Mm iNukd wAre you protected ? MONDAY, MAHC'H 20, 1888. PROPERTY! MO HUUUUiSOIt FOIl 1MJTTKU. A Nw C'ltKlttlnii it AITuIra Hliica lilt Con m. ill in Willi III O. It. N. IVom the 1'' rtl ind Oregon lun. NuWH of tliu iitxjliilmi)iit of Thomas L. Kltnlwll lo I)i3 iwitlnjr gonural manager of thu I'iiIoii l'.iclllc lmn cutiwil no Ilttlu Hpccul.itluii us to thu probable died It Will llllVC Oil tilt! ptirHOnlll'l of the U. It. & K. .Muinvgoiiiuiit in I'ortlawl, und iimny HliiplKirM liuvu Immjii npuetiiuttiiKUiiowiiiii Mr. Kitabull'H Klicy timurdrf thu Worth' wuHtorn cojiMt will Ihj. .Sjiiiu pcoplu huvo tho iifu.i Unit .Mr. Kimball in llio Hiitcoseor of thu Into Thoiniw J. rotter. Thin Ih u mlntiiko. .Mr. I'otlur'H position wu tin liku thut of any other riiilro.ul man in thu country, anil bin rulatioim with thu I'liion I'acllio und U. K, A N. wiru un doco ih it In poiwlbly for iiion to Kt. In tliu llrttt plans hu win viecpruMldont of thu I'nlon hicillc; thon lio wus viiu-prufMuiit of thu Oregon Hallway A. Navigation Company, nnd ho wax trtinlro of Oil Iimhu from thu U. H. A S. to thu Short I.lnu. lie was' thu link which joined thu corporation mid throiiL'h him thu (J. K. fi N. wim' oK!rated uliku for thu IntercfltH of thu Iuhhcii mid of thu 0. It A N.ptoctcholdurH. Whllu hu ili'uli.irpuil thu duties of general manager of thu I'nioii I'uclHc and allied lines, liu did not liuvu thu tlllu of general inanaKur. sincu hu went into thu Kurvlcu of thu Union I'aeitlc that company Iiiih had no olllcur with thu title of Kuneral inuitiiKur. If Mr. l'ottur had lived hu Two Hundred and Forty Town Lots! Choice Building Sites! Rich Garden Soil! Pine Springs of Pure Water! Valuable Rock Q,uarries! would, no doiilit, liavn appointed Midi un olllcur. .hint now. ueconliiiL to pruxs iu iMjrt, thoiiu'h It Is not iiiilllcly he will bu niiixilnleil iHTiiianeiilly to thu tuition. In thu attirlesof leacu ol thu (). K.AN to thu Union l'ueillc, theru is it provision that In i:;io Mr. l'ottur died lwforu bin turm us trii'lce 'three yearn; uxplred, thu presiiluntM ol tliu two curiorations in in tentst hIiiiII upoliit IiUmuwHsor. I f t hoy minimi not w uitio to iiu'reu, tiiun Aihort l ink, commlHHioiier ol thu Irnnk AHsociatlon, its arliitrator, I.lnu is emH)wcreil Jk to apjHiinl a triixteu, lint u joint leao lo thu Northern I'aeitle, uiiIuhm recent trans uutions Hhall bv undone, brings u third party into thu matlurofchoocliiutriiNteu. Under former ronditluus, hiicIi triihteu would of necuHHity havu to bu a pro nounei'il Union ('neitlc iiiaii umi who . would operate the . It. A N. to thu Is'xt Inturustri of thu Union I'tirille. Under pruHttnt condltionH, thu tniHlro must bu nuiitral, winking uliku fur the Northern unit tho union, at thu namo time protect Inu thu Inturusts of tliu O. It. A N. utoek lioldurs. S It Is likely that iiothhiK can bu dmiu now looking toward a mnriwor to .Mr. rotter without thu co-oeration of inn itoriiiurn rneitic. indeed, lie cannot iitivu a Htimwnr as trusteo unless thu joint lunmi is rescinded, Uvaiim) a man occupying thu K)ltion of vk-u-prwldiwit of thu Union i'ai'ilii' would bu objection ablu to thu Northern. In any can), tho matter of helcctiun a truMce fur tho threu comp.itiius lll I hi hlow uork, ami may taku mouths, It is a kooiI kucks that Mr. W. II. Ilolcomb will bu Iho man. Hu has proved his Illness to iimmiKo tliu 0. It. A N. pniperty, and Is known IIuoiikIi out thu West as a fair man. Ity "fair" It Is not meant to say that bu Is a man of only fair ability, but that bu will dual fairly, Impartially, etucun rival corora tlons. Thu relations of Acting Mauuiiur Kim ball with thu O. It. A X. will probably not lsi dost). The general olllcers hero con tiiiuu to report to lWldcnt Adams Mr. Kimball has had a loiiunnd useful career with thu Uiiliui I'aclllc. ami Is kiamu as thu umi man of Iho old and iiiiNipular iiiaiiaueuiKul uho uis not tailed witli tho luo's-liuck bnixli. While s. II. II. Cluiko was p'lieral nmnaxer, .Mr. KlmUill uas! assistaut Ktuiend liiiiniiner, anddurinu'lbu Ioiik llluumi of Iho foimer, Mr. KlinKill "ran thu road." When 1'iesldent Adams uauiu in, .Mr. Kimlull was made enciul tnitlle maiiaKr. and lein. lined in that IHwItiun until .Mr. l'ottur U-eamu iee priwldunl, Hlneo which time hu Mirved as iisslslaut to thu vice-piu'ident. It is believed bv Hiom bent Infoimeil in thu niattur that theru will Ik no change In thu uianaKcmeiit of thu (). It. ,t X. ' either with lenuril In the cenenil .illl.-.,u lioru or with ivnaul to the company's iu-, COMK rni v latious toward the public. Hlioulil thu "lA Joint lua-u k into uU'ect, tliu ehanuiM, If, any, am not likely to occur Isiforo .Inly 1, i lllXl, Coinniencing on APRIL 4th, 1888, And continuing from day to day until nil lots arc disposed of, THE Eastern Oregon Agricultural Association Will Sell at PUBLIC AUCTION! At tho Court House, Two Hundred and Forty Gnoice Lots! In thu town of Pendleton, Oregon. Also Buildings, Stables, Fences and other Improvements. TERMS: One-half cash on day of sale, and one-half payable in one year, secured by note bearing interest at the rate of ten per cent, pur annum. List of property to be sold: 11, lots 1 to 18 inclusive. '12, lots 1 to 18 inclusive. lots 1 to 18 inclusive. M, lots 1 to 18 inclusive, '15, lots 2 lo 18 inclusive'. '10, lots 10 to 10 inclusive. 87, lots 1 to M inclusive. 88, lots 1 to M inclusive. Elk 80, lots 1 to M inclusive. " 00, lots 1 to 14 inclusive. " lots 1 to M inclusive. " 1)8, lots 1 to M inclusive. " 00, lotsl to 1-1 inclusive. " 100, lots 1 toM inclusive. " 101, lots 1 to M inclusive. " 102, lotsl to U inclusive. One (1) acre more or less in lot 8 in NW4 of Sec 10, Tp 2N, 11 IJ2 E, bounded on the SE by Umatilla Rcaorvnfion line, and on tho west by the west boundary line of tho S. L. Alorso homestead claim. 1 grand stand huildiu wagon; 1 sot harness! I saloon; Etc. 1 dwelling house; 1 horse; A Sm.I H.i.IIi. Tho DalKiH Time: Mrn. Nanev Itvun, uuvd III jour, met with an accident w'hllo riding a liurM to the cieek from her Iiiih- band' liuiiMt, on lhrf,i Mil,, fuck, ro-, Hultlntt In hei ilenth ocnlittf. orl littslwml w a h .iut: to bin U,tk in the fluid mid bin wife wa tidluif thuauluial to water, when he Uvumo frTubtenwl and nut UMiiy, ilrauiriiiK her a dUuimv .if An) yuiU. I ho Mlrrup broke or her foot I u iuuui loos', ami cliu wan iilekwl up In un HtiooiitK'i.HiM c uiditiusi. Kvor, thln (hw. hIIiIu wax iloiu to runm-citato her, but die rutiiHhicd until it o'clivU in tliu uvunliiu, when nbu died. She wan thu ilaunhier of Mr. II. t Smith, and hint lun iii.tniml lo him who now numriw her inM oiilj io muiitliH. A llixnt t!alll,lf, W'o-tou U.ulor: The pivieo that jvr iulM Iho untir. piviwof I'undlutuii i, to Hiytlut hu:, remarkable. No o nun els uro HU am . thu "lwihivnN u uc uiiiitlom, a iwriiiiiimtioii'i. K'nn now and then when an outnidwr boiiucix one of Um buy, "lie .i( hU t ig luxilliurti nwluv In lih w'im Iu h truly "I low IVmnIiik il i f,tr lirolherx to dtt. ll tjn'hr in imltv" U trut f nrtwiwiiHtrii iiwl hh ofthewi ..(uiinklud. Thh iMiiilllbui of aUUIrn u cl) of I't'ieC'loii. Surprise Sale at Cost! FOW Til LET Y DAY'S ONLY! $8,000 Worth of Boots and Shoes; $1,000 worth of Moil's and Boys' Hats. $2,000 worth of Men's and Boys' Furnishing Goods; $8,000 worth of Saddlery Goods; $500 worth of Orogon City Blankets. $500 worth of Notions. Trunks. Vniiaoa -i wAkJUhj UUW M) (iKT UAUdAINS, :,t James Wheelan's, Conit street, IVudloton. Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not go any longer without insurance on their property, of whatso ever kind; and nearly everyotie believes that a policy in a good, Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every t cwhat it costs, and procrastination should not be indulged in when it conies to takintr out u policy. In the U WAV first place, pick out competent and RELIABLE ACENTS, With whom to do your business those who represent none but the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peepers" in the direction of the ollice of Clopton & Jackson, nrinfrnin To Mild fmtll nrln.l... i lurvBia iii tno UMttB.fmoiivM Elogant Pullman PolocecJ Emigrant Stccplmr Cnni run through -J pi-en Trains to tai OMAHA, COUNCIL DLUFFS AND Frooof oliargo mid without ctnin,J Close connection! nt 1'orlland for Rin l clco ami I'licnt Hniin.i i.i? it . vIUlfc KnHt bound poJuonEer arrival nt Ijai nun oiiiuiu ireigni arrive at fiiUpTna jmrU nt 0:00 p. in. wcni noil nil it DUMnnircr arrlv i . I Went liolll.d rriiluht arrlvr. i.i i.n lS . . . . - iv ii.m liun III . Ul. U'ulln Hull anU I'eudlrtnn RnJ i.cucn iii uiuu ii. in, iur tvuilil Will. I rlvi.a uti.nilli IM. W.Hh t....VMlll " " ll. To Han Vmnclico, ttivo ttciimRlilp wliar, I'ortland, it , lilKlit. iia folloWNt ' 41 Co 11 In lila. Krl. Mar. 'Il Drrirnn u.i .. .I Mliltfl. Mi.mtuv. M ft. r..i . "''1 ColuillbU.MUIl. ! Orpoft. ,.:.' 1 Stale, Weil. " II; Col. Thiintfn, .1 Tu 1'ortl.iKl. j I.eaTlnit8pent nt wliurf Man KrancliJ a in an fotlowHi 1 Off koii Hut. Mnreh, fl; Hlnte, Hun.Mitl Col. 'I lium. ' n: Oriri n. wl? f 9 niuio, rriuuj", u; liOIIIIIIDIaMit i Col. 4t.lft. Tit. Iiresnn, Yti Ii! inurn. " in; Kutc of l'aiiuice. IlicludtliR muiilii and bcrlhi. vhiiiu, - im Mtierutp. '1 ln I HVlii T T.l ltli..l V r of flirt lirr imrf lemur Inniilmn'in.i.l nJ40it'0V.l!VV.?.'7,.'..,.'s'U3twc''. A.d i ui i viiimiiui uukiiii, A. Ii. .HAXWF.M.I v ! ...v. ...... .. a. o. r.atii Oencnil Manager. W. !. AM,OWAV,Aft lVnilletnn, lirfjt .ocated in the EAST QREGOXIAN buildinrr. Pendleton whore you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma rine, Accident or Life insurance, dono up iu APPLE-PIE ORDER! Onion liy mall milloltoil. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO., W1NTK AXH SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, OREGON. 03 FRONT STREET, AfiKNTS " mcliOiUwSm I. . . . 1 i iv i.i nun wih. iur ii is hi. 1" II I faJ..JUI, IwtVO tiu il W ' tin- ir nlti . u ilu. imii kirtM lCiMt IVKllMlld. to l.iMiv.' WimitM nhuMl thirl vWit Horw. umi tout oi It u niWruw lht tMitijiMUv HnOU lUJctoJ. m m ,ST01L LAKK SHAVING PARLOR bhnvlns, Hnlrcuttlng n.ut Shampooing. All uol ,4Mi bv o,,l .uiivtont workmen. A trwl holieiun!. KUGEL & SHARPS, OorMraiuIn mi Wobbrwt., lVjidloton. On-fcM. It is well to remember that to bo' secure you must insure ...... mi.:..i Ti.i.' i i uui: vi uiu xiiu-Ly xteiiaoie uompanies represented by Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000! If you contemplate insurance, call on them and get posted, mill W in !ll -i " y numing. ivemeinhor their oflico rvoa v.uu'.uuiMAi buihling, or address is in tho Pendleton, j lly yruy of the Orogou k California K. AMd ;uurctiia. Tho Mount Shasta RotitJ ()ulckrr In tlmr llmti nny ottier lloute. Iletwren I'ORTLAND AND MAN KltANCt-IOCj Leave Portland at 4:00 d. m. dd Through time. 39 hours. I'UIiLMilM HVrVKT HI.KKIKft Excurslor Sleoners for 91 Class Passeneers on through trains froo charge mm from I'nrlluint to Hnrrnmfil mt Hun KmnclMrot Flrnt-rliKN Diillmltril el! I FlrHt.rln, Mmllnl Noeoiiil.rlUNM, l.luilirit till Tloket Offlco: t-oriior Kttmt Front Htn., I'onlasdM i:. p. uoui:itH,o. v a viut.Mi u KUi;ill.i:it, MnnuKer. CREAT OVERLAND ROUTi THE Northern "Pacific ilailJ Tl IK ONLY LINK IIUNNINU IWlman lil,icf titerilna ir Mauntnrtnt Ihiy Cunchn! hlruunt Kmtiimnl Mreiiinii Can! With Jlerllm Frre qf Ckni From Orepon and Wnshlnylon PohJ to the East. viu rJ. mill unit MIiiiiphpoIIh. Th wi line runnini; IMIiico Dining Can. (Meals 73 cent.) nsti..i Tiiun Kvir Jlttitn Fro u4 i.ount ivtT tli ii Northern t'ucltln ltnllrnml T.fl!,!ux City, Cminoll Illutr-, Bt. JompJ t. venworiii, kmiii vri llurllinitnii.Uiilncy, HI. Uinln, ClilrD4 nil im nuturoiiuliniittlie Kiul nnd w4 eiut vln Ht. lNiurnml illniicuiiolli. I KMIOItANT 8LKEPINO OAIIS Are li nu toil on rciuilur exnresii tralm v T,euvo M'allula Junction 3:10 a, m. Leave HnrMmtil Q 11 i.. .i..ii. orrliri I . Minim Ml lllll llllllll Jiinnonnniid it at !... i 10.4.1 .. m . n.ioj Coilllcrflnn timlu nt Ol t ....! n.l rtnniM 1 , : .." " mv nit ( uiii 11114 ihim"ii olUtoullH)lntKuHt,Hoiitli und RuutlioH PACIFIO DIVISION. Train will leave iwilninl iinllv ut USl m.,e()nnectluir with O. It. A N. Cc'sboitiW ii iuini on I'Utfel Hound. a 11 nil a inrii!. Gonernl v.Ei..n tnua.....An ,Mnt Ko.9 w.n... .".t:,vam ji. .1 .uiutmu ni., I'lirilHIIll, VV. O. ALLOW AY. Anenl, l'enilleton,Orffon.l WH.GARDNER4C0, Sanitary aad l:i l:yd Miiiuifftcturern of Steam and Hot Waten Heating Apparatus, K0l DWELLlNOf Oil I'UIILIO HUILDI.Wl Ppcolltcatloiiii nnil ptllnnitfn furnlaheJ tl iieiiuinj liullillns. in any .wilon of the com irj. i.orr.tinil'iio. kollclted. OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STRETI Portland. Orocon. iuS Olt I'ltl.NTINO Oan l.Plm.liit Um Bast OiikoosiaN oft'l Oregon, i . Ui , VII