MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1888. V. V. VUNNlNOttAAt IN JAIL. JIvy l'lnei Iiupn.Ctl on Hilton Man for (tailing J.ltjuor. Prom I ho Milton Emle. Homo thrcu montlm nw 0. (J. Cumilnu lium, u forinur rutloon kuujxir of Miltun, rented u IiuIUIIiik cm tlio corner of Miiiu mill l'cittl htifclH. In which he placed u htock of cunilicH, iiiiIh, 1 X l hltterH, etc. rroin tliu cuiiiiiioiKcinciu it wart Kuiiur ally hiiuiiok!(1 Hint .Mr. ('uiiiilnulium re tailed finiior to curtain ichMuiiIh in Iohh cuiuntltluri tliuii one illon, mill without a, llceiifo, nit pnn Mud iy orilinuncu. Iio to obtain fauln Hiilllciunt to coiihtlttito cuumi of uctlon for u uhllo pii.lcd Nu than l'icico and otliciH, who ileemeil It ritfht iiml Jiwt Unit miii-Ii it lliignint clinro uuiil of law kIioiiM l,u huiiivhhu(J. llow over, a plan uan adopted, wlilch, allhoiih deprecaieil hy hoiiiu of our eitireiiH, proved in tliu end to nervo thu emiHo of jnsticu. .Mr. I'ierce Iuih hud In IiIh employ for Huveral ueukH piiHt a rather plniHant look ini! (iurinuii, who hut lecently arrived In Milton. .Mit loii hlnm ,Mr. rierco cum plained to IiIm oniilo)e of feeling in need of whlnkuy mid reqiieMled him to buy u Hank If ho knew wliuro ho could net it. Thu unniiHwctln(,' ionium readily uc(iil('.(vd mid imuiedlittuly repaired to Air. Cuiinliiuhiiiii'H place, uhero he iuir chaned thu Ifiiuld ami returned with It to I'ierct). who had In the iiiimiiIIiuo I.ccii joined by .lack lielaud, mid lotli were witneHKCHot thu (iernmu'H iiioveiuentH. On Friday u (-omplaiutwuH Issued UKiiIuHt ino uerinmi, prliiKi'i' liy nmne, for k'II inn Honor wuiioui u uceiiM', It Im-Hil' natiiriilly hiimhoI that in order to fdileld liluu-olt liu would iIIviiIl-i! IIio Illegal deal Inrt of I'linnliiKliatu. Hut thu loiuplaln mitrt M'ckoued without their I lout, for iiniu trial KiiinL'erHWoiu itonltlvely that hu hint not lurniHlieil any liquor to none orenteied into -my iIimIIiiim with t'un iiiiiKliaut. 'Ihlrtwus mi UHtoiilHher, but thu tcHliinony of I'lerco and lieland clemly jiroM-d Sprlnuer'n nuill. If not tUuiiiiiKhaiu'H, mid tliu poor tool lined $lu(l and cohIh. luiuiedlately Uxm thu releamt of NprliiKur a coiiiplulut wuh Hwom out UKaiiiHt Cunnluuham, hIIokIiik that hu Hold onu pint of uhlxlv to .Mr, Hunkx. tlnly llireo wltnecHcM weru oxanilned for hu prow'cution. no tectlinonv Miik of fered by thu deleiiM!. .Mr. K'lrUniul ur KietUit IuiikIIi iihiii thu illealltv of thu ordiiiuncu ri'Kulutiim thu Halo ut liquor, mid eiideiivotcd to luivo lliu two thrown outol coiut, hut to noelU'ct. Thu jury found a verdict on llrnt ballot of "irulliy." mid thu iiilnoner wuh lined f lOOiiuit conIm, muountiiii: In nil lo $i;r.'.7.". In default of paynuint of (IiIh miioiuit .Mr. CunuiiiK hum wuh taken to thu city jail hero hu now lenialiiM. Hofuiu trial .Mr. Cuiiniiiu,huin placed till lllrt proicrtV out of liiri Imiiilx fnrllio Iiiim. clltof hirt wife mid fuuillv, which hIiowh thu hplrit of a H'mhI IiiihImiiiI. Tliuio iHConHlderiiblecoininent iiihjii tlio action of Mr. I'ioiro In iinIiik the (icrniun as u tool in ucci uipIIhIiIuk bin purjiow. In eonveiHitllun with that Kuntleiuan thu nqiorter leanirt that ho couiderH Hit' tit' tion Krfectly wmimitable under thu aieuuictuii'vn, mid dcenm It In iiccouluiicu with law mid id order. I In cluiuiHthat very lilt It could have been iuvoniilinlioil without UNiiiK fucli HUbteifiiKO. .Mr. Oinniunliani Iiuh mi excellent wifu mid family, nluiuio Imlovetlbylhuwliolu coinniuiilty, which Mncerely hyinathlert with them In their inUfoitimo, It I.HKtHted that .Mr. ('uiiuiiiKlmm luw prociued thu wrvlcert of JiuIko IhIiuiii, of millu Wullii, mid will ptocccd to luin action iiuuiiiHt thu city for fulmi imprixou-luent. HOWELL & 00., FURNITURE JDEALERS UPHOLSTERERS. AM, KI.V'H 01' KUKNITUItK HKPAIHINO MONK AT THK LOWKST ItATKH. Cull nml cxiiinlno price. Ijirgcul itock of furnlluro In Knultrn Orcxnn, Howell & Co., Munkonnldt t'avittmli llultiltin;, oti, urt'itoii I'enUI- wuh NEWjTORE! JDST OPENED, Main St., Pondloton, (.Vnxt In .Mitiotilo llilltilliiK ) A COMPLETE LI1T3 OF Gent's Furnishing Goods, C. W. Brownfield Villard House IAVIC IfOKN, Proprietor. Northweit Corner Mnln nnit Court Street, PENDLETON, OREGON, Are Yon Prot ecM? Tinu,olcTt; n'.ul 'mm 1 IUI1UU III I Elegant Pullman PolarJ EmlKrmit SI c plug Cnr run thmnl Divan Tnilti. OMAHA, CO'INCIL BLUFFS ANOST Krco of elmrKO nnit without chi J Rt'-onriifr1. "Rn-fnrniiirri inifl nvnr kind . nnrl nnnrlv fiVGrvoilO believes that U POIlOV 111 tt fiOOUi ciosoconneoilonsntt'ori'nn.u...... - 7 - j J- cIopo nml Pin.,., AMjuippuu in riiBr OltLSd Style. men wlm Knl-!nvn Qf tlmrnno-lilv in lirntnctlOIl SllOUKl HOt go ny longer without insuntuco on their property, of wlmtso- SAMPLE ROOMS FOR MEN. COMMERCIAL Reliable Insurance Co. ijouni prujuciiRer nrrlreiati lniii,d JrolKht nrrlvn at l i'i Hil! p. in, M Free Coneh to and from Trains. IMTIIAV ANMMAf-M. ifyniilinvontiniilimTTi.Mrnv.vnii ran re- Is WOrtll GVCrV tllllC wlltlt it COStS, Ulltl 1rOCl UStilltltion sllOllld IlOt III till' KAHT Olir.OONIAN. every tliue. It catches tlicm Wright & Son, be indulced in when it cotnes'to takinc out a policy. In the first place, pick out competent and -of Tin:- CHICAGO STORE, Reliable agents, Kunt bouml pnMetiftprnrrlTMitKfcl V.nnl hfuiiul frnlirht iirritA. . ?V!B tmrUnt 8:001). m. Went lion ml i Went l pnru nt i Wnlln Wnllm and rendlrtm kJ i.uuvi'1. uiw in. inr WA1U tti riven nH.00p. in. from Wnlln W,ni" io nan Fritnclico. lionvo Htditniililp wharf. Portlmi a nlclir, iih rollorsi Columbln, Mon, Apr 2 Rtnte, Kridii i Oreitou, Tiiom, Apr IU Coltimbltt: Htnip, WcU. Apr II Orewn.rj Co urn b it. Tlitir. AnrMnim. H.: Oregon, Fri, Mny i in i-ortiiimi. Lenvlncflneiir nt nhnrf Kn r..i l ..,. i, HtBle.Hun, Apr I Oreiton,Ibii.LJ i.niiiniiiiu, .mm, Apr u Hlnle.Fr I. AJ Oreiton.Tii, Apr 17 Columbia, 8e 1 lUte of I'saian, Incluillne uicnla nndbtrtti Cnbln, ... Hteeniire, ltouna Trip, Unlimited, Knr further pnrtlculnralniiulmnru.l or mo uoiiinnny. or a. i .miii i, a., i-oruuiiu, un'giiii A. h. W. Iff I i . A ll t . .1 t t ....... w ihii ii) nay to inuir iiairoiiH una tliu piiiiiic Kononiuy, tluit tlicy uro coiiHtitutly rt'colvliiK' GOODS - SITITABLI3 TO TI-TE SEASON. uliavujUMt()Kinciliiitillnullnoof STRAW HATS, which wo will m;I1 ut n very ulomi margin. II. IIOIX'OMII, Oeuomt MmniRor. MAXHUl a. a.r.i W. C AM.OU'AV.AfJ roiitllfton, Orl I'onN mil nil limit. On Mimli III. h.ivh tliu Wulln Wnlla union, u Kii'on-lixikliiK, l, A. .Mm urn liv iiiiuiu, nrrivod fiom SH)tiuu KiillH, anil duly uu.t muiiiliij; ihivciiIoiI iiiiiin'ii in .t;ciii t'.iiiiiu, hi inn I'lu-ill iiiiiww rtniiiiliy, iihkiiik II u liiH'UUCO or huiiiu ih) nail ixvn icivlwil (orliiui front tliu ICttHt. Tliu Uix vtiiH iinxluml tiuil fhurKM to ilm ntiioiint of i;-:t.uri worn Mlil liy Movith. Ho took tlio hi nun wriil oil, l.iil noon ii'turiu'il iiuu'h OM'itt'il nml tulil thu iiout thoro wuh nothing in llu i.u kiiKi Unit ho oxhoIhI. I'lmit bolin: iiki-il what the Ikix wuh lo lmo I'Kiitiiiiicil ho htuloil tliut ho Iiml iiiiiiIo mr.iULiutu'iiiH fur tlio pur dimio tif 10.(XH) in cooilx," itM cuunfurfi'it iiionoy Ik oullttl. II ti huil ill rouily mIi thu "t;rvn pkhU" umu hmit of JorNiy City 1'Sii in wl.l haul ,vUl whi'it thu MulfuiiH to U hliipvil him in uu livu U)v to Wtillu Wiilfu, wiih C. (). I), ohurk'iw of :i7ii jtVK) lHin lliu prhv not on tlio luoiclimiilixo. Ah h.hmi iih ho hinl lOivivod lliu lurkuevi flout Iho o Iuohm olIK-o lu hint liiotl hinisolf lo tt m t'lmloil Hmt mill oiH'iii'il it, only to Iiml uu olivmit iiKwittnu'iit of olil nohimirH nml likutlolirlH. Ily tlio ml Uo of utturuovH tlio lust iiyniont of :iTi huh iirittKluHHl. nml In now in Iho hamU of HhoritV UowIoh, touwtiit tlio ihvidion of tho ox 1)ihh roniKiny. 'Iho toimrtor wan in lorinwl of iho iHvurioiuo tho n.iiuo ilav, hut It lolnu iopiiMnto, Unit Iho fool wuh IihI Into it tiioio UiioukIi inuormuo I hail miy i-riniiiial intont, ooiiiHintod to hiii iroiHtho fait for tho tuv.vnt. hut now that the niatlor Ii.ih loaktM nut, uk'h itn Inform iti ut a littlo lato. It in not K- Hfvml ho oan twovor hU W70 hvanv hwl rocoi, ami law-aliiiliiii; citlioiiH ill not wih him toilono. Wo iniiku it SPECIALTY Flno Fitting CLOCHING! -at- PEICES that will SURPRISE YOU. Wo buy our BOOTS AND SHOES 1'rutn thu hirk'ost nnd inoHt ruliahlu Eastern Factories, Which enable uh to UNDERSELL Ourroniiictltoin. With whom to do your husincss those who rcpre?ont none but MJq gfjjj pfgjjgj the best insuranco companies and go straie;htway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of tho oflice of Olopton & Jackson, Located in tho EAST OREGONIAN building, Pondloton, A niro, frenh lino of GROCER I ES. WrigM & Son. It k ..a ..... . r. .m.ti.ock, iwh. .1. ii. K.U.BV, (Ion. .MKr. S. 1'. SrnmiH, Train. C. S., Vlco -rroH. V. It. Ci.ono.v, Secy. Umatilla Real Estate & Loan Association APPLE-PIE ORDER! llNCOUl'OHATKI).) Corner Main and Webb Streets, in E, 0 Building, PKNW.KTOX, OUKdON. Land Filings, Land Contests, Conveyancing, and other Land Bnsiness, Attemloil to. 'pi...i i i - ,w,wlwitimni mnti Abstract Books, nml rmmN of till mtlro.ul htniU in thin m-tlon. Ixxins tnonoy on town and country jirojiorty, for it nhort or lout; timo. Hujh ami MIh tval estate in town or eountry. .VKotlutea loitiiH, buj notos, eouuty M-riii, ami other neotiuMo Iaior. UMATILLA REAL ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Pendleton, Oregon , Ily way of tbe Orogon & California El And Connection Tho Mount Shasta HoJ Quicker In time limn nnjrotlul 11UI1I0, iiui-cen POim.ANI) AND HAN FIW.NCI Leave Portland at 4:00 p. M Through time, 39 hours. I Excurslor Sleopors for class Pas eneers on I through trains fret chargofc Fare rroni l'ortlumt to Hitn -J J i u - . wJinro you enn liuvo any kind of insuranco, whether Fire Mn- ,'-,i'" wniiniueii. ' Klrnt.clUHH. Mmltt il . -r.ii. . "i luiiii-vinnii, lillimril .- rme, Accident or Life insurance, done up in TickTblncei- Coriier Fauit Front Htn.,rortH k. i iioui:ii8, lU KOKHM-nt, MannBer. GREAT OVERLAND ROW THE Northern Pacific Rail! TIIKONI.Y LINK ItONNISa I'll! I man lilitet Slrrplng Ciiril Allium nmiz mill iiutrnrsi Kltganl Kmlaranl itrrvfatoU With Jierlht txtm From Oreaon and Washlnatoi to the East, Via H. I'iml nml Mlnnpgnolll. Tb I IIiik runnlni; I'alaco UlnUlCI Faitet T1uii Kvrr 3lle n coaxt ver thn Nortutn 1'urllle llallroaa To Rloiix City. Counoll Illuffi, Aflllnrin. I Jin v.mirnrlli. K13UI I Uurltnutnii. Dnlnxv. Hi. fuln.CbkWfl nil polnlKtlirmiRliiiiit tlie Kni "" east via Ht. I'nut nnd nneapoia i KMIOUANT HI.EKPINO CA Are hauled on reitulur expre" tnJ 51 ti I,UI ntfiii oi ine pun'" Ia-UVC I'nrtlnml 5t n ni . ilatlr: UlIIIIL'UIMlllH flP Nl. I'fl 1:JU I1 I fnnrlli ilnv I I Cnnnppflnn mn.ln tt H( Paul andUfl olU to all poInU Kal, South n PACIFIC DIVISION TrnJn will leave Portland tUlly Mr in., conneclinif with O, Iv. a I HI) DAlntd n 1....... 1 - - .1 A. I. UJIAi'yi Genernl W.tfArn Pu...nrr Arfml Wanhlugton St.. IMrtlanit. . .M renUletoa,(KB WM. GARDNER &C0 It is well to remember that to be sccuro you must insure I ll rvf f l.n rnli'iv.i.. T .l:l.l am w. xixnuy xoiiituie uompanies represented by OloptOll & Jackson, with a combined capital of more tlmn $100,000,000! China. Nit lln liiilUitt Vllli Liquor. Till) I'oi ll.llul Now H tt,M tllilt it id IV iMttM tlmt iho I'liiuoiH) in tlio nolulilnir IuhI h( tlio l iiintilla iv,oriiiUiii uro vorv tiutho in kUiil)ini; tliu liulinns ultlilii)'. uur. bttt iuitlly is lliimLum tlmt tliu i)lUino( ihu Uu lutvo uu ol Ihh tin. nUlo t umlo uny nnU. ' t'lio I'lilmico tutHUKtKl in Uii IuvmUik; ohII into )4uy all tlvir niiiivo kliiovnliMma, awl itmiiuv ti km tliu lmlyitK tiun'4 for uny t1inkiiUrilU. )v illillKlsl In IKktM- Kir ml 'tui.t ! i- iilw.ix.H jjui-n in tllO l iH1 I lu l' lut ll lllll ' ,tl' IH I) t UKl.JO I UU'f nblo iii ' . n ni i , V , ,ulj Ih Mill' I iU k) .;n islv Ivnk rtv.t JEWELRY $ JEWELRY ' If5'" M"to"",,"t0 i,,s"ra"ra-01,11 " ip-w. Ma ni Beating m KVl'HYTtUNtJ .SKW ASU COMl'I.KVK, EVERYBODY COME! Ami tt'tfour new nok of WATCHES, CHAINS, CLOCKS, BREASTPINS, Ami In Itut, DverjtltliiK kept In iw FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT. Kvrylhlii! Kiittmatrc! ttn.l Ho I.I , I'.oi'rfHriitiil. nt llottom fro. J DONALDSON & nn i Sit SSO'W TO I' 1 NICHOLS.) City Drug Store, Pondloton, O 1 1ITWI ir Ulll i i -- ...... it, nlu L-usi YOU noilllliof. Kniiinm m !.:.. . Q. MV.HUU IIIUU EAST OIUCGONIAN building, or address oflice is in tho Manufacturer! of P. Clopton & Jackson, r. Pendleton, Oregon. Steam and Hot w Heating Apparat FOHDWELUNOa OR PUI1U0 BPI" Specification! nml oatlmntes furo!4 lieatlns bulliline In auy section otl A. " . I iry. t'orrijM)naence fcollclted. OFFICE: I34THIKDSTH' J Portland,0rosor j TOU PRINTING Can be liait at tli East OnrJOM" at prices tliat will prove the if fM llian those of any other prlntlM i-.n.icrn Oretrou.