WKDNHSDAY. AI'KIMl, 1888. A. M. Mtt.U'Attt Formerly HWid limit r I, I 111 it M wliliJ.KnimbcIn daily and hi:.mi-wi:i:i:i.v, iiv tiik l.'ut (Irf Buiiltm I'lilillnlilnc ('omiittiy, AT I'KNDLKTON, .... OICKOON. IIAII.Y HUllM'ltllTfO IIATIHI One ropy -r year, by mull 'l ro Onocopyiilx inmitli-,, liy infill t U Duo ropy por week, liy carrier. 2. Klugle niiinliorn O-'i I ttntic without tinuniiul, ami In Union of I'oiitmnd Sunday N'elcomo: To KorJev,J!',y.MM. iffn.l I ncncomiliciinl-of.IcKMutloM In their favor, aliased Hopnhllcan convention wan u nig- J Jnuih,;nnj f.u u. I. . . ... . . . - -I .-I ....... l..- l. .11.1 II.!.... 1 l.llO . II. U llll.ltll!,. tiemuntieu win (,'reaier uvom mm mmm-, .-iuij .u s.j, . o. t.,, ;,, tuo. from tho Boverninunt, which they ! If thuro ho any glory in municipal politico, , iUU tun i iuai Lin, received In it npoel.il act taicd for their i to tho million of .lumen Lotait, John 1. lrnUlflnie Qnr OiinoWnfonrlonfc I heiiullt in 18(17, and which remained In 1 Wutd mid. lo.-oph Simon much of It at- fllbllllUblO flllU OUJClllll0llUclll0 force till lHS.'l. , tnehun. 'flic crowning triumph to-day i Hooiiih t mul it, I'orf innil SiivIiikh llnnlc I'ndor thin act tho duties on wool were belong noluly to them, hut whether tho . - ,, " ',',''..,.,..,,.., ct . I.. ... . i . . lit Llll IIUI Cl.tJIIU (1IIU TftllIlllMLUIl ..... .. .i it I .tl arranged on a new plan. Wool was di- "whoop la," otherwifo cninuHiaum, wm t.t.l..,l !!, it,.-,,,. i.l,iMdi.M i.fii-i,i ,.,,ll,li,,. i Im unlHi'tiMit In i':irrv them over thn Juno I t I I II I.... ii.... I., . I. .1 . t I lUFIIIIIMKl luilUnllJIlUllli; ruillUnillll . UiUtllilll, l-i iiuuwiiiim POUTLAND, OHKOON. dw KKMI'WKItKl.r HUfl'M'llllTlfl.f ICATKJt! One copy pr r ynir. fj M On ropy .U iniilltllK 1 2.1 Wlimlu iniiili-m l'r m I u in paper fri-o to yearly iiu I hern. AIIVKIITIH.III IIATK1I (l)h)it(i) J'lirrlhrtnrnli.) On Inch, or leu. In K.ml.UVi'kW hit ., liionll i-2(o ine inrii.fir ri, in iiuiiy iieriiioulll I W Twolnrlir, (irlcm, In Ixitli, per moil til ... 3 Go llv.pllir.. l.w.l.... U.....,.ll,....f.u .... . I. " ' ' . " ,7.-,,,,- nviij i in ii I"-r iiiiiiilh i 25 n.r flit.. I...I..., ti..M. ..11 v. ii.(.ii-i., in-i i,,,:n iirr llllllltll JJ Ott thrre Inrliin, In Ixith, per Inch per moutlu... 7:, HdIIiI noiiimrell miff rtKrmeiiU In Kcnil Wkly or Dully, iirat limerlliin, pur Inch, U.W; fHdi uliHCfiiiMit lin.frll(iii,Mc I;cnl notice, (cu coiiU per lino oncli In-erlliin, iiihtokv or tiii: taihi'i, MXTII AliriCM:. ThUH iiji to JHS.'! tho prolectlM! diillcH wiiilii reacliuil their climax in 1KUI ucru nil retaiiiml It wuh only the non-protec iivii milieu that were aholMicd. Tho du Hum on IhmiLh, i lilnawaro and cotton and linen piodM, hemp ami Jute K'XJ'W, (,'lanH ami kIovoh. har and hmt iron, Iron rallH, hied, lead, and paper woio uicreawii irom ten to llfiv per cent. .1...!.... .1 . 1 "mini,- win war, which increano wiw iiialntidiicd without tho nllliU-Mt ehaiiKo lor eiKinccn yearn aflur tUi war closed It cannot Ikj pretended that It wan in t i... i . . n.inii-11 in inaimain iiicm) oxtremo war ilullcM at tho tlmo limy woru enacted. No olio illumined that thuy wwu to temalu imlellnllcly in forcu. Thu war dutlcH woruHimply ImiHjHed to unit thu cxliren cien of tint ilmcH. Take cotton koixIh for examino: j nu duty on the chcajicHl KradcHof cotton kooiIh was fixed in 18(11 mono cent ;r yard. During I lie war ino prlco of wu li lihkIm mimi I mw.K. no that In 18IH wo llml lu ,iy ,, ,lu rmiio Kraiiu ol k'oixIh to Ihj llvo tvntH a yard. When thu war wum endeil, thu jjoodn fell to nearly their former price, yet for eighteen yearn till 1883, lu ,uly remained at Hve coutM a yard, and oven then wan not ru duce.1 to nearly what It wan In 1801. Whether thU cxiwhIvo ami prolonged lilKh duty on cotton Koo,H wait very bur leiiHomo or not, It Ih typical 0f m.iv other diillen, whlel, the aretjate, pro longed though many yearn, did grow Into a inoht grlevoun liiirdeu tijiou tho pro diieero mul purchanum, tho working men uinl tho HMr. Not only wan thin true, hut In manv In Htancen, no greedy had liecoiun tho fa vored clannen, and nuch largo power and great wealth did they h-o oHnIngout lw foro Iheiu, thu ilulien wetu m tuallv in cniam'd. lVrhaiw thu mo.it nlrlklng eano of thin nort wan the dutlennn wool and wimlenn, of which wo hear mi much lately, ami whi, ), han lmHi.ed thu heaviest and lea-t ih,. feiiHlhlu hiinleun iihiu connuinern. In the tarlir of IKId and ls.7 thudu Hen on winii wero ad valorem timien. I'mier thu net of 18(11 m-cHle tiutlen were nuliHtlttited. Thu eheaHr Kiiiuen oi wooi, worth under elghleeu ctmtn, woio admitted at thu nominal r.itu of llvo jK-r cent. Wool eonllng Uilween eighteen and twenty-four comn Kr lnmnd wan taxed three tvntn iht imundj that turning over twentyfour eontn UUH taxed uliiu tvntn a imuud. The dutfoM on Wimlenn weto luereaM-d forreHinuidlnglv. All ad valoivm duty of twentvlhu ir! cent wan levied on them; and in a.UIitiou thuy paid twelvo tvntH a imuml fr doth. Thin wan a niHvimeii of the nvntem of "fomiviiHatlng dntien" which fhuvuov tiltilm..! In ........ .....t .i .. r......... in iiMini'i minion, i wan uu to tho L'nidoi of nricos ulwvo noted. On1 ''ho "ring" may lead to "crlniHou glory Ifflf Fl 31 L.JO - clotliing and eomlilng W(K)In tho duty wan and undying famo," hut It In itt present aj II nnnSlOrUUUi It.ni Mini lui.lvi. tilu tinrtmllnil.' mill L'rilVll lllll'Hlloll W llL'tllOr it will 1)0 followed I " ' ' W eldven and ten ier cent, additional, ud , hy tho full force of tho .Multnomah Ho- i'.iliirntii .nui..inlli.i.1ii rri.t .....i... .. l.n ttiililliifiiiu t.'iiiiiilrtfrilf Inti In twit I'itifllinil ...iiviii., .v'u.ii';i. Jinn numn 11 iiv ninnvini.n ..v.......-.-. ... .. u hIkiiiI Din iiliiiiii tiirlir if IttiU dill tlin . In lliu Detiiocraev. changu in elaHnifleatloii reallv resulted In m.i .1....., J,iuTTi u . 1 nun tutii iicuiwiuin unik tuiun iui tiivii 11 murked ineroanu of tiutlen. I ntter the i camlldaten nolely on tho ground that thoy act 01 IN), ull wools contlng lenn tlian aro iiemocratn. roiiianti uregonian. tllltiv-f wm fiinlu luir imiiiiiiI unrn I'ltilri'iiil XoWU tloll't. Wo Itnk Vote.4 for O ten cents per numl and i:i.i:vk.v ier cent. I candidate liecauno tho Heptihlican party ad valorem. In lSiit wool coiling he- N cominittcd to a policy of oxtremo, ox . .1. . . .1. ..f. .. I 1.. . . .1.... tir. iween eigniecn ami iwenty-iour cenm 1 wnionuio aim ojiiirennivo laxaiion. Ier pound, (abroad) which Included the clanhcnof wool chiefly produced in thu United S'taten, wan charged only nix cento a KMinil; In 18117 it wan charged ten centM a iKiuud, and cloven jicr cent. Thtin the duty on that clann of wrxd chiefly lined In thin country wan In reality neatly doubled in 18(17, though the lucrcanu wan concealed In an adroit chango In cIiihhIII- cation. Nneo 18(17 tho tltitv on c otli ni Wn uk vot(U fur mir iMiliilliliito-l. fiirtlier. lie e.tuno tho Itepuhllcan managem in i'ort- luntl, bimon, Wartl, wivo iliompson mul men of Hint lib. urn nIhihIv IikiIm Mild attoruoyn of tho corjioratloun and of thu . money ower, ami aro opponcti 10 gram lug tho reasonable tlumaudn of the peo ple, cnjiecially tho (icople of Eastern Oregon. 1 1 ...n...i t.. .1.1.. - "I i.i..rin ui pii-Liiiiiiu iiuii niuj:i 111 nun and combinu wooln ban lnien on tlm iiv- 1 .. siaiu niaiiugu 10 uxiHt nun uuu caiiipaign erago more than fifty per cent, on tho , to lt,10t,c,r on tho plunder they aro able I'lllllii iilin.tiit f,..i.h.u,i.,ll Ii.lt 1 ... ... " "r'""iiiK"ii".iiito extort Irom camlldaten for alleged laid on w.mlcn clothn,on tho basin of four 1 M,iport." Thov m generally thu oncn, ixuindn of unwashed wool to 0110 yard of x,0 lak ",, ui,out Jl)fonn unu rloth. Tho ail valorem duty wan fixed 1 tlriu. 1., .mini., tt u h 1..... llilrty-nvn iK?r tciit, rim duty wan i.jin.M,, ti liltt 11111! IflllU Ill.ut.lilUU ll.lll ..1,1 1 1 . I - - '"I at iihjii overythlng woolen cloths, shawls, llituneln, lilanketn. knit foods, and all maiiufacturen of wool, wltli somo slight variationn. Ihusu tiutlen, njieclllt! and ml valorem, taken together, havu been from lifly to onu hundied per cunt., and oven more, 011 thu cost of tlio goods: on cloths generally from sixty to seventy nor cunt. : 011 blauketn and flanucln from uliditv to onu bundled mr cent. ton iniiraln carnutn fiom llfly to flfty-lho (Kir cent., tho "nee- ssanes" insteait of thu " usurieH." t will lnj noticed, being taxed tho most heavily. It In tloiibti'ul If either wool L'rowern or miinufuclurt'm over real Died half tho 1hh. ctlln thuy hoju'd for by thin sort of legis lation, hut they succeeileil iiiIhiIriM diecklng and almost naralvilmr Amerlnin commerce, ami in Iinjioslng heavy uud unjust hurtlenn tioii tho cousumern. J. 1'. Y. Tiik county otllclaln who havu nonrlv redeemetl tho county from Its burden of debt, within tho spaco of two yearn, uru gotnl eiiotigb for another term, llonestv and tlillgenco havo lxen thu motto In tho olllcen of Clerk, .Sheriir ami Treasurer, and all along tho line. Onoof thu most useful agents in hrint'lm; alxuit tliU nippy result ban lneii Mr. J. II. ltulnv. the deputy county treasurer, who han aji plled every dollar an fast an mm.sll,l in thu ledempllon of warrants, noun to do- creaso ine interest liearing tlobt. Ho du nerves iiromotlon. unit nromotetl lm will bu. their deception practised upon tho public oxposetl Tut: Oregonlan need not pietend that It In In favor of 1111 niton river, mul fulr transK)rtatlou rute.t for tho produce of ivasiuru Wregon, an long an it supiortn Simon, Davo Thompson ami Dolph. It cannot servo thum and tho iooplo at tho samu time, anv morn tbmi a man can at unco servo God and Mam limn. M'Coi.i. tried to bleed John Sjiorry, who wan talked of for Mierill of Multnomah county, and when Sorry sensibly roftm. ctl to givo him anything, ho at onco lie gan tleclaring that Sjiorry wan tin unfit man for thu tilllcu. That In bin old gamo. Dealer In Hardware and. Tinware PUMPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promptly Done. MAIN HTItKKT, 1M:NII,I:tON. A sliitioof (lm putlle piilroiuiffi) In (ollrltoil IIICIII-lliVKW Sang Yuen !i Hop h Company tlnvoopunoil a Nloro on Alta Street, Pendleton, -KortlioHuleof- JAPANESE SILK AND SATIN GOODS. NEW FURNITUR BY THE CARLOAD. AVo arc receiving, almost daily, Goods Direct from the Eastern Manufacli Our ntock will bo now In design and coinploto In assortment, congigtj PARLOR AND BEDROOM SETS, SIDKIIOAIIDS, HOOKCASKS, LASH'S, WILLOW AND ItATfAN ctl Whatnots, Brackets, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc Alno a complete lino of Carpets, oil cloths, linoleums, shades, portij GOODS SOLI) OX KASY l'AYMKNTS. Forbes & Wheeler, Association Building, PcndlctoJ Russell lb Co., -uuiMiKiiH or- Engines, Threshers and Sa-wmi also di:ai.i:iis i.v- -AlKonftill line of- JACOBS OH FOR NEURALGIA. Lacquered. Ware Ths venerable BILLA FLINT, Life Senator of the Dominion Parliament, Canada, auffercd for a lone tlmo with neuralgic fltceaclic, cauietl by a defec tive tooth, ami writes over Ida auto graph herewith as followa: "I found St. Jacobs Oil to 13 J CURES RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCI ATICA, SPRAINS. mimed that tho im 'tVilhtt ill nrliwi f.. I . . . " I'iKii winii canned iv tho h roilTI.A.NI TKI.i:nil.M! Tliorn U vrv Ilttlo thut In now in .Multnomah county i'.jimcn. .i)i oven a now name In in trodmvd iutoa convention of either part v. Year after year tho tumo din-rac'' Kcramlile of Hiik leudern for olllw .....1... 11 "ii'iui iiiu ii.uim in a convention. . car auer year tlio old tram-parent tricks aro played in the nhallow attempt to nmko tlio people think thoy are tho hovi-ioIkhh, .inn jimi- auer year tho lnWn reward their fricmln, heap coutumelv tiKm tu.r enemlort ami walk oil" with tlio nK)iln. Ok fomthi: tho oxtKinuro of "tho Httlo pimo- of .MToll und hln miCLDh. anni:,'un to oxtort money f.om camlldaten will call dawn uikjh tho 1Ut nf,iv,.. and Itn editor tho furioun wrath of theVo 1 MAIN HTHKKT. leechen. IVrhapn that assjtHnln'n inoiv anonymoun threatening lettem, inav 1 Contlnur to carry n Mil line of In resorted to. Hut wo don't think M'C'tlll Will L'Ot milch tiliwvl .,,,. . ' DrilCR Stntlnnn... Rln rortumory, Tollot Artl- ios, paints and SotJhy Drupght ami Dealeri Eivryuhtre, THE CHARLES A. VOQELER CO., n-aTutoitK. ud, City Drug Store, 1". J. DONALDSON, Proprietor, I'KNDI.KTO.V.Or. I'iniitllla county thin your. SlNIHV WkU'OUK! Vli..ti "'or- llormaun, who In to U, ,ho Hopuhliwn I A . 0,,8 ''' duty non.liuHi for Cohjwhh, taken tho .,,,,, B?'1,,fo,'!hrAU'K'-:l)W0"Trermine. "..".dl.v Lu rctl tho-prhv of ,ho Z St jl, M TM't '" t,W rtUB,,, mentlo article, hemv tho necoliv f .,! 1.1.'!. . .,..! . (u'1,rl' " '"" trouble c.,mH.nMtin tluly ,, fondu'ii manui,.. '1 ' . 1. . ox'. ' Mny tho turen ..f w.k.I. " I "" ,M? 'un, r: forfeituro 1,111 emuo tin " ....... .miv ill In the llouKoof Itoprehentativen for din ','""' 'w, mul an an amentlmont 1'atthoN . 1'. ntilrtud Ihj exompted from the operation of tho rule? .MT01.1, never luul m ..t..i... ,.. tNuniMixt, un.i , h:ul uen , lormer ptico wan m tint ho in no near tl .1 . . .' ,, , . , - -""i"uui (Hunt Hie worM.lii bulk.ut fifty cent per ounce. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEFT I'll., ? "",",""' f n thorouKi, liarmueUt, ami cn.iomcn. cm rt-ly t,.., Imvlnit their iwwilpiloua ,-omPouaili PurliiKtho war tho duty on wikiI ami wtxilenn werontill further raised, ami in tho thud act of Isill worn un followa: On winii iwtiuu 1' tvut.i or h.nn, a tlutv oflttvntna imuihI. On wtjol contlng K'tween 1L' and 'M tvntn, a iluty of tl eontn a Muml. On wool eoMlttK KtwiHn -l amt 112 tvntn, utility of lOtvittn 10H.rce,,t ' 1 lately that ho han r,,U.o V . " '"m ' 7J ' "l,f,u,,"ws ,l " ,UH." wr V vntn. a tlutv ' oven if It In mid ..111 u,. I ... Z.v' ul I 7 "? V. .r.oon.,"e ld I Z I1IIIIH Ihtl Ik.tlli.l , , .i.iiin II1VJI IT. ll.t I u titui lllllllllllff IM ,ns I H. .... onion w hat Mich a eroaturo mav mv ? ' K've 'HU a 1,",' article for let. i.ionev J.ms 1H:ntu:v will t ekvttM Sheritr! Satisfaction Cuara'ntood Oftlll and Seo Our Stock. Sang Yuen & Hop Kee Go,, ALT A HTUKKr, I'KNDLKTON, OIICOON apt tlnvr Richardson's Lunch Counter, Mil 1 11 Htrcct, I'emllelnn, G. D. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. Ilentlminrtcrii for Korelan nuU Domeatlc rruilt, caudle., Cannrtl tJooiIn, mid Nutn. At tho Llinnh Cnnntnr. You can obtain colli boiled ham, cold nplccd hAAf l.ll.lrl.t.1 A... 1 1 . ' . ctild IkiIIiI ev(r,ep cooked In every ulylc, ..... ..... ui,.. i .iiirr, jcrKi-,1 uik, veiuiuin, nam. mnoked lierrlnK. bread 0111I butter, etc. House Open Day and Nieht . . . T.tmclidifroinAc. upward, ft.nl.1f. .1 ...v ..u .4 THE FINEST . ' 3B nil 'iimu-,xii -AND ROAD CARTS IS, M6GIES Sm rue nt:oT S -r; ,w'-- ' thk MARKt T. Japanese Curios. MOW LUNC, In William Kle'i Laundry, Pendleton, - - Oregon, Importer nnd Dealer In Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods, ':irlolilr, Ilf nre and Ivory Toyi, Uco- MiiX lYi'.Wr.'' ln,'',c.ro!:.k'r'' M,,,o" Crape. .. . . rrelilf-.Kmt,roldered Hcrf eu and all kln.UofHIlk t)rt P.lterni. Klro iVerry".,te!,.,";- ,nVolce rolved b am urarrH rrnmptiy Attended to Ap.1 Im Pendleton Baths, Sin In (Street. lendlptnn. Aro now open and ready for biinlnem. Newly of the Kb 5. ' rmivemence llatln, . jvt, tiiiavincr. l.vti IIuiMuttlnij, avt. Shtiiniwdnj, Bo t..' Hea hoam, . . frt I employ llrHt-olinH haudu only. H. L. CARL. Proprlotor. The Pendleton Mfg.' Company, PKNDI.ETON, OltEUON. Machlno Work of All Kinds Done promptly. I'atterm made. Honalm to farm mnphi., and machinery of every de.crlptlon a Hpeolalty. Cliatyr for Work llvtHnnblc, q Imvo tho best Straw Burnor In tho World. OAT.L Oil SEND FOR CATALOGUE TO Russell & Co., inht9.Uw 100, 102, 104 nntl 100 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREgJ .u 1VIIIH, im 01 1. tvntn tvr imum . hIuh hi Hie tMiniK'un.itug,hity on woolonn was ralM'dlnlStU to 24 tvntn vr Hund of cloth, tho ad valotvm ipwlivltvo) tlutv havliiK Invn ntU'd to 40 tvr .vnt After tho war cotton hoctn to couio to ! tho front aaln. Tho country wan .v..r-1 only by ''ntiniHirHiiL. 1,1... Photograph Gallery T. C. WARD, Tlio most tticcetafui Photographer, NO Boys Or Apprentices Photographs, Tintypes, En- mnloreil in nru,iu .. .. ... 1 Inrrtlnn . --'a"'t3 mum upying, NEW GOODS An Immuu.o Htock Jum received, which wo are now otrorlnc at price that ic-ton lih the oldeat Inhabitant. DRESS GOODS, FANCY 11001)8, IIOSIKIIV, LADIES' ANn.MI8Si:.s.UNDKUVKAH,HH0K3, HUITKUS, OI.OVK8, UIIMIONB. I.ACES, OIWKT.n. NOVELTIES. Men's, Youtli's, Boys' and Child- ren's Clothing. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises. COME AND EXAMINE OUK 8T0CK Alexander&Frazer imiitt itln fltreet, Pondleton, Orrpu, Transacts Ceneral Im Business. Prcldont, James Stkii, Vlco I'reald-nl, I.riiMAN raw, Canhier, .K.H'.HAii!fl VoIlccllnnH Mmfi- ,t Fat , ,. Turin, n pl 12 I.EADINO. MERCHANT Ti l'endleion, Oregon, Main hU, niv 'i A FIXE STOCK OF OOft Jtut received. Satisfaction Cuaranti In every partiouUr. MAIN HTrtEET. hy tlouhlo hU majority of two veara airo ' without .vieldiitK to tho blackmailing i A7n"KW tliatn of M1V.1I. who can Injure him TOia or , A UD. .Inla.. . m Iwmuw near Walla" w..tV ,.;rrn?jr ,rom Iverv iioriJi .tl?"fc '"J ! beau or T..K Wloof Umatilla county ,0 not -muUiuH.M . .a . .1. t . 1 nt.vkea wm, woolen xxln, no lonwr nee,letl Uy tho uvnia huelv in armn Tin 1 1 . . 1 '",u":l "iv tlo not RV"": ne black. U) iHrnndi. lm t..l.rowem,,vali.ink: ,1 It, , J jt J ? ,wM''or ',,,,,0,w t0 who, 5SJjrn,lfiSM? umlcr which thev hud UU y TluTZ 1 " ? fr T,w Mmlarity which ' marautetHl lOKmtll .h" w?.rk I'ectfull,-, yours, , " 're T.'cSvAIll"0' JED.KEMr.EH7 Proprietor of the x. , ',v,'-t"t "eer Hull, Mailt fit., nmwv.llo ...-.u V. lealt.1,oIb;eroura7B't;C,nI, mc;.d c.g.N.ot .he bendV'T.'toc'i'!0" "LJO IWra FOIl S A I.E. ranch 1 county, i ukuiii of American .1.1. . eon easy tertni" teinrli V?r hor.M roAUPrP,i'?i '.nFn,l,,J. ""!!' lOkOn. tl.l. tu mohnTuVd.;' w-5iM:.NtfN. " Vlnion, Oregon First National Bank, OF PENDLETON LVlA"j,T, iiW.ffD. rrcueau Vlce-tVeen V, NlarKH Cnahler. Traniactageueral banklnr h.,.i... EX O H A. AJ" GrE BOUGHT AND SOLD "OTICE TO CnEDITOlW. fl, VL?.?.e.A8nn account airaln.. . ... KOed, at hit offlce on Main trine uniler the iwjtofflce, Peud elon 1 rCet' PPHe "wKPII BA8LER, T EQai. ni. tTo bUnkS athlilo0fflinJreJ rrm. of legal Commercial m hi and Sale l i. B. KEENEY & CO., Prop Put up your animals and) monoy at this stand. Tl IS no bfltAr In niMtn. patrons and friends wW wentr ated. COME TO BEE ITS. a t.t. vrwrw nP I run illKK THE FINEST TUR.V OUTS IN TOWN. KEENEY Co.. Fl T. F. ROURKI GRAIN MERCHANT. Hlgheat market price paid tor all I Gr H A. 1 1ST. rye for?i Snh,te neat- wlnter barJvi1 tralfvi !a,,?,,nr,i'eeillnK putpoe. Th 1 men uneJ "?,w.,,eai Jul the articled nva ueed. U makes a llMt-clan qoWj opkice at Warehouse, pendi jiy oheqon.