ni , .1,1 nwjrc? DAILY. JUST WH AT YOU WANT. A i ni:i: miiuahv. I'nlriniit or IIik Dully or SuuiMVrckly IIAST li:i:(l(),MAN rim frnrly iniiko imo or the UAHl" Olti:IOMAN lllirnry wlnn vT tln-y mi denlrn. Tim public urn cor illnlly Invited to Mt tlm ofllre whenever no liu'llniil. Soventy-nv einl In money op stump Mil pay for tho Hnnl-Weehly 12AHT Oltli- JNIAN from now until " Ihe ' rlloiin. Two dollars will iny for the ally i:ASl' OltKdONIAN for tlin miiun dbIIi of time by mull. r0L. 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 24. 1888. NO. 21. SKW TO.OAV. IpriM and Summer TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, CII1KI' JUSTICE WAIT1C IK.1. OUR IMPORTED Ml Wool Dress Goods For Spring and Summer Wear, Are now constantly arriving, comprising . . . rVJLL THE NEW SHADES. Of which the following is a partial list : tobelin Blue, lerpent; (apphire; eliotrope, frune, rile; ipple Green. Mauve; Orange; Gendarme; Bismarck; Olive; . Mousse; Lavender. Terra Ootta. JMyrtle. Beige. Bronze. Sea Green. London Smoke. Copper. We also carry a full lino of iOLORED SURAH AND MARGEL1NE SILKS Black Chantilly Lace Flouncing, Iriental and Valencienne Lace Flouncing, SWISS AND NAINSOOK EMBROIDERIES, 11 Over. Embroideries, etc., etc. fa make a speciality of all the abovo goods, and will guaranteo Prices to bo our Is Low as Those of any . House in Eastern Just Arrived: 00 men's, bovs' and vnnt.W Suite I Lee Moorhouse & Co., -DEALERS IN- General Merchandise. 7 Pendleton, Oregon. l'enrl l'(jo nml Mother Ill-.latl llreaknr .Shot -Krle Kipreai Hnld Murderer 8en- teiierd-Cul Union-Strike Anions Switch' iiiriii II A STICKS STATUS. Clilcf Jtullrx Waltn Dead. WAsittNoro.v, March 23. Chief Justice wultu died uthls residence In this city thin morning. Ho was In usual health. though exhausted by recent severe labor, mini wiium.;, i.igni last when on return Ing from a rceoptlon idven ut tlin resi deuce of Senator HcarBt, In tlio company oi ins naugnter, no complained of a chill. Ilo was wakeful on Monday night and on Ittcsday morning svini'toniB of nouto brunchilis appeared accompanied by insomnia and great restlessness. IIIh condition though wuh not alarming. On Wednesday eonecnseriled pneumonia presented itself. During Thursday and me nigiii joiiowing no was eomiortanio, rested wen ami no particular alarm was felt by liin family or friends. This morn ing tno laiiure oi 1110 Heart's nellon was observed by the attending physicians add no soon niterwnms nreuthod his lam. Ills daughter and con were with liim when bo died. Mrs. Wnitu left Washlmr ton with a party of friond.4 for California a week ago,und it is supiosed sho was in Los AngelcH at tlio time of lier husband's ucatli. 1 no Mil iiowh was at once com municatcd to her by to eirraoh. Tho Su promo Court and both houses of Congress IIIIIIILMUIIU'IV I1IH1I1 leeetllt nl llm iwmu adjourned in respect to the niomory of tne deceased. President Cleveland when Informed of tho death of tho chief Justice was much shocked at the news comlnif ho .I. ... " uiiu.iecic(iiy, nunougu no wuh aware mat tlio great man had been for Home nine in III lioaUh. Quito an intimacy ex luted between tho chief justice and tho rros dent unco tlio lattcr'H tnrm lkL'iin ino iTosldont lias often Iccii heard to express himself In terms of highest the man who sot flro to a stable last year Tho president said ho thought the treaty in J-oxington, Morrow county, the Ilio would be at least tried for a while. uuHiruying mo uuuncs portion oi mo town, has been convicted of Incendiarism ami sentenced to live years in tho ienltuu tiary. 1 'ilio trial of Joe Canon bid etod for thu samo ofTenBo has deen Dostnoned. l'lllngn ami Muntor, San Tiiancisco. March :. Twnntv. five rufllans at Llora, Mexico, robbed the jWHtolllco and treasury, iissasKlnated tho president of the muiliciD.llitV mul f i in nti. the regiHtcr and his diiughtcr, tho latter heroically lighting to save her father's lifo, the alcalde, another olllclal, and threo civilians. Tho whole pcoplo aro alarmed, and the rufllans aro being hunted down. A Diamond Thief. San I itANcmco. March I'll. Sannco A Swam, chared with Bleallni JUUOO worth oi umniomis ironic, n. .Mcuonaia, Jr mo can ! rancisco lnllllonatro s son, was found guilty and will be sent to the ion Herniary lor a term ot years. Kearney said that If It were that it would mean the loss of fourteen electoral votes of the l'acllle ronat to the Democratic party, lie told tho President that it would require armed men at every fortv rods of tho Isjuntlary line between the L'nitcd Stutcs and 1 tritlnli Columbia to prevent Chinamen from coming over the lino. , Senator Stanford favors Levi P. Morion for tho Kcpublicau caudidato for Pros! dent. WUAI.THY HAII.ItOADKHS. CONdltKS''. Ill Congrrmiloiil uml Cap I tut Xntri of lipl to Noitliwr.trru Itrmlnrs, ltandall presented resolutions to tho riiiladelDhia Hoard of Trade, i eelarlni? that the Mills tariirblll.lf it should become a law, would prove injurious to many im portant and long established lnduBtrics of ino country. Tho house then went Into fntiiniltti-n of tho whole on thu bill referritiL' to the couit of claims for adjustment accounts of laborers, workmen ami mecnuntcs, arts nig unuer tno cigut Hour law Hogers. of Arkansas, said It would in volvo an expend ture of 10.0tlO.(MH). Tillman reuards it as an attack unon tho n. " x it-.imiry. lllaiii said that In order to reducn tho hours of labor throughout the countr Congress must wrlnu the water from nil road stix'k. check thu teleirranh monooolv and syndicates and trusts, and stop tak- IIIIFIII.MI I f A ..i.i ... . .. . nilso of tho character imd iilillltv iif I 'm' . I irii"i "lo peoilu to IlllltlPlllutnk. ..fl,,r "V " '" Chief Justico AVallo the recent of tho sad tidlnus tlm I'r..l dent wrote a letter to .Mrs. Wlilto.expresa Illg Ills (Icon SVIlinathv for linr In hnr sorrow and tlio loss to the country in the loath of her i ustrioiiH IiumImihI. All w asliington is in mourning. A I'litnt C.illl.loii. PiTTsmtiio, Pi:nn., March 23. Tw passenger trains on the Pittsburg and .rio railroad collided fortv ikIIoh from Pittsburg this morning, badly wrecking iHjui irjuiH ami k L' one man in stantly. Nino others wore fatally in ured, somo of whom will din. Htrlkfi Aiiionir Hwltrliuirn. CillCAdo. March 211. A HtrlL-olniH lwrni inaugumtcd ana Is general among switch men on tho Ch cairo. llurlinuion A tlulncy roul. lirlti i:xprr Hoii;lit. Ciiicaoo. March 2.!. John .1. Vnlon tine, vico')resIdent und'goneral manager of Wells, I'argo A Co., jiasscd through thiH city last evening, on his way to San 'rancisco, having completed tho pur Iiuko of the Ivriu Impress and Its onllio plant, wntcli was consuiniiiated In Now York City it few days ago. COAST NKW8. Motlitiriiml Diuntlitrr Slok. PoilTLANl). Oil.. March 2.l. Mrs. WIN Ham Hrvan alias Pearl Pago, sentenced to tho penitentiary for roblwrv. haslioon prostrated since tho verdict and is now a very sick woman. Her mother is also lying sick at her rooms in the hotel from nervous prostration. One falno sten led to all this trouble which may cud tho lives of l)oth tho wavward elrl and her good moinor, who has tried lo give her daughter encouragement in her troubles, trials and tribulations. Jnll Ureuker Shot. Yisama. Cai... March 23. Sheriff Par- ion returned Iroin the .Mountains reus u rv. l.unu. of Illinois, denounced tlin bill being in the intercut of ollico seekers. iflor furlher discussion larmiey moved nun ino mil eo over until .mm m. in or der that members might have an oppor tuiiity to infotm themselves as to the merits of the case. Tho committee then rose and the bill went over, Pills weie Passed to Prevent iiroducls of convict labor from lo!ug furnished to or for the ut-o of any department of the government, and irom Doing used In public buildings or other public works, and to prevent the employment of alien labor on public buildings and othor pule He works, and In the various departments oi mo government. rt. ! .1 it. l. inu uoiiBo men went into committee of the whole on tho bill to establish a do partmcnt of Iulxir. A number of amendments extendim mo scopo ot inauiry to amount of wanes. uuiount of woik iHjrformed, cost of living, cel., as compared with other countries. i i were auopied. In tho Senate tho nlll tiroviiilntr for in sectIon of meats for exiKjrtation, and prohibiting thu Iinitortatlon of adulter ated articles of food or drink, with amendments allowing tho iusccting of meats at places oi pacKing, was pashcd. A bill was passed to establish a United States court in Indian Territory. To allow soldiors and sailors who havu lost both hands, or the use of Iwlli hands, $100 a mouth. IIouho bill to facilitate tho nrorieculion of works projected for improvement of rivers mid iiarnors, with umeu(Imonts,on which a conference committee was or dered, and Senators Dolph, Fryo and et appointed. (iranllng to tho Wasliinetou & Idaho Itailroad Company right of way through tno ca-ur d'iViono Indian reservation. Itrauting lo tho iNowmrt A KIiil-'h Vul- ley Hailroad Company light of way through tho Mlotz Indian reservation in llliM morning with tlio Ixxlyof thoman'shot by J',,'ou", CntAnitnrwnti !, .Mlut.l- I.I.'., f... .. UregOIl. mountain lion. The dead iniin wuh l.lnn. . r Bant to tho Stato of Oregon certain tillod as Frank llolipger, ono of the jail ,un'18 111 t htalo for u public pai k. broakorsnt laivn. Arnnld. Iilmni.n.. . Ainonding thu statute as to tl.o dlstKwi ion. another lall breaker, who was loft in Uo of projierty of the United Slatos, charge of thu body escaped. No clue to B"'" '"nils or prmierty uc(Ulred from his wheroalKJiits. sureties, or under tho rovonuo law, TI..MorroW County Murderer Sentenced. ,.,"rU"I,i",,M0 XT? Pf, mbli,i ,U"d IlKrt'NKR, .On.. .March 2;-Fred "ft ' ' ' T WSfa, in Mor- i i .f.i. ... '. .. " Crump, w ho kllloi i, in ii 1 John Vait lteiMinllilllty nnd M-nUl Strain on Itallronit Men. The world at largo values the mental gins which no not result in wealth more highly than those which bring w cult I ibis is true even of the great American world. o aro often told tho contrary. Wo are ordered to share in denouncing the worship of mammon till wo reach a point wnoru woanu nsen is viuwed with sus plcion. All thu habits which load to wealth aro tinted unon thu voiihl' ihIiih try, thrift) economy, honesty, energy, but when thu goal is reached tho burden of proof is laid upon riches, to demonstrate their right to be. A rich man may bo considered guilty until he has proved iiiiiihoii to is) innocent, i ins utile iucou slstency, however, does not alter tho great fact. Ilyncoitain class of moralists whom it would not Ihj wholly Irrelevant (o call subcutaneous Agassi. Is roieatodlv ami heroically summoned to the bar to testify to a sordid world that ho had no time to make money. Hut Ilio sole distinction in Ihis rospect lietween him and tlioii- sauds of his class is that ho said it. Thev all live it. Prof. Henry and Herbert Sjsjiicer, Drowning, Arnold, Whlttler and I-onufel low lived it. Utcv hud their tuir. suits, their calling, which no one of them would havu consented lo relluuuish to lie come president of a railroad or head, of a woolen mill or brain nronollor of an iron foundry, or superintendent of mines In Colorado. cry Ilkoly they would have Hindu a list list at these professions If they hud tried very likely Agassi, would iavo noon equally unsuccessful hut none thu less thoy live their actual work. It absorbs their enorgies, it grati lies mcir tasies. inov never lor ono moment contemplate thu iHisslbillty of leaving it for the sake of nionoy-iiiiik i ug. J .cast of all do they oxis'ct or do . ' ,f I t .1 .." i , . I II . II nil ,ni.lllll I.VIIMU IIIUII III I maud any admiration for "stick nu to ,.ir,ii J ..iiu i i. u...., Harrctt in Mor row county on tho 10th of last month, has been convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to fifteen years iu;thu jMmlten tiary. and to nay a lino of in.OOO. Tho jury returned an indictment of murder in tho first degree. Crump through his counsel entered a plea of not guilty, tho trial commencing Monday and ending yesterday. Tho jury were as follows; Fred Ashbaugh, A, C. Pettys, John More land, Geo. Drown, Italph Iicngu, Geo. Smith, 0. 0. C. Wilson, F. Engleman, J. M. Keos, A. T. King, A. II. Windsor und 11. F. King. The Stato called the follow ing witnesses: Win. llarrett, Mrs. J. Parrot t. Edward Barrett. Joint Rasmus and Otis Patterson. The follow ing w it nesses wore examined by tho defense in order to provo that Crump is not a sauo man ut all times, and regarding rocks found near tho sceno of the murdor: Iinus Penlaud. Win, Durrott. Thos. Howard, Waller McAteo. Ed. Stewart and Jas. Itradley, WhuTlirtMr Ilio llrlik? Por.Ti.Axn. Oil. March 2t. Whlln helping to extinguish a small tiro in roo IS eries on Fourth and Washington streets, this city, last night, Pen Woods was struck in the head witli a falling brick and danucrouslv infilled. thoiiL'h his f physicians think ho will recover. , l'lro IIub Ken It-need. I, Oil, March 2-1, Beadloy, Tiensiou oi .-.) a montii to womon en rolled during the war as army nurses, and who rendered six luonths.servlco, having lieon reached, thu roiwrt was road, in which it was stated that tho lsmollclarios under it would not uvurago nioro than six or eight to each Stato. Deck called for thu yeas and nays, re marking that of course thu bill would juiss. It would apply to every colored woman who had cooked for soldiers du ring six mouths, and, according to the roimrt hist received, such women were untitled "Koiiuin matrons." Edmunds couldn't see any sense In the bill. ' Deck objected to its further considera tion. An increase of pent-ion has been granted John W. Harriet, Dow's Prairie, Oregon. Pensions havu boon granted urville rhehis, Jvugene tity, and in. i it. I ay lor, lacoma. Tho HoiiM) committee on agriculture instructed thu chairman to rejsut back adversely thu bill grunting a bounty on the export of grain, ami iccouiMiundod that it 1st laid on tho table. Denis Kearney culled on thu President Wednesday, to protest against the pro jioscd Chinese treaty, Ho said thai un der the clause is'rmitthig ('Jiiiiuinoii woith tlOOO to return in case they left thu country each fKWJ would b nude to do duty for KM) incoming Chinamen. their buslnoss." Even if successful, they would earn far less f.wnu and exert far less Intluunco than in the r own niir suits, liecausu tho world holds in higher regard tho genius that does not make money than thu genius that does make money. At tho sumu tliun It in lmiiIiim. It ta not dopnivity. Depravity may bo allied with it.though oven that Is not necessary. Hut let us rocoimizu thu fact that tlmrn is a genius of great fortunes as well as a genius of ureal jswiiis, great cathedrals, v 'tttjir - lull V- iwilll li lUIUIIPf a genius that is never celebrated, but still a genius. I am at this moment lost in ainuzoinont at railroad genius. Thu virtue of this country has lieon warmed up to so high a pitch that it has seemed sometimes to bu almost as suspicious a thing to bo a rail road man its to ihj rich, itailroad men i uvo been regarded as tho natural fnus of integrity. To crush a railroad director or a railroad syndicate lias been accounted as ino sign oi a uonio nature, thu proper object of human ambition and legislative organization. Hut If any ono will rldu over a urout . .ii r . . . . " rauroud ami win use uiu oyes u nion icu sou illumines he cannot fail to pay (rib ulo to thu reason which has constructed these highways. One journey over the railroad 1 do not know hv what namu it is known, or who is tlio president, or who were tno originators, or who aro tho own ersbut I refer to tho railroad through Altoona und up thu mountains around t he lorsu-shoo iKtud or to such a load as ono a versos to California, wheru the iron rails lead lightly along mountain sloics, hootlnu over precipices which seem lo lufy the might of puny man ; or tho rail oad that threads mid pierces St. Goth- aid, which not only doubles and turns I on itself along the denies, but nlunires head lirst into thu mountain of rock, bores i. .i j.i.i.. .i i . tin iinviuii wiv "mini ino siouy iiarK uess, turns, always rising, ami comes out on thu sumu side it went in, simply be causu theiu was not room enough Imj tween tho mountains for it to turn outside of them. Is there any fortress of nature which tlio bruin jsm or of railroads cannot cap ture V For thu standing armies of thu world, our most happy country substitutes a railroad army. What vast 1111111110, what elulsirato organizations, what jor feel Ion of detail, w hat burden of resigns iblllty aro brought to its successful admin istration! That disaster is not overv day precipitated, that properly is not ir- ropaianiy lost, mat 1110 is not in hecla tombs sacrificed, duuh(Is upon thu fidel ity of each onu of many thousands of IIIOII. .lust i:ero 1 stopped to give an iinux ecled f 1 lend a luncheon. In flvo min utes I broko tho touiot and lost the tea; in seven I upset thu coliceot and lost the (t flee j in ten the milk boiled over on tho spirit lump and all literally went by lbs IhkikI. Put it mount only a cold iIlo. a gixxl uproar of mirth. Jiiht such things, no larger, on u railroad mean death. Do we ltogiudgo tho railroad men their profits? Vtliat profits can couiieusute tliMn for nervous tear and wear"' For they also are human. "Tom Scott" to most of us was but a man, thosvnonym for a great eortwatlon, a ganglion of rail road nerves; In whose brain the hummer able lines met and cleared and went on with a celerity, a precision, a present ness, that, in a man, is as wondoiful as tho clear lines of tho nniveiso before God. Hut the wonderful brain was over wrought and failed thu reason ut last. Mr. Scott fell in his prime under a weight too heavy to bo lorne. Hut tho brain lovcr that stood Mm in good stead to move tho mighty iniu'lilno so long was a brain power that is seldom in this world surpassed. Aro tho railroad men rich 7 Thoy merit it well. I would rather sit hero' alone, irrcsKnslblo, indoiiendent, with unmo lested ownership in thu "blue sky, tho brilliant sunshine, the snow-clad moun tains, rosy in tho rosy light, with my ono trusty old friendly horse, munching his oats contentedly, awaiting mv pleasure cultivating literature, allieit 'cultivating it all too imperfectly, on a little oatmeal, fresh and sweet, with butter and sugar than live in a palacu of (juccn Anno, with marble halls for stables and steeds of Aruby tho West, glittering with gold and silver, and what neither Aruby nor Anno over had a director's car ut my disposal, with the rosonslllllfy of ono railroad on my soul. I would rather uivn up railroads altogether and go back to stage-coaches and uivo up staee-coaehos altogether and go back to saddle and pil lion, to tho samlal-shoon ami scallop shell, to the Indian trail, the squirrel track and tho moccasin, than to under take to engineer ono railroad to comple tion, or to run it after It was comnlotcd. And If there are men so endowed bv thu creative hand that they can undertake such work witli enthusiasm, contlnuo it w ith energy and complete It W illi success, thoy may llvo in four-leaved clover if thev like, and each leaf may I hi gold leaf; they may rldu in thu director's car with every luxury falling short of my good wishes for them. If they invite mo I will gladly rldu with them, but I will also without envy, or eruinblliiL' trudiM over thu highway on foot as they whirr liy knowliiL- that nil this apparent ease has been earned by a mental stress and norvous strain which neither my words nor my Imagination can depict. This when there is success. What luunrurd phantoms of failure haunt thu way wo do not see. And with all thu risk and all Ilio strain, tho railroad muii do not cot thu most valued guerdons, Thu poet, tho preacher, thu novelist, tho statesman, tlio inventor.staml l.cfoie 111011 of business, of s. .Many a rhymster Is known far lievond thu limits of thu railroad man whoso mental lsiwer is to that of a rhymster as a Hyperion to a Satyr. A man who has tho trick "id ex pression carries it over tho man who has tho jsiwer of achievement. Thu man of keen uvo and unerrlnir hand ami trained mind, measuring and masterim: U10 ob stacles of the wlldiierness, tunneling rocks, bridging rivers, swinging over dizzy heights, between earth ami heaven. where fiHitliold there is none, that ho may make straight in the desert a highway for his kind, cannot wimi to rlivllim his own epic. Nor can ho who, somewhere, dumb hut determined, sits behind thorn with faith and couriiL'u and clear vision. Hieing far ahead thu country's growth, thu future's need, daring to risk fortune and fuino, patient to bravo Incredulity and surmount all indiirereuco and compel success to crown his ellbrts. It Is not much to take moiiov. hut if they ran imiku money out of it, let thorn havu their wealth and welcome. Gam, Hamilton. A Striingo I.uvur. Kmni tlio Wullu Wuilu Jmiruul. young lady cutiio into our office to day, asking whether nnylxsly had said Nimcihlng through thu Journal, alsiut her. Wo said "No, but why do you ask?" Oh," shu continued, "Ihero Is a sort of 1 simony young fellow In this city, that wants to marry 1110. ami I havu refused: ho threatened to put a piece in tho Jour nal, and burn mo up. Fearing that tho love sick gander might say something naughty alsiut 1110, I thought 1 would como to caution vou sua list his si Iv de sign." Shu believes thu voiiiil- man will either oiir out his grief through somo iiuwspatter, and make a fool of himself. or co 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 suicide, and Is) a man. A IHi!(nriiu l'once. From tlio Milton KukId. Two very serious uccldonts occurred within thu past two weeks, caused by wire fences. Ono was retsjrledlast week, On Friday night Win. Miller and Ellis Ireland were driving homo from a dunce at Weston, and when opjsxito the farm of J. S. Itlchoy one of the horses becumo unruly ami a iiuu hroko in two. ilio team plunged to ono sldo und 0:10 of thu animals foil against thu wire fence, cut ting his throat In a severe manner. Hlood (lowed In profusion from tho wound and soon the animal Isjcamu so weak Unit lifo was despaired of. Dr. Stone suc ceeded in stopping thu bleeding and sav ing tho horse. Mayor Hewitt has sent to the I surd of aldermen a communication defending his action in refusing to oriiilt the lush Hag to no raised on the tity null on M. Patrick's duv. In it he savs he is of tho opinion that no Hag but the Ameiican hus any right to lloat from any puliliu buildings in this or any other city. Ho cannot soo why, if Germany has to bu ruled by (ioniums, anil Franco by Frenchmen, Ametlca ought to U ruled by Americans, Tho Homo Piess says th Pendleton paer .Mill project is on the di wn crude, Not (pdlu tine brother, the Paper Mill project will go.