East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 18, 1888, Image 1

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A riti:i: i.iiiuaky.
I'ntrou nf llm Dull)' or Semi-Weekly
KANT Olti:loMAN nnv freely nmlie mm
r tint IIAST OltHUONIAN llbinty niuii
ever they mi ilelit. The public ure cm
illully IiixIImI tn llt tin- oMIcn vthrunver
nil lilt Illicit
IriiU In minify or "tump will pu)
Innl-Ueelily KAST OltllfJONIAN
kr until lift" Hie .Itnm Hrrtliiim.
Lr nntl twenty-five cent will pay
Jully HAS I' OKIWONIAJf for the
kill of time by mnll.
I. 1.
NO. 42.
lias been taken off both
olen and Cotton Goods
.Not by Congress, but by
Liitl they now ofTor their Large and Complete Stock of
ltOHCOi: CONK l, IN (I IS llHAll.
A 111k Itlun In thn Chicago mill New Vnrk
Wheal Market The Snlriii rodlolllro
llullillni: Hill l'imtlio Iloii'n Itnrrltilf
IlculH nfn Man Hint III Molhcrle Chil
dren Nlniironl'ii Stable lltirncd Nlch
oln Klrc(-il rimiil In WIi.ciiiiIu Other
Kuatern Hint Cinmt New.
amino their goods, get their prices, and convince yourself
;he abovo arc not mere assertions, but that they will sub-
late what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Industry "
ore tbuv have dismirdm! PrntpuMvn Pimphs. mul will fwnlv
competition from all quarters. They carry a
neral Merchandise Stock
Consisting of
)le and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and
IVlilrli'dn 'a fllrvfliino. "l"i"iiii-i -J nV inn. rinniln
Mens Ladies and Children's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
I'ouclit Hrvly Aciklimt Heath
Slept Peacefully t l.nnl.
I Nr.w Yoiik. April 18.-Conkllngdted at
I I :)() this moriiliiK. At IiIh bedside worn
t Judge Cox, Dr. Anderson unit Mrs. Ouk-
iiiiin. Hopussed away without moving
II luukctl llsif'llU WUS ill II peilCO-
Illl HltllllDOr. A tltltllDor 01 pCI'SOllH WOIO
outsldu on thu street to catch the liiHt re
port, and forty or fifty within tliu doom,
principally roprosentiitives of tliu press
nnil friends of tliu tluatl sonutor. "It wiih
n dreadful struggle; tliu patient fought
bravely nguiiist dentil," wild Judge Cox,
"but tlio end wiih ieweful and unnccoin-
punied by puin." Sonto of thu latest
bullotiiiH issued hint night read uh fol-
Iowh :
"Conkllng since half pant twelvo has
doveloiiod edena of tint ltiti.'H, which is a
settling ot ulood in tliu huso of tliu lungs.
Ho will probably dlo beforu morning."
l onicling is fust lulling, 'lhe lungs nro
tilling with blootl.iind bin breutliing 1h bo
oming snorter. Micro in u greut wusli
ing away of thu vital powers." "Con
t kllng's tltroal is tilling Willi blood ; ho In
I choking."
Thu liitcrincnt will take plueu ut Utien,
bis former liomu.
iini nisi: in tiii:at.
Heven Cunta Higher tlinn u Week
ICxrltril Murkrt.
CniCAdo, April 18. Wbuat Hold to-dny
Hovun cuntH blchur than a week ago. .So
tttroni; wiih thu feeling that tho 0KnIiiK
prlco wiih exactly one cent bluher than
tho cloning pricu ItiNt night.
The Now York Sfiirkat Kxclteil.
Xi:v Yoiik, April 18. Tho wheat
market opened thin morning excited.
.MoinbcrH of tbo t).iii:mgu exceeded thu
ruleH in their ellbrtH to buy.
Sliavlng, Maircutting and Shampooing.
sik done y only competent workmen. A trial Holleiled.
t'ornor .Main mid Vebb ntreetn, 1'eiidleton, Oiegon.
llm wl.
Mull niKl Mx of III. (.'hllilrru I'crUli In
lilt lli'rnlni: lloiur.
Sr. Lotus. Mo.. Ai.Jll 18. Tho ro !
dunce of I). A. lloirmati, a farmer living
near uau uitige, wiih Diimeil Hiintlay
morning, and three of bin children well)
coiiHiiuied. Thteu other children are ho
badly burned that they are not uxix.eted
to live. Ilotlmiin wiih ho norloiixly in
lured that be died oMorduy. It 'in bu
lleved that IloH'maii became hiiiIiIuiiIv
inHiiue, and fired thu building himself,
lie had eleven inotherlcfrt children.
STAM'OKII'H SlAlll.i:S HUltNi:i.
i lie was iniiiltig alone, and it in Hiippo.-cd
committed Htilcido by placing u cartridge
1 of giant powder on IiIh bieawt.
Tli C'uiinilliiiiK Olijurt.
Omw.i, C.vsmia, April 11. In tho
Semite to-day Iiiiicsh called attention to
the grosH outrage periietrated on rcHiiluntH
oi iiriiixii i oinniiiia by itiaraiitiniug
iiieni in fun i 'Hun wiien tliu Hieiimui
rurthia, on wlncli thov arrived, bad n
dean bill of health. Tho Canadian gov
eminent will Inventlgato tho matter.
Kllleil lij tlio C'nrt.
Los Anoi:i.i:h, Cai,., April 18. A rail'
road laborer named Jou- Davln wiih killed
near i'oinona to-duy by a Hpeclal train
running tbroimh an oj)en nwitch lind
striking a liaud car which he was on.
Chllil llurni-'il lo Dentil.
OmrviiXK, Cai,., April 18. ArcnlH
IiendrlckH, a child nix yearH old. wiih fa
tally burned hero to-day. While playing
with matchcH bin clothes caught flru 'ami
burned the lower part of the body ho that
iiiu ncHii canto on m piaccH.
Thv liiiiiUlnim Klrctlsn.
Xkw Oiii.iiash, April 18. IntliealiotiH
are that Nlcholn, Democrat, in elected
governor by a majority of 1!0,000.
Henry Vlllnril In (Inriuiiii) .
i.nci.i.s, 4i i n l,. Henry vifianl nr-
tived hoto to-il.i ,
lilu'lit Valimliln llnr.pt llrslruyml I.im.
San KiiANfisfo, April 18. Senator
Stanford' l'olo Alto HtableH were buriietl
lant uigiit, i.igni viiiuaiiiu itoreeH were
burned to death, iimong which wiih Mor-
lane, with the faste.xt yearling trotting
record in ine world. iiiulottHWia reach
AH 100,(10(1 I'loo.l In W'lxiniialn.
Ai.ma, Win., April 17. Tho water in
thu M It-rtiKsipjit ut tills point Iiiih rinen
twenty lnelien within thu last tw elvo bourn.
Twenty families have been driven from
their homoH, and railroad truck liavo
been damauetl considerably, 'lhe in
uelnka boom Iiiih wiihIiciI out, carrying
;0..(MilWMkoe. Wis. EXPORT PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. A R C A -1 w."'..':0050 feot of H8- 1-?HH IoH.
HAN J?PKIMn MINERAL WATER. .WntikpnuniA WIcA UPIIHC P.I inilflT ! w,uuuj oilier prouriy, u.ouu
ONSAKDIN CHAMPAGNE, (Yellow Label.) mcno.i.wsm
RflCk lslandNotary and Corporation Seals,
in JJenclloton,
jBERT lea routes.
llrecl uml ixitiular lino In connection
the .Sort Iiitii fur 1 11 n Itulluuv
i Kt, I'aul unit MlnncupulU
ilrucuuml flip Hunt.
i Ht. I.ouIh unit tlm Houtli.
; To Ioh .IIoIiivh, (4-avcn worth'
Atrhlmin null Kuiimiih Oily
Onlv Line ff,'"!L'l.Jl,,...,.?S
uucll llTutls, Leavenworth mul Kmuiut
J.l(l A Alili r01.TN KANT.
iwiit?) Jt'alace tiltcniuu and
1'alace Dlnltig Cars!
npiitiy all through Kxpress Tralm on
k'uror tale by nil connecting rallwayi,
trull Information reiiarilliu; mtt-x, iiiapw,
'I'l'iy loiuiy coiiiHiu iitfiKui iiifiu, jt,
, or Northern r.irltlo llullwiiv Com.
,or to V. C. AI.I.OWAV,
iicxei Aueiu,u. It. A uo
Peiidleton, Oregon.
3IIAH. KKN'KDV, iiva. Aueut,
Wnshlnifton St., - I'ortland, Ore.
. Tkt mi.' I'an. Ant. P. II. I. P. II. II.
Ihra H. K. IIOYI),
u . T. ami r. Agf. JI. A iju U U'y.
MliineuolU, Mln ii.
If'STIPHQ "'f,in,.hl.Imlft
I L.11 0 CvVKkt W thu pjp.r.ci obtain ettimitd
Cftneg ijxicj ,n Chicwo, vtiil find it or l.la a!
143 Rindviph St,
Tlio u mi it I )r!co Mr calH made liy other
partlci, In I'ortland or tho Kunt, In from S0.CO
o t7.W, with oxrenn t nurse ndded. 1 you
ueed nical, send your order to u, und nave
roiii i2.00to 81.00 Ihcreby.
East Oregonlan Pub, Go,,
Pendleton, Oregon.
mlilid tf
They Uo happen every day, and whon one
happen, to you. you will wlali tliut
you weie Insured In the
, W ahiiisoton, Apr:
Til k T it a vkmiixh' resources nre mimelent lo i on tho Millri tariff bill wiih Htarted to-day.
I'liy at oneo ine mokt enoriiiou iiiium of Mills ononcd the iluliato mid Kellev of
claim that even wieat rullroud und leum. i ;V1U V . ! .uul0' . 01
boat iicoldeiit can brlnif upon It. I'ay all 1'oiinHjivnnia replied, iliere Ih notblng
clnlni, mIiIkiih discount, Inimedlutely nnon 1 now ill their HpeechoH.
Indian Itmiipu In N'nv Mexico,
Los CittTKH, JC. .M April 17. Whllo
I two Indian policemen were attempting to
arrest Micoto, an Apacnu liiditui, and iuh
Hon, who weru drunk and canning trou
ble, a fight ensued, which resulted in the
death of one policeman und tbo fatal
wounding of Bacoto'H hoii. Three women
woru Hoveroly Injured by htniy nhotH.
A Namibia Hill.
Ai.iia.nv. N. V.. April 18, Tho iihhoiii-
lily to-day panned u bill providing for the
execution of criminalH Hoiitcnccd to death
by electricity. It alno irobibitH iiewnjia
pew from piibliHliliigdetiillHofuxcciitioiiH,
Tho voto on it wiih 7 to 8.
Jealomy the Caii.e of Another .Murder.
St. IiuiH, April 17. TIioiiuih M. Ken
nedy, a wealthy cattlo dealor of HrowiiH-
vino, luxiiH, waH lo-uay killed uy a
wealthy Mexican mimed Hierill', who wiih
cencealed liehiml a tree, JealotiHy wiih
tbo ciiiiHo.
I. Und All Winter In n Cure.
Caiison, Nevada, April 18. Yesterday
n woman and two mon wero found in a
cave in tbo rockn near tho Htato )uiion,
wheto thoy had lwou living ull winter,
HiibHlhting on Htcaliug nhcep,
HieTniirrillll Ilebiitu llrKUII.
AVahiiixgton, April 18, A long debate
l'arwell dlcciiHHcd thu bill providing for
thu iiivcHtmcnt of certain fund iu the
TreiiHiiry, atid oil'erod two iimeiiilmentH
to thu bill. One of tliuin dlrectH thu nee
retary of tbo TreiiHiiry to inmio and nell
to national ImiiUh, at par, for I'liiteil
Htaten noten, V. S. '2a per cent. Iwiid-t.
redeemtiblu uftur fifty yearn, to !u lined
by baiikH uh Hccurlty lor" their circulating
noted j notcH to lie intjiied to the ar value
oi tnu DoiuiH. it iiiko illrectH tliu necre
tary to invent mipltiH ftintlH held In the
TieiiHiirv (IncltidltiL' thu amount to lie re
ceived for these bomlH) in the purcluiHo of
any u. h. doiuih, in ojieu market mid re
HalHiill tho HlnkingfundH.
Thu other amendment authorizes tlio
Hceretaiy of tho TreiiHiiry, in order to
enable national bankH to maliitalti and
Increase their ciiciilallon, nntl to prevent
iiltiimito de.itiuctioii of thu bankH by thu
liiircliiiHe or naviuont of tho na'tioiuil
delit, to teceivo from the baiikii, to nccuru
their circulating notuH, Mate, county or
mtiuicpal IioiuIh, upon which IntercNt ban
Ix-'on heretofore promptly paid, mid
whom nmiket valiio in etpial to or greater
than their par value, liearlng Interest at
not Iohh than -t pur cent. Such bonds,
however, tiro not to Ihj received by the
1 1 cannier at more than "" pur cent, of
their par value.
'J be bill wiih good, l'arwell Haiti, iih far
uh it went.
It hIiiiiiIv reihiciM tho InteroHt mi J iu
cent. IioikIh to Ii'.. iH)rcent. Tbeno IniiiiIi
amounted to over neven hundred million
and matured Iu 1P07, and it autbori.ed
national bankH to receive circulation at
par tion them, ami upon all other I'niled
MateH liolldH. Ihu hi I i it not reined v
thu ovim of tho nruHont fliiniieial comll
tiou, Uo would, if hu could, ho amend
tho financial Iculnlatlon of tliu countrv
that tho national banking HyHtom the
iichi over tieviHeii Hiiouid mi continued
IIIh iiiueiidmentH, If adopted, would en
alilu national bankH to iiho the present
(luntoi tnu rutted MateH.
I would refund tlm iireHunt nubile debt
ut L"c nor cent, at lifty yearn, and author-
io national ikiiikh to receive circulation
at par for Hitch amoiiiitH uh thuv might
iiho for that purx)H0. I would reiiilru
mo i-eereinry oi ine ini'imiry to invent
their HiirnltiH in tho purchiiHo of nnv in
iittniedneHH oi uio government, in oihjii
liutrket, from time to time. For thu pur
pose oi enuiiiitiL' ine peon o to miiuiiL'e
their atlairH without Iiiteiferenco on the
part of tbo government, I would allow
them to maintain tliu volume of national
bank circulation tin to thu amount of tho
national debt, by Htatu, county und mu
nicipal IioikIh, uh provided for iu tho hint
amendment which I proK)sq. If mich
legislation can bo piiHHcd, we nball bear
no moro of inonoy Htrlngency or panlcrf,
IteiiLMti said tho National bankH had
served a good puroHo,htitho wiiHopMied
gardod an an indication that the commit
tee on wavH ami moniin, of which Mr.
lireekcniidgo in a prominent member,
will: take uo action upon the HenatoV
Itond iiurchiiHu bill now In-foiu it.
Am ernon. of Kansas. Intnulm-i.it u ltll
w hich proposeH a new Holution of tlie 1'u-
I und equipped, excltiHively under the tll
1 tectioii uml control, and at tho expense of
i the Oiegoit eompaiiy.
, Tbo oithern eompany coveiuintH and
' iigieen bi und with the Oregon company,
j that it, the Northern company, shall nut
const met or ciitiHU to lie constructed or
eillc rullroud problem. It implies to those oncoiinwo tlm construction of nnv rail
roadi that remedy for thu evlln In getir inatl.wltlilu llfteen littler of tbo line of
eruL railroad practice, which Ih proposed the CoUiuihla & l'alotise rullroud, unless
by IIiuIhoh'h book on "UallwayH of the with tbo eotiHent of the Oregon eompany.
Hepublie." Tbo bill in diawn for tlio At the leipient of tbo Northern company,
purpose of providing a feasible method I but not otherwise, mich reipiest to bo
lor operating u I'ucitle railroad after 1 made from time to time by authority of
it uenitiHltloti by foreclosure ot tliu gov- resolution of Uh board of dltecloiH, ox
erninent'H inortgage, u method which- tension of the Columbia & l'alotiso rail
hliall at onen yield thu I'nltetl Stutes tin ; road, und bniucbeH, shall bo constructed
assuied iiicoino on its investment, uml j '""1 ciilped by thir Oregon eompany,
also secure the people against abuses of jut their actual cash cost, on sucb lines
disci imimition, pools, ami monopolies. 1 und from and to sucb points, uh nearly uh
For thin purposo It cuactH (hut thu gov-; may bo, as shall U' designated iu and by
eriiiuent shiill purehuso tliu first inoilgago 1 Hiicli tesolullon or lesolittlons.
bonds with the surplus iri tho TreitHtirv. i And ulso, iu order to protect the Co
in protection of its own second mortgage, ' bunbia t l'lilottso riiilroad, so fur uh hjh
and idler foreclosing tlio hitler debt, the
roud shall be operated iih a imblie high
wuy, und bo okii to any currier of freight
iiMin payment of uniform ami regulated
tolln for the use of Uh tracks.
At a HIHH.ial nut'llltif of thu committee
on labor Chairman O'Neill, of Missouri,
was instructed by u uminlmoiiH vote, to
report to tho House his arbitration bill,
which embodies, in addition to tho fea
tures of the bill already agreed to, u pro
vision ior mo appointment oi u scctal
board bv the president to hiveidliniti. nil
strikes, ami retNiit the result of tlm In. ! indenture, either of tbo putties of tliu
tpiirles to Congress, lie wus ulso in- second or fourth pints hereto shall lie of
stnicled to repoit the bill restricting the 'opinion Unit, uh rcspectH trallle, It results
sale of eonvlct-iuiulo goodsfo tbo Statu In Injustice or hutdshlp, then, and in
which tnev ate produced. i mat event, pin without aiiering any oi
slble, from the constructing of coiuietlng
liucH by any other company or party, uml
to supply thu nubile tlumtiml uml meet
the reiitiireiuentH of griming settlement
uml trallle, the Oregon Company, on llko
request, but not otherwise, shall con
struct uml equip, ut Their actual cash cost,
any brunch or branches of the Columbia
iVc 1'iilotiHU railroad south of the main lino
of thu Northern Company, and from ami
to such points uml on such line or lines
iih nearly uh may 1h.
ii, at any time during the term oi nits
I'lii) conference commltleo upon bills
which have passed both houses of Con
gross, providing for n conference in Wusli
iiigtou next spring of the representatives
ot i no various American governments,
reached an agreement to-duv. Tho bill
as agreeil uixm will appropriate $75,000.
i ...in ti.... .f :i. ........ ..t .ii..
mm iiiu iiui i.iiu uml inu niiujci'm ill ins-
eussiou must Iki fullyspecillediiindvuiice.
uml will iitithorio the tippolutmeiit of
ten delegates by the l'resldent, two by
thu Senate und two by Ihu House.
I ho rresltlent Iiiih lutelv vetoed threu
private pension bills.
Senator Slewurt roitorloil fnvornblv
Mitchell's bill to create l.atah coiintv iu
Idaho. Tho new county Is to bo cut from
No, l'ereo county.
A National bank Iiiih been authorized
to begin ImsinesH nt Klleusbtirg, V. T.
reeeliitofa.tl'fui'lory proof, jjon Korfturo
provmon in nil no poneie.
Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions
of Surplus.
Glopton '& Jackson,
Resident Agents,
KaU Orc.'onlan bulldlni;, Poudleun, Or,
Huleiu Get Her I'oatiiniri. IIuIIiIIiik.
AVamiii.suto.s', April 18. Tho Soiuito
bill providing fur tbo erection of a public
building ut Salem, Oregon, past-cd thu
I Ioumi to-day. It appropriates $100,000.
I'robuhln SuIi IiIh.
I)ow.vii:vii.i.k, Cai.., April 18. John
Barton, an old pionuer wiu found dead
yoaterduy ufturmxtu uu.tr town. Ills
chet wan entirely gono, und tho contentn
of that cavity completely blown u'.vtiy.
to iHjrpottiutiiiL' tliom.
Heck wiih In favor of nornctuutliii: it.
Thu uovernment wiih oru'uiii.ed to nro-
icci uio peojae. it had no other duties.
I ongresH ouulit to itav o I the Nat onul
debt, both bonds and notes, and aulhorlu
the i;eo)le under thu National bank act,
with Hiiitiiblo amendments, to furnish
themselves with all tho money. Tho
leoplu will then furnish their own cireii-
at hu; medium iu snub miantities iih thu
btisinesH of tho country reouired. ami
they would not Ihj subject to any legisla
tion by Congress, nor their Interestn
menaced or jeopatdized, as iih ut present,
by sixty-one inlllioiiH in Nutionul lionds,
subject to the cull of thu secietury of the
Spoonor HKko iu favor of the tidinlH
siou of Dakota iih two States.
Under instructions fiom IiIh committee,
lllauchiiiil of Louisiana moved to susjioiiil
the rules and put tho river and hailsir
bill iiou its passage,
Anderson of Kansas demanded u sec
ond, uml thu motion was seconded, l'-8
to -15.
After a sharp debute the motion to sus
pend the rules uml i;isH tbo bill was lost
yeas 1IM, iiujh 120 not u nccuMUiry
two-thirds voting In the iifllrinativo.
The tariff bill ioiuoh up to-morrow,
ami l"fi inumlMirH want to make sieocheH
on it.
A resolution introduced iu tho house
to-day by Mr. Hrockonridge, of Kentucky
declaring that the sucietnry of tho tieu
ury has authority, under tlio law of 1882,
to buy Isjiids In the on market fur tbo
purj)tnu of ledtuing tbo Htirplus, is re-
U'nahllictoii Note.
The turlir umlitniininriution bills ate to
lie the btislnurH of the House during thu
wiok, ii dcciarutloii ol ii majority
of the managers are good. To
day, ho never, motions to suspend rules
will be in older under a cull of the com
mittees. Iu this event, Hlaiichanl will
try to put tho river uml hail sir appropria
tion hill through. Nowheiu is there iiuv-
expressed intention to prevent tliu carry
ing out of Mills' announcement that lie
will ask the House to enter upon thu con
sideration of tbo turlll bill Tuesday. The
Senate will probably sk!IiiI the entile
week upon the animal industry bill uml
the Dakota bill.
Tliu "(!osslHir" iu Sunday Cupllul to
day Iiiih thu following Items iu Its col
umns: 1 urn told Unit tho wife of a very
wealthy senator fiom the I'aeille coast Is
now tbo object of very Hirslstont uml
skillful oflbrlH by certain Koiuun Catho
lics to induce her to enlist under tlio ban
ner of the poK!. It is ionirtcil that thoy
ure making somu progress, und uio vory
hoK'ful of iiltlmttto success.
Senator Stewart will introdiico iu thu
Sunutu to-morrow u bill to glvu Mrs.
Wulto, widow of late chief justice of tbo
Hiiiireiuu court, a sum equal to two years'
salary. Chief Justice vnlti v. is eligible
to rutiromoiit on full pay two yen..' heforo
iuh dentil, iiih salary wiih $ Hl.mKi
annum, uml two years' pay would gke
iiih wKtowfU'i.uim.
niviHioM or Ti:ititrroitv.
the obllgutloiiH of uny of the parlies hereto
to ine uiegoii i nmpuny, iiiu provisions
of this Indenture may bo so niwlllled iih
to Insure, iih neatly uh possible, an abso
lutely just and equal result ; and In case
thu said parties of thu second ami fourth
parlH shall disagree uh lo the method of
ellectlng such lesttll, tho hiiiiiu shall Ihj
accomplished by u submission to arbitra
tion, ouch of thu, said parlies of tliu nee
oml or fourth nurt heteto .selecting ouo
arbitrator andtliohvoarbltralors seloctlng
mi umpire, thu iiwurd of u majority of tho
threu arbitrators being binding on said
parties of thu second and fourth parts
Thu Plan of IlhUloii I'roponcit by the Ha-
C'nllril .lolnt I.eiKu.
Following nro tlio provisions of the
agreement ImjIwcoii tho (). It. it N, tlio
.Noilhern ructlle uml the I ulon I 'act lie
coiupuuleH concerning division of terri
tory in tho Columbia river basin, Thu
oxtructH are from an olllcial copy of thu
Kxcopt iih otherwise heioiu elsewhere
provided, iu the Territory north of tlio
Columbia river toils junction with tl)u
Siuiku river, ami tlienco north of the
Snake river to Its junction witli thu Clear
water, and tlienco noith of the Clear
water (except within tlio distance of llf
teen miles of tlio Columbia ami I'lilouso
railroad uml Uh brunches south of thu
main lino of the Northern company),
brunch roads shall bo constructed, or
caused to bo constructed, exclusively un
der tbo direction und control uml ut tbo
expense of tbo Northern company ; mid
ull launch roads or extensions south of
tlio Salmon river and east of tbo Snuko
river, uml south of a lino running from
lluutiiiL'ton west to the summit of tho
Ciiscado range, shall bo constructed ex-
luslvelv under thu control and direction
und at the oxouso of thu Short Line for
I 'nlon companion, us they may determine
I Hit u ecu themselves.
All brunch roads between tbo Clear
water river on tlio north uml thy Kulmoii
liver on the south, ami oust of tlio Snuko
liver; uml ulso within tlio turiilory
Isjiiiuled by tho summit of thu Cascades
on tho wot, the Columbia und Snake
livers on tlie north. tlio'Simko rhor on
the otntt uml u line running from Hunt-
luuion west to tbo summit of the ( urcuib,
lunge mi the south shall lie cons! rucli-,1 in the cunul. Thoy h.ld qtllirreli d a' "Jilt
mid t-qiiipjHjd, or ciiiiK to 1h cinstructe(j i miiie mutters.
Senator Ituralls tries to backstitch his
blunder In using brutal language about
thu President, by Hiivinir that "thu Dem
ocrats" talked badly id tout Lincoln, (Inint
umi Arthur. " lite HeinoerutH" Ih a very
imlelliiltu designation. It Is true, bow
over, that In the beat of cross-roads de
bute members of both putties dining thu
lust thirty years buve treated public men
with brutal frankness, lint Senator In
galls volnntailly puts blniself on u level
with these rough i Iders in politics. Hu,
a Senator, und 1'iesldeiit of thu Semite,
iietlng Vice-President of the Culled Mules,
uses language common to thu oidiuury
drub uml loafer, uml Juslllies it because
others, neither in tlio Senate or leu
Presidency, nor iu any placo of public
resMMisibilIty, did u gieut iniiny yeaiHiigo
use unsifted language Inward some leaders
of his patty. Ills Million Is untenable.
Noblesso oblige : if be has no lospcct for
himself ho shoiilil liuve for bin op'tilou.
How would ll have seemed if Allen (1,
Thin mini or Thomas F. Iluyunl, when iu
tho "pio huu" I'lesideney of the Semite,
iih Ingiills is, bad ilcHceiulisi to lhe flisir
uml used such language touiiiilsu Ucpllb
liciin Pieslileut iih Ingiills lias aimed nt
Mr. Cleveland I
Itut Thurmiiti mul Iluyunl wero gentle
men, they know uheio paitlsansliii uml
bliickguiirdism mergid, und they never
went to Unit jsilnt. Thoy weio Ameilcun
patriots and leu'imled u Itepiiblieun in-
viimhent of tho Presidency iih their
coiintrytiian, the elect of the coplo and
entitled lo resticct.
Ingiills in merely a syniitoin of tbo tor
ilblo desperation of his patty, Hu Iiiih
simply widened Ihu distance Uitweeu
Unit party ami thu decent public senti
ment of thu country. Tho Piesident,
whom hu has villifled, has caused tbo
foulness of politics lo precipitate, by re
fusing to reward meiulx'iH of Ids own
paily for Indecent work, Hu bus aheaily
disarmod Ingalls befom tho counlry, uml
uiui remiirKtiuiu sK'einien oi kuiisuh nail
munners ami foul mind Ih left to flotiudur
iu tho flllb omitted by himself.
It is said that he ih piopatlng an ex
planatory HH-eeh. What he Iiiih suld cull
not Ihj explained. It wus unprovoked,
uncalled for uml iingenleinanly to tbo lust
degiee. His Iteiiublicitii colleague,
StiH'kbridgo, of Micliigun, lllly cluiructor
led it, but iiiidermeusureil K'ansas, when
ho suld It might do for K'ansas, but it is
out of plain in tbo Senate.
. -
Align t Anderson, a Norwegian, com
mitted Hiilclilo iu Sltelbyvillo, Kentucky,
Monday. Tho case was a strange one.
I-iiHt Sunday hu went to chinch and
heard a sermon on tbo subject of "Your
Slim Will Find Yon Out." Ho
displayed it great deal of emotion at
thu time, ami was iu u state of
mental depression during tho week,
hist night ho told ii friend be could live
no longer without milking a confess ion.
Then lie declined Unit eight yearn tig ) hu
hud muiduied his wife mid tlitee cbildteu
In cold bltsiil. He hud dodged justice, he
suld, but his crime hud ului b.iuiited
him like it nightmare. When an "ihcer
wont loan est him, hu shot himself
At Akron, ()., Charlu A. Teitu, a dor
limn iiiuicimnt tailor, ttued lo uirs, biat
his wife' br.dus out with ii Ui--Im1I hut
and then committed Hiiiclde l dr inning