East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 16, 1888, Image 1

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cent In money nrMumjm will pny
loir until after Ihn .lunn election.
liar nml twentyflvu cent will pny
ength of time by tnnll.
J. 1.
Hns been taken off both
bolen and Cotton Goods
Not by Congress, but by
liuI they now offer their Large and Complete Stock of
TUB O. 11. Jfc N. TO lttni.M TIII Itltl'P.
U ood, llackfeot and ItlverCicok Ini latis freedom of speech mid action, I have ox
in Monliinii,niiil it was agreed to. Also u pressed that opinion, and wl 1 continue
ff0," 'Irt upon ll.o bill dividing' to express It.deVto the srril c bc" K
tho deal bioux rcMiivution into smaller cuusllu criticism which the wot 1 "bo
ffiS.m??,tuH,,,7i . 'w,,ty "ItaPttblicun" Iuih llcV'd u -on
iilo loinauuli'r ill llm iliiv wiim Hiinnl In inn 1 '
iiie ll-nrlhla, from China tI IlillUhCo-
itimbla, Quarantined nt Portlaiul-A
Jeulou Woman' Attenint to Klll-Cdnk.
llniMiKl llle-More llullrtiail llli.Tite,-
Th "Chronicle" on Klnnfonl-Tlie It.
ult of th Indian Tornado.
o"illlco of tho wliolo in discussion of
1110 Ulll IO." 1 10 l)ilVlH'llt llf il I'll! ill nf 7.,
wu or me occupation of avium propcity
in iiiuiiiiiun uy uuueu si.iicb troops ill
J 6U1.
llio Home coiiiinlttco on merchant mu
t i uaiiiioi nor win noi discuss nny qucs
uu nun iiuiniDMcau." lor tno reason
inn nm inning iu iiirow uiick tno
mud mat will Do slung utioii mo
lo answer abuse witli ubttsu, Insult will
(...til .....I ....III.... f.l. . til . .
iimim, iuih umuiui wnu epiiuct. no una
tttinino their coods, cet their nrices. and ennvinpn vnnronlf
ll., L - 1 .! . - I 111
.uu,w u uui luuiu ussui uuiis, uut muc niov Wl snh lino was mudo. and a ii.iK.,n.mr.i r..,
ate what they claim. Theirs is not an "Infant Tndtmtrv .Y,ctoi;,u.! "'"d were quarmitincd an
fcfore they have discarded Protective Prices, and will freely f.omfci
I competition from all quarters. They carry a ' ftttr
meral Merchandise Stock
Consisting of
)le and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Boy's and
t D vwuum6j jc uiniauiug- vxooas,
mens jjaaies ana oiiUdren's Shoes
Straw and Felt Hats, Crockery
and Glassware, Groceries,
Hardware, Etc.
Tlie forthta, ff m Chliut t) llrllltli Co
luinlila, In Quarantined at I'ol Hand.
roirn.AKi). Or.. Anr 111 Tim S.m
Francisco steamer I'arthia wan tho first of
iiio Canadian racillc I.ino between llrlt
ish Uolumbiitand Clilna to touch hero.
sno uuivcd tins moin ni!
quarantino huviiiff lwcn deel
an uinncso kiIH, tlicro liuu
comment an to wliothor or
tltia. Wllicll latelv arrivml nt Ittiltult Pn. I to I liu H:tmn -ii'riiliillfitiM II U tflllUil1u 111, III
it t . vv I - - -- - " . . 7" v. ' i V.-"-m Ir
luinuiu iiom uiuna. am c cared ut Vim. wnoiiv wi i n t io l nit d SintoM.
.. Ill I I . i ---......, ...,-,', c Nim. n nil Ul'llliui. Ill) lias
rino and IIhIiui e to-day, by a vote of flvo called mo a "Bkunk," a verv fair method
oi argiimeni, mu i Biiau not descend to
iiih level and htala that ho 1h ii low, vile
degraded itoio-eut. llo knowH that
iu luiii, iimiiu iL'ii an lllivn.-ui rntuirt mi
umiiniiiigH' mil iirovidliiK for tho wy-
muni ui n uuuuiv ui inirrv I'lini'i uti mn.
ibleied Ion for each 11)00 'miloH nailed, to
all yo.MhelH bi'ill and owned whollv in llio
uniieu .iaie.s eiiKiiued in ioiei'-n tiade.
1110 COillllliliCO aillhoiized u fuvn nliln
renoit on i no hi mu dm. mau ut i i,iufi
iui uiiizuiiH ui mu UI 1 eil & alivt In lmv
i;nuin nuiii, niiuiiv or III IKl'X III unv lol
"Ciimlioy" 18 not a "Bkunk," and I know
tlltlt ' Iloiilllil can" In not a ihiIiwuI. mul
tno iKJonlo know that llio uku of micli oh
noxfoiiH iiliKtBCM "111 only relluct uhiu the
HM3I'. Ana lliuiolom I i ei: tin "Hniiu i.
hcairn" challeiiKo, bccaiiHo I am well
awaro that ho and tho journal which toe
A I'l'lllllnn I elll COt'.nt 'V. lllllll), t tlinlil finn nf ilnlv
. ,. - -- ,.,v v.. Ue.,.v;n nun :u iiiiiiiiuuiu ui liroiiiieniK
n'd agaliiBt oiherchargo.!. imd Imvo them lejiMoied an artic o that 1h not ii cotiilirnulinn nl
bson much us vo.vcIh of llio L'nlled StatcM, and to bj Blander. Bcmrllltv nml
not tho Par- oiiluluu to all tlio ria iIh mul mihlocL mv I nml I
I . - w -- J w linvu (IttllitlUt
couvor with a clean bill, would booidored
liuu iuaraimno, iih inoiiKii Blio came
direct fioni an intorlor norl. On her
iu rival ncro tlio order to iro into uiia'au-
though thoy had come the entire dinlanco
UlllIlU. Wlion llie 'art i a eft Van.
tliu (luarantinn nlllforu ilmm
teloKnmhcd tho oIllcerHhoroiflhoHteamcr
wouiu uo ordoied into quarantine. Iu-
lormiuoiiai cotiniiicatloiiB arc likely to
enbiio over ino matter.
The leiNlalivo. Judicial and oxcculivo
"lteilUDlIuail" ntlrllmlKM llin mIioiiiiImI
demeanor of tho lleimbllean candidalcH
ut ino raitiicatlon meetlnif to "confiiBlon
npiuop.-iatlon bill, an ng eed uihjii in the and inodeHtv." Anvono who In Ill'lllllllllll'll
lloiliu coiilinillnn. innlro-i it ll ill Mtlllt'fW I U'lflt flirt fttn .4 !.'. ..I f.l il .
ii.i.iii.in uiv-vAri;m. which in
lest In. n llio e-liiu.i e(. and i'i)!i
Mil li.wa
man mo iviiont iiiiiiioiciatloiiH for tho
Kiimo ie vice, ill any ledi'itloiiH in tho
numbo!1 of emiiloyei and in B.ila.ion uni
'J ho house commlllen mi Imllnti iiil'uliu
inw unicred a favoiablo reiiorton tho hcii
aio uut granting to llio lilllliigH. UiiiL'h
I'oik & Cooke City Hallroad Coniiany
iiamui ay uiiougli mo utow Indian
rcBervalloit. 'iiio i-ominlltcu will hIko
rejwrt lavonibly on tho Honato bllln
Ou Man Killed, Hevernl IiOur.d, mill Two llUthoi izln the UIKiIll( tUOIlt of il HUPCl ill
.Mull Car Iluuieil.
n..... . . ..n ..I mi .
uiiiuauii, ipiii jo. mo niBi mail on
mo liuriingioii road collided UiIh morn
ing Willi a freight train, near CrcBtou,
lunu. inu iiieiuau oi mo ireiglll WiiH III1
Hlantly killed. OBlmrno, ensinecr, Gib
uoiih ami .iiiuor, Urakcmen, and Carjicn
jur. uiismcer, on mo mall train, weio
badly brulHcd. Two mall ca-H weio
mroun down an embankment and to
irt)i nl lit ii
teudeut of Indian hcIiooIb, and
to tlio WitBhlngton & Idaho
Loinnanv ilslit of wav
d'Aleno lxvervatlon.
l CIlBloilH llllVU lk'l'll L'lnnlnil In .T T.
IiOOtllbV. LuxlllL'lDll .IllMIIW r'ntlltn
uiiuniur, Jailie.s U. I'OIIO, lilllHilorO!
iiexican war, TlionuiH Wiighl, fc'euttloj
Vandlko liarrlcklow, Dlainoj .Moxican
wa.', win. K. Weddlo. .Mar a. Idaho.
uccn cHlabliHlied at
tally burned, together with a bridge near I V K'itoll!co Iuih bci
tho Hceno of tho accident. Tho iIIb- -Medicine Lodge, Ulngli
nHlor was canned by tho freight train with Geo. Kayo as jtox
Willi tho iiuilorlty of tho uforexald lrontle
lnen, well knowH the native inborn
"lllOdCHtV" 01 the r inultifllli. nml tlii.tr
enaracieiiHito Hlirlnking when an olllco
HiaikH around iu the r lie u ilior kkmI nml
attomplH toHwelt them out iu tho inter-
chIh of public weal, ilut thin gieat wilier
uiiiBi rememiier mat when Unuil n
county hcikIh men to tho I.egiBlatuio, it
wan Hlliemto think, and talk, and act
lor iiiumxolvcH. It t oes not want "mod
est" roiircxontativcH, who uio Hlinply able
iu uio, iiiki io nccomo mo loom oi uu
principled. uiihciimhiIoiim rliiL-Hlcru wlm
alKiund Iu Orecon'H I.eu h atuto. And let
mo biiiio mat oi tho three loiitiontatlvcH
nomlnaled liv the ltomili Ii-nim. It lu
mi-out'ii mo uuur doiiDitui it a Hinglo ono can nny a doon
foiiBiuio, connecied words lor or against
anv of tlio many moasutcH that will como
ijcioro tho Lealslatiiro in lis short bosh on.
lint in order to bo sliicilv iumnttlnl. I
IIIUHt observe that tlui Dninm-inlli! iininln.
atioiiH are but a dcitreo bettor, and that
Umatilla couutv IiIiIh fair In lxi reiirii-
senled iu tho House by a very jioor bIiow-
ruiiiilmr Past the
havo Hide-tracked
Btatiou when it should
mm county, Idaho,
A Woman 1'lre 1'nur Hlmt at liar Faith-
let IIiiiIiiiiiiI In Ilia Ntruet.
h.N I'iiascikco, April 16. Tliis after
noon, wnuo u. i. l-alllng and .Mrs. Ida
Carroll were riding down Tavlor Btinnl
i.. .in i t i . . i
riimiiu' n who i re i iro n tun Htmnt rni-
Hiiots at thom, tho last ono taking elied
iu Ftlillnu'N uroill. Tho wnnml Iu lint
A UUinllcr Of bl 11m well) mnnrlml nml
ruiencu in mo Jious'j.
I erklus of Camas snokn
tarlir, ciltlcislni'tho .Mills bill
.Mississippi replied,
ing in proportion to her vast iniercBlH
"Iteiiuhllcnii" uiimIm mu in iittiiiiiiit tn
uiiuu jiiki a "miuiiu one" oi J.diiv
meiilson motcctiou iu his noted
in answer to Col Irish. Tho fact Is that
I am nimble to lenlv to anv of Kddv'u
. ... v .
Mien of urK""UHHi necauso, uimoiigu ptesent, 1
eoiiui noi possiKiy seo where any woro
Joopli of ow .Moxico mmlu a ulna fur )ro' F 11 "'"viud. lint stopl I IhjIIovo
tho admission of that Tor Hoi v. 110 "d .mako one statement, which struck
llv a iiiiiinltnoiis vntn ilin Itniini, ...... 1,10 illi iccullar foicu, ami xvliosu dhect
mltlce onerccllonsdccldeil Ihn rimtiwii-il I "ess and vigor I tint iwttctlesH to wllh-
on tho
A Fit 1'IK I.IIlltAltV.
I'nlrnn of tlio Dully or Heml-Weekly
13A8T Olti:(l()NlAN run freely iimko un
of tlie HAST OltlHlONIAN lllirnry when
over lliey mi ileiilre. The public nro cor
illitlly Invited Io lll tlio iillko wlienorer
O llll-lllll-ll.
A 1'ew I'nlnled Iti nmi li Which Will Hear
llemlliic Twice.
There is no more ablo or conscientious
editor iu Oregon (liuu Mr. l'iies. of the
Ito.iton Leader, lience ids opinions are
worthy of consideration. Following aro a
few political paragraphs fioni ins pen, nil
true and tainted:
Simon says "thumbs up," and tho
ltomtblican pa ly says ' wig-wag."
'llio Republican papecs don't like St.
lolin to come to Oregon and they don't
llku Col. Irish to come to Oregon, ilut
them in not any help for it. We slinli
have to f,et alotig under the displeasure
of our contemn in this .nmller. If St.
John makes votes for his licket and Col.
Irish makes votes for his ticket, they havo
a right to do so.
The convention was u courageous one.
For llio UrBt llmo iu many jcjis, let us
confecs it wo elite. the content without u
menial iese vutlon us to tho puiiKrcs of
our iKirly. 1 hat .Janus face which wo
Imvo been iu thu habit of turning lo tho
wool men is faded out of siuhtaml in-
Bl.!ad tho Democracy ut Orowm looks
with clear and honest eves to tho neonlo
and cliulloncoH tho resncct dnu to sin
ce 11 y and truth.
IImi electoral ticket nref onts a fair ar
ray of talent. W. It. llllveii will lonro-
sent the middlo valley whli the calm and
logical statement that chariieta. Izes his
public HiKiiikiug. Col. Klllnaer is known
the slate over us thu p.'crlcss oiutorof
O, eaon. SfilnwoMli canvassod thu lower
counties In tlio lat canvass and was com-
)liment:d in tlio convention by the solid
vote of those countie:i. Ho Is well In
formed ou all political quo 'Hons.
Tho Uaelto two weeks ago mentioned
the fact Hint Iheio is a duty on whoat and
potatoes and n few other arllcle.1 of ex
poll. This was made in nnsuer In n.ir
c Itlctsms of thu high tailir. Tlicie is not
a firmer iu Itentoii county who can io
futo the argument of thu Gazette from
facts iu his own experience. Hvory
firmer knows that lie tells ids wheat In
LivotiMK)l wliero no ta II' can moteet
him and ho Imivh every ttilnrx ho usei in
a pioleclad ma kel. will any one i.-c-tend
that an import duty ou wheat in tho
United States Is uolii't to maku wheat
worth mole In Live noolY llesliles tlm
farmer has to pay for emptv shins to
omo hero for his wheat, when If lie were
allowed tobliv his L-nods f'om ali-imtl. Mm
ships would como loaded Instead of bal
lasted. '1 ho tarlir Is a rob! tor.
election cia:o of Nathan Frank against
John .M. (ilove-, in a .MIk.so.iiI district. In
ii.iiiKeroiis. fill llirs wife, nivur oi ji". mover, mo s i linr niuinber.
n whom he has leon seiiarated four following lieimlons havo been
"h, alleges as a cause of tho shooting gntnL'd: Washington Toi.llorv Mox
Falllngluid takon her nronurlv anil lean survivor. Joo 15. llailior.A'ldniton!
It lli-l..,. ,. f,.ot llf.. t.-.Ttit... i .. , ., I l.t.ii.., it. ....... i. ...i.i i ui.'... ui. '
P , . i..iiiKiiini mu, iininln in ii iei- iimnimi, iiiiiuw ui Pinion muer.
KM LAKE SHAVING PARLOR iSWMSSil J!e,a.Nft;:Moxk,u,,fll,rv,vor' y L
. . . rortland.
anuvmg, nuircutting ana shampooing.
Ik dono by nly comjietent workinon. A trial solicited.
Corner .Alain and Webb streots, I'ondloton, Oregon.
III! Vlt
inch 0 iIhw 3m
lat Rock Island
Contiacla lat for lliilldlnir din Heimner
ami Kuieliu rnt llr.ineli ItallroRil.
Siiosiionk, I.Mio,A)riI 1(1. Kilpatrlck
llrothors A Collins, rallmnil i-nntrnpinru
of Ileatrlco, iN'oliraBka, closed a contract
MUimiav with tho O. It. & N. to build
branch lines from Kuieka Flat to Walla
Walla, and up Willow creek in Moi iow
county to Ilopiuior. Tho two branches
together aro eighty miles iu length.
The 1)iiiiiCo by thn Imlluii Tornado.
Nr.w YOUK, April 10. A Lonilnn ills.
patch from Calcutta HILVH (lift ililliinrrn
caused by the recout tornado' amounts to
la handled thousand iiipccs. Ono liuu-
Sp"'NGM. N. WATER, (Waukcnsaw. Wis.) VEURE CLIQUOT e,ed irZ'ZZ ZZJZi
pa sons, moio or less Injuicd, aro now iu
mo uospuai.
Another CollUlon.
ii. . ..
uAhiiiMuoN, April io. A pasrionger
ini un mu i uniisyivaiiiii loau was
wiccked this morning by a collision be
tween cnglneo'-s in tlio Philadelphia yard.
Tho engineer and fireman weio Iniuied,
and Boveral passengers badly bruibed.
The ChrooUle Say Htauforii Won't Uo,
San Fr.AXcisco, Apill 10. Tlio Cliron-
iclo this IllorillllL' DIiIiIIhIiiwI ii In
eilitotial declariiig iu Hiibstaneo that Pen-
aior nianiord is onllioly unavallublo us
candidate for President.
A llrakf u.un KUltd.
Colton, Cau, April 10. A brakcmiin
named .Stallman, emjiloyed on a Southern
Pacific Iiciglit train, fell from a train
while in motion, near Klcaeco, and was
instantly killed.
No Chanco for Conkllug.
New York, April 10. At 2 o'clock tills
morning Conkllng's condition was ex
tremely critical. Tho.o is
his recovoiy.
To llojcolt lleer.
N'kw Youk, April JO. Tlie Central
Labor Union liavo declared that tliey will
boycott ull jiool Ihjo1. ,
Dr. .leiifw,
iNkw okk, April 10. Dr. Agnow's
condition is unchanged.
keel unit popular Hue hi connection
tine .-vorini'rn i-ucum uuiiwny
rii. I'uul ami MlniieiipotU
HruKn nml the Kant.
it. liOiilH unit the Houtli.
Wo IH-H .MolneH, Lcuveuwortlc
AtchlHon and KauMax City
Dnlv Lino h0.""l:e w" ??
r .T - ..iviiifiinnuriwiiia
Bell Ilium, Leavonworth and Kunaua
fin Palace Sleeitlnu and
j 1'alace Dlnina Cars!
many alt through Express Trains on
ifor nale liv all connecting rallwnvu.
Ionnectloiu miide Iu iiulou depot.
II Information reBarUInc rate, mnpa,
ilytoiiny coiiimui nyentof tlitiO.lt.
r Norllieru i'liclllo Hallway Com.
or to w. U. Ai.fjOwA v.
Ticket Aeent, O. It. A N. Co.,
l'endleton, Oregon,
E-VH. KHi:iY, Uru. Au'i-nt,
'aahlnston St., - - Portland, Ore.
Ut. and I'asi. Act. C. It. f. A P.
Iraffn, III. H, V, IlOVll.
tien. T. and V, Agt. M. A 8t. U Il'y.
Mlnnenpolls, Minn,
JTJGpRC O(othn,whowihti)imln
1 1 1 WbllW tWj tapn.ci cblun eitinutcs
King ipico whn in Chicio, will lind it Co lit U
) Rinda'ph st,
, n. it.
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pendleton,
Tho usual price for seals made by oilier
parties, in Portland or the Kast, U from J6.C3
o 17.00, with express i haiiea added. If you
need a seal, torn! your order to us, and avo
from 92.00 to J3.00 thereby.
East Oregonlan Pub. Co,.
mhHiitf Pendleton, Oregon.
They do happen every day, and when one l
happen t'i you. you will with thut
you were insured in llie
1MB TllAVKI.KnS' rekOlirce IH-H Hllfllnlont Ii.
nay nt onro tlio mo.t minrmnny i.n..u
elalmslhaleven Kriat railroad and tom
bout accidents can lain upon It. Puy all
claims, without dlncnunt, Immedlutelv iinon
r.i . u, t,u(, iiuiiii. .oiironmiuro
provisions In all Its policies.
Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions
of Surplus
Clopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
East Orcfionlnn bulldliiK, Pendleon, Or.
Capital and Cunerealniial NotenfIntert
to Northwestern. Header.
IUoiint. of ficoigiu, from tho comniitteu
on btolllces and 1'oitrot.ds, iooiied tho
POHtollli'o appropriation bill, it was re
foned to the committco of tlio wliolo.
Peel, of Arkansas, pieonl:-d a confer
ence rojioit on tlio bill (o uitify llio agree
niont witli tlie Grosvoutros, l'legun,
citiMiiicv itr.ri.ii'.H.
Iln U One of thn Iiiinieiiae Army that are
(latliuiini; Under tint l'lnt; of Turin lie-
To thu l'dllnrof the Kust Orczoiilan,
i nuiiuu nun i navo neun uo.'ioreii dv a
lrco lulverllseiiieiil.oiio cohimu in Ioiil'Hi.
OCCUDVillL' a nromiiiont iuih linn in tlm
edltoiial page of a recent Issue of the
uaiiy conundrum, and signed "Itepubll-
can." J he writer thoreof. bv means of
iwrsonal abuso ami choice, well-coined
epithets which aro the only olfi'divo
"arguinonts" llio Coitundtuni and its vo
taries tiro capablo of producing remarks
that hu Ih endeavoring to ontico '"Ciiin
boy" out of his hole, ho that ho may
come in range of the deadly fuseo which
ho keeps charged for Vkuiik." Tills is 1
the Mini and mi mtanco ol tho ai Helium. n
Honed. However, its iccullar luilllancy
deserves somo iccognllion at my luiiids
wiiicli I give Willi pleasure :
"Itopubllcan" seems won led ovor tho
oitlous (to hint) comparison I drew of
col. Irish's sjieecli and tho ltepiibllean
convention, and takes ino to task Ixicausa
of my iiudaclous exptesslon of opinion on
the subject. Iu ids ovo I was utility of a
grcutpiestiiuptioii iu stating that to my
mind Col. Irish "ollectunlly exploded the
iirotcction theory. " and ho asks inn in
give my toiisons for such a strange ami
liecilllar assertion. I la u'lintuiiriMiiiumtu
11 statistics and facts. Let mo say lo "ito-
i publican" ami his friend that on thu
evening oi Irlhh'H Kcecli, had tliey been
piosont, they would liavo heaid enough
"arguments, statistics and facts" to con
vince any unprejudiced, intelligent man,
Democrat or Uopublican, of tlio ovlls of ii
high protectlvo tarilf, which is morel v
legislation in favor of the clusses anil
against tlio interests of tlio masses. I can't
myself discuss tlio lurid' question well or
intelligently, lecauso it is a subject that
can only lw mustered bv men oi mighty i
I.-.. i.. .... it l -i.V. ... " -
imiiii, nu -iiiiiu iiigiigilis, limi llie WIS 1 1
clout that coinci from sunerlor knowl- t
eugu oi iKiiiticat cconoinv.
plainly seen that "loi)iiblicanM is ono of
these mighty jr). nonages and It Is there
foio with Iho greatest timidity that I on
to" tlio llsl ' against him.) Yes. I confess
my inability to enpu "itli this great na
tional question, or to Ikm-oiiio a leader
ami btandard bea'o- In tho coining lay.
Jmt I liavo ,e.id, and lint nod, ami
thought, und 1 am aide mid willing at
lu.uit t J l.ko un lumiiile jKi Itlon in tho
immense tinny that will Hilly round tlio
banner of luild" inform" iu tho approach
ing campaign. 1 laving llHteiiod to Col.
lihih, 1 fouml an opinion in common
with tho inaio.-ity oj thu iiudloiico
pruaont, and taking advantauo of an
Amoiican cltl.en'H glorious pmilogo of
Htand. Ho said witli earnest eloquence,
"iiio great Irish has come and gone; but,
my itepubllcan friends, tho litllo lamb
will not lay down ami dlo. It still frisks
u lion the uteeii. and was Its lull tn tin.
spilng, trada." I confess that against
such a sensible, convincing argument us
tho foregoing, which Is the standard one
HOW Used bv "iirinVrlliiiilHtM." I It til IUVI.
ilivelv iinablo to mako headway. I thete
fore lav down mv mm In ulliim.n mi, I
shame, mid succumb to tho harsh electees
oi mo iiiuvitalilu. CimiuuY.
in Mia mm n 1 1 ill lllllll W illi IISU
finished product must pay, every
Tlio inantifactiiior doesn't "lieur Ih'.i
An Intereilluir Oueallon,
Krom tlieN. Y. Iloiald,
Wo constantly recolvo lullein from
workingnien asking us to oxpluln this,
that orlliooihoreH'cct of tarlll reduction.
All liuht. Thev mo thlnklm- lln-li-u,.v
through a largo' problem ami doing it in
very level headed fashion.
Hero Is a ciuestlon which in.ii.ftl mm
lias asked :
Will iho Ileintd tell mo what will bo llie
roSUlt III mull Willi work fni- 1 1 v t ... . .,.. .
tins ciiitulii ruw miiteiiaiH-wool, for In
hihiici nu tlio freu 1 kl? '
Well, lht of all, tho duty on raw wool
is a tax which tho man who usus tlm
cost wiiy should heV If ho can la i - hii
taw mateiial at a low figure ho can allunl
to noil whatever ho makes at a conns.
iioiiilingly small prlco. On tlio otlier
hand, if his raw material is dear that is
your misfortune, forlio will havo to charge
you more or he can't do business. Tlie
duty, or tax, is paid by you whenever
you uny the iiianufactii--er's uoods.
.Again, if tlio cost of raw materials
limit the moducllon of t hum is limit
I hut is serious. Thcio Is no sense, how
over, in pioducing a great deal when
only a little can lxi sold. A man would
IO uu Idiot to kt'Oii tils mamifactorv run.
niiig night and clay when thuui Is no do-
maud lor wliat ho Is making. High1:,
. ivtn .nun. i niiiiiiiui llllllllfUl UI IieOlU
to buy. Poor folks would llku to buy, hut
Mountain Valley Item.
April 11!, 1688.
This is tho divest siulnir that bus 1
known for yeais in Hits part of tho
country. Nearly every ono Is through
sowing gtiiln for this year.
bniiblug Is almost throuiih. All I opart
a big per cent, of lambs In this section.
V. M. Mcllrooin, who went lo. Missouri
last summer, has lelurned to his homo at
this Place. Uu says this cutinlrv Is far
ahead of Mlssomi.
It. (!, .Mcllroom has pmchaiil an in
terest In a chug sliiie in ;iliashoio, Mis
hoiiiI, ami will make that his homo iu tlio
future. ,
Joel Thtashcr. who has been slek for
soino (lino, is gradually getting worno.
.Mis. Nannie l.lnvlllo, of llolso City,
daughter of Joel Thiasher, has letiirncii
to her homo from visiting bur patents ut
this placo.
The I'aglo saw mill will got up steam
as soon as limy can get an engineer.
Tlio .M. Y chinc h organised a Sunilay
school hero thu Ihst h'unduv in llils
Still now jiooplo mo toiiilng iu our
midst, tllero liehiL' suvetal ranclios titkini
up in thu last few weeks.
Horn, to the wife of Aaron French, a
0 M)iiud I my. All doing well.
.nr. a. .ii. iiamer is mi iho slek list.
D.C.Jones talks of uoinu In Ihn llti?
Head coiinliy soon. Kimehu Coiluv will
accompany him.
John Hud returned f,om thu valloy
Ibis week whe'o ho has been iitlumliug
school thu past winter.
Oearln' Walltlty,
, lion. John M. Oearln, tho pie.-onl
' DoiiicH-ratle nominee for Confess, had a
i lM 1 VJ."0. Va' '' 'luKiil as a nallvo o!
...i i."'lH)d"gtonToriltory IiiHlaad of 0 ogoir
fj'w. :w" A"KM- Mi ids parents on their
way ui wiegon, nan leached tlio Wash
ington Terriloiy side of the Columbia
rlvov, nml had ba.ely cio.d the Ivor lo
Umatilla county when our distinguished
VOUIItf Dntiwitvnt iimi- lui.'iu.i tli.i .w.ii.l..
nai no is muring. ll L' i li ..., m,.TiU u,
a smaller nuinliorcVf lnioido 57,!(f:r S0VK?:IH,Jul 1!!!',1("H ik1 ?w
r folks would llko lo bt v. l,m I 1,0 1 '.L,V . WimhUHii ,o"ty '
they can't iidbid to. Thoy can get a ong ".w ror 01 " , Ml .0 . ''"'."'"W
wilhout what thoy need In older lif I ,u.vo omet . ng to do with .lolin it,
leally comfortable, becauso thoir money I "31"" m,t'" a rm "ol -,010C--t-
- i i i -i ii . -
iniiHt go for flour and iiotatoes.
lllOII. aitalll. When a limnnf.ir! Ill dir la
doing a smtill bttsluoss fiu only wauls a
few woikiuen. Tho inoment you limit
his maiket by increasing tho cost of his
iroiiucis you cut down his pay roll, On
ho conlrarv. If lin run i..t i,iu i,.,l-
(It can bo lals ho cheaply that everybody can afford
i i i ' ",rt 110 " luggor
iiiiuuiiii moio IS WOtK lor eaiimiilnrn
Mr. tlrarlu Will lie I'.lertrd.
Kiom (he Jacksonville Timet.
Wo would not bo Hiup.Ised if John .M.
Oeai In is elected lo succ eed Itingcr Her
maun, ho decided lias the public dcsliti
leromo lo i elect one who known how to
ellect hoiiio salutary legislation and dees
not confine his eflorls alone to intioduc-
t 1 111.. fl'i . f .
iiik DiuH, uiuio ih noiMxiy in Wiguuii
and masons j ho icqulres moio looms; 1 lio is boiler equipc(l for coiigieH.iiiiaii
Iheio is woik for mechunlcs, ami lie '--Mr. h.
wants moio hands In liiu nilllu
iu tho year; thou you have good wagos
and steady work.
J'roHKjrous limes for laboring mon do
pond ou Iho popular demand for what
inanufuetiirois tin n Into tho imirkot.
Choke oil" tlio production bv a tax mi raw
matoilala ami you not only lo'sen tha
iiiimbcir who liavo work hut you Increaso
tho number who aro seeking for It und
owi't find it.
Tuloscoj.o.i woro invented in 1500.
John lliiiimtt.
From llio JucIcsoiivIIIoTIiucn.
John Iltiinett Is not only a betler law
yer than Judge m, but would also
mako a betl-ir supremo Judge than ho,
for ho bus been Mod unci not found
wanting. Ilisiuooid on tho bewhlaa
firwl-clusi) ono and the ooplo would do
well to placo Air. ISiimolt there again.
Allwrt Durer ptvotho world a prophecy
of futiiie wood eiiaiuving iu J.X7,
imfyifiV f .Vii iiii