ft , i ii i i ' -- i, ' Are Yon Protected? mi Agricultural Ass'n Mm THURSDAY, .MARCH J), 1883 mi S3 1 4 3 i i 1 1 i 1: il If ' hCII'.NTII'H: MIHCKM.ANV I'imiKH OK TIIK MKA. Thoiixh no Hlnirj) linuuf Hcpanitlim can Ijo ilfitwn, iniitinu IIhIiuh itro rouiglily ill vlcloil, for coiiunlciito, Into tlituo uitt" Ki1i'h; ttlioru lining, which liul.itimlly vMt wuMt-lliioc, and rarely ilwii'iid to u Kiu.iler iloplli tli. in "M fitthoiim; X'liu,'io HhIiuh, which Inhabit thu upon km, most of tlii'in Hpuvv ultiK tliuiu tilxo; anil thu d;u-;;i licliiH, which llvo wherti lliu In fltieiica of light and mirfuco tuinu'futuiu 1m lint llltlo full. Thunhori) lido', at! cording to Hulliirln. ihhiiUt iimuiiN of :t(K) hh!iIuh. I'hulr northurn rmiKu ox toiul to or iNtvotid tho (.'Wity-thlnl r ural lul of liitltmld, hut In thu Southern Ht'in Inphuro thoy urn not known to K' ImvoihI thu i.lxtiotli uriillel. In thu dillorent r.oni'M Ihfyi! OlicH uiu largely Identical In bjtlitho Atlantic and I'aclllc baniiiH, uh vull an on thu ojijiwllo hIiIom of thewj ha hIiih. Tropical wutoM, howovur, prixluco a Kruatur ahiindaucu and dlvondtv of forum than thui-o of tcmiwrutu rcgiond. vlillo thu Ri'fH nlvo to tho I'aclliu and Itidliin OucaiiN tnoru Hpeelun than thu At lantic. Our Mill very inuugri! knowlcdKO of tho iiuliiKiu IIhIich 1h tailliclcnt to In dicate that thu iiiimlMir of midi tyx.'H In very llniltcil, Thoy diminish rapidly from thu oiptator, and become rati) be yond thu fortieth parallel. Of thu doutt- una liMioM (iiiimur uiuiinerated upwamH of llfly forum Mtipiioiu'd to have been ob tained from deptlm uxcuutllng 1000 filth oiiih; Iwenty-nlx from iletitlm uxceedlii JWOO fathom; and nliiii from i!.r00 filth oiiih or ovur. Other Hpeelert liavu nlnco been obtained by thu ItallHinan and AN b.itroKH, oiiq from thu extreino depth of! HKW IlltllOIIIH. TMK KAUTII'h NUI'I'ORTH. Iii thu eatly KrophiK' of thu human mind piobably no problem wan morn periiluxliiK than that of thu earth'n foun dation. Olio iif l ho moht prlmltivu Idcax rupieiunled thu earth at u vaxt Hat iflauil, Hiirniiindod by an Intermiuablu ocean; and thin vimv wim xnlmcipiuntly inodltled by uivlnn thu ocean a circular iHiiiudiiry, ulth eiiillex nxjtH HtrutchliiK dounwaiil iNiueath tho wholu. Thu prIeMtH of Vcd.i aswirti'd that thu earth I wuh niipM)tlt,'il on twilvu I'ohnnnH, Imi tui'dii which thu nun paed. Auaxliu under icptnlnl ihu earth ih a cylinder llo.illnn in compiOm'd air, Thu Idea that jhu earth Moated loni; piuvalled. oven thu eatly llindoori, who HiippuHed thu liemlHiiher! 'al earth 'i n-t in thu hu.id of f jiir i In, ii.iiit a id l on thu1 back of a loittlou, mul italdcd that Ihu IoiIoIko rested on thu uiiiierH.il ocean. Ail4olj and Stralio conceived thu Hphuiiclty of Ihu earth, but what itiip polled it ax thu motlnnlcHri center of their linivcfhii iiu.lcd them. (. ii.-iikw. A. I). K, proMiuuded llu hvhIdiii of a topiaro. earth. ruttltiK on iiotliim; and Hiipimit lim tho he.iveiirt on a Milld tall. I hu ' Venurai,li Hcdu, ulm lived in thu oitfhlh century, leaided Ihu earth at u Moa hut iw, and this ii itlou I.Med man v c.-nti ' rluri, llaM cnalu tliei.it ha.c i'oiiij down toa hiirpilfluuly leceut eilid no much a thliiK of to day Is our modern M'lence. .M'HTIIAI.I.VN Mill Mi nt II lUMIS. Ill Auhtraliaaud thu iu'Ij-IiIku Iiik' i-landrt iiru KCii'liuuy laiK'1 He m.iU i f euitli, which weiu f umeily HiiihMed lo le the tomlM of dui.irted iiutiveK, Themi i. liu Uablo tiltuull liucliilii: a-i iiiueh a liflien feet in ir'iidir.ilar height in d fill feet in circiiiufeiemv al the Imm' aiu not the work i f man, Imuever, Iml inn now kmmn to Ui Hie itjculialoiH built by IIuiJiiiikIu l ow I, and other Hiecles of Ihu hiii.iII family nf .dcL'ahdll.ic, or Kruut fooleil l.lhU Mai Ii l thoi.. j;n'at piliM coih-UIh o( fallen leaOH,Kr.ei.t), etc., which Ihu l'lriUil.'Klt in place bvtlmiw In;; baikuatd ullli one foot, 'lhoiipli the liiouii.Uaio iidiiall) in ili'in-e fhaile, tlui di'c.uliiH' veKutablu matter has I ecu found to rabe Ihu temHraiuie at Hie center iih hltfh iih ulueh-livii iltitfiiu'M. m e'pi amiMiefiilly placed w lib tin l.up-r end up, alHuit tweli Inches apart, and are all covered to a di'pih nf at IcaM tnnor threu fen I. A Mil I.I I'llM. Tliu fauiouH fuiked palm nf Caeiiuo In mMiiK ciijiiM ef weaknewi, 'ami U tliroiileai'it with do. miction In miiiic ;ale. Thu phi""llion U iltoref in maik that it li ent iIohii, and the liunk puered in thu .Mituial llhttuy ihiiui at I'arin, ufler ivinHhouii at the Woild'n I'air In lKy.. IhixtuiiMikat le tiee K'lnnjrt lolbu ueiitiH Aici'.i, U alHiut UK) feet IiIkIi, and dlvlduH at a liclulit e( about thlitv fivt, tliu tun htene IrliiK ulniut wjiml in helKbt and illaiueter. ami HoutUhiuK mid fiiuitlMliU like two Ulated tniw. Thu xepiiablo pheni ineueii in In a unno Willi Heme too ullwr palnm, and rdiown llotltiiiK a. 11 -lti.il Have ItH twin nteuiH. Dl'Kr hlOIIMrt. Slioworm f ,ra,Uh and nsldUh dtiM otfl thu Afti .an t .mt and over Nouihurn Ku-1 ioihi h.,ve b'eu known fnui llomer'x 1 lime. A ' I k! rain " lu I'M coveted '.DO wpiaulit.i,!tii's of Noithuin Italy ,nuik imr a duo wit ..u inch deep in plates; and a dilrtl f.ll ao.ir Cn enle, do-cillvd by I Kin in, w.ui ltkH) or ISOti inlle widu and r!.ichtHl 00 or UKHl uiilon from thu aunt. A li'ier of duM mur l.ou, In llit, wax e ilinated by Kbieiilwit to niiHMiutto ;;ti,uVi IIm., one eighth beiut; lUH'ittMMptc i'iKHiil"iiirt. i lie l cil color U duo to is,idi of Iron. Soldierx in tho Kunniau arnix are Kld to ' In en led nf lnteuiKinuuv liy a eiiiioim ! and hoioie nuiih-tl the iuetiriatu in1 I khl up. and aien onl f. o'd Killed in , III faMuiio vhiUcIuhI hit and water, lie whiu Ueouuv4 liortiblv kick, but in ktipi on tin- diet i.util ilie or citiht or) Hnt of npiii' c eutiw in him an iuextin guWuu le I'Mlking for ii. I Tim laitMl kimw u llier in the Itatllo-! Ai, n oUiaoulliiui i,iiaiili of tho for-1 tMi iimw of Si mm i a wbii Ii meiiMtrni thiM fiKt in iLmttir. weiiilui tifut'ii p.. niiU, Mini hti a e.il (ii lililiu hi I tiuai In, 'I ltt ihU'i U th.il f Ulllted IlKKlt. 'I lie lUfii 1 1 -Ian enly uf tliu ll.mer, gruw iiik dtixH'lly on Ihu Mom f it hot . 1'uk- t be I'vlitiit iiiv.it Vuk.of which le-''hi i ii mbed ,ie kiinAii, u vr K'll f ir m re than J.'HX) itch. PROP Two Hundred and Choice Building Sites! Pino Springs of Pure Water! Commencing on And continuing from tiny to day -THE- Eastern Oregon Agricultural Association win Soil t PUBLIC AUCTION! At tho Court House, Two Hundred and In tho town of Pendleton, Oregon. Also Buildings, Stables, Improvements. TERMS: One-half eiiflt on day of sale, and ono-half payable in one year, secured by note bearing interest at tho rate of (en per cent, per annum. List of property to be sold: lilk 'II, lots 1 to 18 inclusive. " "til. lots J to 18 inclusive. " i:5, lulu 1 to 18 inclusive. " -I'l.lols 1 to 18 inclusive, Ao, lots '1 to 18 inclusive. ' '1(5, Iota 10 to 15 inclusive " 87, hits I to l'l inclusive. " 88, lots 1 to M inclusive. One (1) aero more or less in lot 8 in NV 1 of See 10, Tp 2 N, 11 ;U V., bounded on the SIC by Umatilla Resorvafion line, and on the west by the west b'onndary line of the S. L. .Morse homcxtcad claim. 1 grand stand building; 1 saloon; 1 dwelling house; 1 horee; 1 wagon; 1 sot harness, lite. AUCTION SALE Of Fine Furniture, In front of Tt Iiouh.) ut 1 o'clock, on Satxirday, March 31st, 1888, CoAH'tttiaK of Heavy Walnut Exteusion Table, Fine Side board, Bedroom Set& in Walnut and Ash, Mar blo Top Center Tabto, Silk Plush Parlor Set, Silk Portiere Curtains, Lace Curtains, UruiwlH (ir't Ox ami I'atlor tows, Klti lion I'tonxllx, Set Decorated China Nlwrwarc, liilli I liicn. ot AUo a nutnUr of lootn, uiiionii which roiiihtit wt of l koiirt" workM ami (ir.mt'K .Monioiro, sum The Very Desirable Residence tor sale, or rent to a Desirable Tenant, fiflTTuruitiiro anil nHi.lnnct can Im liisjvctisl at any tinio before ilay of nale. mills) id ilw WES. -Jit1 r -i 1 Tm " iTllT STOiniLAlvK SHAVING PABLOll Shaving, Hnlrcuttii.g and Shampooing. All work tlouo liy only cotnjotcnt workinuu. A trial solicited. KUGEL & SHARPS, mhJIdlm nwlt Corner Man, KTYI Forty Town Lots! Kick Garden Soil! Valuable Rock Quarries! until nil lots arc disposed of, Forty Ghoice Lots! Fences and other lilk 80, lots 1 to 14 inclusive. '' 1)0, lots 1 to M inclusive. " 01, lots 1 to 14 inclusive. " 08, lots 1 to 14 inclusive. " 00, lots I to 14 inclusive. ' 100, lots 1 to 14 inclusive. " 101, lots 1 to 14 inclusive. " 102, lots 1 to 14 inclusive. ins "it p-y ? i"5 it- utid et.h stn?et, Pendleton, Orefc-on. Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not go any longer without insurance on their property, of whatso ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in n pood, Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every t what it costs, and procrastination should not ho indulged in when it conies to taking out u policy. In the first place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS, With whom to do your business those who represent none but the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of tho ollice of Clopton & Located in tho EAST OREGON IAN building, Pendleton, whore you can have any kind of insuranco, whether Fire, Ma rine, Accident or 1 life insurance, APPLE-PIE It is well to remember that one of tho Thirty Reliable Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000! If you contomplato insurance, call on them and get posted, and it will cost you nothing. EAST OKEGONIAN building, Pendleton, Clopton & Jackson, Jackson, done up in ORDER! to bo secure you must insure in 4 Companies represented by Kemember their office is in the or address Oregon. in Tinlrnlc ''" Pilt.tl.il i iuiKu in i no utm.'tt hiiuh ft Elegant Pullman Palacod Kinliirtnt HIvrpliiK Cnrn run litmus prcKi Tniliw to n OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS AND SI i Kreo of olmruo Hint wltlioulchia, Clone oonnrcllunii nt I'ortiiiml for v.. I clco ana 1'iiBOt Hoiiini PolntJI KiirI lHiiiml pnimenct'r nrrlvr m ms! i-Iimi bfiuiul irclKlitnrrlvon nl j-m, J nurl.iit n. in. '1 vn. ....... i iii-ihih HIIIVl'H H( n M, pnrtu nl p. in. Wnlln WhIIh nnrt IVnilli'lnM iJ T.nuvcfl nt 0:00 n. m. for Walla Vijj rivup i.vv in. iiiiiii tvium ivulli. To Him FrnncUca, I,onvo HldtiiiNlilpwIiur'f, 1'orMan.l. n ilifhl. ill, f.itl.iivat ' ColutiililH, Krl. Mnr 3; Orrcn'.i Haiti en..... ..H.t.... I, .... OIH4U-, ..I.MIlll'jr, U, I.UI, lllfllll.l (lroufin. Tliiirx Hi HiiiIk. ivm..1 I Columbia, muii. " lit Or-nf, Moil htRle, Wcl. " 11; CoI.TIium,, xii i iirtiniiii. Lrnvlni: Hpnr Ht nlmrf Man Kranrhfl n in n fnllipwdi 8 iirrumi Hut, Miircli, .1; Ktnir, Mnn.vi Col. Thiim. " (I; (irMjiin, wJi .1 Htute, Krllmy, 11 D; Coliiinhlns.i. iirrviin, .nun, ii; niuip, iiifij Col. Tlnirii. ' I5 Orrtnii, Frf ltutr nf l'muiif, InclmlliiK tiicaln mul bcrthv Cnlitn, .... HlrcriiRi', . Itomiil Trip, Unllmltrii, Kor furtlirr parllcUltirM Incitilmnf ant j of tliu Com puny, or A. I Miixril,.(l U. t , I l.l .IMIItl i vi vh.'ii. A. Ii. .IIAXWflJ A. O, I'.ltl Ocnnriit Manpgor. V. C. ,M,MVA V, ,tn IViidlrton. iitJ (I lty way of the Ororjon & California Rl Aud ,'onni'rtiaim. , r .... , . x jio iViounr rmMin noil Quicker In time limn nnyothrt rtmiti', llntwneii I'OUTr.ANI) AS1) KAN Klt.NC Lcavo Portland at 4:00 p. m.J Through time. 39 hours. Excursior 8leooru foil mass Fassongors on . i tnnugri traina rre charge Fnr fro in nrlliimt In Mnrrul iml Nun I'rniiclHrn: Flrxt-rliixH lliillmltcil . ''li'nt.rluxH, l.lmltiMl .. il Nt'cnmt-rliiHN, l.liuliril , .... Tlakut Oltlcei Corner Fnml Front HtH I'orlliilJ K. I". ItOdKltH.G. V & I'lUAfj ii. Kui;ui,KK, Mutineer. GREAT OVERLAND ROISI THE Nnrtlmrn "Pacific RailJ THK ONLY LINK 111 NNIK0 Pullman lUUicr Meriting Cunt itaunlflcent lltiu (xieheil hlrgitnl Kmlurtml A'wpfn OH With Jlerlfu Frtt 0 (j From Oropon nrtil Washington In to the East. VU i. J'nul mul Mliuieannllf. TbM linn ruiiiilnir 1'nlaco liming Can. (Menu "!i Hblltii.) Fa itcx Tliim llvrr Jlnilr Fr CnaMt ttvvr tlio .Horthrrn I'nrlltn Hullromt To liiiix City. Counolt Ilium. St. Jc Iliirltliuton. Uulncy, 8t. liuln, Ohlfif J all no nutlirountiniittlio Kant and M l'.iiiiiti. Loavoiiwiirin. Knniu m vwhi, rnui nn (I Mlnneaoi:i. KMIullANTHLiKKI'INQ CABS Are linuleil the entire lenwtli .or tli Northern tH atiiiiruuu, TMVA Wnllltln 1n,1nn ft.ln n m. iAtftvo I'orllanil 3 p. in., dnllyj rrtJ Mlnnonnollii or m. Piuil isi.ni n. ra.iH tour tli iluy. I Connection mnita ntBt. Pmil anJMIi olia to nil polnu Huat,Koiilli mul Soulfl PACIFIC DIVISION. Train will Innvn Pnrllnml dullv at HI in,, connectliiK with O. It. & N. Co-'ibo all point on l'uuet Hound. .-rt.I A. II. UllAllUlwfJ Wahlniston HU, rortluua. , I I'ondletop.OffM WM. GARDNER & CO,! Sanitary aid Mil lty .Mnmirnrturerx of Steam and Hot Vfm Heating Apparatus, FOltDWEI.UNaSOHl'I'lH.IOm'IIJ'Li fporlttentlons and estimates furnlit"11! hentlns hulldlnss In any sectlou of th"j iry, Lorraiximlfiicu iollclted. OFFICE: I34THIIIDSTR(E1 Portland, Oregon. ll Ton i aiNTivo Cnn III. hlVl lit til FAhT OllEONIl fl lit- Lirii'fM in. i win m&. ti.a.i nnri-a , iiKu ur uny inner printing i hastern Orrrfon. I