HATUKUAY. JMAUCII 24, 1888. DAILY AND MBMI.wT.KKI.Y, iiivfB.fi: VM'l atrtpflnn I'liMI'liIng Company, -A1 j'i:NDi,i;ro.v. .... uukhon. HAII.r CIICIll"TION UATPJ! .One ropy pi ryenr, liy iiii.ll...... iOiik riipy lx iiiontlin, I' mil" lOnoi'iipy mt .jU, liy.rurrR'r. KIliKlu iiilinlx'm. - - yi It) I fti 0 i HKMi-wr.r.itt.r nviiinix iiatb.ii i mt fit tlntVXiulZlUi. . . . ...... I tOiihVimtiiheri. W HliiKliiiiml"rn........... Premium pup"-1' tuyciirly iilcfllicri(. aiivkhtmiko iKATtMi mini Kvrvic.i uiwut e . urn nerve.! ny jm..,.. IHiplnn A'lvrtti'm'itti.) ration thereof, tit.' ort or before tin' Mmt in,. InM. i.r teni Iii Kernl-Weekly i.or day of tlio next ri'tiih'trrtiiHf llioiilxive.'ii' .-. 01.' ... ..........M tlllr.toiir(,t.-lti..f..irl.pforoM..mliiy,Miiy ....J?..".. ':i-:,:"iv:".';:.,i 'i'.77v;,.,,ih. 1 iv, um-thi. a. i. inm. ii.fi niiimt win take im- To lii. li.'. or Iron. In lH.ti. idv inoiilh... 3 U) I vertl'rfliirliei.,H.'nil'Wek y, per ucli iieriniilitli... -V I 'A. ' Tr Innhr, D.illy. per Inch per, t in. null,. . 1 V Ivnr f ht llilirl. Ill iMltll. IIT lUPM llr moiitli . I 75 H'.llil noitpiirll Ail'rtl'i.i"iilK In Hcml Wc.'Uly or Dully, lint Inrtlon. jwr Inch, f l.imj i'hcIi .jlii,iiiont liii'rll'in, Wc I oral nollrpK, ten ccnti p'r llin- tw.U In rrll.iii. Mil. Ittl.NT'H ItAII.KOAD. Tiik OroKoiilnii Ih now till In arniM Im- cauMMiiiMK-'Dpio ..f wnii.i wuiia urc try , fill to Iii'lp (IitiiiiHi'lvuH out of tlio honil.iK" In wlil. li thoy liavo lifon licl.l ho nrnny yoani hy llio 0. H. A N. fjiiipany. .Mr. lltintV rtioil, Unit pajn-r tlilnkn, In only a brunch of tliu Northern, Invading tlio country H'jiith Hnnku river, ami imIhi latoil to ilo v,n:;l il imagutothuU. U, ft N. Ill.lKH i mi :;rly tinlcH It U IwiikIiI out hy lo.'m, Tlu.rA U iloill,lli ;" Irutli than jwotry In thlM, l)iit thnOt.onbil lv.C !"w Hlrnik ai'hotil ujion ltn ninny rtrlnfil lulowhlih will inwl wltli ii" ro.ijhMt'.'.'.vo ccIp; In K.vitorn Oivin or WitliIiiKtoti. Tlio real liunlun ot that papcr'K nun plaint I that tint Iiiiiir'iihc and rapidly inrroaiitiK tralllu of tho Inland Ivinplru Ih to I hi largely (IIvitIimI from t'ortlaml to tliu Hound nru Ioiik, and Mr. lltintV r.tll road, iio i'.tllud, Irt nnu of tliu uiuaiis hy whlcli that dlf.i uvi'iit Ih to hu accotif Vllnlied. Hiiiloiiliti.dly that in what U to taku placu what m taking placo. Tlio "iipKjr country" Ih lii'Klnnlii to llnd out that it c.iti ilo without Portland; and Ih olatod and ovon Joyoim at lint iroNicct of rhlilliiK Itxolf of thu KulHiitf ImiihI.ium to tho 0, It. A. X, company, l'urtland'ri ully uti.l partner. Havo wo not pniplutcloil thin for yearn? Yot you hecilod It not. Ilavowonot ploadod for fair troattuont, ovon with on trcallim und toarn, and Ucu hpiirnuil without u word or nliiof onrouriiKomont? Ilavo wo not warnodyou year uftor year, tlmo and iipiln, that tho hunt policy, ovon for yoiirHclviM, wan tliu hroailor, ntoro HU'ral and juxt (Hiliry of treating a fairly and not uxloititiK ovorythhiK you could and charinu' all tho tralllo could UuirV Now uvory farmer, overy wool-nrower, ovory utock-raU'r, nvery inerchaut, every prodiioor and nhippcr of every wut in KiiHtoru Oickou and U'iihIiIhIhii, will Join hand and heartH and iiilu.U and ritieuuth, to help iiIdiik' jul nuch proJcctH uh thlHof Mr. Ilmit'h, whether it Ik-done liy Northern racllle UickhiK, or Southern l'acllle, or any other I'acille. Of eourro IVndlelou and Walla Walla may in a local mum, and to wnue extent, luiilvals in thin tuattei ; hut iih to tho mineral object, an outlined hy tho Otepi nlau of yestetday, they art) opo In helc liiK It alouu. Tho I). H. ,c N, Ii.ih not tho enuilly axalurt it that it had two or three, or oven ouo year uo; hut if it and with it roillauil had not prew.l ami piiHlied the, country cut of the ('aeailo nututi' taliiH to tho hut not'-ii, eontluually, an Ioiik an lliey had llio jmwer, they would havo found throughout thin country now an army of frlomK in a eonuuenial way' when I hey practically havo not one. Meanwhile, what U 1'eiulloton pilnc tu do? Let Ccntervillo and Walla Walla Ikhhuiio tho termini of thU iiupoit.uit link, and Hit Idly hy, not ruUlim a hand? Wo havo not tho ellhlct ohjectiou to Mr. Hunt'H proHw.ed oxteiiHlou to Walla AVwlla. Wo hope It will Ut i.ii.l.. .....I win ik. m.i.ie, and, '.. that ho will not hlH IIOO.OOO. It will tw ' i. .i .i . . . ii. n ,,, ., well Worth that amount to Walla Walla, 'Aiut, If that extension Ih huilt, all tho uuirti will it U) of Breat InnKUtaneo and iulvuntiiKO to lVndleton to havo tho other prut ttintlnned hither. Tho liuMnoNi men tttul eapltalUt, of fondloton should Mudy thU matter over, and ranp Ih liuHtrt- tiuiAi. ii.uj p.. in. in imiiii-1 ii'iioer, ami I.. ......... take I.01H0 action. If tho amount Mr. Hunt auk cannot lo raUod, km what can U raiHod, Tho nu.l ouht to conto hero vrhapa mUKt come hero hut wo ouht novertheless to help it along to tho very utmost of our aliility, I'tHiplo tint Hurnritt that Juxtfeo lai mar has Uvn on tlio Supremo Hcnch for two moutliH and "tho romiltHof tho war" aro ilill In pvitl health. It waa hi con tldently prtHllctetl that ho would knock t hem in a few ttaya, Hound Valley, Oal., outlaw h, duriii tho hut eight yea in, have otolen no les than 17AKK) uluvp, valucxl at 35,lX). Ono of thorn U In jail. NKW TO-DAY. 870HKWAHD from Hi..t?ir..n-nr W.llit Wall '.r' 'J";i livery linrfu ilfoilbeil 111 f 'II'"'.' btiu-K Iiohh, it'll wvibiiih "i"'" ii-iululi: cm Mn"K. IW IV"!'"'?: ".'"7?.! KHtr tKiiimU: ti" 'Hill mi l l ll"T',,'V i ......... un,! Iinmri i.irx . III! I'M ' ' I 'HI limn' "lin mutt" nun. mi ' ii .... . .. I.,r. .ImllM.l'. Tin II H'THHII'Ml " ii . r ;i left .lmlll.li p. I II" II ll'THlIll".. n n ri n-wniil tif f!0 ir liHiulfor Infnrmn'l'" In.., lh.fr vy. HrtinJV,.Vt rrluicliillniilAMV WuSlii W.il'a, V. T. MlIJI.1IO.NM. I N tlio Circuit Omrt of lln-Ht 'to of Oregon, J fur the county of I in it'llii. M. M.l'l clur, plHlnllir, k, I, menu lle It'll. 1III1I To .I.N. I'lklicr: In iIk' iiumu of thi' Htitto of Orcirun. you nr luTi-iiy niUiiou in nppcar if;" "i"' .... I..I..I HI...I i.rolllkf villi III tlin IllrflVl I'll Mil .1 Milt, within loo liny from tliu M.itu of the hit of thin Mlinm.illl tllKUl )OII, If M.rvc..i I'l.mtllln rounty. or If ncrve.1 III ,IMy nthcr coitnly In tint Htnto of Orr-pm. then within twenty .lny from tllP .llltll of tiro Unit If he full to appear imil utiiwjjr or piewi iviinin aiu inn", hip piiiiimn. mr wiini llificof, will npply towiltl toiirt for tlm ri-iipr pmypu r.ir in p niniii v. roiiii niini . tliUMilt, io-vlt:firilliiMiliitloii of IIicIhiiiiI' of liiutrlliinny fXlxtlllK iM'tWi-fli llm plnllitltr nun u.'U'II.iiiiii, linn mr piinniin roii imi ilMiiino'ini'iitN of tliU Milt, nml for Riirli otli.T or further relief in to tliu court may ftem IIAIM'.Y.V llAl.t.KltAY. AttorneyN for I'liiltillir. Tlili niiiiiriionn l puhlliii'.l hy onlcr of lion. f W. Viilhpr,Jmln of nijovp court. Diitcl Mnroli SI. A. D. IW IIAII.KV A IIAl.I.KttAY. ml liiilill .1 T' Altoriii-yi for IMnlntllT, Union j,nf nnmnratinn Kflals. Mil VHIIiV.UIIHII VWMIV In .Ptiiidloton, FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EACH. Tlio utunt price for m-nl mn.ln by oilier p.irtl. p, In l'ortl'ind or Dip KitM, In from f(J.'0 o VIM), wild rxprcni uftse Rjitcl. If ynu nffil ii .nil, di,! jour orJcr to V, nti.t mr fia IJ'ntoji.'o iliripiy. East Oregonian Pub. Co,. mtiH.iif Pendleton, Orroin. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN ! Thry ilo liApppn nvcry ilny, nn.t when one linppf n to ynu. you will wMi thut you wr ru liiiiirc.l In Hi ' TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y. Tint 1 iia Vk'l.Kiit' rrauurccH i.rp miniRlrnt to pity ill onrp lint l.li.Ht, rnnrilioiu IIIIKH ill rliiliiM Hint iivrn ill nil riilliinul nml mciiiii Ihhii iircl.l.'iiN c.ui hrliik' upon It. I'ny nil rluluia. wllhout .lluount, linnirdlulHy upon rwdiit nf mllifiirlury pruor. Nun Korffliuru prnvMliimi In nil lla pollclt'i.. Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions of Surplus. PAID POLICY UUt.DKHH,tl,00O.a, Clopton & Jackson, Resident Agents, it Kurt Orrtimluu liiillillnv, WnilHnti, Or. W.D.Hansford&Co, DvnlorN In Hard' 'are and Tinware PUMPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promptly Dono. .MAIN STUKKT, l'KNIII.KTON. A nhiirt'of tin. public piilroiunjo In oollclt.'il llll'llI'll.UW O" olin Sietoert, I.KADIN'd MERCHANT TAILOR, lYiulli'lon, Oregon, Mulu Ht,, near Wcbli, A FIXi: S'luTUlC OF (!OOJ)S Jllll r.Tl'IVrtt, Sntisfnction Cunrnntoocl ! I In icrv itmi'niiiir ROBERT BOND - DKAM.Il IN- BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL. SAU SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD. Curt Hlr.M-l, npiHwItt) J. II.HIuicinnkrr'. nichil.lr liiilioitnitt tu t'ur'lllTH trHt'torM. ui.il t'on. Unitkii Htatw Indian Hkuvick, l'MATII.I, AOK.M'V, UllKIIUM, Miireh U, I'lltlH Ullil anvcini-Hllona fur 11 iinu. II.. nr.. in nciinol m inn At!ncy Imvo len nvelvtol i roll W ItkhlllSl.III. Il.lir,.f.im ni. ,. 1 ....... ... " . , , --...-. .". ..... ,vi, ,;7.'.r,.i ".:: m rr me commie- '"iMliiir.iiru rtpvifuliv invite. I mM.miin.Mm. 1 1 'ii.,hTmiM,,1,'M'1,l,)ri,,r ii 't tuny lio ff'v?' ?"i ihmh. for tho wmrtru." ""' ,,l"M1" ,,XwKlKYel,, ","'cll"'-w . U. K. tu.iiuu AirJnt. i JUTICK to CUKlUTUib. ! If miy on,. ,B, ,, rMl M.tlll. SMhKl,Ml!l,l,, W .H,,H,U ''V,'" M" trect1opH)i.J , . .. .. - - in 'IUkiahw nil JOSKIMI I1A8I.KH, ")tHSOl,UTlO.N NOTICK. 'rtlrt liiirltiHrmhlii t.f 1 ll ii, .i.t. i... . . mu iu.il con.Mit. ni K.r..ni lmvliu cluim. HK'iliirt .nut linn will Vlc. prMnub "i it oneo to t Itl.er iiite mbvr. ot thi nnu. All e" .iiuolnl:.ti,i tlrm miul.titilp m onrVbv i.)torejli Klther pannnr lm nutliorlty In hIuii ri.it.it In m. ti... .... ... ... J. It. H0U1IINH, II. L (11IKK.Sk! inchDnwSMr JjUKU KKMl'KH, Troprlf tor of tho rivctVut Mcrr Hall, Main St., opiwiu portodlc, PviiaWton, l-eiuuetoa ler tm ilhtuitlit. Vlne, llquore i ' ," umuni, u IOCS. nicua a Wright -OF CHICAGO Mi to huv to their patrons and tlio oonsuintly (KjOnS sriTAI3L.I3 i.. i .... . i ii.... It,,,. OTTO " O I1HYU JUM OjUJUUll lip "" " lllt ww, - Wo inako a SPECIALTY I-'iiio l-'ittiiiK CLOCKING I PRICES that will SURPRISE YOU. mam AUCTION SALE Of Fine Furniture, In front o court lioimo at 1 o'clock, on Saturday, March 31st, 1888, -ConniHtlnK of- Heavy Walnut Extension Table, Fine Sicle- Doard, .Bedroom sets m walnut ana ash, mar ble Top Center Table, Silk Plush Parlor Set, Silk Portiere Curtains, Lace Curtains, ItrtiKHolH Carpet, Cook unit l'arlor StovcH, . Mivorwaro, raiuo i.inen, etc. aiho a mimtior 01 dookh, amonK wiucii oomplotu Wit of Dlckoim' workn and Grant'a Mcmolrn. AUO- Tho Very Desirable Residence tor sale, or rent to a Desirable Tenant. Furnlturo and runidnnco can li luHiwctod at tiny tlmo lioforo day of Halo, nilil'it.l lw Russell Jkr Co., lH'IUlKitH 01' lEngines, Threshers and Sawmills -AMI) DK.M.KIIH IN- THE FINEST SPRING WAGONS, BUGGIES -AND- ROAD CARTS Wo havo tho Kht Stmw CALL OH SKN1) I'OH CATALOG UK TO iulit9 iltw H50, 1112, ItH and ltkl Richardson's Lunch Counter, Main Street, Pemlletou. C D.RICHARDSON, Proprietor. Ukv;!l.Villf!,r,..for owUn n.l IVtntertlo rlt, Cuaie,Caniit tlooJt, una Nut. At tho Lunch Countor, bt"eVn,M,b,t,'!H:,,Jl,llH, '. M "PlctHt cldbulliil?i vle ("KWnn. oylter. Si.. . "f' eBis cooke.1 In vvry itvle moketl lierrlnt, brm ana butter, etc. ' ous Open Day and Night tuchlOd I'uncllMfroiu6c. upward. & Son, TIIK - STORE, public generally, thivt tlioy tiro receiving TO THE SEASON. A A MATS, which vu will KCll at n Wo buy our BOOTS AND SHOES I'roni tho lanrctit and ino.'-t reliable Eastern Factories, Which cn.il Ich uh to UNDERSELLS CASH REBATE CAld OurcompitltorH. A nlco, fronh lino of GROCERIES. Wright te Son. Kltehon UIoiihIIh, Hot Decorated China THE BEST- FARM IjlliOI IN THE MAHKET, Uurncr in tho World. Russell & Co., Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. ROTHCHILD & BEAN, -OKA l BUS IN. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloaks, ate, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Hats and Caps, AND A- FULL LINE OF CROCERIES. The Star Bakery Leads IS NEVER nttr nnst.nmftra' Interests are Our Own. and Ttr. trive more ior me money jd.hu any other Dealer in the Country. . Wo would mont rcHDoctfullv Inform you B - Complete Stock of And will Fell them iw low or lower than Ih fuminhed to each cuntotnor, which you Hhonld hrlnir whenever you come to buy kooiIk, anil tho amount of your piirclmfo will be punchcjl out of it ; und when you havo purchased Fif toen Dollars Worth of OoodH for Cash, '"" can select from good in our utoru to tliu value of 3 3NTE3 Wo havo In Mock n full lino of the celebrated T.USK liKAM) OF CANSTa GOODS; l'ICKLKS, In IwttlcH. kepi ami harrelHj TKAfJ AND COFFK&J thelK-Htipiallty; MACKKHKL, in cana and Vw, DUIKD FHUITS, and hi nml lieaiiH. TABLE LUXURIES A SPECIALTY .... . 1 .. I. . u is worm your uinu 10 can mm inxpcci our 1 1 no 01 i ubauuus, nn wo cam lui'm- iiii.M.'i.'ui.'Vi' iiKtviiL. ' I'ls.lj.i Tor breakfast, wo ESPIOUREAN 3P AcknowicdKOd to Ira a delicacy tlio country over, i lion, again, tncro arc other i tides which you Cove Cheese. EDicurean Trout, Or anges and Lemons. Ami It mif-lit lo well for you to know that we Bake !!Presh Bread Every Day! Made ol flour from lioth tho lVndleton Holler Mills anil tho Famien' CitHtoin MlllH,ot which wo noil Twenty-Eight Loaves For One Now Ih tho time for gardening, and tho loriu io how, nun no ami GARDEN AND Grown in tho Northwest, bo And liecidca all these CQJIFECTIONERY IS COMPLETB From tlio Sunny .South Ih brought tho Genuine "New Orleans Molasses And besides, wo havo nlwayH on hand tho lxint EASTERN SYRUPS. LET THERE Wcro nljout tho first wordn Hiokeii, and thoy aro Imiwrtant worila, as night fall approaches. If you want a light that won't hurt tho oyer?, buy Tho Itcst CandleH on tho Market. 1 1 M. 1 1 , i. noiuor jou want VUFFEE ground A MILL OF And wo don't chargo a cent for grinding you tBBS m VEGETABLES, WMMA t Mmm Wo can Aa linifA ai.. . . . . u. unn ugoa ,0rUl0 tIeUvery of K00lll) u Jf).no MhcrortrouUoforMl Supply Customers Promptly. And nnu l-?nl oIm nM.t n . ' ",0 ttUU S, i i r8 You Can Save Money! By purchasing supplies for the household, camp, or ranch, from THE STAR BAKERY W. C. TI.LTON, Proprietor, -AND- UNDERSOLD that wo nro now prepared toehowv.. " JVlii Goods in Our Line, can bo bought at any place In HiIh part el ft? country. J? tt. SJ Bl 1.. . . M. M A A M M . iii-rjiiirai . iiiv.in irj. would udviso you to try our may need, xucli uh gentlo houxowifo und thrifty luiflbandmiaM nno may reap; it you wihii good FLOWER SEEDS nuro nml make your purchaccfl of us. urtlclea mentioned, our lino of BE LIGHT or unground. wo can furnish you, aa we M OUR OWN, It for vou. If It suits your pleasure, i wtsti to buy I OR QTHE FARM PRODUCE supply you. - J5'i81' t0 Ha' t0 J011 that when you 1 BijCrlJaT, - . PENDLETON, 0