East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 05, 1888, Image 1

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    " 1 ' 's' -' h'tty'"
j ret it v't voif wan?.?
Ifly cent In money or Mump will pay
the HriiiMVfekly UAHT OltHflONIAN
a vums taint utv.
t'ntrittni of the Dully or Komi-Weekly
KAHT IHMXIIIMAN mil freely initltn u
of the r.ASf OltKIIONIAN library when
ever thr-y -n deelre. The public urn er
lilully linlttd lo llt tho olllce nhencver
o lurlliicil
,1.1 now tllllll lifter (hi! .flltin .rloPllotl.
In dollar "ml tweiitv-flv rente will ny
thn Daily UAHf OltKOONIAN for tlio
Lie IftiRtli f tlnii ly innll.
OL. 1
NO. 31.
Call the Attention
To tlio largo and
Which wo liavo lately received, and
It consists in part of a
. ' 3 ri Tk
, Goods, Clotiimg, ana Gents' bur
nishing Goods.
-A Largo
-A Full
1 ... . . 111 rt. 1 A
gut our
othchild St Bean.
Tr.rA t a OT.T
Shaving, Kalrcutting
I v (iik iIdm hv imh ruiiHHMont wiirkmuii.
.JIlllIU ft,.t
Corner Main
PONSARDIN CHAMPAGNE, (Yellow Label.) mono.-.wsm
reai kock isiann
ni i i
T.TAkh.t TE A rOTjtns.
h iiiieci. uiiu iHjuumr iiiiu u uuumouliuii
To HI. I.oula and the Month.
To Oea at oluea, Leavenworth1
Atrlilxon unit KanmiH Vlty
1. i ' cnnnpciiiiir wiiii ma
rri i ii 1 1 111 ii ttu Titnviinuinrili uitil Vmiinii
l'aluce Dlnlni Cava!
olr.tB fn. b it 1 ii In ii 1 1 funtiMtlntf mllurnvH
ana counecttoiii inuae in union uepou.
oriuu inrormiiMon revaruini; raien, map,
D..l Iiii.ii An.in.t. i. r lliull l
N, or Northern I'ni-lflo Hiillwny (tarn.
l'emlkton, Oregon.
CHAM. KKXKIIY, Ueu. Aueut,
o, a wimiingioii hi., . . j-onmnu, ure.
A. HOr.nttOOK.
L'IUCUi0, III. H. r 1IUV1),
Cicn. T. and P. Act. M. A Kr. 1. Ilv.
p5 .MIiinenjKilln, Jllnii.
nUCDTICCDC oiothsrt,whbwlht3tmln
nuvciuin f picq vnen in .nivZf 0, win imij ,( cr 1110 tl
to 49 Randolph St,
varied stock of
now Iiavo on exhibition at our
fluo assortment of
1 3 n J 1 T-v
Stock of-
Lino of-
ll I I .1 i 1 - 1
a inivrn u a u i mij
and Shampooing.
A trial solicited.
and Webb Btrcots, Pendleton, Oregon.
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pendleton,
Tlio usual pil'O fur trul madn by other
purlloi, In Portland or tlio Kast, In from Jo.00
o (7.0.1, with exprdsii ilina'eii added. If you
need a seal, send your order to ua und lave
from J2.(0to $3.00 thereby.
East Oregonlan Pub, Co,.
Pendleton, Oregon,'
They do happen every day, nnd when ono
Imppeiu to you. you will wluli thut
you weru Intured In the
Tim Tn AVELKiiS' rehource nre nifllolent to
pay ut nnru tlio inot enorinniu iihuh of
rlalnu that even Krrat rullroail and "Iciun
Imiit iipolileiitu 0 in brlnir uikiii It. I'av nil
clulnm, wllhout dlki-ount lniniedtutply upon
receipt of .factory proof. Nan I'orfellure
provlilom In ull lt pollclex,
Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions
of Surplus.
PAID POLICY HOI.I)KU.S, $11,00,010,
Clopton & Jackson,
Resident Agents,
Euit Oresonlun bulldlusr, Pendle ton, Or.
FIKi; IN A ltOI.I. ItlNO.
r.lKtitrnn rcrtoim Killed -Hemic fllur or
A111I1I I'lmiii-n AiiiI.MhiI.'IIiiIUIii llxli'. j
Cikcin.vati, Atiill 4. A Kj)t'ial front!
tho city of Mexico nay! "uIvIiuh from j
Celaya Sunday uftornoon nlato.t that i
about lour o cloot, wliun tliu nun ring
of Celaya, wan crowded with ypeclatorH.
to uitncsM the general nationul Hpoit, autl
whilo a coiutiativ of bull lighter from
Leon wcro Hull playing with tho Hint hull,
lire maidenly biuko out on tho nanny nidi!
of tho plaza, a punk: mived nicm tlio Viis-.t
iiHKouibluge, and a frlghlful catttHtrophu
was tho result, 'Iho plusa aa cwiHtrut
tcd of woodon inantH, rcedi, etc., und it in
duo to thiH fact that a majoi Ity escaped
without injury, being ublo to force
oiicninga for exit ut varioiiH )K)lntH. JIan
women and children jumped out
and down it dlHtanco of two hundred feot.
Over ono hundred jiorHoiiH mo.'o wriounly
wounded. Kigliteen liven woiu lo.si. Thu
nldcHof tho pliua boiug llntd with mat
ting, dry an tinder, and Ihoro being a
nil-lilt wind blowing, tlio uholo luniibl-
thoatro wax in a blaze in a few moments. 1
Nine dead Ixxlleri, in foiiio C.iho.s bo
charifd iih to bo tinrecognlr.ablo, weru
taken from the ruiiiH. Miieteeu otbetH
were badlv buvned, ten of whom will dio.
Tho bullM, maddened by tho roaMng
tlamcH, broUo lone from their Htallt) and
rutdicd wildly through tho Hiirglng maH
of humanity, toiwlug aloft and knocking
over ull who Htood In their way. Among
tlio eighteen dead wore two women who
wcro llrnt gored to death by bullH,
and their bodlcH afterward burned.
SccnoH in tho neighborhood of tho
bull-ring wore reckoning beyond do
BC.'iiitiou. Women and elilldien without
clothing, crazed and millet ing intoiiHely
from buniH, ran nlinle-Hly through tlio
Htreets, and could bcun'ely bo ovortaken
or collected by friondn. Several por.?onn
lont their reuBou f-om tho ho veto mental
nhock. Tho ll'o was tho work of an in
cendiary. COOn COUNH!'.!..
Striken Agree to Aifnln lteiimm llml
nru or ttll HoJ.I. Kxcrpt the "O" -II
i-1 tor Counnela rrevalllnc
CniOAdo, April I. Tho final ivmilt of
tho meeting of omployoH of tho vurlona
romlH which began yostciday nftornoon
and lasted till u into hour hint night an
nounced th'iH morning that tho declaM
tlou to boyeolt "Q" cuih bad boon raked,
und henceforth tho conflict wph to lie
Htrietly conllued to tho 'O'.' vHtaui. AJl
utrikea oxtopt' that libn tW'Q" tfyrttoifi
wu'o to Htop forthwith undothotH Immi
nent woro to bu uvcitsd. Tho biiHlnebH
of Chicago in to bo restored and main
tained by the Htrikerrt with Htrlct deco
rmii. Other luudn are ab' olved from tho
refiuiiemont of noutndity, and violence
Ih dlwoiintenanccil. acoiirding to tlio well
known policy of tho brotherhood. Tho
urrnngoinontH iigreed uiion aro dlreclly
duo to the oxortloim qI Chief Aithur,
Grand blunter Sargent of tho Firemcn'fl
Arwoclution, Grand .MiiKlor Jlonoghun,
of the Hwltchtnon'H Amwclutlon, Mayor
ltoche, and .Mark Crawford, who ulno
ropreKenlH tho Mvitchmen.
Attrmptoit Huicliluof it l'fiiialr l'nroii.
Loh A.N(1i:i.kh, Cai,., April 0. Ilattio
W'oolMteln, tlie acciihcd mutdoroHrt of Dr.
Harlan, attempted miicldo in Jail hint
night by knotting her handkerchief about
her neck and fastening It ton bar iicrotm
tho window of her cell. Tho noltio of lior
Htniugling attracted attsntiou, and tho
attempt (ailed.
A Chief Jintlrn Wanted. '
Wahiiinotos, April 6. Tho l'ronldont
Iiuh decided to promote no on'.' now on
the Supremo Court bunch to tho olllco of
Chief JiiHtlco. Neither will ho take a
Bouthorn gontloman, nor any ono of bin
Cabinet. Ho dewlreH a man f'oin 60 to
65 yearn old, und prefein ono front tho
Iinportnnt Decision,
Salem, On., April 6. In tho Supremo
court a decision wan tendered tldo morn
ing in tho caw of Wm. N. Nortlirup ct id.
vm. P. A. Munpiuni. upiieuled from Mult
nomah county. Tlio Judgment of tho
lower court is rovoixed, nd tho caso in
roniunded for a now trial. Omnion by
Strabun, Thayor concurring. TIiIh is an
imiwrtuut declHion.
A Tramp Killed.
Mkuckd. O.ku, April 6. A man named
Nower, a Gorman wuh run over by a
freight car thiH inoi nlng, and frightfully
mangled. His appearance indicatcH that
ho was tiding on tlio brakolcum and fell
Vermont For Maine.
Dviimkoto.v, Vt., April 5. ltopubll
can delegates to Kutiontil Convention
elected yesterday favor Ulaino.
JJopevr Ui'onilng IlUIn.
New Yoiik, April 4. Hojiubllcans of
thiH Stuto uro substantially for Bluiuo as
President. Chuuncy .M. Uepow is work
ing for Illalno'H nomination, and will
present his nurno to tho convention.
UniBlllla Iletervatlou Land lllll,
VASinsnTo.v, Apt 11 5. Tlio bill provid
bv' that tho sale of the Umatilla Indian
reservation lands shall tako placa at tho
Agency instead of at Ii Grando has been
niorted favo.iibly in tlio IIouso.
'flio Hutch Capture Holland.
PitoviDKScu, It. I., April 5,--Tho Stuto
election yesterday went Itopublicun by
tin average of 1500 on tho genoral ticket.
.Mlnnurl For HlirrlJun.
St. Iiuis. April 6. Tlio Missouri Del
egates to the Republican National con
vention favor Shoniiau for President.
firewater Head,
Pi!t!,ADRM'ii!A, April 4. Iix-uttonioy
General Drowster died hero this morning.
Capital and Ci nRiexl' lint Nolrnorin er'iit
to NortUwedern Itender.
Ill 'he Senate Mitchell, from Iho com
mitlee on luilroads, reported a bill ap
propriating soiio.OUO for a boat railway
around tho obsl ructions to navigation In
tlio Columbia tlver at tho dalles of the
Columiiia at.d VliIo falls. 1 ho bill was
iilin'.'d on the calendar.
Shiwurt uhlulre his motion, hctotofore
made lo consider tho vole punning the
bill for tellef of puicliaiorH and other
grantees of swamp and overtlowed lands,
and to teluibiiiso and indemnity certain
States. '1 ha bill goes to tlio lhuiso.
Tho resolution herctofoio olieiod by
lliddlclxjrger lo suspend So much of thb
ruleH as provide for executive fcnicns
dining tho consideration of tho tisherieM
(liicstlon was taken tip.
The Senate wont into executive session,
und discussed Ulddloboigor's pot ineaniiio
two houis, and lituilly, willi only elglit
opiionlng voles, refurrcd it to Iho com
mllleo on foioign rclalloun. Tho Semite
finish' d the day discussing tlio lsmd bill,
but mudo no pi-ogre.-. on it.
In tho IIouso the Senate direct bill was
token up.
,'Oiites of Alabama in opposing tho bill
argued that tinder Iho constitution con
gress had hud a ei feet tight and iwwor
to levy dhect tax, but ho denied tho con
stitutional light of congress to refund a
tax which had boi'ii legally levied and ap
plied. If the House was detoimlned to
puns this bill it should Include within lis
piavisions ono oftheiefuudlng tlio cotton
tax, a tux which hud been unconstitution
ally levied.
At tho evening set sion the House pro
ceeded to the consideration of measures
repotted by the committee on military
Tlio following bills woro passed: Pro
viding for the promotion of ofllcers of the
amy after twenty years of continuous
service in ono grado. IIouso bill (Mor
row of California) appropriating $100,000
for tho eonsti notion and loiuir of loads
from the entrance of tho Piesidio, San
Francisco, to tho national cemetery on the
The committee on commerco lias
utrrccd to tho Audows substitute to
Whito'H Resolution of tho Chicago, Hui
llngton it Quincy railroad strike, by a
hjkcIuI committee of live, to lie upiiolulcd
by the upoakor. Tho resolution declares
that tho locomotive engineers now em
ployed uro inconiiiotent, and that tlio re
sumption of ))ubl(c duties by the llur
iingion is n fraudulent proleura and a
Moss luiK)shloii on the public, placing in
jtnnilucut iieiil I wth life and prooity.
The committee is dl'ectcd to go to tho
scone of tho strike, call for witnesses and
papers, and Investigate und ascertain
what Is necessary in tlio way of legisla
tion to piolect intiKstuto commerce.
Poslolilces wet) established at Amick
r.cnton county, and at Urovo City, .Mal
heur county. .lames A. Wood and John
T. Tillson wo o appointed postmasters of
tho respective olllces.
Tho lejioit of Special Agent DowerH of
the land olllce, iiion tho condition and
futmo of public timber lands, was laid be
foro tho house. It embodies n Hchemo of
legislation for the protection of forestH
by tho creation of a forestry bureau in tlio
hind department.
Pensions woro granted to Frederick
Kimuiell, Cunyonvlllo, und Samuel
Wooilfoid Snohomish.
Senator Stowuit will introduce a peti
tion from citieim of iMontuua, praying
for legislation to pit) vent tlio Noitlieiu
Parllle ltailroad Comnany from ticciulrlng
any lunds to which it Is not clca'.ly enti
tled under its grants.
Btone'a Dental of tlm TruifCiiarce."
When the Iturlington railway usked
Jiulo Givshani for an order tocomiHil
tho Hock Island to himdlo "Q" frolglit,
the Itoek Island answered by charging
(but tho p:e.4out strlko was slinply,a pa. t
of tho liuilington irogruuimo to foico
othor linos Into joining a railway "trust,"
which tho Ituillngtou wuh said
to deslro. II. It. Stono, goneiul
mnnugor of tho Chicago, Itur
lington A Qulncy, makes answer to thoso
charges in un ulllduvlt which was (lied
tills uftotuoon. Tho allldavlt donio: in
-detail all the clia ges of tho ltock Island,
whiclt it prononnco.i scindiilous und false.
It says the tiito war was initiated by tlio
ltock Island und other lines ugaiust tlio
most ca. nest ellb ts of tho llu lington.
Tho ''trust" story Ih pronounced utterly
Stouodonouncea us ' fulso and iccklcss"
tho charges of tho Hock Island that tlio
strike wuh allowed to order lo cooico tho
Ilurlington cimiH)iitois into ucijuiescouco
into r. rull.oad trust, und calls attention to
tlio "inoxcusablo falsity" of tho ltock
Island cliurgo that compluinunt ban in
bad faith lieeu ciowding truflic exchange
on defendant v.ith tho tmriKiso of disabl
ing it in the opo.-atlon of tlio ltock Island
AllldavltH ire tiled, with tho bills of
lading accoiniunylng sovond blockaded
shipments, to show that they wcro ull
Hliijunenti made by inlvato coimlgnois,
and that complainant had nothing lo do
with tho origin of tho touting the eof.
In conclusion, M. Stono iIccIiuvh that, j
contrary to tho Hock Island's uu-eition
mudo 'in its answer, that it was
in a jtosllinu to rosiiino former ielu
lions with complainant, "no notice Iiuh
leeu given complainant that tlio engi
neers and Ii omen of defendant had
given up emit ol of lis t.allic depart
ment, or vnuled j to: mission to defendant
lo conduct its ImsiuoHrt us a publiu oan iur
uu onliiig to law, or that tho defendant's
jioiloy of tdMiiuto imn-iute oourito, as do
ulaiell in orders und letters of it agent,
was in any roaiect altered."
The Secret i.r the llllito.
Thore is an Idea broader and deoiier
tlmn either Catliulie or Protestant; that
God is immanent (tills word was printed
imminent) in spirit as well as in space.
And God said let us make man in our
imago, after nno likeness; so God flo
ated man in His own image, into the Im
ago of God created lie him Gen. I, vxvi,
.wit. It is commonly received that, lie
causo what Is tlnlto does notcompichcml
what Is inllullo, llnile tilings cannot be
tho teceptaclcs of Infnlte tilings. Hvory
created thing is Unite, but being pro
jected from tho infinite it must partake
of the intinlto, theieforo every cteatcd
thine is a receptacle of tho inllnllo; but
the iullnite Dlvluo is in man as in its
images; and as God is l.ovo and Wis
dom, in so far us man is an imago of
God, in so far is ho an organ recipient of
love and wisdom, that is to say, accord
ing to the reception of lovo and wisdom.
Is man an imago or oigau tcclpient of
God. 'I bo connection between man and
God and God and man must Ik) by some
thing interchangeable between the one
and the other; tliut substance or element
is lovo and wisdom; by wisdom in meant
tho wisdom to iccognir.o tho source of
life and light.
'lids is the bteath of lives breathed
Into man, tho life of tho will or lovo, the
life of the understiiudlug or wisdom.
.Mini was coated for huimiucss. in order
I to bo happy ho must receive of things
Divlno. llu wus therefore oeatcd and
I orgunl.cd for roccivJinr. Divlno tblngs.and
men aro called images ami uucncsscs oi
God, His sons, and born of Him. Now
If the connecting link between man and
God and bet ween God and man is love
Ihoro must be a perception and knowl
edge, for how can man lovo what is not
loveable, and how can man know thut
God is loveanlo without knowledge and
1 canon and understanding- therefore It is
an enormous error toliold tho understand
ing in subjection to faith. You must io
member that thovo were called blessed
who wore invited lo tlio ma iago supjier.
It was tho manl.io of tho intellect and
tiio heart the tmi'orstundlng and tho
will, tho munia;;o of scleuco und tho
spbuuul, and tho feast was a feast of tho
) oaf .on and a flow of (lie soul. II is called
a simper b:cuu o it comes in the evening
of the Cli'lhtiu.i c.u. To thou who con
fer one God thu litis on'..', and In
beat i th'ee, Cod is nol.imgbuta mere
word of Iho mourn; tliey tiieofo 3 hav
ing no co ect idea o? Cod can fo'-i.t no
conjunction wiiii iho only one c id tho
t.-uo God by iho connecting o dn of love.
Therefore no Jljlit comes lolboChisliun
church. 1 1 oil co alio, Jubova God
uiyH, ' That ho is tho 11 i.t
und tho last, tho lli.t put) o.;
i.euco. Life n.clf a'.id la, lit II
elf Iho la't I.' io and Light permeating,
fo ui'maiiireit In nil lli'ii't". Tho man
who denies tl'.'t tboio 1h a (Ksl close up
the will, which is tho ivceptjclo of Ills
lovo, and iiecouHM its h.ihituiloit; tbe-e-foio
bv his ow n act bo oxcludcH Goo' tun
abiding witii him. Tho williHKiid to bo
the huoltatlon of lovo, because to lovo Ih
to will; the'c'o.o, Iho will corivspondH to
lovo, unit tlio iituiersiauding io mini
Theieforo. thu man who denies God be
comes u'togolhor a natural man, and us
rcsccllng man und hluiHolf us u man, ho
thinks as ho docs of a IxMHi'slifo after
death. Ah tho idou of God is implanted
IntooviKV man, the division of Goil leads
to tho denial of God. Upon this idea
Jcllerson based his atheism. 'Iherefoio
wo toad I bat tho spirit of Jehovah is tlio
spirit of wisdom und understanding, Iho
sniritof counsel and wotehl. Isa. M. 1.
4, 6. Tho lrd said "Ablilo in Mo, and
I In you; bu that auluelii hi A'" ami I in
him, beaicth much fruit fur wit,ni't Mo,
vo can ilo nothing." John, x., i, . H
Ih wilttuu in tlio exhortatloiiH of i i
Church of Knuliind: ' For when wc
siilrltuully cat tho ilesli of Christ and
ill Ink Hls.blood, thou wo dwell in Christ
and Christ in ns. A correct statement,
but not very clear upon tho doci'-ine of
tiunsubstautlatiou, tho same doctrine that
I am p .-each Ing of tho i'limaneuce
of God, stated in another form. Let us
look at tho (iiostlon in lis new dress for a
momont. "I.ulsir not for tho meat which
jierislielli, but for that meat which en
dineth unto everlasting life, which tho
Son of man shull give unto you. Verily,
verily, I say unto you, Mo.oi gave you
not the bread iiom Heaven, but my
Futhor glveth you tlio trao bread ftini
Heaven; for thu bread of God Is Ilo that
cometh down from Heaven, and glveth
life unto the world. 1 am the bread of
life; ho that coinoth to Mo shall never
hunger, and ho thut holiovoth In .Me shall
never thirst. I am the bicnd thut cuuiu
down from Heaven. Vorlly, verily, I say
unto you, ho that lieliovetli on Mo hath
everlasting life. I am that bread of life.
Your fathers did eat milium in tho wil
derness und ure dead. This is tlio bread
thut cometh down fiom Ileaven.v that a
mail may oat thereof und not die. I am
tho living bread which came down from
1 leaven ; it any man cut of tills nreud lie
shall live foiovur, und tho bread that I
shall glvo him is mv llesli, which 1 will
glvo for tho life of tlio world. Verily,
verily, I my unto you, except you
oat tho llesli of the Son of Man
und dilnk His blood, yo have no life In
you, whoo eateth My itesh and driuketh
My blood, hath eternal life, and I will
r.iiro him up at tho last day, for My llesli
is meat indeed, mid blood is drink indeed.
Ho that oatoth M v ilesh and driuketh My
blood duelled! in Mo and 1 in him.
(Jul in i) Jesus broke tho broad ami
Uavo to bis disciples, and said : This is my
lul no unit me cup aim ijavo ui
vnvinz; ThU is My blood. (.Malt.
That (Mi, blood, bieud, and
wine mean spiritual things which corres
pond to them, may beevldent from many
passages. Come and gather yourselves
together unto tho Btipier of the Great
God, that yo may cat tho Ilesh of kings,
und the lloidi of captains, and tho Ilesh of
mil-Ill v men. and the llesli of horres. and
of them that sit on them, und the Ilesh of
men both free anil bond, both gieat and
urn. ill. fAmic. xix.) Gathor yourselves
on overv side to My sacrifice, that 1 do
sacrillco for you, even n great suciwco up
on tho liiountains of Israel, that yo may
eat Ilesh and think blood. fKis. x.xxix.)
Inasmuch as nil spiritual tilings luivo re
lation to good, it fellows that llesli means
good of chaiitv, and blood the truth of
nutii, tiieroioro wnon mo i.oru mikhoi
iliti KIphIi unit His lllood. Ho means His
love and His truth, or Iho 1-oid us to tho
Divine Gocd of love and tho Divlno Truth
of wisdom. Now us Iho Lord is the
Wonl, there uro two pilnclplcs lo which
ull things of Iho Word have relation Di
vine Good and Divlno Truth : wherefore
It is plain that those two mlneiplos uro
mi-Milt bv I tin I'lithh and His lllood.
Theieforo' wo read of tho lUoisl of tho
Covenant or tho Truth of tho Covcnunt
or conjunction with tho Lord. And Ju
sim took the cup and gavo to them, say
ing, Tills is Mv Wood of tlio iuw t;ovo
mint (Mutt. xx.i). The lllood of thu
Ni.u- f'nvmmnl or TcHtatncilt slmilfloH 110
other than tho Wind (which Is called a
Covenant), thus tho Divlno Truth there
in. Tlinv thitridnro aro ill Ull enormous
error who seak of tho lllood of Chrlnt us
too passion on mo cross unit inonco none
Ihoreby eternal life. Ho that eateth My
l'lcsli and diiiiKctu ,iy niooii iiweiiuui in
Me und I In him (John .i .
That blood hero means tho Di
Divine Truth of the Word Is very mani
fest for it is said, that ho who dtlnkcth It
hath life In hint, and this is ellectcd by
Divlno Truth and a life accoidlng to It
and tho connecting links aro tho Iniuds of
love, us tho Lord said, "Ilo that lovoth
Mo keotioth Mv coinnianihuenls." They
have washed tlielr robes und mudo tliem
while in tho lllood of tho latum, (Apol
xu). There was war in 1 leaven ; .Michael
nnd his ungels fought ugainst Iho dragon,
und they overcumo him by the lllood of
tho Lamb und bv tho wonl of their testi
mony, (Ajhh! xu). Tho further consider
iitlou of this subject Iho meaning of
breud and wlno, must Imj continued until
another Ihno. Thanking you for your
kind attention, let mo say in cloning that
the party w ho sketched Iho ut tide, "Ants
and Men," Is an attint and therefore ml
milled to tlio Pantheon of the gentlemen
of this world.
Peaco, eaco to him that Is far oil. ami
to him that is near, salththo I.ord.(miiiih
'Co'ino man, by searching, llnd out Owl.
Seek and yo shall llnd, (Jesus).
' YfllAII.
rronldent Cleveland' Ueply lo the MU-
President Cluvelund bus w itten a long
letter to Huv. James .Moiinw, IK D.,
Philadelphia, In lesponso lo a resolution
udopted tit thu scsnlou at Philadelphia of
the annual confluence of the Methodist
Knlscopal church, held Mn-ch !10, of
which iho following is a synopsis.'
My Dcarlr: I liavo received coilidn
tesolutlons passed by the annual confer
ence held at Philadelphia. Thu action
taken by thiH iisscuihlugo of ( h Inllan
men has g eatly sm i Iwd mo. They do
cla'o that IhiH confoiunco e.unestly pre
tests against tlio reiont action of tho
government in excluding tlio usuofnatlvu
languages In Iho education of Indians,
und csiK'ciull v the mo of Iho Dakota blblo.
Thut while uihultling the advantages in
touching F.ngllsh to tho IiiiHuiih, to com
pel themtorccelveullrel gioiiHlnst uctloiiH
in that language would piucilciilly hinder
their receiving it in tho most ollectlvo
wnv ; that tho lino of hwoi" tinvolH with
Iho' human bcait, and thu heart of tho
Indian is In ids language; and tho omna
lions of ull mlsslonuiy societies should bo
nnliuninielcd by Slate lutcfoionco.
Tho Piosidout ipiotes thu Miles of the
Indian bureau tton tho subject, and con
tinues: M'Ik. .r.ivnfi.liinilt umVu 111 ltd ItllllllllW.
. "U 1. U. ovum'. ... ...
incut of tlio liulianH, to dvlllzo ami no
il . . t it.. ........ ...111. at.,..
mro iiwm lor uuu rmmiuu uiiu iuu
civilizutlo... Nothing Ih inoio Imioit.iat
to tho Indian, fiom thiH jtolnt of vlmv,
I ii lll t,nl ilr. tn liiitltlU lllltkll Wllllla lit
1 1(41) Ht l,U tw 'jaii iiwiru i''i"
41m tidU'tit in lu.ntiiHi flintr mvr liuiHtiirri
to indulgo in their own burburous lan-
cnugo becauso u pieusoH iiieui.
Tho uso of tho Indian vernacular
should not bo oncouiuged or continued
lsivond tho limit of necessity, und text
books, the "oral Instruction" In tho gen
eral senso, and tho curriculum ceitainly
should bo In F.ngllsh. Tlio lilies of tho
Indian bureau huvo I won inodllleil no as
to meet tho vIowh of good men who reek
to aid tho government In lieiiovolcnt in
tentions, until it was supjiosed that their
ineuiiing wuh (iiillo plain und their pur
tu.ui.a uiiltufuofill'V 'l llll LXIVIirillllllllt will
j'w.-ii (..I.I.II'.' . . - - - n - --
.....iilinin I,. Ini'i.L'i flu, iiMHlMtimm of all
Chiistian ieoplo and organizations in
Mils veiy impoiiaui nun iiiieieHiniK pan
of the lulsjr entrusted to it.
At Los Angeles, Oil., George Weslfnll,
tho old man w io attempted to kill Ids
tlireo-year-old son wilh a picco of scant
ing, was sentenced to Ion veins tit San
(nienlin. Ho wrolo the following an
lial lo the court for mercy : "I am an old
mini und feel that I have but a few moro
iluvs to htav on this uuith; and an my
I'a'tbur in (leuven hits forgieu me, 1
pruv Unit wm will liuve men) on me "
Tho'judgo thought tho only merry thut
oinjht to Ih) shown was to piotect the jko
plu fiom such a brute.