East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 11, 1888, Image 1

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uoney or stamps w,u I'"'
tlio .lit"- elections.
ents In
..111 i.flrr
...i r.titv.nvcenU wilt
rill of Hornby "
LmBI yV J m mV m. V It l W V.l or the. Dally or
V 1 X 3 A w 1 ran fri''')' H'"11"
H 1 IV 1 S,F ssb of tho r.AMr OltHtlONIAN llbrnry whon-
mV; L. jL-BBiMHBlr ""y " public r-
sssssssii " r m dlnlly Intlled t' !
; -
NO. 36.
Ht. .tolui III Sotitlnrii Ureiton cnooi
llutl.lliiU' Hunted In Scatlln-Blmirnr.l
nut Alcer Cnndldales-ConUllniJ Ilettoi
Mvo Mm Killed by Htrlhers-Tlie. lleail
look Continues.
To tho largo and varied stock of
Which wo havo lately received, nnd now have- on exhibition at our
IKE IN THE FOSTOJbJbiuja buil,uwkx.
It consists In part of a flno assortment of
and Summer Dress Goods, Staple Dry
Goods, Clothing, and Gents' Fur
nishing Goods.
'A Largo Stock of
-A Full Lino of-
mnrehaserH osticclally will find It to their intercut to insect our stock nntt
gel our iirn.cn.
othchild & Bean.
Shaving, Hnbcutting nnd Shampooing. .
. . . ... ..... I........ A 4.I..1 onltxUn.l
c k doio b only compuium uimhuii. " i.,....
Corner Main and Webb streets, l'cndloton, Oregon.
filna svrlv
RONT STREET, - - - ORTLAND, wntuww
nil.. Milwaukee. W s. EXPOHT HLSNtH UUI ILtu occn. Hnya
PDN5ARDIN CHAMPAGNE. (YCllOW LaDei.) men o .uw am
eat Rock Island
Llbert lea routes.
direct mid popular line la connection
llh the Northern rnrlllo lluuwuy
bin Ht. Paul unu jiinueupoiis
L'hlrneo ami Mo Kntt.
to NL I.oulu uud the Mouth.
To Ilea Mollies, Leavenworth'
Atchiaon and Kauaa Oily
L r.,1 r inn Connecting wiiiiine
ke Unlv .Lino ri.SUu Himrt uno
uncll Hlulls, Leavenworth mid Kansas
Uman Palace Sleemnu
ralace Dlnlnu Cars!
omnanv all through Kxpres Trulus on
km for cni hv nil connecting railway.
situ coiHiectionn nmjH in union ucmi.
lordill Inrormatlon renardlni.' mte. nnp,
L. nnnlv to any coupon hkbihui mnu. iw
K. or Norlliern I'nnlflo Hallway rom
,orto W. U. Al, WWAU
Pendleton, Oregon,
. 3 Washington 8t - - Portland, Ore.
icn. TSt. and I'asd. Agt. u. it. . r. . v.
Clilrat'o.III .. hu ii. ,
uou. i. onu r. Agi. .m. oi,
.Minneapolis, Minn.
iWPtTHiCUQ cmthen.wtKjwiihtotomlna
Jabil I Iwblld thapjpr,cicbUintim:cl
ldvitisinc tfnc when in Chxa;?, will (nd It or lilt it
to43 rurd3iPh st., i e ?unuie
Alt Aliout u Woman.
TflUCKBii, C.t... Aiiril II. Tlio town of
ltuii lu mi tin, vorcn nf n norioilK (UUI-
culty, which Hint nrono bctweou two ad
inlrorH of a woinan. FactlonH fotnied In
Httpport of each rival, tlio lumber men on
oiiohIiIo and the Hoea browoiH on the
othor. Ijint night tho brewery crowd
crowed tho river to wheru tho ltimbor
men were, and numeiouH (,uarruin oe-
etined. Ono man wan nlmt, hw axwiliani
was urreHted, and a general row occurred,
in which knives were lined freely, l ho
brewery men Hay they Intend to tako mi!
town to-night.
litipiirtnnt Contrnrt.
San FitAKCiHtHi, April 11. fhe M.itiv
ment in made hero that tno tii'o.tnut
SteaniHliip Company havo nigned a con
tract by the terniH of which it Ihjcoiiio
.... .1... r, II.... !..
tlio repreHeniaiive m mo nmuiuui i
clllo rallwav company in San Franeihco.
Tlio contract Ih ono ol tmuHiial Higinii-
canco. In accordanco wltn li nroviHioiiH
the Canadian 1'aelllo HtcaniHlilim now
ilylng between ancouvcr aim iiong
vonit will make .San Francinco a jerma
iiunt point.
l'lvo 5Ien Hilled ly ftiriKer,.
1CNOXV1M.K. Tuns.. April 11. Five
men wero killed hint night at Cumbor
land (Slip, nl::tv-tlvo nilUm north of here.
IrottblU lirOHO DOtween lllliururn uiim j-ii
In bulldlne iv tunnel and Htrlkero. Tho
killing wiih dono by tho latter, who Inn
provloticly (touted notlcen that they would
hhoot down any ono who attempted to
work. Tho eberKT luw lieen ItiHtructed to
capture tho whole gang, dead or alivo.
Houlliern Orvgou i'riiliinniniiii.
KoHKiiuwi, April 11. Tho prohibition
countv convention hold lioro yemoruay,
conKlMtlng of 74 delegate nominated a
full county ticwei. .ionn i-. m. ounn
wan proront and iiddieHsud a thoimand
people uHHomhledin tho court Iiouho yard,
lie and O. M. Miller, tho prohibition
nominee, alo iiddreH!l a largo audtenco
at tho court Iiouho in tno evening.
Will Unlnlerelln.
roitTi.ANii, Atirll 11. HotelHiiro full of
delegatcH and othcrH attending tlio ito-
publican State Convention, which meciH
iiero to-dav. Tho Convention will M tin
inlereHtlng. Kverythlng Ih cut anil dried.
Hermann and Lord will bo nominated.
There will bo a little Hkirmishing for
delegateH to tlio National Convention.
AlBr II CnndldiU.
Ni:w Yokk, April 11. In an Interview
with Gov. AIl'it. of Michigan, ho nald:
Yea, I am a candldaU) for tho rreHidcncv.
,.r wlmt inv fr ondrt liavodono l hiioiiki
Notary and Corporation seals
In Pendleton,
The muni pike for seals inade by other
parties, lu Portland or the Kat, U from J6.0O
oJ7.W, with uxpres charges added. If you
need a seal, send your order to us, and savo
from J2.ro to J3.00 thereby.
East Oregonianfub. Co,,
Pendleton, Oregon.
They do happen every day, and when one
uuppens 10 yon. you win mu ujut
you wero Insured In the
THE TnVKt.Kn' resources are sn indent to
pay at once the most enormous mas of
elulins that even great railroad and steam.
boat accuteuts can oring upon n. i-uy u
oininw wlilimit discount Immediately upon
receipt of s.tlsfactory proofs. Hon t'orfnllure
provisions In all Its pullcles.
Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions
of Surplus.
Clopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
Kat Oregonlan building, PenJIeon, Or.
k! iloing them and inywilf an InjuHUce o
deny inv candidacy. I am In tho Held to
Htay, but Hindi niako no porHonal ellortH
tocapturo voterf."
K.lionl HiilldliiL' Hurried lu Heuttlr.
Siiatti.k, W. T., April 11. The largo
central nehool building in thin city caught
Hreearlv thin morning, and burned to
tho ground. It in a total Jr.!. Tho water
Hiippl v wiih luadeiiuate. '1 ho Iohs Ih J
000: Insurance i-M.OOO. Tho building
was occupied by twolvo departmontH and
im pupllK.
Conkll'lg II lletfr.
v...- v,.,.i.v Atirll 10. Conkllnt!'H con
dition In aliout tho Hamo. tdthough tho
nownpaper headllnoH read "nl ghtly bet
tor." Nothing In tho long lint of bid
lotins Indicated that Much in tho cano. I lit
Ih liable to llo within twontyfour hours,
yet mayllvo Hoverai (iay.
Hluhrnrd Wants III" Nomination.
Anril 10. It Ih learned
flint Stanford hafl decided to
..n... i.;u in frn lieforo the COIIVOU
tlon aH a candidato for I'reHldont of tho
I Rtiitim. mill that ho Will IIH1C tno
Hiinnort of the California delegation.
Illg Deinorralic victory i" i""7, .
v Anril 11. K. Mayer.
ii.nTiiIe cand date for mayor, and tho
entire Democratic city ticket, wiih elected
hero yenterday by majorities oi hu h
L',000 to 3,000, tho largent ovor given In
tho city.
A Woman Clmrusu win '"
Font Jo.skh, April 11. Jlrn. Jeiroreon
Carter has been Held to answer to u
chargo of killing her olovon-year-old
Htoii-daughter by Ktriking her on tho
lieau wltn a mum iiinuuinum.
Latest from Conltllug.
New Youk, April 11. Conkllng at an
early hour thin morning wan bettor tnan
at any timo for tho past forty-eight hourH.
Tboro BeeiiiH now to lw a chanco to Havo
bin lifo.
Huilden Death.
San FitANcihCo, April 11. Monjamin
Andornon, aged f8 yearH, fell dead in a
saloon last ovening. lie wiih a brother-in-law
of Jim Keeno, tho millionaire.
Jxriey CHy B.OOO Hemoeratlc.
JmisKV Crrv, N. J., .Ali 11. -Tho
Democratic candidato for flavor was
elected in thin city yesterday by 5,000
Still I'lajllig the l"oolJ
mil 11. At 1:45 a. m
tlm Houtift deadlocked for tho night. All
motlonn to adjourn aro voted down.
Tho Deadlock Continue.
VAlsill'OTos, April 10. All talk of a
comprouilMj by which tho deadlock In
tho I Iouho in to bo broken ban ceated,
anditirtnow the general ltelief that it
will continue until Tuesday next, when
It U Intended to call up the tariir bill, at
which time a determined tight will bo
made to break the deadlock.
Cnpltal and UniiKresslniial Notesoflnterest !
t . Northwestern Headers.
In the Senate tho bill to provide for the
adinirfxlon of tlio Stato of Dakota into tho
Union, and for organization of the Terri
tory of Lincoln wan taken up. The mib
Htitute rejorted from the committee on
Tenltoricrt to tho original bill entablirthew
tho boundaries of tho iiroponetl State, and
.l.Mili'imti'n llui ivmalnimr nortloiiH of the
present Territory an tlio Terr tory of
North Dakota (not Lincoln), with Bis
marck as tlio capital.
Chandler introduced a bill for comple
tion of tho direct tax of 18111. 'lhiH blll
revives and ro-onacto thonoHcetlonH of the
act of 1801 Imposing n direct tax of I'M,
0K),00J, and provides for tho collection
of all unpaid balances with o ier cent,
interest theieon, tho states to have tho
privilege of asaumlng their quota, loss 1ft
tiorcoiit. deductions; otherwise i tlio tax
is to ih) ctlleetcd from tho land of indi
vidual, us p.. .ld-id In tho original act.
Tho Dakota i.dmUelon bill cine up
again. . . ...
pi lit lOiiitriniui of lho I'ommltti'C on
territoties, H.tld the bill was ono of four
which had been icpoited by the commit
tee on territories for the admission of now
Slates. It provided for tho admission of
ii... M..ii(linrii ti-iri nf Dakota, under the
I'miuf Ittltlim 11 Inuulv frmneil. The other
innililiiiL' acts of tho tor
rltories of Washington, .Montana nnd the
Northern portion of Dakota, 'lho pro
tiosed Stato of South Dakota had a popu
lation of -100,000, and ho thought they
It. til it riirlit to lui mm ilited as a State, to
i.nrHi-Itiiitn lii tho next I'a-Hldoittlal clec-
The House proceedings woro utterly
destitute of Interest. Until saw tlio
itmiml lucall tho roll upon va-
rloiiH dilatory motioiw Htibmltled. At
that hour tho house found itself without a
ouoruni, and weaver nioveii an aojourn
,,Mit. Tho motion was defeated.
At l o'clock Campltell moved a recess,
lmt llreeUiinildiro. of Arkansas, revived
tho tactics ivsorted to a few davH.ago.and
.....vn,i Unit Mi'tvlnnov. of Now llamp-
ovi'iismi from" votlnir. A point
nt nr.iir in.'itiiut tlio motion was overruled
fi' tno iuiMiSfi -K Drntytoraiviicaiod
.. , ... ii.... itM...i.
from lho decision, iioiuuuk n
enrldge, of Kentucky, moved to adjourn
ti'ltinli U'lIU VOI1HI llOWIl.
Aiu.nl n .iVIivrl- Onles asked timinlliious
conHcnttolmvonei61utiou read for In
formation, but ho wiih promptly mot with
from tlio Itonubllcaii side.
Tho resolution he intended to liavo read
was to tho client that a largo number oi
,,it,..-,i,vj lniiiivlstM nnd claim auents aro
woiking actively to secure tho passage of
the bill now under consideration, aim
that a committee Iw appointed to ascer
tain what contracts or agreements ex
isted lietwoeu any attorneys, lobb.usts.or
agentH and tho benellclailes of tho afore
said bill and tojMirt to tho House in thirty
(lavs, ami that ponding sucli Investigation
the further consideration of tho bill bo
tiostitoncd. ,
At 7i!W lho sorgeant-at arms apeared
and roiiorted that of twonty-llvo nieinbeiH
absent without leavo, twenty wero out of
tho cltv and tho other Hvo no could not
Hud. Ho was directed to contlnuo his
seaivh. ... ,
At 10:1ft K. II. Tavlor asked unanimous
consent that the House take a recess until
11:45 to-morrow. Tho speaker pro torn.
putthon.Mpiost,aiidaftera short pauM),
declared It granted, bringing down his
gavel just as Ilreckonridgo, of Arkansas,
sprung to his feet with an objection that
came ono second too late. The recess was
therefore taken. .
A jonsion has lieen granted to Joseph
Abeeno, Haines, Oregon.
l'ostotllcos wero established ut Laraton,
Klamath county, Or., and at Mitchell,
Kitsap county. W. T., and Oliver II.
Mctteo and John H. Mitchell upiinted
postmastorH of tlio respectivo olllcos.
A iw.Htoilli'o wiih also established at
Stanton, AltuniH county, Idaho, and Miss
KlizalKith Fowler was apitoinieit insi-
mistrosH. ,
Tho tiostolllco ut Illuo river, Oregon,
will Ito discontinued after April 'M,
Tho vacancy caused by tlio resignation
of Win. It. 1'rovltt, iststmaHtor at Jeiiur
son, Marion county, Or., was tilled by A.
It. Hudloson Itelng apiwinieu jHwuiuimur.
Kd. II. l'lnkston, itostmaster of Kel-
log, Douglas county, Or., nan resigned.
andOco. H. Klllott ban Iteen apitointed
lu his placo.
lie Loses n CnnP, but Kinds It Again-(Iter,
tlio Nurtheru Paclllc MonUtin l'.ila (
Uleelier Tho llestrm Hon or ltovlnes-Oii j
to St. Paul, Chlcngo and llaltlninre.
NollTllHUX I'ACII-ie Tlt.MS, I
850 .Mii.i:s Kast of amxi.a,
April 7, 188rt.
termlned to put forth their claims for
division in tlio legislature, and hoe for
an equitable adjustment of the uiiitter.
Milton Is improving rapidly, rho
north end seems to be a favorable loca
tion, and several buildings are being con
structed theio. Two or three brick build
ings will bo built on Main street during
this summer, brick for which will soon
be niado. , .
.1 t t'oniiov is visittni! tno i-eoino hi
wiilln l wiih iii Walla Walla 1 noticed
that that town's main business HttuotH : VoHtnii, Milton uml other eastern localj
were supplied with sidewalks on ono i ,eM )) (.ouw3 011 linsiness which is laud-
ii.uli. iiddinir iiioatlv to tlio
nf lho nlaco. ulvlug it a c
'i l.iu lu ..,1 liiiio'iivoiiient lie
ilti.toti level Kidowalks on tho business
streets. , , I
I reached Walluia at mx o ciock, ami
was so unfortunate as to havo a cane ,
stolen bv a brakeman, ono presented to i
inoby a friend, a very est niauio umi
lovealtlo person. 1 was lu the "City of
Sand" three bourn, ami wiiuo me o
turned detective and searched diligently
for inv stolen property, and wiih fortunato
enough to Hud It, with tho aid of Mr. N.
M. KlleiiHWorth, tho accoiniiiodatlng con
stablo.ln calsioso No. 1S1 , where tho thiev
ing brakeman li.ut minion n. i ins rouu,
known as Ked. will lose his situation for
this little sleight of hand .act.
At nine 1 boarded tno tram ior .-i.
l'aul, anil wo pulled out at a good rapid
rate. Tho l'tiUman palace car niiiiiigs
was well Hlled Willi "lenow travelers,
but I managed to secure a lower liert h at
U', which is a reduction in prices since
a fow months ago. Tho Northern's accom-
..wi,.n,ii,j ovorv onu Knows, mo nisi-
class. Tho dining car service is tlio best '
in tho world, and tno travel on tno r nui,
I am told, is increasing mi mo nine.
Wo havo passed several trains lu tw;o
sections, tilled with emigrants. nils
morning wo passed a double train con
taining very nearly a iiiuumuu r"-
. ..... V...H......
Him ih my nun inn ovur mu uinn.oi,
and tho llrst thuo 1 have oxperlenced.
when I know II, a ride over mo tan
trestles coining down Ho .ii"'
ltefore coming Into tho beautiful Hitter
Hoot valley. Thoro are tyo tall
trestles, the Marrent and ()'Ke I. lho
former trestle Is -Ji'tl feet high. !"
built entirely of Iron, and It Is said that
thov are tho safest isirtlon ol tno roan,
t ui.u..i .... tiu. i.T.it f.irm im tho (ruin went
over them, and oxM)rioncoil a thrill as If
tho train was about to leap i"i umwii.
Yesterday uigrulug w commeniea
traveling in Montana, and tills evening
wo will bo entirely acrosH mo vwiun
torv, a dlHtanco of alsiut WW miles, fur
Ihe'rthan tho distance between t ilcago
and llaltlmoro. which spans a portion of
Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia,) Irglnla. lho
District of Columbia and Maryland.
Montana is a great country within iti-olf.
and ono that will grow to bo gieater and
......... i..uiuinim Hum It is at Ill'CSCItt.
Tint iiianv friends of Missl-oona l lalley,
Mm ibiHH Curler, will bo ulad to
i..w.w Unit Mr. uml Mis. Carter live lu
n...... ...... - , . ,. . , ..
Helena ami aro tirosjiering mceiy, .ur,
Carter having an imiMirtant position w h
ono of tlio local railroad companies, Willi
his otllco In Helena. Thoy havo been
living In Helena ever since they wero
married, last year.
I havo met one farmer In my time In
favor of tho tariir, after knowing, as bo
says, all alKiiit Isith siden of tho question.
This farmer is Mr. Hzra Mocker, of
l'uyallup Valley, W. T., who Is greally
interested in hop ralsi.ig. Mr. .Meeker
Las a very original argument in defending
his pot theory of protection, that m that
ho has Iteen u protectionist for forty years.
Of course I wasovoiconio and out-wltted
by such an argument, but managed to
say, though rather baekwardly, tha a
man might exist uh a d fool for llfty
vears, and still show noontwatd slgiw of
Ilecay. Of courso my ronly l.u kH rt'sitect
i.. .1 .nun of Mr. Meeker's auc. ut it is
tho apiH-uirance ,,,lo ull(l en(erptiHlng.
Ity appearance. ..HhoNNeil
iceded In l'en- .....
The Milton Haglo will on Friday
lain the following:
On Monday last the much talked of
l.oi mi Ili'n mii'stloii of water works
tis.k place, anil never in tno History
Hold f.tr Ten Hollars.
Krom tho Portland Welcome.
Last wook Tom Ward, runnor of tho
Quiinby House had among his passengers
a fifteen year old girl, who was In duo
timo installed in room 8-1. S ho had como
from Hiwkano Falls and wanted to I ml
omployment, and asked Tom what "
prositects wero to obtain a situation. Ho
told bor tho city was largo and servants
wero In doiniuul.uniltJiuiis i "v'"'t
of her until a "ltooster" (stcerer) for a
hackman told him that a "hip. known
aH "Dutchy" had enticed, the child from
her room ill tho hotel ami sold her 'for 10
to tho proprietress of a bagnio on iMfthst.
Iwtween Washington and Alder, by namo
Agnos Woodward. Hackmeii bayo long
been suspected of this cruel tralllc, and
wo suggest that our ltolico Invest gate thin
case, and If our charges X) sustained that
they mako tho guilty qhch suller for it.
Tho prelinilnary work for tho Nica
ragua canal is progressing satisfactorii).
Tho Latter Day SaiutH opposed to po
lygamy number t-'O.OOO.
... i... .H.i.. i, i....... .. i
cnaracieristie, ami nu uiuu i m.
saltl exactly.
iHl IllUllg Hit" "'I' "V ,
immi nvi'i'oillni'lv nleasant. there Itclug
plonty of spring balm ami sunshliio O
brighten tho trio. Wo asse a little
plain tills morning in the vicinity of
which a gieat many cattlo had died dur
ing tho past winter. In lino display on a
fence, 1000 hides of cattlo hung to show
to soma extent tho loss of Ifo among
Ixivlnes during tho rigid weather of only
two or threo months ago. Montana h
nothing in tho winter time, unless it Is
cold. .
Did you ovor try to writo on a inov ng
train? If you have, then you know the
oxitciloiico; if you havo not, try It the
llrst chanco you have, and seo Iiowhus
ceptiblo you aro to thlngH around yon. It
is Impossililo to writo a long word until
you make several attorn nts.
I will reach St. l'aul Sunday afternoon,
and leave for Chicago alsiut two hourH
later, and will leach llaltlmoro and seo
our estray "Kichard" Tuesday night.
Until then, an rovolr, anil "(iod bless our
homo," by protecting tho wanderers.
K, O. TitAMP.
Milton was there such an Interesting anil
llvelv dav. On Saturday evening a mass
meeting wiih held In rhelp's hall in or
der to freelv discuss both sides of tho
question. The hall was crowded and It
was evident that there was a major ly of
sentiment In favor of tlio V.roJtH'h Illoro
was, howover.a certain feellng of insecur
itv on tho part of well-wishers, by reason
of tho fact that It was very well known
that qulto a number In North Milton
wero opposed on account of the Insutllcl
encvof tho appropriation Uft.OOO) to con
duct a plant to that itortlon of tlio city
this vear; and as a two-thirds vole was
icqiilred Ibis appielienslon was not with
out foundation. . ,, , . .
Karlv Mondav morning small UnotH of
men U'gan to congregate on tho stieets,
and quietly talk the matter over, and by
noon the city piesenieu uu iiiiuinm... ..i--
- X'.'.ll.,.. lut.rilll III lllllO llVllM'k.
hooienlng of the jtolls Mng delayed
on account oi a uimmissiou n'mmi i
es as to tho otiuliiicauons oi voiept,
1-lilfili wnri iiliitentber unnecessary, astno
law is plain and admits of but ono con
struction. ... ...
Tho vote at onu o'clock was Hfty-eight,
of which about eight were against water
works, as near iih could lie cainnaieo ny
the reitorter. 1'eoplo were Jubilant, and
a few Itegan tit congratulate each other on
the Hind result. Hut after dinner North
miii.... i.ir,!...! . .ii t Iii force, mid bv two
o'clock It looked a little ominous. Several
prominent opH.nontH sinned Known m ,
and the ulr looked blue. Alsiut MM
o'clock u lone woman apoaroii, casi
her ha ot against water wotKs, umi n
Miiletlv went homo. She was followed by
' .. 1 in Lit mi.
two otliers who wero siiii;
favorable to tho scheme, uusiia i nytm
anticipated, and at 'M mlnules totho lino
for closing tno Htlls mu nuuim-i ii
Nathan I'lcrco, (iranilpa J;mler and
I'nclo Mm tin scattered in all dliccllons
wiih trulv ludicrous. Hut this was turned
to enthusiasm when eight worthy females
suddenly turned tho corner, marshaled
bv tho two llrst named gentlemen, and
cast a solid vote in favor of water works.
Thov weiosistn followed by four more of
the same itorsuasinn, in cinugu m .
Mattin.niidthoiinti'H looked gruesome.
Fifteen minutes after the closing of tho
ikiIIs tho icsult was announced! Sixty
iiliio in favor ami twenty-six against
Hats wero thrown in air and loud Iiuxmh
tniko foil It. This large majority Is a
eiedit lo our city's enterprising clt .ens,
and will tesult in certain prollt In a llnan
cial way. In the evening anvils wero
llrod at each end of Main street, and lho
Milton band kindly discoursed music
from tho balcony of I'helps' hall.
Tariff and Wages.
High-tarliriu.m claim that protection
makes higher wages for lalstr. On this
itolnt tho leal ellect Is well explained
by a lumber dealer, Mr. I lanchuril
of Chicago, who said! "I am h gh turl r
on lumber, but on wistl, iron, glass, cot
ton, leather, etc. 1 will tell you why. I
own tlmlsir lands ami stuiupago; besides,
I operate largely myself, and thls tarlll
puts money in my jssket. I get lr
1000 iiioio ior my iiuni'K" t
kt 1000 more for my 1'""'H,:
1 havo Just sold r.,000,000
feet of lunilK'r. Now, $2 a thousand on
ft.OOO.OOO Is just $10,000. I bat is tno
illllerenco to mo isnween uiuu luuu i.n.
fico liimlKir. 1 am high tarill'on lumlKir, I
am. This blessed tariir, they tell us, Is
all for tho Itenellt of tho American la
Itorer. What do you suppose 1 did with
thu 10.000V Divide it among my work
men? Not a bit of it. 1 put it
right in this calf-skin wallet. Of
all my workmen I am the only
protected American lalstrer. WitgoHt o
iiend on supply and demand, my friends,
and not on taxeH. When you seo two
men after ono boss, wages aro low ; but
when you see two 1 tosses after ono man,
wages aro high; and that is tho whole of
It tho theory, principle anil practice.'
llsilly Klrksd.
Walla Walla Union- Uist Saturday,
at Deep Creek Falls, Mr. L. Nelson, of
that placo, whllo entering a stall, was
kicked by a horse. Tho force of tlio klcft
knocked Mr. Nelson down under tho
horse, and uh soon as ho started to ralso
mrilill fill! lllirMl K1CKCII llllll
T HiiTr Walerivorlis-Hlxty-nliiB for and
only MO Against A (Irapltlu Account or
the. I'.lectlon .Hilton's Iinproveiimnts
Politics Unlet.
Hpeu ul Correspondence Hast Orcgonliiii.
Mliro.v, On., Airil 10.
The farmers mo praying for ram; roads
aro dusty and farms dry.
F.verythins is now leady for a brick
yard and in a few days Mr. J. Itarilott
will commence tlio manufacturo ol hi let.
Thoro Ih very HtUo pollllcal talk in
dulged in hero, but fioni all that can bo
loarned it uppoars that a straight vote
will Ito iollcd oh both county tickets.
Although the peoblo of tho eastern end
were somewhat iiisupKiiiiien us iu u
Demoi ratic ami Uepui.ncau se cc. "- V". ;i kliL. i his wife
I tliey submit with good gtace, but aro do-1 iwut, and wiiilci
head, knocking him senwless and bieak
Ing a elieek Isaie. The animal continued
kicking Mr. Nelson, breaking ins arm
and otherwise Injuring him, until ho
finally kicked him so far as to enable a
bystander to reach him, and ho was at
oiice rescued and taken to u doctor solllco
whoro lie was pronounced dangerously
. - -
Largo numbers of dehorned citllo n
Illinois aio In a pitiable condition, morti
fication on tlio head having resulled.
U Albuipierque, N. M., J. J.
uccidemaiiy nropi-n iini.
fiom Ids