East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 14, 1888, Image 3

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    , i t
l HDAY. M'KU, H,
-llllly Wullu
litun uii (Jon-
uttetor KitnimirH train, met with an ac
cident to-day that will lay him up for
Hutuu time. In attempting to jump on a
tint ear at North Fork hiding IiIm foot
Hllpicd, the brake-bar of the ear striking
IiIh left leg at the knee, giving It a bad
wrench. Dr. Kngan wast called to ex
amine It mi his iirrli'nl limn, mill iiitvlunil
that ho be Kent to the company'! hospital I Kunsns; TKIIIh, Arkansas j'.Iohn Smith
at Portland. I ttitcl who, Now Yoik; A I) Tavlor and
UOrando Journal: The Democrat! of ' ft """"ft Juj-ol. Dlaniond aii.l fainl
tv(i, n!ui!..( i.. i. Iy. Kansas; Abo l.onox. Lu Grande: 1
...vj i'iaiii .. iiuv.ltll Jjniuvh imtu UWIIII- Vir....l.... i. ti it .. . . ... it m
. ium:iy, ii ii i iiiuimoiui. Itlllio. HI i
Win Uliunkii, iNow ork; .1 (Council
Howman lloisi:. li 1' Madden, I,u
Grande; .1 W Giogg, City ; A Knight, Al
ba ;Wcloy. I Herring, .limipcr; A Tick
ciih, Kugciio City ; C A Hutchinson mid
wife, Centerville; U 1' Antlornon, linker
City; J D Hrownell. La Grande: 11 I)
I.ollell, Troy. Ohio; V T Koy, S Oberlln,
Dealer In Nw nnit Hccotid-hand
i go to the .Masnnlo restaur-
1s bo-
UrrKiHIIllll iirnnrii unnm
OlHc Of till K.ST OHWW.NIAN Ills
lalMMlltl I'lirllllllll "1 imwimimnni
i. ...... ... . mtta nr ri'iiiuc'UMi. linn iiiucti iiuii. . .u. mmisuv. oi i ouu n
......... ji-., ...... ...tiinriiil v Ill III ilk i Ifitt f..t Plaint I... I.... T...I.... ....... I..
Vl"lt.":"r.".. ::FT,v.. ..iV, ... " able lawyer, and the district will bo
rUIIIILT UK"' " .luuilfi.I'Mw. i;ut .1 I.. II... Ul..... .,!.,.
i.nniuvu ULDi IMIUII. 111 IIIU k ltllU lJl lin
Circuit bench. .Indue ltnmsov was
elected County Judgo In Yamhill against
an lutverHo itopulillcun majoiity, and
last fall wan elected mavor of Salem on
the Kepubllcan ticket against an adverse
majority ot ;;ou votes.
Centervlllo Home Press: Centerville 1h
on the ovo of a substantial boom. The
influx of cmmlgrant, and capitalist, (oo
at this place is evidence of the approach
mguveni. iot alone win it strike Lcn
tervillo, but Eastern Oregon and the
.Stale as well. All wo want In a little en
orgy and wo can have u population of
i,oui) inside oi n year or so.
The- ease of ltcseh vs. Grata was tried
yesterday in Justlco Garrott'H court.
HtcHch sued Gratz for "forclblo entry ami
detainer" oi a tuinning on .Main street
and for two week)' rent. Ku'sch won
but (rat, threatens to apjieai.
The street sprinklers now load up on
Alia street, at tlie rear ot Kotliclilld A
Heau'H store. A three-inch plie, with an
elevated elbow, lias iicen connected will
ine main, which is iiiucn more come
n font for tilling the tanks.
Mrs. A. G. Webb will Icavo on the
train this evening to visit her parents
near tne two. fciio win slay more about
two months, and will go from there to
her new home at fcalom.
county ha" unpaid warrants
to over ?ii,umi.
I I...I ...
Iiil' and loan association
ted in uaKor v. uy.
Lodge K. of P. have Just ro
se new' -MpM and robes for their
.. i ...i i.i.. it. i ......
m nnacu. uiisiuurui iiiu
io) National Hank, was in town
ling 1m confined to his room wltl
praiued auuie, received in
Iiiison has some ilrst-elass fur
kins to rent at the old poslolllco
in Court streot.
Id I'cllows of Hakcr City will
Mho sixty-ninth anniversary of
r on tne .Tiin him.
lltnes 11. Slater will address the
bf Iji Grande this evening ou
taxation and Wealth,"
I, a place to do housework, or to
di children, ny a young woman
nice. Appiy at tins oiuco
L-s named Hock and Lucy got a
Icing yesterday, In the pond
k'li, by a noai upsemng wnn
ilia Walla 1'iiion of Friday had
at the UeiMibllcau District uoin
kiken from Wednesday's Haht
h services, conducted by Hov
d. will 1mi held to-morrow (Sun
ing hi the OiKra House, at 7:"0
I aro invited.
slved at tne iKistolllco confee
III II IIIUIIU llll. I'l 1'IIIU lll'I'IV-i-,
the season ; also a fresh lot of
naniias, etc.
v Is liavlm; tils House raised
1 of the street, aliotit three feet.
1 Improve the atiiiearancc of
ty very much.
ill to call and examine the new
)avls vertical feed sowinu ma-
ro nurehasing eowhero. For
iiih, liros. tx l;o.
,1 meeting of ltescue Ihxik it
ipauy is called for next .Mon-
:, April ui. iiusiness oi im
1 bo trausuctcd.
I H9th to put under carpets or on
C,lor any puroso tor which out
i may ihj iiseiui, very cneap
o, for tho next few days,
Mav cuine ui from Portland
imf returned the same evening
fo, who has for several weeks
ig her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
or, if you aro already a sub
the Daily Hast Oiikooniak,
vo a scciJnd copy one year by
i.OO, or by carrier for llfteen
Kuebler have one of tho )est
s In town and carry a line line
iiid stationery, moreover lielng
uslucss men advertised In this
u their ad. on this page.
re has moved Into the building
Mted near DusenlKiry & Co.'m
I a stock of vegetables. Ho pro
jnrry vegetables exclusively and
ras pi.icticable from fanners.
Kile Homu Pres.-i; The county
kave Ik'oii kept In the liest of
r our clerk, G. . Hartmiiu,auil
i) In saying that ho will Iks io-
lllce by an overwhelming ma-
feorhnuso il Co. have just re-
Inudsome case of Corticelll silk
iwliich tlinv uro sillliii at tlui
ss charged for the Holding silk.
;elll twist N considered suM(r
, in the market.
Die Homo Press: Hank Vaughn
were over on tho I'niatllla tlsh
y.and mot with ipilto good sue
iLlihig the HH.ckIed, nuuilwrini!
plain trout and a half doon
f A pretty good day for suckers,
Ml 1 iiii.da'lon for tlie .Matlock A
Bii ilding is completed ami con
Irks ban commenced work ou tho
nropor. Iho foundation for
totel 1h also rapidly nearing com
t is of stono and Frank Duprat
It one of tho best pieces of
E in town.
idu.Iouanal: Green Arnold ro
in Pendleton on Saturday. Ho
it he and HIshop, John llrad
Ueo. llarnhart formed tho mi-
luartetto, lioforo which tho Ho-
Eonvention realized itH minority
leepmon oi one accord will voto
ind next fall. Green say ho
iy up" timo down there.
standing tho nppareutlv back
rig, Pendleton is steadily im
now homes tiro lielng built on
uid now, Ixjforo the busy build
i has fairly commenced, tho
n "s hammer is heard and owners
irds rro lirenarlni! to harvest tho
of brick for tho coming stun
itsoiiiV; Luhrs' planing mill is
l tho time with a largo forco of
tantlv oiiip oved. 1 lull & Hum.
t'fi doing a good lunilier business,
indo Journal : J. C. Arnold.
ty survoyor of Umatilla county
liool sujierintondcnt, mado this
fendly call on Wednesday. Ho is
pod in running lines for privato
ine norm lort ot .Meaclieni
1 he alleges that tho denizens
kiou aro getting the best of tho
fct in that they can work
I of their claims, as tho land
ledgo. Ho says tho success of
fcounty and state democratic
pmatilla county is assured.
Mrs. A. Gray, of linker City, was ad
judged insane a few davs airo. Shu was
a graduate of Howard College, Mo., and
tue mother oi tnree ciiiidren.
Fxcellont book-keepers thoso who
borrowed iKwks of tins oil co months and
years ago and have not returned thoui.
Mike Grill, is buildlmr u comfortable
dwelling house hi tho rear of his restaur
ant tor his own uso.
iMlllerativo co hicldence Pcarl-Pairo-
puueu- irosecuicd-peni enuarv-i'ennov
.1. II. Morrison, of Juniper. Democralii!
caudldato for Hepresentativo, was in town
Mr. J. M. Morris, the capitalist of Con
tervillo, came down on the train last
J. H. I'ddv and James A. Fee will re
main in Portland a day or two longer.
iV copious shower of rain would lm
welcomed by tho farmers.
Joo Keonoy. Jr.. left this mornliiL' for
. i, . ... n
.iriiugiou via iiepjiner.
CoillltV HCrll) allowed ut tbn Anrll ti.rm
of court is now ready.
llillv Honor Is rmmhiL' four forwu In
hiw new location.
. G, Webb's furniture is lielm? sold
this afteinoou.
Seo L. Dusenbory it Co.'h "ad" on this
Mr. J. H. Kecnov is reported worso to.
Haker City now has a boy band.
Anothrr Coiiinilttva Aiiollitrl. 1
At u special mcetini! of tho Itnunl nf
rrado last ovenine: u committen. 'iiiihI(.
ing of Messrs. Marston. Johnson mid
Greene, was appointed to engage cltv
I'.iigincnr Wilson and Mr. I). K. Smith,
to go o.er the John Dav road and make
estimates of the amount of work and ex-
IKJiiho nocessiiry to put the road In re
pair. They atu also to induce two mem
Imsih of tho Hoard to iro. f doss b e. .Mr.
Marston informs us this afternoon that
Mr. llson not beimr able to eo. Mr. Ar
nold has been secured in his place. Mr.
Smith will also go, with a view to bal
ling iiH)ii I lie work. .Mr. U-ozor has
'onseuted to eo as ono momlicr of the
Hoard, and it is mippommI Mr. T. F.
Hourko will go as the other. The party
will probably start .Monday.
m i i
The Cultln 'I lilor, Hlhur,
Andy Oliver, whom Mat Tavlor has
just brought Iwiek from Long Creek, was
nrrested by vhtue of waniint fiom Whit-
man county, . T., charging lilm with
attlo steallmr. Ollicers have lieen hunt.
ing him for the past nine months, and
Miorlll lientloy lias addodano her leather
to his cap by making tho capture When
found ho wasut a rail camp, alwut twelve
miles from Lone Creek, threo miles of
which distuueo 'I ay lor had to go on foot.
Tho man was going by tho name of John
Klbort. Sherill'L. P. Herry anlvivl horo
last ovoning, and will escort him to Whit
man county for trial.
lba: Hobt Tlicreiiin. linker Cltv: H M
Thomas. Weston; John Vollman, Michi
Vit.iani) Hofsi:. James McDonald
(bombs' Canvon, L P Herrv, Colfax; I
Heeler, Weston;.) h liradlev, M J.ou
is; Dave Jones, Portland; J Si Morris
Centerville: W J Havsandfamilv.IIetiP
ner; W II Turner, Cornucopia: J II
Frantz, Pilot Hock; C W H Ford, San
J'rancisco; .lonn urown, lirownsvillo.
Goi.i)i:.v Urix. M Morris, T French
Cltv: Tlios Freer. James Freer. Los An
gcles; F S Snyder, Mrs L ICdmonds, Wal
hi Walla; Cltliorhlnt, Portland; L K
reniatid, iicitxjj i uargett, Jolm Par
ker, J M Nicely and faniily, JuniiHjr; I)
G Smith, G I) Hichert, Echo; T Kealoy,
roniatid; iwtss Jougiicrty, Vinson.
I.nml Onice Ittinlimtii.
Tho followinir will show tho current
business of tho La Giaudo land olllco for
the quarter ending Marcli ill, 1888
151 pre-emption tilings.
1 coal land tiling.
homestead entries.
65 timber culture entries.
M final proof homestead entries 7013.03
8 llnal Proofs, commuted homestead
entries 11MI1.55.
71 llnal proofs pre-emption cash en
tries, (18(17.04.
in final cash entries of "timber and
stono" land IMHI.17.
(I llnal timber culture entries 880.
1 final unlry of desert land 80.
Huniiv HiNKiiAiiT, Heglster.
II A KKAIjA On April 1:1, l.'-H.S, In ut.mM'H-o.iil'
Ulllllilllll CDIllll-, Uri'R'lll. Ill UII' lllllll' oi
iii!roniiBmcr.iii-inu',or iviuioiii rovrr, Mrs.
1'rrln Ili'lcn llarrnlii. in itliorof John mill
NvIkoii llurrnln, iikvii 7.1 yriirs, 0 months
nun li iny.
She was 1 Kirn in thotowuof Hanaraiida.
Sweden, and was a devoted member of
the Lutheran clinch.
NI'.W T.I.Y,
Leezer & Kuebler
Tho Inrscut mid moat coinplrto itook of
Toilet & Fancy Articles
In Eastern Oregon.
Household Goods
A Rare Chance For Gash.
Ami munufticf iircrn of
Tinware Coppcrwarc and Sheet-Iron , JJ U IM T IjJliT IT JPASO
of Every Description.
I i . --li -
Tin Roofing a Specialty! The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered!
No Such Values Given Elsewhere!
Our Competitors Look Astonished!
Note the prices in Our Departments!
Olvo im a (rial.
Echo, Oregon.
Gen. Merchandise
Boiler Mills
Pianos, Organs!
-HoM hy.
50 pieces solid color dress pods, at 8c per yd; sold elsewhere lU'aC.
fit) pieces fancy checks ilress koikIs, at 10c H.'ryd; sold elsewhere 15c.
50 pieces fancy dress fj'iods, at 15e per yd; sold elsewhere 'JOc.
-0 pieces ;i(i-incn ciianoapie dress koihis, at I'uc cr yd; sold elsewhere
-.) pieces .'Kl-inch oiro dress uoodx, at ''."ic per yd i wild elsewhere .'I7'..e.
'-'5 pieces 10-inch all-wool tlrayvlllo yuijinjr, f,0c per yd ; sold elsewhere 75c.
Albalross Cloths,
Sicilian Cloths,
Austrian Plaids,
Ludl-s Cloths,
Hhad.imuii Marvel
fi-ap D'Alinas,
Tho above comprise all the latest shades and designs in DrosH Goods shown in tho
New Yoik MarketM.
domestic ddpa-Ktmehstt
luisdalo Bleached .Muslin, 10 vaids for $1.00.
Hill's Bleached Muslin, 11 vards for 1.00.
Cabot V, M yards for 1. 00.
Cabot A, VI yards for $1.00.
CIukIiiiiiih, In lare and small checks, 10, 1'J and I I vatds fur $1.00.
Cheviot Shitting, 10 yards for $1.00.
Dospain Block
Aro Fully Warrantud.
AudiiKtlilu llrm'K Riiiir.iiilcn In worth
lUUriiutHoii tlio dolliir, they
will Intiiillu only
First-Olass Goods
Wo luivo romo to ntny.
Wo lmv mtoplril for our motto, "Ilonont
ilcnlliiK unci fair price.
We buy Ktrlctly forcnuii.
Wo iliall fllrv purclinvers tlio benerll. '
Wo can soil you an Organ or
Piano on monthly In
Tho lnt (Iranil Medal glvim liy any noclvty
wan uwar.loil tlio Klmtmll Oruim.
Tlio lurKmi RliM'k of thru Jutly iiUI)mtvl
OrKaiiK uvcr on oxlitliltlou In 1
cm Ort'Kon Ht our wuro
rooiiin. Mims Bros. & Oo.
In this department wo are prepated to satisfy the most oxnctlnK taste.
Uur stock euihruces
Beaded Sets,
l'.raldcd Hets, in all colors;
Braided Panels, in nil colors;
Novelty Braids, in all colors;
Headed Ornaments,
Watered Silks, in all colors;
I'lushes, in all colors;
Sitllnsand Velvets, in all colors.
Flouncings, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, etc.
Ladles would do well to examine our5-button luimth .louvlu Kiddlovcs,
stllchcd hack. Wo have this line in all shades, which wo are oH'erln at
$l,XfS pvrpalr sold everywhere t $1.75.
Hosiery Department.
At Less Than Cost!
We have determined to close out our
entire stock of
Comprising the
MU Mollurlll.
Miss Florence Molinelli delivered Iter
"dramatic lecture" at tho Opera Ilouso
last nhiht. Miss .Mollluelli is ipiile a
pretty child, and with study and training
would bocomo a vory pleasant lectuier.
Kho closed her lecjuro by iccitiiiK the
"jiotion t-ceno" from Homeo and Juliet,
finishing it with a succession of falls, tirst
dropied to tho nofa and gently bouncing
fell lightly to tho lloor, and gracefully
presenicn mo soies oi nor vory pretty teet
to the admiring audience as tho curtain
rolled down amidst iutenso "silent up
CorlnlulyTliey Will.
Krom ttio LVntervlllt) Homo I'reM,
Tho jicople know and appreciate tho
manner in which Mr. lientloy, our pres
ent sheriir, has filled that otiico of so great
trust, and know too. that tlio countv is In
a better condition, lluancially, than it has
over been before. Your scrip ia proof of
this nsr-ortion. and numerous other items
that wo could mention, but tho readers
iierhapH. know aa well as wo. and for fear
of lioing accused of flattery, o refrain
Ironi mt'iitloniii'' more. .No doubt the
jwoplo will appreciate his faithfulness by
re-electing htm for another term.
If you
want Books,
see us.
call and
James Crawford,
.Mnmifai'turor of mill DvnliT In
Harness, Saddles, Bridles.
Whips, Etc.,
Yonts and Wagon Sheets
for Sale
Oilit l-VI !'' itulMinif, Mitiii Mirntt. JtiSI
I'ltAO'f ICAI.
Main a. ul W'uliliHlrnel.
KuNicrn luilo lloulH
null HIki.'h in
I'orfcol lit (iiinntut'il.
Wo would call your nsiccial attention to this line, In which wo are ode ring special
A line of ladies' solid color hose, 10 cents jcr pair.
A line of ladies' fancy-striped hoso, 15 cents per pair.
A line of ladies' unbleached Bulbrlgans, extra heavy, at 25 cents.
A lino of ladies' solid colors uml fuuey-striiied, at LV cents.
A lino of same at cents.
A lino of same at 51) cents.
Nuwltteti in nlltc uml llnlc-thrcml Hone.
Also a full lino of Mhscs' anil Chlldrrn' JioMlvri,
Shoe Department.
largest rtock, uml will
In this department wo cannot bo surpassed. We carry tho
give you Iho LowoBt PrlcOD,
Ladles' Oxford Tics at $1.1)0; sold everywhere at 1.:'5.
I-udlos' Oxford Ties ut 1.50; sold everywhere at $-'.00.
Ladles' Newport Ties at f 1,00; sold everywhere at
Luilies' NewisirtTies at il.50: sold overvwhoro at r.MKI.
Leezer & Kuebler,
Successors to W. T. Chalk.
Hen Harrison sjieaks of tho l'resldent'ri
"blundering courago." All right. Tho
country prefers It to tho blundering cow
ardico of his enemies.
T. F.
Illxlictt market price uj for ul) klmt
G- R A I N.
Auttrullan white wlicat, winter barley nnil
ryefiirnale fur meilliiK purpo.en, Tlio Aim
tntllun white wheat U Jut thu urtlelo block
men need. It makes u Ilrit-clu iiuullty of
Julyl tf OltKOON.
More than two hundred formi of leyul
hlunk at IbU ofllce. Lawyer uml othern
ueedlne upeclul forum can be nupplied.
Blacksmith Shop,
Next door to IlaiainerV teA'HIiihle,
corner Col Pin worn! nnil Alia
NU l'aliilkloil, Or.
And hm cheap n the oliHiiH'.it.
in a trial and ho couvuiued
irurtio-Shoelna and l'low Work
Glvm'fcpocl Attnillon.
McEachorn & Thomson,
Alia street, - oath of Court Ilouso
Pendleton Meat Market.
JONES & HiRIG, Props
IlavliiK reopened the ulmve .Market, (Run-
nrr Old mnnii, we uunw no prepureu ui mm
IIiiich to sapidv Ilio p. ojile of Pendleton
with the very heal
Beef, Mutton, Pork, Voal, Etc.,
That (he market can altord, and
price all can reitc'j.
Ladies' 0K)ra HllpiH'rs, 111) cents; sold everywhere at $1.-5.
Ijidies Opera Hlijijters, at 11.00; sold everywhere at fl.'JJS,
Ijulies ()em Sliimern, at LfiO; sold everywheio at i'JM.
Ladles Anieiicaii kid button shoes, 2.J5; Sold everywlinro '.7o.
Ladles' pebble goat liulton hhoes, .1.7"i, sfL'.OO, L'.'Jj and upwards.
In addition to tho ab ivo, wo have n complete assortment ' 'draco, French, Ilonga
Ha mid (ilove kid sIiihs, niiiiiufactured by the Hint col.lirated 1'astern makers.
A comparison f hoe gisxls for ipiallly and pi ice Invilcd.
Wo would call your'iittentlon to our new line, of which we arc displaying tho laig
est Mock, and at prices tho lounst. Wo an olleriug in this lino:
.Moil's huMnoss suits, 17, 10, nnil upwards,
Men's dress suits, $Il', 4h, and ujiwaids,
liovs' suits, v'i, V, in, ami upwards.
Cliildien's suits, :i.0l), fl..")0, $ 1.00, and upwards.
Our aim Is alwayH to carry the latest htvlus In I lain, lndcririar, Nirl;
tccur, elv. We have an extensive variety in each of thoso lnes, In fact, more than
wo caro to carry, and thoy miMt sold. Wo have placed a wry low prlrv on
these goods in order to dispose of them.
Cnrpots, Oil Clotha, Smyrnu Rugs, Wall Pnpor, otc.
(iianiilatc4 sugar, V2 lbs. for $ 1.00.
(olden (' sugar, Li lbs. for f l.O.J.
nice, 11 lbs. for i 1.00.
Collcu, filj lbs. . 00.
Climax tobacco, -I0e jsrr plug.
Syrup, No. 1 ipiality.in kegs, t-'.7'.
Hememlxir we Hliall do hist us uo adverllmt. ICverv article voil nurchaso
our stoin you will llnd to conosjuml with prices iuivertisnd.
Henry Kopittke& co., j Tlie Pendleton Roller Mills,
rist osEjomu jci sirmzur u the
lurtic'l mid liel eulp-d In the Juluud
Kmplro. Kalern prlcej.
V.. O Cnli. rv.. I'MUilleton.nreeon
(Cupiieity ail) Li u rro U jier day.)
W S. BYERS & CO.. Proprietors,
I'uiidlctmi, (iriion.
.MmuifuetureM of Orulinin, raalled and
keii-ri.liiK Hour.
rash I'rire I'ahl
KIihIn ol' (araln.
lor All
I'Jour, meul, chop feed, cto ulway on hand.