JsilEato Ore TIIt'USDA Y, MAUC'il T, Mm, DKMOIMIATIU HTATi: CONVENTION. Tlio Duiiiovrutlu Stuto Convention for tlio Statu of Oregon in lu-raliy mlluil to meitt ui l'ciiilli'ldii. ('inutill.i county, on ! TuuKiLiy. April .'!, IHHS, for tlio iirow of iioiiiluutlng it caniliilatn for iiiuihIkt of CoiiKruNi, u cauiliiluti) for JuiIku of tlio Hiiirunio Court, hIx ileli'K.iti-M to tlio Nil tioiuil DciiKKT.illc Convention ami fix ullurnutiiri; to ratify tlio vurloiw illnlrlrt I If . I I. ..it..... l.l.ul. ....... IIU Iioiiiiiiuiionn, mm nnrn uhii-i minm" - mav prou-rly come iK.-fiirotlioCoiivi'iillon. onvinition will h roiiiMwl of 1W ilelet,Mli'M, iiiKjitlonel to the vurloiw voimtiuri on tlm vote runt for canillilato to Coup-Hun at tlm ('lection of 1HSU, Im.'Ink one ilele(,Mto f.ir iucIi county ami one for every 200 ami fraction over 1U0 voten cant, In acconlaiicii vsilli h.iM uiiorlloiiiuent, tin; ri'Hi-M llvu coiintli'M will lx) entltleil to tlio fol low IriK representation: liitkiir. ' I.Imi y Jlrnloi U .Mtlllli'llf. It l.'liirkumii 7 Murlon 11 1 (,'llllMlip.. ft M'lfOMf I I C'ulllliililii, :i .Mllltlioliiuli 17 I Cimm I Tulle fi Crook TllliiniOMk t Curry 1 tliniidlla n 1 Dniiidnt ti tluioi n Hlllliitil. Wiweo II (Irani ft Wm.IiIiikIiiii -' , JnckKon ..7 Wallowa Hi Jneililrm U Viilnlilll 0 Klnriiutl .1 Lake 7 Tntiil IV'i Latin 7 I Tlio eoinmltteii rvHKi'tfully reciuiiiucml that the County Convent ionn for tlm cloi-, tlon of ilelepitcH to the State I'ouvelitli.u. unlcKH otherwiMi ordered by tlio local county committee, lie held 011 Saturday, March I I, IHiH. It, (ioi.nsMiTU, Cliairmau IJoinocriittu .Statu Central Committee. DKMOt.'IIATIO COUNTV CONVENTION. A Democratic County Convention In hereby called to meet in I'umlleton, I'lua tilla county, on Saturday. March iMtli, for tlm uroMi of electliiK eight delcgaten to II111. Ilciiiix-ratlu State Convention, to lie held in I'endlctou April .'Id, IHSH, and for thu purKe, If tlmcuiivcntioii hliull deem 11 .f .i..,.it r,.n ii ..11.. . ... 1. i.i. .in. 1. iii ik iiiii i i'iii.ivi inn; county (IcL-el, to lm voted for at thu next election ; and to trauact any other IiiimI. iichh that may properly come Mont the cuuveutlou. Thu convention will lm comiKHcd of forty-live dulegateH, apiKirtloncil aiming thu neveral precinctH ax oIIowh: AiIiiiu" 1 Ali'i.. .1 (,'miim ..,. ..:i (Vnl. rvllli' .1 OiiIIoiiwihhI I Ki'ln .1 l-'HHIIIiklllil.lil I 1.-...!... . .. .. ! "111- Ill'lll 1 JlllllpiT I At I lion 1 Mountain 1 Nnrlli I'niiilli'tnii II Hon Hi IVri.llclin H Union .,1 lliniilllia I Vni.iyrle M VIiimiii I Wenion ........I Willow Hiirlnif) I Youkimi I Tumi n It In hIho nHummcmlcd that pilmaricH for IhueliH'lion of delcgaten tonald coic Veution lm held In the varioun precinctH on the ITIh day of March, at 'J uYl. ck p. in., except in ('endletou, wheru it U rcc ommcinlcd the polln nhall I hi oeued at 1 1 o'clock a, 111, Pendleton, Or., l'ebruurv '.'Mil, 1 HHH. V. M. ltK.uiu:, Chairman of thu Democratic Central Committee. Hajclnaur, Mlcbtciii, Murrta Vv'ulloln puck. Wcni you over In SiikIiihw .' Naw. HjkIimw in clone hy Kant Saginaw, 011 inn NiL'itiaw river, vtlileli lloun a few iiiIIch through Satnaw eountv, ami eui tica Into SuuIimw hav. SukIiiuw 1h one mifeV ride from Mack inaw, There in no much ice and unow on Sac luaw hay in winter that, to look out on it, makes one think he In at Nerd Kvn mi thu Line 1'lord, in Norway, and inake inn icci iikii a rai;iuawci,'iau. In the city of Sanliiaw, howuvcr, von will llnda cMllallon, with acapital ( The wealthy ieople of Sajsiuaw made their mutiny In planlnK-uiillH, mid we might nay, Uierefote, that Ihev nw Jiwi plane Hmiie. A man 111 SaKiuaw ii mea-uriN hv the fool, or rather hy thefivt; he U'rated tutiirillnt; to the iiumlxirof millions of fivt ol lumUir he la cetliiiKout. SaKiiiaw; In a I.Ik city, with electric vfi . ,' ,MW "w ",U'H' "I1"1'1 Imuxi In .MIchlKan, 10 they Hay, and when the IvM lHM.ple (the ouea who control the KreuteM iiunilKir of lau-HaHi get up a Krand Utll tlmy nuike (Iiiiikh hum. The Kent lu men taku oil' their IckkIic and Antic ovemhm.a and put on full-dicm Hulls, and the ludicri iMineout intlecolletu kowiih.IunI tw they do in New York, N. ., ,.r iinv other I.Ik city , and they do h.iv that thiM-'e ladien will damv ami dance until Uiuy pt warm, and then the Hawdimt IUuIiik in thu air allghlH uu their fair Hhouldetn and Htaya theiv fur none of them you ever aw ducted it oil'. They play thu H iwdunt Kame for all it U north iu SaKiuaw 'I'ho htn-eta uru uived with wwdiiM. Vimr water pitcher at the liiK hotel in tilled with a tremendous iiuihh iiUawdusti yuuwash Inwwdiiht, you drink wiwdunt. Kut SaKtnaw is a live town all thu panic, and I am nuru vou would like to llvu in Sai naw . Naw ?' SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT. A.. I-T.12A.L1HJY I i ' ' I'ltAOTIOAI. BOOT & SHOEMAKER Mulu uiut Wettl.Slreetii, Kimli-ri. Unite IIuuIm ami Hln.fn in hli.i'U. IVrfect 111 (limmnteiM. 0 N'l.Y t'lVK I 1 NTK an- miih ' in tdtii llllta will l,,i ui., n,',! , it, , ,ui . ttUd tin.' at UveiviiUM.i i.ui illou Vl.tli4 llitt HtllLlrV-.. Jiun I 1 Jon PROPERTY ! Two Hundred and Forty Town Lots! Choice Building Sites! Fine Springs of Pure Water! Valuable Rock Quarries! Commencing on APE1L 4th, 18SS, And coiitintiiiiy from tiny to clay until all lots arc disposed of, THE Eastern Oregon Agricultural Association Will Sell at PUBLIC AUCTION! At the Court House, Two Hundred and Forty Choice Lots! Jn the town of Pendleton, Oregon. Also Buildings, Stables, Fences and other improvements. TERMS: One-half cash on in one year, secured ny note ion per cent, per annum. List of property to be sold: Ulk -1J, lolu 1 to 18 inclusive. " 'IU, lots 1 to IS inclusive. !.', lots 1 lo 18 inclusive. M, lots 1 to J8 inclusive, 15, lots ii to 18 inclusive'. Ui, lots 10 to lo inclusive 87, lots I to M inclusive. 88, lots I to M inclusive. One (1) acre more or less in lot 8 in NWJ of Sec 10, Tn 2 N, 11 jU h, bounded on the SIC by Umatilla Reservafion lino and on the west by the west boundary lino of the S. L Morse homestejid claim. 1 grand stand building; t saloon; 1 dwellin g house; 1 horse 1 wagon; 1 got harness, Kte. Surprise Sale at Cost! tfOR THIRTY DAY'S ONLY! $8,000 Worth of Boots and Shoes; $1,000 worth of Men's and Rnva' tt0 $2 000 werth of Men's $8,000 worth of Saddlery Goods; $500 worth of Oregon City Blankets. $500 worth of Notions, Trunks. Valises. CO.MK KAItl.V AND tiKT HAUUAIXS, at t)rdern l.y mail Hollcitcd. W. J. VAN SOHUYVER & CO., WINK AND SPIRIT MEROHavp 03 FRONT STREET, - . A U K CYRUS NOBLE BOURBON AND RYE CO. (Milwaukee. Wis. export - - , iiipurlaiit to CarprutrrN Ha t;ol imrlurM. I'MTKII NT.U.a iNt.HN Hr-llVll-K. I MITIIU AllKM-V, llllKtlllN, ... . JIHIVII 1.1, I ii.i..i..i V;'" '""".mr new lUmM-' fr.7.,. w, . : '.I.V.Vf '""' ""'n r-i-tM i ,7, ? i' V.. .l..,V"f"i,',r.'''l urpen. , I . ""Mtll UIU Itir I lilt .HIIIylMi,. , iHHSSSH' Oril'BTOCUKIUTOHs. V ' !"il linoeutHtliHi to the Iiiiilo. i m.l,.t.v.wi JOsBl'll HASl.KK, jyss.U.VTU)N NOni'K. I' lire. i.e. uu.lvr thw tlrni T ""me f k n o.ii null ttl I p, ,.,,. .r..,em ii,, , .., ton. ....nr,r,!Z:!.r,,l"t,u Agricultural ten Rich Garden Soilf day of sale, and one-half payable bearing interest at the rate of Ulk SI), lots 1 to 14 inclusive. " AO, lots 1 to M inclusive. " in, lots 1 to M inclusive. " D8, loU I to M inclusive. " !i!, lots 1 to M inclusive. " 100, lots 1 to 14 inclusive. " 101, loisl to 14 inclusive. " 102, lots 1 to 14 inclusive. and Boys' Furnishint? James Whfifil an 7 u, . ' . rt Staet, l'omlleton. - portlamh , vnKuun, S TS WHISKIES' JOS SCHLIT7 nncuuiur pii mm ,D.br.C"b'LJLBREWING ' mchOiUwsm JjMlKU. KKMl'KK, I'roprletor of tlio 'tve.tiit eer Hall. i.. . ." H,;nMH-lt po.totlic, I'emlletoH. mct.t umna " tock. J OH I'ltlXTINO ,JOUSKS KOIt 8AI.H Ill fet.?S lm , ,T. It, HOl'l'Hlt, leuitU'tou, Oregon, i JJIIH WANTED. v . rwnt, t,r.. i. ...'."".'S "'' "l ' rer- ' . ".r . K.. :JL,"r.u V.,.c0.,u,,,' Ntvl. H Are Yon Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should go any longer without insurance on their property, of whatso kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in a good ever Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every time what it eosls, and procrastination should be indulged in when it comes to taking out a policy. In first place, pick out competent RELIABLE With whom to do your busincss the best insurance companies When in search of such agents, in the direction of the ofiico of Clopton & Jackson, Located in the EAST OREGONIAN building, Pendleton, whore you can have any kind rine, Accident or Life insurance, APPLE-PIE It is well to remember that one of the Thirty Reliable Clopton & Jackson, witlj $100,000,000! If you contemplate insurance, call on ,, ,i i -X .... . ii mu cost you notlllliGr. EAST OREGONIAN building, Clopton & Protected? not the and AGENTS, those who represent none but and go straightway and insure. don't fail to turn your "peepers" of insurance, whether Fire, Ma done-up in ORDER! to bo secure you must insure in Companies represented by a combined capital of more than u rM.ui PllwmW (!,: . .. .. Uluu. umco JS ln t or address Jackson, s Tiokels.toa-jJ unit Kiiro.c. "'i Elegant Pullman PalaJ D not KmlBrmitHIeupliiH Cnrn run tlimo.il lr. Trunin l(, rt! OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS ANDjtl Krco of otiunfo unit without thJ Closo connection nt Portinn.l fnmJ elkco una Paget Hoiiiid l'olnul Knt bou ml i)iiMeiipr nrrlvti.J p.iruntflioop. in. l" ..nnL nniinii irnivnt .ni... -. Went tx.IM.it rrnlirhf -.JLIiVVi'MI pnrw uHtlSrT. rn. Ki walla Wall and PphJI.i.. , Iavcn nt flno n m u.u 1 rlvof nt 4.00 p. in. from Wnlin i'!i.M To Kirn rm.pl. 9 Invo ntGiunnlilp wlmrf, I'orllatid.tl lirl.t. Ill fiillntVM, -'""Wrtl Columtiln, Krl. Mur, 2: Ort-ffon hit J Htnto, Wed. n Uii.ThniSl! aii i-orci.iiwf. T.cnvltif Mtinnr mt tvli nt u.. t . llrpcni. Hul. Miipi.Ii. i. uin.- r.i" .-.: :;". n'in.i Col. I'liuw. " Wj Orcionf Kitten Of PlMHR IllcltldlllK inUAlN mill tmrlli. l.'ftMll. . HteprilBP, . Itoumi Trln. Unllmltr.l. Korfurtliprpiirtlculnri.lnmitreoj, of llio compniiy, or A. K Maxwell, I ifc T. A.. I'ortlnnil. nmif.ii. ' V A. ft. JfAXWKU 11. ii. ii;u.tih, Oonvriil Mntiaier. W. O. AM.OWAV.Apr1 lViKllelnti, 0r Hy wnr of tlio Oregon & California B. And Connretieiin. Tho Mount Shasta Roc Qu'-l-er In time thnn nnjotbitl Route, Ilntweon PORTLAND AND HAN KIIAXCIM .cave Portland at 4:00 p.m. Through time. 39 hours. l'Uiji.n an iii;vi-'kt HicKrie Excuraior Sloonora for - '"i vnasB rasaongors on I tnrrjugn crams tree cnargo. Faro from I'nrtlunil to Naerta ami Nun KrniielHrot rirHt-riniiH IJiilliulti-il. Flrnt-rluiH, I.liulieil HecouilTlUNH, l.liulteil 1 Tlokot Oltlcoi Corner Kami Front Htn l'ortliio R. P. Iioii KitA.n. v. i'... ) ii. KUKiii.KH, Manniter. GREAT OVERLAND ROD THE Nrrthern Pacific Railn ilir. UN Ml LINK Itl NN1N0 Jltllman Itlact Slmiing Ctntt if1.t.ff... it.... .... t.lrjnnt Kintamnt liltrp(gQn With JlrrlhM J-We of OA from Orepon and Washington P - - - . - to tho East. VI i HI, I'ii u iuhI Mlnneapoll. TM t lino runnliitf l,.l.,eo Dlnlu On. . .... .iiviiih to ueiim. Faitrne Tlui Kvrr Slnrtr. Vn .ubhi ttver tun Wortliera I'ui-llln Itullvnnd To i Sinn City, Council Ilium., fit. Jo Atililn;i. Iavonwortli, Knnu .........tin,,, uuiiicy, hi. iiuta, uniur ll po ntstliroiitthout tlio Kb1 and & eat Vl HI. I'linl iin.l Mlnninnnlll KM IO KANT HLKKPINfl OAR3 Are Imiiled on regular ezprot tralm (4 18 entlro length or the Northern Turn Tuun iiru..i. a... IJilii'a tin.t I .1 u ... ...Ival fourth Uoy. r I i?.","'.Vl0 ma,ie nt Si. raul and Mln"' . ,,. Miiiiui r.uai,nou(ii ana dou.u" J'AUIr-JO niVIHION. I I .linn vi in ii-uvb rnninnu aauy i nu n;., connecting with O. It. & N. Co.'botf all tint nt nn n.in a n , A. It UJ1A111jIV 9 WaHblDEton BL. P.irtlml. 1 VV U. Ali i 1WA1 . AKBUh 111 nil I A A I B U u. . M. . U if .u.iimiaM.ii iintu L., De",e"'n mu in - in nnn '1'inuia mil ii nin nun iinnn - - .--j--- MAIN HTltKKT, l'KNDLKTOX. A ... ...V.ll-UIVHW - LK.UKRRT KfiN -DRALKR IN I nrpp -.ii wi, runrv, inui lUH, VtAL, 3 iftUt, UHltD MEATS, LARD. Court Htreel 1 - " W I IIIIUV1"""" o San Fraaclsco Pendleton, lit i td Oregon. T KOAIj BLANKS City Surveyor. 1 nf"S KPecIa! form can hS minnllf . V ..rail bias. j LuWW