East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 22, 1888, Image 1

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I'nlrtin of tlm Dully or HoniMVrrkly
I.AHT lllll.dOMA.V nut fnmly nmt.ii 11.0
ilf tlm IMS I' Illtl.VlilVI A v III......
II HUT llirtlll! .leilll-M IMWI wi...-
cllim. Two ilollnm will imy for tlio
........ t.t.t.i f A.. Al. ..
t-vt-r !! 111 itpulrn. Tlir pulillii nrv nir
illnlly Invllril In i!Mt nWo wlieiinrcr
iriii in limn ny
. ......... II
ll llU'tllll'll,
111. I
NO. 10.
prmg and Summer
II Wool Dress Goods
For Spring and Summer Wear,
Are now constantly arriving, comprising
Of which the following is u partial list :
.lSm HI
mil a flrnon
Terra Cotta.
Sea Green.
London Smoke. Copper.
Wo also carry a full lino of
(llflRFn SURAH AMI MARfiFI INF .911 K8
mmm w - mmm mm waaMM mm w mm Fail 1 mm Wl aailm W
Black Chantilly Lace Flouncing,
mm MMM. - . .
rmntnl Ann UnlnnAiAnnA I r LiihaShm
wiiimi miiu iuiwiiwiuiiiiu kUUU I lUUIIUIIIgtj
II I iU&Y N mhrmioviaci r4- 4-r
-w.--w... WWJ WW.) WVVII
0 mako u sneciulitv of nil tn nl.nvn rrrknrla ntwl will rnio nlnn
A ---- ...w ttulSfW jUUV4UJ v 11 in Ultl itiiivw
our Prices to bo
C I nui 00 Tttnnn nf nnn II..... I- r.-i n
m Mm. 1 m Bfl m m an r n vn rn wrt rw n n
u iiii.in n iiim vvibjiii iiiuiiiiii
Just Arrived:
00 men's, boys' and youths' Suits
Lee Moorhouse & Co.,
sino.ooo Fiitiw at ahi.inton, on.
The Htrlko llri-itkliii; Ui Arthur' Ail
lcn lli'imlillinu lloleRiitu Klecteit
'otllnli.il Ftmiil -- Sturm .1 Tliuntrr
Horro' Murilrrnl liy Imllitiia, Ktc.
The Strike Ilri-nklnc U.
Sr. Louis, Slarch '21. Superintendent
Dickinson, of tlio .Missouri Puclllo, mid
(Joiicral .Manager Hayes, of tlio Wabash
railroads, luivu fanned onlew to their sub
ordinates to rt'celvo ami handle till freight
given them by the Chicago, liurllngton &
(Jtiincy. The order goen into ell'eet im
mediately. Arthur' U'rlRhty Aitvlrti.
.Minnkai'oijh, .March '21. It tranplre
that a general tie-up througlioiit tlm
Northwestern roadn han 1een prevented
by Chief ArtlmrVcouiiHelrt. A committee
OI DIlL'llllM'rM W'nnl In f 'liti'ilirn vimIf.1,iv 1..
eoiiHiilt with Arthur. On the result of
thin visit will it deiKMid whether or not
I hero Ih a general tk-up.
( A IimikIi
C'lll.t MIII'H. Sin.. Mmi'll Ll Tl 111 rrtmia
llnr'u (nrv u titi-li )mu I ...... ........ I.. I....
" J'"'l "...v.. ....n nvtn V.lllllllllll
Into the murder of Constable Uord )n hero
rmay mgni, nave completed their work,
md returned a verdict of willful murder
igiihiNt William and Jonathan 1 Unlock.
.'1111 ( ililf itniwit Iniil Ixum l..wvL-.. ........
and 11 (jimntltv of good ntolen, ami Gor-
when the murder wan committed. The
next day one of the Ulalocki confessed
that he and bin brother did tlio killing.
Oil lil'lllL' urriHtiil llinv 111111I11 11 full
fcFHlon. They wdd tliov had for wain
leen t'l)im.'l.l n inilli nf Imnn.
- - - - - -. . " .. U .
tlllitl'iiM mill I-M.I..1I-.J Tli. ... f ..... ll..
... .v.. ...I.. ...... v.r. .iiu vniiit'n ui lliu
gang included robbing mails, blowing up
nafen, Hand-bagging and inuider.
lli-liiilillruu llnlrKittr ICIi-ctril.
MlUN'IM. IllllM. Mnwli "I Tl...
Republican .State Convention elected
loieimtoH to-day to tlio Katlonal Kopubll
an Convention tor eloven Congressional
(lictrlCtH. AlllOlILT till! llilliii'iilnu olinuiMi
are Qov. Irwin and Col. Ilennurn.
Kviry ly It Omuiri.
U'VllUIN'fl. 1)VT. - Afuri'li "I i. .....I.
- -. 1 ....... . . . .... vj . 1 1 1
grant train going west on thu Grand Trunk
....! ....III. I. ..I ...1.1 . .1 . f
iv.ui uuiiiiicii n'nii 11 peiroieum train going
east, near hero to-day. Thoengineorand
brakoman of the emigrant train wore
badly injured, and eight or ton passengorM
have broken limbs or are otherwise
Horiously hint.
An Uiiur MUtutirl l'limil.
l'oi'l.All UlVIIIi. Must-. Miinli ! Tlm
ice in the .Missouri river broke mi hero
yehtenlay, and piled up in gieat heaps,
form lllf (lams and cuiihIiil tlm rli'nr ti
overflow. The ilver Imttom is inundated
for II lllstunrii nf nnir mm I1111wlr1.il mllitu
1 here will bo great loss of cattle. Sot-
tiers iiavo tied to the hills.
Ktorni at l'lllntiiiri;.
I'lrruiiinin l'i M.m.li "I A i....li1n
...i.iv.. ... . IVIIIIIU
storm of wind and rain passed over this
ii-Kiun mis moniuig, iioingmiicnuamage.
An Alu.kn lllll.
W'.IKIIIS'IITIIW Mim.li HI Tl.. lln.io..
committee on territories have decided to
roort favorably on tin) bill for the organ
ization of Alaska territory.
A notriietlvii Siiiilhrru Cyrluim.
tlnly Key
f SHrniTu, mill
III Uiu Wuril.
store, u building owned bv SI. V. Harrl-
.m.. .....1 I. 1 .. . 11. .
run, tiiiu v oimon v oruusu H imiik. '
Hero tlio flames were stopped bv Ilani-i '"' Srl,'"t"
son's brick. For a time It lonki-il us 1
though the wholn town was doomed, and . continit.ii.
the llames were kept in the limits iilsivu Stand vo in the wavs ami ,.i,.l ,.vi.
mcnt oncd only by the most desperate fr " "fi t ? w
exert oil oil 1 in nurt nf iiv..rv,.., ,.f.l., l I ... 1' "1 1 11 A' u,7 .IM V10. ! J0". w,0 1
r...,.i..r ..u-i-i .7.. V.;;. ..ri "Vr-.:V "'.."'I n'i i. mi ye suau mill rest
bor of ersiiH from the cottntrv who
were in town to attend the Democratic
cnimfv i.nnvmitfnti Tint t... ..e 11...
. v..avj... It.liriT l'i UIU
fire is unknown. The low .t estimated
m imi.umi, i). 1.. Kpriuuie being the
heaviest loser.
Y11111I1III Domiicriit.
SIoSIiN.vvii.1.1:, On., .March '22. Tha
Dcinocratle Count v Coinention. which
met liero yestenlav, elected delegates lo
tlio State Convention, endorsed the ad
ministration Ilf I'l-iwlilnnf 'liii.iil.inil iiml
Governor l'eiinoyor, and instructed the
t - -.l.v.-VJ, t..l. IIIRIIII. lUI IIIU
ll"llLMtoS til lll'iwiint tlm li.liiiii.if Itim W
I). I'enton as a delogato to tlm National
Democratic Convention at St. l.otiis.
l ()lti:iON NHWO.
A Thnnter Horror.
ril...i.T.. Ui.i.v .I.....I. .il MM. II.
w.wt.tw, .1,,-., .Milll'll -l.llllllll 11
tierformauee was In nroiruH Mils iivniitiii
at tllll lblllltllnt tluillnl- im iiviitiutmi .if
gas occurred, and the theater took tiro
ami was destroyed. Ion lilies have ho
far been recovered from tho ruins.
OniiRrrlliiniil I'roi-omlluK Hint CiiplUt
Nulrn r liilrtit to Nm tint n tern
ltoudf m.
IUair introduced u bill giving preference
iur i:ivii servicu iippoiuimems among men
U'lln llml lumn .ttutiit'.il .li.rt..i. ll... ...
.'-v... ...r..v...t i.itiinu i,u lllll 111
.1 I... 1 I 7 I- .1 V. .
uiusu iviiu nun served 111 me uouieuerato
army, ami who were Hiilloring Irom
wounds or disabilities, and asked I'latt,
(wild bait lililiwlnil In llm uiwiimiI i-.i.i.IIm,.
of the bill) to withdraw his objection.
Die tall was eondotnned as unnecessary
and unwise by many senators, Including
most of those from the South, hut was
finally jierniltted to go to a second reading
ami was referred.
Tho Senato took up tho calendar ami
passed eight bills. Including the following:
l.'.ir n.lli.f .f L.I.,.. I ... 1 1 .... .. I.. ..II
. .v.. v.. i.iinrivn .llllllllin IH lllll-
fornia and providing for the allotment of
minis in iiiuiii 111 severally.
To provide for warehousing fruit brand v.
Kills fur llm n.lli.f if il... lr.Mi...l,..l l.nll.'l.
ers the l'erines and SIoKuys.
1110 Mouse, aiieriei)io, sot aside four
daya for tho consideration of business ie
Mirted by the committee on lalwr. Thov
are .March I'Oth and lilst, April 18th anil
'Ihe floor was then accorded tho com
mittee on lalxir, ami bills passed for thu
protection In tho wages of mechanics,
lilliiinin. mill uiiri.i.iitu I.. II... Itl....li
..w.b... ..v. ...inn tit IIIU .smillv.1 IJl
Cohunblu and torritoriuH, and oxtondln
uiu jiruviruiJUH 01 1110 eiKUinonr law to
lnttir.firrl'nr-w 'Plu 1.111 -tt.i,.mt.... t il.
court of claims for adjustment of accounts
in miiuiurn, norKineii ami uiccuanicH,
arising under the eight hour law, was
uiueu up ami nriciiy discussed.
.Secretary flas sent to Ihe Senato to-
ll.IV II lilHti Iivtm II... y.......t..l - ..f .1...
...... iv.iv. ..win uiu 1 UlllllUPPlUllUr III U1U i
laud olllcu asking an immediate uppropil-1
ation of 4100 for tlm ro-survov of certain
lands involved in hiiKh brought against!
tlio Sierra I.uuiber(!ompanyof California, :
for vour soul. .fur. it. In
Awhllu ago I listened to a protestant
clergvman iireach from thu iiIhivo text,
and I fouml iu it an urgtimeut fur the
motiior clturcfi, simply liecauso it was
time honored; and he had a lot of jxjr
forming boys, all iinifonned in night
gowns, singing songs, and he thought it
was religion. Yes, tho poor man actual! v
lielieved that singing was the btisinessofii
never-ending eternity, ami that singing
and geslieul.itionsuntl dogmatism woio thu
icllgion of time; ami what is thu result'
iiKumuu is a scouer ami 111s miner was a
cleigvman. "Vo encompass land and
sea, saui.icsus, "to make one convert,
amiwnenyu nave made Mm, vo make
linn two fold moru thu child of the dovii
than yu are yourselves." That is to sav,
Illill' lli li.li ifm 1ut.ill.it.. 1I...1 I... 1.
' .w... ..au .t,....it.- null, iivj HUH II1UI
and plan robbery and minder, nmfwhen
ii... ....... ...... 1.. 1. t.. .... 1 ... t ..
uiu ii.vi niun n m mi longer in ior earin,
with a unlit Iu thu lammiiLM nf l n.lv
iMaclieth, "That would thu lniillltudln-
oiisseas incardinino, making tliu green
one red," ho may climb thu shining
stopposof glory, and what Is tho result?
What is tlio a'sult of such 11 conception
ui iiiiiiiiiu liisnce 1
Intelllgeiico is tho synonym of Inlldullty.
Does a pastor coniinlt thu slluht Indis
cretion of debauching a brother's wife,
win- ilium w film 1 uitiifi.w. .....i 11...
J r" ...... r...iiiii, mill IIIU
sisters weep and the brethren prav, and
ii... ...1 1.. . 1 .1 . .. -1
iiiuj iiiiiiiiiiiiuiiriv re.ioivo mill IIIU IIII1U
is iiiuoeeut, actually wliltur than an augol's
rooo aim inner man .-it. .loliu. and so
self resi vet must stop at homo, and this
is called religion.
"It Irt lis lllilllifli llm 1I11111I ....iil.l f....1 ll...
Icy worm around them steal.and shudder.
as thu icptlles ereei;lo level o'er their
inllliiir hIiiiiii u llliiiiif llm tii.iv.i 1..
- n .(... ...w I'liiTwi iu nviiiu
away tlio cold consumers of their clay."
15y run's tiiaour.
iSoVurthiiless. tlm f .nnl unlil "U'lum T
COIIIO IlLlllll fllllll I (lllll filllli mi itiirlliVI'
'l llll Wtxillllll tllllt MIIU It III. Ciu ti'li.t..
- --- " .. ...... V.1II 1IIIUII
clotlieil in flesh. sinn'iil nl itnu.j ti. im.
deruiMin this iuestlon. rarasitlsm will
never do. I'rostratlon.iiarii zat on.iinisi!
tution of thu endless enemies ami activi
ties of tho human mlml will imi'iii- .In
That creed, that sect, that oniuiilxiiitim.
that eoniblnatlon that would crush the
Hlllll Willi lllll liW.W m. .1 ll... II.!....
and the aspirations of our (Uvinn llfn.
...i. 1 it 1.... 1.. ..1. .1.. . 1 ...
limn u 1.1 miu 111 ciiaius is more guiiiv
In tho sight of High Oninlotenio, tlmii
Inn erlm nui Iv llml ivmilil u.....l 11... 1....1..
............... v...i rvim iiiu innit
back to thu dust and gloom of earth. Tho
eosnel that 1 nniiu'li imin fun i.v.,l..i. iu
. . . -.1 ... ... .111. ir.
older 1 1 urn tliu IConiim chua'h. Hindu-
dates that crcat eriin n..il ('..iiutimili,..
who nreanizcil II
lltlrlOd tllOlll Oil llltlMI lllfit (li.l fMirlutl.it.
1 . u imv v iiiinwuii
cnurcii is older than tho Aimsto e
V.! .. : 11 m "Hior man iioino wwii.
back ward-looking son of time, thonuwls
uni, inn 11111 m new, uiu cvcio OI a Clltillgu
sublhuu still Hweeilng through." "Taku
nuiiri; 11111 wasior imiids. Again a
charmed llfu old goodness hath, lint the
lines may jiensii, mil uiu grain is not
for death."
Hear with mo for a moment. Of tho
ot tliu
lllll! tllll ,fntl(illltl I lttlim'n.w.n( ...... .t
of .Montana territory. Slnw tho urgunuy ; I1'
tlio IIoiiso luw
I wero thu (iiIiIiiIm nf uiiiiii. .1. tt'i.tni.
-- 1 - ... mi iiiiit.ii
dOCllIllL'llll WlIU Wrlllllll ll'.iu ...I..IM....I
the Philistines ami placed in tliu ton
kllflU llillim nf i.i.rri.u
Savivvi (St !M.ir..li ! 1. ...111., i lilll n.iukiul (Im sJi.n.il,. II... II.,.,.,, 1..... I liondences I lifnr vim In S un V VI
jyclono mid thunder storm swept through ' "lnouded It by the addition of this appro- " 'H ",,uro ri'corded that the ark, iu which
(,'iniu and (Jeor-1 priauon, ami vitas wants tliu Senatu lo uiniuis 01 sionu, on wnicli tliu
i-oiifur in uiu noiiso amemimi)iit. in
Kast. who caiue to the bird when llu
was born J wheivfore a star went before
them, and they brought with them gifts,
gold, frunklnccn-io and niyrih (.Malt, it;)
for the star which went before them slg
nitled knowledge from heaven; the gold
signified heavenly good, the frankincense
spiritual pxid, 11111I the myrrh natural
good, from which three is all woiship.
Tlio learned among the ancients woro
meu of raio ami active intelligence. Cen
turies before) Do Leseps, again and again
they dug a canal from the lied wa to the
.Mediterranean, which the sands of time
and changu relilled. Ages liefore Jesus,
their astronomers accurately llguied tho
Inclination of the axis of the earth in the
plane of tho ecliptic, and CoK!rnleiis
never claimed to lw tho originator of tho
svstem that bears his mime, but notllled
tlm Clinri'li Hint II nun llm iliu.ii-lii.. .f il...
ancients, wIiomj manuscripts faught It.
Til flllllll It'll III.. lllll.ll.ll..l f.M 11... .11
... . ..t .t..t ...1.1 intil 1. 11 IIIU IIIIM I1Y"
ery of America ami the circumnavigation
ofthuglobu: for tho navigators of Spain
learned nf iho .Moors, who carried their
globes, their iuadraiits and their astro-
IHlllltiiitl l'liiiu'liul.iit tiili. C....I.. Tl.
............. .UI.VI 1. lit. ...iiii. tin)
learning of thu anclenls was suppressed
by tho Roman Church, who tillered tho
school iHioks in tho eighth century to
conform to their own stiitilil i.iinuli-ii.'.iti.i.
of thu Word. They wero over the fou of
all knowledge, oxcupt of the lives of man-
llfill.tllrnit unllllu iiml 1.ni.iiiiit II. ...... ..
............... ,, iiiutiiii i.iiiiiu 111.
the stake for teaching that Ihe world was
romm. nearly one .Hundred vears alter
the ships of .Magellan had sailed around
the globe. Tho Children of Israel. Im-
bruted by over four bundled yeais of
slavery, wero natural men, and perceived
not HIllHtllul tllllll'M. TIlllV ll.ul f.in..ill.ii.
tho naniu of Jehovah "'Whom shall I
tell tho eople sent me," said Moses
ami they turned what they heard nf cor
resKindences Into Idolatry, and in thu
wilderness ureclcd a golden calf to wor
ship. Calves slgnMcd thu iill'ectlons and
oxen tho lsiwers of the natural man.
Hwedetjlwrg claimed that the hieroglyph
ics nf Ki-vnt wiim ninrit i.itiriu(biii..li..ii.iuj
, ,W ' . . v..v.r.nini.v'lllt-.-.,
and oflea-d (in a letter now extant) tho
Academy of Sciences of Sweden to inter
pret them.
If tllll U'linl U lltvilW. tliliirl.trlt. tl Iu
spiritual that Is, has a spiritual sense,
wniio outwardly ft In natural that Is, the
senso of tho lutler. That this Is so. is lie-
c.iusu It Is accoidlmr to divinu order.
"First that which is natural and after
wards tllllt wlllcll Iu unlrllii.il In tlm Lit..
guagoof St. Paul; thoreforu, corresjwnd
enccs aro renreHentatlons of siilriinnl mul
heavenly things in natural thinfa; thoy
aru tho riH'iintiii'lis unit ilu'iiniii..i.1,nu. ..f
genuine truth. Tho truths themselves
aro enclosed and clothed In tho twnso of
tho luttur. mul urn fn llm unlrlt
-w ------ ..... ... ...w i'a ii ( nuiinu
01 tlio ord. Johuh Huld. hikuiWIiil' hv
nltnllitudcH: "Wtxj nnto yon wrWwn anil
'llfirlHPlM. luI'llllUil Vit tituL'n (limit lli.n ....L
side of the cup and of tho platter, but
within they aro full of oxtortlon and ex
cess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanso first
thu Inside of thu cup and of the platter,
that the outside of them innv Im i-limi
also." (.Matt., xxiti.) Hero thu bird
Slioko bv I'niiiliiirlsnnu llml
spomlonces. liy cup Is meant wlno, and
I nil 11 is higuiiied hy wine; by iattcr Is
I I 111 II 1 1 1 flWlll. mill inuul In ul. 11. III... I l.i. f...l
Thoreforu, "to cleamo the IiihIiIo of the
cup ami tliu platter," slgnllles to purify
tlm Inliirfnrs nf llm mlml II. ..I II... ...,i
side may thus Ih clean signifies theexto-
nors, which aro mo works and the 1
Hiwecli, lire tints purified. Again, Jo.hiih
said: "Theiu was a certain rich man.
who was clothed In pinploimd flue linen,
who fared simintiiniisle
thoro was a certain poor man. named
portions 01 lennessoe, Viri
inn vitufur. I.it. ..ml 1..ul ..I..I.I 1.... ........ llllll'llp III tliu H1111.111 1. ....... .1....... 1 I.. I
r,... ...... ..j. ...... .,,, ,,,, 111111, i.iuniii Ull'ill ,, " V" viiniiiuill. III iVi Vii ., ..uniii.iuiuii i, i
loss of life anil nrniwilv tlio CtlSU of tile Sierra T.innl I tlio 1 IllllrttlllUrt ami Placed in tlm Inmnlii
URht.1i1.1c utruck Tha cit..l 1 H ,U!("l1,rt,c,, ,l,ilt ,l "tmy can Isj undo 01 J. a0,b ,lt AHlMlotl, and that Dagon ell Luxunw, vl.o was laid a his gatu full of
ws ms it s- M r, li rt',,1. 1 xix'X lyH, at a cost of'tfKUK). About ''u P""!" It, ami uflorwimlH forwi." (l.iiko, xxi.) ly t ie ilch man
thiinZ Si tS' 'rii 1? r'001?'000 mvolvoJ, 11,0 "K'duHt mi '"!.' IwIiiih of his hands sov- h meant the Jewish nation ls..causo they
5.niii wl.. fi...!' .. a 1. tlm Sierra Cotnpany, anil tmsury olllcers S1 , ,fro.'V l''H 1m)1' '' diu ""..Word, which Is spiritual
dainiiL'i) wns lining nvrii ll? 1V1 ii L'i 3 ' lmvo decided that a ru-H.irvuy of tho land llnwlilioW of Iho te.nplu; and that on A:', ' l'rplo and flue linen,
(lainagu was IiMiu, except to thu wlivs. !u quuntlon cannot bo made out of the ,lcc,";i,.lt of ",0 thu men of Ashdod )vitlf which ho was clothed, are signified
uiiut MiiiwBd,, ui,it uppropriatloiiH for dopredations on public uml. hknm wero smitten by thoiiiands the gisiil and truth of thu Word; by tho
Wahiuxoto.v, Slarch 22. Dolph's bill thnbor. 1 witli eiiierixb), and their land laid waslu I'n'lo Hh jjooil, iiiiilby tho lino linen its
granting to tho Stato of Oregon fivo town- I'atents woro granted to Win, A. Camp- )'.. mlt'0' 'rll l'hllislines therefore ,'""hl!i H""nptuously every day,
ships, Including tho famous Crater lake, bell, Portland, for a shinglo sawing ma- willed together tho princes and divines, Hignilled their delight in having thu
for a public park, has passed thu Senate, chine; John J. Slestou ami Nuto s. Dy- and in order to provent their destruction .V.""1' . ,w",1 m 'taring from it many
coiuiniiiu itivur inn rnmeii. gort, l'orlland, binding books. ,,,oy determined to uiaku fivo emeiods thlnga in tho Hynagogiies. Ily tho ioor
Wahiiincitos, .March Ui. Tho Housu A ixmHion has beon granted to Jackson "vo mico out of gold, also a new man buanis Is meant tho (ientllos, lie-
Mil .mil. n.i.t.,.. a... t! . .1 in... ... Ivtinitii liill,.n a .. i?. . i" curt, uml niuin llitu t. ii .ii... il... ...i. i causu thev had nut (Im Wnnl Tlmt tln.t.
..... --------- " '-IIIVIIHJ UI 1,111 IU .
uuiiiiiiiiin inline iiirrim iiiiriiiiuit .11 innLr nn
.. . ll..llij
aloiiL' lliii Col inn.
necessary improvements
1 1 - i 1 - ... . .
ma river, mis passed mo Senato, and u
conference committco has been ordered.
VKe Muriler uml Hulclila.
n.n.isTiin a. flu... Sfnntli 01 r-j t
w...... ...... ... ... ...in. iAjyj
llizzlnl went to hor housu to got her clothes
linonillni? In lnnvn imp liiiuli.i.nl ..in
wnom hiio nan quarreled, and
was afraid would kill her. Ah sho
thu llOURO Hizzilli shot lmr ilnn
tlien blew out his own brains
woman was an American, aged 18;
iuzznu wus a nwiss iiiuorer, aged 30.
Murilereil ,y ln(Ki,f
ICnotts. Mnllnn An I linitlUlIi f1 imiiiilmi
-----f w , iiivtbiinu rV4initH
nun iiuuii Brunieii 10 win. it. aioeller,
llaker City.
Thoio was retried from tho commltteu
on .tensions to-day Hermann's bill in
creasing thb jienslon of Trederick Ueno.
hast Portland, to $7.1 a month. Tho com
mittco recommended that thu bill pass.
.7uvui.il iimumimeuis wcru niuilo liy tlio
were despised and rejected by thu Jews
Is meant by his I mink' laid at thu rich
man's gatu. Hy liehig full of sores fs
meant that thu (.entiles, through iguo-
railCO of tllll truth, worn In mmiv f.i1u!l!i.u
Tho tJentiies aro meant by Ijuarus. lie-
tho dent lies wero lovod by tho
niuin llilu ti ,
near it tho emerods and mlco of gold; ami
llV tW(l CI1WM Willi' ll lull I. I III lliii tin.. I,...
.....wi. ... ..iu ..... IIU-
foro tho cart, to send back the ark to tho
sons oi israei, nv wnom i no cows and thu
cart witrn nUiiriil In unc-tlli... ,n..l u,. il...
- - - - ...., ...... ... iiiu
Iiml nf lurtinl u'nu i.pi.i.Ii I..I...I '11. ..I -.11
" l-il'lililiuu, tlliu mi
these tiiiiiLM htiidled out bv llm illvlimo ,.f causo
tliii I'IiIIIhIIiiou
wayB uml meaiiH commltteu in tho .Mills ov,,i,,t fr" their signification, which Is fn),,,11mI,!vm VUH i,w,i h' tIlu b'rd.and
tm-iir l.lll l.nf..... ll.. l .il .' I. ! 11H follows: Tlm I'll liutliu.il l....u..l...... is I'a li'll Ills frllllllf mill unl ill llm l.il.ln
....... ,,,,, ireimu im UVIIIIIIUIIUII HI UI , , ., , uiiinuiiun , , - ;
eommltteo. In tho Iron schedule tlm ?'Kuified thosu who aro iu faith separato witliflio lord. 1-roin these passages It is
iimiiiii.ni nun uuj irilllis IIIIU gfSMIS OI 1110
i aru us vessels, and us
milriiil Imtli mul iimul
iled iii tho spiritual senso
............. ..,,.., . ..v,.., ...,,.WH,, ,llu uuiiiiuiiiuu lias iioi
Si'okane Falls, W. T., Slarch 22. ' yot loriiiully dia'cted a rojiort to Ihi mudd
llllTll Tfnirtlll rnrnlunil tlitu mn...l... ! XllO HolllU) lYllllliitltltn nn loltiip t..il,.i
Judge Hogun received this morning tho
following telegram from Sand Point,
Idaho: "I learn from IndiaiiH and other
parties that Pelky, Pendleton, ami Pip.
kins liuvn lii'i'ii iiiiiriliinwl ln ln.lU..u
Priest biko." Signed by P. Liuht.
Plro lit Arllnirton.
..... .il.uiillll 1 IU
I nioiiing iiiioiih from holdinu uny iiovern
, ment office. A single class of officials is
excepted from tho ojicrutioii.of tho bill,
thoso who, from expediency or necessity,
have been aiiiwinted to iKwltions in tlio
Ain.isnTnv. On. Atnn.i. oi.u , diplomatic and consular services.
o'clock this afternoon, It was discovered I c,'uir"m Clii"y has licen directeil by
that uaiston'H Duilding, in which a small f . i., -" "'" uport
in.L- nf ,ir...j .,, L-n,?t .v.. .... ii " ii favorably to tho HoiiFo thu Sena o til
foro anythim. could lw lono to clmi-L- Ii corjK)raio tlio Mearagua Canal Com
ii. ..-.. i . i : ... . ,.-" nanv.
til tllll Ifilliin I.. 11.. n...l . 1 a
u-.tr.L- ..in. ii '.I.'. . . .. . " : of tho truth llm imu. ...... ui....m...i
..xvn, itiiiiutiKu iiiu uuiiiiuiiieu uas not i ... ., , i ' . ..' . '": iuh-
t uii uuuiiiiiu oi mo cnurcii (lor doctrine
ii-oni spirimai truths is signified iu tho
oy tiiianoi; ; tho cows s un (led
llm lliillli. tft.x:.ttt -t..l A.. .1...
(HTOfwl tk rimnrt tf.t iii-imi 1 .1 l.lll ' i 01(1
and nmdo L'ood; (ho niitoofgold HlnilIod
eneral Merchandise.
Pendleton, Oregon,
the flamorf woro lioyond control. Tho flro
isoqn sproad to I). S. Sprinklo & (!o.'s
jstoio building, and burned tho whole
I block In which It wiui situated, including
tho Arlington Times office, a building ho
loiiL'iiiL' to SI. C. Harris. J. H. Hm.Clnii'
Ibliicksmlth shop, and thu countFjall. hat Is mimed i Uoorge-"!! "the i
Tho 1 allies tlion Hfinmil In tlm mni lii historian. It (mi .uu-mII,.- I.,...., t.i ... I ' ...!. . . '" ' wt'""Ln- lll.lt till
isidu of the street am iitirned Kirliv's a great man vim has oil K T " r'"11'!!
. Lull I 11 U'rtitAKi. f -i I l..f' l.lulAtrt. ' " ". PWIIIO OI UIU IVtthl. ll
iU.mr,u..uii ....uV. ,aiBOoident from thu wlbo mon of flu
At tlio door of tho United States Sen
ate is hung a tablet on which is a list of
i moso privileged to go upon tho floor of
that liody. Tho onlv iinnfllilal rUU,.,,
tlio vastation of tlio church romovml hv
gooi , (for gold in (ho Word signifies
ku"ii i uiu lowing oi iiiu cows in the way
signified tho ditllcult conversion of the
natural man's iiihts of ovil into good af-
lee ions; tliu ollerhig of tliu cows to-
goiner witli tliu cart for a w holo burnt
olluring signified that -thus the
Ii ir i 1101 waH I''I'H'ated, as finis
uiu uuui uuiin oi uiu nu.in wore iiaitowcd.
All thoso things which the Philistines did
i uiu jHTMiiision oi uieir diviiu-H, were
.Ill--..0...1,1 ...If 1 I. f
t n.nHiM)uinurt, jrujn v JllC'fl ll ih mum
lent tlmt a kiioWed,'o of thum uuh hmy.
I'erliuiwi Ho.
j l tttliv 'Vlllll-
ideation Is thu following note:
iiroinor wager: on madu mo happy
bv acciiraev In iirlntliin tlm nrtli.i
Threo (Jcslsor One iiermit me a slmtle
correction! Tho now chinch mon wnto
tho Word with u capital W. That part
Ilf tho Ilililll wrltlmi I il inri-iiutu.Miliitii..Li
11 - - ... ... . ... . ... I. 11V. I.
WO hold that it Is wtMilriin llu. If mul -it.
together divine. Tho epistles aru dog
matic, and though full of wisdom are not
wisdom Itself. D'Am v.
When Senator IiumIIh iiviilmli.il Im
killed himself as a Piesldential caudl-
lllltll. I.V'llll tlm Ifi-uilll. limit. iKi.hn ...il
' ...w .... ..... i, t.llllluV
allord to run a bad smell for President.
Ham Jones vauiifiith lilmwlf mul Iu
inifled up. In Kansas City ho wild "1
had not licon in Chicago two days lwforo
(00,0 K) jieojilo knew I was there, whllo a
l it of you iniiHty old preachers havo been
in ICunsas Cltv tunntv vi'iiiM mul nnlj,.K-
knows It,"