East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 26, 1888, Image 1

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A rur.v. LinHAltY.
I'atrnni of III Dully or Heinl-Wrpkly
KABT (MtlHlONIAN tan fr.ly iimkn uo
of Hie I'AHT OUKtlONIAN lllirnry when,
f'r tliej daalre. The public nri cor
dially Invited to tUlt the olllre whrnevor
o Inclined.
w rutin iwiw tiniti uiier inn u uur
an I .11.. u II I a. at a ttW (II
KASV OKKOONIAN for the iaine
or lima 117 man.
NO. 22.
HI Wool Dress Goods
For Spring and Summer Wear,
Arc now constantly arriving, comprising
Of which the following is n partial list :
elin Blue, Mauve;
pent; Orange;
Terra Ootta.
Sea Green.
)le Green. London Smoke. Copper.
rOllTLAMl Ninvs.
Wo also carry a full lino of
Black Chantilly Lace Flouncing,
intal and Valencienne Lace Flouncing,
Over Embroideries, etc., etc
make a speciality of all the above goods, and will guanintco
our Prices to bo
Low as Those of any House in Eastern Oregon.
Just Arrived:
0 men's, boys' and youths' Suits I
Lee Moorhouse & Co.,
general Merchandise
Conductor Oolbuf n Dim of III Itijiirle
I'oor, l'ittr I'earl Frniitirnt l'lro
A limit.
I'oiiti.ani), On., March 20. Conductor
A. 11, (Jolwin, ono of thu victims of lust
Thursday's accident on tliu 1'. & W. V.
nillroad.dieil nt thu Good Samaritan Hob
pltal last nluttt. Ho louvoH n young wifo.
A motion for 11 now trial will bo heard
to-day in the Pearl Pago ease, Her
mother is lining every jiosslblu ettbrt to
suvu her daughter from going to tho ion-
ltontiary. Mw nut upeuled to tlte UoV'
crnor in her belialf if shu should ho wen
Thoro wero four flro alarms In tho city
ycHtorday. Tho llrsl was at 11:30 a.m.
Tho tiro wua in a eottago occupied by John
dainugu $160. Tho next wan ar 0, p. in
TIiIm was tho burning of timber on tho
uncovered wharf, belonging to Meolui,
Urothors & Co.. in North Portland. Tho
North end of tho wharf and 60,000 feet of
lumticr were mimed; Loss f2,-l50; no
insurance. 1 ho tiro watt tho work of an
incendiary. At nix p. in., another alarm
wax turned in for a slight blar.o on tho
roof of a cottage at 110 i'iuo Htrcet. The
loss waB trivial. At 10:40, p. in., a tiro
broke out on tho roof of a two-story framo
(. iiineHo loaning iiousoon-itii Htreet. Tlio
damage wan noiuinal.
Jnlm Mt'Nulty Shoot .Tame Colllat Dawn
In m Struct In Hun 1'ruarUco.
San Fkancisco, March 25. Juiiicb Col-
Hub wuh killed in thin city to-night by
John McXulty. lloth men were ntovo
dorcM by occupation. Thoy met on thu
street, and had somo angry words, hut
sopunited. When Col Huh had gone about
ten stops, McXulty called to him. Col
lins turned around, when McXulty fired
a revolver, tho bullet takiui! oH'oct under
Collins' leftovo and loduinu in tho bruin.
causing death in an hour and fifty min
utes. McXulty claims that ho did tho
shoothnr iii Keif dufoiiso. The doIIco had
a hurd time to keepthu crowd, which sur
rounded the jail soon after McXulty'H ar
rival there, from taking him out and
hiinulne him. Thoy claim that tlio
shooting was entirely unprovoked.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Two Hnndred Squaro Mllr Undar Witter
Wlioln Village Surrounded Great
I,nr Certain.
Uimt.tN, March 2."). Tho low-lying
lands along thu Elite and Vistula riverH
are inundated. Tho village of Dorlotz is
isolated, in tho midst of u great lake. A
numiior oi soid'crn irom tlio nearest gar
rison, after arduous otfortn, succeeded in
reaching tho place with supplies of food.
in lartuor attempts to relievo numerous
villages in a similar condition, fifteen
Holdierrt wero drowned. It is estimated
that two huiidreirsqiiuio miles oi territory
aro intmdated, and alarming rumors of
extended damage and Ioson of life and
property, aie In circulation,
Tlio Ticket niul Slntn Delegate lu Mullen,
Clnrkiitnn nnd I, Inn.
The Marlon county Democratic conven
tion was hold-iit Salem Friday. Tho fol
lowing ticket was nominated: Hoprcsen
iiuives, l'ranic l-eller, William il. Down
lug, T. L. Davidson, Charles Miller and
Win. F. Dugan; nhorlir, Henry t?cho-
maker; dork, . I. Hay: recorder. C. II
Coloumn : coroner, .1 A Hotan ; surveyor,
a uouaict; scnooi Hiipermieniteut, J A
Hollwtwd j commissioners. F X Matthieti
and Hegry Fletcher; delegates to the
State convention, II II Dearborn, V J
Ilcrren, 1, M Savage, 1' II D'Arcv, 15 V
Kldrldgo, Charlos Miller, W W Elder, J
II lleniiiger and F X Matthleu. '
At the Clackamas Democratic convun
tion tho following ticket was placed in
nomination: Representatives, W W
Jchho, Charles Ivoran and John Evcrhart ;
Khorlh", 1 II Xoycr; clerk, 1) II May;
treasurer, E II Kelly: commissioners,
Samuel Englo and Henry McClugin;
stiiiorintendent of schools, O V Hedge;
Johnson; coroner, I)r W L Cnrll. A res
oiutlon was adonteit lu favor of tlio dec
Hon of drover Cleveland for president
and Gov. l'eni.over for vice-president.
Linn county Democrats nominated for
representatives, .1. is. it. .M unlock, JefT.
Myers, It. C. Miller: county commission'
ers, is. oootHjr anil it. w. riiilips;
county judge, J. J. Whitney : clerk, C.
I-.. .Montague: slierill. Jotin bmulltmin ;
treasurer, H. Farewell; assessor, 'A. H.
Moss; school superintendent, L. M. Curi;
coroner, J. boa. iNo nomination wuh
nuido for surveyor. Tho follow inir were
elected delegates to tho State convention :
JiUowau, .1 K. catlienor(l, U II lUU-
stoii, L Senders, T J lllack, Enoch
Hoult. I 1) Miller. W It Dilycu and
JamcH l'erry.
portion of said grants, for valuable
Hiderution, if any such there bo.
Will rrolmlily lin u Norllmrn or Wealern
lull I'irli4 Curllalu.
Wasiiisoiox, March '5.--Tho chief
topic of conversation to-dav in iolltlcal
circles is us to who will Ih apH)lnted
Chief Justice Walto's successor. It is
gcuondly helioved that u Xortliorn or
Western man will lw selected. Mr.
Jenkins and Mr. Dlcklmon stand noaiest
tho head of tho list, but many claim that
Carlisle has thu inside track.
Ktlil ltlljilnif Troueliout Wlicomlii, Mill
uraota niul Itukota,
St. V.wu, Minn., March l!o. A severe
snow and wind storm ragod all day yos
torday throughout Northern AViscousin,
.Minnesota and Dakota. Tho snow is from
thrco to five Inchon deep. Street cars
havo bcon abandoned in this and other
cities. It was dlllk'iilt for iHidcstriaus to
movo ubout oven short distances in tho
fnco of tho furious blast. Nearly all
trains aro from onu to sovun hours lato.
An Hiil Spaniard Accidentally Killed.
San Fjiancisco, March 25. Whilo
crossing u street yesterday Joso Jesus
Valencia, tin old and resected Spaniard,
after whom Valencia street was named,
was struck by a butcher wagon, and fo
badly injured that ho died soon after.
Valencia was 81 yearn of ago.
IliUentoll Cumins to the Const.
Pomona, Cai.., March 25. A letter
received hero to-day from Mm. It. G.
Ingersoll, slates that tho Colonel and ills
fumily will shortly lcavo Now York for a
two-months' visit on tills coast.
Freight Truln CollUlou.
Salt LakeCitv, Utah, March 25. Two
freight trains collided between Ogdeu and
Evauston yestordav, and three cure were
burned. Tlio accident was due to ti wrong
signal given by a switchman.
Kliiiillinx In Ylrcllllu City,
VnifiiNiA Citv, Xkv., March 25. Grout
excitement prevails hero IliU evening on
account of tho discovery of three caves of
HinullK)x, and thu fact that therq, is no
vaccinating virus in tlio city.
Wht-ut In 1'ortlund.
Porthnk. March 20, 2 1'. M. Walla
Walla who.it is quoted to-dav at OU. Tlio
outlook in not considered bright.
TIih AIiiIIiioiiihIi Coiiirntloii.
I'ohthni), March 2(1. The Multno
mah county Domot-ratic iMiivention will
uko place on Wednesday, March 2rtth.
CotiBrcstlnnal anil Capital Note of later-
t to KortliMrdern Header!.
'Dawes, from thu committee on Indian
all'iiirs. roportcd adversely on thu bill au
thorizing tho secretary of the interior
to iiermit miners and corjioratlous or
ganized for mining purposes to pros
K!i't, develop, lease and own the
mineral Krtiou of any Indian res
ervation upon such terms and con-
litioiiB kb may bo nurccd tuiou by the sec
retary of thu Interior and tho Indians on
tho reservations. The hill wan opjioscd
by tho secretary of tho intorior and tho
commissioner of Indian utfalrs.
Saulsbury then uddressed tho Semite
on thu subject of thu president's mcssugu.
Tlio democnitiu party, ho said, had al
ways maintained, mid still held, that the
only proper motive of taxation wan to
provide tlio necessary rovenuo for use of
government, and that every man was
liouud to contrlhuto his just share. Tax
atlnn for any other pun tone wan unjust
and indefensible. Tho democrat lu party
was hi favor of ruvising and reducing tho
tariir, and would carry It out unless
thwarted in its purjioso by u combination
of democrats, actuated by local interests,
witli republicans who favored higher
Thu Senate liasscd thu following bills:
Providing in certain cases for forfeiture
oi wugon road grams in urcgou.
To provide for a commission on thu
subject of the alcoholic liquor tralllc.
Iloiihu bill appropriating 11000 to ro
wan! Esquimaux natives of thu Asiatic
coast of tho Arctic ocean for actn of hu
manity to shipwrecked seamen.
House bill authorizing the president to
arrange a conference between tlio United
States and thu republics of Mexico, Cen
tral and South America, Hayti, Sun Do
mingo and tlio empire of llnu.il. It ap
propriates $100,000.
To aid tlio Statu of Colorado to support
a school of mines,
To create ports of ontry at Taeoina mid
Soattlo. W. T.
lu all, thirty-ono bills wero passed.
Tlio Housu also passed several bills
relating to Indian matters.
There aro Ixi t ween II vo thousand and
six thousand claims pending against tho
government on account oi depredations
committed by Indians. There wan a com
mittee osiecially created this session to
examine thin class of claims, hut thu
number has been found to ho entirely too
la rue for tho committee to attend to,
Tins being tho caso tho committco hasde
cided to prepare a general bill, which
shall create a court of Indian depredation
claims, which shall havo jurisdiction over
these mailers. iiacommilieucxicciH lo
report tlio hill ill a week.
dom'ii'b lioo I's Koiti'KirriiK dim..
Dolph'n hill relating to laud grants to
Oregon wagon roads directs tlio attornoy
general to bring suit in tlio V, S, circuit
court for thu district of Oregon against all
jiorsons or corporations claiming to own
or having an interest in tho military wag
on load from Eugene City to tho eastern
boundary of tlio State; and also thu mili
tary wagon road from Tho Dalles to Fort
ISoit-o, on Snako river, ami determine the
question of seasonable and projier com
pletion of the roads in accordance with
tho terms of tlio granting acts. To deter
mine also the legal ell'ects of tlio sevenil
certltlcntcrt of tho governor of tho Statu of
Oregon on thu completion of said roads,
and the light of losumplloii of such
granted lands by tho I'nited States, and
to obtain juilgmuiiin whlcti the court in
iiiithurueil to render, declaring forfeited
to thu United Htaton all of such lands us
aro coterminous with the unt or uirtn of
either of such wagon roads which were
not coiihtructcd in accordance with thu
requirements of thu '.'ranting acts, and
setting atiilu patent which liavu boon
issued fur any such lauds, uiviiiK and
preserving thu rights of all buna liilu pur
chuivor al either of such grunts, rr any
Krom our regular orrcspomlcnl .
Washington, March ltUh, 1883.
Thanks to tho Uopuhlicati obstructionists
Mr. Mill's tariir bill has not been repor
ted to the Housu. Tho time is belli'.' well
put In, however, by thu friends of the
measure in missionary work among the
few misguided democratic members, who
worship still at tlio shrine of protection.
It in now claimed that tho number of
democrats pledged to support tho bill
when It ucls Ik' fore the 1 Ioil.-tn Is unlv
live short of a majority, ami it is hoped
that enough Itopublicans will vote for it
to insure its pussngu.
Hut not much faith can lw attached to
that hope. llcpublicauB seldom vote for
u measure that is opitosed by their lead
dors, no mutter what their own opinions
may be, a ixjliticul lesson which the Dem
ocrats have never yet learned. However
it may result the Democrats who bcliuvu
in keeping tho pledges inudo to tho peo
ple, propose makiui! uu honest ellbrt to
redeem those pledges. If they full tho
causo of their failure will be apparent to
Thu latent applicant for Maine's man
tle is Senator Hale, of Maine. Ho ban
been appointed Chairman of the Senate
Committee to investigate the alleged vio
lations of tho civil service law by the
Democrats. 1 his is expected to give him
a boom. It Is more likely to develope in
to a boomerang.
A ruunr w.h current hero tills week
that Senator Vest, of Missouri, proposed
retiring from public life ut tho end of his
present term, 'thu Senator brands the
report as u falsehood and s.iy.s that hu
Deliovcs It originated wiui ine isepuuii
Cans, who would doubtless be glud to see
him retire.
Senator oorheos, who In very fond of
n joke, has lots of fun with the Republi
can CHMiiitorn who are eiiowii as candi
dates for thu Presidency. Ono day thin
week he hud a colored cartoon untitled
"Just drauini: them on" which ho was
show ing around thu Senate Chamlier. It
represented u fox laying on tho ground,
thu head Mug that of Maine. One eye
wun closed ami thu other partly ojhmi and
woro a very viuo-awae expression, a
Dock of L'cef-e. each ono wearing tho head
of a Republican Presidential candidate,
Sherman in front, wuh represented as ap
proaching tho icciimlent fox. Thu
:ce."e included near, r.vuris, ingaiis,
Uncock, Doihjw and several other would-
bo candidates. Everybody took tho Joku
good-nuturcdly, even thu gentleman who
woru caricatured.
Acting Secretary Thompson, of thu
Treasury Department, ono of tho K'st
ami most cotnctcni omeiain ovonqt
iiolntcd by Mr. Cleveland, has written a
letter to tlio Secretary of Statu, hi reply to
a communication irom lion, ir.i Daven
port in regard to an alleged lack of iu
cipnx'ity between tho United States and
Canada iu tho luqiortation of nursery
products, such as plants, shrubs, etc., in
which he savn that thu matter in trovern-
ed entirely by the lawH of tho respective ',
countries, our laws admitting those arti-1
clon free, while the Canadian luilM' re
quires u duty of twenty jer cent ad val-1
orein on such articles. Ihusu being thu
facts ho does not heu how thu Tieasury
Department can take any action to rectify
thu injustice complained of by Mr.
DaveiiKirt. '
Senator Colqult'n sieech, miidu early i
thin week, wan strongly iu favor of rev-,
uutiu reform an outlined iu the President's ,
mcssugu. Hu said it is now tlmo for the
distinct assertions of Democratic princi
ples, tlio hearty maintenance of them
ami redemption of Democratic pledges.
Thu reign of thu opposing principles had
been long enough, and hail already genu
far towards converting the I U into u
plutocracy. Tho high tar hud
always been that of thu Torv iu
ioliticn, thu friend of class lcglslau i
Secretary Falrchlld. in answer to a rt,
quest for his opinion on SenatorSherman's
hill for thu investment of the funds for thu
redemption of national bank notes, has
written a lougletter on thu subject to the
Senate llnanco eoiiin!tlco. In disapprov
ing of tho inuasuru hu ohitn out thu had
rosultn that would probably follow its
adoption, llosays; "tho allernato ex
pansion and contraction resulting from
this bill, would hi my judgment only
promote speculation ; not healthful busi
ness." The Secretary hits thu nail
squarely on thu head. Any llnuuclal mea
sure projioHcd by John Sherman In sure
to Ik) lu thu interests of his friends, thu 1
Wall street siH'culutorn.
Washington in to havo two notablo
gatherings of.'woinen soon, On tho 2.'th,
hist, thu Women's International Council 1
will Iwgin an eight days Kcsslon comment- ,
orutivo of tho fortieth anniversary of the
woman sullrugo movement. On thin occu-
hion distinguished women from foreign
countries will lw in attendance. Then, on
April 2d. the annual Woman Sullnuio
Convention will bo held.
A Count Comiiiont.
1 roin tlio lliuiilun,Coo I'd., Itcuord, 1
Thu East Oki:(hman has spoken for '
thu Democracy Hast of thu mountains,
and with profound political acumen disii-!
vown any purine to claim the naming of
the nominee for Itopiorontutivo. Two
imiHons may bu said to induce thin din-1
cldiiuur. Thu llrst in based upon thu j
general boliul that Huimaiin l iuvlu-1
ciblu ; and the second in born of an inten
tion to lay siege lo tho l ulled Stalon j
Sunatondiip ahuiild the lAtgMatiuo gn
Democratic or nearly so, which thoy
could not do with a Congressman ahead) ,
charged to their account.
Ozokk as A Gr.iiMii'im:. Iii some ex
periments with ozonu as a curative agent,
an English lady, so far advanced in con
sumption that her caso apiicarcd heir
less, has been treated with inhalations of
this gun, with results described as mar
velous. After a month's treatment, thu
upimtltu wan repined, the sleep culm and
refreshing, and there was a ery good
prospect of recovery, Tho ozono wan
prepared by passing a stream of oxygen
through thu current of an imluction'coii,
and was administered with utmosiiherlc
air in thu proportion of 1 iu f. Tlio ex
crhncntcr has reached tho conclusion
tlmt the or.ono treatment Is specially ap
plicable to all germ diseases.
Wind and Ei.kctiiicity. Tlio samo
wind that bears thu mariner toward a
rocky coast has lieeu forced Into wjrvieo
to warn htm of his danger. At n station
near tho mouth of thu Seine u windmill
Is made to drive a dynamo, thu electricity
produced being stored in suitable batter
ies, mid afterward employed lu lighting
beacotiB to umldo thu seamen. Possibly
tho windmill dynamos might bo adapted
to domestic purjioses.
In the early forms ot electric Incan
descent lumps thu filament was of plati
num, and it wan noticed that a llhu of tho
metal soon formed on thu Inside of tho
glass bulb. In recent investigations Dr.
Alfred Berliner lion found the phenome
non to bo due to thu Icarlnc away of solid
particles by the violent emission of gasen
thu platinum hud absorbed.
Parisian physicians aro interested in a
now fqK'ctroscopo, tlio invention of Dr.
Hcnocuue. for Invcstiuutiiig tlio chances
of the blood lu patients. It In Mug up
pllud to tho study of thu phenomena of
nutrition, and in expected to prove an
liiiNjrtaut instrument.
Thu fourth session of the International
Geological Congress will bo held iu Lou
don from Septemler 17 to 25. Tho pre
vious meetings wero held in Paris lu 1H78,
bologna in 1HH1, and Ilcrlln lu 188.1.
An Ancii-.nt Homu.-t-TIio primitive man
may bu said to bu absolutely unknown,
and it wan not until after they had miidu
considerable progress toward civilization
that our prehistoric ancestors loft works
by which wu have learned something of
their rude life. Tills picture of tho mis
erable homo of thu ancient European who
for it considerable period, dwelt iu caves,
or oven more sheltered places among thu
rocks, has Ik-uii drawn by Prof. N. Joly,
of Totilousu. Iu 'this rocky ictreut he
took his meals, and allowed thu remains
of his food, uninviting to our fastidious
palates, to collect. Thu tlusli of thu mam
moth, of thu great cave bear, of thu am
phibious rhinoceros, of thu horse, the au
rochs, thu reindeer, thu fox, and, doubt
less, also wild fruits and roots, formed
his staple diet. Usually the ilesh of thu
animals was eaten raw; hut tire had long
been known, and even pottery had been
invented, and wan used for culinary pur
poses. Hunting was his principal occu
pation. Armed with the stone ax, or
mace, with tho lliut-headed lance, javu In
or arrow, hu Wildly attacked thu animals,
often of colossal slu, which then (iconlcd
our lauds, and of which many have lung
since disaiijieared. Hu clothed hlniM'lf
lu their skins, which hu had curly learned
to smooth with the scriicr, to soften and
prepare with fat or marrow, and later by
moans of a stone polisher. During thu
reindeer age fish were piocured villi u
barbed harjioou, and thu shooting of
binls wan no longer neglected Thu
Ismon and teeth of thu reindeer unit of
coiitcniMirury animals were used in thu
manufacture of weapons and tools, and
even articles of luxury and ornament.
The arts of design were born, ami thu
luluilcur hunters of Pcrlgoid and thu bear
hunters of thu Pyieuees employed their
leisme lu curving their weapons, and In
drawing or engraving on wood, bono and
Ivory the llgures of thu animals, mid uven
their own linage.
Tho I'lty or it.
I'Kim the Nnvr World.
Fuw moru striking and pathetleillustrn
tlons of thu emptiness of worldy isiinp
and ower havo over been uH'onlcd hi thu
annals of royalty than that which is now
supplied by thu new Kinci'orof ( leriuany
with the 'scepter that hu has so long
waited for in onu hand and a summons
from Death In the other.
When General Gnint heroically faced
his doom under thu jxiwer of thu samo
dread disease, hu busied hiim-clf with
writing tho history of u great career fin
ished. Frederick III. has hud bin solace.
Thu career to which tho Crown Priuco
wan Isirn, and for which he ban Ih'cii ed
ucated and trained (lining thu long yearn
of Hulf-nupprossiou tempted only bv filial
love and rcgutd for his illustrious father,
lien all Is'foro him. And vet he In Imielv
Hrmltlci! to enter thin Promised bund,
not to tii'ry theieiu.
It is a pathetic and pitiful situation.
Well may tho new-crowned Emperor cry
out with King Henry V.:
Oh, lw kick, ureal ifroutucnx,
And hid III)' ifuri'mniiy wlvu llico on re I
TlilukNt llion the llcry fever will n out
With Mile liliiwn from Herniation?
W II Itu'lvo place to lluxuruiind low tioiid-
CiiiikI thou, when tliciu coiniiiiiiitUtUio bcc-
Kur'H knee,
Coiiiiinml thHluuilth ot It?
Poor Frederick I With till the pomp
and circumstance that surround him imt
onu human Imlng envies him. It is n it
ir.iiiuu that from thu Him of this Htrii-Ui ti
monarch eoiuu miwH.ijjotf of pcaec and
Hmnl-will uvun unto thu Iwicdil.u-) enc
mlua of hi warn try.
A now Euulish Author, Mr. Peacock.
Is wilting a novo). We always udmir.'d
bin tale.