East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 23, 1888, Image 1

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A rui:i: i.ihuakv.
Patrons of tliu ll.ilty or Heinl-Weckty
12AST OltlUIONIAN Mill fniely iiiiiko use
oftln l!ASr OltlUIONIAN lllirnry when
nvrr they itrnlre. Thn public nr cor
dially Itivltnt (11 lolt tlin olllm wliciiorer
mi Inrllnoil.
..r .li.HIIIK Will Hill'
' J ,nlll nlirr Uio .Immi. rloellonii.
KCn" tirr.ity-flv '"" 'Ty
LoIIf ,,n" ' .. .....wi.iutAV fur I lift
, Dully
fnglliuf tl' "7
NO. 46.
()L. 1.
Hits been taken oft both
roolen and Cotton Goods
Wot by Congress, but by
Ami they now offer their Lurge tiiid Complete Stock of
Tiro Mllllmi Clilnasa Drowned-A I.lt
of Crime, nnd Acnldruti llemocratla
L,eiigua Eastern mill Coast News.
i.vn,5nn tl-.oir cootls. tret their prices, ami convince yourself
j .Yni 1 1 n u .
Iiat this above arc not mere assertions, but that they will sub
aiitiate what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry,"
,orof.rp thev have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely
loct competition from all quarters. They carry a
In Merchandise Stock
Consisting of
3taple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
Tlir Knrthtiunlie In Chlmi.
San Fiian'oimio. April 23. llio sto.imor
City of Now York, which arrived to-day
from Chirm. brings details of tho earth
quakes in nn Nun. In Shu l'lng. nlno-
tClllllS 01 1110 1I0IIHCM III 1IIU KOIUIl ICll,
all of those in tlio oimt .mid in the nurtli
ulwut u tliottsund. Two hundred injoplo
cro crushed. At lung I Iiiliiif SOU woro
rushed to dentil, und ml iiiuiiy moru in
ured. In Non i Iulng 200 uro dead iiuil
600 inured; in l'et lining 100 killed. The
ubovo lour piueos mo suDuruH. in mo
town und suburbs together -1,000 people
cro killed or wounded. In tlio north-
went suburbs -100 houses woro turned
over, und nbotit 2")0 people killed, 'lho
number ol twrsons drowned iy ine
breach in thu ellow river in now estim
ated ut two million.
Hurrllile Dentil.
Honiiout. N. Y April L3. Whllo John
.vnch was thawing four dynumlto ear-
trldues to-dav in it Pun over ti tiro thoy ox
nlodod. und wlieu tliu smoko had cleared
uwuy, strange us it nmy seem, l.yneh wuh i
I will Hell for tho next ISO days ut n
it of 10 per Gent, for Cash!
My Lurgo Stock of
Boots and Shoes, Harness,
Saddles, Whips. Hits and Spurs
All goods murked in plain figures.
inch Oil aw 3m
uct is umcudutory, shul! bo construed nnd
interpreted ho na to denv thu right of tiny
Statu in which tho t'.'l'.ltnll way Com
pany, or tliu Central branch of tho Union
raelllc Hallway Company is operated, to
duvil. Thcro in no neutral around for
moral cowards. You may tell the Lord
that you Imvo lieen a gooil Democrat, or a
luvnl" Honubllenn. or u temiieranco
worker, all your life; but that won't help
of ti mora religious cliaraeter than iiny
thlng previously cntietuil, namely the
hiking up f collection. 1 elltowed toy
wuv up to tho Hjieakcr to t'ivo him a
lii'men to Hiioak to me. Ho Haul ho wtm
nmim i any iiuiuuu-
wntrol and reflate Kid.f iouiIm. tho hui.io you a bit if you Imvo to ucknowledne that elml to meet no. I lia n art u
in all lenpeelH hh thofis organized under i .on touched tho unclean thhiK by votinj? ; lar reiiHon to think th at ho l ol it i lit m i .
tliu awH oi thu btato.
Mr. Dortoy wild In exiilanatlon of tho
ameudent that .liuk'e Dundy of Nubranka
lnul leudeied a decision 'to'the etreet lhat
that putt of tho Union l'aeifle which wuh
oiierutcd under United .States charter was
not in control of tliu Statu government.
1'iidaywas tlio one-liuiulrcdtli uay ol
for law that Ieu'allcH liquor trallle. You
niiiHt coiiio out from them, ami touch not
tho unclean thliiL'. "You ask too much"
naVH tliirt one If wo don't auk a great
ileal wo will get nothing. Set your HtakoD
hljh, und work up to them. Tho
Haloon keeper, morally, nocially, and in
I ..1 t.t-t i ml I v Ih iimt, iih l'doiI and Pliro iih
tho iircKunt hchhIoh, Tlio total numlier i tho huIooii J tho nuloon Ih jimt u good und
of blllH und roHolutioiiH introduced in tlio
Sciiuto mid limine up to thin date in 111,5(18
exceeding moiu than -',000 thu numljcr
predonted in thu firt 100 days of IuhICoii
grcHH. So far tho IIoiimo Iuih imnHed -t'J5
blllH, und tlio Senato 8111, und l."i Houko
bllln und twenty-four Senate billn been
Hunt to tho TrcHident forhiH upiirovul.
1'cnsloiiH wore granted uh followH: Oro
gon An InercuHo of ivcuhIoii hurt been
granted to Oeorgo Held, of Haker City.
WiiHhltigton Territory Andrew JackHon,
Teniuo; Mexkiin war, Colbert M. Hon,
Slaughter; Julia M., widow of Win. 1).
AuderHou, Colfax.
A iHjstollleo wiw eHtublinhed ut Mclliik
uhtla, Alanka, and William Dimead wuh
apiMiluted oxtmuHter.
John II. iiennett wuh uptwinted poHt-
inaster tit Kent, King county, WiiHhlnjj
not only allvo hut Perfectly coiihcIouh,
but propunted u terriblo upiiearunce. 1 Hh
liuiidH hud been blown oil' uh clean im
though cut with ii knife. Tliu liirnyx, vo-
al orgaiiH nun hoiiio inner organ oi uio
throat woro oxpowed to viow, lim llmbrt
wuro broken in many place!), und Iiih
whole upjieurunco wuh uh though ho had
been cut und hIiihIiciI withabowlo knife.
In'thlH horrible condition ho lived live
Nntlanul Dcinocrntla Club I.ruttur.
Ni:w Yoiik, April M. A Nutionul
Iuuuo of tho Deiuocnitlu clubH wuh
formed yoHtorduy. A circular wuh IhbiiciI
inviting all Dumocratio elubH in tho
Unlteii statcH, which upprovn ino pnuci-
plcrt udonted ut tlio confuronco,
to Join tlio lenguo und ncud dele
gatcH to u convention to Ihj held ut Hiilti
ntoroon July -ftli. Tho IwhIh of ropro
Huntatiou in to 1k flvo delcgatcH from each
club containing 100 inomborH. ClubH do-
Hiring to join tho league uro rciuieHiou 10
notify tlio Hccreturv oi mo connniuco ui
Krll Into ii riiini".
C.m.aiian. Cai... April --.A wngon
niitnliilni! M. l av nnd hlH wife, daugh
toramlhuby, nnd MrH. Sinnnll und MrH
Hocho. liroko tiirougu u nniigo over i
llinnn of tliu Montuzumii Minim! Com
puny near hero thin morning, und fell In
ilm u-utnr. The current wuh very Hwift.
l'uy und Mm. Hocho fell outnlilo tlio
tliuno und woro uninjured. Tlio other,
witli tlio liorneH nnd wagon, wont through
tho flumo for u third of a inllo. ino puny
wuh drowned, nnd tho woman rcwueii,
Imdly bruiHed.
rulnl Slioiilliic Airruy.
St. 1Ii:i.kKA. OAI...Al)rll 23. A BllOOt
(fur iiindr occurred hero UiIh lnorililll.'. A
crowd wuh Htandlng near u houno of ill-
fmiiK. mill lino of thorn throw u root
throueh u window. Oraliam, n brother
(Im InmutcH. tired intothocrowd
und lilt u man named lludd Vunn in tlio
ubilomun. Ho will probubly die. Tliuro
Jh groat excitement over tho adalr.
Morn Trmililoln Irrliiml.
Hem IV. Alirll L'll. A ITOWll of 11 VO llllll
dred eoplu reHcued u prlxoner tliin morn
ing ut Ablioy Tcalo, and ntoned thu iiollco
uiin iitiiniild to intorforo. l'ifteon
olIlcorH were in lured, four HorioiiHlj'. Tlio
oollco woro HiibHcmiently reinforced, nnd
urrentcd flvo of tho iiKHaiiltant.
Morriiiv'a Now Mill.
AViBinvdTov. Anrll 23. Morrow of
California Iuih drafted u now Chineco bill
which is intended to glvo ulluet to tho
It ih ruuucii ny
ton Territory, in place of W. II. Morton,
who Iuih rcHlimeil.
wiaiam fncatl, poHtiuiiHicr ui ino iiohi- w
oHlec ut Scut co, ThurHton county, Wash- tl
Ington Territory, Iuih lieen removed, und 1 wuh either Ignornnt of the fact or wan in
S.M. Hluinaer wuh uppointcd poHtimiHter i tho hubit of economl.lng In tho line of
in IiIh tilaco 1 truth. Tlio utory that KaiiHitH Ih tired of
jiuro iih tlio luw thut. iillowH it, and tho
law in JtiHt uh trood uh tho votem who
make ft. Tlio ltiiuor neller Ih letter than
lho church deacon, who denouncoH the
ImnliicMri from tho juilplt, mid votes to II
Celine It at tho poIIh. Tho liquor neller in
no liyHjcrito; lie kcoim u naloon, and
hcIIh daninatlon for cold cuhIi j ho niiikeH
no attempt to disguise bin biiHlncsH, and
ho Iuih a legal right to carry It on. Tho
deacon who voteH for the law that given
him that rluht in a hvnocrito und u cow
ard. Tho lienor nollcm uro Just uh good
uh tho pcoplo who participate in their
prolltH, by taking revenue from them.
The Hiicukur denounced tho Htatcmont
thut prohibition wuh u failure, and Hoko.
of tho rortiaiut owh uh an uureiiauie lit
tle nheet, because that paper naid tho jiro
liibitlon luw wuh u failure in Maine, Kan
sas and otiicr StatcH. Ilo Hhowed by Hta-
. .1.... .1... ........... .... .....uf.iluiii lut.k
IIMim lllllk lliu Pllliuiliuiiv uniipu, itiviu
wuh more Honor Hold In rortluml than In
io whole Mate ol .Maine, ine owh
On tho 21th of last month thero were
82(H contested land cases iiwulting deci-
hIoii in tho olllco of tho commissioner ot
tho gcnorul hind olllco. Of thin number
21)00 wero upiKsalcd cusch. Thcro Iuih
lieen n gnln of 103.) cusch disiosed of dur
ing tlio present IIhcuI year over those
nettled tlio year proviour.
Kx-aoTcrnor John 1'. Ht. Jolin Dlienunei
ft l'ortlnnil Auillrncs.
Krom our Kcuuliir Corropomlcnt.
l'oiiTi.AND, On., April 22.
I went up to tlio Tnborniiclo lust night
und listened to u two-hour uddresH on
Prohibition by ox-tiovornor John r. m.
John. Thero wuh iuiUo u lurgo tittcndanco
but empty IkjiicIich wero nuineroiiH. ino
IirweeilingH wero ratner iiiiimuiu wr
political lneotlng. Tlio oxorcisoH woro
oiHMied bv prayer by Hov. Slckafoose,
WHO USKCtl UIO liril w oiesn uiiu iiuh mu
l'rol. (i. M. iMlller in
her nrohibllory law Ih false. An attempt
to repeal that 'law tlioro would lie voted
down bv one hundred thousand maturity
Ho wild lie cared nothing for personal
abuse in fact, wuh growing fill on ttj
weighed M0 ut tlio beginning of tliu cum
puigu, 100 now, and It thoy kept on alms
lug him would weigh 200 by election day
Thnv hud u liaril tlmo to carry prohlh!
tlou'ln KansaH. Thoy hud both parties
to contend with, tho HeptiblieniiH with u
church on one shoulder unit u saloon on
Ilm oilier, and tho Democrats with u hu
loon on both shoulders, A voice "And
onn on ton of tho liead.l hutthuv succeed
od, anil to show tho good retailtH would
htuto thut tho (iruHshopior State, with
her ono million seven hundred thousand
jieoplo, only drunk last year 111,000 bar
rels of beer, or aliout n pint und u-half to
each iierson, while Oregon spent for liq
uor eighteen million dollars, or seventy
two dollars jnir capita. To Illustrate how
hard it in to convince n liquor man that
prohibition Ih not a failure, tho Hanker
told of u Kaunas man who wuh convicted
Hut thuro in plenty of excuse for provnrl
cation in Much cuhcs ns this.
rum: i.anks.
. .i ii..,r i
V Z' ,.'t k I-,, ,V , ! , Z . d ; on 200 IndlctmentH n,r vlolutlng that law
HiMiVo of him 11s u man who hud been
Hinothorcd in smoko und scorched by tho
tires of hlH own oiligtes, unit canio oui
u ltliniit nveu 11 smell of lire. "I am proud
of the honor," ho said, "of introducing to
you tliu most loved und tho most hated
man In America, John 1'. St. John, of tho
Uniti:i Siati:s."
Tlio Oovornor began in slow, measured
words, by alluding to ills visit to Oregon
thirty flvo years ugo, when tho entire
iiopiilatiou of Portland could llnd room In
tho building in which huHtood. Ilocamn
for gold. Kxiected to go up on the
mountain, pry out u big chunk, roll it
down tho hill, loud it on his undo mid
curry it uwuv. Ho bud tho niulu mid tho
crowbar, found tlio hill, but nuver dis
covered tlio precious metal. Then ho
went to California and took u contruct to
cut tl thousand cordsof wood. When ubotil
half finished, n frlond told him ho didn't
beliovo ho would got u cent for ills work.
Iluvingheard something ulwut mechan
ics' Hons ho wont to Sun Francisco to seo
if ho couldn't get u lion on tlio wood by
ussuining that u wood chopiior wus Home
thing of n nicchtinle. Ilo wus shown
into tlio august prosonco of tho "jtidgo"
who hud earned tlwt upjieiiaiion ny ii
His tines amounted to $20,000 unit his
term of imprisonment to seventeen years,
und vet to-day. if von talk to thut mini
through tho bars, ho will tell you that
nrolill.itlnn docs not prohibit. "If you
men of Oregon." said tlio speakor, "don't
do something for yourselves in this liuiior
(mention soon, wu win piucu uio uai
lot in tlio haiidH oi tho women,
who will Just givo you u leuvo of tibsonco
for n few years." "Hut vou can't do It,"
says somo onoj "wo won't let tho women
veto in this Stuto." "Well, sir, if wo
can't get it for thorn in Oregon wo will
brlmr it to thorn via Washington, us wo
brought freedom for tho blucks."
Thu statement that tlio kuiisiih prouuii
torv laws lost that Stato part of her iiopu
latfon is truo. Thov hud lost somo from
tho penitentiary, hoiiio from tho insane
asvluin, and uliout 2,000 liquor sellers
What hud lieen Kansas' loss, in ono ro-
sect und to ti certain extent, had lieen
Oregon's train, but ho wasn't mud about
it Oregon could have tlioin. Thoy wero
as willing to make tliu sacriiica uh ine
man wuh to givo up IiIh wife who wunted
to go to heaven, mo nmy wuh in it ruvi
vid nieetiiiL'. und liecuinu so lumpy that
sho said site felt as If she had wings, and
Great Rock Island
h'1??1 ntl Popular line in connection
irom bt. IhuI una MluucupulU
TtChlruno unit Ilm Hunt.
TohULoulnud thu Mouth.
To Ilm HolneH, l.oaveuwnrtli'
AtrhlHOii unit Kuuhum Ulty
lie Olllv r .inn ConitfctliiB with the
'CllVfor ' venworin unu kuiuui
in Faluce Sleettlna and
I'uluce Iilninu Cars!
uffltooSf 811 ,hrou8l Express Trains on
TIV... . .
nV5?Via f y all connecting railways,
...v.mii. nm.it, m union uenois.
n?innf Jn,f0rwa,l0I regarillng rates, mn
I'PPl tostiy coupon HBentof tlifaO,
tmir;.i. "u" rucino ititllwny rc;
, . V.. j .Wl
ucnei Asent.u. it. a Co.,
Xo.i''!,.K,!,,KWY' ien
Mlilnutou HU, - . Portland, Ore.
iM tii. i, ana lAit. M A Hi. U Il'y.
juunea tons jiinn.
MJV.. mnHIl,l
iiethjri,whowih tommlni
'"' UPt'.cr cbtun itirr.itci
Chicwo, w (,nd it or M t
o n o hs' ex. more feather she
o'wherho'wT &r 1 B V"' "
TTTIT:.. .1 n.nlnn CaIp I V . . ; v, ' " ii nnidoH that Chi-1 stated bin casojho Judn'0 Hta eil that l.o- ... , , Vi, :
PlUldiy dllU UUIJUIdUUll ouaio
T- T)in fl 1
; , ( liUil Vfvl n. 7l n n.t'si.lin wus KsmiUll with Ilo
FflR RNI Y FIVE DOLLARS EACH. SAN7ArilorVi iVSnl 11 Iniinr'T'a twenty dollar gold piece. Tho Juilan 'Jo
run UnLI rift UULLWIO unum vearM. ,,1,1 tl,IUl of John II. -Miller ut--lon (imv law liook and read t l'H
tempted to run in front of u mowing ma- ,uf m Umr TImjh lurj,,,B t0 ,H client i"
ciiino, una " 'V ...:: : tstiid
tioili oi iter leei suvuicu iimiiv "u ,,riif
Tlio usual price for seals made by other
parties, In Portlaiul or the East, Is from $(i.C0
o t7.00, with express cliarjes added. If you
need a seal, send your order to us, and save
from J2.00 to 3.00 thereby.
East Oregonian Pub. Co..
nihil d tf Pendleton, Oregon.
They do happen every day. and when one
linrns wyou. you will wish that
you were uisurcu m
Tub Thavklkkh' refcources ore sulllctent to
nny nt onre Hie moM enormous '
cl alms that even ureal rullroud und steam
toat ncolileuts chii brine upon 1. Pay nil
cTiilm"; without discount, innurdlutely upon
receipt of .lUf.iclory proofs. Non horfeliure
provisions In nil Its policies.
Ten Millions of AsseTs. Two Millions
of Surplus.
Clopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
East Oresonlan building, endteon.Or.
child wus ullvo nt last uccountH.
The Itlver nd lUrlmr Mill.
WiK.iivoTos. Anril 23. It is Ixslioved
bv thoso liest informed thut tho Hlverund
JU.I If. I. ...
ntlwir fmilliiir In her vim and let her uo.
ry con- A letter from liushyhcud, principal
Whoro-1 chief und governor of tho CJieioLeo na
tion, wus read, in wmeii no wisuuu nv.
jolin great success, nun muicu nun iiu
hlbllory law wus in successful ojienitioii
HIS territory, UIIH inai may nuvur nun
.IV. ..II rl..l. 1111V lirillIKH OXCOia nnuil nninJJ n
Tl. l,.w u.ivu. ' Anv iiimi who Shu bu it i siuuugiea iu...rn . -v
Imrii nr Kinmrstructura Oil tho 1 WlutCH.
nroportv of unothor shall havo u lien
thereon for his wages. our tlvo linn
He bollovcd thut if wlilskoy was
such u bad thing for Indians it couldn't
Ihj very good for tho Whites.
bv thoso Wst inforined thut tho Hiverand j ,lre,i (.on,H of Wood Is a H...erHtructuro, W Hiaej f
Harbor bill will como to u final vote I" un,l being n worker of wood you urc u cttte l, villilled. burned in elllgy, tiiroiit-
he House Kro tho end of Muy, und pen ten" Tho contract was finished cned, und his house i l)rncl, )t nothing
, u . in i.. n,mA,l Hiilistnntiallv hi tho . , i.i fr could Hwervo liliu from his cpurso. H1h
iimi. It will lie passed substantially in tho , until for.
present form. Tho man who earns u dollar chopping
1 sutrlclde ..d Sulci.!.. cord wood is just uslioiiorablo us tho man ' kei' to u
Lkmoiis. Idaho, April 23. Philip Held, who earns u io lur poiumi u niiiim
u vouiiL' fanner, shot und instantly killed counter. It is not tlio vocation that makes
.....l ..I. .1.. ..fin-..-.,.-,! ! tl. .,..it. linnnrnl.il lint llin II1UI1 that
His lnoiner, unu miwiij "'" i ...u ...... ..-..-. , -,, - "",, r.
IDUKCH UIU VOC.HIOIl nu. tun luuiiiuii .
tlio saloon keejicr is lionorublo lecauso it
is legalized by law. Wo huvo u bigger
contract on hand now than chopping u
thousand cords of wood it Ih to close ev
ery saloon in tlio nation, und by tlio help
of God wo intend to do it.
Tlio exorcises then took on tho further
mlttcd suicido. A squabble over selling I
a horso caused tho tragedy. i
And Elected Too.
New Yohk, April 23.-Kx-Senator Wil
liam II. Harnimi, chairman of tlio Demo-,
cratio National Coinmitteo, says Clove
land will be nominated by acclamation.
shape of n religious meeting by the
siieatcrcnoosing u iexi irom mo inuw,
Capital and CoiiBre.sloiial NotM of Interest i ftH follows:
to jrorthwrstnrn Headers. n,'or wo muHt all apear lniforo the
FiuiiAY. ; judgment seat of Christ ; that every ono
Dorscv of Nebraska to-day mado argil- may receivo the things done in ids Ijody
,..oi t Itcforo tho liouso coinmitteo on l'a- according to that lie hath done, whether
cific raUroads uisjii tho bill to secure re-1 it Ihj kucmI or bad.-ii Cor., y-.v.
-vmo tof fUw indebtedness of tlio Union I "Wherefoio como out from uinoiig
tho uovem- thorn and lo je seiiarate, salth tho uml.
1 iV' o.Vf.i i. Lilt Vnftrallv would und touch not tlio unclean thing, und
bo iccci'tablo to tho lcoplo of his section, will receive you.''-n Cor., vi-xmi.
f t e Suitteo would consent to incor- , On the juJgment .lay wo must
iff WiSySX1 ads STWtilS "r;X- .SS - IW,ue wus , fortune,'
lino of buttlo wus druwn and ho wan go-
I'orty years auo
lie bad promised ills dying motlior that
lie would Ixi u man und do what ho
thought wuh right, und by tlio help of
(Jod ho hud kept thut pledge. Ho refuted
ho Idea thut if you let liquor ulono
it will lot yon ulono by u pa
thetic ullusion to tlio ruin brought into
ids father'H homo by this evil. It hud
killed ids father, broken Ids mother's
heart, turned him out on tlio world ut tho
ugo of twelve without monoy or educa
tion, und was now reaching out after his
twobojs. "O, my friends," said ho, in
a trembling voice, "I owe this liquor
business u debt, und by tlio help of Uod
I intend to pay it." No, ho was not run
ning u Democratic aid society, but u is
litical creamery. At tlio close of the
campaign thero would bo nothing left of
tho Democrat ami Hepubllcun parties but
skimmed milk, ami, n few years later,
1 1 nothing but chalk und witter. In 1802,
i Willi l Hilton 1- I'lHKO us our niuiiti.iiii
upliear bearer, wo will uchfeve tho most glorious
ither on victory the woiid nun ever Known.
Lots of IVurli.tlniToMii Kill! f Man,
Itnllriind llullillnir nil the Ilntfc
Knim tli Wiillulii lnhiml Kmplrc.
One faro bank, onu high for luck, und a
hulf dozen poker games uro open in out
city since tho rullroud. wotk. commenced.
. .. .. i .. I.. .. i. i .i.t
.Mr. sewilll, one nay nisi ivues., nullum,
u voting covoto from uu Iiidinn which ho
sold to n 'Portland druininer for u ict.
Tho coyote sold on the strength of his
vocul (piallllcutlon.
Mr. G. Hunt und family arrived from
rortluml ono day last week, and will
niako Wtdlula their home for tlio sum
mer, havltig taken rooms ut the-0. It. A
N. liotel. ....
A now camp was starteil.on eiinesuuy
last on tho O. V W. T WuUu Wiillu
bnmch, which iiiuWch tilings loou aveiy
in tho northern part of. town.
A now building, twenty-four by fifty
feet, is in. course of. erection, by Mr.
(indium, near KIllngsworth'H hotel. Tho
ground lloor will lio used us u sioio ouuu
ing und tho upper us u. lodging lunise.
"There is ut present In Iltiiit'Hyard iron
enough, to lav track about tun or cloven
miles. Mr. 'Hunt says ho exacts to
have Ills entire road graded up Ktireku
Flat within 00 days. Thu truck will bo
laid as soon us iron can bo procuied.
One of Mr. Hunt's men urilvcd this
week witli u lurgu band of horses from
tlio Hudson l'.uy rtincli, where tliey huvo
been on tho riingo during tlio winter.
Tlio supination iH thut Mr. Hunt will
sttirt unothor ciiinii soon.
Wo have, counting liotelH uud lodging
houses, seven which urn crowded every
evening-, und ono night this week, several
transient were forced to sleep on tho
lloor, set up. or get out and tnko-tlio town
in by moonlight.
Washington Ttirtllory I'lntform.
Tim DniiiiKiruev of Washington Terri
tory, in. convention assembled, Uocluro:
First. That tho,entiio conduct of HrcH
Ident Clovelund, uud especinlly IiIh Into
special message to Congiess, in favor ol
revenue reiorm, ui which no urruys mm-
null on the side ol tliu greui musses oi too
iveonlu iiimlnstoruunlzod monopoly, nioetrt
our hearty commendation, uud jielnts to
liim us the proper jierson io no our hiuii-durd-bearer
lu tho coming presidential
campaign. . , ,
econil. i no wisiioiu oi uio luiiuiiun
trutlon in tlio selection of Kugono Som-
plo uh governor of this territory Ims lieen
fully vindicated. HIh industry, priidunco
uud urbanity shows thut thu appointment
wus ouo entirely lit to Lo liuulo.
Tliird. Wo recoiuiuoiid that tlio con
vention for the nomination of territorial
otllcers bo hold ut Klleiisburgh on thu -1th
day ol SoptoinlMjr, 1888.
Tho following wus added to icsolutlou
No. 1 on motion of N. T. Caton.
Hesolved, That the delegates to tho na
tional convention which convenes tit St.
Louis bo instructed to uso uvery legiti
mate ell'ort to secuio tlio nomination of
lirover Cleveland us tho standaiibbeiirer
of tliu national democracy for tho presi
dency of thu Culled Slides in Hie com
ing presidential campaign,
A Contrast.
From tho IlakorClty Democrat.
Mr. Hainsey has resided in this Stato
more tlnm forty yeurs. .Mr. Kco, his op
poncnt lias boon in tlio Stato only, ubout
Mr. Hamsey bus been In tho uctivo
practice of thu law mora than nineteen
years. Mr. Feo lias been ut tlio bur three
or four yeurs.
Mr. Itumsuv lias, during thu lust nino
yeurs, iiiguodiiH many cases in tlio Su
premo Court of this Statu uh uuy ono
man. Mr. Feo bus novor urgiied u slnglo
case in tlio Supremo Cotut.
Mr. Hamsey is u luwyer of oxiKiiienco
and maturity. Mr. Feu is u bogiiuior u
mere tyro in tlio laud.
Mr. Hainsey lias u good reputation us
u lawyer throughout thu Stuto. Mr. Feo
lias not.
It requires no prophet to predict which
of these gentlemen will bo elected. It Jh
too plain a case for any doubt.
From tlio Clichalls, Idaho, Mi'scnger,
Sheriff K. K. Davis lias Imjcii absent for
thu pust month and Iuih not leeu hoard
from for ulwut two weeks. Ilo wus tlnm
at Hlackfoot and wrote to Ids deputy, W.
K. Trupp. Tlio general impression is
that ho lias "skipiied" tlio country, wlillo
ufowaio IneHneu to licliovo that some
serious accident death or insanity
must Imvo liefitllen lilm. Wu me of tlio
few, uud huso our Ijclluf thut, ho far, no
good reason in fact, no reason ut till
bus developed which should induce uiuuu
in ills standing to do so foolish an act uud
ono that would follow him thiough lifo.
Portland paisir: Ofllcer J (online Ih i
slowlv rccoveriui! und ids stroni! constitu
tion bids fair to pull him through, lilsj
weight bus abated from 322 oiiiidn to .
about 210 and, while ho seems greatly
emaciated, ho is alsiut forty pounds heav
ier than most gooil-si.ed men,
Oregon City Courier, April 20th: "Thoj!
Claekui.taH was suaiuiliiK with salmon,
lust week. One night ono man caught
100. Al the prices ranging, uliout 1
each, the fishermen uio making a small