East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 09, 1888, Image 3

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    )NI)AY, APHIb II, 1888.
t Ortironlnti Itrnncli OHIco.
I OllleC Of tllll KAMTOllWlONfAX lllH
led III ronlilim i" iiiuiwiiiiitiwM
it lliHir. limit'l- mu llillil-
llllllllir II. IIIIIIO('K. 111! Will mi
have irldcnt nr ro inoioii.umi
ci.iitu oircoii Et-'iioinlly, ti mulct-
tvi.it wIipii In rmiluiiil. Ho will
IHlllll'l' I Clll 1111 KITVIl-U 111 III
Irccs uro lit bloom at lust.
limr.io of Uitmtlllii Ih In town.
nls ho to tho Aliiponto restuur
John Gngon'o
whiskey go to
Lienor Store.
Emtio s Hutcher got loft but ho
lio uctuuiiy smh.ks.
blden Htilo In tliu nluco to ston,
cents; oeus 'o cenis.
i'IIcox came down from iliilucs
night, ami went by team to
; yesterday.
Johnson ban some nico furnished
i rent ul tlio old liostolllco build-
Court street.
Ronglo, tbo well known burners
: rortluml. died in that eitv Sut-
rening, uged 71 jeiim.
id, it tilaeo to do housowork, or to
i ol children, uy u young woman
Icncu. Apply lit tills olllco.
; j. tiiuuKor extracts teem witn-
to patient by tixliiir bin now
bin. Otlk-o over City Drug .Store.
LN'ohlo succeeded Saturday In glv-
oiniiroa nonus, j-mkiu, lor iuh un-
s before the next unhid iurv. mid
i . ... -
ii iil my.
M. Ituriili came bomo from I'o I-
ls morning. Her parents will
brtliiud to-day for a pleasure trip
me r.ust.
jnilier, If you uro itlroudy u sub-
have it second copy ono year by
.uu, or iy currier lor tlftcen
i Wheolor. who una solleltltnr sub-
Ins l'l Iduy to aid ii poor man to
, marceiied in getting ?(I8, wliieii
tbo ticket and loft 20. Tbo
Umtlii Uiothors, who ban con-
i, wuh sturted bomo Friday nlgbt,
rJirit Turner, wlillo IntoUiutud
ruing, got Into n light with JamoH
(iniicii ugutnst tno lutter'M will.
tho worHt of It. Shoilfl' Kontloy
Turner to muko him Htoi) swear-
bo street, nnd turned hlni over to
bid. Ho broko awav from Mr.
incar tbo juil,undjiimpo.lovortwo
oioro no was caugnt nnu lodged
:. M cOrry Htor Rsbbd.
lilovps forced an entrance Into tbo
rt ol MeUurrv's Krocerv iitoro
tit about 10 o'clock, nnd sot a little
I dollurs out of tbo till. Thov drat
fopon tbo buck tloor by prying it
b u chisel, hut not Biiceceuinir in
fey broko out u pinto of duns in tbo
leash of tbo hack window, nulled
nalM with which it wuh fastened
rinsido, and took tbo kuhIi ontlrelv
romilug it into tbo cellar excavation
lot tho utore. ihm admitted them
liiLL'k room. Tlinv ttiici'noilnil In
kg tbo partition door in tbo niiiuno
ley bail tried on the outsido door
ling It oiHin with chisels. T hey
liseovotcd by Win. Sharps, whoso
! shop h noxt door to .McUurrv's, in
me building. Having occasion to
tbo back yard bo hoard tbo man
lnsldo ank if ovuryiuiii was all
lho itccoinpllco who wun keoping j "Kddy I" from all
Mam yen. and thai no would go i Now. Mr. Edi v Ih i
An Independent View of the (J rent Ite
publican Itatlflcatlon ltlly lleiiibllcn
HpeHker mid Cnmlldntei.
To lliu IMIloruf (lie Must Orreonl Hi!
It bupitened to fall to my good fortuno
to bear the Hpccch delivered liero u Hbort
time ago by Col. John 1'. lrlb, ono of
tbo ablest UomocratH on tho 1'iielllc coast.
To my mind ho ellectually exploded the
"protection" theory; but It ih probable
that a Democratic DemosthcneH could
not indiico our average farmer and wool-
grower to believe that the present high
tin irlH an evil, bo thoroughly Have tlioy
been deceived by tbo carefully-worded
production!) of crafty protectionist.
Hut I did not nlart out with the intcn
tion of immediately Hwltchlng onto tbo
HidetrackH of "frco trade" and "protee
tlon." 1 have reforrcd to Col. Irish's
Hlcccli for tho purpose of making n com
lirlBon porliapH un odloim ono to Home
of your readers: It will bo remembered
that tho next evening after tbo gather
Ing of tbo llower of Oiegun'H Democracy
in tho Opera Uouho, tho county liopuU'
lieaiiH lield a rntillcatiou meeting, jirc-
mimubly in order to counteract tho ollecta
. . .... t.
ol the eonmgiouH nipcasci i) oi uemoc
ntcy that bud beou inoculated into the
very heart of Eastern Oregon. It was
also my good fortuno to bo present on
thin occamon. nnd tbo thought mruck mo
that It Hccmcd llko n ridiculous plcco of
cblld'H-nlay after tho noble mccch of
Irish. The Hopubllcan candidates worn
grouped in a circle on tbo stago, in full
viow of their admiring constituency but
hero tbo "circus" ended in reality. Tbo
chairman nobly attempted to awaken a
little enthusiastic sentiment In the audl
euco, but bis ol(brt fell flat and ended in
a dismal failure. Ono could not but feci
a sort of sorrowful pity steal over him to
wateli tho constrained ami anxious laeei
on tho stage, and notice ino uuscrauio
uttsmpt at cheerfulness of caeii candi
date when bis turn came to "atldiess"
lho meet nir of uepublicnn voters. Jvery
oim of them looked, acted ami pronuuiv
felt llko it xchool-bov inaklnc bis first ol-
f.vil n mi i.rlillilllnn. It Is mv candid
opinion that Intelligent ltopubllcaiiH In
tbo audlenco wero displeased not to say
disgusted with the "show." mid finally
prominent members of tbo party who
aro not cauuiuaies were ctiucu ujkhi, in
o.der to stem, in a measuro, tho popular
current of dlsapiointmeut. John U.
I;aHuro whm vociferously called to tho
front, and distinguished himself by re
peating that oiu ami umc-uouorcii cncsi-
nut, "A Charge to Keep I Have," illus
trating tho atutcmont that the Democrats
were now "loaded for bear," but would
never liavo un opportunity to tiro tliolr
charge of enthusiasm. To his credit bo
said thai no made it teinng point
inralnst John M. Gearln, although at tho
oxiienso of IiIb own party'H representa
tives now in uongrcss. no rctiiartcd
that Eastern Oregon voters bad bad their
till of Poitlund men for Congress; that
while f'iO.OOO was upproiirlated for tho
improvement of tno mouth of tbo Colum
bia, only a paltry $176,000 wuh given for
work ut Tbo Dalles and Tho Cascades,
which Is of vital imnortanco to tho Inter
ests of tho Inland Empire Let tbo Ite-
publicans nominate a suitable eastern
Oregon man for Congress, (John C. Leas
tiro, jHsrhups) and l'ortlandV representa
tive will hs defeated, lly tho way, this
romluds mo of a compliment Lcasure re
ceived from "Sawmill," a correspondent
of tho Weston Leader, (1'urdon this
Hsress on.) Ho wrote':' "Since it docs
not matter particularly who tbo Kepubli-
ans nominnto lor uongress. i crow more
and more in favor of Loasuro." The gen-
tloman should feel highly elated ut this
oluntarv coniPllment. us u is an evmenco
of tho Hupcct mill csteom in which bo is
hold by uowspapor correspondents, who
uro usually mouthpieces of public opin
ion. lint to return to tbo subject: Finally
Mr. J. 11. Eddy, another prominent lie
publican, uppearcd beforo tbo footlights,
in rcsponso to tho cries of "Eddy!"
pans oi tno nouso.
not u hud exteinpora
firrrlrn Hnturdity unil Hundoy Afternnnni I
and Hvptiltign (Moildc lCxrreUf ut the
Opcrn llnitie-lter, T. M. llnjrd Imliillrd
h l'mlor. '
An invitation from tho l're.obyterlan
Church of Summcrvlllo, Oiegou, to bold ,
Its next meeting with tbem, was accepted
uy tho I'roshyteiy.
Bold Crime In the lUllwny Ticket Ofllce at
Wednesday night about 11 o'clock W.
II. Heals, night watchman at the wharf,
thought he hcatd an unusual noise in tho
lieket ollU'o, says tho Taconia Ledger.
Ho called "lielser" f-overal times to the
ticket atent and icceivinir no renlv ha:t-
MiiicmcniH concern in! the stutltiiai ened in search oi .1. K. liriintiis. the as-
condition of the churches within the I Mutant ticket agent, for tho olllco keys,
bounds of tho Presbytery were then beard, About ten minutes had elapsed when
and it committee appointed to prepare it i Heals returned with Grllllths and effected
leport of the same to the general as-1 an entuime.
semblv. ; They found L. C. Geiscr. tho ticket
Tho treasurer of the l'rcsbytcry sub- agent, bound and gagged in tbo baggage
mined a report which was placed in tno room, no was unconscious, us his resid
hands of the nuditlng committee. ration was almost entbely stopped by tho
The coinmllleo on icsolutlons submitted gug. When he regained his sense's ho
a loiiot whieit was udopted, and is us
ltesolvcd. that the thanks of the l'rcs
bytery be extended to tho members of tbo
l'rcsbytotlait church and their Licnds for
the coullal welcome to their honien, and
very hospitublo entertainment: to tho lo
nil papers for reports of proceedings and
kind notices; to the Methodist Episcopal
Church and pastor for their courtesy in
tho tiso of their church.
A memorial to tho General Assembly
oi tno l'resuyieriau unurcit ol the united
States of America wits presented lcforo
Presbytery, and the following action
taken: "Inasmuch as an dibit is now
being made to establish an Indian Col
lego on tbo Umutllia reservation, theio-
ltesolvcd. That we, as a I'resbytety,
heartily emiorso the wotk of Hie bte'tbrcu
who have this matter in cliunro. and
commend it to all interested in this edii-
itlloiiid work."
Dr. W. C. McKay belnu nresont. and
invited to tho privileges of tho floor. imvo
an intcio3tlng account of pioneer work in
the section ol country now included in
tho bounds of Presbytery.
Extracts from tbo history of the Pies-
by cry of Idaho were also read, giving
said that he had lust finished makltiL'
out nis (limy report and had commenced
wilting a letter to a fiiend, when somo
ono knocked at tho tear door of tho hair
gage room adjoining tho ticket office. Mr.
Gelser went into tho baggage room,
which was datk. The door slides ut-
wurus, ami wncu no nan partially raised
It, somo person outsldo pulled Geiser's
hat over his lace ami held him with both
hands whilo an accomplice hit him
They then took bis handkerchief out of
his pocket nnd crammed It down his
throat. His bat wuh ti.ihtly bound ovor
bis face and mouth with pieces of roio,
securely gagging him. Ho was then
bound securely hand and foot with new
tpmitcr-Iuch rope and then the ropo was
twisicd tight with tho olllco ruler. .
Geiscr being thus helpless, tbo men
took bis keys out of bis inxikolH and went
through tho safe, which was open. Geiscr
was conscious all the timo and oven beard
Mshtwiitchmun Heals cull to to him. but
of course bo was iwwerless to reply. Dr.
MInsor and Auont Coopor wcroiiulcklv
summoned. Geiscr was found to huvo
sustained no serious injury. His head
was not contused, indicating that tbo
blow had lccn struck with it sand-lmg.
Ho was imdiy dazed, however, lho nat
Wo uro receiving, almost daily,
Goods Direct from the Eastern Manufactories.
Our stock will lw new In design and complete in assortment, consisting of
Whatnots, Brackets, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc
Also a complete lino of
Carpets, oil cloths, linoleums, shades, portieres,
and upholsterers' goods.
Forbes & Wheeler,
Association Huildlng, Pendleton, Or.
Russell lb Co.,
-nt'ii.nr.ns or-
Engines, Tliresliers and Sawmills
to tho front and cough if any ono
.ir. ciuirps sutneii to got somo
assist in capturing tho thieves.
- probably thov saw him and lied.
Iilsols, which were missed bv tho
D IlrOS. 11 lUW daVS It M. Worn lOllIld nuuillnii 1V m nHnmtit lvliti'li wim
III Willk back Of tllO Store tills UlOril- uuMlmnlv rlilliMilnnu in Itaoll'mtititrv. I In
tTlio parties susieetod left on the iic-hiullv "trloit to nnmnir tbo uniut and
cil traiii lust night, . which will sjh)!! j ,mly John P. Irish. It romiiidcd ono of
neons similiter, ion can jump liltit up
on any occasion and he seldom losea his
head or fails to interest tho aiidleuca;
but on tbo night in question he crownci
the festive facetiousncss of tbo Kepubli
uncesof bringing them to justice.
un; James
io; It V
Hotel Arrlvuln.
iLAiin IIoisk. Joint Androw. 1
liington, K Simpson, M Gross, C E
i, it in iuiii, tuiiiiiiiu, .mv iiarpu.
bn; DJ Hanna.StPaulj WEPrico,
f'liinclsix): L I' Wilcox. Ilulnus; li
Idllips. Zouring. lowu: J 1) Wood
twife, Challis; Mm ltogers, Haker
M McCown, Warronsburg, Mo: D
Pilot Hock: Joseph L Cummins.
E E McCoy j J C Hay, Country; II
trgnu m fccott, (ioorgo-cott, llopp
.N lloikeley, Jr, Centervilloi W M
iv i worthiniiton, ueo uu v.
liarnes, Perry Crowell,
Hitnrruus. Ft Ijirainle:
lies Enplnger, Haker City; Hod The
ft; J II Ktinzlo, Umatilla; Mis Gar
; City.
Ildk.- Hi le, W M Harnes, Jos Hurr
ppnot, Ml lirovo, Mo: Dr I-itationild
Imgton : Mrs Trowel, D Gordon, Ju-
, a .it cousin, ueo Ulark, uregon
John MeHean. Auoucv: L A Dol-
I F H Dolman. Vinson: II A Marsh.
litli, Adams; Charles Olsten, Long
J L Jones, M h Joliuson. llurnt
Nelson Gnnhlv. Adams: C H
Ihart, Portland; Sain Oglev, Arcby
ey, a anmoter, v tnson; J I, Mox'
r, I anuis Pruirio : llov Vermollow.
vai; G W Snyder, Huttor Creek;!
Peterson. Minnosota: G 11 Gold-
Ii, Chicago; Miss L Simnions, Coun-
fiwMAX Hoist-. Ed Hjonson, Cold
ig; 1) Holland, City; W H Dillon, J
lllon. A 11 Di Ion. Aust In : C 1) Emlck.
t Hock ; C It Harnhart, 1jwIs Walker,
land; I) L Adams, Wallu Walla; 1)
ewis, E J Grillitb, Centervillo; Cbas
ovovo; Goo S Jackson, Henry Stew
M C Turter, G Taylor, N Alley. Mis
i; James It U-tson and wife, Charles
on, Wilbelm Cobmko and wifo, Now
k; J II Oglo, Hlrcb Creek; Geo Mc
t'hy, St Lottia; G II Hartell, Kunsas;
4 Kitchen, Oregon City; Geo M
me, B F McElroy, John Lobrer,
; Carrio Abshlro, Ind.
tbo Umatilla river trying to stem tho
nighty Columbia with its puny counter
current; and Eddy's sickly arguments
were Iwrno along und swopt away by the
rush of Irish's previous eloquence, just as
tbo waters of our insignificant Inmtilla
are swallowed up ana ubsorlsid in tho
rolling, rushing, massive ami magnificent
sublimity of tho beautiful Columbia; and
as it pursues its wuv in solemn uud resist
less grundour to the sea, just so do tho
efforts of- men
sh roll on. to
lit tho evening the popular services
woro conducted by tbo Moderator. After
IHjrsonal reminiscences of some who tiro j mill result of his oxiorlciico. Only thirty
nmv HU'lnl'rs of this l'll'sliVtlTV. rnnln worn Inft 111 llin cnuli ilnnvnr In lin
safe and LMLMI5 were taken. In it drawer 1
adjoining Micro worn if 110 belonging to
tho Pacific Coast Steamship Company,
which was overlooked.
Alxml twenty minutes beforo tho rob
bery Nlghtwatchinan Heals noticed it
suspicious character in tlio waiting room
and asked him if ho was going to Port
land, to which tlio man replied. "No.'
"Whero uru voii going?" continued Heals.
Tbo man evidently did not like tho cross
examination and nastily went out and up
jnc iritcK.
the opening exercises the Indian brethren
woro invited io assist . ineyiust sung it
song, and then a sboit address was de
livered by Hcv. James Hayes, in bis na
tive tongue. Ho is it Nor. Peice, and was
educated by S. L. McHoth, on the Ncz
Perco reservation. IIu is the installed
pastor of tlio Umatilla church. Their
part of the exercises closed with another
song. A sermon was then preached by
Hey, J. M,. Morrison, of Moro, Oro
At tlio closo of these oxcrciccri, tlio
Presbytory was again called to order by
the Moderator.
Tho statistical report to tbo General
Assembly was read nnd approved:
Number of inlnltterc JO
Number of i-liurulu'n Pi
Number of comutim cunm U2
Ami ulvcn fiirconrc2Ulloiiiiliuirioiet...llcrJ
Aim. siven nir nincfiiiiniouH )uri(ii.,..'j
After bcuring tbo rccominondations o't
tho commlttco on urruugemeutH, the
Presbytery adjourned in a formal mutt-
nor,witii tho long metro uoxoiogy, ami lho
uKstolic Pencdiciion.
On Subbatlt tlio menilxjrs of Presby
tery olllciated ut the different chinches in.
town. At tbo Haptist, Hov. 0. H.
Shields, of Joseph, Oregon; ut tbo Con
gregutlonullst, lie v. J. S. Hinghum, of
Haker City: ut tlio Methodist, llov. J. C.
Willort, of Summervillo. Tlio last named
choso us bis text tlio words of the Saviour,
"This do in remembrance of mo." (Wo
uro forgetful creatures. Wo need to bo re
minded of our duties und obligations. Wo
uro to remember Him as our teacher, tho
only original teacher that ovor lived upon
tbo earth. Wo uro to roinomlwr Hint as
our living Savior and Redeemer. An
niri.rlnir In tlin Ilsjnls of tint PamIivI til.in
church wits proscntod. Two members untI come
woro received on certificate, Mrs. Mnry j U'uuh.
E. Hovd. from tbo Presbyterian chinch
of Lew istou, Idaho; and Miss Maggiu L.
Tweedy, fiont the Presbytarian chinch of i
Woston, Oregon. Tlio dying luu nf lho
Savior was tlien cointneinoruted In the ,
observanco of tbo supiKir insiituted iy
Dim, Hov. Messrs. Morrison ami Cox i
and Huling IClders Walker, McDonald
und loster olliciatlug.
Tbo sorvicos in tbo evening were lield
in tbo Oprru House. Thoy weio
in connection with tho installation
of Hov. T. M. Hoyd us pastor of tho Pros
bytorian Church of Pendleton. A largo
uudieiico wus prcseut, und till scorned
well pleased with tho exercises. Tho
Moderator of Presbytery, Hov. Jitmes
Thompson, presided, preached tho sor
.moil und propounded tho constitutional
tpiestions. Ho is it man of (Inu preseucu
uud an ublo preacher. Tbo pastor and
people having answered tho ipiestlons in
tho affirmative, tlio charge to tho newly
installed pastor wus delivered by Hov. C
H. Hildas. Ho exhorted tho pastor to
be faithful In studying tho Word of God,
THC nrJEor rrrM
spring mm
Kiiltiiomuli C01111I7 Tlckrt. HH
Following is tlio Multnomah Repub
lican county ticket nominated Saturday !
State Senators J" 0 ' Carson, Joseph Si
mon, J K Walt, Donald Mackuy; Hop
rosonbitivds I) P Thompson, K P Ear
hart, WTHiimo, W H Glllwrt, V M
Iidd. S H Harrington. II II Northnip.
J J Fishor and J A Strowbridgo. Thirty
delegates wcro elected to tbo Suite con
vention. W H Sowitll was nominated lor
sherilV; E 0 Wheeler, county clork 5 Jno
It DufT, clorlc of tbo clttntit court: W L
Iludloy, reeonlcr; Frank Huclveuey,
treasurer ; I) M Dunno and Henjamln 1
Smith, commlsslonem; Geo Harold r As
sessor: W A Wotzoll, school HiiiHjrlntond
cnt; T 31 Hurllmit, survoyor; APDo
Lin, coroner.
Auction Hale.
A. G. Webb will soil ut public miction,
at bis residence on Cosby street, bis
ltousohold furnitiiro.consistfngof 1 organ.
2 bedroom sets. 1 lounno. 1 lino French
pluto mirror, table wure, und in fact 'eve
rything that Ih needed in furnishing u
Tho salo will take place Wednesday,
.pru 11, at one o ciock p. m. lie sure
overylxxly, unit secure I .n
8S6IES $jimm
Vo havo tho Iwsl Straw Hurnor in tlio World.
Russell & Co.,
UK), 10:', UH and lIKl Front Street, PORTLAND, ORECO N.
lorm ana creato an o-e;in ot, -'I'iM'' ,,,, reaching it, uud in living It, and us
opinion, that will drown tho sickly v.uils Jncntlvcrt f10 a,e,i; First The con-
ox "protectionists" with Its mighty roar.
It would l jKwitivoly uwful if any
malicious tierson sliould ticciuo Honry
Hcan of "shedding uny remarkably
billllant light," und thus ruin bis chances
of election. I hojo unscrupulous Dem
ocrats will not circulate this campaign lio
uainst him, uud thus himijI our ciiunco of
securing such u "steady und rcliablo"
Tho climax of sup.eino gall is readied
by tbo daily "Conundrum" when it ac
cuses tbo East Ockooniak of Iwlng u
"campaign sheet." It reminds one of
un insignificant rat-terrier attempting to
tcaso u dignified Newfoundland dog. Tho
shaking it has received ought to teach it
a lesson, if it is not lost to all common
journalistic decency. Cumin: v.
Inipartaiit Illll 1'Hiieii.
A very important bill, permitting tbo
fccretury of wur to purchase land neces
sary for river und harbor improvements,
passed tbo Honso Saturday, during a
tomiwrary susjwnsion of the deudloek.
It has ulreudy passed the Scnuto. Under
it pin chases will bo made near tho mouth
of tbo Columbia to a stono quarry, und
somo land ut Yuqulna. This week Senu
tor Mitchell's bill njipropriuting 1500,000
forsurvejfl and estimates for boat mil
way at tho Cascades and tbo Dalles, will
bo taken up, and it is hoped it may
also puss.
viction that tlio cause of God is tlio
cause of truth, Second Hceauso of
Ids lovo to tbo Savior. Third Ho
cause of tho certainty of final
success. Tbo charge to tho ieopIo was
delivered by Hev. J. S. Hingham. Ho is
u man of moru mature years, uud conse
quently of longer und moYo varied ex
lerience. Ho gave tho tieoplo somo good,
wholesome udvico ; said that their pastor
wus a man; that ho should bo treated us
such; that tho act of blsleing a minis
tar did not debar him tho rights uud
privileges of 11 citizen, ami that to this
end the financial pledges mudo to hint
should lie regularly and promptly met.
An announcement was then made that
religious sorvices, conducted by tlio now
pastor, will bo bold in the 0orii House
next Sabbath evening, at 7:110 o'clock,
and that thoso who uro not In tho habit
of attending lho churches in town were
sHJcially invited to bo present. Tho uu
dieiico wus then dismissed wi-h tbo Imjiio-diction.
Photogeaph Galleb,yI
1. 0.
Tliu mot nurrcstful
Ph otographer,
U now Incited In l'cmllcton, at the old xtiiiiil
hi the foot of Mai 11 Ktiuut, near tliu bridge,
und for M110
Photographs, Tlntypos, En
larging and Copying,
Cannot lx excelled miyw here. All wnrlc
KUiirniitccd to Klvu t'lillio tint iru-t Imi. He
iwttfiilly, your, T. V. U.lltlt.
G. Shindler & Co.,
Furniture Dealers,
Largest and Most Complete Factory on the Coast.
Elacksmith Shop,
Next door to Hummer A I'Kton'HtuliIe,
corner Cottonwood und Altu
HU., IVndleton, Or.
And us olieup u IIih clienwuit, (Vivo
lliu trial Hii.l he convinced.
Ilortto-Shoelny awl I'low Wovlc
Olven Rpociul Attention,
McEachorn & Thomson,
Alia Hired, - . South of Court Holme
It anyone, Iiiih 1111 account nualntt the Into
llrm ofUmllz A li.ulcr 11 will hu puld Imiiie
liuloly uiion iirctintnlloii to tlio under
klum'o, ni IiUoIIIchoii Mhln ktreet, oppoillu
tnu "iHtotllce, I'ci.dlflon.
lncliUAw llil JOSKI'H IIAHt.KIl,
Hotel Cninpauy l'annrd.
Articles of incorjKmttioii of tbo l'endlo
ton Hotel Company were filed in tho
county clerk's olllco to-duy. Tho incor
tiorutnrs uro W. E. Mutlock, H. Surgcnt,
L. Ilium, D. W. Hiilloy und J. Dluuiond,
with a capital stock of $o0,000. Tho
stock will lio divided Into 500 shares, ut
100 per sharo. Tho object of tho corjio
ratlon is to build a hotel in Pendleton, on
tlio site ol tho old renuicton noiei, to , s to their rewiverv. Addrci
pmt .in 000. Tha ofilcera of tho Comnanv . THOMAH TIKItNKY.
havo not yet been elected. ' 'rt n1'1 ditvr Wu"ft Wuiiu, w. T.
Htmyfd or ttolen from Tom Tie rney from
n piiktiiro near M'ulln WuIIh, unveil licfd of
livery nornt" uetcrioeu un ioiiowhi iwo
blurk horse, rueli welithlni; ubout I0O4
a RpeciaKy.
Bedroom Sets,
Parlor Suites,
Side Boards,
Folding Beds,
Bedding, Shades.
G. Shindler & Co.,
Warernoiii, ICO First Street,
through block '.'(10 feet to
107 ami let) Front St.,
(h:o. W. Sakix, C. H. Woodauk, Hamukj, Hi:irhiic
Fkhii IC. Aiinoi.I).
Snell, Heitshu k Woodard,
Successors to Hodgo, Davis A Co., and Heilsbii, WiKlard k Co,
mli'.T lyr
The undersigned, un uiient for llitleheler A
Wylle, will oll ut uuelloii khIi , 011
Saturday, the 14th of April, 1888,
pound; ono tjluck, ueo pounda; ono norrel.
ikii 1'iiuiiiia: iinn nun and nucttaKin, u
At two o'clock In tlio ufteroon of mild duy, lu
........ n ........ ,.,kiUA ,.. I...... .1-
iii i iiuiii . iiiu iuu,i iiuuhv, ,u.i;niiii:iiji,Wfc-
........ ..ut. .. HUI..HIII. n ,,,fin. t,irA 11. J flillll Ulirlntr.ti.ritli Ujiai uru
Mini lirnwil linrriH. nil linitnliwl T nil 1 "i . .... v ' -I
lcftlioulder. The undemlifiied will pay u I complete, with doilhlo-lrees und neckyoke.
rewuru ui iiu per oeauiur Hijoriiiuiioii icuu- -.
I'undlelon, OreKoii, Main Ht., neur Wtd.l,.
Jllut reeulved.
Satisfaction Cuuruntood i
In every purllculKr.
ap3 td
moro inun two nunc red form of Imrul
blank ut tliU ofllee. Uiwyi, "mi o lUvr
iieedliiBHpcclu foniu cun beVupplled.