East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 11, 1888, Image 3

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    i... ., ..Ii llUlrn.
ii. tt.u(tiii'intvrAV
III II, HOCIIIIII l'I'r',1,,',"v',i ...ill
llllVO U'MldClltl (If IVIIUICtOII,
t Inn
,!;i..rit ora-i'i (-:?';"' ui, J.
' . .. ...I..... I.. l..rtlnliil. Ilrt
rentier tliem uny Kervlco In
11. . f.... ! ...nl.....
Iconoy in reported some bettor
L whiskey co to John Gngon's
W I.lnuor htoro. w
bltlcn Uulo Ih tho placo to stop,
i t'cntHj bcilM 2o contH.
BrHCO Welch In an assistant In J
photograph gallery.
Kuboit. of Wiilla Wnlla. enmo
i night on legal business.
RVood paid tho regular $10 fco
Ining for being drank lust night.
kun Hush liiiH appointed P. II
loiSalom, ins secictnry ioi tno
londlelon Urass Hand will nlvo an
concert to-morrow night in tho
laiv of .State Mcllrido has ro
from California, uoinowlmt im
hi health.
Johnson has somo nlco furnlslicd
i runt at tho old iiostolllco build
lourt street.
falling Ih building an addition to
I over tho leveo to Ih) occupied l)V
family us a dwelling.
p . ....
i named uoro lias rented mo
I lately vacated by J. Gcrstlo,
unit In a slocicoi gtocoiics.
id, a placo to do housework, or to
i oi ciiiuircn, iiy a young woman
enco. APiny at tins omco.
l.odiro No. I. Iv. of 1'., has work
vst tiesreoui tno incotinir to niMit.
IiImjih a'o expected to bo ptcsent.
unty court yesterday added tlnco
to tho list of county charges,
lustou, Kd Haigcn and Gilbert
int Itosovoll who is coming to
n f'oin Oakloy, Iowa, is going to
MxMion in j. a. Jiiiggs pnoio-
Clio y.
day J. 1'. Knnls had twenty-sov
roxti-.ictotl and now wears his
sling. Ho said It wus u i lo-nio
I dentist.
tnlv coutt has ordo'cd tho road
in. ill I uim iiuul ii uu.iu iiini.iLLn
II... i u'mm.i tviifl filim In mum
nnil put it in order.
was born lu Kentucky In 1803,
lielng governor of that Kluto in
iiuii' lu anwnu ill toil.
n v ntui u'lm ttnr 111 iuupa imiu
Ah norm nu llm nlmli-u nrrtvn
in uti luiiur jui iiutiiuatiuii.
fling placo of North l'cndloton
las boon ennngea irom tno room
!, Pendleton Hotel to llowman's
uohouso on Cottonwood street.
voting precinct was formed by
ty court yestoiday, to bo called
lcct l'rccinet, tho voting placo to
i school houo in district No 23.
light Marshal 1'icuch found a
Imlxsrlng swoutlv on tho sidewalk.
tly under tho Intluonco of Mioozo."
hilly guvo him u berth in tho
tatar, if you are already a stib
if tint Daily KAst Oui'.uokian,
I have u second copv ono year by
Ir $5.00, or by can lor for fifteen
peal referring to tho city park yos
i tyiiogruphical error inado us say
I'. V. 1). Vlotehor would havo tWO
ttly by tho fourth of July, whore
old havo been threo ao'es.
count of some trouble, with his
-. Clark AVootl has taken a vnci
a couplo of weeks. Our sympu'
i taluly with Clark, and wo very
gret to loso him, oven for so short
McKlroy. who has just returned
visit to Ohio, says that on tho I'.'th
h of March tho thermometer rcg
below jsoiX). Thnt no spiing
ug hai yet been done, either in
llinolsor Iowa, and thatcattlo woro
ng fed.
ty Sheriff Mat Tiylor rotu'ned,
ay from a six days' till) through
in Day and Long Creek regions,
iml tho man ho was in search of,
special reasons his name will not
tUhed to-day. Mr. Taylor whilo
isitcd a mine which lio worked
years ago, but is still paying,
low lioard of Trustees of tho I'res-
n cuurcn met nisi evening at mo
I Taylor, Jones & Co. The follow-i-ors
woro elected : Chairmun, l.
t; Fceretary, G. Mansell; Trcas
. C. Taylor. .After tho discussion
his items of business tho Board
led to meet at tho call of tho chair-
McGarry received at his grocery
ls morning a box of California
and when he opened It was sur
lo find quite- a number of real livo
mfortahlv locateilinHlrin. Altlinii'jli
o direct from California they seem
eased with our Eastern Oregon
m. Wo hco no reason why. with
I caro. bees could not bo raised to
lugo in Umatilla county.
1 ruzer savs tho Chineso nheas-
pvhlch were introtluced into tho
betto valley a few yeam ago, havo
Ir l)ecouio so numerous that thoy
iseon irom mo passing trains in
lumbers. Although still protected
, their slaughter has commenced,
ct that thoy stay in tho open fields
time, and cannot lie driven into
ish, would make them especially
d to this country, and tho expense
iging them from tho Willamette
be normal.
Tuesday, April 10, being tho eighth ju
dlclal day.
Road and brldgo account: J H Foster,
bill d sa owed.
Cost of survey of road No. ."00 : 11 Stun
ton fll.OO, II J Taylor .T:U10, David Dulf
fH.OO, S A Urowell f2, Krank McCoy
Ilenrv Morrison Jno C Arnold 12.
Ctwt of survoj of road No !W7: Louis
Winters $-1,110. Hansom Wells M.tiO.
W MelMnnald t8, Win A Wells 4, JnoC
Arnold $u0.
ltoatl and brldgo account: J II Weaver
Cost of viewing road No : Jesso
Melton ifU.OO, H AI Dohorty II.OO, Na
than Sams :M10.
Hoad and brldgo account: U. Parker
Incidental account: leader Publishing
t;o., 10.00.
Jail account: Kairau ft Vincent. $0.23
In tho matter of a new voting precinct
to bo called Prospect Picciuct; beginning
at tho nv comer sec 0 tp -m r;0 c, thenco
a I) miles on sec lines to so corner sec -'1
tp II n r HI o, thenco n on sec lino 10
miles to no coiner sco 4 tp4urUlo.
thonco w i) miles on tho tplluo to placo of
beginning. Uio voting placo oi said dis
trict shall bo tho school houso in school
district No. 23.
Stato vb Fred oble, iustico costs: Har
old Stowuit 42.70, 11 8 Helmlck 2.70,
Dr. JO 8hiclds til.70, liarl Clark 2.10,
W O McKav 4.50. Charles Koso 2.70.
Jacob Friuer J AI Uontley 4.60, 8 P
nti'rgis T4.00, ii Aioxamior f-t.ou, &
Tx)l)on8t!en tl.50, Geo Glllenlieck 4.50,
F W Vincent J4.60. O Knniiick 3. T J
Twectly 2.U0, Charles ICi-on $2,110 8 S
l'carsol $1.70, J u .lolinson $1.80, Uharlcs
Finch $1.70, Kd Ulcott $1.70, Mrs Win
Itoss $1.80, J II Sharon $11.20.
Paupor account : u licalo 12.07, mcl
dental: Loi-ycn & Arthur $;(,50. Geo D
Harnhart k Co: $42, G W Webb A Son
21.05. KastOheuonan $27.00.
Hoad and bridge account: Watson &
I.uhrs $28.00, Hall fi Iltiinsldo $.".8..1S, 1
Calvert 2.40. Will ft Vatcs f-1.50.
T. J. 1 weedy, stock Insiicctor, allowed
$200, qtiartcr'H salary.
Stato vs. Brmly Hufl'inun: W. II.
Holmes $2d, Tustin & Iasixhuvq $51 75, J.
1J. Uddy $20.
Tho voting place in North Pendleton
precinct ordered changed from tho old
brick next to Pendleton Hotel to Bow
man's warehouse on Cottonwood street,
between Court and Cottonwood streets.
Applications of hdwnrd Hart. on. Hen
ry Huston and Gilbert Hagcn to become
inmates of tho poor-house granted, and
thoy ro now county charges.
JCoMlunatlcii oi J H isaird, constable o(
Helix precinct, continued for term.
In tho matter of road district No 41. S
I Llslo, Supervisor, discharged.
In the matter of road district No 74 : W
I) 1-ong, Supervisor, allowed $28.
In tho matter of road district No 41, I
II Atkinson apiwlnted Supervisor.
Itoad disttict No 18 ordored divided.
and a now district mado from tho west
iu!( of said district and to bo road district
No 50. I
Tim following ato tho judges of election
Adams J F Peoblor, John Pitce and
Isaac Alanslield.
Alta-T B Wells, O II Wilson and J E
Contorvlllo W II II Scott.K h Barnott
and David Ashpaugh.
tuinas liotkoioy, A a noynton ana
D L Mooihouso.
Cottonwood MIchaol loner and G W
Echo N W Hlostand, OFTIiompson
and M Trbblo.
Encampment G AI binith, Isaac ltud-
dock and W II Pat rent.
Foster B Kennedy. J J Baumgarducr
and II L Marston.
Ho x V O Ko.n. Wm AI Scott und P
B Wortdy.
.in iipor J uiwvis, w u ionguna a
L Uonlon.
AI lion Geo Dchavon, S K Coo and A
D Stillman.
Alountaln Peter DcaidorfT, J AI En
glish and J W isdoin.
fto-tn l'ondieion .1 noxior, iicorgo
Shutrum and Win. AI. Fruker.
South Pondloton .1 AI Walton, lies-
ton Giceu anil J It Dcsimiu.
Piospcct W W Brannln, James I.Iltlo
una ueo u l'cebior.
Umatilla .1 II kunzlo, ham Bletlo
and Baruoy O'Noll.
Union A Imo r.wing, James Jones
and J I. Killlan.
v nson Louis Adam, 8 G Lightioot
and J II Fronch.
Weston J 8 .Morgan, m Lloualien
und Jloiton Durr.
Willow Spiings J b uurdano, U U
Dair and L a Kearnoy.
Yaikum F A Nowmun, II G x oakum
and Thomas linker.
Is doubtful whether they will succeed in
getting tho body across. Tho supposition
is that poor l'cter tiled of hcait dlscaso
although ho is not known to
have had pioviotis attacks. Ho was
soventy-lhreo years old and had been
in tills section of tho couuti'y since
tho early '00 s, mining in various camps
Ho was nu indcf.itlguhlo prospector ant
probably know moio about tho western
slopo of the Hitter Boot ranuo than any
ono living. During his visit to tho ptalrio
at Christmas lie uppcatcd to bo as hearty
ami jovial as over ami did not look to
be nioiXJ than Ilfty-flvo or sixty.
KtlllTHKU lUlTICt?l,AUS.
Tho bovs arrived at Alt. Idaho from
Amoilcan creek ycstuidav forenoon
Thov linrlnd old Pnlnr In flmin. From
tho best evidence thoy could got, ho must
nave died iMiu-cu ;i. ino last entry in
his ioiirual was March 2. and tho calen
dar clock slopped March 4. Ho died,
apparently without a struggle. Tho dog
was alive and tho chickens all dead but
one, so It is supiioscd that tho dog lived
on them. The body hart just commenced
to decay.
Itepuhllcan Nomination! for .luilce,. Troie
cullng Attorney and Senator.
A telegram Just received from Portland
Rays thnt tho following nominations have
been mudo by tho Sixth Judicial and
Twenty-first Senatorial districts. For
Judge, James A. Fee, of l'cndloton j for
Ptosceutlng Attorney, A. L. Band, of
Baker City ; for Joint Senator for Uma
tilla and Union counties, A. It. AInttoon,
of Lu Grando. Tho dispatch Is discredited
by some.
Who Knowi lllni,
W. (1. Allnivnv lu In rornltif nf n Intlnr
from William AI. Hollius, (iO New Street,
Now York City, enquiring tho where
abouts of Ninlnn I). Shipp, a young En
glishman, about twenty-five years old,
tail and dark comploxioned. Ho left
Walla alia on tho 22d of November for
Pendleton, to take tho train for Now
l ork. and thenco to Liuilaml. He had
$00 in money when ho loft Walla Walla.
Air. Hollins is maklmr tho search in be
half of Sharp's friends in England, and
any ono kuowlm; his whereabouts can
.communicate witli him at the above
lintel ArrlvnU.
Bowman Hot'sic A AI Kechum. Citv:
Thos Strammon, Portland: AI A Baker.
Weston; Airs Donboch, Citv; A Smith,
Walla Walla: Geo Smith, Tho Dalles; W
J Herrinir. Walla Walla: Airs J F Dunlup
und family, Myrtle Point; I) A Hulsy,
Kansas j F AI Knhm, Cal ; AI J Hill, Port
land: O E Knotts. Oregon City t W J An-
dorson, Uakor City; A J liing, Sllvorfon ;
O W Cox, Portland; It AI Donaca. Loba.
non. John IJusli, J S Itosonfold, Port
land; C 8 Smith, Lowlsvlllo.
VlLl.AHl) HoL'BC W It 1'nrVnr. Tltnn.
tilla; EF Smith. Pilot Hock; EJ Wilbur,
Moatiham; G M Caven, O It Glb&on,
Ulncinnuti; "W It Beharroll, Portland ;.E
iiwruw, uosioii; iu u ijoman, uincin
natl ; Jas F AIcKeo. Rochester. N Y : E
Small, ltockford, 111 ; F AI ltico. Boise
City; AlrsGalo, U Grando; AIDEgljcrt,
Walla Walla; DECarglll, Cold Spring;
J II Kconoy, J Cardon, O E Wolch.Clty;
EBoottchcr, Chicago; O P Lean,,. San
Francisco; F G Blako. Tacomti; P J
Baughman, Ploasant Hill ; J Jones, Co
mar. Goi.pkn Uulk James Alulllgan, Kan
sas; OKBarnhart, E D Borden, Port
land; It. A lies, Aberdeen; X'otor Ulan
chard, J II Van Motor, City; ItShaestor,
Echo: G Bovso. lone: J L Gort'en. Ad
ams ; 8 W Swangor, Portland; WmCryo,
. I M. 1.1 II Mill.
Attention !
Wire mid p ickct Fence, rabbit
tight mid bull strong.
A fenco which will last a life
Price only 50 Jo 75 ceuts a rod
For sale in small or large quan
tities, at
Carpet Store,
Main street, near the bridee.
Pendleton, Oregon.
To Your Own Interest
Buy Tour Goods
Wlirro you can buy
I havo on hnntl a complete lino ot
Ladios, Contsnnd Children's
Ami r. toll lino of
Gent's Furnisliing Goods
Which I am ncIIIiib at
Bedrock Prices.
Come and utti me nml I will convince yoil
tlmt l'nicftii Jual wlmt I ny.
A Rare Chance For Cash.
The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered!
No Such Values Given Elsewhere!
Our Competitors Look Astonished!
Note the pricos in Our Departments!
50 pIoi'OH Bolld color itroan goodi, nt Ro jut yd ; Hold olmnUioro 1'J'sO.
60 plocoH fancy chockH iIichm ok1h( ut 10c ior yd; Hold clsowliuro 15c.
50 pieces fancy da'HH ooU, tit 15o jor ydj wolil elnowlicro t!0c.
25 jiicrcH Itll-inch clmnge;illo drcsH gtwdii, lit -'Oc per yd; Hold cIhowIicto 1!5c.
!M jilcccH WMncli lolro ilrcHH goodH, tit ''5c per yd; sold clwnvlicro :)7jc.
'2n jilcccH 40-inch nil-wool (Iruyvillo SniliiiHi fiOo per yd; Hold olHOwhoro 75c.
AllmtroHH Cloths,
Sicilian ClolltH,
AttHtriun 1'l.iIdH,
Indies' ClolliH, Drap 1)' Allium,
Ithudainim Marvollcnx.
Tho nbovo coinpriwi nit tho lutuHt Hliadox mid dcHi(;nH in Uvom Goods shown in
rcw lorlc MnrkotH.
domestic dicpaetment
Iinsdalo lllcachcd MiikIIii, 10 vurdri for f 1.00.
1 1 ill 'h lllcachcd Muslin, 11 yanU for f 1.00.
Oulwt W, 14 yardH for $1.00.
Oabot A, lyanU for $1.00.
(iiiiKhaniH, in largo and mnnll chei-kH, 10, 12 und 14 vardH for $1.00.
Cheviot ShirtingH, 10 yards for $1.00.
In this department wo aro prepared to Hatinfy tho nuwt oxuctiiig tiuito.
Our ntock embraces
Headed Sols,
ltrnideil Fels, in till colors;
Untitled' I'anela, in all colors;
Novelty BraltN, in all colors;
Ik-ailed Oriiunients.
Watered Silks, in all colors;
Plushes, in till colors;
Satins and Velvets, in all colors.
Flouncings, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, etc.
Ladios would do well to examine ourR-hutton lonuth Jouvln Kid Gloves,
stitched hack. )'u havo this lino in nil shades, which wo aro ollcring ut
iiVJ iivi'VUff ifId ovcrywjigro ut $1,75.
Hosiery Department.
lKTi:iC 11 K AM Ell DKAI).
Fouud Dead In III Cabin on Amarlcan
Creak by a Cblnaman,
From thearausevllle, Idubo, paper.
Peter lleauier and James nuchanan
woro partnore in tho American crojk dig-
trigs, situatcu twoniy-nvo miica soutn oi
iduiio. on a tiiDiitary oi tno soutn
fork of Clearwater. Tho diggings were
discovered by lleamer, llticluinan and
Jco llakcr in 18S5 and havo been
successfully worked over sinco. Last fall
wnon uiu season's wort was nccoin
plished. I'eamor decided on remaining
n tho diggings all winter, and his part
ners leu mm tnero. no came out at
Christmas, and after spending tevoral
days ut Mt. Idaho und (J range villo, ho
Bturtcd back to carap. On Friday of
last week, ua had been previously ar
ranged, u Chinaman was sent from Alt.
Idaho to go to American erect anu assist
lleamor In cotting tho claims leady for
tho coining season's wo:k. Tho next day
ho returned with tho news that he had
found Peter dead la his cabiu, lying
ulongsldo of his bunk, with ono boot on
and tho other foot in u slipper, us
though ho was preiaring to go to
bed, und from all upjiearances ho
had been dead fully a month. Tho
Chinaman was Dudly seated, and did not
long romain la tho cabin, und grabbing
some blankets ho moved to the other
cabin und camped there for the
night, and returned to 31t. Idaho the
next day. A iaity was immediately
organiiod to go to American creek
and return witu tno uouy ana tneir ar
rival Is looked for hourly, although owing
to the ioc?nU)taruis is tho mountains it
For Hale A Farm
Tavo miles from Weston, containing 240
ucrcs, a uuo springs oi wutor, 7.) ucres In
wheat, 5 acres in oats, 2).j acres in iotu
toes, largo garden, also 6 ucres of lino
timlter. interest in u header. 2 nlows. 1
cultivator, 1 harrow; household funiitiiru
couslKting of stove, oxtoiiHlon talile,
chairs and liedstead; til ho 4 cows, 2 two-year-old
heifers, 6 yearlings, several luuil
oi nogs una iKHiitry. rrico $;i,uo. Ml
dress A. C. MiKfecu,
Weston, Orogou.
Tho Pondloton Hotel company at their
meeting ycsieitiay elected tnu following
gentlemen us directors: it. barcont. J.J.
Halloruy, L. Ilium, J. Falling, Jacob
Fnuor, W. F. Matlock nnil K. .M.
nneoier. i no directors win Hold a
meeting this afternoon und elect olllcers.
An iuvitation party will lie given ut tho
Opem House to-morrow evening. Tho
iiiusiu will Iks furnished by tho cavalry
bund, of Walla Wulla.
Estes & Guilds,
I'roprlelor o the
Baled Hay and Grain.
Hpleuilld ltlK. Hlnglo or Uouhln, and
Noddle MoraeH a I way an haad.
Iluraea boardrd by the day,
Week or Mouth,
All Klmli of Feed For Sale, In Hmallor
oouwaiid linos.,
Iloweuiiatlile fiiyalclanH A HarKcoux,
Obitetrlci; Trfatmentol Ohronlo I)leaeiof
Offlce houri From 10 to 12 a. m.j from 2 to 4
p.m.; 7 ton p.m.
Ofllce noom 11, Kat Oregonlan building.
oplO daw
(For all kind of Lkqalv
' IlLANKS.HUCll tUlyCanl'li.1
Dedi, MorlgaKeii, eta ,1
untl all forniiiforClrcull J
ll'robate. County and Junttrcn' Court, orl
Ifnr lioolc and Job I'rlnllni. Jiookblndlnir.!
Illank IJeoki, or anyiuintf in me prininiKi
I r btok blndltiKtlim. au-i
I'UB. CO., Pendleton, Ore.l
Sampten.upon application,!
Next door to Hammer A KMen'fltaMe,
corner Cottonwood and Altn
HU Pendleton, Or.
Andu cheap ai the chenpeiU 'tilve
ui a trial und bo convinced,
frorao-Shochkff and VI nw Work
aivenHpM XlttnUtm.
MoEaohorn t Thomson,
AltaViireet, - ntithnf Court I ton"
VoVSulilcull your osiicclal attention to this line, in which wo nro offering special
A' lino of ladies' solid color hoso, 10 cents cr pair.
A lino of ludlcs' faucy-striicd hoso, 15 cents per pair.
A lino of ladies' unbleached Ilalbrigans, extra heavy, ut L'ft cents,
A lino of ladies' solid colors und fancy-striped, ut '.'ft cents.
Alllno of same at 37! cents.
A Uno of same ut CO cents.
Novelties in lllc and IMe-thrtad lloae,
Atko'aull line of MiMta' and Chlldren'H'Hohlery.
Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters,
Am tlie oiilv pmollriil mer'liiiiilf.t In town.
Tliey do their own worv, and guiirttntce
It HKulinit repair for uim ymtr.
Tliey buve no lilrvd help o pay, anil mil
itenlro to make wnuca on tliclr work, liena
tliey run glvw
ottor Figures
Tli tin any other limine In town.
Tliey buy us cheap an any firm enn buy
Elml'ddHH Goods,
mrhl diw
Jukt rerelved, a now ntock uf
Mil my
IjADIIW and ClIII.nitKN'H 1)11 KsH and
BI1ADK HATS, of the latent ilenlgni.
Shoe Department.
In this iJopartmont wo cannot n surpassed. Wo curry tho largest stock,' und will
give you the Lcwost Pricos.
Ladles' Qxford Tios nt $1.00; sold overywhoro ut l.'.'S.
Ijidles Oxford Tics tit l.o0; soltl overywhoro nt jy.OO.
Indies' NowK)rt.Ties ut f 1.00; sohl overywh6ro ut t.'J&.
Ladles' NowjKirt T ies ut $l.f)0; sold overywhoro ut i'J.W.
Ijulies' OiKJra Kliprs, (K) cunts; sold .overywhoro at $I.S5.
Ijidles ()ieni Sllpjwrs, ut $1.00; sold overywhoro ut Jl.'-Vi.
Ijidles OjKjra .Slipjiors, ut fl.50; sold ovorywhoru at t'.'.OO.
Indies' Americnn kid button shoes, f'J.SS; sold ovorywhero ?2.7o.
Ijidios' iHihblo goat button shoes, $1.73, 1'J.OO, $2.'-'.") and upwards.
In udditlon to tho nlsivo, wo havo a completo iissortuient of t'tiraco, Kronch, Iloiiga
lia and Glovo kid shoes, manufactured by tho most cjleliruted Kastern mtikurs.
A comparison of thtu gisxls fortpiallty and price Im cd.
Wo woul
d call vniir nttnntlon to our now llnu, of which wo urn displaying tho larg
est stock, and ut prices tho lowest. Wo lire ollering hi this lino :
Men's business suits, $.", $7, $0, $10, untl upwards.
Men's dross suits, $12, $iri, $18, $20, and upwards,
llovs' suits, $.'), $7, $8, and upwards,
Children's suits, $2.'.'ft, $X0O, $:i.f0, $1.00, and upwards.
Our aim is til wuys to carry the lutest styles in Jlnts, Undtrwearf Nrek
toear, etc. Wo ha'vo an extensive variety In each of these lines, In fact, more than
wo tairo to carry, und they must Iki soltl. Vo havo pluced a ver low price on
these goods in order to disjioso of them.
A Full Aunrtmeutof
Zephyrs, Felt, Arrasene, Che
nille, Tassels, etc.,
For Fauey Work.
AUoanewllne of tho Universal Fashion
Company's putteriu.
Opera Illock, Court street.
in ine prinin
Several snail of cood work liorncs for snlo
on eatiy tcnu. fur rush or u koihI note. A Ino
a band of one hundred htock hon.es. 1'ep.ons
needing work norses or siock nrv win uu
well to vail on the uuilenlgncd, at his runcli
near Pilot Hock, or llrelIJ inut..u
mliM dsw Pilot Hock, Or.
Coiner 12th and II Hts., Cathedral IJIock,
Classes will reopen In Hie new bulldlng
Meptrtaber 5th,
The lostltiitlon Is empowered to confer aca
demic honor. For catalogue. luldreM
Hitv.mitKfrruHH. a. a,
elllyr Vnnoouver, W.T.
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Smyrnu Rugs, Wall Papor, oto.
Cotleo, r).f lbs. $1.00.
('Umax tobacco, 10c or plug.
Kyrup, No. 1 ijuality, In kegs, $2,73.
Granulated sugar, 12 lbs. for $1.00.
Golden O sugar, III lbs. for $1.00.
ltico; 14 lbs. for $1.00.
Hemomler wo shall do iust us wo udvertiso. Kvorv urtlclo von purchase from
our store you will (hid to corro.qiond with prices advertised.
The Pendleton Roller Mills,
(Cupaclty 600 burrels jxir iluy.)
W S. BYERS k CO., Proprietors.
Manufacturers of Graham, sranulated and
Keir-nsini; riour,
I'rirn I'nld for
i mt Jru',u.
Flour, meal, chop feed,etc always on ban
The Truck Ma,n
The Transfer Man,
lurvest and best etulpped In the Juluud
Kmplre. Kastern price.
K. O li 1 1 1. ro l'inll ton, Oregon