East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 07, 1888, Image 2

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HATVWMY. M'lUl, 7, 1883
, .iivtiiis-
l'ul OreRHtilnn i'nllllillie Cfiliipntiy,
I'Uxnr.irroN, .... ohkuon
iMii.r aum-ciui-iion iiatijo
One ropy per year, by imill JSfl W
Onitenpy nix mriri tlin. liy mull I ttt
Oiiu ropy wr week, liy turrlrr. 1
Hlnulu iiimiiIktm Ui
Otio ropy per ycur. tl ft)
One ropy lx nuilitlm 1
mimic nmnlKTH m
Premium paper fri'o tuyonrly mi Idem.
I Minimi' Atl'rlUrtttrnt.
One Inrli, or lew., In Hml-Wrekly pit
month . VI m
I Till' ul'llll'ltnV" Slll'CT ' "Titi. I,,lnl n.JnoLn r.l It.n OAnnan I
i a mini iiinuu w ,v .'...-.
r 1 . from our const ltan liecn formulated Into
AH i Wo fail to Hcu w iflre n tho Kaht Ohk- ,. mii lV Mr. Mllclinll. Itniiulil.i-itn. ninl 1
, (Ionian-cxpiTlM to muku ii tK)lnt by tell" f iH now. fx-foro ComiioflH. JJuniocrata can I
Ins itH ri'iulcrH tliat It Is not u cairipalun , i-crtulnly claim no originality in tills
chiiet. It Ih a K)litical puix and notfi tnattdr, nn ovc-y Chinese rcxtrictlon bill
ImucIhu. Dally Itepulillcun. j pawed tluw far lnw ln!cn by ltcpubllcait
Yi-H, the IvAivr Cttr.tioNU.v In a iolIti-1 votes In both Houses of CongrcHM."
I i-al minor. Hut it in not a 'Vatni.aicn ' TI'c DallcH TiiiicH-Jlountaliiccr.
idicd," (darted merely to Ixwm-or Nearly all tho opiwHltlon In CongrcBH to j
Ixionierang-oandldatcfi anil intended Chlncwi exclusion or restriction or tho
to fado away or noil out an noon us u. 1 punt ton yearn luw como from Hepulillc
camiiiilin hi over. It ban Moniotlilnif to ! OomocratH bavo generally Iwcn
. . " ii. . ft I II..
livo for bexidc Hllics and candidate, wvurauie i" mcso measure, nep.iuuu-
iii ii.i i.... ... a. .ii. ..t...i ia I ntiti ivllli fnvi nTintiffntm ItoMffto tlm innin.
in nan pomi'.iinif,' firu io uiik uixjui. u
ohcriir, Jolin Condor; treasurer, J. t.
Tt.. l. . . . n . I .
Intcndcnt J. N. Williams , mirvoyor, U.
T. Ti Rihor: coroner, i. II. f'ono. It la
tm.lcrhtood tiio delegates will uo nolid for
Dinger Hermann's renonilnatlon at tho
Stato Convention.
Tim fnllmvimr ilnlmMrVa (n (tin KtntA
Convent ion woro oloeted: W. II. Atkln
Hon, W, II. Leeds, J. S. Howard, J. 0.
Tolinim. T. Cameron, A. II. Maegly, nnd
J. W. Morrltt. Tho go to tho Statu Con-
Vftlltnll IllutrnHrwl fnf .T r Mm-i-llt rt
Jacksonville, for ircHldontlal elector.
Nlirvp HIiPHrlnjt tlrS'iili
From li ft tfnnniii-r IIiiti lliv
of Klght Milo, tho Hhcop-nhearlng seaHon
of 1888 will ho duly Inaugurated bv tho
crow of "hundred-strikers" that has lieen
for tho just fow years engineered by
C jl lit il III (iivinrn Ititturu ntwl I (iiilinnnt
Johnnie Hinton. Tlio first bands shorn
ui this potnt will lo tho wether bands,
llU'tim! lit tlllt IMkiii liw.llifi .tfl.iw Iflitrtli
.1 ... . .... .
oincr nanus oi canuulatcs for tlio mut
wrn ttittrifrir im tmiit ! i minii
vie iiliHAUk (till uu UlUlllll' 111 111 mtuii
tltltllltftrd n in Irnutt Him utt-1 ( f .uli 1 1 i Itw
tJttvMi o nt iiiwuuil IIJIMI ll'U niuub IJttllVlO
aro ready to bo roliovotl of their winter
J. F.
bus a lii(orv anil a future. A morn
"camj-aigni'lu'et.'Vui'h us the Republican
aunounrpil Itself at thu outset to Ii1. Is
utterly worthless lou any purpose. It Is
not intenileti to tnvo tho news or nubllsh
facts, nor oven candid one-sided opinions.
IIIIJII III... ....... ...w .......I . 111
One Inch, or tem, In Dully per mould I V
Two liiclic", or !. In Imtli, piTiiiimtli... :i U)
I1u...l.... I .... I Uit..l.11.....f.l
I-1 I II I r3 I 111 II V, l. Ill I- IT I l'lIJ , I I III II
irr Kiiiii tli 1 Ti
WTcr uiiro iiiciiPff, iaiiy, per men por
iiinntl - I 2')
wiiti uiim iiiLiirn, in miiii, jini iiiuii m:i
IllOlltll -... 1 7.1
Hollil nnnpitrrli nilrcrllncnirntn In Hmil.
Wi'kly or Iiiilly, lint limortliin, pur llirli,
41 DO' mmli utlliki... until l.t.nplli... rru
tcn notlera, ten rcnU pr llnu cacli III'
Imra ifrnm tlila rniiHt. lnivn Htnndllv and
persljflcntly opined all measures calcu
lated to ilrivo out or kceji out tho Chl-
neio from this country.
It is ircnorallv. and no doubt correc.tlv
1... I It. ..I II. ....-.t..A...A..l II...
' ,.....v... i in'iiuiuu, in. it iiiu iii'iriuinmiiuiiL inu
ii n i.. ... .i i .. .i A . .
ii iiun iiiuruij m mi- mercy, iuki i,y mo j;. ). a. a. tots ill tlio west part ot town
i..n... .....I t.. 41... I. I .. I. lit ... ...... .
..nil in iiiu nullum, in it iu uiiiiL- wuM pniirniv iiki iiil'Ii. iioinu in untnn in
seekers, whom 3t daro nut crlticiso In Ltances onu hutidted times tlm mivnrn
tho leaft. iiuwover descrvimf of
sold, llio purchasc so far have been
by stockholders only, lots liclng
taken in oxchaniK) for stock. Out
sidors do not buy, and cannot afford to
A m: wr. (joino 10 hi,i:i:i't
Tho Walla Wulla naners claim that
about (liri.tJOiJ of thu nocoMsury f lOOMM)
required lo tiring thu Hunt railroad from
Wallnla to that, city bun been subscribed,
mid mat lliero in no duiibt about tlio sue-
cessof tlm entiirprlsu. Apparently IVn
dlcton peoplo don't cniu whether tlio rail
road is limit this way or not,
i:on If they Ihldk they niniiot ralni
no,000, mid .give ili'H(.giounils and
rigin-of-way for tlio railroad, them Is it
smaller job (buy might do, can do,
ought to do, but which, It apjK-ars, they
won't do. 'Ilicni was a llltlo spuit of in
terest two or tlin o uccks siro In tho mat
ter of the John U.iy and lmg Creek
road. Tlm Ilmrll of Trade said it must
Im hsikcd after. A coiiiinllteo of vIhIIii
lloiiuns api(ntnd, ami sometliing was
going to lie done iftiru. Yesterday was
mo tlmu wlien llie.vumitiittfo was to start
UKm tills trip. (Jf Its elulit in.milM.rH
only three were nrndy to go, and ho tlio
visit was easily jilmndoned. Another
year will pans by with jiolhlm.' ilomi! mi
other year's husimsHofji rich region that
ougni lo iu lribiiljirilo,lVudlelon will go
eisowiiore; another car ,tho biiMness
men of remlloton will lm content to lake
Justwhftt happons Ii.toiiio along, with
out reaching out ivid.ijjpuniliiig ami In
croasiiiff.thelr trailn.
Wo doinotreiifuin tlif.nuimliers of tlm
commltf. In im 1(.r j,r,. HtanceH
their roMfms for notgolijj; Hcnj.gotHl and
puuicient; It W1..1 a uruulirul IninosHlbllitv
with thus. Hut tl ,dthys; tint easo
wiui wniru otriiHos rivlj,ugbt forward
lnsomicaNj tm. wtthy ud, Indlller
euco : tho fcrriblu Hlrmwlo whli h l.i r.
. ipilrci! to dwu Mourn inriu fm a day on two
or wivk from tlilr hhuiII UmIs, brwk
IfastH, drlnkntnd clgamoiui mission of
i puniic good.aw diMCoinaglng.
Old Abr.ihru was a rectlygiMiMawycr.
iiiouirni'imi tlio lird to i,nio Simiii
!(or ten rightoinw Inhabluulsat llrst, but
hHrtwl In by ivikiug If it Mould Ui sparo.1
ifor tho Kike of w bundtvil, then llfly, then
'twi. lAt us m give up.' Height cannot
Hgrc logo, letf , start, ir live, or Ihrtv,
oniwo. .lo llieto ni.t twiKiimi uln. ulll
criticism tliyy mav Isj, and whoso
opiionciits it dare ndt in tho least
commend, however meritorious their
claims. A campaign sheet is not ex
pected to tell tho whole truth, nor oven
half tho truth. Ills a worso than use
less infraction Uhju tho community in
which It Is published. It is, in fact, in
every Instanco a detriment to tho men
whom it Is intended to assist. It would
lie an advantage to tlio Republican can-
ilida os to-dav to choke (lie thlni? olr- It
O --i
Is an advuntau'u If it has any weight
whatever to the Democratio candidates
lo keen the thiuu lmiiil'. It Is tilled uilh
stale and senseless atteumts at wIiiIcIkmi
and dishwater slang at tho oxensu of tho
iVmocratlo cjindldates. which, if sm-h
Hi nil can inilucnco anybody In tho slluht
est degree, must react In favor of the
men assailed. Durhur Its existence so
far tlio Republican has been tilled will
abusuand rldicnlo of Democratic camli.
dales, unit yet It has not published a iiiu
glo sentence or word which has lieou
worthy of the least notice or reply. They
nave U'eii utterly weleht ess and worth
less, so far us liluileriiiu u slnulu Dmno
erntfe nominee in tho race.
Hut lot it live the eaumalirn tliroiwb
and If its pet candidates choose lo NOIIHll
ilrr tlielr iikiiimv "Miintmrl ln.r" Ii i
V .-i-i-'. "ft , V IlillU
not iiiu slightest objection
To Yoiir Own Interest
Btiy Your Goods
Wlicro you can buy
Wo hoio tho Orogonlun will Isi so ran
did as to nolo that tho Domocratle f.m
venllon did somethlni; moro than to de
clare In favor of the opening of tho
Columbia river. It also declared In fm
of tho Statu undertaking tho work of ob
viating tho obstructions. Of euurm! IhU
means thu building of isirta-o rallwam
Tho declaration would have Won plainer
except for tho opiHisillon of Wllbiineti,
valley men, wlw cannot yet agree to do
nnyining in tills direction if It requires
any tux. If tho Oreironlan will tnm liu
attention to leading tho Western Oregon
eopio 10 u uvorulilo consideration of this
matter, instead of tht unfair criticisms of
thu Democratic platform, it will Iki doing
thu Statu Imtter N'rvku.
Imyjit tho llMi nriccs asked for 1 1 in lots
Whilo tlio K. O. A. A. men urn holdlni?
these lots for moro than their reasonable
vaiuo noino-Duiiding will nroiircss ruir-
idly in tho other end of town
"Wr: hoiio ovcrybodr In I'endleton will'
turn out to-morrow to bear tho rresbvte-
rlnn preachers at tho various churches,.
anil at tlio ojiem bouso In tlio ovenlng.
That society expects to add u now nnJl
valuablo church building to 1'endloton'H
rilaces of worshln this year, and tho vis
Iters now hero ought to lw cordially ro
eel voi I.
John M. (Ji:aiiin was iwrn thlrty-sevon
years ago near wlicro rendlcton now
stands, while his parents woro crossing
tho plains on their way to "Oregon." It
was u happy coincidence that ho should
receive tho nomination for Comrrcss at or
near ids birth-place,
Tiik ICIIensburL' Capital has iHNtieil
splendid edition, filled with valuable In
Ruination regarding tlio Territory, Kllens
lung and locality, various minim: districts
Cte. Such WOrk sllOWH L'nmt iinlnrnrun
ami ougni to lie awarded with llleral suti-
Wk have recislved tho first nninlmr nf
tho "Oregon Illado," published at Ilaker
City by K. (. Hursh. It presents a good
upivaraneo, and Its contents give ovl
lenco of careful Julior. Tho umml ran
gratulatory wishes aro extended.
i iik answer of tho 0. Ii. .t N. in i).n
complaint of Hussell & Co.. nllepln.. nvor.
, O-'-B
cnargesfor froieht. wuh not enimt.l,.r...i
suniclent by tho railroad COtnllltMtnnnru
jwho will ondeuvor to coiiuhj! thocompuny
TlinHlnfn rfflilr.ll (?minilllj.M
Fell lliu l M ! ( Hill fnmlilnlfl Klnlii fnntr.il
Cnttlllllttee. ulllell lmu twif hnrnlntnra
y ki j iiuv iiwt vtvtviv
uec n limy imbllsbed:
iiiuer v. w. flianvillo.
Henton M. L. Tines.
Clackamas W. II. Yauglmn.
Clatsop 0. J. Trenchard.
Columbia 8. A. Miles.
Coos J. W. nmiiioll.
C rook Kllsha Ilarnes.
Curry Sol Culver.
DllllL'lusit T. It. .mmrl.tf...
Gllllain-T. I'. Ihwver.
(Irant M. S. Ilelhmin.
Jackson II. K. llauna.
Josophino C. K. Chana'llor.
iMitiiiaiii i. f . Kertclicm.
hike M. T. Wnlii.M
Line J. h. Campbell.
MnnJ. K. Wealliorlord.
Meacliutn W. (Ilnmi
Marion It. II. Dearborn.
Morrow J, W. Morrow.
Multuomiih-lt. Kllllu.
I'lllk W. W. Wllllnniu
Tillamook W. T. Nowcomb.
Linaiiiia John A. Guyor.
Union f). At. .fiiiiiiw.in
Wallowa A. 0. Smith.
Wasco K. O. Itrnilul
Waslilngton S. II. Huston.
Yiunlilll Win. Galloway.
I lmvo on hand a complcto lino ot
Ladios, Conta and Children's
And n full lino of
Gent's Furnishing Goods
Which I nm nelllne nt
Bedrock Prices.
Oomo nnd nee mo nnd I will convince, you
mat 1 mean just what l ray.
Dealer In New and SccotuMiand
Household Goods
And manufacturers of
Tinware, Coppcrwaro and Sheot-lron
of bvory Ocscrlplion.
Tin Roofing a Specialty
Ulvoiialrliil. fcl
I ........ .... ."".i "
-...liin.i.T, ui mo urogonian, pays
.r. iu i (.'iiiiiciou ojienitor, a
lengthy mid deserved compliment in ves-
!.. f t. a. ... .
iii.uiij n uregouuin. it will lo repro-
i ; uitderlako the nlitsluii. m.) I
b tsrt that will walo up the IUkuiI of
' Tr.id-t, which nvuh lo Iiiimiuiki (,
Aiwipparent sluitjishness in other jnat-
lersus inanlfest. Now is 11 tl,,,,. for
, I'enlllctoutopresi.uiopmrtunltitiH. Now
isthollniotnoxtenilltstraile ami Iullu
t wuv. Now Is thu llu. to wiiln-awiike,
. 1'iu.iiiiig ami pnigivssive. Tbore are iiuvi
.. low u with hundaxlMind UmiKimlH (kf
, lollais.iwaillm: to bun Ii mil o i,t .......
. .. t ....I..
.i f IntervHtor Kit It electlous, when.'
. uuusirios unit would Untho end Ui worth !
; lundnvl of thousands o? dullaix to tho I
1 own ur languishing and dying for the
, ck of a frilling supvit. Kvery man's
loney ii his own, to do wlili as he'
i leases, but this suit nl spirit will K-avoi
J( ur liusinetw .blinks tenanthrt ami bring1
Ji rass Into our stteels. A pin I many I
, emllelon mou have done well, but thev,
-mnow in their places, mud do still
, ore, and moiv, or cIm' we fall
1 1 .1.1... I lt it ti i ....
( innin. ii ami nana ami luur City,
( ! wusl by our tildes of pnigrw hwt
, ar.aru now piiuiiug for largo uji-bulhl.
( . g and oiit-bulldiiiK, and iiiiIcm w keep
with thu pngivs falily started lust
.' ur, these towns will Hum leave uh far
. ' hind.
"j J' V groat amount iI tultional building,
'( ddutlmttilnM.lyplannml, mav not
' vsiry; but two or thnv thliigs-aud
H l oiiotlan,vones aivneVhMy;oreUo
'i faet In iii'inlful il. ii ... . ..... ... i.. . i .
,. I , , V ' '"CUMIIgglMl
i. , it niiiisii community, desiring to
w no moro. One uf , (rt tj,0 j,.lJvr
. I. Another is tho hmg crvok rvul.
1 . toss at least theso two Improvements
, Ik carrhsl forward, wo cannot longer
' ourselves tho hhi1o of u live, pro
wlvojown. Wn will liu down in tho
and no thu moss envp over us, like
,tv)-Biu crvcpltii; oVr ruius old.
Till! I lnltUM.riitl.. ....!.. II. t
.Hilly r..es um thu l'rolilbltlonlsts to
div do Ihu tepubliciui lwry, and thus
make imssihlo a Democratic victory.
Ot lemiMl I lit lll:in.'lis.ru u'..nl.l 1 1..'..
, , . , . ......... im, it viuv-
erlV iIinIl'i.iI Inn tiirlll' l..n.i .... il. ... i
douu for man v years wliun coming More
tlio iH'opIo asking votes ,1'ortland Tele-gram.
What reason or excuse Is them f.ir n.tu
continued accusation? The Itepublicans
liropbesied that thu DeimxT.itii u-,.ui.i
"dodge," op,., t.y W(J, ,(HJjl,ii.
cre praying for a "dodging" platform;
but It turns out that there was no "dmlg-
"Hi uoeuivoeation, and tbo Telegram
falls luck on the silly Matem.nil ..1,.iv..
.noted. The Democratic nianagors ' N,i,m,u. , s.ri ,,,,,,,,
did i ot w ish to .lodge mi) tl,iR. 1
Gov. Him, Is roiKirtcd to have said
lately that ho was not mid never had
Ixvm.n caudldato for Trce'dent, mid that
no win soon publish letter to that ef-
Daviii L, Hoi-kins. 11 liioiinnr. .... 1 1 1
...i.,. ii i . . . : ' vv,...-
..i..ioi huici.io iiuirsday at Jacksonville,
Or., by hanging himself hi n room at a
Jakc.Siiaiii', tho ls)ss iKKxller, will not
i.iuo lo.uniteruo u new tr nl,i i.,u
, . I f .... " .-.! IIVI
i in ims world. I lo died yesterday.
in:nini.iaN chum v convi:.ntiox.
TN tho 'lrcult Court of Hie MMo of Ormon,
wiu vuuiiiy hi liinuillllL.
M. M. Pitcher, iihilnllrr, vs. J. N. 1'ltclicr, do-
To J.N. Pllchcr:
III till lltiltin nt Ia Ut.l 0 r '
iiro iH-rehy nijtUrci! to uppcnr unit uiiMvcrllio
rmniilnlnr filial nrrulnt V-it i.. .1.- . T. '
II., JuJv ,.'lVl"'.,"tl'n ,,")'" ,f"m ll,B tO Of
. . . .... J'HI II
'.'.. ".!" -""" coiinty, or if nerved In
Hurl. ..rvi ..v:?... . , ' ,."'"u.
-...iV... .1 "i"". j"n, "i 11 arrri'il ny hi i .
ration thereof, llinn mi n. i,.r..rn .
i1.'!)''!' MM reitular term ot tlio nUivo en.
1 iiiMiniiiri,io.wiiiiitior oofiiroMniid.iy. Muy
HlIjA . fefendant will Ziiml
..1--.1 "". V ni'l'car 111111 ntuwer or
plead wlihln wild time, 1 in iilalntlir. for
?Af i,.!:.ro.,Vwl1.1 "MM tnH,M CO""" f r tV Br
meet courl ,loe"
- . " IMIllilll.
lin n n "'"i!!0!" I'l'lillilied by onlor of
" RKiS J ):W,CT: 'K'.9 xvS cart.
. .-...vil mmltf, II, 7W
1 4 tl .... .
Echo, Oregon.
Gen. Merchandise
Roller Mills
PARTIES ' Pendleton Meat Market
" If AIM tin uviii imi .
I Tin: total exclusion of the Chinese! i i , v-u;""'" !
Is now Woro Congress. De ncs mti . , i.". 1.1,,ole uuro '' de egates. A J
UliilnV claln, noorlXall l v , Id " 0 " .I'identhri , tl,
ler, as ..very Chiueho ntih tl.... I-'II . ,VM u.u,l u '""ows- Plal ,o Ml.
e.l litis Ur has U e by Itepubllciiu ' tes 3 ''l nl' Mnrolii 11'
Hi. i s'l.it.. n .. I
Having uiH-di ililmmii imm v..,.. .1.1..
i,. i....... . - i
.... i.rii.uiu, ran novo frclBht ald, lotci
mid overcl,arKe dj,utd, nnd forwnMlnir
-. iiuni tij iimiiiiiiii. in inn i. .. .
dreMlns "'"' " "u"
IT- ... . I
"' TOnieiieii mo tumvo .Market, fsmu
ueaicrs in j
Hardware and, Tinn
hi Yuen Si lo; k
Unvooponcd a store oa
Alta Street, Pendleti
For tlio Salo.of
-Alo a'lull line of.
Lacquered Wj
Oalli and See Our Stoc!
Sang Yuen & Hop Kee Co.,
' npiuiw
Richardson's Lunch Gol
Jlaln Htreet, I'ondlKon,
C. D. RICHARDSON, Proprietor.
If nnilntlnrlnru f. I.....Imh ..j .. I
i iiuin, iiiiiuivi., uiiiuiiii iiooiii, atidliBi
At tho Lunch Cnnnfm
You ran ohtoln cold boiled Imm.coM irh
hppl. 11 Kklml Hill tnal .n.llA. .
. .'. - i"is uMiuiiiri, njibv
rami nuiirii euB, e(rs eonKcii m errry wJ
hot tea nnd fnlRe. Jerked ellt, Vfiilmn.lil
iivniiiK, uri:ii(i nun (ltllier,ClC.
Houso Opon Day and Nlgdl
Japanese CurioJ
In William Klc'i Laundry,
JPendleton, - OrrJ
Importer nnd Dsaler In
Chinese and Japanist Fancy Gnu
ICurlojIilfd, tlr.'n nod iTory Toy. In
Mr."1. Vn"?i Kin. Crockery, Anion Tcr2
. v1-"1,'""ii""i7jr.inuniii'rcu ncrfiai
and nil telndio: Bilk Drrsi I'Atlern.Hiil
Workii, Te, etc. Invoice received bjl
every steamor. 'I
All Oritur rrawytljr Atlemde4 J
Ap3 Im
Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitton,
Aro the only nmctlcnl mnrhinln in i-l
They do their own work, nnd cuinntil
ii nrMiiii.r r.in.i. .... .
niviwi iui uiio-rur.
TimV lin nr. I.I I I..I-. . . .
iiT.j;. inoir worK.MM
Bottor Figuros
Than any other houne jn town.
Tliny buy an chuap in ,,ny firm cm ktjl
llltlXM'llII.'. A Ul.lfi.l . mi.
""'". H. SUUTI.V.Jl,.,
mijinir and Selllnif dono on CommLiion
Boof, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc.,
That the market can nttord.nnd ut
" ."ii rt'iivn.
v . ...i I Vll'LMtl'S In
to ( lilnrn.iiiviliwi..ii .....i...i . ., i.'r.,,-,, i ' ii i ..,,.' lnicr, , .V
mi-noil tor (no """"i .
it.ut I.... i. . . . i i.-.i..! 11 i-
Mst ten yeiirs has come (rom ICotuil.lt
cutis. IVlUlHT.lts lliiv.l
tonventlon: S.
i .i.i. ".
ward, 1), It. KInyerv V Tl i '
A It lliirhi.ib w i' . ,!.! "iirnson,
a. it. iiuriMiik, . Carl. Tlm .m.,....iJ
. will, few oMvptions K-to ,ho!l.o.umon
nieiuUirs from this CUNl. Iiiiv.. ul...,.l!l.. I CLACK All lw
mid irslstentlf opm.l measures I ,i!on- LT !'"! was ehvte.l chairman
.::::'a.ed ,o .hive om or ue,M,u. .htx!t :r"o,,von,i,,' . : "ISS
v niiiesj iro, ti, 4HnlMtrj.,
Tm: tirst publication f the IViu.ieratio
Hato pLitform in tlm n
was incorrect in a few i.:ir!l,.i.. ... n. .
J .vument was al.erul a littlo bv Iho1' J?!m hW - N S
t on.mit.ee after the tlrt eonv w Mit t., ,: "mfcr """"ln; JuuZ l
...e ,.riu,ers. t'enuvr-.itl.. iM,..r- .i i.i , .,...T. iV ''.V".' '" 1 iriieiiu,
nJi!!.foliri,,,? ,i,,k,,t Wiw ltinnomi.
natio j lteprcsentatives, J T.
son, Vter l'aouet and lv,Sh!it?
A. Jl. JlliWAIN
Milvtiin Martin,
Architects and Superintendents,
UooniN 5 nod 0, Port land Saving! Ilank
j--...,. uviuuu aim "asningion Sts.
M TTA Ut lfV f t 'i.a.m'. oiikoox. Usw
- w tiivi i
'no pr uiers. lv.mvn.tU. papers should ; nr Ih- I ? Voucher ZvU" W'
refull.v comre the rtwtl' ,,iat(orm 1 W. Meldrum. 1,01,1 hw .vor, John
with tho one they nw is.blishlBl and .i.T'iV C,,tmin 'wtos nvrochonon to
U .uvk received tl0 valuablo reiK.rt ' !Hv ,-aMl"1 l"'us Vv.n lZ
"(fnptait, Charles K.lWMt v'1'' lillcr, K. ,I. Ifimiu "'
improvement ot the n.outl. of tho Co-
hnubia river, and other O-on and 's.ftf f ?' tato C0vontion. s
W ashiugtot, harUirs and waterwavsAm. . . fei.f uv ll7,,,K- 'A0"1!".
jdnluB valuable information and stall -! J; . W. I'Cok..N ' teH8'?1!1'-
w. .or w men thomptaiuhas our thanks. K "; 0. B. Colvertoii. ' "
. Fo, .,ominaUho,i,ir'Axi Housor: far KeiwStil
iteputy and sherltf
lloiulrvi 1
tho voter like thU u
Wire nnd picket Feneo, rabbit
tight and bull strong.
A fence which will lust a life
Price only 50 to 75 cents a rod
For sale in small or largo quan
tities, at
Carpet Store,
Main street, near the bridge,
Pendleton, Oregon.
diate y upon i.re.iniiiiJ. 6 P?ul '"'me
iBr.ej.at hUottlw oS S iliS l?J$9 ""''
achaA,wiw JOSEPH BAai.Kn
John Mcflarry,
Denier In .
BUYS and SET.T.s
Cor. Jlaln und Webb Srrcct
James Crawford,
.....vi ui nnu uealor In
Harness, Saddles, Bridles.
whips, Etc.,
T nts and Wagon Shoots
for Salo
.llow.. BulUin,, M4fa rtrMt Ju3,
Pendleton Baths,
Jlllllt Mll'I'M. IM.IIi.fnn
Aro now open nnd readr for biulnen. Kewlf
ol ' tlfJ fwSlu'. mio,l,"',or 'I's "o." m"m I
ii' ."' .'. aw. MhavliiL'. iva
j rv-" nilKinixioine, aeu.
ruiim, . . uq.
I employ flrsl.elntii ha lid A nnlr.
H. L. CARL, Proprietor. I
$70KEWA,m " " "
Htniyed or stolen from Tom Tlornpv from
ftr"",r," "??.r Vallio '-en headroS
bltteli ukrll. ,"-""ueil (U fo owl Two
iVuiid. ninef'Scl! we'"tln about MM
i"?.,...n" t,1ftc. WO iHund: one lorrfl.
2 . " on" "id hucltskln, u Ur
ef llm.muT)!'.'., Ul,T. ' traiided T on
rVitl ii' 'i?. I1'0 "'I'lerslirned wilt pay
inirm thof, . 1 cr "rntor loformnt on eu
"iL to their recovery. Ad.lrenn:
Walla Walla, W.T.
fri meh2flmd4iw
ppiWIS pob HALE,
Severn 1 Knn.t- a . ...
for ;!. ",?ric' now
rind i,i.. '. 'cn""i "ecure.i now or rr
eoniiiv A. ., i i """ r Vinson, iuu
C y'iSL'i'.,UrPi W. T. STANTON.
im uaw Vlnnon, Oregon
Hevfrnl annn nf aai i. . . .
on ey tohni, for eiikh cir u itood not& Alw
wet 1 to miii.... ti.:a YT V00" noriiei w ao
neVir n ?"ih ! fwlMeU, ut his ranch
v, uf iuiureK.s
mhsa iliw
I'ilot Hock, Or.
Proprietor of the
Ftvc-LVut Heer JIall.
Main St.. nni,ni,ll !
n. ii . --i i." i U.IUIUU, reuuicron.
n ul eaL0.1; J.rul-''t. Wines, liquor
racSSil c'guw,of tbe le brand, n Hock.
M 1 1 M I" Y J'NKa. uch 03 Leasti
IIIUIIL. I i , Mortcage. etaj
MiljyK" S ndall formgforClreultJ
VnrTionV in.i i Justice' CourU.or
ruiank 11.5k. ih iiaS, Bookblndlnj.
; ..k0.nSai,nnb'n.?i ilXm
ite? oiAtJONiANii i nr
fcr,ii':.,r.n.u'en. Ore. WI U 1 1 1