East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 12, 1888, Image 1

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A f 1 1 1 1 1 : I.IUHAUY.
Patrons nf Ihn Dully or Semi-Weekly
KAST Olti:IONIAf, nun freely make use
of the i:AST OltKMONIAN library when
ever they no ilfnlrrt. Tim public rn cor
dially Invited 1i visit the uMo whenever
mi Inclined,
cents In iiioiipyorliiiiiwlll jr
tr milll ufler the Jiinr electli
Flar nml twentj-IUo cents will pay
Unity KAHI'OHKOOJiia.-x ror inn
Itigth iiftlmaliy trll.
NO. 37.
To the lurgo mid varied stock of
Which wo liavo lately received, und now havo on oxhlbltlon at our
It consists in part of a flno assortment of
woods, uiotnmg, ana Grants' Jbiir
nishing Goods.
A Largo Stock of-
A Full Lino of-
riMUl? I MS T
will And it to their
got our priced.
Shaving, Haircuttlng and Shampooing.
1 .1 1 1 .4 1 I ...II.
ii ii : i ii nil mis i -w 1 1 . . . i i
n iii
ai hock isiana
reir uml iionuiar line In roniim'tlnn
t It a Northern 1'uelrlc Itallwuy
Ht. I "iiu I and Minneapolis
Ht, I.ouIm antt the Houtli.
AtrliUou uml Kaiisua City
Ilnlir I itin i;oiineciiii wnn me
slill J IV mUiMt Wa M KAMI'.
Jatace Dining Cars!
n inu an tnmitnn irrnrAta TMini tn
lor taiauy nil connecting railways.
connections nmue in union depots.
II lurnnnnl nn mwnnl nff ml.i mnna
, or to W. C. ALLOWAY,
Ticket Aent,0. 1U a N. Co.,
renuiewn, urcgon.
AM. UKVHIIV. 12mm lvft.it
iunineion hi.. - roriianu. uro.
TkUnna las. AKt. O. R. I. A 1. It. n.
Kflim III U t IrX'Ik
uen. t. ana v. aki. m. A si. u U'y.
MlnneH polls, Minn.
01 cthri,wtK, nh ts mln
1 thippr,ocbUinettinuti
nir Knif wnn in imrman m it am i, .i
Randolph St,
Call the Attention
e nnn siimmflr iirfisn unnriR. Hr.nnift nrv
Interest to iiiH)oct our stock und
othchild & Bean.
Comer Main and Webb streets, Pendleton, Oregon.
unannum iinHinrNuiic, i i uuun uuuei.i ,,i,.i, n iiw am
and Corporation Seals
In Pendleton,
Tlio uiual price for eali made by other
parties, tu Portland or the Kait, U from J(j.O
o$7.00, with oxpreni churjea added. If you
need u seal, semi your onlor to ua, and o
from iiroto S1.ro thrieby.
East Oregonian Pub, Co,,
Pendleton, Oregon.
They do happen ovory day, and when one
happenii to you. you will wish that
you were Iniured In the
me TiiAVELKits resources are sufflclont to
pay at once the most enormoiu muvs or
claims that even ureat rullroad and steam
boat accidents csn bring upon It. ray l
claims, without discount, Immedlaiuly i:pon
receipt ot s.tlnfactory proofs. Non Korfnliuro
provisions In oil Its policies,
Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions
of Surplus.
Clopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
East Oregonian building, I'endleon, Or.
Thn Dcudlnck Yet Unbroken A I'ret.y
Hinder Abducted Cnnkllr.g Heller
Murder In nn Vrunclsco A Woman
Diet from Taking Too Much Morphine.
A Naval Officer and n Prominent Cltlien
of Pittsburg Arrested for Abducting
Young Lady,
Pr.Tsuunu. Aurll 11. Ensign Hvan. of
the United States Navy, detailed hero to
inspect nnuor pluto cinriuio works for the
trovcrnment. and J. II. Mead. president'
of tho Arctic I co Company, wore arrested
ncro to-uuy on :i ciiargo oi abducting a
soventccn-your-old daughter of W. J.
Parsons, a prominent citizen of Allegany.
The gltl is a leading soprano in tho North
Avcnuo Methodist church, tliu choir of
which is tho most fashionable in tho city.
Tho arrest has created a profound social
sensation. Tho prisoners aro held in
custody in default of ten thousand dollars
Night and all Duy-Motlon to Ail-
Jmirn out hi Urilrr.
Washington. April 11. Notwithstand
ing the ull-night session last nlpht lhu
deadlock is still unbroken this forenoon.
At daylight a formal recess was taken to
cnablo tho ianitor to clu.in up. At 11
o'clock Cowlcs, of North Carolina, moved
timt mo nouso adjourn, iiiui (lemanded
tlio ayes and noes. Tho roll-call wns
atout to lcglu when Mason, of Illinois,
iiiiido a jioiut oi order that tne motion
was not in order, liecauso no business
had been transacted since tho last voto
on a similar motion. Tho scukcr sus
tained tlio point of ordor, und so tho roll
was not called, bo no adjournment can
1)0 voted on, if objected to, until uomo
other business is first transacted.
A Han I'runcltoo Murder.
San Fiuncisco. April 11. John Mcfs-
tutt, n poultry dealor, was found murdered
this morning lit a room on Clay street,
with u number of knifo wounds in his
head und body. Tlio room in which ho
was found was in n dirty, disorderly con
dition, and presented u liorriblo npcur
unco. Suspicion jioints to his partner,
Julian l'ortclll, us the murderer. Ho wns
immediately urrestcd.
Death from Overdo- of Morphine.
Portland, Airril 18. Mrs.- Fred Cal-4-
lln, sister-in-law of County Judge Catlin,
who cunio to this city a week ago for mcd
icul treatment, was found dead in her lied
at tho Holton Uouso yestorday. An in
vestigation revealed tlio fact that sho had
died from tho ouects of un overdose of
Good New, from the Hick Itooin.
New Yoiik, Apiil 11. Tho latest bulle
tin from tho sick eluiinW of Mr. Conk
ling says: "A marked chuugo for tlio bet
ter has taken place. "
In I'm or of nould and flage.
Nkw Yoiik, April 11. Itccordor
Smytliu has rendered a decision in tho
Gould-Sago matter, denying tho applica
tiun to submit tho complaint of tho Kansas-Pacific
bondholders to the grand Jury.
Trusts and Worliliiguien
Kiom Iho N. Y. Herald.
"What Is u trust. unyhowV" writes a
workman to tlio lleralil. "Wo reud a
good deal Just now about trusts, but I
would liko you to explain precisely what
thoy aro and how thoy utl'ect us workiug
men." Very well, listen. A trust is u combin
ation of uianufuctiirlug capitalists to
check production, feed tho market with
only a limited supply of their goods and
thus keep pi Ices liigli.
ineir niui is manmuciuro icss und
charso mora. But if thoy mako less
goods, that means that thoy will employ I
tower woiklngmon, or give tlioso ttiey
, ,11 if
a blow at tho workiuumun.
myy n -...v "
if ttiei'o woro no protective Unties trusts
would lie inijiosslblo, becuuso tho
moment uiunufuctureis hero com
bined to limit product ion und
raiso prices, that moment goods
would rush in from abroad to
supply tho market. It is tho high turlir,
therefore, which is tho basis of trusts.
Tho tui iff shuts out foreign g03ds; there-
U)ou manufacturing capitalists comhlno
to limit production and itiiso prices at
homo; and in doing this thov necessarily
injuro their own woikmen, becauMi thoy
depiivo thorn of full work, und injuro tho
people at largo by foicing thorn to pay
artificially high juices for goods.
Uno oxamplo will snow now a trust in
jures worklngmen, When tho salt duty
was very ingit tuo .nicnigan ami nyra-
case salt monoioilsts Hired Ilia uieut
Kanawha salt works in West Virginia to
stand idle. That is to suv, tho salt trust
paid tho ownors of these works a fixed
sum icr year to mako no suit.
llioy did not pay mo men who nuu
found employment in tlieso works a cent.
Tho woikmen wero turned out neck and
heels to shift for themselves. Hut tlio
capltullst owners of tho woiks woro paid
handbomely. That is how a trust af
fects woik'Ingmen and protected capi
talists. A curious separation of tho constituents
of uclatlnous solutions as u result of in
creased tomiHsratuio lias lx?en observed
hv .Mallet, and is called apaniiesis, signi
fying a draining away of some of tlio
solvent as tho solution expands.
A tornado
killed 10 iiersons at Dacca,
INOH. Williams Chairman Hermann and I, mil
Nominated Note Alton t Umatilla Coun
ty Ilrlesatva -l'lin Kluctors and Dele
gatesSummary of the riiitrorm.
Hpeclat to tlio Kait Urcgoiilau,
; Pokti.ani), On., Aprit 11. Dologutes to
tho ltoptiblicau Stato Convention begun
to urilvo Monday evening. Thoy kept
coming all day Tuesday from all direc
tions, so that by Tuesday night tho city
scorned to bo ullvo with them. KBpcci
ally wore they numerous at tlio St.
Charles, which seemed to bo their head
quatbrri. This morning they aro noticed
ut various street corners und in hotels in
small groups discussing tlio situation, at-
,'parontly with deep interest, ltcully,
Howover. tneio is notning iwrtuinlng to
the nominations tu bo made to-day to talk
about becauso everything was llxod bo
foro tho delegates urtived, oxceit tho fin
ishing touches, which were put on lust
night in tho parlor of the St. Charles.
In tho Masonic hall at 11 :U3 this morn
ing, Hon. Jo.4oph Simon called tho con
vention to ordor und presented tho name
of Judge Goo. 11, Williams as temporary
chairman, who was unanimously elected.
Mr. Williams took tho chair amid uproar-
ww apiihnso. Ho tiddresscd thu cunven-
.. . . . tt . . .i .i
lion lor uvo miiimce. no saia iiiui tuu
succestoftho Kupublicau parly in this
Statu next Juno and ovciui or doiiended
largely upon tho proceedings ot this
conveutiou; that liu was not as much of
it partisan us lie used tu bo cared very
little about local olllccrs so long as honest
men were chosen: but on occasions ot
tho kind le foro us In tho coming elections
where policy of government involved,
and tho government llablo to puns largely
into tlio hands of Kx-Coufcdcrutos, it
roused his patriotism und took lilm buck
to the times of "rally 'round tho tlag,
boys." 1 lo knew tho State of Oregon wus
Iio'ptiblicun, and did not believe his party
could lie coaxed or bribed to abundou
Itopublicuti principles. Ho had no ob
jection to honest Prohibition movement,
but took no stock in St. Johuisin, u
scheme intended to entrap honest men
und involve tho Kopublicun party in u
turmoil thut meant utter ruin. Thoru
would bo soma disupiKiInted candidates,
ho said, but hoped und believed that
every llcpublicun in Oregon would sue
rlllco his iersonal feelings on thu altar of
his country.
. Joim u. Miupo, qi iJougius. was enosen
tomiwrury secretary, itnd O". PTMlllor, of
Ulaclcamas, assistant.
Commltteo on credentials appointeil as
follows: Moore, of lloutou, lliiruett, of
Marlon; Spencer, of Initio; Illulndell, of
umaiiiia and iconoy, oi i.ane.
Following commltteo appointed on or
der of business: Tanner, of Multnoiiiah;
Fulton, of Douglas; Washbiirno, of bine;
Hcun, of I'lnalllla and Huyes, of Tilla
mook. Above committee further author
ized to act us commltteo on iorinunout
organization. Adjourned till liilOp. in.
Tho convuntioit reassembled at 1 :!!() p.
in. and tho committee on credentials re
potted, und tho rejKirt wus adopted. Tlio
tcniK)rary olllccrs were made thu perma
nent olllccrs, and tho convention ad
journed till t p. in. On lieing again
called to order at that hour, tlio com
mltteo on platform scut In word that
thoy would not Ihj ready to report for
three hours. Tho convention then ad
journed till 7 :!!0, by it voto of 81' to (10.
Leo Moorhouso was sailing mound all
day Tuesday under a highly polished silk
hat. Ho dfil not recognize mo, it having
been thirteen years since I tried (but
fulled) to stand him oil' for stago faru
from Pendleton to Hummer, having
blown into Pendleton (rum over tho
mountains, where 1 had lieou working
lor iv. h. .Mcuomus on tlio .Mountain Sen
tinel, and of courso I was busted.
J. 11. J-.ddy seems to lm very busy
. i. l.A.n.r.w. fi.i..n:
....('. fl iiuiiiiuii. .....l l.ll.llltUIIII
UIKl lOOKIIll' VOrV WlSO. llllt ll S 11111110 IS
Dennis, so fur us an otilcu ut tho hands of
tho convention is concerned. Thoy have
"muila other arrangements,"
Mr. J. 0. Leasuro is hero, and I bo
liovo every man in Oregon knows him.
I suw him backed up against tlio counter
In tho St. Charles yesterday, and out of
Hovonty-llvo who eumo in and passed by
him, seventy-four shook hands and said
"how uro you, John."
In answer to a question, what will Kast
ern Oiegon get to-day, a representative
from Morrow countv said: "Don't want
much, I guoss. Couplo of delegates to
tlio National Convention is about all wo
will get. Mr. llcan of Pendleton will bo
ono, suro. 1 don't know who tlio other
will Ihj."
Kddy, who wunted to tie Presidential
Elector, says it wus understood that if tho
delegation favored liean for deleguto to
tho National Convention, ho (Kddy) wus
to withdraw. Ho says ho is j.jricctly
satisfied with tho result.
M. h. Olmstoud will very likely bo
Elector und Pieico Mays of Wasco slunils
a good show of being a National delegate,
although it is said ho will have consider
able opinion, tho Wa ico delegates hav
ing had a tilt on that question.
Joseph Simon was unanimously cho
sen u memlior of tho Sluto Central Com
mltteo by tho Multnomah delegation, but
ho declined, und M. C. Oeorgo was then
District Nominations,
Poirn.AN, April 12. Tlio convontlon
was again called to orde,' lust evening at
7 :ltO, und the plutfomi was read by J. I!,
Eddy, amid loud applause.
lollowlng aio
district attorneys
nominated :
First District A. K
Second District W. S. llutlbrd.
i Third District II. 1). Hervltt.
Fotuth District I Ienrv K. McGinn.
Fifth' DlsttictT. A. Mellrido.
Sixth District J. L. Kuml.
Seventh District W. It. Ellis.
Joint senatoix:
Umatilla and Union A. It. Mattooti.
Union und Wallowa W. E. Norvall.
Washington, Columbia and Tillamook
F. A. Mooro.
Wasco und milium Charles Hilton.
Crook, Klamath und Lake C. M.
Vimiliill. und Tilluniook-J. W. Mux
well. Coos, Curry and Josephine Walter
Hermann was nominated for Congress
by aiiclamutlon.
For Supremo Judge tho names of W.
P. 1jrd, J. W. Whulloy, uml L. A Web
ster woro presented, with tho following
result: Lord, 1 lit) ; Whulloy, 2.1; Wub
stur, 1"; l'.lauk, 1, Lord's nomination
wus tbutiiiuudo unanimous.
Tho first voto for Presidential Electois
resulted as follows: M. L. Olmstettd of
Uakor, 88; J. W. Men lit of Juckson, ;W;
C. W. Fulton of Clatsop, Kitl; Oco. S.
Washburn of lino 104 ; (J. W. Irwin of
Union, 0; William Kapusof Multnomah.
101 ; John Kclsayof Denton, 14; Uichard
McLean of Klamath, li t ; Uichard Wil
liams of Multnomah, 7; Hlunk, 1. Mer
it! withdrew in favor of McLean. Thu
second Utllot was: McLean, 122; Ku
pus, 108; Olmstoud, 711; Wushbuiu, 1)5;
Jones, 1; Kelsuy, 1 ; lllank, 1, Tlio iiom
Illations of Fulton, McLean and Kapus
wero then made unuuimotis,
Nominations for delegates to tho Na
tional convention woro then declared to
bo in order. It was moved thut tlio six
receiving tlio highest number of votes
cast should lie declared tho choice of thu
convention. Tlio motion wus carried,
Tlio nominations and votes were us fob
Jonathan Bourne. Jr.. Ill; . If.,
Moody, 127; Hufns Mullory, 102; H. Ii.
Hovoy, :12: W. V. Johnson, tW; W. D.
nitre, (;.i. v. iiiiKur, ;u; i.eo i.uugunu,
58; .1. W. Cusick, 1.10; J. W. Cooiier, 1)7;
U. W. Kimball, 118; J. E. lleiin, 141); F.
P. Mays, 110; electing llotirno, Moov,
Mallory, Cusick, Mean und Mays.
The control commltteo wus chosen, und
ut 12:45 it. in. tlio convention udjotmicd
sine diu.
"Mr. J. U. TMdy conducteil litmsolf In
such it manner us to win tho favor of tlio
whole convention, lu seconding tho
nomination of Hermann, lie made a rous
ing sjieecli, und won method upnluuso.
Thu convention gave no expression of
choice for President. A cunvass by thu
East OuunoNiAN cot respondent among
tho delegates revealed tho fact that Illaluo
Is the flint choice of a largo majority.
L. F. Darin, of Oregon City, was elect
ed ( halt man of thu Kopublicun Statu Con
trul Coiiunlttu.
Thu platform declares In favor of an
honest el Helen t government, u freo voto
and a fair count; denounces tho freo
tuido of thu Democracy; favors tho jsilicy
of providing revenue by a system of du
ties lovled iiH)n iniMrts so adjusted us to
diseilmiuuto lu favor of domestic indus
tries and tlio predictions of Auiuilcau
labor; uppioves tho oll'orts of Irish and
English statesmen to secure by pcucoful
methods tlio American principle of Homo
ltulo for heland; favors legislation pro
hibiting tlio manufacture and salo of
adulterated foods; demands tlio enact
ment of a law by Congress to restore the
homestead or pre-emption right to settlers
where (ho same has been unjustly can
celled: favors the encouragement of tho
development und const met ion of rulhoads
und other systems of trunsiioitatinn;
holds all corKirations stiictly icsniii
slblo for their liabilities; urog
nizes the light of the Ut,;iili
tttro to enact all reasouublo limita
tions on corjioruto jtowor: dopiecates tlio
further immigration of Chinese uml ap
proved the action of tlio Kepubllcaii Sen
ate in amending tho Chinese treaties to
that und holds thut it is tlio duty of the
government to provide lllierui jeif
slons for votoran soldiers; declares
thut tho action of Mr. Cleveland
in returning tho relsil Hags un unwar
ranted assumption of tlio rlglit to iiso for
iM)liticul purjioses tho troubles of valor
lie did not ossesri tlio fruits of victory
which ho did not help to secure; con
demns the udministiutlon for causing tho
arrest ami punishment of settlors on tho
public lands who acted in good faith, and
for subjecting them to embarrass
mout, imprisonment und tines,
through tlio ellbrts of it horde of spies and
informers, calling themselves special
agents of thu interior dopuitmcnt, und
that those wrongs havo lieen icrx)trated
against settlers with no apparent object
but to furnish a Pretext for tlio cry of
civil service reform ; denounces tlio Pres
ident lor lils failure to uppruvo tne
lust ltivor and Iltirlsir bill; deplores
tho uction of tho Secietary of War
in what is deemed a stupid attempt
to delay Improvements on the Columbia
river; declares in favor of tlio next legis
lature taking proper stops to assist at
onto in opouing tlio Columbia to general
eoniiuerco: und denounces tho civil serv
ice professions of President Cleveland.
m i
A. tut. ft, .tr.iL lniu 'AlUI iiw.li.iKihii.li.iil
stations no los than nine beimr in Vi
enna alone.
Itutli Comiit died ut Astoria Sunday,
aged Kl. She camo to Oregon lu iHjfi.
WAHitiNOTON Lirrrr.it.
Wahiiiniiton,, Aprit llth, 1888.
"All things coum to hlui who waits,"
has occurred to mo very often this week
us I noted tho cjiango in sentiment which
followed tlio reporting ot the .Mills turlll
bill to thu House) by Chairman Mills, who
left a sick bcdi.to perform, that duty.
A slight lnodllleatlou lu the bill lias
secured tlio stippoit of the Louisiana del
egation whuttvaro at tirst bitterly omiosed
to the bill. Another tight change in tho
clatiHO uircctitig.wointed lias won over tho
wool men fiotu Ohio nu elsowluuo, so
that the number of Democrats who opposo
tho measure has been reduced to u very
small number, and it is hoped to reduce
tlio number still further before tho bill
comes to a vote.
Notice haslieen given in tlio House
that the blll wiir bufultod up for action
on tho 17th Inst. An clfort will then Is)
made to hold tlio House-down to thu con
sldurutioiuoflthe tuvusurunntlt it voto is
taken. Offtiutirse tbe- Republicans uro
prepared, to. rotout on the tloor of tho
House cvwi'tlilnx which they did in tlio
commltteo loom to detuy tho bill, hoping
lu tills way to dvleat it.
Tho, Democratic prolamine is to gut
tlio turltl' bill, disposed of before tho meet
ing of tluvSt. Louis .vnventiou, in Juno.
Froia.thoprr,imt outkMjfc tho cliances aro
rather against u vole being readied by
tiiutititne, but the clfort will Ui made all
thu.sainui, Tlio c bunt en of tho final pas
sage oLthu bill havo largely increased re
cently, and wbllu it it by no means cur
tain, now thai tho hilt will puss, it is mora
tlian probable that it w ill. At any rate
the arguments over thu bill will place
this whole lAUcstion in u plainer light ho
foro Uio country than heretofore. Peo
ple will In conseinietico, look into thu .
iiuostiou tWmselves, people who have in ,
tuu past tuketi t oiiio political demagogue's
statement ot it us tt no, und thu result)!
cannot fall to m u gain for tho revenue,.,
Thu Scnato bus seiit more tlinu.ivt
week wrangling over thu Honso bill uuv
tliorbtlng tho Swrelury of tho Tie-usury to.
puicluse United States ImiiuIs witlitl)i
uipla-. Tho Senate is not divided or
party Hues, us liotli pintles havo liuUl
cuueuses to try to agree on what should
bo done. Tho sllvui Souutois of both
purtles insist on amending tlio bill) in
some manner to incrcusothn purcluusts of
silver by the government.
Thu IIoiiHO has had its wninglo too.
Tho cause was tho bill to refund, tJie di
rect taxes paid by tlio sevuiul SluUs into
thu United States Treasiuy. A lingo
maioilty of thu House favor tills, bill, but
owing to thu H'cullur rules uudw which
thu body woiks u determined minority
etui, by lllibusteiing, delay und some
times even defeat legislation. Tho op
ponents nf tho bill resorted to this
method on Wednesday, and succeeded In
keeping thu House hi session until 2;!!0
u. in. Thursday morning. All day und
all night were siieut In dilatory motions.
Such fuiiotts lillbusteritig hud scarcely
over Ih'cii seen siuco tho foundation of
tho House of Itepreseutatives.
Senator Sherman says thu report thut
ho had or Intended to retire from thu ruco
for tlie Presidential nomination is en
tirely untrue. In a little over two months
from now ho will wish ho hud, and next
November hu will hate himself for over
having oven indulged thn hope of Incom
ing President of tho United Slates. Nor
will thu knowledge that ho has lost somu
of the contents of his barrel add lo Iho
comfort of his thoughts.
It is understood that six Justices of tlio
Supremo Court are in favor of tlio promo
tion of Justice Held, of California, to thu
vucaut Chief Justiceship. Until tlio up-
isiintmeut of .Mr. l.umar to tlio mipiuiuo
bench, Justice Field wus thu only Demo
ci at of the Suiuemu Court.
(ioveinor Hill, of Now York, Is shortly
lo announce publicly that ho is not anil
never has been ii candidate for tho Pres
idential nomination. Ho is u Cleveland
man. Mr. Cleveland expresses himself
to ii ft lend this week us being highly
pleased with thu prospects of thu .Mills
turlll mil in tlio nouso und uiso with tlio
prosiHicts of tho Democrutle party In tho
coming campaign,
(Jon. Clark, the clerk of thu House of
Itepreseutatives, says ho is tiled of hear
ing tlio House denounced fordoing noth
ing. Ho can prove by figures thut it has
done more work than any of its prede
cessors over did so early in thu session.
It has passed up to date 222 prlvuto und
120 public bills,
Tho Public Ijinds Commltteo of thu
House has retried it bill forfeiting uliout
40,000.000 acres of tho Northern Puclllo
and Okanogan land giants.
llrlght Mining l'rospeets.
Tho Baker City Democrat lias seen a
u letter front Iko Klopp, who ioorts that
on his projsuty on Onion Creek, eight
miles from (iuinlto Creek, tho ore in the
middle tunnel has a width of !1H inches,
und they havo not yet reached thu bung
ing wall. Of its paying qualities, hu em
phatically remarks; ,'lt is rich, und don't
you forgot it.', Tho ietter also inontions
u now strike Using recently made lu thu
Caliell initio, which Is -pronounced rich,
and fuither states thut (iunlson A Co.
are taking very fine ore from thu tunnel
in their mine. Mr. Klopp expects to
shortly commence oteratiug his gravel
initios on Onion Cieek. Water Is abun
dant und u good season is anticipated.
Tho letter- sjieaks lu glowing terms of tlio
geneiul features of thu entire cam, and
represents tho Illinois us being in a more
hopeful mood than over before.
Thu sugar mho "Acurus saccliarl" Is
estimated to number IX),0(X) kt pound
in uio.it unrefined sugars. It catu-es thu
"grocei's" Itch of tlioso handling tho
law sugar.