PIHDAYAI'UIL 10, 1888. Forrrjoiihin Hrniu'li Ofllco. ttlllOO l)f UlO I'.AHT UllECIOWIA.f MIS BluMlln l'orllnnd In the Aliiiiclfin Fii, nwoiitt Moor, under tliu iiinn- Homer ll iiiiiim i.. " tnvo rcKlili'lin ' i n '"""ii""" itorn Un-Koti KtMiornlly, t limtto EMI win ii In rortmnu. no win nncipr them liny ncrvlco in IiIh " IIItnVITIKS. je, of Centcrvillc, is In town t go to tlio JltiHonlc restaur III bo no concert at tho band evening Ward, tetuneranco lecturers. brining ah Walla 'oHtor'n now grocery will bo ccnpiincy in about n wcck i, Idaho, and Asotin, W. T., m lio connected iy telephone ler in tlio Umatilla litis been ju tiHiial tlio past week, but 1b e. tiiKon Iiuh Kotno l!rHt-cla?H fur Iiiih to rent at tho old postollloe fei Court Mreet. Irk, Mm. Starkweuthcr'H father, ccn 111 for Fovural tnontliH pant, ly growing u'orHO. ruiiiliia river is beginning to will noon bo utlcHtiJd by tho i In tho Umatilla. lneuiu of anatomy which was lb tltno of Ihu State Convention, fort 1 1 in urn wanes. RYiMMiiror Ituloy's Ktatcinont R tlicra are i!.'l,:i'.M.u4 worth of FHcrlp against tho county. rant tho bent cup of Java collco Ineil in town, call at JClcliard i counter, on Alain street. 4 In pi 'iit v of vegctullen, Hiich iw Mice, rlmliarl) ami aHimramiH kodiictlon, in tho inarketH now. Knox, of Wcnton, advortineH for iiiirln another column to-dav Kh a valuable one, as the reward fcri 10 HIlOW. eelvcd at (no ijhIoII1co confee Dro a choice lot of nine iinnlcs. the t-easou : alno a frech lot of BonannoH, etc. tall to call and examine tho new DuvIh vertical feed howIiil' inu- fcru piircluiHiiig cli-owlicm. For linn, liro.-i. iv Uo. II. Haley, tho next State Fena- patlllu and Union couutioH, Ih lion county for a fow dayH, in f liiri future constituent. far. Ltho A ri,UNl!UINa HC1IKME. l'cndlcton Tribune: Y T. Wright, of Union, or V. J. Hnodgran.of La tlrando, would liuvo been more natlsfactory to tho Ieoplo hero, but other eouiiKclrt prevailed, which may provo to bo tho wlHor. Charlio 0. Carroll, the candv bov. i brought thin olllco Nome NuccimcnM of bin : JIouho Iiuh been brought about Of set pur- candy to-day. Ho cell cream tally, but-1 jwho by tho Hcpubliean minority. The o mrcctu, ltoputineun piau w to empiy mo Treasury Drnincrutii ulto.lnlnnd the lteputitlrann In tlio Attempt to Dentate tho Treasury. From tlio N. Y. llornU, it is clear that tho deadlock in tho If you aro already a mib i Daily Kaht Oiikounian. IVo a necond copy ono year by 16.00, or by carrier for fifteen ek. 1 lt.1..11 1..,., .llll.l R jJilMiiili jia-r luiiui'M liui iiiiijii can accommodate a few more fe She doetf her own cooking and Ed vou of tho mcalH vour own Bed to cook. team of work horfCH, nearly M harness and hccoiuI hand jualo. Iniiuiro of M.ll.JohtiHon, B and 1 o clock and aftor 0 i. sirntrect, ono block riouth of tho 1 ildcnco of .lumen Tonoy, aliout s Iwlow Halter City, was den y firo Monday morning. Tlio destroyed incHtimntcd at $L',000; ii tho State Iumirauco Co., of rl,r00. iiDnw, rondloton'H young artist, lnihhed a beautiful picture of a tlio I'matilla iiIkivo Milcecha. ino fnimo arrived from I'ort erday for it. This l a picture li going to 800. on the Weston Hour mill Iiuh d, and noon Weston will bo Bot instead of import her btead io mill will nut bo constructed I Kite, but on tlio MoMorrls ad tr the railroad. Misnor, of Portland, will go to ilia In tho morning witliT.tlI. trotter, .loo Koonoy, to train ho coming races. Mr. Misncr I that it was a pity that tho Pen ick had lioon sold. I. J. AVinlleld has nold part of of confections and tobaccos to A, Walkor, who will oH3U up, as in invoice is made, in tho build vacated by Harris, tho tailor. infield will run an ice-cream par- r presont stand. i Huif Tho headings of tho Cas uiel will meet alwut April i.'()th, 4uuncl will be completed anil in order by .May '.'Olh. Nelson takos tho cako in tho tunnel business. Oh for ono summer of lagymont of tho ('amnio Locks i$lX),oaOthat has been wasted, him! ler to Mr. J, I). McCully ptatos i authorities of Wallowa county esteil three men, Mipposed to lie ed in tho wholesale murder of en on Snake rlvor, about forty nth of I.ew iston, a fow weeks ago. Kuicrsaro Carl Hughes, W. M. n and Maynard. They aro ; Joseph. Cams, a waiter in tho Star res was blacking a stovo this morn i n preparation that had boon itll lKnzIiin. ThniK Iwlni' n flrn love tho brush took lire, and in ug t o blow it out a table cloth plted without his knowiedco. K'amman came to tho rcfeiio with I water and ntopiod tho spreading p-morrow evoning, in the rooniB kecupied by Mima l!roa. & Co., 1 Fortea & Wheeler's, an ico festival will t)o given by tho Y. W. ino members oi tins organ!- ro vigorously working to start a brary and reading room, a worthy lund tho proceeds of this festival applied for that punxwo, no do t to help it along, by being pres- ( uwufjiHy jour iriuuu.i wini you. tcr-bcotch and hoarliotind on tlio all of which ato very nice. J. K. Kirklatid, J. K. Itlchio. and L. 1). Plants, came down from Milton last eve ning. Mr. Plants returned this morning, but Mr. Kiikliind imd Mr. Itlchio re mained over until to-morrow. Colfax expects to havo a creamery and pork-packing establishments soon, hither of these enterprises would pay hero. There will lio a match game of bafo ball Saturday afternoon in tho vicinity of St. Joboph's academy. II. C. ltchm, a prominent fanner of Helix, started on a visit to Hamburg, Germany, yesterday. Geo. W. Heading is sojourning at Hawn & Guyer'H saw mill in tho mountains. Soveral Pendleton young men aro tak ing lessons in music on the piano. Seo Stanlleld A Goro'H ndvertisment in this paper. Give tlioin a trial. Johnson & Diack aro fixing up Ilaycr & Silsbeo'H candy store. J. M. Watson is on tho Rick list. Hotel Arrival!. Uowman Housi:. I Hood, L City: I'' J Now ton, Now York: McKay: LIS Springer, Washington, .in AlCOll. Donald iy:Jjl' hpringer, Washington. J) n. i if n. .ii A.f.K.. 'ri......,.u a.,, I,....., Helena: H W Kenny, Horseman and wife, Pilot Hock; Stovo Walker, Milton; II S Wood, Tenn; U K Craig, Neb; J !' Graham, La Grande; J Hough, UH&N; J W MeLiiln, Cal; W Harris, Salem. Uumikn Hum:. II W Decker, U Fl'iro, Walla Walla; Clark Walter, Daniel Mc Kay, Centervlllo; Threo Nolilo HcdiMon; Adam Knots, Weston; Dr Odden, J H Webb, 8 A Hrownor, Milton; J W Me Combs, Despaln Gulch; Jas Klngsby, Mell Thornton, C H Heed, The Palled ; G W Hull, City; John Konny, Wisconsin; W 1' Campbell, Country; J Vert, Echo; J Kiuny, Country. Viu.aiu) IIori:i. 1 J Drown, San Francisco : J I.ovonbonr. F S Cuslck. F J Kneniicr. Juo llurku. A A Whitney. Port land ; A 0 Stuart, St. Paul ; J W Hansel, Chicago; M L 1-uurlUen, Max llaumlster, OP Jones, Walla Walla; l)iils Klodt. Pomoroy: A G Webb, city: F J Newton. Niueriuwn, a. i .iicpoiuiki, fceat tlo; J H Hichey, J K Klrkland, L II Plants, .Milton; O L Tblslor, Kansas ; M K Pitts, Arlington; S J La Franco, Hood Hlver. Mr. T.onon Imprnvliii;. Mr. J. V.. Iinon'ri friends hero will be nleased to learn that ho is ranidlv iiimro- vlng and will nrobablv bo amoui them again soon. hen ho was taken to Sa lem a slioit ttuio ago. it reipiircd several men to handle him, but now, according to a lotter received by Sheiill llentley this morning, ho can walk without assistance. No ono thought ho would live long when romoved to tho asylum, but tho good treatment administered thcro has much improved his condition In a very shoit liino. HI i i A Worthlrx Lot. Ono of tho (iasrt of nuslances known us 'pimps" was arrested by .Marshal French last night for shooting within the town limits, and this morning was lined $10. lie is a Hieclmou ot a number oli egrudod follows who live Uxn tho earnings of tlio fallen women who live in tho vicinity Of the Occidental hotel. These follows con fer no benellt upon anybody, and seem to no one cia-'S oi oarui'H creatures tluit aro utterly useless. Their room Is needed hero far more than their presence. 1'iititlc rtirimne at Allia. J. P. Wager will addivcs tho lwonlo of Camas Prairie, at Alba, on Saturday eve ning, Aiirii L'mii. .n. esnecial v Ueiuil)- licans, are invited to attend. Subscrlliois of tlio lvhT Oitcoo.MAX at Alba will please circulate thit aunoiiucemeut as thorough- y as possible. HifiUlni; Till lUinliii;, Mr. J. K. Kiikland, of Milton. Pemo ratle candidate for member of the Leg islature, is in town, ntul Is isxK'ctcd to speak at the meeting this evening at tho court houfo, at 7:!M p. m. Allure In vited to como out and hear what he bus to say. Mrt-tliiK till Kvt'lllllK. Thoro will bo a mooting thU evoning at tho court house for tho nurnose of organ izing a Democratic club in Pendleton. bvery Democrat Is invited and urged to bo present. Tlio Juno tui;un8ipriirH n June, Tlio lliilitnlnu-tiUK la M- y, Tlio lout luitf tiilu-K lil ixiiiiictoir, Anil uy, "I've oimio t) tiiy," Now ilntli tlio tiiuy -anililntt, improve rucu kiiiiuia nii:r, I by giving tlio eople'M inonoy away no matter lor wnat put pose, it is evident from the action oi the Hules Committee that Mr. ltandall(protectlonlst), of Penn sylvania, has joined in tills scheme against the Treasury. It wus by the help of his vote in the committee that Mr. Heed and Mr. Cannon, Hepublicaus, were ablo, in an unprecedented manner, to force tho Direct Tax Kopayment bill to tho front, overslaughing and setting aside bills ot tho committee Important to the public welfare. That tho Intention was what wo pay to empty tho Treasury Is conllned to tho fact that in only one other case did Messrs Heed, Hand ill and Cannon Inter fere with tho discretion of a committee as to the order in which it would presont Its bills, and in that caso also tlio bill .Messrs. Heed, Hatidall and Cannon forced for ward is to take millions out of tho Treas ury to pay to States. Tho object of Messrs. Heed, Handall and Cannon is to cllcct, in an underhand way, that "distribution of tlio surplus" which Mr. lilaiuo some years ago advo cated with tho express purjioso to main tain the Hcpubliean system of needlessly high taxation. To tho bell) of this Hopubllcan scheme come a certain number of Democrats,' On Monday a vote was taken in the House to udlourn, which would break tho dead lock, but at tho same tlmu put the Direct Tax Repayment bill aside and thus defeat it. highly men voted tor adjournment, and all these eighty were Democrats. Not a Republican voted on that side. Of the -lot who voted against, udlourn mcnt who voted, that is, to say, to continue tho deadlock rather than have tho bill to I'limtv Hid Treasury laid usldn mid iln feated of theso 151 Hil wore Republicans and thirty wcro Democrats. Not voting on that occasion wore ninety- three. Ut these thirty-six wcro JCepuhll cans and llfty-soven were Democrats. Thhtv-ono Democrats voted with tho Republicans for a raid on tlio Treasury antl (lfty-soven Democrats were absent or iiou-voliug and thus weakened the resis tance of their nartv to the Hcpubliean HcJiemu. And (Ills in the face and -ycH of the Democratic platform, which declares in plain language: Wo aro opposed to all pnioHit!oiiB which upon any protoxt would convert tho general government Into a machine for collecting taxes to bo distributed among tho States or tho citizens thereof. And again : Unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation. Wo denoimco tho Republican party for having failed to relievo tho people from crushing war taxes, which have paralvzcd business, crippled industry and deprived labor of employment and of just reward. Headstones, Monuments R. F. BEALE, Marble and Stone Contractor. Tor iIc'Iriik mut prlco roimult .too Knll Im.', Muln Mrvct, IVnclli'ton. IMIinutcH Blvcn on Mono work for IntlldliiKi. fe3 RusseBI & Co., -lll'IUMMtS OF- Eng-iiies, Threshers and Sawmills also dkam:i:h in- NKtV Tl-IAY. Ami nt!ir vnitvt wliore'r Im may In kiuinlilno mid In Miowrr. A Nchiaska girl of sixteen I miked at tho last moment when about to marrv a grass widower of Hoventy-two. Moro balky girls aro needed to end uiiuatur.il marriages of that stirt. So hero's to tho balky bollo of tlio Ml.zard Stuto. t Mr. Toolldgo of Arizona has trained a snake to tend his chickens.' Tho intelli gent roptilo stays witli them all day and drlvos them to tho coop at night. If it miss ono, it hisses and mines u ecrpon tine row until tho truant U found. It is rumored that Senator Reck will bo married in the summer to the daughter of Dr. Mimdell of LouisWUo. Tho lady Is a widow of a gentleman named Henderson, and Is very wealthy. Senator Iteck Is Mxty-pk years eld, but is a remarkably halo man. i I ! Ilismurck docs not have to to I hi Chan-1 eel lor. Ho onus a distillery that makes a million gallons of whisky Kr year, and j without being in Stanfieldft Gore, . Dealer In FRESH GARDEN VEGETABLES, EGGS, BUTTER, FISH, POUL TRY, and all kinds of GAME, NKXT 1)0011 TO 8TAK HK8TAUHANT MAIN 8THKKT. PENDLETON, - OH 12. PARTIES Ituvluic gomU Nlilppml from Krlrru rllltm via Portliiml, on hnvn frclnlit piilil, oai- mid nv rclmruoH KilJiiKt'U, nml fiirwanlliitf iittcmleil Io proniptly, ot low niti s, iy h . ilresdnt; OLIPHANT & CUTTING. I'OUTI.ANI), OUKdON. OltOCnUIKI A HI'KCIALTV. Iliiylnir und Selllm; dnuo on Commlmdnn The Pendleton Mfg. Company, PKNDI.KTOX, OHEUON. Machino Work of All Kinds Dono promptl.v. Pattern nindc. ltepnlrs to farm uiiu'lilnory mut miiclilnery of every description n Hpeclully. Charge for Work Reasonable. Richardson's Lunch Counter, Mnln Street, Poniltcton. G. D. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. Heiulnunrtcr for rorelitn nnd DoimckIIc FrulU, CnndloN, Cniinud Uoodn, anil Nutx. At tho Lunch Countor, You can ohliiln cold bolted hum, cold Mpleeil hcef, plckleil pin' Wtl, KiirdlnrK. oyntcrit, cold boiled CSC", vpif cooltcd In every Klyle, lint lea nnd enuVc. Jerlcdelk, venlsnn, hum, nmolted licrrhiK, breml nful butter, etc. Houso Opon Day and Night I.unolKH t unit Cv. upwnrd. melilnd James Crawford, Mnnitfiu'turcr of nnd Denier In Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Whips, Etc., Tonts and Wagon Shoots for Salo A BEDltOOK PRICES. Odd KiiIIokx' Iliillillnt, lalnntrojt. ju2l THE F1IJC3T T is, umii x and A A NY .yVA X V SPRING WA06 ROAD CARTS THE DEST- mi IjlGDN m THIS MAR'AKT. Wo have the bent Straw Iltirnlng Kngino in the World. CALL OU SKK1) 1'Olt OATAI.OGUK 70 nihlO dawr Russell & Co., 100, 1112, 101 ami KW Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. LCADINO MERCHANT TAILOR, rcndlclnn,Orej!on, Muln HI., lieur Wolib. A STOCK OF GOODS Tur-1 received. Satisfaction Guaranteed!! In every pnrliou'ltir. Attention ! FRED. GERBER I'mprletorof tlio French R staurant -ON OJt' Main street, J'ciulfcton, Or, jtosltu Court Jfounc. A flrt film restaurant: ull tlio dnlleaelei of th venxou, ileiUutanv hour: both day nnd nlsUt, apt t-lm T. F. ROURKE, GliAIN AfERGIIANT. Wiro nnd picket Fence, rabbit tight and l)ull strong. A fence which will last a life time. Price only 50 to 75 cents u rod. For sale in small or large quan tities, at FAILING'S Carpet Store, Main street, near the bridge, Pendleton, Oregon. lllflie! market price, paid tor nil hind . G- K A. I 1ST. or AtiMtrallan while wheat, winter barley nnd rv fiimnle for neeillnx iiiiriioh. Tin. An.. trnllan wlilln wlieiii U Just tli urtlulo fct'x-k- men neeu. u niuKei. u iirj-ciu. iiuuiity of h.iy. OrTIOB AT WaHEHOUHK, PENDl.KTON, July! tf OHEOON. can bring olllco. on a war IlarriHhurg, l'a., Kopublicaita aro favor of Don Cameron for l'rei'iilent. In TION NOTICE. Notlco U herein- ulven that the firm nt Campl.ull A lleaMe Iw tills day dlxnlved by mutiml I'oiuent.K. v Cuinpbell rellrlni; from the firm, huvlnv nold bin Interest to it. II. , llratlo. It. li. Ileatlfi will continue the prac In ('litf:i"o tleeof dentlatry at the old (Hand, nnd co'lert lullexeeptcttnaln nccoiints nlriied to K 0 I CuinplM)). H. II. Ileiitle B.miinlm nil llablli. i tie of iheflrm of L'amDbll lleatle to dale. Keroseno waa flrat uocd for lighting! jj-u. camhi?l,u purX)8es in 1820. Pendleton, Or., April U,lSs8. lWnwIia No l)cer will Lo tlelivered on Sunday alter May Ht. Photograph Gallery T. C. WARD, The most mceful Photographer, Ik now located in I'l iidlelon, at tho old Maud lit the foot of llulii street, netir Ihu bridge, mid for line Phot graphs, Tintypes, En Jarglng and Copying, Caiiiiot bo oxwlled miywliore. All work Ktmrnuleeil to Klvo eullru ttatlkljctlou. He pertfully, youiii, T, : tiAltl. Commercial Liver;, hi and Sale Stable, J. D. KEENEY &. CO., Props. Put up your animnls antl your money at this stand. Thoro is no bottor in town. Our patrons and frionds will bo wolltr atod. N W FU BY THE ITi I i b twir CARLOAD. Wo aro receiving, nlinunt dally, Goods Direct from Hie Eastorn lYIanuraciories. Our Ktoelc Imj now in dcxigu and eoinnlete in iiHsortiuent, connMlng of PARLOR AND BEDROOM SETS, SinUBOAKDS, IJOOKOASICS, KAMI'S, WII.I.OW AND KATFAN 0I1AIU8, Whatnots, Brackets, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc AIho a comtilelo line of Carpets, oil cloths, linoleums, shades, portieres, and upholsterers' goods. GOODS SOLD OK UA8Y l'AYMHNTK. Forbes & Wheeler, AKKoeiatlon llulldlng, I'emlletou, Or. CHEAP Groceries, Vegetables, Fresh Fisti -AT- D. KEMLER'S Grocery Store, on Court Street. SI'KCIAIj INDUCHMUNTH Ol'KKItHD I 'OK CASH. Fine Spices, Fine Coffee, Fine Ten, and Everything fine that a First-class Grocery should contain, Call on ino if you want (iroeorliw cheaj). D. K EM LER. l'ni:i l'A(ii'.-Ti rif, Hierelary. Jacoii I'ha.):ii, Tri'iihiuvr. Custom Mill Itu.viiv Krovr.ii, I'renbh'iit. K. J.Hdumhiivii.m:, Vlee I'reMldi'iit. The Farmers' COMPANY This new mill Ih how manufacturing Hour by tliu latent Improved iiioIIioiIh Flour and Mill Feed Always on Hand We Hollelt a slmro of )tilillo patroiingo. I lltVI mm vmv n w 2La Lva U ?l n Sash, Doors, and Building Material, A.t Bottom .Prices, CAM, ON , HALL & BURNSIDE, HALL & BURNSIDE, IJI3POT j.UMHKU YAUD. Stoves and Deal, O'Keilly & Co. J'ou a LARGER STOCK at I,,wnr Pricen, AVluiU-Halu an.l Hfail than any Houho n t m NnHhuv.ut 11 111 KEENEV Co., PROPB. SoooniloncI Yamhill .... PortlonU, Oregon. Ranges COM K TO 8KK UP. A I.I. KIN 1)8 OK HIQH ' KOIt IIIUK-TIIK KINKST TUIIX will hIiow OUTS IN TOWN. ;WIUH1I0W J.I