East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 02, 1888, Image 1

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    U A.JLJU jl . j
cent In money or ataiilpa will pay
I'nlroin of the Dully up' Hinnl-Wrekly
KAST OIlHMONIAN rnu freely innko me
of tlm IIAHI' OltKHONIAN lihrnry when,
ever they no itenlre. The in1llc lire rur
illnlly Invited to vlalt tliu olllre whenever
, flaml.Werkly KAHT OHKOONIAN
L. until after Iho June eleollon.
kllar aad twrnty-flvecente will iiy
llally KASrOlllMlONIANfor the
length of time by mall.
L. 1.
NO. 28.
1 (fouvw
)ir,u j
'"Ml, I
i. a.
ft 3:
II Wool Dress Coods
For Spring and
Aro now constantly
Of which, the following is n partial list :
tbelin Blue,
pple Green. London
Wo also carry
Black Chan tilly Lace Flouncing,
iriental'and Valencienne Lace Flouncing,
IU1 Over Embroideries, etc., etc.
To make a speciality of all the
our Prices
Is Low as Those of any
Just Arrived:
500 men's, boys' and youths' Suits I
Lee Moorhouse &'Co.,
General Merchandise,
Summer Wear,
arriving, comprising
Terra Cotta.
Bronze.' '
Sea Green.
Smoke. Copper. ,.
a full lino of
abovo goods, and will guarantee
to b
House in Eastern Oregon,
The Hltunllnn nl Clilrnjro, Milwaukee,
and Ht. Joarph-The Hell Line Htd
Up Other Honda .liiliilnc-General
Terry Very Hick and tit Itoflro -Whole.
.ill lClllliicr at I.onvenworlli-Hevcml
Nffroea Killed Murder and Suicide
Phrlpt' Manalnn llurnrd Itcpoited
Lynching nf Indian. In Montana I'eurl
l'affe to bo l'nrdoned.
Owing to tho wires having boon pros
tratad Saturday, and not vol duly re
paired, our tolngrnphic report to-day is
meager. Km Hast Oiikuonian.)
81111 flprentlluu-The .Situation Hemming
Very Sertoli. The Brit Line Tied lip
All Tho Latest Particular.
Ciiioaoo. Aurlt 1. Tho prospect of nn
immediate tin-up on no vera! railroads lias
added ii nioru gru'vo aspect to tho railroad
Biiuaiiuii nun uvunuig uiun lit any nine
since tlio cotninenrcmcnt of tho strike
Tho employes of tho licit I.lno', upon
which nearly every road centering in Chi
cago dopends for an intcrchatiKo of freight
aro staunch allies of tho Urothcrhood.
Tho licit company has all along Bought
to now a iHiRiuon 01 nnutrality, hut yes-
terclnv Prexldmit l'ntlnr nf tlwi Kimtnrn
Illinois road, which holds a controlling
interest in tho Holt Line, sent word to
tho management 01 tlio lieltLino demand
ing that It transfer cars for every railroad
and Individual in tho sumo manner, and
thill utiv nnil nil mnnliivi'rt wlin fin mil
chooso io perform tlio duty rciiuired of
thorn bo dismissed. A mooting of Dolt
ompioyH was hold to-duy, and It was. re
ported this evening that they had decided
to stand by their guns,, and seo whether
tho company would discharge them. Tho
Turlington road did not attempt to do
any switching in tho Chicago yurdfl.
A While Man ICIIU Throe Ncgroe, anil U
hot lltforelle Will Surrender.
Liavknwohth. Kan., April 1. Tlireo
coloied men attacked u-whlto man nainod
James King noar hero to-day. Tho loader
of the gang of assassins sprang at King
with a knife, whon King drew a revolver
and fired two shots and killed him, then
shot and killod another and fatullv
wounded a third. Tho news of tho kill
ing spread. Tlioro had boon bad blood
for somo timo between omo of tho whites
and negroes, Isogrots compose a largo
roortiou of tho population in tho mines.
a lowinoinonts anortiicsiiootimncrowt
of colored oopIo iiocked to tho sceno,
curr'ii)g shot guns, pistols, etc King
stancuio run. ino moi snoi six biioib
at him. King gamely turning about und
returning tlio liiotlllto) ciokly pressed,
when ho hid In u pump house. Tho
Mayor and Mioiiu put in un appcaranco,
but could do nothing with tho mob. Tho
wholo iKilieu force turned out. nnd finally
found King, who when ordered to sur
lender, sprung out -from his hiding place
with a cocked revolver .In his hand, and
was shot by a policeman and captured.
Ho was closely uuarded till a siiuad of
cavalry from l'ort Ix'avcnworth arrived,
wncn no was tukou to tlio lort to provcut
being lynched.
He U u Very Hlek Man Oeneral Cook
Muy Tulce Hit l'luce.
Wasiiisoton, April 1. Tho most Im
portant now woik in unnv uiutters is the
announcement that llilgadior (ionond
Alfred II. lorry contemplates retirement
from tho army. There Is no longer u
roasonablo doubt that ho is a very sick
man. Tho surgeons all agree that ho
has Ilriuht's disease. Tlio general him
self has accepted this fact as inevitable,
and says ho never oxccts to bo able to
lcrform valuable sorvlcu again. As soon
as ho is retired, a lively skirmish will oc
cur for tho vacant position. A largo ma
jority of army circle gossijw predict that
General Cook will 1ms tho man selected to
tako Terry's place.
Trouble Feared IFrum Indiana In Montana.
Hklkna, Mux., April V. Word lias
Iwen received from Ashley, Montana,
that on tho 13th ultimo two Indians who
had lioen arrested for murdor woro taken
from their guard by fifty citizens, and
lynchod. Tiioy were charged with as
sisting in the murdor of three iiroscct
ors, on Wall creek last Juno. Trouble is
now fearod from tho Indians on account
of tho Ivnchlng, und residents of tho
surrounding country uro much excited.
All Kuiuas City Hen ltvlt.
Kansas Citv, April 1. Switch engi
neers und firemen on all roads entering
this city except tho Durllngton road, held
a meeting late last night, and after twelve
o'clock resolved to move to-day. They
decided, however, to refuse to handlouny
llurlington cars carrying freight oxcept
live stock and iorishablo freight, which
hud lsion started on Its journey previous
to that hour.
Ht. I'll nl Kwltrbinen Obatlnte.
Milwai k'.'.k. April 1. Switchmen of
tho St. Paul company to-day untitled that
company that th.n would handle uomoro
freight, and vill till pi woik to
morrow at II o'clock If link 'd t do so.
K. C, fit. J., nnd C. It. Ilrnkeiuin Klrlk,
Sr. Josmi, Mo.. April 1. Ml f eUht
br.ikomen n (ho luii'i u? diy, St. Joi-e h
und I'oui.cil ' l iifs i.illrnad Mruck to day.
Thov assign tin u nusi u lh.it their lives
aro in il.ingor wrkl.ig villi such engin
eers as aro now umpl ycd.
Wife Mii'irruiul Sulfide.
Kansas Cir, April 1. As a result of a
domestic quarrel Worth Silor shot hU
wifo, and then himself. Hoth will die.
W .W. riielp' ltetldence llurnrd.
Jkkskv Citv. Apiil 1. Tho residence
of William Walter I'helps,two miles from
iMiglowoou, burned to-night, caused by
nn explosion of gas hi tlio art gallery.
Tho loss is very heavy. 1'helps Is In
Now York.
l'terl I'ase to be Pardoned.
Poutlani), April 2. l'oarl Pago who
was Henionceu to ono year in the peniten
tiary for tho robbery of Dickenson, will
bo .pardoned. Tho governor so stated
yesterday. Harding gets tlvo yours.
The Wheat Market.
Toiitlank, April 2, Chicago reports
wheat u fraction better. The change is
not mitiiciont to eticct mo market here.
Capital anil CongreMlonal Note of Inter
est to Northweitnrn tteadert Land
Declilou by Hecrelary Tllai.
,u iiiu uiiiiiu iiruiij . uitiiuuiii it'll
it resolution directing tlio Secretary of tho
Treasury to furnish a statement of ai-
T.. II.. C.....1.. I. ...I.... C........1 i
propriatious and uxcnscs lor public
buildlmrs since Marcli 4. 188.ri: adopted.
Voorliccs introduced u bill for tho Issuo
of siiecio cortitlcatcs, returnahlo half in
irold coin and half In silver bullion.
Tlio resolution oficicd by Mitchell last
Thursday, directing an Inquiry into tho
validity of tho act of tho Iglslattiro of
Washington lenitory lixing tho timo for
beginning mo next session in January,
lBSt). was agreed to.
Tlj Sonato passed a number of bills,
among which wero :
To credit tho State of Orciron with
$12,.103, for ordnanco und ordnauco stores
in connection with tho Nez 1'crco Indian
war Of 1877-8.
For a celebration tit the national caiv
ilal in tho sdHiu: of 183!) in honor of tho
centennial of tho constitution of tho
United States.
Grantlmr tho uso of certain land to tho
city of Tueoinu, Washington Tcrritory.for
a public park.
Appropriating $175,000 for u public
building at l'uohlo, Colorado.
Tho Union racidc Itailroad bill was
discussed in tho IIouso.
Anderson of Iowu said that tho career
of tho Pacific railroads had boon crlinl-
i i .i . . . . t i i i.i.-., . ..
uauuuii inai muy nuu ruuueu iiiu iivun
urvi of hundreds of millions of dollars.
In roferonco to tho Union 1 'act Ho, ho de
clared that so fur from belmr under a now
maiiugeiucnt, tho direction of tho road to
day was In tho hands of and controlled
by tho old Credit Mobllior gang.
Douoii oi rouiisyivaiim uoiuou hum.
fttvoral nrivuto laud measures woro
passed, and tho House went into commit
tee of the wholo upon tho bill to ostublish
a United States land coiitt, und to pro
vide lor judicial sottlomotil oi privuto
land 'claims in Arlxouu, Now Mexico and
Colorado. McCroory, of Kdntucky, Jo-
soph, oi bow aioxico, ami hymen, oi
Colorado, favored tho measure, and
Smith, of Arizona, mid Pupson, of Illi
nois, opposed it.
Scrotarv Vilas rolccted tho pre-emption
proof submitted by Mutllda liar row und
held for cancellation her filing for certain
land in tlio Olynipla.Wushlngton territory
laud district, upon tho erouiid iiiutsno
had not ucted in good faith, und had not
complied with tho requirements of tho
law in regard to residence.
Secretary Vilus has denied tho applica
tion of Stophon L. .Moor et al. for certain
hinds In thu La Oruiidu district of Orciron.
eliminated from their rcscetlvo homo-
steads und pru-eniPtloii entries, on which
patents have issued for lauds Included
Secrntii'v Vilas has modified tho do-
cision of the commissioner of tho eonoral
land olllco in tho caso of N. Hendricks
to certain laud in tho Lu Urunde, Oregon,
laud district, so us to penult him, during
tho Ufo-timo of his entry, to provo satis
factory compliance with tho requirements
oi ino law as io resiliency.
becrotnry Vilus has hold mr cancella
tion tho pre-emption fillnu of Kdltli V.
Wilson on certain hind in tho Olymplu,
Wushinuton Territory, land district, on
tho LTOimd that her filing was Illegal, not
having been preceded by settlement, and
also on tho ground of non-compliance
with tho iuw an to (loponuence.
Obervatloni, I'ullllrul and Otherwlie
The Hnmll lullnrnce of "Cauialfn"
Nlieett The 'Conundrum's" AlllyKtrurti.
To the Editor of the Kost Orrgonlant
It dawned upon ino till at once that
perhaps I might secure honor and notori
ety for myself by using the Kast Oiikoo
Nian as u medium through which to
oxprcss my classical and elegant ideas,
in order that they might circulate freely
among uu eager jieople. And. strange to
to say, I shall express no morbid lour oi
tho wusto-baskot; for after floundering
through u few paragraphs of tho "Science
of C'orresjKiiidonces, ' from IJrothor
"Vcrud's" soulful jmsii, I huvo coiiiq to
the conclusion that tho Kast Oiikoonian
ulll publish anything, oven though it
should come from u candidate for a luna
tic nsvliim. (which, however. I do mt
I profess to Ihj) und I therefore submit tho
Inllo.iliiL' with few foroltodhius ;
I will not start oil' with enthusiastic
and (tailoring compliments on .ho "neat
uppearanco, good moral tone," etc, of
hfoiir now vontuio Iiiu dally, iho lact is
1 urn interested in tho youngster, and I
don't want its heudtogto.v too awfully
largj to piovent Its hat fn iu fitting. It
muht rollect that d'Spito Its prodigious
baby growth, it Is not ut u giant, and
that the woild might iossk)y rolvo
without It. Of ootirco it is u credit to tho
town und to its publishers, and all thut(
! but, nevertheless, it must not grow too
L'uuui'ucii occauso oi ino luisomo praifo
und llattcry continually showered Ukiu it
It is rather amusing to nolo the bicker
ings und contests carried on by would-be
iniluontial journals and jol!tleians, inci
dent to tho approaching Piosidontiul
campaign. It also might truthfully bo
called it disgusting spectacle. Hero is a
big Democratic dally disclaiming on the
virtues of tho present Administration,
and tho honesty und unimpeachable in
tegrity of our Nation's head while tho
Hopubliean loaders aro covered from head
to foot with filthy slimo from tho spatter
ings of tho missile thrown by this samo
patriotic sheet into the political ool. Un
the ono sldo it can sco, or will see. noth
ing but the brightest good, and a glorious
future for tho country ; on tho other sido
it passes in review tho most demoraliz
ing, degrading political trickery, vhc!i it
claims lias only for its object tho blight
ing of tho country's prosperity In the in
terests of monopoly. Nor uro tho Hopub
liean papers backward in Hinging mud,
but are probably oven more virile; for
they do not hesitate to associate tho nalne
of tho President of tho United States
tho dignity of whoso position should ut
least command rcsiwct with till that is
politically vile. And right hero let mo
s.iy that this in a measure explains tho
lack of Influence, proportionate to their
circulation nnd prominence, possessed by
these solf-stylcd "molders of public
opinion." Tho averugo Ainericun citizen
and voter is not such u gullible loggerhoad
as these journals and pollticluus imagine.
no has scon his country grow and pros
per under tho loadorshili of either narlv.
and his patriotic heart swells with pride
as ho rotlects that tho small question of
which party Is in power can neither re
tard nor increase Its' sure development.
Know niz this, it is but natural that ho
should look with contemptuous indltlcr
enco on tho ranting of journalistic dema
gogues. And this In not only truo of the
larger Journals, hut also of their smaller
country brothren. They have not ono
te:'th tho influence they uro suppoHcd to
possess lu controlling tho sentiments,
thoughts, and ballots of voters. Thoy
might simply bo placed on a footing with
Individuals, with tho sumo freedom to
oxprcss their viows nnd opinions, but
also with tho sumo understanding that
others losldcfl themselves havo minds
und beliefs, which can only bo influenced
by good, sound facts and urgiiments.
Apropos of the foresolnir about (ho
coining Presidential contest, it Is apparent
that it lias its exact counterpart, on a
much smaller scale, in tho liolllng of
Umatilla county's political ot In this,
tho Par West. It Is very, very umusing
to notice tho dlllerenco oi opinion ho
tween Pendleton's two dully "molders, "
nooui tlio iiemocrutio county convention
und Its nominations. Thu East Oiikiio-
nian says, und most probably with per
fect truthfulness, that tho ticket put lu thu
field is strong und satisfactory, and that
tho convention was uninfluenced lu tho
loast by rings, cliques or combinations of
any kind. Thu Daily "Conundrum,"
being uopubiicau, oi course lias iniiureni
Ideas and convictions, and bemoans with
crocodllo tears the corruption manifest
in every uctlon oi tho convention, it de
plores in hypocritical sorrow tho fact(?)
that tho "court-houso cliquo" was tho
lover that moved with ono accord tho
Democratic deleuates. and refers lu un
Insinuating way to a vague and shadowy
muchlno "boss," who rewarded or in
treated his followers us ho saw fit. It
feelingly laments tho "slaughter" of the
innocent John A., whom it regards us the
"licst man" in tho Democratic party for
tho osltioii of Representative, und
claims that ho fell u martyred sacriflco to
tho cruel mandate of tho "boss," who
was of courso advancing his own und the
"ling'n" rolflsh interests. How won
drous pitiful is this sud story I I'ut thu
"I. ittlo Conundrum" cannot douche thu
voters of old Umatilla, In its dibits ' '
effect it breach lu thu Democratic ranks
through which tho ltepubllcuus may rush
und ucniovo a victory, i ho result ol its
puny uttompts will lsi brotmiit homo io it
in u forcible and surprising way during
tho coming Juno election.
Tho Kast Oiikoonian has u happy wuy
of expressing itself. Its comments on
tho good and had oliits (principally
good, of courso) of tho Democratic ticket,
woro very interesting and free from prej
udice. I havo only timo to refer to one,
which I regard us u triumphal combina
tion of brevity und wit: After pnilslng
the prosont management of tho sheriff's
office, und commending tho integrity und
ability of "Honest John," it said ho hud
only ouo fault that "ho sometimes
tulked too much, whon silence would lie
far more dignified and iireferublo." Tho
nimble jon of "Mud Crook" could not
write u Iwttor biography of John M.
llentloy in a volume. It is to bo ho)od
hs will tako tho hint, und when his
tongue uttompts to run uwuy with his
vocabulary and his reason, bridle it with
thoughts of that old und reliable truism,
"Siienco is golden." Citiunuv,
'lln. la tno Truth,
Krom tlio I'ort'uml Telegram (Hep.)
It is u sliauio to tho government if any
soldier who fought for its Preservation Is
left to a destitute ago or a dostltuto condi
tion, on account of disability Incurred in
Iho Mjrvico. It is u sliamo to tlio in
dividual soldier, who, being amply ublo
to live without public uhMhIuiico, i I raws u
monthly rtiond from tho government.
Pensions uro till light for tlio needy who
uio othonUi-o entitled to thmii. Thoy
uro all wiong for tluu-o who do not need
them, but claim them merely iikiii thu
ground f service, such us every patriot
owes to his country in timo of peril.
A I'nrlliktid lleiiinrmt llxpret'pa lili Opin
ion Upon h Mutter of Import ncotnTlie
Ilciuorratle munition.
Tho following letter upH!urcd in yestor-
day's Orcgonian:
PoiiTbANP, March 31.
To.thc Editor of tlio Orrgonlnn.
Tho Salem Videtlo has tho following:
It may bo well ut this time to caution
the Multnotmih delegation to the State
Democratic convention, ami to suggent to
tho convention that it will be folly to
nominate utiy one from Multnomah
county who has a well-defined suspicion .
over htm of always telling out thu Dem
ocratic party to tho Hepubliciins, or who
has been guilty of knifing the party to
servo personal ends. A stop might as
well bo put to this sort of treachery first
us last.
The delegates from tho valioy counties
must undcrstiind that thu Multnomuh
delegation is not in tho hands of any ono
that makes It a business to sell out tho
Democratic party.
The" Democratic party in Multnomah
county has been cursed long enough by
that class of tclf-scoking H)Hticiaus, and
it Is not going to Pendleton in thu inter
est of utiy such ono, but it is going there
to fight that clement lu tlio party, and to
help nominate u strong, clean, acceptable
ticket for the whole State. Mult.iumuli
county Democrats are not suriirlned that
tho Videttu misunderstands tlio position
of tlio .Multnomah delegation.
Tlio rumor has ixsen Industriously cir
culated through tho length and breadth
of tho State, that thu aspirant for tho con-
grcssiunul nomination from .Multnomah
county is tho strougcht man to put up
against tho Republican candidate, pro-
sumaiiiv bocatiso ho can trade oil in re
turn tlio Democratic county ticket with
his bosom friend, tho chairman of tho
Republican Statu committee. It is hardly
necessary to say that tho Multnomah
county delegates to 1'ondlotoii uro not
going to bo it party to this thing,
flio fear h that tho valley delegates may
bo misled by tho also impression
created there by absuid rumors of the
strength of the Multnomah aspirant for
congressional nomination ut Pendleton
next Tuesday, und lest they be. so do
colved It Is most opportune now to cau
tion them that thoy must not by their
votes or usslsttiucu help to lniiose'SUch it
man on the party. IaiI thorn test as
sured that the Multnomah delegation Is
going to Pendleton intent on putting up a
ticket that will not onlv kiiIIhIV tbe rxt
of tho Stuto, hut will bo nlso strong
enough to curry tho Stuto without u
dicker or trade. A Dkmociiat.
Alive With M ula.
From tin) rnrtlnnil Ornnmiiiu.
Tho Cowlltr. river for several miles
from its mouth is ulivo with seals which
followed up thu vast shoals of smelt.
There uro also largo flocks of sea gulls
which eat no along jo feed on tho samo
delicious little fish. Tho souIh uro now
accompanied by their young, tiny lilt Io
fellows, who uro hardly big enough to
swallow a smelt. Tlio seals cuu Isj seen
by hundreds swimming about in- soaich
of prey, going down w hen u boat comes
along, and Isibblug up serenely when
It has passed, 'iho smolt havo all
passed far tin the rivor, uwuy Is)
yond tho reach of seals or fishermen,
und having completed the object nf their
pilgrimage, uro dying und flouting down
tho stream in myriads. It Is quite gen
onlly supiKiscd that thoy all dig id tor
spawning, und many Imagine tho samo
tiling lu regard to s.dmon. This has lxuu
a dlsjiutcd quotloii, und appears to I hi
no neater a solull- n than it over was. It
is not claimed by any ono that trout till
dlu after spawning, nor is It ieiiiiinlKred
that this Is claimed of any other fish ex
cept salmon and smelt, so It Is hardly
probable that this is true
Tho Now York Commercial bulletin
savs with refeienco to tho Joint leaso:
'The fact that tho t'nlon Pucflio, thiough
the Oregon Short 1 Ino, has now a leaso
of thu property does not mini to lesson
their apparent unwillingness Io i-omu any
wuy under Northern Puclliccoutiol. 'Iho
gentlemen constituting thu delegation
now hero uro all from Portland, Or., ami
It is ihcreloro suppot-cd t lint tlio teal ani
mus of their objection fn tho ratification
of tho lease is that J hoy four that tho
arrangement proioned would result In
undiio advuntugo to tho city of Tucoma,"
China advices received by steamer Itlo
do Janeiro stato that tho Ilritish steamer
Swutow wus wrecked Febriiury 21'd, olf
Nuomlu Island, between Swutow- and
Shanghai. Tho vokscI struck on rocks
und sunk, Thu captain and a numlior of
tho crow und passengers saved themselves
by clinging to tho liggiug, but thirty-ouo
IKirsous put oil' from tho wreck lu a small
boat, und all uro supMsod to ho lost.
A numlior of fires occurred in Hungary
during tho provuloneu of the gale At
Kiklndu HiOO ersous were tendered
shelterless und mo camping out in t lie
snow. Thirty-eight houses woio hiirnec
und many lives lost ut Mezo-Boicny.
Tho will of thu Into Kate Mel uiighlh
of Sun I'runcisco, ilisioi-es of uu osluti
valued at about H.IMMUHKI which Is lef
to u niece, Kuto Muv Dillon, aged eleven
i.iwl M.i.i- V'ti'i.u I ,,. ......
Tho Pliiladoli hla 'leleraph savs thu
Col. K. It. C. Cash, r.f South ( ,in llo.
"has gone to his account." va he
gone to his Cash account, us it were j
llonklnslato cushlurof tlm CiiiOnn
l'ldullly Hunk, has been t-ouleitced in in
prisoniuent forruvitn jcaix.