltloii uinong the nutivo p'10 smelles theieln consented that judg' lumbermen. In 1K.HS the business Is In tho bunds of un ironclad "trust" or com bination; and here is tho result, us re gards the price of lumber In the two years compared. Thoy aro San Fran cisco iigures: m. 1883. hniirens to you, you will wlnh tliut you wero insured in ttia I oiu'li lumber 511 en w tu I nu eiii'lnir 15 i ;si tt) l'lliefeialll.,n ei)HU quallly u (JO IH to llio alxivoshowHan increase, under a trust," of nearly 100 per cent., and tho 0 XT naXV . I. A I', It. It. Risers-; t. . I .1- T ..... il'imeu .oils Jlinu. cthn,wti(vh ta.nmlA. " Si . f'nd ' Ma it I fltr Q Fiiniiia, TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y, Tiik TiiAVKi.Kii.s' resources tire aulllclent to pay ut once tlio mmt eiiurmoiis nui.s of clidinn Hint even urcm railroad und teum-1 lumt iieiildentM n.111 brim; upon It. Pay nil I clalmn, wltluait dlxcount, Immedluti'Iy upon receipt of 8.tlnictory pioofn. Nou Korfrflluro provulons In all Its policies, Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions of Surplus. PAID rOMCY IIOhDKItH, $11,000 ,X, Clopton & Jackson, Resident Agents, East Orceonlun building, endleon, Or. eaudidato, but would willingly lead York's delegation for Cloveland. LYNOIIINQ IN AL.AUAMA. Now NfCruen Tlirciituu In limn a Town mul Kill Its I'uiiplx. UiitsnxaiiAM, Ala., April Ilanly lVisnv. 11 eolnri'il man. was lvnched lust nl.ilit nt It.Mtfiiiiinr. fur nil iittiiiimt In r-.itm 1 Sunday. ugiil fifteen years old. A sjcciul tiuin locied one while ho preaciiod peace on has just arrived from liossemor for arms fourth und good will toward men, and tho nnd ussihtance. It is stuted tliut tho tow n 'r stood ofl und mudo snoots ut him. Is surrounded by urinod nogroos, who threaten to burn the town and kill United States. At tbo base tho dam is forty-six feet thick. The width is over 100 feet. Appropriate seeches were mudo, wu ho there was a I no exhibl Ion consumers bavo to pay it or go without .n ... u , .iu.u nil I IliesO SIllllO COIUbilliltioilH IUVO COIltlol of gated. ho area of the reservoir is 110 I nearly all Iho timber binds on tbo Pacille C'ei.H: if t?Sia?f tlm 'lum uud Ul WUtCr i cosiMt' U,,1 ?'ut ,l,0' '" it "ouhl Ik, works is toUU.UQU. , unjust, ami ruinous to tboiit, to bavo the . ! tarill" louioved, and they llnd(V) plenty Two rival jiastors contended for jkihscs- like Dolph to champion It for them, uud Blon of tho pulpit of tho lteformed Hpls- howl ugulnst tho .Mills hill, which puts copul C'liurch in Jersey ('ity on Faster lumber on the free list. It Is thu same it last n squad ol pouco pro- old story: Cun tul. comb iiuIIohh mul monopolies must lie protected: laborers tho people to avenge tho lynching of Posey. A Tough Ife. Sin Fiiaxcim'u. April -'"). Thomas Treste, age J 70, hurled his wife live weeks Whon a Joint Committee of the Now Jorsoy Legislature waited on Governor (ireene, to suy thut if ho hud no further bindiicHs with that Uxiv it would udjoiirn, ho iesH)iided fervently:"! have none, thank God." ..... i - i 1 1 . i t nun lainieiH must nvo ui diig-ouiH or shuntlos, or pay the combliiation jirlto, w ith tho protective tarill' added. . The Montana Domocrullo Tonitorlul Cunvention tlecied Muitiu .MeGinnis and Thoiuus .Maihull delegates U llie Si. Ixmis convenl..n. ( Km hiiidund his ad ministration were endorsed. meiit for tbo ainoiint thereof be remleied against them ut tbo thuo the forfelturo was declared, and thoy paid the amount to tbo district uttornoy, who paid it over to tbo treasurer of the county entitled thereto, uud llled a receipt theiefor with tlio county clerk of thu county held thut It was not uu erior for tho circuit couil, in ascertaining the fees to which the district attorney was entitled for tho term, to allow lilin 10 per centum of such amount so lecelved uud paid over, pcciuo peiiunniiiico. compensation in damages. Where thu defendant in heiitedaii equitablo iuturest in lands. uud was entitled to have his title per fected usiu the payment of $!;(), uud then sells said lauds for 1K00. und iigioos to peifcct the title, and ictuses to do it, mo puichusor may elect to hjsi cilieully enfoicolbo ugreemont by acquir ing tho defendant's equity through tho deeioo, and have compensation in dam ages for the amount necessary to I hi paid to jHirfoet the title. Not tills year but next your is leap year, iiccoidfng to lim .lowtah culundur. i In Im lull ladies wlei io not get a mull In chunci'i v in liss may hae a chance to t liaiiKi- their bu k by chai;ing their religion, tl fli IK 3 v V- 1 t