East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 09, 1888, Image 1

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a i iti:i: UllllAltV.
I'ntrnnt of tin) Dully or Heml-Wcekly
KAST OltlWlONIAN mil freely miiUn una
of the KAN I' OKIIOONIAN library when
over tliey mi ilmlrr. The public itrci t-or-illiilly
Invllril to llt tlu otllco wlieiiorcr
no Iik'IIiiimI.
pnnli In money or utiimim will
iioit until nffpr Hi" '" election.
n nriii wrnm ------ -------
c , 1 1 , ...... ------
NO. 34.
e Call the Attention
To tlio largo nnd varied stock of
Which wo lmvo lntely received, and now have on exhibition at our
It conslstH in part of a flno assortment of
uooas, uiotnmg, ana cents' iir
nisliing Gopds.
A Largo Stock of-
A Full Lino of-
DIlri'lllLMIirM I'HtMX'lllllv
1 1 J
will find it to their intercHt to inHoct our Mock and
Koi our priceH.
. v
Sothchild & Bean.
1 - . . . . .
1 1 aBjawaaw m im m i n i - -n ov ...ml. . a ,,
BBaHaBjaW fa-AV aBMtaW a W V BHeaBBar aTaWAeaHEVUBTarB ,
m inwiu tin mi iiu ucv AaBmuHf uwr.iM p i
' 1 MumwiiTTW J nrr i '"fcj'iir
Shoving, Hnlrcuttlng and Shampooing.
1 i 1 ..1 j t .i ( 1
Comor Muin uwl Webb Htrqctfl. I'eiulleton, Oregon.
till MVVlt
iruni r s 1 ijfet. . i'hhti tun niirrnu
; niih 1 r. nnnpnnw iiun nvc uuiciicc . inc cnui it7 noruiiun
w 11WW UUUIIUU I nilf 1 1 I la llll dniUrft JUJi dlJIIL.111. UnLIII IU
nn vji iiiiiu iniiihiinu imiuii, i iiuuncusarv, ma.) Vbunc liLluuui
uiiohiiuiii uiinmr Hunt, (lunun uauui.;
No Vtfin Hperch 111 Irclituil Tim Striken
KurournRril-TIm Drmllock In Cniiicreri
In 1(0 llrokeii-Iluiitlngtiiti'. Nurthnrn
Hi liriiin - Nulrido IikntllUd-Noted Crhn-
Inul Cupluiod Jour, for C'linlriimii.
mm: mtekcii iticriir.ssicii.
KdrIIiIi Hnlill.rt Charge upon anil Wouud
Irlih Oltliau who Attempt to Hold it
Kii.ittiMii, Iiiki.ani), April 8. Saturday
night the policemen who were attempting
to prevent tiio occupation of the platform
by HiHJiikeiM for it meeting that hud been
announced were iielted with ntonon by n
mob, und many, including clvIliaiiH, wcro
badly injured.
Lateii, 0 a. m. A member of parlia
ment burned publicly u government pro
clamation. At -' p. 111. another meeting
wan held. A riot being imminent the
crowd wcro churged by a regiment with
llxed buyonotrt, und many iiereons wero
badly wounded.
A Man Jump from the tMorrlion Ktrrrt
llrldge and U Drutf ned.
I'ouTiiANt). On.. April (). At 7 o'clock
liiHt night a cadaverous fellow with u
Honit-conloinpliitivo Lxilc, it thin fitco,
heavy iniiKtacho, wetgliing nlxjiit MO
iiouiuIh, walked out on tlio Morrison i4reot
bridue. und when near tho went end of
the druvv, ho climl)ed uihjii tho railing,
Htood 11 moment upon tlio otiteldo. and
then leaiied into the river, forty feet bo-
low. Ho noon after upjieared on tho Hiir
face of tho water, and tlio HPectatora
yelled "twini. navo yournelf" Iho roplv
cauiobitck: 'I can't, I can't." Tho hu
cide floated two hundred ynrdu Ixiforo
Hinkinc. and ncemed to try bin bent to
Hiivo hiniHelf. Tho body him not yet been
dlt-covered. Who tho nuicldo wuh 1h un
known, but it 1h bcliovcd ho wuh un opium
iicmiiiumeu win. MOiuiion.
TAltll'l' AND WAOKS.
Mpncchof r.Trrrtt 1'. Whpvler llofdrn
TnrllT ltoforin I.caRiio.
WAHK8 ai:rri.Nti i.owmt and i.owku.
Ono moro fact in mipport of my jirojio
Hition and I pans to another brunch of tho
fliiiijRci. i navo Hpolcon of tho tux on iron i
and ull other mutcriulx for ImlliliiiL' hIiIdh 1
undltH eirect in cilpiling thoHhipbulldiug
tnulo. Tiio renult Iiuh lieeu that in the
few ship yards Hint lomuiii the wage of
tho workmen uro uctnully leH than they
wero lefoio tho war, ulthotigh tlio cost of
living ban ho largelv increai-ed.
The InJiiHtico oi the picecnt tntiir !h
increuing every your. Kveryycnr tho
coHt of mutcriul bcurH a larger proportion
to the coot of tho finished product. In
IH.jO the materiulH uhciI in American in
dustry wore foity-llve per cent, of tho
vuluo of tho flnixhcd product. In 1880 bo
great had licen the progress in tho ollen
HivencBH of our machinery that the por
ccntugo of tho coHt of material had in-
cleaned toMlxty-threo or cent. that 1m to
nay, lor every iuu wortlt of Untuned
goodri tlio niaterlalH out of which thov
wero mudo cent Un tho other hand.
during ull tlilrt timo tho proportion of
wagon to tho HiiIhIiwI product wtm con
tinually lecomlug Ichh. In IBM tho pro
pcr'loii of tho wagon paid for producing
iiiu v.iriiiiH priMiitctH oi moricnn
linhiHtn wuh .;i iui ivnt.: in 188 H wuh
only 7 jier cent. T hut Ih to nay, to mako
ilOU'Wortli of goodncoHt on theuveriigo
lor wugeH only 17,whcrcau in I80U It eot
fair IhihIh for compariHott. Hut mowt of
tho internal loveinio taxes on nianufac-
tureH wero repealed aliont tho jear 1870,
iiihi miring tno ten yearH irom 1870 w
en i no mil ciiccih of a nigh protect lv
turlir. What wero thov?
In other wohIh, under u revenue turlir,
capital engaged in manufacturing and
wilt-on and national ucultli ull incroaHcd
tlirco tiinos uh much iih under u hluh nro
tectivo turlir, und railroad building in
cieated four tlmcn iih much.
no in tno luco oi tnene fuctn can nay
that tho present tariff bcnclltH tho wugb
earner i
If thcro bo an IriHhmau within tho
Hound of my voico I nhould liko to link
him two (iuuhIIoiih
First Aro you prepnred to continuo in
America unit nigii proiectivo nyHtem
which, uccoriting lo tlio tsHtlinony
both Currun and (irattun. tltntroyetl
proHiierity of your own iHland ?
Second Do you think it nectwaiy to
tho wclfuro of thiH great nation, with 00,
ouu,uw oi proHiHsroiiM people, Unit
neavy lnx hiioiiki iki impoi-ed on oven'
yard of Irish linen Imported into thin
country, or nro you not prepared to nay
nun ivmericu can iihhihi tue- lnsu iihiuh
tries thut will Hiirvlvo by putting IHhI
linen on tho freo I!st7
Wo rnbo our own cotton, und wocxitort
frJ,000,000 worth of manufactured goods
vo jiroiiuco our own jiciroioiini, unit wo
oxort 18,000,000 worth of Illuminating
oil. HidcH uru admitted free of duty, und
I wo cxort $11,000,000 worth of leather uud
lnthefuco of theso factH tho nrotoc- " icamor gooiiH. nut tnero is u tax on
tionlst has tho olirontarv to tell uh that It wool, unit ulthoiigli wo produced in 1880
at Rock Island
HHjI It... I . I
uie Morinern racino iiauwuy
8l. Paul and illnneapolU
I P tr 1 4 .nil t H a L u .
Ht. IouU md the Mouth.
To IleH Molucii. Iavonworth'
AtchUoii and Khiihuh City
llnlv I ,?no Connfctli.g wtlh the
. V JjUIU Orrson HhnrtMiio
uc u liiuiin, trtjavenworui nun Kunniii
irt Palace Mteplnn and
Palace Dining Cars!
n ..11 . .... 1 . n m .
for aala hv nil ninnprlliiir mllivavu
coiinectlouifnajo In union Uepoti.
or orllleIll l'upltlo Hallway Com.
. or li l r .1 rnu'ii1
Ticicet Agent, o. it. a N. Co.,
1'onUleton, Oregon.
AM- HV.VUIIV ........
WaslllllL'tnll M.. . - Pnrilnnl fra
Ttr. .....1 I . ... ra .......
l.ll Mill, t U4S. . i. ft. 1. T I 11. If.
uen. t, una v. Agt. m. & Hi. U It'y.
MlnnelipolU, Minn.
ITICEDC oiothM,whowiril9,mIn
ng tf when In Chic?0, will tmd it Of M U
inch I) ilatr Am
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pendleton,
Tho usual prico tor ecals made by other
parties, In Portland or the Kast, U from 6.00
o $7.00, with oxpresn eharKea added. If you
need u seal, vend your order to u, und save
(mm I2.f0 to iJ.i0 ihcipby.
East Oregonian Pub, Go,,
Pendleton, Oregon.
They do happen every day, and when one
happenH to you. you will wlnh that
you were I inured In the
'J'hk liiAVELEns resource are aufMclent to
pay at once, the mini enormou ma.u or
claims that even ureat railroad und steam
bout ncclileuU can brlnir umiu It. I'ay all
clulms, without discount. Imuiedlutely upon
rpccliit or satisfactory proofs. 'on forfeiture
provisions In nil Its policies.
Ten Millions of Assets. ' Two Millions
of Surplus.
PAID POLICY HOLDKaS, 111,000100,
Clopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
East Oregon I nn bulldliif, Pondleon, Or .
Hupport for the Ntillieri.
Nr.w Yokk, Anril 8. Fifteen hundred
memlcrH of the llnithorhood met hero
todlsciiHS tho Hltuution on tho
11. & Q. railroad. It was resolved to
givo the strikers nil the tisHistunco linked
lor. Tho followlm: resolution was
ndoptcd: "That wo favor conservatism
w iienever aiieuuaio to tno ends In view.
but when dealing with radicalism und
oppression, wo do not feel that It is
Hound to bo more conservative than our
Huiitlnclnii's I'rojnct.
Sax Francisco. Anril 8. Tho railroad
columns of the leading Journals of this
city contain long accounts of Hunting
ton'H journey North. Thoy mini up tlio
mutter by savlni: that his business is to
consider tho construction of u road from
Seutllo to connect with tho Canadian
1'iifillc. it distance of i-'OO miles, thus con
necting nan Diego and Viincoiivor, 1000
miles apart.
The Deadlock to lie llrokeu.
Wasiiinoton. Anril 8. Tho deadlock
u the IIoubo will probably la brought to
un emi in n low nays, mo majority
have so far )criuittod tlio minority to do
ulKHit us thoy liked, uud allowed a recess
to bo tnken when thoy wero worn out
but this procedure is not to Iks allowed
any longer. Tho mujority are determined
io lot co tno iigiiilug, uud not )eriult any
more recess tin tno iigut is oniicii.
Noted Criminals Captured.
Uiluncih. .Most.. Anril 8. Two notor
loi:s criinlnala havo lust boon captured
noro. uno is recognized uh "ioton,"
noted horsothlef uud murderer, with
irico of six thousand dollars on his head
llioy had fifty hoad of horses In their
Temperance Meeting.
Mrs. A. It. Hilars. Stato rresidont of
the W. 0. T. XT. of Oregon, will meet nil
ladies intercHted in temieranco work, on
incstiay, at ;i ii. in., at tno .Motiiodist
church, und will deliver a public address
ut tno sumo piuco in tno evening at T.iiO
Grn. (JUiimre Head.
Hiiooklvn, N. Y., April 8. Gen. 0. A
Gilmoro died hero this forenoon.
Suicide Iaentinpd.
Salkm, On., April 0. On .March 17th a
man suicided by jumping from tho bridge
horo into tho Willamette river. Who tho
man was has remained a mystery until
to-day, when tho Ixxly w uh found In tho
river two miles below tho city, and
proved to bo thut of Robert W. Jones of
Klerni In Indiana,
ruin und wind storm swept over Union
and Livingston counties last nlulit. cans
ing cousiderablo dainago. So fur ono Ufa
Is reported lost.
Jones of Nevada for Chairman,
Washington. Anril 8. It isundorHtood
thut homitor Jones will bo mudo chair
man of tho Republican National Com-
mitteo when it meets in Chicago in Juno,
A Good Lnu,
I'lTTBiii'ito, April 8. Tlio IlrookH high
UceiiK) law, since it went into eliect, bus
reduced tho number of saloons in this
city from 1500 to
is necessary to keep up an avemgo turlir' f-000, 000 worth ofcurpets, wo oxinirtcd
tux of 47 IH.T emit. tiioii hnjiorted ui llclcs, ' ,''" insignificant amount of $10,760.
McMinnvillo Ilojiortor: Hon. Io
Laughlln, of North Yakimu, rojwrts that
ono of his Plymouth Hock hens layed an
egg recently tliat measured 8?i inched
tho long wuy.flt inches incircumferenco,
and weighed -tig ounces, Yamhill forever.
when tho nercontauo of waues In tho Un
islied product of American industry is
only 17 per cent. That Is to cay. tho
taritr tax is moro than twice uh much as
tho entire cost of wages paid for the pro
duction of American goods. It U evident,
my friends, from this simple statement
that It is not necessary to keep tho tarilf
tax at tin average of -17 ierceut. in order
to increase tho wages of American work
men. OUIl SKIM.KI) 1.AIIOII IH NL'I.l.irilil).
My third iiolnt is that tlio tnrill tends
to limit the ijonollt that wo ought to do
rive from tho oHectlvonesn of American
lubor. That labor Is the most productive
in tho world. All tho students in inuiiii-
fucttiring industries ugreo in this. .Mr.
Jiluino und Mr. Kvarts, when each wuh
Secretary of Statu, asserted this most
positively. An American mason lays
more brick in a day thun an Kngllsh
mason. An American cotton Hpluner
spiiiH more yards of cloth in a day than
an Knglish cotton spinner. Tho huglish
mason nnd cotton spinners In their turn
do more work in a day thun tho masons
uud spinners of France uud Germany.
Tho nserago number of owim!s of cotton
worked up by each American spinner in
a your is -1,;1.')0; in Kngluud, -l)U; in
Germany 1,'JOO, Tho average numlKir of
jtounds of wool worked uibyeaeh weaver
in America in a year is i,(HU; in ivnglnud
l,'-'7o; in Germany 7n.
lixumino overy branch of our Industry
and you will Hud that thcro American
(jualitles increuso Iho oirectlvenchH of the
workmen, nnd when I suy the American 1
workmen, I mean not only tho American
born, but tho Irishmen and Germans
who have licen welcomed to tho bind of
liberty, uud whoso pulses are iiuickeued
with American freedom. If our trade
with foreign countries wore not crippled
bv a heavy, and in many instances a pro
hibitory tax, this freo American industry
would litivo fair play und would till
American ships with tho products of
Auiorican factories. Hut this trudo is
now ho heavily taxed flint wo uro now de
prived of all our natural advantages and
left far behind in tho race, Our horse Is
tho best, but no homo can win when ho
carries tho weight of a forty-seven er
cent, tarill' tax. F.nglund to-day, with
half our iionulutlou, sells to other coun
tries more manufactured uoods of her
own production thun tho entire product of
tins iiix-ruKien country.
My friend will no doubt insist that tho
present hluh nrotoctivo taritr is tlio rea
son why tho American workman is better
on man the ioroign workman, nut turn
There Ih a duty on tin nlatcs. on Conner
nnd on Iron, und although wo produced
in isuovor!fL'o,titw,i)00 worm oi tinware
copler ware and sheet Iron ware, our
entire exports of all these goods, in tho
manufacture of which wo aro surpassed
ny no oilier nation in mu world, was only
if l(i'.tKKJ. wo manufactured in 1HSII f 17.
000,000 worth of paints and varnishes
and wo oxortcd only fl i:i,(KK).
Hut I can procure it still mora striking
prooi oi tno irutn oi my assort ion that it
is not high wages, but high taxes that
koop uh buck in tho racu for tho markets
of tho world. Tho ono thing that bus
preserved tho prosperity of this country
und enabled us to hold our own under tho
existing protective taritr is our oxiiort of
grain ond provisions. 1 lie average wages
of farm laborers in this country, includ
ing board, are very much higher than
the average wages of iierpoiiH onirai-ed in
manufacturing industries. Thoy havo to
eoniieto with tho worst paid lulior in the
world, with tho Hiisslau peasant and the
Indian lyot, and yet they conicto suc
cessfully, in tho markets of Llvortiool and
runs, wiin tno grain oi Udowu uud La I
cuttti. If you givo our imiuufuctiircrH of
Iron, copiHjr,, nickol, tin, wool and wood
tho same freo raw materials thut the
manufacturers of cotton, petroleum and
leather enjoy thoy will need no other
The timo is at hand when, if wo wish
to continuo our prosjierlty, wo must shako
oil' the shackles that have lxnind im so
long, ami realize the truth that it is freo
doin American freedom, equality befoto
tho law, freedom from buideusomo re
Htrictions upon trade, freedom from tho
grunt of privileges to ono class at the
expense of another: this freedom for
which our fatherH fought, for which thoy
perilled their lives uud their fortunes,
und to tlio support of which thoy pledged
thoir sacred honor, that "Iiuh lifted us out
of the dust uud mudo us whatever wo
is mere theory, without nnv facts to sup.
Iort it. Theso fuetH aro all tho other wav,
.1.:.. i ...in i .!!... .i!.'
uuu nun i nut piutu ig uu iiiiinuuiuiujy, i
i. ii a protective tarui increases
wages and improves tho condition of
worklnioncn it ought to do so in all coun
tries in which there are high protective
taritrs. In joint of fact, the Knglish
workman in a freo trudo country bus
higher wugos und llvos better than u
workman in Germany, where a high pro
tective tarill prevails
Mr, Wheolor wa frequently applauded
und mudo a good Impression.
un. iiurrituwoitTii's i'iiotkction talk.
At tho conclusion of his speech Con
gressman Hutteruorth wuh introduced
und said in Hiibstuuco:
"Wo insist that to product equal
or tho same results the ;'or
uting forces or causes must bo u.ju.il
And thiH is true in tho field of
practical economics, The growth of our
Industries bus been iih follows: From
1787 to 1800, being hoventy'threo years,
tho showing Htood Population, ill ,000,
000; establishments, 1-1,000; capital, $1,
010,000,000; hands employed, 1,800,000;
wages, 1370,000,000; cost of materials,
1,:WO,000,000: value of Products, $1,:K.V
000,000; hero is u showing of a decado
(ton yearH of protection) Population,
U8,000,000 (twenty-two imr cent, increuso
over 1880); ostublishmonts, fi.W.OOO;
capital, $2,118,000,000; bunds employed,
i.0j!i,000 ; avorugo wuges for each year,
$776,000,000; cost of material. $2,-18.'ll(X)0 ;
products, $4,L'31.'000.000. Thim duriiiL'
Hoventy-threo yeurs jxiimlation bad
number of hands employed, over Go ior
cent, and tho vuluo of products consider
ubly over 100 ercent. In lSSOtho wage
workers, Including IsjyH and girls, got GO
lor cent, moro wages per annum than
they did In 1800, when a dollar would
buy more of the necessaries oi life thun
at iiuy other period.
"I say to tho wagcworkerH of Now
Knglund, Do not worry about philosophy,
but stand by your bread uud meat utiii
the means to obtain them. If tho condi
tions hero are no better than thoy uro
across tho water und with those condi
tions you have to deal it is vcrv Ptrungo
that from every nation of the Old World,
to escuiK) surroundings which our freo
trudo friends describe iih admirable, thou
sands aro coming to tho rutted States to
enjoy the benefits which tho same gentle
men ho greatly deplore. Certainly thcro
is something suggestive In this. Let our
opponents philosophic uud grow thin
wiillo wo remain practical and grow hit.
A Lady Telegraph Operator at I'emlletna
lYhi Itejelced Over Hard Work,
Krom the Portland OrrKonlun.
It is no easy thing, uh a rule, to find
amplo telegraph facilities for the press ut
interior towns In Oregon. I.ct a corre
spondent hand to tho ordinary country
o,ierutor without prevloim notice a dls-
tuitcli of 1,000 or l.nuu words, mid it
"purulvr.cH'' him. His lirst thought is:
iVho is going to pay this big bill 7" uud
! If u lileli niotectlvo tariff IncrniiBflH ' grown to 31.000.000. und lu tho oiihuIiil'
tho wuges of tho workingmon, thon tlio 1 ton yearH increased 7,000,000. or twenty
roiieul of tills turlir nnd tho substitution ! two tier cent. Now note tho development
of tho low revenue turlir would Injure ; during tho yearH from 1800 to 1870, prac
blm. In iwlnt of fact, tho contrary has tically hIx yearH If wo leave out tho iieriod
been tho cuso both in Knglund und In! of tlio war. rho number of inuntifac-
this country. I hiring establishments grow from 1-10,000
From 18: to 1810 wo had in tills conn-! in 1800 to 250,000 in 1870; tho capital in
try a high protcctivo turlir. In 18-1(1 thia I vested wuh from II, 000,000,000 to $3,1 18,-
was reiKjaled and tho Walker tarltl' was 000,000 ; averugo wages paid from $370,-
enacted. Tho inanufactiirorH groaned 000,000 to $770,000,000; cost of material
and declared thoy would lo ruined. Hut used from $1 .OSL'.OOO.OOO to $2,-l.'13,000,-tho
result showed that thoy wero inis-, 000, und products from $1,885,000,000 to
tukon. Tho country novcr prospered $-1 ,232,000,000, 'Iho wuges ior capita in
his second, even If tho chirograph' bo
good, is that hero is a lot of extra work
without extra compensation; but ho
tackles it und thanks heaven when ho in
Whenever tlio Oregonian lias a big
meeting on hnnd away from Portland to
report by wire, It gives duo notice to tho
western union mauiigoiueni, who, u
necessary, provide additional help. Tho
first duty of tho reporter on reaching tho
see no is to Inquire tho condition of tho
who and tho facilities for handling tho
mutter for his paper. Uinni his arrival
at Pendleton lust Tuesday tnoinlng, tho
Oregonian'H corresionilent presented
himself to Miss J. J. Wirt, manager of
tho Western Union there, and asked
what provision hud been mudo for
prompt sending of day uud night rojiort.
"How much will vou probably huvo?"
linked Miss Wirt.
Unit will depend entirely on bow
fust tho convention works," unsworcd tho
cortesiKJiidont. "Tlicromuybo only 2000
words, hut If tlio platform Is adopted no
fore midnight you may figure on at least
G000 to (i000 words."
The correspondent hud lieen Informed
thut Miss Witt wuh n llrst-clnss operator,
yet ho half expected, from previous ox-
IHjrlcnco Willi Interior olllces mat mm
words would Iki ii "paralyrer." Hut ho
was half "paralyzed" himself when Miss
Wirt uiiHuoii'd. with remurkuhlo cheer
fulness, "Well, if that's ull I'll send It
myself. 1 thought if you wero going to
send ten or twelve thousand words to
night I'd get homo ono lo help me."
When, titer Permanent organization.
tho correspondent bunded In a hatch of
2000 words, including tho list of delegates,
.Miss Wirt exclaimed: "I am so glad.
TIiIhIh tho first work of the kind I've
had hIiico 1 took charge of tho olllco last
June. 1 used to take press leisirt In
Chicago, and thiH reminds mo of old
times," and culling un Portland, she 1 Ki
gali firing tlio mutter oil' at tho rate of
about llfty words a minute.
Besides handling tho usual commerciul
business of Pendleton, no smull number
of private messages to uud fiom members
of tho convention, sovorul dispatches of
about 100 words to points in Kustoru Or
egon uud Washington, a good associated
iress rofMirt, and several hikjcIuIh to
Casteri papers. MIsh Wirt nent nearly
three columns for tlio Oregonian, ami
when, ut half-past 12 ut night, tho lust
atcii wuh Handed in, she seemed lo re
gret there wasn't more.
Dillon County Itepiihllpuu Nomlnatliins,
Delegates to the Statu convention, M.
H, Heeso, Jesso Imbler, S. O, Hvvuek
helmer, C, K. Duncan, ltobert Kakln.
Charles Goodnougli, J, N, Saunders and
Joseph Palmer; shoriir, A. N. Hamilton;
dork, J. T. Williamson ; county commis
sioners, Georgo llonnhoir uud John Me
Donald; school Hiioriutondoiit, J, I,.
Carter; treasurer, no nomination; sur
veyor, J. W. Kimhrell; assessor, J. T.
Guild; coronur, I!. D. 1 Inhere; represen
tutlveH, J, 1 Itowo and Charles Good
nougli, Tlio delegates to the Stato con volition
wore instructed to uso all honorable oflbrtH
for tho renomiuatlon of Hon. (linger Her
mann for Congress, and for the election
of J, D. linker as deleguto to tho National
Kopubllcaii convention.
A motion to take mi Informal vote on
tho choice of tho convention for Joint
senator with Union and Cmatilla coun
ties was laid upon tho table.
A liox trust has Ihcii organized.
can't bring tho bottom of a strawberry
box nearer the top than it already is.
as it did from 1850 to 1800.
Capital ensured In manufactures in-
Wauts of workmen engaged In mainline
turlnir lucreusuii
h in I It of rullroml built Increased....
The value of farm Increased
Ami of live stM-R
Our national wt-ulih u u whole Increust-d VM
During tho war tho internal revonuo
It 'taxes on our domestic productions wore
almost as nigii uh iho tarill taxen, so mat
creased from $283 In 18110. lo $377 and
$310 per annum In 1K70 and 1880, and
I ino average product ol tlio luiior of eucli
' employe was $1,-138 In 18m, as against
$2, OliO in 1870 nnd $1, 070 hi 1880.
Thus It !h seen that while the increase
of iKipuluti'-n was 0.000,000- tin increase
of about Si for cent - the increuso
manufactures and i" tuhlishmi-ntH was
jxt cent , the Increase of capital
Out of the Woods,
Saturday's Sulom Stutesinun sayH:
Stato Treasurer Webb yesterday Issued
IiIh last call for outstanding wurrantH.und
tho State of Oregon, which Iiuh been in
fiuunciiil straits since lust October, is now
oil its feet again. Tlio umouiit of tho
present cull is $73,000. Tho dilluront
counties of tho State uru "milking haste
slowly," in sending In to the treasurer
(heir iIuoh. Yesterday Wasco sent in
$10,0-13.37, tlio full amount of her tuxes,
and tho day before l.aue tinned In a bal
ance of $11,170.08, making her Hqtiaru
with the Stato. Multnomah county ih
taking her time. Thut Is id mo t the on Iv
. -" . . , ... .
l , wcneni wregon coiin-y irom wiiidi not u
cent has lieeu icccued A puwiu nt wuh
vlll j'ii lllint-i tin un jhi Ol Apill, pill 1110
tho fen yours from 18(A) to 1870 form no jo'ovcr promino wui not kjpi