East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 04, 1888, Image 2

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    HUllllliW..l tilmjmlkmi-
wkdnuhday, Ai'itii. t. im
iiaii.v ank w:miwi:i:ki.y,
iiy Tin)
Orrgnnlnii I'uMMilnr Ciimpiny,
adopted nH reads Moved by -Sccvi.tlwUi
TsT 1imtMT(1(?.no- 1riking nutltli reolnMir.
Kundo.uiwwfeil by u iiflig siicec-ii
Hint lut I.lflinVl'lI
publican . Omy Convent on ", - ,,,,
ntthelic-4 oleeUon. Sten ropJiCti una
the dlvMon question Iniil lieon raised
outHldn of tho .Milton ttelor.itloii.
Tlio uuostlon of the umoinltuuiit was
fiiiiilh- nut tu it vote which resulted in Its
not being struck out ; yeas, -, nays,
' vnn cuWtu order In lo'Cotut IIotiMj
this morning nt JJIumi minutes w o
,0'e.lik, bv T. I.. Mtf rhome. H. I
' Mmston win appointed temjiortiry chair
, imhii iiml I.00 .Moorliouw rcciutnry. M.
' J. Orcein1, of I'orslleton, was apjiolntod
1 ,ilHt.iiit M'iitiii-v. A committee of live
COIIHlsllllg of
Jo .11. 111
Oum ropy ht yi-iir, Iiy Midi......
One riipy nix iniintlis lV mull
Una ropy pirurck Iiy mrrltT.
Xlniflo number
, ... i i
credoiilials waHiii'Iwiittiiiiv no ti air, ,''" , . ., , ,ii...r,iti.
I II KIIM7 0. Of 111111(1 It. UXl, IIIJIllllimioHn
' i 't ... ... i. t to Statu convention were nmde, uh fol-
I"m' ! i ' "5.7., , ,,,. , r It, ., lowHt C Mc.Uorris, It. Alexander, J. S.
; and It. Sim von, of .Milton. ''.'r' . ,,,. u-iiil,,,, Sienn.'n. V.
(in iiiitMi nlniiint ol is cntilhlllloe llie ,'".''".' , m ... t
I I I'l l.. I I'M .uiKirno hc. i.. .'i. ttitirui. .
One ropy per ynir. i'l jVf
Onnrnpy.lx nmiitliN I
HIiikIh iiillilhTS
I'rvniluui paper free tn yearly mi Hutu.
AllVKKnsl.nl IIATKS!
(l)i'liliif, J'li rrtltrmniti.)
One Inrli, ur Um, In Hunl-Weckly pT
Onn luch,iir I(m, In Dully j-r innnlli I
Twiliirlnori-. Ill iKitli.piTliiniltll... 3 )
Ovcrlur'oliirlii'sHcnil-Wci'kly.p'Tliifli ,
per iiiuiilli 1
Orer three Inolim, Idilly. pit Inch pr
niniitli I 1
Ornr thr'o ImcIich, In Ixilli, pr lui'h por
month 1 W
Hillil nfinpiiri-ll ml? iril'iii,nU In Hi-nil-Wrrkly
or inlly, tlmt Insertion, pur I licit
II.Ol; rurli uliwUPiit I Mrrlliit ttx",
lionl linllriH, Ivii emit? ifr linn mcli In-firlloii.
, , inouthiK udjiiiirmid fifteen inlniitert to m
i i who uutu entlilcd to testtH in tliu idiiM-n-
5Vii,,ti. 'Mm nttina Im llie ruiort I w:
fin;ittiJa J. II. Kunziu.
tfnloii A. Sumplu.
VIllHOU It. AdlllllH.
Voiikuiu .1. S. VIiiHon inul f'oorge
VniiMVclo .1. A. lirofH.
Willow Sptli. l'-.H. ObIo.I f P.
Wt'Htoii P. WotthliiKlon, Hwrlert Me
.Murrlrt. Win. Hetm, 11. .hiliiecon.
reiuilnton II. J. lieaii, T. I.. .Moor
hoiiKo, l'ritnk Diijmtt, II. riMlner. U.
Horn, t. .1. Cttrlcuii, .1. (illfon, .lohn
Watnon, It. .yaront,.M. II. I'lJcmii, .1. M.
ICIyin, It. L. Oliver, .M, J. tiri-i'iiu. i
.MiaiilK I...M. MllirHM, .i. .'i. rviBiiriiii,
J. II. Kirkland mid M. Hnkfr.
Allit-A. .Mlllur. J. .M. Ilmniililll, J. V .
rin: tk;ici:t.
Jordan,. lohn IjwIm, J. Anlljony.
Conlfrville-A. II. HolJy, 'f. .1. Kirk,
Tliu DuiiiK'.'ralle Convention, wliow la
ImrH hid nh'jiit cont'liiduil in 1'uiiillcton,
has licmi kiTiiionliiiH itud Inlcnmdy en
tlnil.intl( Victory huuiip to Heak fniiu
every oyo, to III! out uvery tonu, to ho in
nil tlio uir.
Thu plalforiii Im the niont coiiciho mid
C0llllllll0 of till! f.U'tH, UlvM,
uiiil jiriiicijilaH, ilH)ii ulileli lliu rainjulKM
U In I id foimht, ever iii'hciiI(mI to Iho J'o
iiiociacy of Iho Statu. II N hriof, yet
comiireheiihlvi): It umm iliiectly to Iho I
I Kiln t in every iniortmit matter, without
nuiiiiHnui', without eiiiivoi'alli)ii, witli
out either u.tiwrallon or eoiieivilinuut.
It Ih a r;jtuiaitu text.
Notli'ii: Tlio IWidunt U thoruu(,'hly
iiidorheil; IiIh liirllT reform poliryj IiIh
iiiCBf.iKct. 'I'lieru U no lunger any iloljilni;.
Now mi are on hdIIiI Hnlitini; Kruund, and
have an Jhhiio wortli our lient ellortn ami
John .M. (ieariu U it youni; nun, a
brilliant orator, it thorough organixT, alilo
inul milJriiiK. 'I'hrieo In tliu laxt Ilfieeu
yearn he haH nirriod .Mullnomah iiiunty,
the lteiuhlli'au troii)hold. Ho Jh not
one of the Hurt to full. Mo in of Hj.'litliiK
material. Ho will aroiino eutliujiiitHiii,
iiiMiirti cuulideuce, itHnuro victory.
John Iturnett In widely known an one
of thu uhlont, piirent luwjerH in Iho Slate.
Ho hart K-rved with Kreat ahlllly ami wit
iHfiti'lioii ti (he xiiilo on the elreiiiti'ourt
1kuii.Ii In IiIh illnirlct. No man lielter do
xervt'il the proinolloii; no man will hot
ter till the Niltlon.
In our dixtrlct the dule'.iteit mw 111 to
nomliMto William .M. ltaiiihey. Though
not Iiiiik a rexidont of HiIh illNtriet, lu h.tn
iraetliil hero for it eoiiHiderahlu time,
and li4N atteiiiled to many euhOH from .(IiIh
district In (ho Supremo Court. IIoIh
known IhroUKhout the Slate um onn of iln
very uhlext .lawyern, mid will lx a eredit
to the Utiifh In HiIm ilislrlct.
.Mr. T. II. Crawford lian lon Ihy n it
rcfident ul it hureooHful altoruey of
I'lilnu. It wait wim to lake Mich a man,
an t'K'rieuivil lawyer, In the prime of
life, fur HiIk liiiHirlaut place, liiHlead of
Hiiiie younj; man Jut IhIuiiIiik hli.ni
riHir, an Ik ik ofien done. Mr. Cniwturil
Ih ittifunKM um the eipial of any man in
IiIh inife(lou.lii I'uiou eo.iuty, and it i
doiihtful if any mmi will ruiuipiiiiKi him.
I'ur .lulnt Senator the uominuo in
.limits II. Ituley, of IVmllelon. He ix
w tdl and whluly kuuwii tlnviiliuiil tliU MajmilleH
I!. Willi. rniMli.
CaiiiiiH Win. KoIhoiii, C. M. Dovatil.
Cottonwooil W. M. Sweeny and .1. K.
iCnc.tiiiiimcnt f!eo. Smith.
Kcho-ll. M.Cox, W..S. Stanley, .!.
Killer II. I. Marnton. I
Helix-It. SlmpHon, U K. l'enlanil.
.luniK'r .1. 10. 1'iouty. 1
.Moiuitiiln (i. C. Deanloll". ,
Millim-O. II. Italloii, .1. K. .McCoy, T. !
Hull anil ,M. Sweeney.
On account of it tow mhtakci. tiio ro-1
iHirt wiih lefened hack to eominiltee, ai I
In llie Mrttt report Mr. I'o.ier wax naineil j
liiHtead of .Mr. 1'i ebler in Yoakum pre
einct, inul In Willow .ypilui. Mr. Ogle I
Incleail of l. h. Kearney.
Uluht hero a cry of liio wax heard, mid H ntun.Tvil lo.
K. liean, w. W. tiawneiH, .iuh. .
Tlim. Kirk. I., i:. l'enlanil, Joy
thonv, W. S. Stale;.-, .1. 1 1. Kunr.le.
Tli'o voto was tiikeii for dclegatos to the
State convention which resulted uh fol
lows: 15 Alexander, l.'U; C. Me.lorri,
18 j I.co MoorhwiHo, W); S. H. Sweeney,
III; F. .. Watnii, 47; . I. U. Ilean, :il ; w.
W. Cavliie.HM,:i:ii .lameH A. Feo, :t:i: T. i.
Kirk, l.'t; I K. l'enland. :i8j J. Anthrny,
:!0! W.S.Staluv, 14; J. II. Kunle.lil; .1.
s. Viii.!. it):. I. A.Hootli. 10: W. Stfcn.
I4j It. F. ()le. '.'It; J. II. Kddy, J. M.
KMn, 174 II. K. Hickew. 15. Lee Moor
Iioiiko, 1 M. WatriiH, J. 15. Itean, W W.
CiivineHK, .1. A. Feo, T. .1. Kirk, L. 15.
l'enland, J. Anthony, 11. F. Ogle,. ami .1.
It. liddv, wcru declared elected iilei;ateH
to the State convention.
Mr.lt. Sliupon, a delegate frem Helix
precinct wiih taken soriouMy Hi juhI .1. 15.
l'routy, another delegate went to hin tin
if lance nnd accompanied him t';iliin room.
It wan thereupon moved tlut Mr. l'en
land volo for SlmpHon and Mr. Hroxnon
for l'routy during their nhsenco. Mo
tion carried.
Nomination for
tlm vote were:
II. J. Ilean.JlO: T.J. Kir;. .'!!: M. A.
linker, :c.'; 15. (illllam. 18; It. II. Simp
C" i. 17; C. J. Carlnon, 1(1; W. A. Sam
ple h; Scattering, :t. So Mean, Kirk
and linker were nornttintctl.
For County Judge, on motion of.I. H.
Kiiii7.li!, William Martin wit nominated
by acclamation.
J. Young, was nominated for
County Clerk Iiy acclamation.
For Hherltr. W. S. Staler nominated Z.
IlouKer; J. M. WatKon nominated 15. J.
Pirat, Ihil-'uuttvl imm iJWilliam.
. ... . . ...... ...... J.
w mil, Jiiat uecpncen xr. oorn near
Ww.dstock. C'anailn. i
Third Tlnit dcceiipcd about fifty
live yearn of ago. '
'mailt, That dectved eamo to IiIh
death frciii Iho clieetH of an incifed i
wound in the left pide; alwut three InchcB
long and Mx inclies d 'ep, nnd extending
htiek lo the Hpino, eniiHcd by a butcher
knife in Iho hands of one Fredeilek
Noble, on April lnt, 18SH, ai.d in Alta
piecinct, Cmatillit county, Oregon.
Signed: J. 15. Mii.txit, l'orcinan.
Jir.i'ii A.sriiiisv,
WlM. C. SrlMhiiN,
C. V. Kay,
J. S. Ciii-.ituv,
It. Ol.UOlT,
W. C. McKay, Coroner.
lloiixor tecelvcd It- votes and Sum-
For tieaHiirer 0. V, Hamilton received
45 vote mid David Duir 8.
Havid Itrown and .1 no. I.uhrcM, tlio
preni'iit incuml ent, wore uouiiuated for
minimi- onern.
I.. 11. Itveder fori hiN)lnuK;rintenilent,
.i. ii. vtiiHou inr Ktirvoyor, mm w. t.'.
McKay for teirvevor, weiv nominated bv
I). A. .MitrciiK wan nominated for as
U'AI.I.A YVAM..I i.mii:ni)mhii:s.
the ciiiiveuliou adlnurned hlno die. lie
fore they all left the court-room, however,
tlio llie was announced to lie out ami or
der wiih fimn rcflonxl.
A committco of live wiih iipniliitcd on
order of liitHinefH, an follow h: I'. A.
Worlhlugton, of Wi'kIohj C. J. Caribou,
of IVmllelon : T.J. Kirk, of Centerville,
ami II. Fllckinger, of I'uudletou.
On motion of J, II. Kuu.le II. I..
Mnrhlon wan apiHilnted iK'rmanent chair
man, and T. I.. MuorhuUMj, 'riiianeiit
..In rl
It. Sargent moved that eommllteo of I
live lie up'Hilntcd I iv chair ou platform
mid ivHiiliitimis. Motion carried. The
fnlloning Ih the eomniitteo named: It.
Sargent, I'eiiillolon: M.Stoon, Wiihlon:
(ieo. l'eehler, Yoakum; W. K. Slaley,
Kcho; J. M. IxiwIh, Alia.
Ou motion of J. II. Kiinzle tlio conven
tion adjourned until - o'clm-k.
Tlio iiinvetilion reaKsenibled at two
o'cliK'k, itn auiiouuu'il on .(iiljourninent,
and the commltleo on order of hutducHH
HUbuiitted Iho following report:
To tho lionorabh) county convention
hero itKHCiubl
order of Ininiiu-fS
' .i ,i m o V. i. " 1 ...... i. '" l,iHto1 '' '-. l'e
". t "v. .iii.-.o ...... .im i ..ii uiu Aiiriim la irnnn. mill vnitr l.i... u
Mi: I, .ml In i"iirVir tlmt Klliu k Sri 1'lru
to tlio I.iiiIxIiik lliiu Mr. I'yli' nfltip
Aiiruru lliitrl uml llrrTiro Armteil
The oxmulnalinu of Mrn. IiudiH and
W. S. Kllnek took piano on Mondav at
Walla Walla More Jin-tico Tavlor. .Vlrx.
litidiH, wIkih) other niimo In Mivjuev,
confessied in court that ou tlio nromlng of
the burning of tho Aurora Hotel, and
while all tho tiro ongluort wero eneaaed
"","'" ' "' winio all tlio lire ongluort wero engaged
ed: o,our.ion.u.llteoon ,,. Kllnek came to her lodging I.ouko
kIiiiw, lnd I iiwyiwary to wltIl ,llllf a , of i;(U, ,, , , ,
i .lelegateH to the Slate eon- ,,,, ,, ,)iHtol , tlll) otllcrt u Hlli(,
eh ineetH in I'mtland on Iho i. i i .. ...i. .
ll.h of April, Ihreo ro, en.a.lveH, I tff - -,v a l' Ul k if
whool Hiiperinlenilenl, Hiirveyor, coroner
ami eiect a county central lonunitteo aim
chairiiian of name.
On it lot i it i of J. II. KuiiKe thin nKirt
wiih itiueuileil to make election of tliu ten
iltilcg.itcri Im lut. Aiiienihtituit wan not
carried. The report of theiiiiiiltleo on
platform wan lead, and Ih um follow;
To I hn Itepuhllcnn Convention of I'luit
tilla County: Woyourconuiiitleoon plat-
I'll Jit " I : '.'1 I VV, l.e Wlclan.the whole hunineHH;
Aliii'innnl Hwr.illns.
Normal perspiration aeconipliflien two
olijeetH; it regulates bodily teniK;rature
by evaporation, and it nliU in carrying
oil' the wiMe of tho system. Tho elllu-
vluin from the pores is mote deadly than
thu carbon from the lungs, uml is the
chief ditmrcr of unvcntllated lied rooms
uml crowded assemblies.
In certain di-wi-os it rendci-s imiiortant
aid in eliminating the noxious products
do .-eloped ov tho disease. Ilcnco tho
sour sweat vi iteiitu rhotitnatJsiu. When
tlio kidneys fail to do their full duty, the
skin comes to their assistance, and in
such cues a simple eoid may prove fa
tul I iv closlm: tin thu tiores.
There is often oscesstvo perspiration.
lliH mav lio general or partial, it is gen
orally the symptom of some disease or
disorder. It mav give rise to minute
vesicles, and lead In ec.eina. This con
dlti'in calls for tunics, tho We.triiur of
KupresRiitativei and woolen Instead oi cotton next to tne stin,
illli. rirviiiu.i.H iii ..!:. nut no ..
lie Is'irne.
In dlanetps ami llrightV disease thuro
Is a i etic enev of sweat. Some nersona
have a natural dellcieucy, with a similar
dellciency of tun oily secretion. Him
renderr their skin dry mid rough.
In some iersoiis the perspiration, es
tn'cially of the iirui-pitH and feet, has a
liadislor. Tho cause of this is not cor
lainly known. Wadilng removes the
smell only for a time. 'Iho clothes be
come saturated wiih tlio odrr, and annoy
others as well us thu victim.
Freiutetit, thorough washing in iiulto
hot water and uh freiiucnt cliauuoof cloth
lug ate absolutely essential: hut It Is
desirahlo that a physician should exam
iue into the stale of the ueneral health.
mid ho, if necessary, may proscribe for
this, and will indicate somo suitable nil-
plication lo lite skin.
Thu sweating of iho feet is a great an
noyaiico to many persons who seem to lo
in perfect liealtn. wentlcmen lutvo been
Induced by it to absent themselves from
society, and faithful servants have for
the sumo cause been dismissed from do-
fumble situations.
A writer in tho Indon Luiicct nlllrms
that borax is a sjn'cilleor it, that ho has
used it for ten vears. mid cured niimher
of cases by It. Ho dissolves about half
an ounce of borax in lulf a nlnt of water.
and implies it with it shuiil'u to thu feet
after they havo Ikjuii washed in warm
water every night before going to bed.
Another w riter in tlio some iourmtl savs
ho hud Wen a martyr toll for soverai
years, having tried, without avail, ovcry
romciiy no could liear l, lie was at
length fully cured by a mixture of sali
cylic add, two parts, undJuirnt alum,
three parts, well dusted on tho feet and
Iwtwcen the toes, after washing In warm
At llrst ho did it nightlv; soon only
once a week, mid then not at all. Ho
Sang Yuen & lop l".hyx
tlnveoponcil it toro on
Alta Street, Pendleton,
for l lie 8nl ot
A!oiinll Mac of
" i
(Import, il From Knglami)
Witt niiikii tin
weather prnnlttliii!) us
own mhiiio .liiiiiiin.v inormni!! lh7
A.lnltiu T.....l . .. -v1""
Hchkoii nf ihm, OiMin.
roiuiwn U-ui.1
lo do, mid ho then went mid obtained it,
saturating tho lloor and setting lire to the
pamir and shavings so that the whole
building wuh in a blaxe hi a moment.
She then went to her room, broke a win
dow with a chair mid jumped out, there-
ny injuring nerseii so li.iillv that it doctor
was called in. She oonfoshod to Dr.
.I......I.1.1...1 tit. i ul. l.-t
him her can of coal oil, which sho refused h,UM ,ff-,(lently tried it ou others.uiul
(ii linn ritviu.-a.
Lacquered Ware
Call and Sue Otiv Slock
Sang Yuen & Hop Kee Co.,
apt ilw
First National Bank
Mum I'. NturulN. CnHtiler.
Trunwiot a KCiicrul li.itiklnic iinimf.
On nil pnrlHuf Hip "-nrlil
Colli-rtliiiiM .11 ml I) lit lit) I'olutn oil
iri'llKlltlllllll IITMIH.
THB iraH IWHL IE Richardson's Lunch
Mnlu Htroct, lVnillolon, OrcKon,
Transacts Conoral Banking
t'rcnliti'tit, Jajic.s STKS.L,
Vice rroMilcnt, I.kiiman lll.liil,
Cnthli r, OiciiV. Hamii.ton.
Collectiom Mutlti on Favorable
II pl 12
Tlio unili'mluncil, nn iicrnt for Ilutcholer A
v He, will koll nt miction i-nlr, nn
Saturday, the 14th of April, 1888,
At twoo'cliiok In tlio uftcroon f unlil ly, lu
fnml of tho court lioime, In rcnilliton,Ore-
Kon, tlireo No. 4 Halo Hprlnu-tooth Hceilcr,
coniplclo,wltti iloublc-trccHiinil ncckyoke.
C. P.
npn ;ta
Corr-cl h II.
Krom Hip .Ww Vorlt blur.
If Ingalls. of Kiinsas.had expended half
tho energy In tho prosecution of the real
war he did not light in that ho now do
votes to the attempt to stir up a mock
I'outlict in tho unit- klml nf id. I, tin,. I...
i' . uutu I'liPiiii'i-n, i . , , ., , . , .w
s c ue. u ivn iii S im ir "'''' ""i", no iiiigut uai riMjiuoeoiu-
.. . .. . . ..i .i it At ..... ... .
i.ri f .i.... 1 . 1 1 i .. .7. t J. v .i T ' '"'wins, was i ieeaM worked up. Dther . ' "r,,lu,s ul '"u uniieu Mates
ri u I '' '' ''I'l 'l' i foriiierNatlotial wt..esK.s testltled t,, verv J, L,, .. i ,1,! and hetllo inatlers to his own faucv. Or
iiioveuients going on the nfu-ht previous I t'V r"10 1 1 ol tt 1 ic might have Ken
to the tire on Iho nait of Kllm-k. uhn ! Killed. by one of tliose stray sh-its that
to im iHUKiiiK iiie-ciosors oeiiiini
i wo mini; now
Would Dion li u-.
Walla that tho arrest nf Um.,. i.,rii,m lieeii for a horriblo example (,f ..H that
I I. Ilf. . I ... """" , . , . I. - I ...II.. . " . .
i.in nvvk iiiitHi it uiguituaro iroiu tho ' f , ri.iiiiiivu iii Honolulu- i aunt
whole communitv and this fooling was I " wo n-'"""" lo U recmu dod to
tulonsllled on .Monduv bv the further at-! 1 10 " ereos iu mo inserutalile l'roudenco
and Slate conventions Udlevlngtlieiu to
is) ine into pitncipiis ol u Itepiililican
lorin ui giiverument and calculates to
perpeuate the fiee
wo me justly pioud
, , r t of Kllnek. who ' Mm",".v u"u stray
institutions of uhiih 1M1Ill01l,,ur llMVt Imvndlarv lires havo ' hlnryai; ?"lb' w,,e, u
1 ' U-en so numerous of Into" u Widla i , :"".v "j1' eountry would
Unsolved, That we arnti?tt tin IVni
tHT.ttie iMrty of llie eoiintrv as n n.trlv of
into power ly
Japanese Curios.
In William Kle'n Iauuilry,
Pcwllrton, - Orefon,
Importer unit Donlcr In
Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods,
Curloolilrii, Ur nzonml Ivory
uri'il Wnr, Kin CriK-kery, l:
To; i
. i ni
r en
rlllc lliiliilk, li'lil'fcKintirnlil. ril
uml all KlniN n' Hllli l)r- raltir
Wo'Iih. Tens, etc. Invoice recelvcil by
every stpiiiiit-r.
All OiilerH 1-roiuptly Atteinleil to
.1 u. I.. ...... A.l.....u .r r
.iiiiiiin. il'iii.t .iii.iiin .iii'Hii.ai. .. .
tlielicn In Wetiilli leave Wilton WmSI
iiiornl' k; tlr nee tiX enicrvilio; tnvsiwi
villi TlinrMlny mornlni;; lliomp to tf. J
Williams' UlicrliliiK l'lnlj Inivo II. uiO
l'rlilay morulliit; tliciuiiln.liiliii lVrki"'3
.1, t'cett's, tinmen lioine, where lie wllirUI
until Mini. Im tilnriilliip. ''OH
imi'K riirviuii, muinm iu uiinim hth
welirlis IS) pounils. Koalnl In imi. fiTLf
Mr, llnteuii'ti IleminlUKforil Hull. m,,,m
of the Miiniir, t.'WKi): iliun by Jtmo. 'JSJ
.Major by Thumper, taiiu '
HAM CltOVI)i:it, Cto
mil rirent llrltnln Html Hook-.'.JdCuj
...... ......
Will mnku the srnnnti of lsss(helibj
U'l'iitlier licrmltllnu) ns fnlloim: 1
Monday nl hlsni n Nlnble,onTliui,TliJ
mni fnrin, In Ilnrnhnrt (lulcii, 1
Tiiemtays mul WedliextlnyH nt fnrm oljl
l'lllMV. I
Tnumihiys, Sntuntays mul Kutidnn ui
lvl'PIII'V'S Nlllllll'M. lVllllll'tlXI. 1
Fridays, ill Henry movers, on HlrchtrJ
.let liluelc. stripe nn fiioe, 10k Imndilj
weiciu nui piiiiiiui. riiiiKMi Aprils
1 1 r.. I liv .lulling Mtllll ll. Plltntii.nr.th.. i
rndeimhlro. Scotland. Hire. UurliniVJ
(mill! iliun. Mnrv of I'ltli'inriinliii.p nisi
kclr (421); zriiudihim .Ickm (:is,n u J
tliiddo (ING)j Ur. g. iIiiiii Jlory (V.Mnrc (hij
TltUMMi-Twenly dollar for tho ,J
Mares not provlmr In foal can bo
next s'iimiii free of ehnrve. j
I'll AN Iv II1IOW.V. I
mh.H)lt IVndlcton, OrrrJ
Main "trci t, IVudli tun.
G. D.RICHARDSON, Proprietor.
Heniliiuarters fur I'ori'luii mm Iv,.
Frnlin, Ciiiulli'i.Canneil Uoodn.nnJJiJ
At tho Lunch Counter.!
Vnu run obtain cold boiled himi.raM itJ
beef, pickled plus' fet-l, Nuitllnin, njal
v.rni .r.,ilil V. ni riiK ' I Miurtl 111 wry,'
hot ifii mul eolleo, Jirki-i elK, vpMnn,tJ
KiiniHi'ii iiirrinu, iimiu mi i iiuiitT, nc.
Houso Opon Day and Um
j.iuiciim iniiu tKt iipwiiru.
I'liu nnrlimriililii nf .1. II. lli.l.Mn. .
nennre 0. Urrfiie, under tho flrnr nn
Kutiblns A Urofllr. Iiuvlni Ix-rn itlnnltsl
muliiHl roiiKonl. nil porxiiin lntvlnr tli
niriilmit sld linn will nlniuiiinrinrntih.il
oiiom In cither iiminiiirM nf Iho firm. All J
soihowIiiksuIiI llrm ilium .cttle nt omtl
until or eimh KllUnr puriur hno nuibcrj
''in" ii'tcipi in uriuoiiieni.
mchOswSw a. C. (JltKK.Nt
Hardware and. Tim
slinroof the pttlillo pnlrumiKM It lolkli
whleli cutne
oounly at liut. Ileio ho has llvwl slncti I ,"""rT?""!" '"u 11,1,1 l"'ouihos it never 'st ol Mm. i'yly, tho landlady of the ' ",'l'reil lugalls to practice hen-roost
wly chll,lho... u,u,, ,,.,, vn, , "'""fe, '" " ... A l"' i,h.VVlt 11 wn"H..J."h' '.'"''i 1 'ttW U' 1 "iU',l "aie
... ,. it i i" iiiiM ti i imi w nuw , """in uviii'i wuu )n io oxaiiuniMi
l ' 1 uvrt(iin HiuMiutftH matt. He i!utfirmM uto hut imtv nmih.U. Ii u li-Iav. 'Iho An run liiiu lu...n 1. 1. ....... I
unatilo lo formulate or eairy out anv twieo lHfore and Kveral iucendalrv at
gro.it tlnanei.il pulley and has ihowii tompls at various times. Suspicion has
ilel( utterly incompetent to graple with j always Ken altached to one of the men
Uiu gioat issues of tlm day. but nothing could bo proven against him
was tliu choice tj every delegate finui this
county, as he well domrvod to Ki. V
legard Mr. Itslcy as nn, u( tu, t)ry
btlghloct nud atilMt iiuut for tho jxliloii
lu the fctato, and Imi Im just the sort of a
mail Wiiuillll.i and 1'uluu county neml to
hs)k after their tiiUuoMs in tho LoglN
httiiro. Now fur vielury I
A itiiutt rrmii iiiiu-r
From the Dally Dmincnit.
Tho following chosen "good men and
1 n ,llt,ir Partnro last S-ii dav
for leuilletoii.wherotliov will reuicsen'i
Of Kllrekll Flat Was Milllnrrll.lv
at the Aurotu lire Hi at tin lnvir
.1 ... IM. .. 1 . '
WV ate groiilly iia!riU'l fnrsooxivlleiit
a itijmrl of fol. hUli's hWh hint ntht
to Mr. M. L Pipes, tslitnr of the (teuton
lender, and a dehi.'al.i (mm It.ini.m
wmiily, who Kislde Ivliijc one of tlio lmst ' Vlm,K'r'
editors in Iho State, and a uvnilei ii'in mill
a seholar. Is an aco.imnll.l,.Ml hlinri.lnni.l . ',',,.l'J .Ul" V1"1'1
;esirter. Mr. l'iHM has mir over-ivntln-iilng
rejards. ij. .
Vii'inuv U iii lli. i nlr nn. i ikhT?;.....
mts of Kith State and na.loi, will 1 .. Jlwt.ljWiM tho luuity M,p,K,rt of
and NuvomUvr, this yutr. Tho Itontilili. , nomll,w. .National, Smto and countv
i 1 .... v.
iu.Migii unit we, the Itmmbliemis of l'i,mtlll.i
.mj, iiui up HiMm III any i IvIh .hi nf
the next Kiop, 0f M0
That wo Uillovo the Amerlemi jvople
must hsik to the Republican parlv to
suxtuiii and build up the business inter
its (,f the nation whicli has grow u iuU
sih'li liniueiiho proiKirlions under lli
kllltlltft lulLt......... .J II 111.. 1 ,
.hur'That' 'we arirVmaliemblv iKi , J.'!!" . !: .".! --ori..,o
m l ie ii Uws hot foith in tho luejililonlial ; " J'isiico. uthenleve oi-
u.0Ma.e ( lK,.o..,l"r lalt L ul i t H , '.1...'" l" '."sl bas bt-i?,,
the iNNUr thus enmted will insuro the suc
cess of u, Uepubllcan nominees in No-
...". iue it tuero waswiiiiMoii lio-, mo "untcrruieil" of this neck of tlio
......... i. .,,,,, nu nan insur.mco on i ""I'os ana oinerwiso ilelegatc till iho
. ......... ... ,i,.unS was lor iomk coiuo iu iiio! it. Deland, of
..- uiu iiuut i m mtnniirt.i.i i inuifin : ii.,,, ifi..ii..r.i... r....
; fellow died the next d.iv
Sherlir Howies
iiiiiiit 1 1 V,"ll!llr,.w "f i"lf-I"v.-orvation
she ill, K aitojitwl by nations as well as
h liidlvldiuils. and a rouxniablo tin Iff ou
.""W1"4 i isst ca cu ated
curry out thai Mrta,
,it M..H t .. v.. : .. "'"
Travil Ion. T. t . Hyde, Kd. U. l'llrker,
J,MrW. A. J. Lawrence, of Haker;
Ihornton Willianifl, of lirant. Thov
worn accompanied by 1 A. ltowen, ieir
resentative of tlm ibmnnNi i... .. fn
to convict a iHirilnn if ' furnish uh ulili il
interested in tlio d.is-1 such other notes from our sister city as
nmv ivmiia .....I... 1.1. , i.
...... ...mv, inn uuBcrviiuon. ren-
dleton s asked to "welcomo the coming,
sived tlio parting guests."
Drought to
not mi who Woro
tanlly deeds.
Since the almvo was wiitten wo have
Iwn informed that the nluht-watcli bus
made a stateiuoiit iniplieating the alsivo
namiHl irtkv u making the ammgo-
!M,.llH, i"":1 .".at ,,w ,0,u'1,l,, ,lw rfi
which started tlio ll.tmes.
MIIII.I: AT l..KOi:.
iueilS Satl,!n!dl,iir k ,,W party !V'"nh. Coroner". Jury ,.Nim.c
euiis need not lake this for
slaivWr, it is the truth.
No partlenlarlv
.1,1 ..
I mh people w ho quunvl over olllcus am lirUlatnr..'
like hounds who light over a Imiio. It Is , ued by nmjority. U. Suiiiiist
greed and nothing elro. The welfare ufj " Uni. 1'kbiilku.
their lonntry uo or entem their selllshi ... J,,,,N Li nus
e.ni.lum- ... MI.N0KIIV HMMUT.
I Wo, a mluoritv
Win s- John 1 irtai. u ........ 1 .1. . 1 Platform, concur
sanctum of the Alia Callfum!,.' ),,. "'eeptlon of the 6tl
JtVHU lis usual sp,trkle. Tho Alta kivs
l.l .1. t. 1
ninny unj;ut tiling wuen i;oi, iriMt is nt 1
homo. 1 Moved by J, n.
facts wero do-
volopod at the kroner's in.p".o.,t held on
tho bo.lv of the ,t...u-ini ' "
1 , 1 . . , "".nil ixtifN, con-
c hilled yestoftlay ,v r.,r,.i,..r i. 1.-...!
Motile was released 'on hi-..A...:V
zance by Ji.Mico Sharon, till IVid' v
" lSh No,,I ,is town to-dav to
wJVJ; 'V.a.r,rU,r'oCocllni Ueht llmhinaa
X flood Iilra. I IlllITnnd l'arlrl.l.
million over-taxed iw.o.,l 1 i-'inoni "'&SilW HocUs, Fancy
Iho I'hiladelphla Uecord advises tho
Ulty-llVO million nv.ir.tn vo.l ,n..i i
.f. .. .. . . . . IWIW UI
um. tuiiii ry to semi a muznrd of iiostal N L CIIRBV r Ai
cards o their rvMvetlve ('ongressmen at RRT,rt,Uhd' g"-
i ii.-iiuiutuii. wiih MiinPininir i m ..
low ig 61, each card:
UKAU HIRi-I am tired of iiaylmt nv
"hnre nf SI5S,r.w.ooo t ihcsovVrnmint
doe. not need. PIhish veto In ; oir ! n2.
"fw-wry tarlir tuxiitlon (live
Plati. nnd cheaper food and clotlilm
Kecpiue t-w 011 whl.kcviVmt tobacco
to I'oy pemioiu and Interon. loua
1u1m, truly,
vision plunk
, htrtu't out
.oritv of ,h;i rt,mmieo TO,wWrW
of ih "K,VV ,,h 1 iurv lwi"K' U ,hu ver,ifl'1 of tll "oVs
1 of the 6th resolution on di- '"R
which wo ivoouHuemi to lo Jt' i' and for Umatilla
W'n. Stukn,
.. .W.U.SHIW
Kuniiothat report bo
immtv. DrviM,.
MuniU; one Tftack uw nJSf, nbout 1000
1000 tWnit,: o, Juu, ," 01 "'i?' !?n ,
mire una bmwn i.A
oii uu nna buctfak,,, .. V,
li-ri i,n,.i7i .'"S. '."on-, nn uruniliHl T oil
Comer 12th and nm. nn,k..i... n. .
.. , ., l'temlier.'tli.
Havlii f gm ds hli.pod from KtMcmemJ
via i'lirllaiid, en havo frcluht Pitld.M
linn overeiuiigm ndJUHti-U, nud foriii
mieniimi (u promptly, at low rati, bJH
dresilns I
liuyinir nnd Relllmr ilnnn on CommluWj
Plumbors,Qa3 ami Steam Fitter,
Are 1i10.01.lv practical mochnnlsi In totH
i ney no their own work, nud Kiiartssil
It iiKitliut repair for 0110 year. j
Thoy have nn hired help to pny,audsj
fill? "hi Bcon inoir woru,H'
Bottor Figures
Than any other house In town.
iney buy tu cheap as nny firm can Wl
l lrst-class Goods.
mchl lsw
Court Stroet.opixwlio J. II. Shooroaker'i.
Proprietor of the
I lve-Ceul Jjeer Jlall.
Main Ht,, opposite uoilnllln. IVmlli-lnu.
J enui'ton beer 01; drauifht. Wluii, IIqu!
mc Rd 8 "'the bent brand., ni-toclr. I
For n 1 1 kindx of I.saiJ
IlLANk'H.SMI-h nil IAIWl
I 1. . .. 1 . r . . itit I
. . I . . I . M . ...nltl
.fi!.lF a.nt Jou I'rlntlnc. IlookblndlnrJ
Vr h'J KiKl.or'(!,ylh'nt.' " ie printing
. ' b..?. nuluirlliw, a,. fH
in l lie prima
W'o, the coroner's jury, flml:
elSiyr ev.uIiu:oToilii.A.c.I
nconver, W. T.
samples upon apDlu-ntJou!!