East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 28, 1888, Image 1

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    Ikt wh at you want.
A I'KI'.i: l.lltll.UtY.
l'ntroim of llio Dully or .Soml-Wi'rkly
KAST Olti:tiOMAN rim frorly miikit un
or Hi.- I'.ASI ultlUinXIAN tllirnry wlttn
ovit tiny o ilinlrr. Tim politic nro c"f
illnlty Intllril to v I 1 1 tin. oltlrn tt liciu-vrr
no Iih'IIiiimI,
It' cant III money or (dump
tide Sfinl-Wrekly UAHT OKK
From now until nfter llio .limn
Tun Julian will l"y Tor the
lr OltKOONIAN for the mono
Mud- by mull.
NO. 24.
ring and Summer
Wool Dress Goods
For Spring and Summer Wear,
Are now constantly arriving, comprising
Of which the following is a partial list :
lin Blue,
Hbrope, Bismarck;
e Green.
Terra Ootta.
Sea Green.
London Smoke, popper.
Wo also carry a full lino of
Black Chantilly Lace Flouncing,
ital and Valencienne Lace Flouncing,
Over Embroideries, etc., etc
l'lnoil In tlio Mliiinl Vu !-Hnvrro
Human Continue H'oi Do hI it liu r llriul
DrotriiMl In it Wititli Itol v It III for
I'rt'nltlflll ttilti r Count N i. linitloiiH
Tin: joint m:a -i:
Tlir l.ntu.t Nutvi. Cont'd' ulng the Joint
I.niiRr Uio I., .tm to tf.i Jlilo VATuct nt
Poun.A.si), March 27. II. W. i-'colt
editor of lliu Oruguni.tn, telog .;-h3 to his
palter from .o'.v Voik :t long letter In re
gard to tlio jnlnt loacc. I In sa"s Hint the
committee sent to .Sea- ni liy llio
l'ortliiiul JJo.itil i.f Tnidj fo imllhat llio
joint lease was thu conception und
larucly thu woiu of llotiry fll.ird : Ad
ittiiH of tho I' 1 1 ion laclne at lust lHscd
uio loaso una tii.it warm i tno .Mutiicrn
Pacific Kt ill nrofossoi Iiulid'oroiico to It.
Villurd sau his Uijoet In Ininglng about
tho leaso was to pro i out war of rates Iw
tween tho dllleiont roads Interested
which would ho highly iujmlouH ami
proliuhiy disastrous to till tho roads. Ad
hum says ho lent it IiIh aid liocattHo ho
recognized in tho propoi-cd iolnt louso a
preventative against a Unearned war of
rated and only liy tho leaso could
war ho averted. War could throw
thoiu into bankruptcv ono af
ter another. Tho objections presented
to the leuso by tho l'ortliind committee,
both Villard and Ad. hum thought, could
ho roiuovcil in time. A portion of tho
objections could ho loinovcd at unco. It
wus agreed that tlio U. It. i. company
wotiiu reduce linincdiaio v cnurncs on tlio
lower Coluinbiit and Columbia bar and
plueo shipments out of tho Columbia
river substantially on basis i f plilpmontH
from Puget houiiiI. Tnwaul HiIh end tuir
anil low ago service on liver and over llio
bar bo undoitakoii and nmiiitaincd by tho
O. U. i: N. company, i ho pailles to tho
leao emphatically IiihIh t on a division of
tonltorv. From the tone of .Mr. Scott's
letter It in plain to U) hcen that the
Portland eiiiiiinitli!('i urn fnlle loeonrlloil
to tho lease and that tho liiHtrttuiont will
go into cllcct iuiiiiedlately. I'lOHidout Ad-
auiH navri wiiou tlio loa-o H signed
construction would Ih) iiro.tKcd on
proK)Hod branchoi In tho NorthwoHt
to uio extent of an oxtxiiiditttre of $10.-
()v)0,0J0. Kxectitivo bo.nd of the Oregon
coinp.iny are authoil.ed tu -Ihsiio ?-,0U,-000
of boniN in iCHponw) to otl'or of VII
lard'H Mormon friend, and for $4,000,000
of bond to bo used in coiiHtructiou of
brancho.H from Cimtlo lti-ck to lloimuer
and through tho Kuioka 1:I.U country
along uako liver.
lako a speciality of all the above goods, niul will guaranteo
our Prices to bo
low as Those of any House In Eastern Oregon.
Just Arrived:
men's, boys' and youths' Suits ;
Lee Moorhouse & Co.,
neral Merchandis
.Pendleton Oregon.
1'iioiite I.iMivlnuTliclr Lowlnuil lloiiii' ami
hioikltii: Miri-ty on tlio llllln.
Kanhah Cirv. .March li7. I'IckmIh in tho
MiHHouii valley mow luoni thrcateiiinu
from day to day. Icn gorgeH aro be
coming Htrongur with tho prevailing cold
weather. In tlio ii;Inlty of .lackKJii, No
bracka, largo numlora of monlo liavo
abandoned their Iiouich on the I 'whiuiN
and Hought nafetv on the nelghlioring
IiIIIh. liivat troiiblo and 1.s of life and
projiorty in expect ed.
si:vi:m: hthiimh o i.ntinui:.
Slonn.of Hire t niul Hn 'ln Noithern Win
aonaln, Mliincmitit mill Dtlmlu.
CiiifAoo, March Uispatcheii from
tho Northwest continue to ruport covoro
nleet and hiiow HtorniH hi Noithcin Win
coiihIii, MiunoHota and lakota. More
than one foot and a half of hiiow covoih
tho ground, completely blocking tho rail
roaiU, tho high winds prevailing canning
it to diift. lho little town of ltevlllo,
Dakota, ix completely blocked In without
fuel. The InhabilaiilH thoioef aio com
iielled to break their furiiitmo up mid use
it for faol.
ItlVKIt AND HAItltDU Itll.l..
For 'I liu Impr 'Viiumit ft Tim Coliimlilu
Itlvrr MIII.I.uiiO! 1'. r Vniiilim lli)-8l'40,.
Wamiixuton. March 'J'. Tho Hiver
and Harlior bill wax comploted to-day. It
iirovidoM for tho appropriation of Mil), ODD
for Improvement of tho Columbia river
from its mouth to tho Cascades and $1L'0
000 for tho improvement of tho Yaijuina
rrnlmbly Will Dl.
roiiTWNi), March L'8. Ijirry Kelley,
Htabbed in tlio abdomen by LoiiIh Dar
rah on account of his knowledge of some
opium smuggling matter, is ling in a
critical condition, and probably will not
recover. Tho wound is a puncture three
fourths of an inch in length, and lookH at
if uiailo by a stiletto. Kelley and Darrah
had some words a little lieforo tho stal-.
bing happened, as Kelley nays, about
Darrah taking some tobacco fiom a friend
of his. There is something singular
altout tho whole atf.iir, and the chances
are that tho stabbing Is the result of a tow
about borne opium smuggling matter.
A I'oxnliT Kzploiloii.
Doiiiis Fkiikv, N. Y., March 27. A
large quantity of powder exploded in tho
SHckney factory, near Ashfoid, to-day.
hero the powder mills stood there is a
hole now big enough to bury a large hotue
in. Two workmen, tho only ersoiis near
thot-cono at the timo of explosion, wero
blown toatonis, e'ii the smallest jortion
cf their remains em. hot be found.
Wlillmu lior.lii'lmi-r HuiU.
Nkw Yoiik, March 'J". Win. Dorshei
inor, publirlior of tho New YotkStar, and
a prominent iwlitlclan. died last nieht at
Savannah, Ga., where ho had gone for a
I rest from his arduous labors.
1 1 ii tin CoiiHty Dnitiocrnln.
ItAKri: Cm, March t.8. The Demo
cratic County Coitvontlt n asK'iubled in
this city to-day up to ibis time, have
inadotho following nominations: Dele
gates to tho State Convention w hich meets
Tim i:,0. Mini lliiiyi'ly ht'liitla tip ARnlimt
'r Yotk'n I'urnl) Iiik llllcriiril, lint
l'limlly (li't Knocld'it out- liy it Itnurry
in lVndleton on April lid, T. I), l'aiker,
ti. i;eiaiui, .i. h. .mcuiiiiiIm. v. w. Trav
ltt tit ii runt.
1 seem to have a peculiar knack of
ttl IC.I til 1 iilttH (I WWItllt tt lliltt II lit I Ail
illvii and A. II. nrowii; HepreKoiitatlves. tuk0s place. If a man Is going to holding
(ir it , ' i1",', ',' iota big llio occurs, 1 am generally theie
W. II. Kilburn ; t lerk, H. D..lett : Ticas- .. in. ,.?,. ,,..r,i i,il.u. in ti.., frm.t w.w
fe -. ' llllll MM VI l-i hioi'i vii in aiw i' t
umong the baldheads to feu that tho per
foimanco proceeds , wit li (Uio propriety,
t Uf course, with such a record as a ciltic,
' Now Yotk's iKjpulaco insisted on my
J. Ste-
11. Ha
uler, b. H. AlcCoril; Assessor. 1
vens j .School .Siiporintendent, I,
TlinTIm. on Hprrcklo.
Nkw Yoiik, March L'7. Tlio Now York
Times, in speaking of Sptccklcs, tho
Pacific coast sugar king, says: People
can Iiojki for little relief through agency
of a sugar rollncr who for years has nion
ox)llzed supply on tho Pacific Slope, and
by his exeitions has built up an enor
mous lot tune. JCelief can only bo oh
doing tho connolss-eur act on their latest
entoilalnmi'iit, which took, tho town by
storm. In other words, their great and
only bllzzard,which even discounted P. T.
Itanium's consolidated shows, and made
old P. T. neatly dio of envy. If I hail
known when tlio show was dated for, I
would have modestly but firmly declined
ttiincd by cutting down taiifi' rates, which t any participation In tho festivities, and
now lorimi iiuporiauou ot reiiucd nave taKcii a liver to riorum, nui wini
Aculntt Foreign IIdrh.
....... n n M.....I. mi ii t
dent Cleveland has t-eut to Ccngicss a
!..... .1 Is I ..tv...t mi ttllli
111, iipii.II Mivni A w.j. iiii.w... it,. ......
York's gieat blizzard and. tho blizzard got
message recommending legislation to
prohibit thu Importation of swine from
Franco and Ucrmauy.
For Hill for Prmlitrnt.
Tiii:nto.v. N. J.. March U7. Tho Dem
ocrats ot tins state win iioid their con
mixed up wilh mo so cmdially that 1 have
only just legun to feel peifiiclly recovered
from my meeting with thof.ir-oH'struugcr
from Dakota's sunny shores. Of course,
beluga far-oil' delegate from tho West
myself, tho blizzard and 1 felt kind of a
brotherly iutoiest in each other, and that
eventful morning of Manih'llllh wo sallied
volition to elect delegates to thu National F1 1 1 ' ' ,
convention, which cwiveneH at St. Louis l, V ltu ' tl r or. It as
on Julv !(d, on Mav 1. Tho Jersey State u;, ,r. 'St S ffi
con.in tteo favor I ill.aiid are solid Lalnst l"llo,ilrlut iu m far asco r woiit Ikil u
i a oi'iii on iiiizziuii nuiuuvi. i iiiin.it.-ii
thu nouiinatlou of Clovcland.
Too Mtivlt Mni'ilvil.
Sr. Amians. Vt.. Match "7. 15. A.
Hall emtio hero from Seattle, W. T., last
year, and soon utter married a juolty
I'oung lady bl a nelghlioiiug town, lliey
mvu lived happllv together uluce, until
vontoiiliiv. when Hull was iirnleil fur
bigamy, ii)on advice from Seattlo that ho
had deserted a wife and child there, and
that tho Seattle wife would lw brought
hast to appear against him,
Drotrnpil InnWiMli Dollar.
Cinco, Oai, March 1!7. Tho two-
yoa -old clilld of William .Monro of tills
unco was drowned to-day in a wasii
lollor, containing wator to tho depth of
only thrco inches. Its mothor loft the
liild only a low moments beforo In the
vicinity of tho lsiller: when she returned
she found her little one in thu Isiller,
dead. It fell in on its facu and was
Iloth the rmalitttnt unit dulilcr Oouo.
lt.M.iadti. N. O., March 27. Tho Imartl
of directors of tho First National Hank of
ltalelgh, behoving tho president and
a-diicr to nave absconded with tlio
greater portion of the bank's funds, have
closed tlio tutors of the hank and turned
..... . . ... i .
over mo sciiiouiout oi ns iiusiiicsh uuairs
to tho government.
Imllitn Drproilatlnim,
Noqai.kh, Aiti.oNA, March 27. Offi
cials of Souora, Mexico, have 1 con noti
fied that tho Series, an Indian tribe in
habiting Tiburan Island, (iulf of Callfor
nla, crossed over tho Straits of Infiiriia-
llio to Sonora, whero they committed
depredations on an extensive scale.
Democrat lu fitMlnn.
Portland, March 28. p. in, Tho Dem
ocratic Convention of Multnomah County
convened tins morning at nine o cioci;.
I'p to this hour no nominations havo
been mado.
Ntnriint tu lotiu.
CniCAdo, Murcli 27. In Iowa sleet
storms havo prevailed for two days past
and tho weathor Is extremely cold.
A VldiittMi Cniap on tiiiuku Itlvtir Drpupu
Intuil. The HoillfN of Ttt i Foiiuil And
I'lfty-ttvo Hruiuln to lie Acc-oiuiteil Fur.
Kriiin thf WiiIIowh HUiiul,
ImI fall a camp of thirty-four Chinese,
moviwl mi mui of the liars on Snakn rlvi.r
just above tho junction of tho Iiniiaha tears wuh a pair of IkjoIh sticking out of 'it
' ... .. . T . ... 1 .1 t. . , I l-!f . ..!.!. .1... 1... 11... I...
wiui mat river, to siienti inu winter mm-1 mm wnu mo iwn up, iwuiuk
myself iu ono of my old Oregon disguises,
and (hover Cleveland, himself would
nuvur havo known inc.. Lfirst licgan on
my feet, around which; 1 built a fortifica
tion composed of anliiittu carpet of an
ecru but gorgeous pidtoru, held in iosltlon
wlllt baling cord of tho coriect tint. An
ai nif lilanket with a dot bet lino girdle
neelk'o and a L'unity-Hack head dass
a'la cossack, completed my costume. Ah
I sauuteied down KroudiMiy all tho dudes
whose heads went abovo snow-drlflM
stopied to admlro me, and I freipiently
heatd tho remark, "Duv'llsh Knglish, yo
knaw." 1 am not proud, however, so
these little coinpllmentM were only wasted
on tho bll.zartl air. l.lko .Mr. Kxcelslor,
I kept on through snow iuiiI ico, hut un
like Mr. Kxcolsior. I havo lieeii heatd
from. Kxcelsior, llko' some of our Ilo
tinning Hoards, has shown a marked
reticence alKitit making himself known.
In fact, has crawled into his hole.
Steadily 1 proceed on, my promenade,
stopping occasionally at resorts for thu
weary. These places all foemed tp lo
run by u Mr. Push. Tito pterin was too
blinding to uuiko out tho Initials of his
name. Kvery time-1 enleicd, tho blizzard
walked iu with me- ami took a nip, lu
fact nipped everything generally, pnsluc
ing a haiiuonloiiH How of profanity from
tho Inmates. All along my ruulo 1 camo
across abandoned cabs, hon-o cars and
other vehicles. Tho elegant tramp had a
festival. Ilo could bo scon numerously
reclining on thu ciishlonsof an abandoned
cab, with bin feet stuck out of tho w indow
and smoking u snipe with a languid and
blano air, which scofled at hlixxatiN.
Stuck lu hugo ruow banks weio numer
ous advertising signs, a few of which wero
as followH? "Keep oil' thu grass, hut use
Sajiolio." 1 kept oil', but contrary to
dliections, havo not used Su.olii yut.
Sapolio may Iki a gotid cigar, but I huto
to change aroiiud to now brands. "Ono
hundred men wanted lo eat snow." Ho
lug out of a job heio was a lino opisirtu
nlly for mo. "A tllamond pin lost under
this drift, dig for it." If I had only had
my working clothes, I would havo dug
heiofora week On Willi street some
syndicate put out thu following: "tfO.OOO
lowurd for thu author i f 'Heautlful
Snow'." I Immediately thoi ghl f de
livering myself up, hut on couwde .U 'it,
thought thu reward was not ample oiiouu-i.
Tho most afi'ectlm! tblmr. ami onu which
caused mo to shcil great gobs of bitter
Kvo and put In three links of tho Atlantic
cable, Mickey."
Kntor a young lady.
Young lady "Waiter, a piece of minco
pie, with plenty of sugar."
Walter "Dyspepsia for one, wld
plenty of sweetness."
Knter a Hebrew.
Hebrew ".Mine frendt. mine beoplcs
don't know I eats meat, but shnst gib mo
a leetle H)ik, mitotit du graby."
Waiter ".Vlckoy, a sheeuey funeral
with the hearse left out."
Knter a (lei man.
(tcrmati "Sauerkraut."
Witilur "One corpse."
lierman "Pud limlerger."
Waltei "Put a sewer iu wid do corppo;
Kiglit hero I arose hi all my native
dignity, spasmi dicallv grabbed my uui
biella ami the test of my wardrobe, and
tiled lo escaiie. Hut thu waiter was on
to mo, ami yelled: "Don't ouor us,
ottng feller, but swipe out dat dmiu yer
owes ills benevolent institusbun." I
di-oppcd the illiuo. Something eli-e also
drojiped. I was picked up oil' tho side
walk, but thu physicians now say 1 am
out of danger. Dick.
I'olntN Alimit llio 'littlir.
Kroin tlm WmI I ii WiiMiiHliitt-Hiimu.
A Umatilla county farmer askrt.wlnU Ih
the tin ill' on wih)1, wheat, potatoes-and
other farm productions. Tho protection..
Is as follows:
Wool, from 2'a to 12 cents pen ound.
Potatoes, 15 cents or pound.
Putter, 4 cents per pound.
Cheese, -I cents per pound.
Wheat, 20 cents per bushel.
ltyoanil b.irlej, HI cents pur hnsheli
Indian corn, 10 cents per bushel,
Honey, 20 eon Is per gallon.
Mllk,presurcd,'J0 per cent, udvulonmu
HaiiiH, ami bacon, cents er-H)Uiidi.
lleef and poik, 1 cent per pound.
laird, 2 cents ier siuml.
licklus, !! per cent. advalnrtMii.
Vegetables, 110 K'r cent, advaluruuin
Vinegar, 7)u cents pur gallon.
Flax, 20 per ton.
Hemp, .f!!.) per ton.
Will hum County Driuorrntlii 'I titl.fl.
Tho Deinocratle county conveiitlou iuwI
.losenh last Friday. Thu following
candidates woto nominated,; Jofi'eisoii
Ownlwy, ruiirupuntativu; P. O. SnlUvan,
county jiidgo; D. 11. HeavW, county
cloik; S. 15. Wlllelt, sbtirill'i (leorgo
ilson and o. . Allen, coiuinis."ioiiurs;
S. A. Hint, assessor: T. .1. Dealt. Iiviw
uiur: J. .1. Hluvans. school ' Htiperititeiub
tint; Dr. Cobb, coroner, anil 'P H. Saim-
ders, surveyor, lho noinlniilK'iw glvoi
general sat if fuel ion, ami dilubtless thui
full ticket will be elected.
ing for gold, which those burs aio known
to contain.
When thoy moved thoro, it was known
they had u latgo boat and n good supply
of provisions, and it was generally
thought, consideralilo gold dust; I
tlio estimated amount was from t
to iUO.OOO. but tlio real amount
known. Tho bar on which they had en
camiied is very isolated, and siucu spring
lias ojMmcd, a party oi men passing one
day noticed no ono around tho camp, and
thu in
scriptlon, "Hero lies Henry tieorgo,
snowed under." Poor old Henry! How
our Oregon constituents will mourn your
It Is unnecessary for mo to relate niv
Tho old wliuif boat, through wlllolt
millions of dollars of fa'ight t itauioy bus
been trundled to tho pocko,'! of the olii
O. S. A N. (?o., is now on, 1 liu sand bar
Inlow tlio I 'mat ilia house ami is almost a
wreck, says thu Wiu-co Sun. Having
served its period of mcfultioss to the
company, It now lies with its poit side to
tho land, lis starboard in. tlio lUer uiul
Hs roof iiiiliitlm; toward (ioldeiullilo.
Truly a sad fate for the old baigii, but of
such aio ino inn servanis oi iiieeompaiiy.
.tlnllinnr Oiunl.t Doiuurriitln'rlclivt
For rupiesculalive, P. Naploii ; sheriff1,
II. C. Murray i (Jerk, K. II. Testiiis
sehsor, W. S. Law i unco; ttunsurur, I,
A. Sevoyj county jiulgn. .1. T. ( lometit!
e' mmls.domrs, t.'oii.. Ityau uiul J. C.
Skellou; school sill elllltelldeul, Will.
(Jiibblo; surveyor, Henry Hedges; cor
oner, Larry Faulkner.
Itllt lllluulll'li Si liinou,
The biggest Iriigalloii wiiumo this sldft
of Callferida has just'coino tun head. An
liicorK)raled company, repicseiitiugu half
million d( liars capital, bus U'eu oigau
ized to coiislriict'iind operalo ucuitul I fly
two miles long, twenty feet widouud forty
feet bottom, hum Yakima tluough thu
Hittiiij J'iilo region, iu the- Yakima valley,
to thu 1 1 tout 1 1 of Uio river ut tho Columbia.
'There aro live- trustees mimed in lho
Yakima Valtey Lund uud Iriigailon Cf.tii-
i ill fact numerous hair-breadth uscaiies in detail, pany, for th.! first six months, ciiipilstlug
i f20,o00 How I doilgcd falling telegraph jmjIcs, or of Chester A. Congdon and Henry P.
nt is not I heat my way through thu mazy iiiulcr- Harbour, of St. Paul ; Uolaud It. Kinue,
growth of telephoiiu and electric light
wires. How I fell down an uioa way and
hrniM.lit mi In u l'iiv and frolicksotiiu
muniier on thu stomacli of a fat man who
on Investigation found tho bodies of two 1 had lust un ceded me. and with whom I
Chinamen who had undoubtedly been i jmdmiilu an unlimited chat on the hero
killed by shooting In tho head, and tho after, with siieculutious as to the proper
other Chinamen wero nowhere to bo won, tions of sulplitir and brlmstono used in
Their tents weio blown down, und after that latitude. No, I will not tell all that
being taken up revealed a largo amount : hapiioiicd lu mo on that eventful day.
of provisions and milling utensils, widen Those memories aro toosaeied
had been ui-cd hut very Utile, llio boat
was missing, uud everything looked us if
it had I eon ilo.-erted for somu time.
On tlio Rink nniir tlm river wore fnmid
I utl'nrll Ulllilll llllt.rf llf fllltriflir.l Hllllllri
which sc'in to havo lie-on thrown out to
gether, ami with which tho awful deed
liuibt have leeu committed, Kverythlug
looked us If a battle had been fought, ami
tho bodies of all except tho two found,
were put in tlio Isiat which was scuttled,
or thrown Into thu il.er. During the
winter, wo understand several Is-die of
Clilnainen wero picked upnoarlxiwUton,
which would Indicate tho latter theory
is tho correct ono. Whether either Is
correct or not, tho fact remains that tho
untouched camps aro there und tho
Chinamen missing, except tho badly do
comioscd bodies of the two found.
Thoio Is no question from the sourco of
our information, that a teniolo ciliuu
has been committed, and thu olllcers of
tho law should investigate tho mutter
The third
cupltal of tho World wuh completely
knocked out, ami llko John I,. Sullivan,
can no longer consider hurt-elf invincible.
No trains in or out of tho city. Tele
graphic communications entirely cut oil'.
Thu elevated roads and surface Hues tuu
at u standstill uud everything paralyzed
but mo and a fow other Wustem fellowH
who wero accustomed to such Itb of July
Now, although the blizzard did not
phuM) mo, I filially got knocked out.
With my characteristic recklessness I
strolled into a How cry restaurant, wilh
nearly fatal results. 'Hits in what I no
ticed. (Mickey is thu chef do cuisine) :
Kutor a young man.
Young man "(ilvo mo Homo fried
Waiter "Ah thete, Mickey! An
Adam and Kvu afloat, with tho sunny
side up."
Young man "Turn Uiomj eggs and add
fried sausago to tho oritur."
Wuiter ''Khlpwieck tho Adam and
of North Yakima, and Messrs. F. A. Seats
ami T. C. Sears, of Tacoma. Tho princi
pal place. o( iitiMiicK is rtortli laklma,
and the duration of tho coriioiatloii Is
fifty years.. Tbiscunal will reclaim thu
finest body of land hi tho territory, nearly
400,000 acres of which will lie icii to
immediate wttloiuout, ho far uh the gov
ernment lauds are concerned. oik w III
commence at ouco.
Ak1uI ill" MilnplutttT,
From tlio Now York Wurlil,
What can Ui said of thu fiscal sei.co or
legislative capacity of a House that will
pass by a two-thiriN vote a bill to re li
the shluplasler fractional oiirionoy -f the
war tlinoY
Thoi-u ragged, dhty, crumpled, dl i-.ii-c-infected
scraps well called by Mi.i'-.
"a Hiiiall-isix ciirrencv" weio one of t ltd
worst of tlio minor inllictions of the .u.
Thoy wero made necessary by tin- di
iMjamnco from circulation of small nU'-r.
lint now that wo have silver in .i -i-daneo,
thuru Is iioonoiiho fur ru-Iinlictiur
thu dirty shiuplaslers upon a whi le n o
plo lu order to facilitate lho iuiiiitluiice-i
of u few seedsmen and small duali-is
Let thu Senate sit on the bill.
t'lli'n r.f W'h'lll lllirliilimeil
Poiitmni), March 2. ;l in.
price of wheal rumaliis uiaii.iii.
coutH per bushel.
cl tw