.11 ''Il Fg fti) I NEWjjORE! JUST OPENED, WliDNKSIM V, Al'JtU. 18, 1888. tki: i i,atiii:ai iitAji;iv. Ntriilclil mill i;miili stri-imiit nf Ilia llor rllile Murilvr I li IiiiIIhii I.yncliliiK IIiii Mun (,'luliliril In llruth Willi ft Mile. From the Hullo liiter-Moiintiiln. From Mr. C'harlori V. Joiich, who Ih JiiHt in ii oiu mo i'juuii;;ii iiiku country, ih IC'iirillMI IIIO Unit. iihoiiil'IIiM account wo havo heard coucernlm,' tho recent lynch Iniruf IhdlaiiM on Flathead river. The cireuniHtuiiceH of tho crime, ih detailed ui their trial ncioro .itiujie i.yneii, iiv an Indian Imy, worn Hiihflantlally arifolfowH: TIiil'u Kootonnlri named Aiitlnv, Slnnio and Jonnlniiu had been out liniilliik' In the tiiounlaiiiH, accompanied liV threu Indian IfoyH. (. oinhii down Wolf crack they run ucroxn tliu jiroHicctorH and iliiiiuir uitli Ilium. I linn llim' Mtur-titil nti After thoy had nni! a few mile Slumo Hii'eneii mat inoy imcic ami will tiie liriiMlMiclnrM. Atillnv iliil not fiiviir llm tirojiohltion. riiially Himo told him that ho had a woman heart in other vordn, that ho wuh a coward. TIiIh A nl ley could not fland, ho ho consented to tho klllhn. "I'll Hhowymi that I havo no woiuan'H liearl," ho niiiI. When Ihoy iwt hack to wheio tliu unm peotorH warn, Antley, to how that hu wuh no coHiird, mulcted upon being al liiuml in iln ill., unii,,. i.i,,,u.,if ti.i', i... ........ ... ...i. v...... ... i.r-. .. . .11(7 .J- in),' Kranted, hu hid in tho hindion near tho proMpcclora' camp and waited hl.H ... f... .... .... . t ujiiiiiiiuy. rinany no lmi uii inreo men in a lino and hied. IIIm bullet killed mo urni man, morlallv wounded Ihu hoc ond and crippled the third. Tho other tlien took part. Hid man uhowiiHWoun lied uimcliililuul l.i . I. mi 1 1 1 it llli ii rill.. .,.,.1 tho oiio wlio wuh crippled tried to got away mil wan unol nown. It wan il tiiont iiirocioiiri muiiier, Main St., Pondloton, (Next to Masonic IIuIIiIIhk ) A COMPLETE LINE OP Gent's Furnishing Goods, C. W. Brownfield iroHKctorH and had HOWELL & OO.. FURNITURE DEALERS UPHOLSTERERS. Atil KINDS OK KUltNITUItK HBI'AIHING HONK AT TIIK I.OWKST KATKH. Call ami examine priced. Iirgont dtoolt of furniture In Kmlcrn Oregon. Howell & Co., Mfi'ikciiztfA Onvntm'ti HiiHiIIul' Pendl- Yon Protected? ! Northwest Corner Main and Court Street, PENDLETON, OREGON, CENTRALLY LOCATED Re-opened, Re-furnished and Equipped in First Class Style. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. Free Coach to and from Trains. E STItAV ANIM.WA .1 jim .in . i- hi. .ill Hum i -.ii ii; , J till I nil rover Mini hy expelling fi.co In tvlvrrtlnlng In the Kant Uiiroonian. It catcher, thorn every lime. men llui indium Marled on their way naahi. After koIiil' two or Ihroo inlleH ft wan decided that it Wright & Son, Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not go any longer without insurance on their property, of whatso- ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in n good, Reliable Insurance Co. tlli'il llml ft -. ... . ...... . . Mini Ulinmu 1W Illt'U tliu liodicH iih limy had done, ho thov UliMl I iiiitr In Iiiimi tin in. H-nul. i.-.iu .m.i I ii i 'ii.rn nun i Hi and piled on Ihu ground, tho hodlcH wero 1'i.ieeo on hum aim ino wnoic t-el on lire 'I'll .il.i.lai I 1 . ..1 . I . .1 f ..1 . I.. .1. . .1 .... . if riiun men iirilKlll in nit; uuilfllHIl tleeil, they Kiilhered Ihu green killlkinuiek ami placed it upon the hakim I mm I leu in ,lrv. 1'lllilr IIiiiiim. mm ll.i.l tl... ...I. I 1 .Y. -..i.. ,..ww.,r uttn mn. ii niniiii mi IIIIIIILT fraranl witli tho hurnini? IiIikhI of their ttl.iltt.. Wl.i.. .1... I. It ... 'Ilium, .11111 IHU IHKIIUrl WWII IUIIIICM I'oiiHiiineil tliuy conliniied on their way iu 1 1 ii'i i own camp, A whort llmoaflerlho inurder, u niedl clno tlaiicn wuh held on Tohaeco I'lahiH Al Ihexo iiieelliii'M llm ln.li.i.u ...,i i.. nether, ImhihI of their deedri of hr.iverv, Ihu numherof men limy havo killed, mid imaiiy worK tiieiiifeheri into a peifeel iiii hi riiKU tm.itiiHi hid wiiIIch. II wax ut Ihu il i ui'it llml f tut ft ... I. .1.1 thiMilher liiili.iiix of llielr crimoon Wolf creek. Tim n . hm leached the r.im of ih whittm'tllci.- , and three weekh a(," th -v otHiuiUed fc- eni'iaiiii Ahoul Ji inch luiKi-etieil Ir I'.miM il n .i. ,,. . 1 1 Indian eiie,iiu:.m .il, r. me l.'irm or fuiii nilleHawaj. II u4., vc ouilv In the inornln, U f.i..' n,.. Induiw v.ere i.p, .Sllimoand.l liniuna vcm c tptuied v.I . inn iiiiih inn Mm , . ,. (,. campw er.,l !ille- tic- er. -k, inul l.e foro lhe ki.ii thfi i, n,u i,..cn , warnlnu' mid had 1. i.l.t I. in orVai e. I'lm tWO pliKOIICIH Uilil I.. keli over In limn n j. Villi). lllllll II .1.11. -II- Mli.i.lll' I. ...1. Il r-i,.iini unii. infill m)-ij fioiu tliu parly and hamleiill'ed thu inn iicuicr. Tliiwu Uiyn, howovur, loeupluretl their oiinnien. nun iikik iiiein aeriiMH llio Mat iie.ni iner inio urn niniier ulxnil aiiuar- ht in a mile. 'Mm i,uj f , .,,.,, imiiail IhiVM.HIiii ImdU'OII at llin inlinliir wan al-Mi taken uUug. ilucn inlerpieteiH weni u.ildet in older (hat no ImIiikIIiv piioiiiii ne imni) in llilerpieliuir. Hie In ..I .-., nun mi' mi iry oi uie inunler iik ',.M,V''' 1 lll" Mmmi cuimiwil in i.uk imi n h part of llm ciium and ox idled hci it. I i v.Miliel wan death. Tim IvncheiH i i.m inn mm rn., ,ul n ,llk, ,u, 11r. t oi urn mm at a limo. .lonuiuua wat ilixt Mrunuup. liu iifwiNtcd them to fanion tliu iohi around IiIn neek. Tho ullieroud waHUii.mmixorit liuih and pulled up, Isllllll.k ullll 1... I I ... I ..II ......... nun II'MIK IIIIIIIICUIIOll tl) llllll Nunm Homiied to enjoy llm mrformniim imKolyand l.iuuhed al lU cmniunlon'H flniuilori while Miannlini,'. Tlmy then lei .ioniunnatiimii, nntl-d the miv and til I II Itlt .V. I It ..I. Ll... t I . .-,., , ."iiiin,, H ,.t.t ,l HK. "it" . y M"'" "H " w'" f.tiul ho pulled Imek in mu. Ii a iiiainmriiH lo draw tlio ropo du-lit ami nw Hr.iiiKUil, not ityonallempliiiK lo help hlniM-lf witli his illfonaii-oil hand. C'hiof I-Iiiwh promlnoH to delivor Anllov 10 till) WllitllH UK MHtll H 1 1,. ,. , fu,,,,,), 'I imi limit I'miii tlu Hatuliiy Welcome, , V . w,w. "nlher aimiKinK lo imvorty M,i,'L!,,,.,-i 0,,,,,,'IU,N ,oa,l "ii Uoo. II. Williams Hived,, dellxoiwl on odm,la at tho ltopulilKun Statu Con von Ion to a claw of imui, at Uiht an far uslhisciiiit w iHuuvinml, whnoivnly IkwM of (ho i.or of tho'Vaek" and how lowiiit'' U'U "l,v,iun ,l,,v' iw fo "Il may U oxivetod that oIIoiIh will ""lli ' V1".'.'"'".'"' irxM lu, wiin-o rn--W.'iit ( hmlui,d t iION,i our tuw iik and eltio, mid if ihoro aiv anv. whikw oto Vin U iniliionimUiy iimrcoh ttv rtintldoniiion." llow hoiulilu to iH)nt04iipl.ito! Thin fnim the nlih.ii.lv indignant lipn of tho umiioiiui.d mMUt who at the timo of tim limiulklicMli earnual of fnmd ami at the Imlght of ihiIhiohI iMmiptimi in ahini: tun; wIhmi "crxmltnl uliUkv" ....... jhtuw wt h i.rniit, ami -u,hiU woio utc hi tho (ahlutMi Hhon ImuUuhiU wore i1Uh in m llm Au'imo. ami vico rum pain ami ex) iho far4i.m. U S.n,.i..,uhUM,Hlr(jxwlltj M ,,M(; voie, .1. ine. oouilruuiimi (or llu oxulicd i!cv ut I ijivi JuKtUv ij u. ruHa Mit, Wlillu ut llio nuum time tlm Wituki.ia.i mwU ily ,.f Id. inoler u., i,,l iuim ltt-U Mr. Wlict. M,lM. , Wotkiwm ol tin' K. . i I , ii ,i - '.al opittioM, J- iivii H. in .,., i, . i, vtiih :iu ttna,. II -!- Ii.t u ..KuV.. .u.v , iv tfHixi uor-uuMtkui n a luvuix . -OF THK- CHICAGO STORE, ihu to nay to tiiuir jiatroiiH and thu inhllo nuncrally, that thoy aro coiiMtantly recolvlnj' GOODS. SULTAHJF, TO THE SEASON. Wo hiivu Jiint oKjnod ti. a lino llnu of STRAW HATS, which wu will coll at u liin oliuii iii.ihuln IIV-I' I4ltlllllt Wo tnaku u 'SPECIALTY JS i-'iik' Pin iii 'ttuj I . I that Will SURPRISE YOU. JUL Wo buy out BOOTS AND SHOES From tho larueM ami nioft reliahlu Eastern Factories, Which ciiublcH uh to UNDERSELL Our coinx)t!torH. Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not bo indulged in when it coniesto taking out a policy. In the ftrst place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS, With whom to do your business thoso who represent nouo but the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of the oflice of Clopton & Jackson, Tickets W.fiJBysJ Elogant Pullman 8 J hmlitrantHlucplintCiin, runnj prcHH Train, i!?! OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFF3Ali 1'reo ofohnruo ami Clone connections ntlnrtt..j. i Cisco una ri,m hoVJI ---mm Knnt tiollllil PnfpnKfTnrrl... 1 Kiml hoiinil Irnli, ....""' pnrtH ut tliOO p. m. cfn. iiiiii nil PiirKeiiEor nrrlt imrw at AiU, n. m. ""'Iti Wnlla WnllH nml i.ji.. I Leaven at 0:00 n. in. tor W.n1 rlvco at ijoop. m. from WaliitJl I'll Nu.i v.. i. H . . UCfM T mi .... .,,..,....1.1. . . " A. ...w n.Liiiiini i.wiinrf Hu.1. nluhi, in. followm "MM (oiumbla, Moil, Apr 2 Hti.tJ i:oliinit.lii, !rntir, Apr 2 HtiY,,va urenou, r n, amy 4 Colnnbil wiiju. wm Lcnvliin Hpoar ut whwf Hnr J n. til II. rnlli.vrHi n.lM nuiir, nun, Apr 1 OrfioB.lvl i i til inn . -vitttt i nan OrcitomTii, Apr 17 " g& Hlale, Weil' Apr'.V, Or?n , Columl)la,!rh!i,May3 llnten of ru... Iliollldlmr menla ni.B cnnin. . HteernKe, . . , ItouiiiiTrlii.lIiillnilli..l . I . .-v.., li t ilrt lin. t... l lf...lu I . I I.V ,'"..;innifiinnu ntffl of the Compiiny, r A. U &. T. A.. I'Ortlllllll. Itr..nn 1 I' JIXtl mi' ix. ....... i.uia acncial Manager. l'nilllil A nleo, froHh lino of GROCER I ES. Vriot fe Son. W . V. .'Iati.iii'K, ProH J IUus( s ( . s. .Ui-Khox, Vico I'rcH. Jf. M. Ci.wrw, Seev. Umatilla Real Estate & Loan Association ilNCOKI'OUATKIf.i Corner Main and Webb Streets, in E, 0 Building, 1'KNDI.CTON, OUKUON. Land Filings, Land Contests, Conveyancing, and other Land Bnsiness, Attonded to. Tho t'omiKiny has a complolo not of Lnnrl . -f ull railruid landn in thin Hoction. Uw uwmv , , . . -- .. .....i vuiiiury proimrtv. for a hhort or Ion,; limo. Hu-h ami hoIIh ival et;!t., i .. ' , . coiiiury, .t,i;otiatoH Imj-H notof, county Hori., and other mvotiahlo UMATILLA REAL ESTATE & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Pendleton, Oregon. JEWELRY $ JEWELRY! I. ,. 1 1... in i iii.mi XFW xd COMl'I.lTK EVERYBODY COME! v,,, ,, our n-w r.k of WATCHES, CHAINS, CLOCKS, BREASTPINS, FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT W.UtiVi.wuagMu.lllKtbi. ,.,..,.., ,,..,,,, n6N1, lt.....1,,rM:,uuf" wilt HitwJ .nrniiui! UlimUlr. HUU Sou uh 1! To San Francisco, Ily way of the Oregon & Oaliforniill Anil Connrelim The Mount Slinstarl (Julcker In time tlmnmii ilouto, IletWMB POHTLAND AND fl.VN fuM Leavo Portland at 4:00 p.if Through timo. 39 bj Excurslor Sleepers m wiass Fas ongenfl through trains fnl Located in tho EAST OliEfJONT A T l.,i,i; p.wH.. c"arBO. fa) 1W1IUIBIUI1) ftn rron ,.,,, u unro you can liavo any kind ol insurance, whether Fire Ma- rM,-0,""H ""- '"t'CllISM, IUU., , . , , , ... . HecOIHlTlUHH, l.lllllll U rmo, Accident or Liie insurance, done up in TiourTo.nc.i- C'orner Fnnit Front HtrrM i:. i uudiiitH.o. k 4rl lUKOKlir.KU.Mamufr. GREAT OVERLAND l THE Northern Pacific M TIIHOSr.V I.I VP. IIIIN'XM 1'utlmnn Ji!ac iteriiluu dml I lrv....it...i r.'... n..i..i hlrgant .iniIA''J 117 A Jlerlht I'm ll From Oropon .mil Wnshlastttl to ihe East. I Via Ht. Paul and Mlnnepoll. m line riiuiilnif 1'iilacu 1)IdIo(C I, ii . , , , (JtnaU 74 ccnli) It is well to remember that to bo secure you must insure in .,., ti, Kv7r.de rj Oiim aiv.... ti.fiknrtkinB one of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by aVHF?J , Hurl 'Uton. ouliiey. Ht. I.ouli.C-J Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than 5FVlSrtTOPSffiriaSJ!Sfi Are liaulett on regular exprfta the i ciiHro length of the KorlWH VIIIUillli I I.oavo Wallula .Iiiuctlon3:IO.n.j -Urlll! , II, 1(, llAllf,' MlnnenpolU or Ht. I'aul 12:J0 P- luuriuuuy, Connccilon made at HI. Taul oil to nil polnu Kant, South nl I'ACIKJO UXVIHIU.-". rn.i.. ..... .i.ii. nun wm u'uve I'nniiinu ""J."j ln..imiiniHn.wlll.il Tl . M I3LII all potamon l'uset Sound. .1B.J a. if. ."" Qenernl Western Vusnenger MW Wantilnjton St.. Iiirtlaml. ., . W, C. AIi'."WAT.J IVnillfloa.11 APPLE-PIE ORDER! $100,000,000! If you contemplate insurance, call on them and get posted it "-ill cost you nothing. Remember their oflice. is in the EAST OKEGONIAN building, or address t'r-i.ei,t..,nt llnitom pr,.,.M . J. DONALDSON & CO. City Drug store, Pondloton, Or. -IlClletOll, Clopton & Jackson, WM. GARDNER il Sanitary ui leiti tg m Manufactureri of Steam and Hot Heating Apparatu KOH DWKI.UNOS Oil PHUUOBCW heutlaL' Llllldlniw In nnv iiectloncrfll .T. ... H ta.1 .1 11. I OFFICE: l34THIRDSTll Portland, Orogofl. Ton HUNTING w J. vj vXX. iha , thn-,o of any'Wile, ! prlnttH