East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 21, 1888, Image 1

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    i i - - UAiiMBaM -HMiiiririiiiiir i-jrmiriKi-iirTfwm r i i -
r . 111 "' '" " '" 'ii i pi' ... . i , i iwi.
IltKT YOU WANT. 2 O M M 1 i V f (V V
Lvmty-flro emit In money or atump
1'ntrnti of tlm llitlly or Hoinl-Wrokly
I!AST OltlUlOMAN nm froHj iniike uo
or tint l'.ASl' OltHOONIAN lllirnry when
ever lUry m deidio. Tim initillc ure rtir
ilhdly lit vlletl to vIkII tlm olllco whenever
no Inclined.
I pity fnrtliP HriiiMVrokly JiA.IT
f IAV fium timv unlit llftrr ItlO Jiiiip
ktliin. Tim iliillnm will liny for tli
fly HAS I' OlllIOONIAN for the muno
till of lime by mull.
L. 1.
NO. 18.
p. &i
Spring and Summer
II Wool Dress Coods
For Spring and
Are now constantly
Of which the following is u partial list :
roblin Blue,
Lpple Green.
Wo also carry
Black Chantilly Lace Flouncing,
Oriental and Valencienne Lace Flouncing,
Over Embroideries, etc., etc
IWe make a speciality of allelic
our Prices
As Low as Those of any
Just Arrived:
500 men's, boys' and youths' Suits 1
Lee Moorhouse & Co.,
General Merchandise,
- lAY
Summer Wear,
arriving, comprising
Terra Ootta.
Smoke. Copper.
a full lino of
above goods, nnd-will guarantee
to bo
House in Eastern Oregon.
tiik iiu:siii:nt condkmnh tiikou-
A Sinto Tremtirer In Trouble ltnhhery
nml Murder In Arltoim-NlockliKer Ap
IMiluleil Coiiiiiiln.lonur The Southern l'u
cllln'n Plum WiuhltiRton Nei-Notable
llcutlm C'rlmlmil Itecortl.
Tlio l'rcftldent A for tho Wuse.ii Hood
Wahhikton, Mureh 20. Tho Presi
dent to-day sent u communication to the
llouso from tlio Secretary of thu Interior,
together wilh a great iiiuhh of testimony
relativo tu thu wagon-road land grants in
Oregon. The exuiulimtlun haB dovcloiicd,
the President says, the most unblushing
frauds xm tlio government, which if
remaining unchallenged will divert linn
(lreilnof thousands of acres of land (run
the public domain and out of reach hv
honest settlors to the advantage of thoso
wno navo attempted lo prevent and pros
tltutu tlio bcnollls Intended to lw conferred
A hill to restore thu land to tlio irovorn
moat ueeoiiip.tnlus the communication,
which thu I'tesidoiit recoiimiundtt beeoino
a law.
Cimloni OflU-erft' Hulurlix Itmtuced
Wasiii.noto.v. .March 10. Iho treason'
department have dlHcovcrcd that thov
need floO.OOJ more than thoy have for
that purporto, to maintain thu ciiHtoin of
fices at thu present hulurios till the end
of thu present year. Tho only way to
iiiuko inu allowance now oai is uy a re
diietlon of Bidarios. Thin has been or
Niw roatofllce.
Wabiuxoto.v. Aim eh 20. A postofllen
i . . . . . r -...
huh peon esiuuiixnud ai urover. yhhco
county. Oregon, and William Alcreor up-
oinieu poiiiinimor.
uuiph'ii mill.
AVahiiinuto.v. March 'M. DoIpIi'h hill
camtlng a now land olllco in Oregon
puHHed thu Senate to-day ; uIho UU hill to
conllrin to certain widouw and orplmiiH
their titled to.donation claims in Oregon.
Itouberjr Hint Murder.
I'ikunix. Aiuzo.va. .March ii). Cvrus
Grlhhlu and a man named JoIiiihoii,
while on their wav to this citv from tho
Yulttiro mine, wuro killed, and roblcd of
7,000 in bullion. IJx-s'enutor Tabor,
owner of tho Vultura mine, ollerx a re
ward of ii thouHaud dollarri for the re
covery of the bullion, and a thouHaud for
the capture of the murduierH.
Inlin V. Kluc Demi,
V..... Vn.M. t...l. l tl... 1 l.'l....
tho oldoHt living ox-United State Hona-
tor, died hero ycBtorday. uinjd eiiihtv-
ninu yearn.
Wn n In to lio u llrllUlior.
ViNSii'i:(i, .March liO.-Mrn. Stovall, of
Kentucky, Iuih applied heio for lulmis
nlon to the riuht ol u llrltiHhmibicct. Thlx
Ih thu llrrt cai-u of thu eoit on record in
lirltlwli Columbia.
An ICilllur liiiliileil.
Tuchon, Auizo.VA, March 20. I. It.
Ilirt, editor of thu 1'hii'iiix Advance, haa
lieou indicted for attempted blackmail of
Fred Smith, receiver of public nionloH.
The '.Hull nml r;xire" hold.
Ni:w Yoaic, Alaich 20. Col. Klllot T.
Phepanl purchased to-day tho ".Mall and
KxpioHM'' nowHiaior. It will continuo to
lw a ltopubllcaii organ, and will favor
protection. Hhejiard in a Bon-In-law of
tho luto W. II. vitnderbilt.
Tim Vitriol Tlirotrur ut Mberly.
Si'itistii-iKMi, .Mo., March 20. Dr. Cox,
who throw vitriol over the face of IiIhboii'h
inixtri'sH, waived oxaiiiiuatlou to-day, and
wan IllKTatcd on giving ImjiuIh in tho mini
of tlvo thoumuid dollarri. Tho wayward
Iwy and tho Injured girl were In court.
Tho Iwy kiivh ho wuiitri no prosecution,
and thu girl abide by hix deciHlon.
Ktookalaisur HuiconU Nrka,
"Wamiiinoto.v, .March 20. To-day tho
I'rcBidont nominated Strother -M. Stock
ulagcr commlHHlonor of tho general laud
otlico. . ,
A Stato Tremuror Niitpended.
FiiANKnmr, Kv., March 20. (lovcrnor
Ihickuer thin lnorning miHifcuded the
Statu TroaHiiror, Jameri V. 'luto, who in
ehurged with defalcation. An invehtiga
tion wuh at onco IiiHtltuted, and by noon
it had liccu d'rtcovurcd that there wau a
doliclt of onO'h'indred and ilfty thounand
dollarri. 'Iho i.regulr.ritieH run back
cloven yearn. l,to box been Stato TreuH
urcr for twenty-on'1 yearo.
KllUd ly tiw Cr:
1'oiiti.ani), March 20. William Dcfloret,
a carpenter of Allilna, wuh run ovor by
tho cam to-day and iiiHtuutly killed. Ho
wan hurrying to catch tho little Albina
furry, to como to work on thix Hide of the
river, and encountered a long freight
train moving nlowly along the track.
Fearing that if bo waited till tho train
passed ho would mlxa tho boat, ho under
took to climb lictwcen the cure, in doing
which ho lotit his balance and fell acroH
tho rail. Several euro paHHcd over tho
body, mangling it frightfully. Ho leaven
u young wife.
it it u liiuir;
San FjtANcibco, March 20. By boiiio it
is thought tho Southern 1'aciilo'n tiro
Tio.sL'd road from Montuiiue to Kultnn in u
hi till', for tho purjiono of difcouruglng tho
Chicago A Northworitorn in Itn ett'ort to
reach this city. It Is generally lieliuved,
hovtuver, that they mean to build tho
Veel yunraiillneil,
San FiiANCibco, March 20. Nino ves
Belri aro at anchor on the South (marun
tine grounds, No now cases of small hjx
aru reported, and tho ves.-elH will coon l o
l'crlinin l'ntul Accldi'iit.
l'oitTi,ANi), March 20. F. Vlgno An-1
drews, a well known iiiHiiraucu agent,
sustained a concussion of tho brain by
being thrown from his cart In a runaway ,
nisi nigiii. no is in a very en leal con
dition. .
WaIIa YVnlln Wlicnt.
l'oitTi.ANh, On., March 21. Walla
Walla wheat is ijuoted ut W&70 cents.
The demand for wheat continued to Lo
"Tho Kmoralit LhiiJ" nml "The Orrgoii
From tlm Bun tninchco Alto.
California does not possess all of the
attractions which aro drawing imputation
westwatd. Oregon has gifts and giaces
oi her own. ami uiey are uoitiiu; duu ut'
tent ion since thu completion of thu Call
foiiiia and Oregon railway.
iwico (lining mo winter uregon has
been brought befoio the California public
in u very captivating way by Joaquin
iillller, in addresses upon "The Kuicruld
Lund" and "Thu Oregon Trail." It has
been tho fashion to consider literary men
as of tho ether othurial, and not of the
earth earthy, but thu fact is that this
groat coast is so compact of earth ami
BKy, oi the material ami the Ideal, I hat it
is getting the most lavoruulu notonuty at
tlio hands of literary eoplo. Joaquin
Miller. iSordliolf, llrot llurto, Sam. Davis,
Illttell and other citizens of the Uopuljliu
of letters, who can by genius adorn uveu
a mud-pio and maku it red liku iuiiico,aro
ipiotud uiiuw throughout the country just
now as witnesses to inu womieiiui mater
ial advantages of these Coast States.
It is truly a pleasant ami prolltablo
puttucrship when wo llud them joining
testimony with tho most practical men
wo have, and wo aro iinsulilshly glad tu
bco Oregon, thu joint Isjnelklary with
California in tho strong things thoy say
about tho future of tho coast. It is a
wonderful revelation of thu rapidity of
progress in our ago that Oregon, which
was selected within forty years as a syn
onyui for tliHtanco, isolation and Bolitudu
by an American poet, is now thu theatre
of activity, Jocund with thu sounds of civ
ilization and thu objective of tons of thou
sands of homo-Bcckera and State makers.
It is groutly to tho intcrcRt of California
to have n large population in Oregon and
Nevada. Oregon must budpIv us booh
with important and necessary com
mercial prouucuonii which wu win
ceano to croato for ourselves. Tho two
btatcH will bo tributary to each other,
generating!, mutual prosperity. Oregon
lias a climate poft and salubrious by con
trast with that of tho Fast, and a soil that
is unrivalled for standard crops. There
aro plenty of urullo lands, tnnjet-tiutiinUir,
mineral resources not hulfduvclopod, ami
above all the op)ortuu!ty to buy at mod
orate figures. ihcHo allurements uro nut
lost upon thu rust of thu country, and
backed by a hospitable welcome to thu
now conior, they will speedily Bccond
what nature has done for tho founding of
a great American commonwealth.
Joaipiin MIller'M chaiticterlzatlon of
Oregon as "tin Kmo...:n Land" Iuih liccu
BcUcd upon by tho Kiistern picsH, for It
implies a laud where grass grows and
water runs, and is associated with ver
dure and foliage, with sun and shade.
All tastes aru not thu same, ami it is a
happy promise of tho symmetrical devel
opment of these coast States that these
good uul!t!us bo complement each other
as to Ikj attractive to a great dlverHity of
tastes. In climate they run from dry to
humid, mid in product ions they cover tho
great area between the two extieuies.
i lio men who traversed tlio long Ore
gon trull forty years ago w ore tho pioneers
of a great civilization. Thoy were to tho
Argonauts wno iiiado early California
what tho adventurous settlors in tho Wy
oming Valley and along the bluo Juniata
wero to tho commercial Knickerbockers
who settled Now York. Wo speak of tho
.mkkiiu biaies now us u group allien in
interest and progress, workinir out tho
Biuno destiny und greatly Iiitonlepondont.
Tho I'acific States aru to lo another fam
ily group liko that, with u iKipulation that
will balance tho census of tho two sides
of tho continent, therefore wo say to
tlio immigrant: if you don't boo what
you want In California, ask for it in Ore
gon; and if you don't bco what you want
In Oregon, ask for it in California or Ne
vada. Infiiriuutlun About Tha Jlllile.
Tho Illblo contains y,5S().-lH!) letters.
773, (102 words, 111,173 verses, 1189 ehaji
ters and U0 liooks. The word "and" oc
curs -10,277 times. Tho word "Lord"
occurs 1855 times. Tho word "reverend"
occurs, but once, which is in tho !)th
verso of tho 111th IValrn. Tho middle
verso is tho 8th verso of tho 118th l'salin.
Thu 21st verso of tho 7th chapter of Kzra
contains all letters in the alphabet ex
cept tho letter J. Tho finest chapter to
read is tho '-'0th chapter of tho Acts of tho
Apostles. Thu 10th chapter of II Kings
and tho 37th chapter of Isaiah aro alike,
Tho longest verso is tho 9th verso of tho
sth chapter oi St. John. The sth.-l&tli,
21th, and 31st verses of the 107th l'salm
aro alike. All tho verses of thu 13llth
l'salm aro al ko. Thero are no words or
names of more than Mx syllables.
m " 1 '
In tho case of F.mhrco vs. I'cckmun.
from Yamhill court, the Oregon supremo
court holds that ono member of a firm has
a right to bind his purtnor in a chattel
Tho steamer Woodsldo, from A'ictoriu,
was wrecked and abandoned opjiosltu
Nitanatt river, All escaped in u small
boat after much dllllculty.
Portland, March 20, 1838.
Much talk him been Indulged lit, dur
ing tho past year, a-gatding a railroad to
lleppner, Alorrow county, from some
place on the Columbia riser. It had boon
thought quite prubablu that tho 0. H.
N. Co. would run it "feeder" up thu Wil
low Creek valley to lleppner, us soon as
the transportation business of that coun
try would justify it; but It seems tho
li-oplo of Alorrow county came to thu
conclusion they wanted a railroad befuro
thu O. H. i: N. Company was ready, or
willing to build it. I'hcron K. Fell, tlm
indefatigable bunch grass agitator, who
does not beliovo in waitini: for something
to turn up. org.tiil.ud himself Into a com
mittee nl ouu. at mud hlinse f Willi vol
uminous ntatisti cs of tho vuxt ro.-wurce.s of
tho country ho represented, also with
options of puiehasu on all saleable real
estate in tho nelghboihood, and sallied
loiih resolved to have it railroad to llepp
ner or tho scalp of every railroad olllcial
from l'oitland to Nuw York. His mi-
selllsh ell'oits wow tinjiroduetivo of even
a promise of success, until ho met alleged
representatives of tho Chicago and North?
western. Thoi-o ieoplo wero completely
carried away uy inu nattering utsclosuro
oi .tir. I'cii. ami they llually said, in be
half of their Company, that If thu neotilu
who wero to reap it harvest of gold by the
Dunning oi siicii it roan would give them
a 1 It t lo subsidy the road they should have.
This news elcctrllled iho People of .Mor
row county. Thoy took it for grunted
that tho road was coming. This was a
settled fact, but where should tho road
terminate. The slumtering jealousy be
tween lleppner and Lexington was sud
denly kindled to tlame. It would never
do to let lleppner gain tho prestige a
railroad terminus would secure. With
this lor u hubby tho Lexington peo
ple started u HiiiMcriptlon pajier,
ami raised a bonus of nearly Ilfty
thousand dollars, which thoy wero to
give the C. & N. V. Company to build
thu road to Ixixington and no further, the
company having partly promised they
would do this for tho b0,000. 'Ihls busi
ness was done lat summer. When the
lleppner icoplo heard what wits being
done, they now tu aims once more. A
conference was had with tlio aforesaid
Btibsidv (lends, and llmillv an itereunient
entered into lhat if tho people would
raise the sum of ono hundred thousand
dollars to bo paid over when the road
was in oieration, they would build the
road to lleppner. a corlutti length or
time was given the people to raise the
money, whuu, it aucccssiul, tho agree
ment was to have Itoen signed, lleppner
and lAxingtou iooplu shook hands across
thu yawning chasm of jealousy oncu more,
und touted their issues. F.ach town was
to raise liny thousand, 'iho lleppner
paper was Boon loaded with the required
amount deposited in a safe, and tho I-ox-iiigtou
paper was daily expected when
suddenly tho news came that it was miss
ing, 'lliis created u commotion. Thu
matter was thoroughly investigated ; and
llmdly, If I ioiiioinwjrriglit.it was decided
from evidence adduced, I fiat puillos in
the employ of another company who
could not sit Idly by and see this valuable
territory supping iroin their grasp, had
purloined it. 'iho time for raising the
money oxpited and tho contract forfeited.
.Morrow county enthusiasm, which had
been 101 in tho shade for boiiiu time, now
droiuicd to zero. Thoy wore getting dis
couraged, nut again l ell pushed noniy lo
tho front, rallied his forces, doubled
his energy, renewed his options, and io
solved to win or H'uttur his loiuuius all
ovor Hastem Oregon.
Thu tieoplu began to woudor what in
thu duvil Ihu U. A N. W. wanted forty
miles of independent railroad uii in .Mor
row county for anyhow j that after all tho
O. It, A is. or its Icshcoh were thu only
puoplu who could successfully oporuto a
road thero, bo thoy resolved to give that
company their undivided attention in tho
mutter thenceforth; mid they did It.
That they have succeeded in interesting
them lit tho matter is evidenced by the
fact that lut week, by request of .Man
ager Ilolcoiub, of tho O. It, it N. C,,
u delegation of representatives, men of
lleppner and lixiugtou, came to I'ort
laud, and a coiifeienco wus held, which
resulted in thu proposition of mi agree
ment being enteied into, thu terms of
which uru that iqioii u guarantee by tho
iiooplu Interested of it free right of way to
lleppner, and ilojiot grounds hi Hoppnor,
the road shall bo built by u ceitaiu time,
or tho company aru to foifcit (10,000,
tho right of way jiuoplo to forfeit a
like sum if they fail to secure said
right of way by u special tlmo.
A copy of tho projiosed agreement has
been forwarded to Charles Francis Ad
ams, and it is believed by many iiciboiis
hero who aru conversant with thu policy
of thu l'nlon 1'aclllo that it will bu ap
Tho result of theso negotiations dnmnn.
strides thu wisdom of dealing with a re
sensible company that already has an
oxtouslvo syHtoni of railway in oorution
In HiIh Stato, with tho rails of which any
and all now roads built from tho interior
to tho Columbia river, ut uny point west
of Wullulu must nccessaiily connect.
t must not cioso without saying that
for whatever is done in thu matter of it
railroad to lleppner. tho eoplo of that
section should credit to tho energy and
jiersoveranco of .Mr. Fell. Ho lias labored
hard and expended no small amount of
money lu working up this matter, and
those interested should appreciate it.
Tun; Lanks.
O. F. II. iluywurd, editor of the Denver
Republican, and acknow ledged to lie ono
of the liost newnpujior men in tho Went,
died .Monday, aged 30 years.
j tt. iiMtKi:it,
Itnrfm tt AoKoclntliMi Block, - Mulii Ktrout,
Oltku lu Rlmpnoit'n drill ntoro, Helix Or.
ATTO lt KVN-AT- IjA '.
Jllloc Itooiiis 1,'.', .limit I Ansoclntlon lllocU
l'Rlidluton, Oregoti.
T A. KKi:.
onire-ltoom l,ovpr I,-ozorand KuoblcrM
drug more.
jpTtr.l) PAOK-TUmTIN,
Ulllca lit AnKocliitlnn liulldliUf, rouuut 10
nml IT.
I'i:ni)u:ton, .... oiikoon.
I.rxnl bimllia-M of nil ktmU nttencled tu with
iriiiitni'iN. t'lillpi'tloim it Kpcolultv, nrtlce
on MhIii Ktici't, hi tlm TliDiiiiiioii-lliiriiliarl
blilldliuc, iiwr tlio pint ortloe. JiililH liu
1 iUYKIlA KlTZaTillAI.l), , " "
ttontiiii No. Siinil 0, Amiiclatloii lllock, Vcw
oluii. Or.
(intMi-Mnln HlMot, in Tliiimiiion-llnrn-hurt
llalldlng, nvir the rit-Ulllu.
. A M1NOU,
Olllco Ovor Kind Nntlotiul UnnK, l'ciidle
jii. Dr.
Will iinicllcn le L-aiirl.i of Orucoil unit
WmliliiKloii. Collect. on promptly uttvndcd
Cities In ItoonuJiiudtof Dm " Knit Hico
nlnii" imllilliur. turner uf Main and Wubb
xtrvutK, I'oiidloton, Or.
attok. i:yh at law.
llmnl ljtlf.il . flr..unti
Hoom 8 mill 9 Aninioliillun lllovk.
Justloo of the reaoo,
And Notary 1'ubllo.
VAN8YOI.K, - - OltKOON.'4
I'llltiKi nil lund. received, und fliwl proof
Hkou nt reduced rutea. t'ollcctlne n hps
hilly. IiiiiA
(Iiin lutinlnlHti-riil
ntiiKl Main Htroet, hi Tliotn ptou-I'lnck
Ihilldlnx, I'eiidleton, Ori-cnii,
it. j. m. I'liuurr,
I'ltHICIA AM 14i:itMIU.V.
Olllrnt OvrrXiirnlon v .Mnorlimno ' itore
rnrner of .lohllviil und Cuirt nlroet,l'i'iidlu.
ton, Ori'iioii
it. it. iuti:i)Ui,i
4ertiiiin I'liynli-luri A Hiirticou.
(Oriuliiuti'd I'rniiila, (ioumiiiy.)
The iluclor oll'i'm hi nervlcei lit thu piildlo,
nml he inaki'H the immiriiiu'ii that ho cuu
.aire any illxrimo wrhi'tu ineillcal aid can IniVft
uny cllri-l. OMIce ut n-Hldenca on Jiihiiiiuli
muir ti'ourt Htrem. -
Oltloo hour, from Ulo II a, in,, from '.' lo S
p. ia und from 7 loO p. m.
QKO.W. KINO.,. M.I).
Ollleoi Over Miorhnio A Co.M tore. Ite
Ideiii'ii, on Vi'hh KtriiKt ueiir Tourt ktri-vt.
iteiinie mid olllvo cuiiuvulcd by t Jlcphotiu
Willi Vllhii.l hoP-l.
I'ii-clul utti'iitlon ulvoii lo lli cIIkcuich of
women und children.
7 H. I'AltKKS,
Pendleton, Oregon,
I'ouiitry work a Npecluliy. Kntlmatt-i fur
iy:mt nlliod on nhorl notice.
lilucliHiii li ami WiiKoii.nuUor,
Altu und flurdou xtreoti, I'emlletoii,
llluekHiultli work of nil klndn In Iho beat
poNlhloiiiiiuiier, undon reiiwiauble teniu.
pAT KIN 15,
Proprietor of tho
"Itcevpiloii liirlor
Main Htreut, opihmIPi Court Iliiune Houure,
In U'liomptou'ii new brick,
The bent Wliien, l.lquorx and ClKun. Kle
' nut luiinhoK nerved lo putroan. dl8
IIIucUhiiiIiIi nud ViiKon Urpnlrcr,
lloneslioeiin; u Hpechdly,
Corner Webb mid Aiiru Htreet. 1 'on d I ot o u
Proprietor of thu
Opi-iu Nalouii,
Court Htreet, udjolnhii; Opera Hoiiko,
I'uiidletou, Orceon.
Kino wlneii, lliiiiiirx and uliriim, Daylnii
beer, acknowledged to ,o ,o
dr.um'lil. frl fub'.' I
Proprietor of the
altllltrlllllH Hull
Aluln street, i Oppoxlte Court JIounc.
Kino brumls of WIiick, I.lniiiirn mid Clturt
coiiktiinlly on huiid.