East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 14, 1888, Image 1

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A rum: i.i nit a nr.
I'ntron of lli Dally or Hcml-AVeckly
IJAST olli:iNI.N tan freely inuli tt
of the. KASI' (MIIKIOMAN library lmn.
ever they o iteMre. Tho iulill(! urn cnr
illally Imllril to llt the oilier uhcnuTer
n IiicIIiiimI.
y cent In money or Mump will pit)
lie Send-Weekly 13AfT OHIXlOMIAX
i ikitt until uflor llio June election.
Inllnr nml twenty-five cent will pay
lin Dully UAH I' OKIIOONIAN for tin?
Mcnstli f llnm by mall.
)L. 1.
NO. 39.
Call the Attention
To tlio largo ami varied slock of
Which wo havo lately received, and now have on exhibition at our
It eoriHlHtH in part of a flno assortment of
ring ana summer Dress Goods, Staple Dry
Goods, Clothing, and Gents' Fur
nishing Goods.
-A Largo Stock of-
-A Full Lino of-
purchasers eupcclally will find it to their InteroHt to insect our Htock and
got our prices.
othchild & Bean.
nwuHHaiHiiUfir t .'HB'im i i l ui
' I iMii r m l 1 nrrrrv'i
Shaving, Hnlrcutting and Shampooing.
"IK uwiiu i "iti wiiii'i-ii'iii. tt u iviiiuii 4k. nun nuiu iiuti
illm Corner Milln and W nhli streets. Pendleton. Oropnn.
C linn I r nnnnnnil Attn nvr iiintciirfp . mo mm in nnriuuin
. iivukL uu u ii uu nil u in luniLdi jiij. ij I L i f- unnii niu
P0N3ARDIN CHAMPAGNE, (Yellow Label.) moh9.uwsm
m mjuk isranu
TJT?T3 rn T Ti A T5 ftTTrnT? C?
direct mi'l popular lino lu coniuetlon
It tlm . x . ki .Mill.. lliillii-nw
Mi l.tir.. n.t.f . 1 u
v i.uuin hiiu inn nuuiiii
To Itcn SIoIiium, I.f uviiiovnrtli'
A trlilrton nml Kuuhim City
Onlv Lino S?""tl"h. ..?
l'ttlace Dlnlnu Cam!
full liirorinntlon reiranllni? rntPK. iimrni.
uiiniviounv roil nun nveiiinr tiK.ii.li.
. or nortnorn rneino ltniiway com
Ticuei abbiii.o. it, tt .N. Co.,
ruiullfton, Oreyon.
illy irvwi.t.
a Washltigtou fit., - . I'ortlanU, Ore.
i. TKt. and I'usa. Act. P. fl. I. P. Tt. It.
Mi1r-airi fit u f. t)f'w
uen, t, and l". ABt. SI. A fu I Il'y.
Mlniieapolli, Sllnn.
VPnTIPRI oiothr,wh.v.ltM3timl(M
U11IISJ.JIW thipptr,cfofcUittimlei
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pendleton,
The utual price for oal made by other
purlieu, lu ror'l.iml or the Kot, Ik from 0.00
o 7,00, with exproBs chance added. If you
need ft Real, iend your order to ua, oicl av
from 42.00 to 3.00 thereby.
East Oregonian Pub, Co..
round u Pendleton, Oregon.
llrnncli ltallrond In Kantnrn W. T.
Coi.kax, W. T., April Nowh
reaches hero that a largo etiKlnoerinx
party are lu the Held mirvowtiK a lino
from a twlnt nixty inileM e.int of l'aloiifo
junction to tlio forki of Ilatiumau ctool:
i'hoy will Hiirvoy u hrnncli aloii( Uun$
man creeu to hxjicano I-allH, unit an
other to Ciuur d'Aleno, Idaho. It in tin
derntood that tlio oncineorM aru in llio
employ of tlio O. It. & who it i bo
lioved intend to build on the lino mir
voyed if praelh-ablu.
Hunk Itobbtry.
hT. Joii.vhoNVIM.k. N. V.. Anrll l.'l.
ino firm isatloual liaulc of It h d aco
wa nroiton into anu n.Dheil tltm liioni
iti,'. An enlraneo wuh eilecled throiijjh a
hack window, 'llio buru aw then b ow
oirtho vault and nafo doors uud carried
oil ten thousand doll.trri in imhIi ciuht
hundved utiHiiiued billn, a uold waloli and
chain, valued at one hundred and ho von
ty-llvo dollarn, and a h t of jowelrv whiclt
had been deposited in the vault for mile
keeping. o clue to the iHirlifH.
Nule (if Tliiilii rlitnil-H0,000 Arn4.
Nkw Yoiiic. Anrll 1!). Vieo I'riwident
OakcH naya that u Halo of eiglitv thnuHand
acres of limber land In VahfiiKtnn L
ritory, within thirty nilles of Tacoinu, has
lcou couHUiumatcd. 1 ho transact on In
volvos tlio construction of a railroad from
Tacoma, to Imj known as tlio "Taconia
.Southern," and toeimt two million do!
lars. Tito purchasers am O. W. CJrics
oi ri. rani, it. k. iiowtit ot ow Klclt
mond, Wis., and their associates.
Two IIbiibIii);.
Fintotrfl Falls, Misit., April 1.!. Oil
sen Ilolouir was hauled hero this after
noon for the murder of Itis employer's
duuulitJi, aged sixteen, and whom it Is
thought he ravished before murdering.
W.uihaw, N. Y., April lit. Kobort
Van lit tint wan hanged hero this morn
ing for tlio murder of his sweetheart's
half-brother, Will Hay, on Octolx-r 11,
18S0, Ho wus a member of tho Salva
tion Army.
More Dentin an tlio Itall.
llni.Mi.s'diiAM, Ai.a., April 111. A con
struction train on tlio Kansas city, Mem
phis and Hirtuiughum road wuh wrecked
nlxty miles west of horo la:tt owning.
Four wotkmen were killed and nine oth
ers Koriously injured, into fatally. Tho
train at tlio time wus backing at a hi;jli
rate of sliced anil ran upon a cow, whiclt
catiK'd tho disaster.
Wild from it IVolMlltA,
Ili:ow.Nsvn.t.K, Tr.x., April l!l. Ono of
tlio men bitten at Mucrto ranch by tho
mad wolf that bit Chamborlin,. who is
now in Paris under Pasteur's treatment
has mcouiu w Id uud lied to tho woods
Ho appeared tit Isadoro rancho, ontered
11.- I.. 1 .!.. . ' . ,
ino iiuiiho, anu seizing a six-year-oiu
child bit and tore it like a mad animal
l.niikltiB nt Orrum,
Washington. I). C. Anrll lit. It is
said that tho President is much pleased
over tlio to.itiou taken by the Oreuon
nomocracy, it is iMsiioveu uud ox Deceit
that Oregon can Iki carried for Clovohtnil
Lunti County I.rcUlatlvo Ticket.
Kuor.Ni:. Oh.. Antll 1!). Tlio Domo-
ctiitle County ( onv ution held hero to
day nomiuatod for Statu r-euutor I.. 1
Coleman, and for KcprcPoutatlvcH C, K
Halo, 1). It. Harris, and (Seo. A. Dorrls,
Conkllnc' Cliunren for lti onvery.
Nr.w Yohk. April lit. Dr. linker savi
tiiat Lonuiing's ciiauceH lor rccovory tiro
ono in six, and Dr. Aguow says that ho is
ui tno point ot iieaui.
Hotel lllirned.
Pahapkna, Cal., April 111. Hotel Mur-
onco burned at South I'usadeua this foru
noon. I.oss, f :w,000 ; insurance, 15,(100,
Ilurneil to Ialli,
l-YottiDA. N. Y April l!l. Mrs. llird
and her babo wore bunicd to death in
tltoir dwelling houso hero last night.
Cnpltal anil (.'nmtremiliiiiftl Nntetoflulerest
to Niirlliwentorn Headers.
deadlock has ceased
Tho hours wivo away without being
mitten ny a single incident oi interest.
talk of compromising tho Houso
Lata lu the afternoon u vote was taken on ' , Ulllulml 01 '1t'1
a molion to adjourn. Tlio alllrnialtve , "'ou",!l,,o;.t1 1"
vote was St) oxaelly tho number whol'ul,H HJ'IU 7,1 "A
At tho opening of to-dav's cession de
velopments in the deadlock in tho House
of liepresentatives were marked bv a
sharp passage at anus.
Tho Housu met in continuation of tho
session of Wednesday, April Ith. lteed,
of Maine, instantly demanded tho regular
order of business.
Handali, of Pennsylvania, asked unitn-
make a statement, but
voted in a similar niattnur vesturduv.
Tito noptllvo vote fell oil' from litl Yes
terday to 1-ttl to-day, tho falllng-oll' being
uecounled for by tlio fact that a number
of leaves of absence woro granted; mainly
front tlio i unks of tho mipitorlcrs of the
AtHioOtho Hcegeant-nt-arniH aptwa'cd
at tno Parol tlio iioune, navingittcusioiiv
Law.vor, of Illinois who was subjeeied to
a good deal of hudimigo by his fellow
mcmburH as hu formulated his excuse fo
having been uh:oul.
Taylor moved to line hint $10. but he
was excused.
At ll!::!0 wh lo u inulloti that tho com
milieu iNo was ponding, Ikmtollu moved
km: i rei'L-enridgo ot Kentucky, iircckon
i Id xoi i' ukatisis. e.tver and Oatos bo
exei'ied fnmi vmnu.
The.o eent euii'it d 'el.tred that thov
could take e.te of thi'iiu'clvc.
1 ; ii r L'llo insisted that it was not remits-
ilo that a inetiil-or give lus consent to a
mollnn to bo exeuied.
1 hereupon Taulbeo moved, us an
amendment that Mr. ISoulelle himself
ba excused from volimr. which motion
tho speaker pro tent (McMilliun of Ten
no :..o'j) declared to lw can led.
Cannon of Illinois, (bun moved that ho
himself Isj excused lrom voting, and ft"
ther moved that llavnu. of l'ennsvlviuilu.
Isj oxeuted. Tills was Htippleineuted by
a motion by liiiyno I but Heed, of Maine,
bo excused from voting.
lliu deadlock Is over a bill to
return to .States cetain amounts
collected by direct taxation during tlio
In tho fcemiio Plumb. Vest and Dawes
discut: ed a trillion for tho preservation
of YellowHlono I'ark.
Tho 801111(0. after utuoiulments. passed
tho bill allowing aliens to buy and hold
minciul lands lu lhoTuiitories.
CoiiHioo'allon of tho Dakota bill wus
ro utined, I'.utler making a speech against
I At the regular meeting of the council
J last night tlieto weio present Mavor Mat-
lock; Cotinciinieii Keith, Murphy, .Sar
igent, Hotlicltild, Young and Recorder
The cointnltleo on claims repotted cor
rect nn the following bills and warrants
wcrelordered draw n in payment of satno :
H. T. Mnrilock iLLM'4: M. .1. Want &
shouts for tho regular ! Co. M.HOj James Milium $11! ; C. A.
They do happen every dny, and when ono
bappent to you. you will wIkIi that
you wero Iruurcd In the
THE TIUVKI-Eitu' rcHOitrceH Hre milllclent to
pay ut once tho most enormoiu mav of
elation that even ureat railroad and team
boat iiccldrut4 ran brlni; upon It. Pay nil
claim, without dltcount, Immediately upon
receipt of a itltfactory proofs. Non Korfelluro
provulonn In ell Its policies.
Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions
of Surplus.
Clopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
Kat Oregonian building, Pendleon Or.
Urcihaui'ii KIavenlliiei,
A eorrcspoudout of tho Dultith Tribimo
writes : 1 urn rather amuced to notico tho
occasional utKjIogie.i whiclt tire Heated
through tho press for tho cculiur want
of attention to his jiorsonal npcaraiico
wmcn tiiHiinguiHiio: mat very excellent
jurist, Jttdgo uresltum, and lutrticti
larly is this noticeable since tlio judgo's
nuiiio lias ik-'oh muuitoucu in connection
with tho Presidency. Ho is a man of
ability, intelligence uud good education,
and It there is u crnoii on tho face o' tho
earth who must know that cleanliness is
next to godliness, Judge Uresltum ought
to bo ono of those men. I havo seen him
walk down ono of tho principal thorough
fares of Chicago In u condition whiclt
might havo usuumcd uny tramp, with tho
dandruir oil" his head lying thick over his
shoulders, wearing great, heavy, eIodho-
ping noois which nun not ccn DiacKod
tor u month, his collar unclean, his
cuds ditto, and his clothing coveed with
! tobacco juice uud grease sttots. In court
Jttdao uroHiuiin'H iinger-naiis tiroiuvan
ably in mourning, anu X really think ho
leaves tlio mourning there so us to give
himself something to do in tlio way of
cleaning it out while court is lailng
held, for his constant occupation U play
ing with his nails and digging them out
with a iKmknifo which looks hh rusty as
binist'lf. For all that, Judge Grcsham is
a brilliant man.
Well Ore from tb Chloride Mine.
From the La (Irando Journal.
8. K. Itontig recoived soino flno sam
ples of ore from tho Chloride mine this
week. Tho ore is a flno blue quartz car
rying antimonlal silver uud gold sulph
grots, Tho whole width of tho tunnel Is
in ore. Estimates nuulo March IfOlh
showed 10,000 tons of oro in sight. Tho
company aro running eight-hour shifts
and working tho mine continually.
The following natonts tvoti emitted :
Oregon Alattbow II. Mitiphy, Portland,
f (lit ladder: Jacob 1. Kchwarlz. Portland.
iteuiiirico. aslilngtou lerritory .lolin
It. Williamson and Win. W. Hickles, Sc
uttle, iippuMilus for examining ores.
Pensions wco glinted as follows: Ore
gon Mexican war, isowton J. Walkor.
liusion, Witsbintou Territory Mexican
war, Carl I., tioo lcli, itluek, Jdalto lor
ritory Mexican war. Joint II. Mount.
Charles F. Kuow lcs bus lieou upoiutetl
posiiuustur ut Misi, Columbia county,
Or., in place of John (!. LIudgrun, who
has resigned. Tills oliico lias heretofore
been called Hiversido.
Kotwithstanding an till-niglit session,
the deadlock in the house of representa
tive! was this morning still unbroken.
Day began willt the Housu still con
. "cutlvoly in session from Wednesday of
last week. I.ouip.o'H of tho night grad
ually sought the shelter of the cloak and
committee rooms or escaped tlio vigilance
of tho Fcrgcuut-.it-urmK and went home
to breakfast.
Tlio daily tent vote was taken at 4 P. in.
This motion was defculed by a vote of
yeas 70, nays VM, u falling oil of -I votes
from tlio opposition and M ftoiit tho ad
vocates of tlio ineasipo since yesterday,
At 0 p. m. Taiilbv asked unanimous
com out for locesauntil 11:45 to-morrow-,
and there being no objection recess was
At a Deiuou'titlo caucus held in the
evening it was tesolvcd to compromise
on u piopositton to postpone constderu
lion oi tno direct lax Dill.
In tho Henuto Morrill tiiiulu u louu
speech denouncing tho President and
free I rude.
In oxcctitlvo session tho Fetiato con
in nied tho nomination of John II. Katie
bono as minister to Franco.
Tho Dakota bill win discussed and laid
Tho follow In'' bills were taken from tho
calendar and p.ted :
lloii,;e bill to purchase of tho widow of
tho late (Jen. James .Shields certain
swords, at a cost not exceeding $10,000.
For tho ejection of a monument to the
memory of Gen. Jo.oph Warren, who fell
ut Hunker Hill.
Authorizing tho construction of railroad
bridges acioss Snake river and Clear
walor rlvor, by tho Oregon Hallway &
iMiMgauou company.
Appropriating $10,000 for ti monument
to Ilrlg.-d'on. Win. Leu Davidson, who
fell in tho 'jaltlo of Cowousford, in Fob
riiii'v. 1781.
Tlio bill for tho purchase from Miss
Viiiiinia Tavlor IxiwIh of u sword of
Washington, for JL'0,000. was taken up
and read. A long dobato followed, but
tho mutter went over without action, und
the senutu adjoin ned.
A pension lias pcen granted to nurry
M. Pittmau, Chehulis, W. T, and to
Wyatt A. Whorrv, Mishawaka, Or.
Matth J. Wliellhoiiso was appointed
postinlstiess at Crane, Washington
county, Idaho, to succeed Mrs. Mary J.
Italian, who Huh losiucd.
Tho vacancy occasioned by tho lesicna-
lion of Aaron Itoyco, tho tioritmaster ut
!.... ai..,.. ........... (i, mi,,. i i...
.IIIU, .TIUIIUII lulling. t. lillUlA 111
Charles H. Kierry Ixiing uiipolntcd.
Alexander Coney, itostmuster ut Mon
roe, Kenton county, Or., bus resigned.and
Adam Weil helm has been uijointed in
ills place.
order from tho Kcpuhilcun side.
Cox, of Nuw York moved to adjourn.
At tho demand of Heed the yeas uud
nays wero ordered on this motion, und
the House by n veto of KM to Kill refused
to adjourn, llio announcement was re
eelved with loud cheers from tho ltepttb
I'or a moment tlio Democrats were
taken back, but Me.Mlllen, of Tennessee,
soon moved a call of tho House to com
pel tlio attendance of absentees. Kecd
titteinpt-d to inuko a oInt of order
against tliu motion, but the scukcr do
cided against him.
On ti viva voce voto the demand for ti
call was defeated, uud on a standing voto
tlio Democrats suddenly changed tactics
and voted against their own motion in
o'der to allow another voto on udjoutn
nieut, which was moved by Cox In tlio
lioiw that stragglers enough had come
into tlio House since the llrst vole to
eltango tho result. A yea and nav vote
lesultcd: Yeas 148, nays KI7. ro tlio
House was declared adjourned.
Tho Democrats woro w lid in their ap
plause to celebrate tho breaking of the
great deadlock in its ninth day.
Coko nddrcsFcd tho Hcnuto on thu Pres
ident's message. Siieaking of the surplus
oi Mi,uuu,tiuu in tliu iteastirv, lie said
that thu causes whiclt took that money
needlessly from the pockets of tlio iieople
und tliu channels of trade were continu
ing, und produced more uggravated re
sults each successive year. I'uless tho
causes wero removed or inodllled, a cal
amity, fatally involving all tho Industrial
interests oi the country, must follow. In
view of this umuruency the Ptesldent had
uiguntly recommended such luvislon of
the tarlU'uiid reduction of tho duties on
imports us would reducii thu rnvonuis to
tho limit required for thu support of tho
government. Thu President was simply
voicing tlio demand that came from tho
leoplo of tho wliolo country.
High turlil', it was claimed, was do
niunded on the ground of thu necessilv
of protecting American labor against P.u-
ropeau paupercompelition. A mute false,
heartless und groundless pretext lias
nover been invented lo Justify or cover
up a grout wiong. It was on llio farmers
ot tliu country Unit thu
liriilii'lKii turlir
lull Willi tliu most crushing weight.
Thu attention of tho iieoplo could not
bo diverted from tlio real imestion ut is
sue. A sectional "bloody slilrt" canvass
Had already been commenced bv tho He
publican pariy, fur the purHso'of blind
ing tho people with passion, so that tliev
might not seu how and by whom thov
wero lielng plundered.
Tho Dakota bill was then dismissed,
Collom speaking in favor of tlio admis
sion of South Dakota, llutler for tho Ter
ritory us u w hole.
Hermann wus congratulated on receiv
ing tho news of his ro-nomimttloii for
Secretary Yilas lias decided that notice
bo given to Tlionnw A. Muiizuy that his
proof huietofoio submitted on certain
land in thu Ii (.irando, Oregon, land dis
trict is rulected. and unless ho can furnish
satisfactory proof within sixty dayH from
uorvleo of such notico that ho has com
plied witli tho leiiuirementH of tho law as
lo residence uud cultivation, his entry
Fruiter &l.
Following bill was referred to tho com
mittee on claims: (luyer k Fitgeruld
The petition of residents of Jackson
street praying for a witter main to lie laid
along .Ittckson street to (Jarlleld street,
was referred to committee on streets and
public improvements.
Tlio committee to whom was referred
tlie petition of residents oi t'nlon street
between Webb uud railroad slreotH, pray
ing for a water main on said street, re
ported favorably and recommended Hint
a two-inch main be laid on said streot.
Their riort was adopted as read.
Tho committee to whom wus referred
thu elition of residents of Itallroad street
between Jano and Oak streets, reported
favorably und same wits granted.
On Motion of Mr. Kothehlld thu com
mittee oh lire und water was authorized
to sell thu old hand tiro engine for a sum
not less than $500.
Tho city engineer reported that ho had
surveyed and staked oil' the ground for
the city putk and found that it would
require 10(12 feet of fence to enclose thu
The cotumilteo on streets and public
Improvements wero authorized to adver
tise for bids to fence tliu public park.
Din I, title NMpnper Leechim.
KakorClty ltovelilo: 11m. Wager, of tho
Kast Oiichonian, deserves tliu supjiort
of till true icwspu)cr men In ICastern
Oregon, In tliu Kisiilon taken by him in
tliu lasuu of thu 10th, regarding tlio black
mailing of money from candidates for
olllcu by unprincipled curs professing to
run e'talillslied papers, when, in reality.
they tiro only campaign sheets, und tliolr
"snpimrt" is only "valuable for its on-
iwdifoH," Such men neverlnvest a cent
In business, know nothing uIkiiiI running
a nuwspaiier, hut should lie lett alone to
starve, dry up and bio away. Tho
sooner tho people and thu press set down
on this loo-common curse, Illegitimate
nowpuH)tH. thu Itetter for society, de
cency uud things generally.
...in i i . . ... '.
win ihi nee ci nivalin ami Held tor run
collation. Secretary Vilas,' in the timber
culture contest of T. Konan vs. I). II,
V right Iiuh continued llm iUhM not tho
general land oliico, giving tho pritnco
rigid of entry of certain laud in tint Va.:.i
Walia, Washington Torritory.landdistiict
to it it. rignt.
Confirmations: J. L. Logan, of Now
iorK, associate justice oi tlio Miprunm
court oi Idaho. Indian agents: ihomas
McCunnif. Southern Dies, Colorado: J.
II. Initio, Silut. agency, Oregon, Kcgihtor
ol tlio land olllcu, J. i;. Purdeo, Susan
villo, Cal. ; Thomas F. .Meagher, Hjiraguo,
W. T. ; Henry Point, Sr., Jacksonville,
Tliu nostolllco donartment has es
tablished tho following inner registered
sack oxclianges, to begin on tlio 10th
hist.: Dally, except Sunday, leave Poit
lattd at 11:15 p, m via tliu Helena &
Portland railroad ostolllco ; and Scuttle,
11:55 p. in., via tlio Columbia & Piurut
Sound railroad, for Puyallup, W. T,
'I'hu Piesident has upointetl Fiedorick
It. Cotidort of Now York, Franklin Mac
Velghof Illinois, Alexander C. Haskell
of South Carolina, M. A. Ilanna of Ohio,
ii... . ...... '
aim uiiiues j, navago oi iNunrasKii as gov
ernment directors of tliu Union Paelllc
Kailway Coinjmny.
Mrs. S. J, vuiih has leon ajijiolnled
iKistmistresH utTuulco, Snohoinlsli countv
Washington Territory, in place of J. I-!.
Smalliiian, resigned.
PeiiHions have been grunted to Andruw
Cowman, Albany :M. J. Kelting.Kulnior ;
Sam P. Haines, .North Vukiina.
ii i -in.. i
Oskaloosa, Kan., has ti woman for
mayor and a city eoucil of women, in
thu nominating convention an excited
delegate cried out, "Nominate Sarali Ann
Smith for mayor and every lady in town
will throw tip lior lionnot for her."
Governor Alger owns nil ut last. Ho
admits that ho is a candidate for tlio
Presidency, null ho drops tho gentle
whinny of the dark horse for a robust
snort for oats and chojijied feed.
Knvt-lopcH were first used in 1839.
llnullalt LiiiiRiiHce In luillnii Kdiicntlou.
The following letter was wiilten bv
Ptesldent Cleveland in response to a res
olution adopted ut ti session of tho Phila
delphia Annual Coufeteiicti of tlio Meth
odist F.piscopul Church, held in Phila
delphia Mutch I'O, IHS.S. It is addiessed
under dale of March 111 to Key, James
Morrow of Philadelphia. The it-solution
adopted by tho confluence "pro
t.'sted against the action of tliu
government in excluding the use of na
tive languages in the education of thu In
dians, and csK'cially thu exclusion of tliu
Dakota lllble among Ihnso tribes where it
was foimerly used." The Piesident quotes
tho rules of tho Indian bureau upon tlio
subject, und sayH: 'These nilus tno
not Intended to prevent tlio possession or
use by uny Indian of tliu bible published
in tliu vernacular, but such pos
session or use shall notlnleifere wllh llio
teaching of tlio Knglish language to tho
extent und tho manner hereinlieforu di
rected. Thu government seeks In its
management of tlio Indians to civilio
them and to piepaio them for that
contact with Iho world which ucc
essuiily accompanies civilization. Man
ifestly nothing is inoie luiKirtant ot
Hie Indian fiom this -olnt of view than
a knowledgo of tho I'.ngllsh language,
There can lie no objection to rcadlm? a
ciuipler in thu Iliblo in Knulisli. or in Da
kota If English could not bo understood,
at the dally oK.'iiing of thu reboots. In
missionary schools moral and roligious
instructions may I mi given in tliu vermicu
lar us au auxiliary to Knglish in convoy
ing such instruction. Provision is niadu
in tho rules for thu theological train
ing of young men in missionary
scliools to tit thorn us Indian
Preaeheis, and thu usu of tlio
lliblu, so far as it does not interfere
with the secular English teaching Insisted
uioH, is esHiciaily secured, Tho rules
referred to havo Is-en modilicd and
chauged In their phraseology to meet tho
viowh oi good men who seek lo aid tho
government in its benevolent Intention
until it was Hinioscd their meaning was
unite plain uud their nuriKiso satlsiactorv.
There need Imj no fear that in their ox
edition thoy will ut all interfere with tlio
Plans of those who sensibly desire tho
Improvement ami welfare of the Indian,"
All About ii IIiik,
from Murruy'H Miiiiiixlne.
In order to Und tlio Corsica of Colomba
In all of its glory it is necessary to go into
thu mountains of Corlo, and uliovo all
into tho nrrondissoiucnt of Surteiio.
Hero, out of 8000 male inhabitants, 4100
havo charges of various Hurts against
them murder or misdemeanors! They
do not euro, und live in freedom
practically out of all legal jurisdiction.
It was that a Tafaui, by killing a dog in
tlio vineyard, liegati tlio famous vendetta
witli tho Kocchini. In consequence of
this no loss than eighty members of tho
two families havo taken to the woods and
become bandits; seven pet sons have bcun
killed, four wounded, one driven into
exile und many threatened with death.
Muasuro SO!) fuot each side and you
will have a square acre within an huh.
The llrst complete sewing machine wuh
patented by Kilns Howe, Jr., In 1810.