WKDNKSDAV. AI'IIII. Ik, Issh. iiah.v an i) H);.Mr.'.vi;i;Ki,v, IIVTIII! Cmt (Irrgunlnii I'litilMiliiK .'iiniiniy, I'ttNlll.HTO.V, .... (MINION. "I l IIAII.r NUIIM'ltltllO.V ItATIMi Onn ropy per yctir, by until. Oiiiiropy nix iiiiinlliii, liy mull ; din-ropy piTwri'lc, iy nirrii r. aj HIiibIu mi iiiImtm I HKMIWi:t'.Kt.r Ht'lWCItlCltH.V It.lTIJIi Our copy per year. !2 ') Onn copy -Ix mould I Hllll(! lllllllllTM (ft Premium paper free Inyinrly niiun Hhi. AIIVMiriHIMI II.UIH! (;; Athrrlfrrmrntt.) One Inch, or lifi, III H-iiil-VV'l(ly per imiiiiII i'i 'i One Inch, or Ifm, In Dally jut month t fin Two Inrhi-K, or li', In Imlli, per niiuitli... 3 l Orerlhrrjiiehc,Hi'iiilVit'I(ly, per Inch lTIIIlllll I it Otrr llirrn IiiuIick, ll.illy, per Inch pfr niiuitli I Vt Ofer tlin o liivhm, In both, per Inch per iniilltll t 71 Holld nonpareil ndvrrtlM'inrnti III Ht'lill" Weekly or Hilly, flint liiM-rtlnn, jitr Inch, t.W, rueli milM-iiii'iit IiihtIIoii, Vie. Ih'I notice, li'ii renin pfr llnu each In sertion, ItOHCOi: CO.NIU.l.NO, Another onn of Amerlcii'H truly ireal iiu'ii Iiiih Konu froni.tuilli Ii!h Hjiccclicrt (Muled, III unrk ilono, IiIm career clopi'd. ItoHcou (. 1 1 1 k I i 1 1 wan liorn in Alltany, N. Y., OelolierliOtli, I8'.".l,uiiil mum there- foru in liiri oIHli year. 1 1 In father licforc 1 1 1 1 1 1 was a illntlirjiiMiril lawyer, iiml for ii tlinii a nioiiilMir of (,'oiiii."H ami Inn uldiir brother, 1'ieilciii k A., la cclclirntcil an a noIiIIui, m'Ii'IiIIhI, mciclmiit anil 1 m 1 1 -1 tlclnn. ; .Mr. ConkliiiK wiih elecleil Piatrict At-1 tornoy fur Oncld.i I'oimly when twenty uiiu yciiiH of iio; wiih not lung ufler mayor of I'I lea for two lenni, and en tered ('oiircfn in lN.'i!l, at tliu ii,'(i of thirty. Ilu was loeleclcil in IHilil, ilu foaU'd In I Kit" I iy I'raiiclrt Kurmtn, Ills law partner ami lirntlicr-iii-liiw, hut was itH.iln i;lccleil in IHUI and lHiill, hut in I8i)7 wiw cIiohcii I'nlk'il Slates Senator, which xiHitioii ho liolil till ho M'Hlniu'd in IHHI, owing to a ilki;ri;cincnt with l'ru.tiduut Ci.irlluld alxiut Federal patron-, ui?o in Nuw York. During IiIh twenty yearn of public Hcrvleo hu was rccogni.cil as u leader of tho Itopulillcan parly, and its ahlext und nolileat ono. I'roud almoxt to liatij;lili- iichh, willi liuiueiiMi Helf-rnteuiu, he was a man of tlm highest integrity ami honor. In Now York ho was for nearly two do- cades not only a trusted leader, hut an uhsoluto master. Against ('oukliuV niinplu word of command no ono dared lift a voice, lie was u litlciuu. Ilu believed in ornanlzalion and in Nvidiitn ; liu nought to create and maliilalu in opei- at Ion a peat political inaclilne through- out the Kmphti Stale, of which ho nhould Im tho dlreclor. Yet lie aimed only at party hihwm, Iwause he Imlluvixl in the principle of Ids party ; not al nueec.H fur the mere Kile of itpoils. Ilu was not i i ii. . toiiui, nun ue u.is never won ticeuhou oi t iiisuonor in all Ills public llle. When It was attempted to encroach uhii w hat he considered his Nitieal proi.willws he Iiauj5litily locinued hli neat in the Senalu, nought a viiKliiMtl.ni hy iooloctiuii, hut fulled, ami then, ahandouiuK Hililics, de voted liiniM'lf to his piofewlou I'ouklinK wai one of IIiumi men who, if any moHida may, hail a ritiht to Ui pmud, and lnoxpccl defeience and iiWhIIuiiiv. IIU it ihlo picHxiiio mid ixiuitly iKiailng went imt all, within lliero wan a ndjhty Intellect, one lh.it Iirh had hut few cuuii turiMils in hin axe ami nener.it Ion. Ah an orator, he wu prolmhly wllhoul a peer ! lu tho nation at the tliue lie lloiinclied. A a a politician and a xtutiwuuu, lie innkml iIihI. A a lawyer ho had few . If any, HU.o.i,.(. , ilut the pr,.ud and the mighty, a, well ' a, tho wuil and the hutnhle, , , ut a ik hm. Tho glau. mind fough, llH1Cai,U Hi. i uiiil.i.in i.i....i .1 ,.i i,... i i.. Ilirt wukU. himUshU, UU name, will ,o unrolleil litgli on Amorieu'H TemiJe of l time, imoue o tlm nioct IIIiuhu.iih f her mum. ri;iuti imti m. AiiMfsioN, WhyMuHild Ukuta, Montana. Wah lunlon and New Movteo, with an uirii wito uipulatioii f Itw llwii that .4 the mty of I'luhnlflpliu alone, imiiu in iim Slutw and liate eiiiht 4i in the I mud Hate Senate, when HiihuU'lpliiii. with a larger p(ilatiiui Ihan Hut of the fmir now Slate cmiliiiiwl, lmi i,v a fraction of ono Seimliir? And whv klitaild iIum fiMii imw Mat, witli lo tlwtn tKi nm. latlmi of thin city. Iwive twelvo voten in the IIIih Um-mI I'olleitt', in the elm timi vi a J'uijaitoni. wlien VhiUWiiiua liiu not half a mn fm her Urger kiimUtiou? I'hiladelpliia Tiiim. Tliln in a mii1c of iIk jiieody, narrww KeHU-liiiewi of ton nmny pivplo and ptipim in Undent cities. Wli, tlum, should little Kho.li. Ikland, willi uk gitideu kitcU of turiiu-ry and il ST.'mvo puplo, liao two Smatorh? Or Vermont with ita lXK)lnhaliitaiilH?Orwliat jiutiiv in thero in leoplni: P.ikta. willi ilu 100,000 pivplo, or WanhliiKtini, with ita Isn.tVXi, or Men tunu.wlth tta HO.OOO, or Now Moxu-o, with it l.M.tXK), lit u territorial coudttieu. when Keviulu with only oO.OOO eoplo, has Stutehood and two ftjimlorH? If a few of thoso I'hlliidelphlit und Now Yoik and Huston editorH would tuko u trli of obsorvutl'iii through O.ikotu, .Montana, WiiMhliiKlon mid iNow Mexico, jiorhajH tlioy would hcin to reulizo tlmt Philadelphia, Now Yoikmid lloston nor jot tho ureal Mates end oi mo .mihfih clppl wciu not tho only regions hetween . the (k-uiiih worthy of u rcprcMJiitution 1 and a voice. I ISut loaiiHWcr inoro fpeclllcally, In ii wold or two, tho Times' iUoHtloiis: These ' T.,r.lli,i!r.w xlu.lllil Ik. ni I III 1 1 1 ll I Mllll tfivi'II , ' , , , .. , ,.. . . , a Jailer jsiwer and voice in national ulIairM ) nvcaiifu oi uieir :reiii exiem, uiu imreij and diversity of their lenouncH, their wealth of agricultural and mineral pio- .!.! .......... II... .....!..!.. I duels, and their eullicient ami rapidly growinn population. Kach of them lias more populatiiiu 1I1..11 many of tho other Slates when admitted, and tho l'lilladel iihlu clum who wioto tho foregoing ipies- tioim may alfo need the liifoim.ilioii that this isipulation will rapidly mid wteadlly 1 IncieiiKo. Tho Kratn, the cattle and tho 1 hoihcn, the gold and wilvcr and tnoio tliau thi.'ho, the jieople of these Breut tcr illories are entitlcil to oijnal recognition 1 and lepresentatlon with New Hampshire, ' Veiiuont, Itliode Island, Kloridu, Col , orado, .Nevada, Oiogoti, or any other Slate, unless our nyhtem of representation Is at fault altogether. I'm each political paity is afraid tho other will aiii soino advantage. The ltepuhlleaiis want to divide Dakota and admit it us two States, thus making four 1 ! moie Kopuhlicau I' tilted States Seiiatois. 'In this tho l-'emocnits ohjeel, and we 1 diin't hluuiu them. Senutor VoorhceN' 1 (imposition to admit all tho four terri tories ahovo named was not only justice to them lutheahstiact, hut fair pilitieally. Dakota N lately liepuhltcan. .Montana und Now .Mexico ate Demociatle by con- iiiderahlo, hut not larpi, uiajoiilieH. WashhiKtoii at tho last two elections has returned a Deiuocialie dcliwito lo (.'on Kress, hut on a npiaie parly vote on Na tional issues it is undoubtedly itepuhll can. '1 his plan would llieu ive neither laityuu undue udvantage, and would Kivo. tlie-o piosperous and growing terri tories what they are m justly ileiuaud lK. Tho rhlladclphiu Times clam better rutin) within his shell ami contemplate for u few J ears, if a hail stone should happen to drop 011 him ho would even fniK'et that ho lived in the only place on eartli wortli mentioning i'lilljilelphla. A. II. M.mooN, Hepuhllcan caudldato for joint Senatotlfor I'matllla and Union countioK, is merely an employe of a Tort land business house, stationed wherever thoy need his services. Tor a whllu ho was ut Walla Wulla, then at Weston, then at Pendleton and now at LaUnitulo. All hlsintereslHln this country are merely (ho InterostH of Staver it Walker, of Port land. The eoplo of I'matllla and Union counties will prefer to U represented hy a Isiua lido resident onu whoso wholo InterostH are here and Identical with ours. I .Multnomah county has ipiltu a Hiillicient ' reproseulatioii aheady, without electing a . member of a Portland llrm to the Senate ( j 1st of the mouutaiiis. Mil. Pi'i.ny.uit, proprietor if the Now York World, Iiiim icceully putvhaHed a ' ! hlm k in I'ark Itow at a emd of tWt.iKi i, I and will at once creel thereon anc. ;.; per hulldinn cohtliiK a million Io1I.uk. I ,Tlu hliK'k was heretofori' occupied hv "I'liinch'H Hotel" jiiht adjacent to the j ic .Now oik entnimn to tlio llrooklvu h'idjie.a place familiar In many WVi-ter ennwliohavi) Mu Now Yoik. In a few montliH Mr, I'uliWcr will Hnjrt the lhut iie.iior hoin-e, an he ala'iidy Imk the niealit uewHpiiHf, lu America, 'f ""' ' I.i.nn counly eiindidatort aro to make a ; joint eanvaiin, IkhjIuiiIii May :t,t and 1 .in. Hi... I M I Ill it i . " ', ",":" , lb. k" , T''W TtT VT tm"n mku T " auit.. T,ll! j'h "hide im ki.v yehUirilav , ; "hi'MiU t Andrew I'mnivieV woulili riuit wimlu t.iiy half the farmers in Ore pn." Tlie woul farnid, itmlead of faun en wan int.'iuled. FRED. GERBER rroprlrtoroftlie f in i-rennn HeStaUratlt ox . lid Jn .sm-r, lu-ndlilon, .....It., l: . ''- ..Ai,lr' , lu "'.Imirttiil; ,ut ii. J,,!!..,,,.,,., !!fi ,l;,,K!Mm M,u "l ",,v ""ur! 'iy a pi Miii i-Kvnixu . i MERCHANT TAILOR, rciKtloU.ii,Oi. koii, Mm St., near Webb. a nxi: stock or ooons Jnt fielved. Satisfaction Cuarnntood ! I In overy purl ojlur JACOBS 01 LUMBAGO LAME BACK. I I : J. H. KOONTZ, De lo In GENERAL Anil Proprietor of tho Henrietta Homing Mills, ECHO, OREGON IllRlient cnnli prlro paid for uriiln. (Jrnlium, Urnmiliiicii ami HMifTixmic (lour In stock. Corn meal, Chop Kecl, vie. for milr. AKcnlx for Kimpp, llurrcll A Co'.i Anriculiural Implements and Bain Wagons. Arc prejiared to ship wheat or receive Grain for Storage Grain (fiwUs unit Hun-esters' 8upplIo at lowest Prices. Fitmll Groccrle it Siteclnlti. At Less Than Cost! Wc liavc determined to close out our entire Mock of BOOKS! Cotnprisin the 11' you want Jioolw, call and SCO US. ::-!L8Gzer Kuebler, Sncccssnrs to V I". Oh ilk. T7F. ROliRKE, GRAIN MERCHANT. IllKhent marktt price puld for all Kind of G lil A. I 3ST. rye farMi'S"'" llnTVmrV".,'!iVi7AVi1. imiiiiti wn t. uiiMit is iiwt ii... ,.;i,;t.. hay! " nrJl-cl'""i 'luallty of OKr'ICK AT W.vUKHOUSK. I'KNDl.KTON, ' ulyl if OHKGON. James Crawford, .Miinuriiftnrer of and Dealer In Harness, Saddles, Srid'e;, Whips, Etc., rents and Waeon Shoots for Salo A PJIianitOOKPKIOES. Odd Kellowt1 UiilKltiic, Main trest. Ju51 I SJ g. 8. 52 I I1 I. li-X I" If J -1 ft J Sow - i Q 3 Yl 3 a2 ? W '; H - CO fS - T ; y n MERCHANDISE BQK BOOKS LeadingAuthors&StandardWorks THB PBHDLETOK NATIOUAL Pendleton Baths, SInlu Ktrect, I'didleton. Are now open und ready for btine. Newlr of i U$M&1 nUe,, l"' ,0f "", co,l :' w llrttlU, 3Vt Hlmvliiir . it.. ILir-cutilns . lVu hlmni Vil,,,: t.en l-oiim, . . t -i' I erad y tlmf iu han Uoaty. H. L. CARL. Propriotor. Pianos, Organs! Holit 1)- MIKiS BROS & CO., Aro Fully Warrantod. And n thto (Inn's guaranto H worth IWrciiW on (lie dollar, Ciey wilt lirtlxlk' only Firsfc-Olass Uoods We have romp to slay. Wo liuv adopted for our motto. "IIoncM rit'iillliKiiml fair prlcei. We buy xtrlctly forensh. Wc hIiiiII glT iurchneri the benefit. Wo can soil you an Organ or Piano on monthly in stallments. The lnt (Irand Medal plvmi hy nny noclely wiih awarded tho Klmhall Urpin. The lnwl kIoIc of thcp Jutly reltlirated Orpin" ever on cxlilhltloii In hunt em Orcuon nl our ware- room". Mims Bros. & Co. sign" of the golden boot. A.. HJEA-LIuY t'KACflCAI. BOOT & SHOEMAKEH Main and WehliMlrecli. KiiHtern 31 mlo KmitN nmt Hhoi'H In Hlnek. l'crfrct (II Giinrantei'd. NEAGLE BROS.; HiiccecnorH to MAltSHA LLiVt SOX., BLACKSMITHS -AND- Wagonmakers, Corner Main and Water HI',, Pondloton, - - Orogon All klmlH of llliickniiillliliiid'ldono In the hetnnd iiroiiint milliner. Wiihoiim. itnuulcM and IiucIim miuhi loonier. ltepitlrhiv a Sjtecliltjf. I'a rticul.il attention to ho nliucln . inch I Blacksmith Shop, Next door to Hammer A tm'Ktiihle, corner Cottonwood and AHu HU., l'ondlcton.Or. ALL WORK WARRANTED, And ax cheap an tho chriipcst. Olvo u a trial nml ho convinced. Home Shoeing and 1'low Work Given Hpccl Attention. McEochorn & Thomson, Alta Mtreet, - outli of Court Houo Main Street, l'eiidlctou, Oregon, Tra sacts Conoral Bankiner Business. Prudent, JamHtkk... v.,,. C-.,l,ler. (Ho.V.H.-.rox ! ColleetUmH Mudu on !" to ruble. flfSl iHailOnai BailK. -OK l'KNIU.KTON- t.KVI ANKEXY, Preideut. Jacoh kkaujcu, Vlce.'r.-l.fc w .... i, irniihuci h Kei.erai luuklns taiine. FHT-T A -NTf-l Tranmict h Kei.erHl luuklns taiine. . a.'i On nil HHrtHiif the wn. BOUGHT AND b )LD t'ollcctloiiN Jlmlc at nil l'oliitn uu IteaHouubli. teriiiH, PARTIES ! Having kohU khluped from rnotcrn cltlrs via rortlaml. cn havo fmifiii imi.i and ov rclutm ndjiutnl, and forw,ir.'.iii: lll-. ill'.l I.I I fS.ni.MI ... . ' ii .ri on 0Lira.f!ii!ITING- flltOCEIUKS A SI'KCIALTV. Huylnir und Selling done on Commlsilon ROBERT BOND DCAI.KK ;.V . BEEcFirPrRn,TT0N' VEAL. SAU SAGE. DRIED MFATC I inn FrazsOjieraHDiise Monday & Tuesday, April 23 & 24. HKRRISON P ROGER'S Arajrnlllcont Conipany. presenting, Alon dav uvonlnu'. April L'lid. Hartley '('amphell'H lloinantic Drnnia, MY GERALDINE, WITH ITU , New Alusle, DcllKhlful Comedy and it Great Cast, Inolmllnu MRS. DION BOUCiCAULT Tuesday ovcnlntr, April L'lth, tho Latest ilelodraniatlc hticecHS, The Paymaster, WITH ITS SiHJclally Constrttcled Scenery, Churininii Comedy, and Thrilling SlttmtioiiH. It. MAIITIN.Jll., A. M. MlLWAIN. For evnral yean. Head Formerly Mend limiiclilNiiiiin for tho llniuuh ts m tin hue W. II. Williams. wltliJ.Kitiiiiuelti Mil wain &' Mtii'tin, Architects and Superintendents, Uoouun and (1, Portland Havluus I limit llulldlmr, Cornor Second and Washington Sis., l'UltTI.ANI, OltKtlON. ilsw JOS. BASLER, Deulcr hi NtuviindHeeoiiil-hand Furniture I S Ami Household Goods And mntiiif iclnrcru nf Tinware, Coppcrwaro and Shcot-lron of Every Dosctiption. Tin Roofing a Specialty Ulvn im ii trial. ffll N. W. HIESTAND, Echo, Oregon. DKALXn IN Gen. Merchandise Pendleton Holler Mills Flour. SI QllAGEantl FOlt WAltDIXQ I To Your Own Interest JaPanese. 0uri( ' ow WWG- iRnTT VmiV H-rtrtlof In Wllllitm ICIe'- tourdrr. "J wxvtrcnaiiUm, - - - 0 Where you enn buy Importer nnd Dealer la TUU fill? JIDUO HiCh,nBSB and JaPanesB FancJfB ; HID uiiDirjjk I havo on hnnd a complete llnoof Ld,oa. and Chl.clron-s ww i o, onota, SLIPPERS, R mm a , UKbS' anci FANCY GOODS, , HATS "I And a full lino of i Are Dig ftP.nt'RlJilPniQhinrf (f(ia & uuut U I lil IllUililiK LllllMlil .... . Which I am telling ut Bedrock Prices. ,Comc na Sfe mo nm, , W convince you I Jlrst-cltiHH Goods. that 1 mean just what 1 my. nJ '3 Pendleton Meat Market. ' Hardware and, Tinw MAIN HV., NHAH VIUAltO. JONES & IHR1G, Props - ' n?yJ" reopened the above Mnrkel. (S,.i,. I aiSS'WSBK! j Beef, Mutton, Fork, Veal, Etc, j ThMthe miitlcetonn altord.omi at j TltMl). KK.MPHH, I'mprlntor of tlio Klvo-Cont Ili'i'i. ii.i. .MiilliMI.,opp(islto Pot(nic,Pen(iL,J lmiillfttntl linri rm ili-tiii.!.. .... "4 unit cluiu-s.of tho hem lirnmln n'.i meiilil ' n,tJ yOOOWAHI) HHOH., II n mi'iiiin I lilo t'liv Hlcln "I'MCIAI.NIH. "H OliHlctrick; Yiriilmcntor Clironlp r. i Women inid Clilhlr"n. iHi ' onieo linnrs Kmni Din 12 n. m t. 1 n. in. 7 inn n ... ' ,pT9:3 i .. : " i Ulllee-lliioiii ii, hum Onwinlan 1 jjMJIl HA litO. " HevcnilKpiUiof Kood work IiopciJ on eny temiM, for cash or a ifood njii fl II imiiiii m one iniiiurrii kiduic hnrF S1 I lieedlnu'work hor-es or 8tocl Iiml,! well to cull oil the uiidpriliMied.M Tf.l I near Pilot Itocl;, or miliums 'M q in li'Jit iIhw JOTlL'K OK SALK. The IVmlleton Hotel Cotnpnny n, J thehlahesl hinder, on Haturdny. TLlfl iwt. nt -l o'clock in., on llm Vmiul old I'etidlblon Hotel Ilultillnu nnd ih J tiireliieri ln. Tin Kiiinijenii lmpnr,L VV. K. MATIAHJK. It. HAItHKNT, K. M. WHKKI ER JKSHK l'AII,Nr Aprlfliliiwld Ihillilliit CotnitJ ri'KAMHTHUH WANTKU. At Wiilllilaj wiikchTwo Italian nJ hoard Hvo Dollam per week. FnrfuntJ IUIIIII.HUM " . 1IIIIIU 111 J ' I" nullum,! ItKWAltK. Hlrairdor Moli'ii from Tom Tlrrn.il i .. i... m.,... i'..n tvii.. ' 'V"73 livery liorxen de-erllird im f.tllnwi- 4 I Id a" It Iiiiik'h. inch widxlihiir nb.ii 3 IKtll IlllN! IIIIO lllll.'lt. 110.1 Iiiiiiii.I.. .1 UH5l piillliiU! oil" .11)11 and hiiclohln.il i mare nd limwn lion , nil I rn'.-M '9 ' left ohiiulili'i'. The uinlemlnid willil niunril fif fttll Hi.,. Ii.. ml t.r Inf.. ....... -' ! .v. ..-. . ........... ....... Him I'lg I 1 Imt to their recovery. Aihlicoi TIIOMASTIKIlVMa i lr Kinl. HI Im . 11.. U'..ll.. l- L'fl ... ...v.. " i,,.ni. iimi-ii,! OIIHIW Kult HAI.K. t-overul IiiiiiiIh of Amertcnn Mnrkiii forileiin eimy ti'iinn; eccnrid nili ciimi, .tppiv 10 inn iiniicmicnril Mil ranch four iiiIIcm uorlli of Vlnua a county. or iiiidie-n. W. T. KT Xiii til mch'.T Im iIkw Vlii.oti.lMrl J" )C(JAI IIIjANK". i More Mian two hundred formic Idu n Uk nt ililx olllce, Ijiwyeii unjaj nceiiiiiK upcciai roriiiHciin in? nuri'Med Leezer & Kuebiar, DRUGGIST Tho Inn est and mot complelnitwIfliW i xmrnt CHEMICALS, Toilet & Fancy Articl In Eastern Oregon. GIVE US A CALL i Dospain Block Pondld ICurlnilileii, Ilr nn nml Ivory Toyi.Ifj nml vun, r nif c roPKcry, i n "'i '" Hllk Han llti'rchUf-.KinhrolderedrM nun mi kiikin rr nine nrm rintern.;i Work, Te'iM, etc. Invnlcn iccdtN '1 viv.iiiiiir. i All Out ei H IVdinptly Atlenilri A pa lm L0RYEA & ART Plumbers, Gns and Steam Fitter, Are tho only practical meolinnlci In f4 They do tholr own worK, and go"- -j .... iiivii iii.il numi .. i'aliut ropulr for one year. uey Lav no uwi Help lo payi": nt hlro to luiiko wucom oh their worMfc tlini Mtl irlfu Bettor Figures Than any other house In town. They hay an cheap as nny firm rM 1 , mclil dw fi Iff urn I.P.BusheeW.D.Hansford&ft PUMPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promptly MAIN HTltKKI. VKNIlMrrO'. A kharoof the public patronage U M1! iiieui-iuvsw DUTCH HENRY, The "W ood Mai DUTCH HENRY. THE FEED MAN, I K. O PuU Co., Piiitou. Oregon 1 VEBB8TUEE . - PENDl '1 Jfl m mm