East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 21, 1888, Image 1

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Jjt 1 7TBi T"" I DAILY.
Civ. ww a i ki:i: MIIIIAUV.
1 VL' v
Imr nl A"
ttionuy or stumps wilt pay
. ... ..... IMU'I' OlM'llllN'l AV
.. a.ntl.M rrmj
& in. . . . .
tir.llr t-ii-il --tf. will pnj
'T- litllr 1!AS r OIlKOONIAN for tho
OL. 1.
I'nlrotm nf tint Dully or Ki'iuMVeplOy
HAST milKIOMAN ran freely inulo- usn
irth HASP OltlUIONIAN llhrnry when-i-ver
they no di'slre. Tim public iiro cor
dially Imllrd to lslt tho olllco whennver
o Ini'llnnd.
NO. 45.
Has been taken off both
roolen and Cotton Goods
JSot by Congress, but by
And they now offer their Large and Complcto Stoek of
Examine their goods, get their prices, and convince yourself
Lei .J. i !... "...
Iiat the above are hoc mere assertions, uut. tliat they will sub
antiate what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry,"
I il I . 1 . ...I... I II 1 1? -II 1 .1. n
lereiore uioy imvu uisamiuu x roiuutive I'rices, and will irecly
Ut competition from all quarters. Thoy carry a
leneral Merchandise Stock
Consisting of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
I will noil for tho next I!0 days ut u
t of 10 per Gent, for Gash!
My T.urgo Stock of
toots and Shoes, Harness,
Saddles, Whips. Bits and Spurs.
IAI1 goods marked in plain figures.
IhMitllU Doluc Devilment In Dm West In-illfR-A
W.iniiin mill Chlht llurncil to
Death In Unit Portlnml Two Alt mplN
ut Hultliln A Wisconsin l'nmlly liiown-ed-Flvo
Men Killed by n Hock-Two Mi u
Meet Drntlt In it Allnn-Pci.itletnu HirlcU
eiiwltli Apoptexy-Conklliii;' I'linerul
Ullls lMssed.
An East l'liitlantl Woman ami Iler Child
Are Putully Ituuieil. '
r)itri,A.Ni April 20. Mrs. Stoker uml
her child, who were hudlv Ihimh.,1 Tlun-n.
day uftornoon, in Kast Portland, died to
day. Mrs. Stoker was ondeavoilng to
iimko u (ire in tho stove, to do which nlio
PoUred COul oil in till! stnvo. u-lilidi li..
lilted, and her clothing caught llro, hooii
enveloping her la Unities. Shu sprang
out of tho window, and was met hy some
men who had hcen attracted hy tho
Humes, and ran to a slough hi Ihu neigh
horhood. hut beforo shu rouehml It hnr
clothes woro burned oil. and her 1 osh
badlv burned. A 1 Ittln child loft In dm
houso was rcHctied, but not until It wuh
fatally burned. 'Iho dwelling was en
ureiy destroyed.
riMn in 1 1 un ti'i i yill,mu' nl oini'to. to. inion-puro Democrat; ho appears well,
t i, :' ' 'l'!'1 H,mMlc(l ' 1.i,,,r 'l,u1' 7,,Her , m" Mn "f tin iick.Mi.ittio
a ball through hN shoulder. Uo had sycophant cLurt of pollliciaiiH. niakinu'
"vi.uru iiiiiiui iiim- nioillin llllcuilllirUUllSWll! Illlll lllllil llir lie.
no Decnino , on tlio platfornt of tho DcinncriiHi. mutv
I If, as staled, Mr. Haley Is an honorable
nan. in iiih cauipuign, would ho not 1
I honorable in his noslllnn um u lm.l J,ii,,r
CKiutm ami (:..nCrfMioiml Notriofintrr.it 1 "so ipiesuonH are vital, and as near
t.. Nnrihwc.toiii Header. possible' will bo iinswoied in the Kugl
Till: DAKOTA Illt.l. I'ASSIIS T1IH Sl'N Ul I " COnilllg SIX WCClSH.
l'lnnil. HtH.k.i I., fnvnr ..f H t...tt.... I . . .OA'i" ;:nti.i:y, kiukland.
... ..(.... w ..a ....v.a v nu ttltllllpniLfil
ers would not tukn blm ,-
despondent and tried to kill hlnipolf.
f. II. ClilFord, who was a delegate to
..f L'....!!. II .1...... Ill, t . '
. . umi. ..iivijitl. lllliruil IlinO SDOKX On,! Mm 1 1.. ...
Vi'Mt iimL-i.,1 1,1 ... if i: 1 1"" fwiiiwiiiiii; luuiiij - ruiiYunuon
LSI llSltCd Illlll If. 110 fm, n.imnu r.H. ,...t trrlt.w 1.. .. I.l...t
""annum UnAlTlrAuNc, TeilOW LBDCI.) mcli o d.w 3m
Groat Rock Island ! Notary af1d CorPora,,on Sea,s
iMbe w.,l?,ulur.110 1,1 connection
V i B,,a u, Nout'-
UolneN, Leavouworllt'
ilie Ullly LillO Connecllim with the
"Council ninffT . 'Bon Mliort l.inu
Oilman PaUlce Seephly aml
lulace Dining Cars!
Express Tralni on
Vonnwlfo TFrecln railways,
'a-l9 la uiilou tlepots.
'4plyDto0Hr?vOt,1. WrMnv rntes, maps,
Wn.ot to ? ern ,l.e,11 "nllway ("oml
llcketAwn o. H. a N. 60.,
I'enUlcton, Oregon.
'MhlDgton 8t., - . Portland, Ore.
A T.anap.&.I.u.y.
Minneajolls Minn.
ADVERTISERS e,lths,'ManmlM
" iwcwl ' , ' '.wcbUm t.m.t.,
Is " R"do, n Ch'aro' ,'nd " r
In Penclloton,
The usual price for seals made by other
parties, In Portland or tho Kast, Is from id.00
o (7.00, with express charges added. If you
need n sea, send your order to us, and save
from j'.'.OOto $3.00 thereby.
East Oregonian Pub. Co..
mhitatf Pendleton, Oregon.
They do happen every day. and when ono
happens to you.' you will wish that
you were Insured In the
The Tuavrlkkh' resources are sufficient to
dav at once the moil enormous mum of
i-lulms thnt even great railroad unci uteani
boat accldeuts can bring upon It. Pay nil
claims, without dlncount, immediately upon
receipt of satisfactory proofs. Json Korfellure
provisions In all Its policies.
Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions
of Surplus.
PAID POUCV 1IOLDEUS, $11,000,000,
Glopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents, j
East Oregonian building, endlcon,Or.
flTral Watt Indian l'ruvlnr.i De.lared
In aHtute ofSIe.
Kbv wkht. F:.a.. Anril iil. Tim L'mat-
est oxcltcniont reigiiH in Cuba, owing to
uenenii iiiarin H irociainatlon dec urliiL'
il... a "
uiu iiroviuces oi iiuvaiia. iiantanzari.
isantu C ara. and rinur del lilo In n stnto
oi slego. 'llio general says that his action
is duo to uiu enormous increase of ban
dits, who iiiuku it busincH of kidnapping,
committing arson, etc. Tho liberal presM
has been suppressed. Tho bandlta have
lull control of tho island, havo already
tmrneii iiuinorouH tiiiintutlouH. nud uro
doing great damage.
Tlio 17(1,000 Hiitocrlfillon I llUd aad Hpo-
hails and Seattle vrlll be C'ounect.d by
Skattlk. W. T.. Anril 21. News has
lwon received hero that tho necessary
f 170,000 luiH boon subscrllKid by tho citf
ztSim of Sjiokano to tho stock of tho Se
attle ltko Shore A Kastorn railroad. Of
llccrrt of tho company now in tlio city say
that work on tho road-bed from Spoknuo
westward will Imj commenced at once, and
will not 1)0 discontinued until Snokauo
and Seattle uro nulled by steel rails.
Pendleton Stricken with Apoplexy.
Hciimn. Anril LU (Jeoriro II. TcntHo-
ton, tho American MiniHtcrto Germany,
while travel in: to l-rankfort. was stricken
with uioilexy, and was taken to a lion
pilal at Welshaden, whoro ho now lien.
it is believed mat ids condition is not
Colliding' Punerul.
Nkw Yokk, Aptil L'O. The funoral sor-
ices of Koscoo Conkllng tiasscd oir
uictly. A drizzling rain fell nil day.
'ho nroccssion wuh siniiilo and unoNteu-
tatiouH. Ko sernion wuh jircachcd. Aflor
tho services tho body was taken to Utlca
for burial.
Two Men Killed In u Mluo.
Fout Jiinkk, Cai.., April 21. Yestor
day morning a caving in occurred on
Noah Williams' uiino on Indian creek,
about II vo miles north of hnra, burying
Williams and ono Chinaman beneath tlio
drift tinibcrH. Jloth were crushed to
A Vt'hole family Drowned.
IJ.'tiiAitiiAS, Wis., Apill 21. A family
named l-ailirop, cousihting of father,
mother, uml Ihicu chlIilrcii,W(ru drowned
in upi or Wolf river last night. Thoy
lived in it rhunly nonr tho stream, and a
Hood c.tmo and swept tho hniiso away.
Another Attempt ut riulclile..
SN I-'itANCihCO. Anril 21. CluirlcB
QuedeiiB ntteinpted siilcldu to-day. Ho
placed u pistol to his ear and lired, tho
bullet passing down into his mouth.
Financial troubles uro tho cause. His
lifo was Insured for $14,000.
Death from Lockjaw,
Sax Josb, Cai... Anril 21, Charles
IlrunhotisG slitmed on a nail about a week
ago, inflicting it slight wound in his foot,
and yesterday ho was taken with lock
the same side
would vote for it bill uilmiltlm tho ulml,,
of Dakota. Allison replied uy asking
whether tho Democratic party would so
vote. Vest thought they would, Hu
protested against recent charges and. as
persions against Southern Status, and
said if this were an occasion, to go into
ancient history, ho could resurrect in. tho
Soiithen Stales tho shameful parodies on
government that had once been. set. up
there hy the senator who was now do
nonnclng thoso States. Tho hill, was
passed by a strict partv vote 20 to 211.
Ti... ttr.M... ,,..ui...,.,.,.i ....u.... i.t..-.
I...U .ixuru rvnijriii;ii iiiiiiiui UUIinillUI"
, atlon of tho taiillMilll until Tuesday next,
j and proceeded to thu cousidenition of. tho
Indian appropriation bill.
An amendment was adopted appropri
ating 4 20,01)0 for educating Indian, pupUs
in iwafKii.
An umendment was adopted, striking I
out tho provision for an inspector of In-'
diau schools, and providing for a. super
intendeut of Indian schools.
Tho second assistant secretary of tho
Treasury removed Secret Service Agent
FinnegniHHof San Francisco, from olllco
Tho secretary of State has appointed
Alexander Campbell, of Falrchlld, l.u.,
Frank 11. Wheeler, of New York city,
and Klchard L. Miller, of Lynchburg,
a., to he assistant commissioners on tho
part oi tlio united States at tliu Mel
bouruu exposition.
The land olllco records from 1881 to
1887. inclusive, give tho following static
tics: Value of timber reported stolon,
i;i,,iw.o'J amount recovered. HiH.ixkj:
appropriated for Iho prolectlvo hervltv,
A nostofllco was estah lished at .McAulcv.
Shoshonu county, ldaho.and Loula Fowler
was appointed postiuusicr.
l'ensloiiH cranted as follows: Oregon
Mexican war, Martha J., widow of Husscl
iMford, Harrlsuurg, Washlngtoivlemtory
Mexican war, hmiiia, widow of James
Wilson. Siokano Falls. Idaho Mexican
war, widow of Uina Tenny, Nlcholla.
Till: COUNTV l'ltHSH.
W'luit the Papers of lliiiutlllll County llnre
to siiy About the Candidates.
Tin: i:ao!,i: is a DCMoritATic niiin.
Kmm thu Milton Kngle.
In this Issuo thu I'uulo Places at tho
head of its columns the ticket which
should ho supported hv all honest Demo
crats who have thu interest of their parly
at heart. It is comprised of thu bent Ihu-
lier which thu Statu and county allbrds,
hacked hy a platform which, if admin
istered us promised, uuurautceH it safu
and suro conduit from tho burdensome
taxes which under ltoptibllcau rule has
rendered tho jioor man jMiorcr and tho
inonojiollst wealthier. Carefully consider
thu (picMiou of whether you can itllbrd to
disregard tho calls of tho present success
ful administration, and defeat your 1'iesl
dent in November next. Tho contest in
Oregon will ho closu so closo that each
vote will be as ono hundred in another
Stato. Oregon Is ono of tho pivotal
States on which will hung tho final result
of a nation's weal or woo. So, consider-1
Ing these iicMlonH in their fullest impor
tance, it in but duo to preserve a nation's j
Increasing prosperity hy supiKirting tho
Democratic ticket in its entirety,
jaii::ii iiAi,EV
from Camas precinct, writes to u friotn
in .Milton that u report Is extant in West
em Umatilla to tho effect that H. It. tlnm
bee candidate for representative, is to bo
siaugntcred in tins end of the countv
Without WllStim: llllV simnrfluiniM unn'l
wa still state that tli'ls Is it ridiculous and
iinwui ranted lie, without tho least excuse
mr louniiation. Mr. Uainbco is held in
lilgu estimation hero and will canvtlio
iuii oemocratlc vote; and furthermore,
wo wish to state that if the full demo
cnilfe ticket does not carry in Kastern
i; nauiia u will not bo tho fault of .1. K
ivirKiuutl. i no uimvn rmwirt inm vnrv
probablv circulated by some over zealous
manipulator on no republican ticket
jiiu ieiiiocnus in convention asponi-
Died mane it wise selection on their leg
islative ticket. All sections of tin niiimtv
ato falrlv represented and there can bo no
dissatisfaction existing in tho mind of
any tair Democrat of Kastorn rtnatllla.
.1. H. Kirkland, known favorahly and well
hy our oldest inhabitants, will ublv and
honestly represent our interests in tho
halls of tho Legislature, and not it doul
can lw entertained as to his strength in
both political parlies of this end. Wo
say to Democrats of Umatilla county
vote for Kirkland, (latnhco and Morrison
aim you win novor regret the action
You cannot iillbrd to vote nthcrwlso.
; Thero would ho no fear regarding Joint
M. llenlley'M election did it depend on
tho vote of Lastern I'nintllla countv
If John will look out for tho Western nor
tion of his bailiwick we'll guaranteo him
tho full vote of his constituency hoio. Ho
is far tho most caimblo man for tho m)
sinou, ami inu omy tiling mat lias or can
bo brought against him is his llberalllv to
mo newspaper, which is an excellent fail-
Tin: "homi: i'iu:ss" mi.xkm.
Prom Iho Centervlllo Homo Pr. ss.
the llonio Press being Independent
not neutral will, dur ni thn mm.
Ing campaign, as well as at all other
times, advocate such principles as In
our opinion will best subserve tho iilteiests
of Umatilla county. Wo will therefore
HiiiijKirt such candidates as wo hellovo best
calculated to carry out thu sumo. Heing
personally acinlainted with inanv of tho
candidates wo shall from time to timu
give our reason why certain ones
should bo elected. While wo do this wo
shall avoid all personal abuse of thu op
posing candidate, lvi.ee r a man on his
ins oi'I'onknt, inouriuotto. Neithorshall
this paper lw run as u "paid" clique or
clan. Liberty is too dear to sell j wo love
It loo well to bo hound hv a few naltrv
dollars to those would-lie masters of ours.
Such men iih wo can from nr nc nlo hon
estly support will bo placed on tho Home
press ticket, and what wo do for thorn
will coiiki from a free. coo. I will not the
will of a hound servant.
In Placing J. II. Haley, Democratic
audiilato for Joint Senator, at tlio head
of our ticket, wo do so believing him in
every way (pialllled for that jiositlon.
Mr. Haley is well acquainted with thu
needs of our county, and it man who has
resided with us long enough, uml ono
who will work for tho liest interest of
Umatilla county.
(ieorge A. Hart man, our present county
clerk, has filled that ofllco one term to
tho satisfaction of tho people, and Is
tneroioio wormy oi re-election.
J. M. llontluv. our worthv sheriff, has
been it good servant of thu coplu, ho wo
A Dire Thret-I!lt Kee -Hn.lnrM
From tho Milton Kiigtc.
Tho shipment of wood from tho O. I.
Co.'h llitino Is going forward rapidly, from
four to six men being employed In load
ing cars.
Dining the past week Milton has been
visited by ninny strangers looking for lo
cations. A number havo purchased prop
erty and will build homes.
M. V, Wormington law purchased tho
stock, fixture and good w ill of C. C. Cun
ningham in thu stationery and fruit busi
ness. Capital is lieing gradually attracted
toward Milton. Heal estate sales on eve
ry side are becoming more numerous
each week.
J.C. Long, of tho Milton ltollor Mills
Company, arrived from the Kast on
Wednesday, whoio he went to purchase
machinery for thu now mills. The mllla
will bj in running order In about eight
Tlio flume and race which is to supply
tho new machine shops of J. II. Mahauna
with water power will be completed to
thu penstock this livening. The water
supply is from three to four out deun.
Thu shops will Imi complete in, timu to .
receive orders before harvest time.
An addition has been mailo to tlio
Kuglu's agricultural cabinet in the shape
of two eggs, one ineasuiing II Inches in
chcuinfuiunco, thu other only iMtt inches,
and both laid by thu same lieu, said fowl
being thu property of Wllln.nl Smith.
They ato callosities.
dipt. Win. Martin, thu Republican war
horse of I'matllla county, who. now as
pires to tho position of countv indue, paid
us a visit on Saturday last. Mr. .Martin
lias many friends here, and may possibly
poll the full strength of his ticket.
Some revengeful individual,, without
fear of thu law or respect for common do-
cency, and who hi eatly youth had prob
ably licon deprived of thu bcnelllH of a
common education, posteddbo following
sign on thu olllco door of City Attornoy
Lees Saturday night. renrodiuo It
verbatim :
HoLDYOUr. HANDs nN. vOIIr I'ocK.
oTh WhoN YoU PASS ThiS DUN. 1'lcK
I'ocKuTh. CUT ThroTs AND 'IhloVoS
resSidu hero. 1'riNTe.t. HY. JIMMIo
NeVer SWoAT.
Vbovo the sign was represented u skull
nud cross-bones, with tho wordH "Siu
Semper Tyruiinfs" crowning the skull.
Mr. U'ea now sleeps with tichoeso knife
under his pillow ami one oyo oien.
jaw and died last night in Icrriblo agony,
lie leaves a largo family.
I I e Men Killed.
St. Louis, April 21. Fivo section men
woro killed this morning wniio passing
tho Whito Sand works on a hand car, by
tlio ox plosion of a blast, which hurled an
immense rock upon them.
Itllls Passed.
Washington. April 21. Tho iension
appropriation bill, appropriating eighty
million, two hundred and eighty thousand
dollars has passod.
Mrs, l'ullngt Liberty.
San Fhancisco, April 21. Mrs. Fallng,
who shot her husband a fow days ago, is
out on 110,000 bonds.
Wahhinoton, April 21. Tho Indian
appropriation bill has passed.
"'Hie uiT" Is Hll.llt.
I'OKTtAND, April 21.
James II. Haloy, of Pendleton, Demo
cratic candidate for the liGiioruhln ollirn
of senator of thu twonty-llrst dlMriet of 1 w'y. ("'"I bo insoplo, too), keep him there
Oregon, vleitcd .Milton on Fiidav In order , lor " jeure nioro.
to become nemialnted with tlio tieonhi Ocorgo . Hainlltoii, Hoiuibltcan can
und loam us near as possible of their dldato for county treasurer, Is a good,
needs and opinions regardhiL' luitb tli kolH trustworthy young man. with iiuaiifica-
now before them. It is, of course, tin- Uoh xceond to nono for that responsible
necessary to stato that .Mr. Haloy found a , position.
united and independent jieople, a ticoplo, T. J. Kitk, II. J, Ilcan and M. A. Ha
with ono thought und one purjoso llrst kcri Hopnbllcan candidates for rojireson
and uppermost in their minds division. ! tatives, are all good men. T. J. Kirk is
Ho found them ready and willing to ue- best known tons as a man for his coun
cent with gratlttido any measiiro which i,ry'H good, for which ho is al ways ready
might assuro Kastern Umatilla of her "bio to work. Mr. Itean is highly
riu htH with duo regard for tho Interests of siKikcn of as u man of integrity, which Ih
Pendleton, and found, too. that eoulil ! o ncodfnl in some. Mr. Hakor In (lie
this simple hut overlasting nuestlon bo ! present editor of the Weston Leader. It
amicably disused of Umatilla county ' iH o ' say ho will bo elected, as ho
would roll up such a Democratic majority mrall the umder, iKisldeHinany friends,
next Juno uh she nover has leforo. Ho i to Hiiiort.
certuinlydid not find tho ioplo in tho ' LaV; birtin, nverylwdy knows
least discouraged by defeat in tho past or ' Cap" is too well und favorably known
platform dictation by u prejudiced ma-, ,0 need cpnnnent. Ho is altogether
jority. : wormy oi tno jiositton no asks.
.Mr. naioy is n gontieman in tho high-1 .. ..unm, ivupunuvun, aim oniric
est seiiHO of that term, easy of approach
and u splendid conversationalist. To a
direct question of whether or no ho would
Hupiwt equltublo division if elected, tho
reporter was given tho straightforward
answer: "I will mako you no promlso
v ulters, Democrat, candidatcH for county
commissioners, havo done tlio people
good servico In that capacity and both
should bo iu-elected for another term.
h, II. Heedor is n young man of raio
"l ..III main , n . . n . . r. , . . . I . I 11 1 1 i I i I V . K 1 1 '.'I I K' Illlll I OI 1 1 1 ul rllll 1 U 11,1,1 .nr.
, i.,u ,. I... I'l.iiiiru, i . I ., . ..... ............., ...... ....w
but 1 can nay to you that tho subiect will i w!9 would fill the iwsltion lio aspires to
1)0 thoroughly canvassed and considered, 1 with good advantage county school su
and I shall do mv duty toward the tieoplo I IKjrintendont.
.... ? . . , . T.. 1 I...... 11 111. ... 1
uun, .-i. ri.-u, iiepiiDiicau nominee tor
exiioso ol tho .owa yesteriiay morning
created inuch comment in mo city, iiio
Nows this morning is silent on tho mil
ject. Attempted Suicide of a Titled Scupegrare.
Lot. Anoklks, C.ku, April 21, This
morning Ilruco Douglas, who claims to
lw tho only surviving heir of Karl
I of Umatilla county as a w holo tho mi
nority as well as the majority." This
Tlin flrirniit"itiu I in"iu iiuunui unit iiuiiuiil-
l i ... ? . i bio than a promiso made for tho puritoso
oi capturing votes, omy to no dtsiioiiora
blv broken at tho last hour.
Tho question arises at this time, can
tho people of Kastorn Umatilla county
place their faith and trust in James II.
Haley as their advocate in tho Stato Sen
ate? This uiicstion is asked Independent
of politics. The gentleman, from all we
Douglas, and who has been employed aa can learn, is honorable upright, and a
judgo of sixth judicial district, is a young
man, a Urst-class lawyer and Ih no polit
ical outcast. Ho is a resident of Umatilla
county and has been for a number of
years, Fleet him then.
Johnnie Young, Republican nominee
for county clerk, was in tho city last Fti
day and Saturday. Johnnie is working
hard to Imj elected, but wo four that w hen
m strong a man as (. A. Hartnian Is In
tlio Held there Is but very little show for
him ; however Johnnie is u good man,
Confession by nun of the Murderers
Hnvenil Arrests Made,
Prom thu Wallowa Hlgmtl.
Three weekH ago wu published an ue-
ount of a massacre of Chinamen on
Suako river, just above thu mouth uf the
mnniia, and w hiio in thu main the facta
wuie true as we published, them, wo uro
now in possession of the entire matter as
it actually occuried.
A party of men, consisting of Ilruco
.vans, .1. T. Canne d. Homer Laltiiu.
Hobeit McMillan, Carl Hughes, II May
nard and Frank Vaughn, entered Into an
agreuinunt last spring, now nearly a year
ago, to murder those Chlnoso miners for
the gold dust which they thought thoy
(assessed, uml agiced that if any of tho
party kIioiiIiI iIIviiIl'ii It tint rokt ulnmlil
kill "lilin ; but Hughes did not llku thu
Idea of committing tho do "d at all, and
would havo no hand in Ihu matter, but ut
this time was stopping with the parlies
who committed tho deed,
Ah near as wo can learn, about a year
ago now all the Hum named above except
Hughes went down to the Chinese cainii,
and oiened fire on them, killing them all,
ion in number, und men put tlio Isxlius
of all except two into the boat which the
i liinamen. had, and scuttled it. They
then secured all tho money and gold dust
inuy coma umi, amouuiing to bolwcun
i I IIIIA 1 - iiif . ..11 . J
ti.oou auu ?.i,uoij, which was given to j,
Canlield to sell for coin, and after ho got
jiossesHion of it ho skipped tho country, i
ami the rest of the paitles got nothing. .
Thu grand jury took hold of thu mattur, i
hut of courso it ih not known just what
thoy found nut. hut Vauuhn has made a f
confeeslon in accordance with tho above, f
and wu are satisfied that the mattur Ih i
about straight. AH the parties have left t
tho country but Vaughn uml Hughes.
Wednesduy, II ughes was arrested ami t
taken to jail. What will Iki done with fl
Vuughn, wo do not know, but aH ho has I
turned Slate's evidence, we suppose ho
will bo hold uh a witness against tlio
others, hut as they are all gone extent
Hughes, them is little probability that (
thoy will over be brought to justice. f.
Ah published in the Kast Oucoonian .
yesterday, threo men, Hughes, Me.MH
Jan and Maynard, havo been urrcsted. ,
Territorial Deunuiratlo Con volition.
Tho Washington Territorial Democratic .
Convention met Wednesday at North
akiina and elected Stewart Itlco and J.
J. Ilrowno uh delegates to tho national
convention at St. bails. Juno fith. A, N.
Marlon and J. T. Ronald weie chosen
alternates. Spokane Falls. September
1th, was designated uh tho place und
time lor holding the territorial conven
tion to nominate a candidate for delegate
to Congress and other Territorial ollicorH,
Pound Deud,
Piom the Iing t.Vcul; Kuxle.
(ieorge Troutmaii. a rail snlittor. was
found doad in his cabin on Slide cieuk,
Saturday morning. Satuiduy afternoon
Judgo iiransou lepahed to tlio soot, em
paneled a iurv ami held an lmiuost.
I'lieir verdict was that he died of nut-
ural causes. Dccoascil lias a brother Hv.
ing in I matilluor Morrow county.