East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 18, 1888, Image 3

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    ;ESI)AY,APKIL17, 1888.
it auull' 'i 11 nil n urn i dim
.lorn lln'ifllil BCIieniliy, l lllllKn
Islt Will' II "1 I '"""'
oiiiior llii'in ' fi'rvlfo III IiIn
u nit it 1 1 111 iiuuniiif ri'wriinr-
Cuss Matlock's famous mures, Rcpctta
nml Lady Duflby, left on tlio freight this
afternoon for Denver, in clmrgo of Geo.
0. Alkin. Mr. Ciihh Mulloek will louvo
in u fow weeks to bo present ut tlio races
on tlio IMth of May. Tom Matlock's boy,
Jliiunic, will accompany htm iih jockey.
Hill Mays lias Leon exercising lils ar-
ii.-.i.. . ...i.. .I i " it i .. ...
....in umiu iii'ini h iinou ino variouH cuuuiuaicH.
OrcKonmii nrniii" "". , , ... . .i.ii.iu...:
OlllcUllf tllO l'!AT OltCllONIAN MU1 I " t, til l' V."
lMlm 111 I ilrlltlUU 111 lliu .i'llilil"ll .i- i wtim n r.tuuwu, UV4U mu um iiit.il
I'., SOl'illKI IllKir. llliuirwiu UOUSO. 1 no cumuuaius OUglll io an go
lloimrH ll'il'r''' .;.,.,'."11L iindsoo It. uflnr which thnv will doubt-
I..UU ........ rl, ...... .1.1.. ...... 11. I.. II
ivrn luiiiiiin uivuni.j lll.k' ntllll llllll .
Neuglo llros. uro fitting up four largo
wagons for K. L. Wood, tlio shcon Imyer,
who will HturtKiiHt in about ten iluvs with
u largo tirovo of sheep. The wagons havo I
cacn u largo provision Dox, water barrels
and covers, being very convenient for
Merchant:) arc complaining that busi
ness is very dull now-u-days. This is tlio
time of year when farmers uro too busy
to como to town, is tho only way it can
ho explained.
A team ran uwav last oveninir about
dark on railroad street, leaving tho hack
on tlio railroad track. Aot much dam
ago was dono.
Doctors, druggists or others, desiring
"clectriu bells" of any description, would
do well to call on F. T. Drooled, nt this
Jtov. w. L. Potwlno has recently put
an eiceino tioor Dell in tlio Jbpiscopal rec
tory, which is very neat, ehoap and olll
cient. Mrs. II. Marouam, of I'ortlund, well
known here, is visiting Mrs. II. Ii. Dick
ers, on Johnson street.
Fred, llendloy, of Kcho, came, upon
the freight this uftornoon, and will re
turn this evening.
II. L. Carl is having tho front of his
burlier shop neatly decorated.
W. J. Furnish returned from North
Yakima, this afternoon.
A railroad from Hast Portland to Van
couver is talked of.
NliWfl irtiMS.
ih'k has been confined to
i r ..... .1......
...in. ...... ........
t i ill IT u ...lit ....
next Irlduy night.
bricks on tho Matlock-Sarircnt
etc laid tins nioniing.
heironiun force In Portland Is a
tirlntcr. who sots tytw us fast
- ...iii. i..:.. i..
icr tho call for the organization
ratio club to-morrow evening.
inson nas some urst-ciuss iur
ins to rent at tho old postofllco
.. ...... ..1-....4
.... I. ........ l.li.i.. I ...l. i.l 1 1
. . . . . i . . . .
v.. ....... ... . ...... " I
W'l Kust, for t2,W)0.
ant tlio best cup of Java col Too
. ..... i i. i ..... .. ....ii ... irirti....i
i counter, on Main street.
tiilttmi. fiirimirli tvllli Wlt.iAlnr
'ortliirul, is now employed in
iic.4 A Co.'s agricultural Imm-e.
Inney, a Mlssourlan who ar-
lu an Intoxlcu.cd condition,
if.) liy Recorder throws this
court adjourned iwomlav until
April llitli, when it will con
-I 4 i H'.. I 1 ttl
. I. t - . . I .. A .1. I t
1111 If II f II llOItllflOM Willi!!
II.. 11
L'ivod ut tlio poHtollloo conft!(!-
iill to rail anil gxuimIiiu tlin now
J)aviH vortical fowl ncwing inn-
t . .
tho corner of Canlon uimI Tiih
U. K. Carnoy Im a! ho Knlld
imtlal rcHhlonco Jn tlio locr
tlio Daily Kaht Oukoonian.
00 if lit .irrt.if r. o....
itkm. if. it. rmiin oiwi .NUN
(I. HlfirMil thfi nwirtilmr it f 0
NlWI llAitU lilt ntl'll iAiti iiikI
.1 ii . . . i . -"V
- f 1 M 111
Uli Ik VU. 1 UlU UI1 UAIlllJIlIUIl
,-.... et.
ouunt to near it.
.1.. i. i a i ii . it
Ho came from Portland to Tho
ii limn ill Hi.n ii ii iriiiii in.ii'i. nu
... i t . .
I'.vtio llPllll.
To tliu Kdltornf'th.) l!nt OrrRotilnn.
Kcno, On., April 1",
J. W. lleliow has moved out of town
to tho old (!eo. Tribblo nlace.
Hank Means was up from Umatilla one
day this week.
S. Iivorldgo lias sold his butcher shop
to John I.lsle.
Mr. K. 11. Clark, tho telegraph oicrator
ut this place, was over tho mountain it
fow days last weoiSr. Vhlks gono his
placo was tilled by Minis, tho boy oer-utor.
Mr. IX) Cornu and lam Iv li'ft nun iluv
last week for tholr hoiiio'near Spokane.
'PI... Ill 1 I- ..I At'
inj ii in luiuril III llliuill II IllOIllll.
mv. Price, of Helix, was married to
Miss Anna Kcnison last Mondav. Tim
best wishes of your correspondent goes
with them. Thero is rumor of unother
wedding soon.
TllO construction nnmt that urn liivlntr
tho stool rails havo arrived hero. Yester
day was pay day, urid somo of them uro
painting tho town rod.
H. I. I.islo, who went Fast last full for
tho purposo of purchasing stock, arrived
to-day with twonty-llvo head of
Holsti'ln stock cattle. While gono,
Mr. I.islo was In nil of IIia . iirtiu.lii.il
southern cllits and was us far south as
Mexico, and east of Little Hock, Arkan
sas. Ho says thero is no jiluco Insttor than
Oregon. Hiswlfo Is si ill Fast, but will
start out two weeks later than ho did.
llio little "conundrum." iih you uro
pleased to call tho Repuliltcan,ls a father
less pajier, ashamed to show its colors.
The io-son or persons who edit it should
Ihj given a good sound whipping by their
mamma and sent to bed.
Wiur Fm.
O'Nall 111 .Ull.
fchorilT llentlov received word ilitu
morning that Frank O'Xell has just been
committed from Kllonsburg, W. T to the
lutl.ll.x.ll.in. ... W..1I.. M..ll.. 1.1 .1
Niimo of Clerk
P. O. Ad rent.
III? Wllmm
II II A Utiles
C Itnutslmw
(I V ltolllMHOtl
.1 II Kiumu
1" I'Hcott
A Mcltuc
I) M tllwiin
I! II IlrlR.
W II I'ri'olt
1 1 luvlii
I'rauU 'i'li.vlor
A 1 1 ii nl man
A II Dnrt
I N IMii'rklUK
IltMll' (IdOlltllllll
I' H 1'mily
Ii A KiiIiiImi
.1 lIKinllll
1) V lnulu
. 11 lYi'iilcr
i u nuiiii
I", IIimUImi'OIi
Iiilm Allen
II (I Yiiiiltlllil
V V liiitclicr
T.J W lilts
r.I Hull
J 12 lUitlinmlor
Jnmn Hull
1X1 Hull
T 11 'U
V I) IllKlKOIl
It Klntioy
.1 V Muniiiln
I) W llnrrlfl
A It Kcltli
h wiitprninn
V II Mays
Cum Culllion
It Miui'll
liio wiirzor
Diivlil MrCnrty
W M IllHkck-y
.1 M Vlki-r
I I. Kllllllll
I A Orimi
M A llrywm
I It lliilnl
I llnkiT
V () Wnrrcn
W V Kern
i: I. Smith
II I. Munttnii
T .1 Twcciiy
W It Anion
I. lliitchlnooii
A Ii KwlliK
ii r win men
i: IKIikhIiiiiiii
S W IIiiwii
W A Wi'llsJr
(I W Iteiilloy
.1 II DavN
A II l'lilmvr
l'l-ot ltoek
AVnlla Wnlla
t "
AVnlla Wnlla
'A llll 111 H
Wulln Wnlla
Wet oil
Pilot Hock
I u til per
Pilot ltock
M l ton
IMIoL Huclt
I'eiiil e on
Wnllu W nlla
T Oheiielinlu
(' lIHImillvilllt
II II Hwnrtz
M ! Killer
.1 II .MurrlKiiii
A U IleiiilerMon
ii. nii.1. ii. .I...
(leo (llljsoii
M M Wyrlck
A lin
Wnlla Wnlla
ml cton
Pilot ltock
Wnlln Wnlln
Pilot Itoek
enlerv II In
Wnllu Wnllu
! ii.7 21)
lilt 00
llll IK)
111 N)
fi.M (X)
I.M -til
I'll 10
llll (II
nil io
an (4)
107 i
km w
'07 HI
till (Ml
mm w
pi ai
jut 10
170 (X)
HO 110
I'M 40
m im
list 'J)
i::o 40
2:11 40
TVS 80
12 40
(i ai
I'll w
204 hO
ISO so
lt-0 H)
it M
m m
101 00
II 40
107 no
1117 CO
107 ft)
1517 20
111 '.'O
12.1 00
IKS 20
in 00
av. 00
21 10
INI 80
1711 110
241 40
201 20
270 E0
1.12 H)
2I2 00
220 I0
f'ft 20
nto 10
lFlt 80
111 Ml
201 W
w ro
I S3 M
vsi m
I. T2 Ml
12') 20
I I. 1 m
111 .'()
lftl 20
132 SO
ir, ui
170 IV)
322 (XI
1.10 40
120 20
IS I 40
18.1 20
172 40
104 IX)
1711 110
107 M
111) 40
l.-Jl 40
201 20
III 20
21.017 20
Amount Kir crplta, f.1.00; each district
K)0.00. W. M. Piimci:,
Sclus)! Suji't.
HoUI Arrlvalf.
JlowjiAS HousB, A li Stanlov, Alkali;
M J Gooilo, O H & Nj Geo Jones. (1 l!
Adams, Pilot Hockj (jam (leorgo, llultcr
Creek; WosloyJ HeirinxJunlp'jr; Harrv
.Scott, Pomoroy; S P Jones, Walla Wulla":
KS Cmioll llrovolund; J W Warnlck
and who, Sheldon: Geo Smith, W A
Johnslon, Tho Dalles; Stovo Walko,
Mlllon; II J Miller & daughter, Spring
Held; V II Whitman & family, Contar
villo; John McCaul, Hciipuer; Miller,
Poithindj.SL Khort, Ixaifs Olwilt, KM
S:OJ Harrison. Iloston.
(!oi.i)i Hm.iv-Fratik Drown, Thomas , the centor of tho
uiompsou, .aurando; O II l.'umpbell. Mistilct, was tho sceno of tho ti.ipdv.
ranc s Mclntyro, Cold Hgrlng; V It ' Itofenfold Is a iiiomlter of a woaltliv po
Laiubhth, Prospect l arm; J Doyno, It ! tiolt f.unilv. Ho has been unablo to
Slllilll, C II Kct'd. Jllllies Lllko. Pilot lulu 11 imixIHiui Ioml. fnrtlin mint liv vn.i.v
I liiHJk; S A Crowner, I'nialllla; Jiiiirm , on account of ihinkini:.
1 O'lirien is again in jail.
Tho First National Hank of St. Johns
vllle, Vt was robbed of 10,000 Friday
Mis. Kliza Ilambuig, of luisvillc,
K v., aged 74, alteinptcd to start a lire
utthcoidoil, and was burned to death.
A lUtccn.yeir-old Negro stole a child
tin co years old at Louisville, Ky. , and
was hiding with her, oxiK'ctlng a toward
when dlscoveird.
In 18.VJ Hlchard h. Woollon, Kit Car
son's old partner, drove H.UOO sheep
oveilaud to California, and made $40,000
out of the venture. Ho did well, in spite
of tlio low turlU'on wool.
Congressman Huttcrworth shouts,
"With free wool what U11 become of our
men and boys who teudsheep on a thou
sand hills V" This excites a smllo that
can bo seen with tho gas turned oil".
A special Philadelphia dispatch savs:
At last it is settled that Soeiuturv Havard
is to mary Mrs. Folsoni, mother-in-law of
I'resnietit iJlovcianii. reparations lor
tho coming marriage uro being uuiotlv
made and it' is no longer a secret among
the Delaware loiatives
The history of Saratoga, Kan., givos
ono uu i'lea of tlio staiiiiity 01 a "Doom"
in many 01 tlio western towns. A year
ago it hud a population 01 ',oUU una a lulr
tirosjicct of becoming the county scat,
lint another town secured tho prize, and
now there are only 150 pcoplo who claim
Saratoga us tliclr Home.
Knuto Nelson, tho Republican con
givssnian from Minnesota, mode hi'i
naity friends uneasy tho other day when
ho said : This country has grown for tho
last twenty-llvo years as no country has
over grown before. It was tlio great freo
public land and tho immigration which it
uttni-tcd that has built up tho country,
and int tlio turi'l' tuxes,
Ilattiu Woolsloin was aiintittcd Fntur
day at Los Angeles. .She wan on trial for
the minder 01 "Doc" Harlan, a dentist.
Her story is that hu ilrst drugged and
outraged her; and uflurwanl. when she
hadlK'ou peistiaded to rldu with him, ho
(Iron' 11 til'itol to lot 00 her to submit to
him, but in tho sculllo the pistol wa:i dis
charged, killing Harlan.
At Washington, D. C, Saturday, Mrs.
G. Hulkloy coiinnittcd sulcldo by taking
poison. .Mrs. Lulkloy was the only
daughtor if Ju.lzo Curtis J. Hlllyer, anil
hor cloiement with youm: Uulkfoy somo
months ago caused ipiito a sensation,
SI10 KCnualod from him ufler marriago
and went to hur father's liouso. V fow
days afterward she went tollvo with him,
and after a short time again returned to
her parents.
At Kansas City, Mo., John Uogurd, 10
years old, pleadei guilty to murder in tlio
Ilrst degree. Ho was sentenced to hang,
llogard held the hands of James Weir, at
Inlo)H)udonce, Mo., while C'liarlei K.
Meyer struck him on' the head, killing
him. Mover was tiled last week, con
victed and sentenced to hang. IIolmkI Is
tho youngest person ever sentenced to
hang in Missouri.
Tho visible supply of uruiu in the
United States and Canada, compared
with (ho san 10 1 1 mo last year, as compiled
by tho board of trade, is us follows:
Wheat, IW.OOO OOO, a decrease of 18,000,
000; corn, 8,000,000, a decrease of
000,000; oats, .'1,500,000, u decreases of
1,000,000; ryo, JWO.OOO, a decrcaso of 10,
000; bin ley, l,'j:0,000, an lucrcaso of
In the presence of hundreds of iicople,
on tho busiest thoroughfare' in Chicago,
Simon Kosonfcld, a traveling salesman,
stablied himself to tho heart with a pen
kulru Saturday and fell to the ground
dead. Statu stroot, near Washington,
lasiiiouaiiio slinppln
Russell Ik, Co.,
-Ill'IMlMtS W-
Eiigines, Threslaers and Sawmills
"ALSO l)i:.VI,l'.H8 1N-
... ........ ........ .... ,,. , . ... .-111W11U, M I. 11. u I '
" "c jvst wiikoon- years ior titiempllng to kill ills consort by 1 ri " S . Vn i-V,. J .L.... ',,,' ' , , '. 1 Jim " Uiirtcen Cluli," with lis lliiite 1 1
onday evening was well at-1 trim: nut. Ho was trloil nml fomul f.nliiv limc.vdo.;. J H milker, PC ( ulum.iu, J ouch boiiouet. llilrtuen courses and thlr-
tllO lirC.'raill L'OOd. 1 hnm fnr llm lmvntii' nf ,1 i...,,l (rn... I I." flCAOIIS, lOhl'jrVIIIO. I. .mi l.t.iwtu liii. I llu .'.iv.iiili'.ll.ul .....Mll.l.-I
. ....-. . "-v".-. """".""' viiitm. 11..11W.. w 1 m. ......... 1 11 .""-".'..""."' v
iv 1 iiiiiirw'rur .uwrif nn inmi. t i nirui i . 111111 nr inn iinwi .r niu nui..nui ' : . -. - , - ' . iiiTiiiitp in aiiu' i trk t v. ?vii iiiii.'ii. 1 1
. HlO llim- liniiu Xlll.l.l nululrnl WHS UWllItillt? Illll lll-llllll ,lf Ilin or.ni.l . ... 'l.' ' .' 1 "M1.'1 J J 00 . MJWlMIHtt'llI . I W11M tllll I'ltll tin V llf I ll'.' Illlllll 1 1 Illlll nil
' . . .. ------- -- . t .... . - i i iinn. .iniiii iviinnii. f-nn i. r!iii..id.(. ,i .... . ..... . . : .... i
uiTiv miiwii iih iivur iiio i fwtn iui.i. uu ioiiiuii nu iiuoiiuiion in kiii i . ... .. . ....... .7.' . . . I'liiiu . in ik u.ir iui uiiro tnuuin. iiini
Idaho, Nevada, .Montana and wim tho sumo ono that was mixed up In I i., w, i Vi ' ! U' ! -'' l ,,lr "ul ' f,,'l "o'"-)'
t. . .. . " . ' . lvi..ti ...... . . V" I IVILIIHILH! WlllllilU. illlllll I II ''jiltli . .. - ---- --- - ,
liiuuv in im (irvtiHL i)i i)Miro4. ' iuii wn inu uiiiv 1111111 w:iiniii nam in iv ,.. .... .. . . - . ,. iit'cii. unu 111 inn uri'Jiiiui
ity Democrat: Tho high waters to' "' w,,n?' ,Sc.U,,ml J',,H '"" Salem. ' ' ' !!,1,,t'1"1' i"1"1 itly, and Kosaw Conk-1
I iiii, iiuuiiiur niuiiioui, nun very in. I
. . - r--- --- .tin. .... r. .. .. .. : i it . ...i. .r.. . .ii . . ..
. .....w. ...... ... . ,y,ii,,i i. . , , .
" . .. .... : I .vi.li.itli... ,.F l.lu ...... I. ....... ...!...!
in rivir nniinu in I Tiutitir....... I .i'......v.. ... ...n rum.-iuu tui iiiukiiiiiu
riuiiH limn ill lip ii.niirw.L nml
.1.. I.J....I.... I ....
- I . , , . 'ii . . .
...i." - ...i.t .i. ..... . . -
V. II. II. V ,U.n, IIIIU UAI Ul tUi l
no ikjiig win woiL'ii lit inuHt
-I, which ulvos somo idea of
a limal of which it was a part.
ts. Jackson uro in receipt of a
"supply case" and glass sign
"California lusuranco Com
is mudo of black walnut, beau-
v ii i.inua iiiiii. iiits.ii it-i.ir.1.
11 I f I H I rll .1 I n Id n A.h III t.
IIH ku.fl la nt rrl.iuu m..l nf llunf
Surveyor J. C. Arnold this
I'M in inn 1 1 rn I'tinr irnoi'
route will leavo the old road
bench near tho top of the ridgo
.IuiIum Umiixiy.
flakor City Democrat.
Judgo Hanisov, tho .domoiTatic nomi
neo for distilct Judgo, isa lawyor41 years
of ago, and for many years has beon rec
ognized by tho bar us one of tho ablest
attomoys in tho state, and as proof of the
esteem in which he has licon hold the
records show that he has beon t'liiployed
on ono side of any case sent from East
ern Oregon to tho supremo court for
many years anil ho lins Is'cn very suc
cessful lwforo tho court. IIo is not a pol
itician, and thoso who know him sav ho
is a lawyer of oxtonsivo luipiiienipnt'aud
his integrity has novor Iteen questioned.
Tho cry of "carjiet ltog-jar" does not air
ply to him for ho did not seek tho nomi
nation and hu has been a rouident of Ore
gon since 18.51.
Pertinent Quettlona,
From tlm Ochoco Ittnlew.
Voters of Crook county, what is J. N,
Dolph doing for you in Congtess? Is ho
representing your interests in oxerting
himself to defeat tho forfeiture of tlio
road laud giants? Is ho furtlieriuL'
t side. The proposed chance your Inteiests, while acting as so-
the road nlioiit thron tnll I licitor for tlio N. P. and O. H. &. N. Co.
an eqally good one, and avoid keeping back tho completion of tho
ii win 1 1 mini inn nmuAik i i .imi'.'i ih ih'wh r mi v n i u uu 111111 in m.
N'fitlilut tt ,11.,. ..r
yXito I Headstones, Monuments
Illllllk 1)1 II1U l.lllfM!rill!V III Ijri'L'lltl. III! I '
can not help but fcul that tho Democratic
p.nly is doing all that is ohsiblo for tho
jxMiriimn. The other day we overheard
a bloated monopolist on a small scale,
ridiculing the Democratic party, becain-o
it could not raise enough money to carry
an election with; becauso ho said tho
party is coui0!cd of jsior men. We ad
mit it and by tho help of these same poor
men we Intend to roll up a good Demo
cratic majority in supiiort of the plank
which reads:
Itesolved, That wo most earnestly and
iiuoiiauucaiy emiort-o ine policy oi luriu
Marble and Stone
l'or ileHlKim nml nrlt'CH rotiiult Ji'ni.0 I-'ull.
llll', Mlllll htrt'Cl, I'ClllllCtOII, IvitillllllCH
ulvi-ii (iii Mono work for luillillimt. fe.t
mi'lutr.ii mi. I r.t.l ii.t I...1 ..f II... u...-..l.. " '
rovonuo to tho neeiN of tlio government, Thf) PPHfif Bf fill MfOT niHUnRnV
economicallv administered, as het furtl! 1 110 DIIUID1UII ITllgi UUIIIjailJf,
I., .i. . i. tS .. . . ...
in mo rresiueni siuki annual message to
- 1 t t. .1. C .... .1... . .
main in uiu runaio n no is your inemi
and you want him again to misro.nresent
.ii... i.
resorve. Tlio work of HiiIkIi. I .. .. .i. i. .!.: " . 1.7 ,' " ,
la llAlHt'Ail s-vt .tnnn. l il. . ' . I
the rese'rvation not being all i uayotJ"ne-
mil win Hiifiw lrnnT ii tw I... . n -.ii.i .1 . ,
, . ., 7, 7 1 j ' vjcii, uiduiiii, Luitiiiiuiiiiiuu' 1110 uowan-
ine i ih surveying party. ment of the Columbia, has been boverely
matll a county, which, when I JmbHcan nomine for llm ln.'inlnt
' 'T: 11'" " .. 1 ' I Every vote for a liepublican legislate
congress, no peiiovo tiuit sucii a re
vision is dictated by sound policy, ami
that uniieccsnury taxation is iiujutU taxa
tion and oppression, and public revenue
should, as far us ixjssiblo, bo deiivel from
taxes levied upon tbeliixuriesrutherthau
on the necessaries of life,
A poor muu has no luxuries, and tho
Republican p.irtv in order to help our
home manufactories whoso capital nun
up into the millions, protects them and
jkiuih money into their coIioih which i
sucked from the arteries of the laboiiug
classes. Protect our ioor men and tax
our capitalists would lie a better scheme,
At Kmeryvillo, a small town in Alame- j
da county, a few miles from Oakland, i
Ixmis Hansen, whose wife recently so-1
cmed a divorce from him and afterward
married J. C. Gardnor, went to the hotel .
wncro ills loimor wito mid husband wi-re
Machine Work or All Kinds
Dono promptly.
I'uttorna inmle. Ilrpnln to fitrm iimi'lilnery
mid miiuliliiery ot ovory ilikcrlnllon u
dun-urn 'or
Work Jtetisoiiiil.fi',
Lunch Counter,
Muln SlriM-l, I'anilleton.
G. D. RICHARDSON, Proprietor.
lIciulqiiiirtrrK for Koreliru Hint Ionictlo
I'rulK, CHticIlt-M, Cniintxl lioO'lK, unit Nut.
At tho Lunch Counter,
Vou can nbtulii cild boiled hum, cold vplcctl
bret, plckleil iik' i"-t. x'iicIIiik, nytlurx,
1 . a.. ...tn.ci..
'51" .- .-z.'r;: - -- Ul THE MARKET.-
Wo have the licst Flraw Ilurnlug l'mgirm in the World.
Russell & Co.,
mhlOdiw 100, ltl'J, 1(11 and ltW Front .-stro-t, PORTLAND, OREGON.
Wo are receiving, iiluu st daily,
Goods Direct from the Eastern Manufactories.
Our stock lll Ik) new in design and complelu in assortment, consisting of
Whatnots, Brackets, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc
Also a complete line of
Carpets, oil cloths, linoleums, shades, portieres,
ana upnoisterers' goods.
Forbes & Wheeler,
Association ltulldiug, Pendleton, Or.
Groceries, Vegetables, Fresh Fish
D. KEMLER'S Grocery Store, on Court Street.
Fine Spices, Fine Coffee, Fine Tea, and Everything Fine that a First-class
Grocery should contain.
Call on me it" i want (Insu'iies clump. D. KEMLER.
ItCNIlV HTOVHII. I'rt'Kllll'lll.
i:. J.HOMMKIIMI.I.K, Vli'O I'lTHlilenl.
I'iikii Paoc-Tuhvin, Ht-cichiry.
Jacoii 1'iiai:ii, Tit'imurvr.
The Farmers' Custom Mill
This new mill is now ninniifact tiring Hour liy tin lutcst Improved methods
Flour and Mill Feed Always on Hand
We solicit a share of puldlu putrouugo.
stopping and in a lit of lealousy hot them M K'eVi.'ra.":
bolh. Ho then turned the weaiwn en mka iifrrimr, bniul umi bitter, ic.
lownsmps, HU nail a dozen I censured l.V Pc.t;irv Kmltmit nml I'roa. . liimlf nml fell In tin. Ilnnr itnail. liunl
more, are. numerous, while Jdent Cleveland for granting, a pardon nor and his wife are still alive, and it is
jog in all manner of shapes. contrary to orders. I believed they will recover. i
House Open Day and Night
I.uiicutu from 5c. upward.
Sash, Doors, and Building Material,
A.t TiottoriL Pi'ices,
Stoves and
Deal, O'Reilly & Co.
Will show you a LARGER STOCK at Uwer Prices, Wholesale ami Ilctall
than any House in the Northwest. '
iecond and Yamhill .... Portland, Oregon.