East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 04, 1888, Image 3

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    IDNESDAY, Al'HIL-l, 1888.
on.v m n pou coiki:sh -mmNirrr
FOH HUl'IlEMi: juuni:.
i flrriroiiliin Hrnncli OHIcr.
it'll ollU-0 (if till' KASTOHK'IONUN tuts
kliUsliL'din rornuiui 111 mo xuuiHiiiii
Sim lUxcriiiiil H'Kir. iiiitkT tlio mull-
to hnvo ri-sliti-liM of lviullfton, mid
Knitcril (liocim troiii-niiij, hi mint"
a vltlt when 111 l'ortliiiiil. Ho will
ri'tl'UT IIICIII 1111 n-rvitu iii uin
foukttin, of Xolln, is In town.
als go to tlio Masonic rcstutn-
ol weather provulling Is luiril on
Ilubcock, the Walla Walla urehl-
wo favor tlio State, us far uh is in If h 1 YamlilU
power, shall muko Hitch improvements at . eiulall
orurotlhd theso polnta an will, tiiui! tlio
completion of tlio locks, accommodate lho
commerce of tho country.
Tlin l'.ll-ctor. mill DelCKUtrt-C'nmtrinto OTJIKIl HKSOI.UTIONS.
llnrinony nml Utilioiilitleit Kntliiulimn I Kvory resolution of (ho plutfoilll W11S
A Ternc nml Ciimitlrlo rintCorin. uroeled with hciirf V nmihlUFii. illld it wan
Owing to an tintiHiml press of work on nininiinously adopted, without a dissent
tlio bunds of tlio wholo Fast Okcuonian ' h'g vote.
forco yesterday, an abbreviated nml In- j ho Oluekutnas county delegation pie
complete account of tlio Convention wuh j sontod a resolution favoring no oxemp
given, which is supplemented to-duy. ! tloiiH for indebtedness, except $30U,
C. J. Trenebard, of Clatsop, was elected I which wan laid on tho table by u eonsid
clerk and W. L. Uradshaw, of Yamhill, oruble niajoiity.
nsslstunt. A special reHolutlon urging tho appro-
The coiiiniittee on credent IuIh consisted 1 prlalion of ifoOO.000 for improvements .at
of tillycii, nf Linn, Nesmlth, of l'olk, I tho bar of the mouth of tho Columbia,
Wasco, and ami netting forth a statement of facte i
wnteit show- el tlio uiuont necessity to our
of Hiich an expenditure, wuh
ran ii,.i a.
Craig of Union. Crosscn, of
I Do l.tind, of linker.
Tho committee on order of business was
: Ilerron, of .Marion, Miller, of Klamath
Hutchinson, of Douglass, Welch, of
Clackamas, and MIppcl. of Jackson.
The committee on permanent orcanizn
tion was Black, of I. inn, Cradlcbaugh, of
and Tillamook, C. V. Kirk-
Luko and Klatfiath, S. V. Moss.
Union and Wallowa, L. B. Hlnehart.
Judgo Sixth Judicial Dint rid, W. .M.
Piosecuting ultornovs: 1st District, W.
M. Colvlgj I'd, J. W. Hamilton.; ::d, (?.
W, licit; 4th, no nomination; oth, G. K.
Hayes; (Jth. T. II. Crawford: 7th. J. L.
ltcsolutlons of thankH to tho presiding
olllccrs, and K'cret.iries, the people of i
I'endleton, and tho transportation com-)
panv, were paused.
Then, al 4:'M, tho convention, with I
thiee cheers for tho ticket and victory In
Juno and November, adjourned. I
Taylor, Jones ! Co.,
Wasco, Howditch, of Jackson. Lent.
Kiper is to bo issued at Spraguo .Multnomah, and I'urdcn, of Washington
Winsliln. 1 A sensible letter of regret nt being un
iihio to no present, lrom is. Uoldsinith
was read.
Hon. John P. Irish, of California,
invited to a scat upon tho platform.
At ro-assetnbling at onu o'clock tlio
committee reported, and a remarkable
morn-1 full delegation, with comparatively fow
proxies, was found in attendance.
ltoports of committees wcro road and
j adjournment was had till four o'clock, but
tno committee on piatiorm was not roiyly
to report at that time, nor yet at sovou
o ciocic, wnen .Mr. irisn made a speech,
printed eisewnere.
At ton o'clock this morning tho con
veutlon was called to order, ami the coin
inltteo on platform reported tho follow
Till! fLATt'OlIM,
Tho Democracy of tho State of Oretron.
in convention assembled, declare its
fealty to tho great national organization,
of which it is a part, and asks the re
spectful attention of tlio eoplo of tho
State to its statement of national and lo
cal politics:
Hesolved, That wo heartily endorse
I'residont Cleveland, who by his capabil
It v and fearless honesty, and lidelity to
tho trust reposed in him, has Illustrated
tho principle that this is a government
of, tiy and for tho people, and one
pledged to guarantee equal rights to alt,
and give special privileges to none,
Hesolved, That wo approve the pres
ent faithful and elllclent Democratic
Stato Administration.
ltabb, tho well-known horse
been in town several days.
C. Kolun. of Vansycie, will
a trip to Kuroie in a few days.
J. Parker, of tho Walla Walla
mi, left for homo on this
L'ncral Conforenco of the Motht-
scopal Church will meet In Now
fciy l.
Bvl Ankenv and family, of Walla
have returned from an extended
Sharon, of Pilot Hock, is in
attendance at tho llciuiblicau
Kolin community has levied a
tin mills for tho purioso of build-
iooI building.
axon returned this mornlni from
California. Ills wife is visltim;
Ints in the Yakima country.
1idiro No. I. 1C. of P., has
the first dcgioo for th's evening.
Iteudauco is specially lccpicsted.
fWilllatnu. a fanner of Vansvclo
, died Tuesday iiKirnlng, aged ftl
He lias been sick for some time.
tiu-L's. who is now lcclurini: In the
londo valley, will deliever a lec-
; uii lenipeiiince some 1 1 mo next
it Kiieblcrlmvo a flno display of
ami Motix war cuius, pipes una
in tno snow window oi
lug store
nturdav evening, Mr,
I W. Palno
roiii the Suncrintcndciicv of tho
iValla iienltentlary, after Kcrvlnt:
ly for a year.
itilisidy for tho Hunt road lias
ised to such a proportion in w alia
tint there no longer remains any
f tho projected road being put
1 at once.
k'cl. who had tho misfortune to
(of his lingers last siimmor in a
ver. was in town vctcrday. Ho
liKilas In tho wound, which has
Ills healing.
tul French captured three men
night who bad evidently been
riiir too much, ami were In a help-
i oi intoxication, i wo were lined
L', and ono got livo days In jail.
nro two Chinese stores In town
rvini' h(iu'1.-m nf Jiiiiiiiiimi L'mN
tchies. Onu is located on Alta
id the other onu is on Main street
hnvo their advertisements in
..!..,.. i 'hi..,, ,.. ...,., . ji .....i
-iivrtjin-ii, huh nu iiiun utiiiiunu mill
unoualifiedly ondorso tho policy of tarlir
revision, nun a reduction oi tno surplus
revenue to tho needs of tho. government,
economically administered, as set forth
in tho President's last annual message 'o
Congress. Wo liellovo that such a revi
sion is dictated by sound oliey, and that
unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation
and oppression, and public ruvonuo
should, us far as Kssiblo, Ira derived
from taxes levied upon lho luxuries,
rather than upon tho necessaries of life.
Itosolved, That wo demand tho for
feiture of all unearned laud grants, and
that tho public domain bo held as u
sacred trust for homes for our rapidly in
creasing imputation. And wo couiiuond
and approve the President's inessngo In
regard to Oregon wagon road grunte,
lately sent to Congress.
Ihrig, butchers and dealers in 1 Hesolved, That proicr public iiolicy
liavo dissolved partnership. Mr-1 looking to tho futuro security of the coun-
(ill continue tho business at tho I try, requires that tho government kttopnll
ad, and respectfully solicits a con-1 its pledges to tho soldiers of tho Union in
of tno laixo iiatrouuito which I uh various wars, and that tho tension
has enjoyed in tlio past. j roll of tho llopubllo bo joalouslv guarded
Cltv ltiivollln! C W fillilm " " fit oi nonor, wiinoui visiiing upon
iPondfeton u fow daw ago, where 11,0 lw?P'0 hurdens equal to tlio ma ntaln-
hiccepted u ixwitlon in tho store of 1 ",t0 ol " "'"" nuj , exiiaiisuug oi
r ' . . .... . ... . I tlwi MktinllMiitu .l tint ikinnni K11.
may bo needed for future defense.
Hesolved, That uh n frco iwoplo, en
joying tho blosslngs of Illwrty in a gov
ernment of tho people, wo denounce tho
policy of tho Knglish government in itH
administration of Irish affairs; and that
wo extend on lKihalf of tho Democracy of
Oregon our earnest sympathy witli ti'lml-
touo and Patnell In tholr efforts tosccuro
Homo rule and Laud Heform for the peo
ple of Ireland.
Hesolved. That wo endorse tho sulu-
tory policy of tho National administration
in restricting corporations to tho privi
leges ami profits to which thoy are strictly
entitled under tho law.
wo nro in hearty ac-
nmiiiison. .Mr. (illins, although a
t of our cltv hut n uliort tlnm. liriH
Biany friends, who regret Ids de-
kuctlon of tho 1M0 lots.by tho East-
tron Agricultural Association will
-morrow. Thursday, at 11 o'clock.
iitluuu from day to day until tho
disposed of. These lots aro vul-
mjiorty and can lo purchased on
sy terms,
iy that tho hotn Is wcro all full
' and last night does not half ox
At least lift v pconlo weru eom-
lo sit up for want of nceoinmodn-
MJno case is reported whoro a man
bis name over another man's auto
t)ii a hotol register unl thus secured
la Walla Journal : Last Saturday
' a oor woman walking, lamblike,
tho city marshal. Wo asked n
rho watched tho little process on
t meant, and ho said: "0, It's ioor
.1.4, I.. I.... i ' I .11 ....
- if IllllHl, ilUMI, tilling llj JU1I, UH
tiinl pity a fallon woman, for
fill not.
following well-known eltlzons from
ng towns uro with us to-dav: J.
iitlo Umatilla; W. S. Stalo'v, H.
Ix, .1. II. Koont, Fred Hondloy
lesso Moore, of Kcha: C. Me-
P. A. Worthlnu'ton. Weston: T.I
k, Centervlllo; all delegates to tho
mean convention.
la wullti Union : Mossrs. Mackay.
Irson and Jones, who returned from
lo i-.ureka llat Hindu v. report
survoyors already alwvo Upton, .
' that tliov report u ltjiIo tbnt far.
siints of less than 611 feet to tho
reported by the committee with a favora
ble recommendation, and was adopted.
A special resolution favoring tno nomi
nation of judges and prosecuting attorney
hi Multnomah by the county convention
of that county, Instead of uy tho State
delegation, was adopted.
A resolution indorsing Gov. Pcnnoyer,
and instructing tho delegates to the ia
tionnl convention, was, after soma dls
eiission. laid on the tablo for the present.
Tho chair stated that nominations for
Conurcssinan wcro in order, and ap-
twinted ns tellers Crosson of Wusco, Mil
ler of Llnn,1J'Arcy of Marion nml Munly
of .Multnomah.
McKce In a neat, short sik-ccIi nomin
atcd for Conitrcss John M. Gcarin, of
Sh tin. of Malheur, and Howditch. of
Jackson, seconded tho nomination.
(Jo ns. of union, nominated i. v.
1 1 vdu. of Hnkcr. nml made a brief but
eloquent scccli in his liehalf.
Huston, oi Washington, nominated a
S. Dennett, pavlnu' him a stroni: coinpll
ment on his ability and probable
Another Washington county delegate
seconded Gondii's nomination.
Smith, of Clatsop, by instruction of tho
convention ot that county nonunaied j.
lv. Weatherford, of Linn ; but ho, in ono
of his usual happy uud eloquent speeches.
Iccliucd tlio honor, saying he had not
I ee!i a candidate.
The ballot being taken Gcarin had 105
votes, HenncttU'o, Hydo 1(1, tho rest be
ing scattering.
On motion of llcnnott, seconded by
Weatherford, Gcarin was declared nom
inated by ncclutnution. lielng loudly
called for, Geatln upearod on tho plat
form, and made a short speech, declaring
(hut he would bo elected.
Ilotul ArrlrnU.
Vii.uni) Hofsi:. J. W. Cronin, S. F. ;
M. Marcolso, S. V. ; W. T. Cook, Center
vlllo; D. W. Jarvls, Centervlllo: W. M.
Steen, Weston ; J. I. Jones, Walla Walla ;
A. S. Dennett. Tho Dalles: Frank H.
Urnll, Portland; II. L. Drown, Portland;
Chns. Brush, Portland; K. Lang, Port
land ; Geo. Marshall, Portland; N. Neer,
Portland: J. J. Cliutmel. S. F. : S. W.
Thoy aro pushing tho work of lo- tl, btuto of on.
Hesolved, That
cord and sympathy with tho efforts of tho
laboring uutsfvs uud wugu-carners to
ameliorate) their condition and ostubllsh
their rights; ami uro in favor of the en
actment of such laws us will best protect
their interests.
Hesolved, That wo favor uu niiiend
ment to tho constitution of tho United
States providing for tho election of United
States Senators by a direct vote of tho
Hesolved, That wo favor an amend
ment to the present railroad commission
law of this Stato conferring upon tho
Board of Kullroud Commissioners power
to fix uud regulate rates for tlu) trunsjior
tatlonof freights on tho railroads within
nui-itr.ME JinxiK.
Wenthoiford nominated for Supremo
Judge Hon. John Burnett of Benton, uud
as there weru no other nominations ho
was declared the nominee by an unani
mous riing vote.
un iMilmr called lor iiurneituiauo a iow
timcly remarks.
For delegates to tho National conven
tion tho following wcro placed In nom-
John F. Miller of Klamath. Jv. V. Mo-
Kco of Multnomah, T. J. Black of Linn,
W. C. Brown of Polk. Jumes K. Kelly of
Multnomah, T. M. Hiehardson of Mult
nomah, Henry Mlppel ol Jackson, U.
II. Pul'o of Clatsop, M. S. Hellman of
G-ant, W. 1). Fenton of Yamhill, John
Welch of Clackamas, J. W. Wisdom of
Baker, S. A. lllncs of Columbia, O. S.
Savage of Wusco, J, II. Turner of Uma
tilla, J. A. Cunt horn of Benton.
A motion that the six receiving tno
blithest number of votes bo declared tho
delegates elected, was carried.
Tho names receiving the highest mini-
Iwr of votes, wore as follows: .M. S.
Hellman. 104: J. K. Kelly, ltd: J. F.
Miller, 111; T. J. Black, 80; Homy Klip
IHil, 76; Napoleon Davis, 7-.
Adjourned till . p. m.
I T urn vnn jujtiitliltin it imvtfnii Ikrtt'n Witi I
, njii iciinnviiiuiiii tt iiityiiwii 1'iuttiiau
that the six men receiviuir the next blub-
est votes for delegates should lie decl.pud
tho convent loirs choice for ulto-.nato-. .'o
the six alternates are: Hichurd:u, Fou
ton, Savage. Wisdom, Pago und Bush.
J-or presidential electors tnu r ii-mtug
nauieswero presented : v.u. unyeii, oi
Linn: John C. Drain, of Douulas; h. C.
Dopiutt, of Jackson; 11. U. Sklpworth, of
Uninlilla; C. 11. Page, of Clatsop; A.J.
Lawrence, of Baker.
'lho vote stood: i-.iiingor, uu; unyeii,
V27 SHjiworth, 1)11: (those thieo elected)
Iiwreuco, 61; Dniiu, -'II; Deplatt, K!;
Pago, :w.
Weatherford offered tho following reso
lutions, which were adopted amid im
mense applause ami three cheers for
each :
lUh0LVi:i, That tho flrnt choice of the
Democracy of Oregon, in convention as
sembled, for President, Is that fearless
chumpioii of tho iwoplo'H cause, G rover j
is our
Hubeoek. ullu Walla; Chas. Swecglo,
uiia vi ana; a. mow, Aoiin: ,i. li
Kunzio, Umatilla; Chas. iMareii, Port
lami; b. i. armsiey, umtorvuio.
Goi.1)i:n Hum:. J. Sherwood and wife,
Weston; W. A. Sample, Cold Spring; T.
M. Hicherson, M. Freeman, Portland:
a. iuci.aiiguuu, cuy; m. linker,
Adams; Sam Carpenter, Adams; T.
Shim, T. A. Houvlcr, C. Aydc, J. II.
Klrby, Adams; W. Stokes, Portland; I).
S. Woodward, Milton; B. G. Markuiii,
nana nana: m ams. Vinson: .
Moiehcad, Vinson: J. Nelson. 1). Donah
nrti. VI.,... . 1. ..!,... M 1.... I . 1 ..... I .
J. A. HIggs, l.cho; L. M. Fanning, Geo.
iMcuonaiii, miisoii; i. n. Kearney,
Birch ercok; E. S. Watorman, Clark
Walter, Centervlllo; F. M. Smith. Aus
tin Brothers, Minnesota; II. A. Wild.
Weston: W. A. Do.ler. Yoakum: K. F.
Kearney, Butter crook; J. F. Tenitilo,
country: v. iirown. west on: J. is. i.ur-
don, City; John Parker. Asfo!Iii: K
Hovel, iolln; a. lCndicott, 11. TipiHjtt,
II. C. Kendall, Adams; W. M. Trlvettes,
Bowman Hocbi:. B. F. Mansfield. J.
Clary, W. F. Cook, Centervlllo; W. S.
Goodman, Hudson Bay Farm; 0. L.
Donald Alba; Ii. Cornwell, Denver: J.
McCool Hoppner: Brown. Walla Walla:
J. Mortoii.Nolln ; L. B. Pender, Adams;
David luchard, John voltiiu, .Michigan;
I. W. Crown, Sun Francisco; W. Folsom
Pilot Hock ; W. Hankln, A. Hichard, J.
K. Beam, Weston ; U. G. Savage, A.
Lewis, Kennowlek: S. B. Swccnev. Spof-
ford; F. II . Hewctt, D.J. Woodward,
Milton; 0. L. Minis, Hood ltlver.
A Siimll Coiillai;nitliiii.
A ciimr llchter on the bar of the Palace
saloon on Mum street took lire this morn
ing and exploded, scattering the oil in
every direction ami scttlm: 11 ro to one
side of the partition wall. The alarm was
sounded and tho Hook and Ladder com
pany arrived In front of tho saloon tnsldo
of two minutes after tho bell rang. Kvo-
rvhody remarked on the elilciency of tlio
Pendleton Firo Department, which will
explain why Pendleton has no disastrous
fires. When tho company arrived tho
small conflagration hud Iteon subdued by
Jumes Menu's applying wet towels und by
mo application oia lew nuckots m water.
It would have been un ugly flume if it
hud secured any headway, as the wind
has been blowing at a high velocity all
r. M. ItBiniry f.ir Jmlio T. II. Crwfrd
for DUtrlcl Attnrnrjr and Jamri II. Hairy
fur Joint Scimlor.
Ycstcnlay afternoon tho delegates to
tho Stato convention icxldim: in the
Sixth Judicial District, mini i-ilm' 111,
mot in convention ind mudo dt-trlct
For Circuit Judge G. W. Walker, W.
M. Uumsov, timlThornton Williams nc..
nominated. On the thlid bll-d
Hamsoy recolved twenty votes, arid -it
declared the nominee.
For District Attorney T. II. Craw f id,
of Union, und Munvill, of Pnki-r were
nuiiu'd uud Crawford was nomlu.itod on
the first ballot.
Tho delegates from Umatilla and
Union counties remained to nominate a
Joint Senator, Jumes II, Kaloy, of Uma
tilla, and B. F. Collins, of Union, lielng
tno candidates, .Mr. nuioy received the
nomination on tho second ballot.
These nominations will bo ratltled by
mo convention ncioro ns adjouriimom.
l-liinn rir Oniirl 1 1 mi no nml 11. tl.
Mr. Georgo Marshall, the Portland nr
chitect, who has done so much excellent
work for Pendleton proiwrty owners, ar
riwd on tho train this morning, lie
brought with him compotitlvo drawings
oi ino proposed now court house huildlug,
which every ono ucRnowledgos to lo just
ino punning wanted, and it will como
well within the amount to Isj exiiendcd
The Leaders in
Have added a large nn i complete lino of
l 'r.y,
111 ll flittl' linllK lirtlK.li lillllffittf ikhiiiIu
,vi:i). That tho first choice of the .i c . y u... " Yn1? " .TV "V
nf flroi'nn for Vli-ii.Pnuliliiii 1 ' ,,uu,' "li llliutm nm JHUM.-III llli-ir
oi uregon lor ite-l resident , .. , , ,.untv cr.nrl li,.n.nrr,.w. !,
Ohteoined leiiow-citucn, ylvcsler :..iii ,i,.,.m ,.i.i..i.....i.it ,'i ' ....
..,, ..iviiiu t.iii.ii itiviiiivi-i um iu mi-
right lout'.
la Walla Journal: It Is rumored
ohn Stelnbach und John Kd-'ar.
L'lit out on a winter's bunt, worn
in tho John Day country ono day
ek. frozen to death. Poor fellows ! country
IH3 tho reiHort U falco. but wo fear '. "I'M0"
dy too true. They proinifced whon
out to Imj back by March,
tition is being signed at tho post--"king
tho Department at Wushlng-
ostablish a mail route between
ton and Long Creek via Alba und
This petition should be ununl
' signed, us it will bo tho best
of securini! a road lxitwn lVmlln.
Id Long Creek. Go to the jioBtotllce
fen the petition.
Hesolved, That wo are In favor of
otHining and improvement of the Colum
bia river, and various ports of entry on
tho soabourd, so that the coiumorcoof tho
may lie conveyed without inter
to the market of tho world ; and
for that purioso wo demand oi tho gen
eral government literal appropriations
and the swedy passage of tho Hlver und
Harbor bill now landing in Congress.
Hesolved, That wo demand of tho
general government tho sjeedy comple
tion of the locks at the Cascades, and tho
immediate construction of locks at The
Dalles, on the Columbia Hiver. und suf
ficient appropriations therefor, und that j
Tho following Stato central committee
was thou named:
Klamath, John F. Miller; Columbia,
Napoleon Davis; Marlon, Israel Bush;
linn, T. J. Bluck; Polk, W. C. Brown;
Multnoinuh, J. H. Kelly, 13. 1). McKeo,
T. M. Hichurdson; Jackson, Henry Klli
pel; Clatsop, C. H. Pugo; Yumhill. W,
1). Fenton; Clackamas, John Welch;
Bakor, J. W. Wisdom ; Washington, S.
A. Mills; Wusco, C. S. Pavugo j Benton,
I... ...... A f '..i.tl.nr,. . I1. ..,.1111.. T.,..,no
II. Tumor,
I'nr Mintrmim nf flm liilii i-nnt nil i-nm.
mittce li. Kciicn, of Portland, und A.
Bush, of .S'alom, were nominated. After
several earnest speeches in behalf of
each, the ballot wuh:
Kellen, 08; Bush, 78.
So Bush was elected.
Tho following district nominations wcro
Joint Fcnntor for Luke, Klamath und
Crook, 0. C. Coggswoll.
Joint Senator for Gilliam and Wasco.
W. II. Biggs.
Joint Senator for Coos, Curry und Jose
phine, S. A. Hazard.
Joint lteprehcnlatives:
jguged. Mr. .Marshall also brought with
I mm ino plans tor .Mr. John (iugon's now
pnck hotel, now lu course of erection on
Court street. Tho plans are excellent,
ami .nr. wagon is wonpicnscd wiin mom.
Tho building of this hotel will add greatly
to tho list of handsome buildings in Pen
Hlmrtliiirn Cuttln I'rnm lau,
Mr, James Johnson arrived from Iowa
on Monday, with two car loads of Short
horn cattle for his brothor, Mr. Al. John
son, of Centervlllo. Mr. Johnson will
remain several weeks and take it look at
tho country, with a viow of taking up a
iiermanent residenco. In Iowa ho has lo
feed his cuttlo nine months In tho year.
Tlio two brothers aro in town to-day.
Uiiclulmnil I.MIrr..
List of unclaimed letters remaining In
the jKistofilco ut Pilot Hock, Or., Murch
.'ll, 1888. Plcaso say "Advertised :"
Heisegel Geo Bstecrmaii W
Fulkner, Jus A Loonoy Georgo
Honner T A
G. P. Skelto.v, P. M.
J. II. Crndlobnugh, editor of tho Wusco
County Sun, is ono of tho active delegates
in attendance on the Democratic Stato
vT 7v
Iron, Steel; Coal, Lime and
Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon.