East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 17, 1888, Image 3

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    lATt'KDAY. MAUC1I 17. 1888.
Tltlti:i: t'ASII AMMIIIIS.
Mr. Albert T. fntltli, of Portland, re
tuinurt to IiIm liutnu on hint nlglit'H train,
well i1uiiho(1 with lVnilleton and tho
mirrotiiuliiin country. Ilo hii.vh that l'on
dlcton Ii.ih tlio making of u good town,
and buIioveM tliat tho I'itizuiiH aro wide
awake cnoiiL'li to make it a kocoik! Den
vur. Ilo thinks it would Iki a good In
vuHtmufit to raino tho $.'10,000 nuked ,orbv
tho O. & V. T. U. It., unci glvoittotht'cii.
An alarm of llro was rung (IiIh after
noon at, half pant one, which wan
promptly renponded to by tho depart
ment.' It was a tdlght blaze in .Mrn.
Crlnp'M dwelling Iioiimo toward the npivr
end of town, which burned a hole in tliu
ri)UII,.NI) I.l'.TI Kit.
i imlillnlici-M (.f tin- Haw Oiiwunian
ili;U rialniMt tt oil'or I hire i'iili nwunlx,
iila cm .liiliuury 1, 1N'I, uh follows!
I lrot Awmttt
... t... . ,u it. .r. ,i,t ruin In Hip 11 rm or
littiul who iiHi liiK die your lS cxH'inl.i I roof around a utove pipo, but wan put out
mint money In mlvcrtMm,' I" tliu col- witnout doing inuen damage.
I no following city city ticket win elecled
i of the I) illy Mini Hctiil-Weekly i:ant
!j ,mm'.iiiiI Award I
V lllll.t.AIIH III K'HII colli l(l II1U jwiwm
iilt'niilr.i" tlif olllcu moil oxtcimlvcly
w-rlpllwiitollio Dully or Heliil-Weekly
ai:oo.NIAM, either for imperii for mem
or for ollicrn, during the year IfcsH.
Third Auurdt
tSTV Doi.l.AlW III Kdld colli to Dm hoy or
...I... -I.. I. ...... ..(.,,. !..!,,. u,l1l..llil
liters mid iiiiTslnto I lie olllce for aitl
Ions to tlio Pally or Heiiil-weelcly Eaht
l'Iih (lit liin.f.nl nltlfillllt. illlrlllif (111.
. . ... .... .. . ....... ..-I.I I.. ...Ill I.- I. .
ilrly niul N'crctly hy IIiIh olllcu until
III lin 111 IT IllHWVi iHiljixiu ntuilllH .if.
lirun lllll in. vu mi; iiiitiiihu "i i.icvi"
UV Kl'l.'lllllX 1111 lli-'Ulllllll. JUT IIIUIIIPl'l Vl'Fl
will not I io allowed to eonipute for
JiiiKt ori'Kuninu I'uli. Co.,
t. a 1 1 .
minim iiiu iUiiHoniu .n'Muur
Star lU'Htmmiut 1h thu place to irot
U 11111 'II .
I). Ilimbrouel: returned front Con-
i .....i
woman who wan airoNioo. ye.tiur-
. un I ii uiiu I in lui .it-iivi. ii'im ,iia.
!. Wiiilo will HiHin eotiiiiioneo level.
H IOIH (III IIU1 11111. AVll(!ril 11(1 UIKHHIH
It. JolniHon, editor of tho Walla
I ..I.... ........ ... i f..wr.....i,. la.
hih Mtitittlv ill t'lttmnil klniti.ti
, i.e.. Willi it. Mil, zMf UIMI II VCil MIWK
" w
n in i;ii i miivn n him ii.i.m iioiiivd
deHeeudautri of tliu hmeraul Monro
i uivon at tlio vi lard iiouho reniau-
(irando Journal: Minn Kelllu liar-
tn i . n l i 11.
ill luatu iiuaiv tut jiuiiiuuii
her father ruHldoH. bliu will
H. . .11
111? Ill I111VI1 11 IHHirillU 111111 IJU1IL ILL
Mutl tlltu utl tttll Wlf tl lui fllli 1.1
, jVII tiiirr ntttii x( v
Gnuule Journal: I'M. HIchaulHon.
harbor, rurcntlv purcluiHed tho Oh-
-1 A .11
ii in iimi i wii mi urn hi il il ii 111 iiiwii .
1 " . 1 At ..ll. 1.1. It
nun iiiuuu uiuiuim mi inn miiiiii
order of M. 1. Morelieatl. 0. 0,.
ChurloH A. Fraxlur, K, of It. S., pro
till itimiiintru hi ii:iiiuiii nwiLM An. .1.
f II 1 A .'.It.
Ill 1 11111 . LIJ'IIKII 1 111 . 11 III 111 . 11 L 1
i i n. - . t .ti
J. ll.fi..t . I -.ill.. .
mill ill i itrntr iv ii iiiiu m iiiw iiini'i.
ban twenty-Hlx cuhch to dinoMi of
natentH Imvu been cancelled by
I'lUted Statea court. TeHtimony Ih
lir iMTiiin, .11 r. ,iiiiriiM 11. i .uriiir.
r.......l . i II II. l. l
to umiuoy ti youiiK man 01 anniiy.
L I Ml lllir 1 VinilN III Illfll. I III VI 1 II L'lHUI
..III II II.. .!.. I
ill ill ii i hi i. i(iiii 1 1' if in . un i i in run 1 1 v
io Morrow County Democratic Cen
CoiPiuitteo mot hint week and a
ted itn duleateH to tho State Cotiveu
, lert-irt Ham Uhoy, K. Siwrry, V.
inrrnuv nun iv it iiuviim. i iiii i :tinir
ventlon will m iiostiioned till after
u Convention.
Iong C'reok aro all ready for tho
, mi tj u-orL' Al ilt-f I lVrt-ir l i-ie
inakor, Klba Duvin, Arthur Davis. Al.
A .. 1' I.' .1 11 I 1
IUI i 'till I lit! I a. 4ii f'liiiiillif III lit
DiiHtin have tlielr Hlicaro ground
their inuseloH brought down to licar-
no ciiuion oi mu iniuy iumt ukiuio-
today in live hundred. It Ih ent to
rv luirMnn Inklmr thn S(Miii.vi(il:lr
J - - - "O . .
t UiiKooNiA.v at tliu t'ondieton iioki
oxjHidcH ita regular liHtofHiibweriborH.
munljer will uo printed every Nitur-
lor Homo ttino to como In order to
miiKMlatu ami benefit tho advertiserri
makouso of tho columns of tho dally.
mitli ik Stroud havo been given tho
tract for imuliiiK Thomimon ntreet
.in .i . ..I . i i.
ii uioranroaaBoiiutoiiiiopciiooi nouen
ir fiirures aro 45 contu tier yard for
Vil iin.l iuinid tut jllrf f ti o-iujt rvutl
Htruck 75 eentrt will 1x3 paid and 60
tH for cmnmit ifr.ivil. Tlmrn will lm n
oi about 13 leet and a till oi about the
hi illinium .
no man ftieimens was examined yes
luv iim In lilit K:mltv. liv Drw. liiirun
i Vtllillt. llfwllllllllliroif fllH:llin. Ilrt
takou below last niuht by J. M
itloy, and placed In tho UHylum at Six
V. 1VU 11 tli .11117 lUllllll V III. lllUlllllO.
...l i. .. i.. : i . i
y, could not bo learned. Ilia insanity
nrni uoticeu about six uayn ago.
in La (.iraudu last .Monday: flavor, It.
V. Urandy ; Couneilinen : .Ioh. I'almer,
V. .1. HnodgracH, V. KriekHon, John
1'rawloyj Hecordor, C. W. I. Kllmvortli :
Marshal, M. V. TriUord: Attomoy .1.
1). Slater, (irandv beat A. It. Mattoon
for Mayor by ono majority.
Yoi(terday'H Walla Walla Union mivh :
G. W. Hunt, thu railroad contractor and
principal owner in tho Oregon & Wash
ington Territory nyHtem, in oxi-ccted to bo
in town to-day or Saturday to endeavor
to mako arrungcmcntH to extend bin
line here.
lly order of .1. C. Itmiro. 0. C. and
0. .1. Whitakcr, K.of 11. and 8., till mom-
bora ol Harmony Lodge, Mj. K. ol 1'.,
of good standing, aro ordered to meet
in Castlu Hall, to-morrow, .Sunday, at
1 o'clock p. m.
Wanted: Hoard for two boya, aged 10
and VJ, roHcetIvely, with n family in tho
country in thu vicinity of I'endlcton.
For tho right kind of accommodation it
go-id price will Ihj paid. Apply to or ad
drosM thi olllco.
Mrs. Mary K. I'iiiiIh' funeral will occur
to-inorrow, Sunday, from tho family re
Ideiico on Webb street. Tho Kakt Om:
(Ionian of yesterday stated that it wouid
occur to-day, but that was a mistake.
Walla Walla I'nion: Joel M. Thrasher,
of llldgo, Oregon, who has for a long j
nine siiuorcd from catarrh. Had a
liinw tumor removed from Ills nose
Thursday by Dr. W. A. Kgbcrt.
Mrs. X. K. DcHpaiu'H residunco has
been moved back from Court street a con
siderable (INlnnco, and tho place is
thereby much improved in appearance,
making It n handsome home.
Harry IjiikIIh, tho boot black at Me-
LuuoeirH burner snop, oncru to wager
fim nun no can "out snino" any boot
black in thu State of Oregon) those in
rortlund specially included.
It. C. Langlry is in receipt of a lettor
irom ino I'.ast announcing (lie Hiuldotl
death of his mother. iIr Ijtngtry hua
the uyinwitliy of liis manv friemfi in IiIh
Tho Walla Walla iTuioil ftayn IajvI
Ankeny has otlered to givo $.,000 and
oven more if necessary to havo Mr. Hunt
build thu 0. W. T. railroad to Walla
Fred Komlor, in improving IiIh iVcont
beer hall by thu addition of a now front
and interior decorations.
Mrs. M. J. Mozcr filed tho following
brand for cattle and horses this morning:
M. J. on the left hip.
Tho Homo Presa says, eight mission
aries arrived in Centervillo last Monday,
to stay.
Mrs. Dr. King ia visiting rolativcH and
friondH in Portland.
Weston law a now Uaptist preacher, a
Mr. Harris.
Tliu lujunctlnii Haiti.
Mention waa made yestorduy of tho
granting of ntoniorary injunction against
tho proioscd change of locution for tho
court house. For tho Itenelit of thoso
who aro not posted, it should bo explained
mat a "temporary injunction" is an or
der from tho circuit court to thu county
otllcers to refrain from going on with tho
building, teuiiorarilv, until thu matter
can lie heaid and determined ujhjii ita
merits, which will probably lo done at
an early day. It is usual for courts to
grant this writ on any reasonable show
ing that it would Ihj best. Then when
thu matter is beard and thu arguments
for and against it aro presented, thu order
of injunction Ih either reminded or nuulo
Two suits wero commenced. Ono is
to enjoin tho county authorities from
using College block for the purpose pro
IHwcd, and tho other to enjoin them from
felling tho courthouse block. Tho com
plaints aro lengthy, and recite tho facta
in regard to tho acquirement of lmsses
slon by thu county of theso tracts of laud.
Ah Ih well known.tltoy weru deeded to thu
county by .Moses h, Goodwin and his
wife, now Mrs. A. M. Halov, for ceitain
purjiosoij. Ono wuh for a school or "col
lege' 1 building, tho other for a court
house. Tho xsition sought to lie main
tained by thu pluintili'H in these suits is
that thu county did not iicriifiro an abso
lute title in fee simple, but took thu
parcels of laud as a trustee, and must
hold them as such, mid not divert them
from thu particular use mentioned in tho
Whothor this projiositlon can lo main
tained la un Interesting question. Tho
plalntillrt aro a numlier of well-known
citizens of Pendloton, who do not wish
thu location of tho court house changed.
Tho titlo of tho cases is Holcrt Sunrant,
W. F. .Matlock and others against Uma
tilla county, llailoy & Ualleray upiar
for tliu phuntill's.
Dlitlllery to lit. llullt.
, Mr. Fred Medynskl prooseH to erect an
inuionso distillery in tliu vicinity of Walla
Valla, costing In tho neighborhood of
oO.OOO, requiring ulwut fifty men and
aking from 500 to 1,000 bushels of corn
er day to run it. tho product tolsjehletly
fine cologno spirits or high wineH. Tho
Walla Walla Hoard of Irado havo guar-
mteed to Mr. Medynskl u deed for 25
icres of land below Dement'H mill, a
pleudid location : also $1,000 in cash, to
hi dejiosited in u bajik hero, Hiibleet to
da order, and further guarantees tho ox-
mption ot tho property from taxution for
vo years, so tar as ino proprietor ia con-
Tho lato Mr. Alcott beuan life as a
mkeo ticddler and ended it us a pIiIIobo-
An Unuaiiul Crop.
To the Edltoi of the Knt OrcBonlnnt
Tho usual crop of lies from correspon-
donta to local nowspaiiere law begun to
arrivo. It promiess to l unusitnllv
largo. Tho crop Ih inoro fragrant with
abuse and slandcrouH charges than in
any previous year. Ouskkvkii.
(Our eorresiiondont Ih right. o havo
noted this fact ourselves. Althoueh
early in tho reason an enorinous crop is
assured, and the quality is lioyond tho
comprehension of decent folks.
Tho Lilicrty Hall Association will sell
at auction to tho highest bidder for cash
IM Ho. 4, isioek 7, in I'enuleton, at the
court house door in l'endleton, Oregon, at
2 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, Murch 28,
18S8, lly order of stockholders.
It. Al.E.VANDKlt,
Attest : Jno. A. Guyer, Secretar)'.
Boiim lliulllcm 3tiin- Aihrrllntlic llrnUKllt
Hare Slow (IcdiiR l''lrmi Suultlii unit
Tiieoiim Ntvont Itulhvity Otcr tlio
Kroiiuiti OcciKloiml Corrcspniiiloiit.
1'oiiii.anii, On., March 1(1, 1.S8S.
1 What a funny idea some iieoplo have
of doing business. I was iu a restaurant
tlio other day getting my lunch. Two
gentlemen sat i pnositu tonie, and were
dlieussing tho benefit of advertising.
They looked to me like business men,
' and I presume they were. It is not neces
, sary for mo to reproduce their aiguinenls,
for they are too tllmsy to go into print ;
suffice to say, both agreed that adveitis
IngwiiH of but little benefit; they (.ere
strangeiH to the waiter or I should
lust lll:o to liave referred them to a cer
tain firm iu tliu city. The firm I havu
reference to started a small business iu a
pent up room about three vearrt atw. I
am well acnuaiuted with one of thu nurt
ncrs, who was worklnc for a salary, when
I eainu to tho eity four years ago. When
they first oiKined up 1 heard an old Or
0L-onian, who lias been in this city alsjut
thirty years, say ho whoitld glvu them
six montliH to run. From tho first thov
commenced to advertise their business in
a elieap way, but as .their business gradu
ally increased tlioy increased their ad
voi using iinui tncir nusinesH wuh a
household wordi and thov havo In tho
last week moved Into largo and commo
dious quarters ami nave titu finest retail
store in tho eltyj instead of ono of tliu
partners attending thu store, they havo
now four or live elerkH and a book
keeper. A Ilttlu vim combined with
printing ink and paint brushes did thu
whole tiling. There aro business houses
in this city you would nover know woio
hero if you did not sou their old rusty
sign over the door, for you will novor seo
their namert.advoitised either in tho pa
pers or thu circulars. I heard this firm
siient 1.G0() for last year's advertlsliur.
and have lieen fully repaid for so do in:.
I think such wide-awake men ouubt In lm
known all over thu country, therofnm 1
givo thu name of thu ifrm: Deal &
WKiioy, dealers in stoves and metals.
this Is only ono Instance which lias
como under my observation, and 1 doubt
mere aro many moro which tro o show
von must lot tho jieoplo know what you
navo io sen ami attend strictly to busi
ness, and you aro bound to succeed.
That is ono reason Portland Is so slow,
her business men do not advertise as they
A gontlonian recently from thu Fast
told mu that iiicoiuu and Seattle weru
much lsjttur known than Portland. Ho
was surprised to find no large city, so
little known.
They ftro building a street ralhviiv
neross thu bridgu of tho Willamette which
will soon bo completed, and then you can
go from tho jiort of Morrison street to
most unv point in Kast Portland for llvo
cents. That Is going to bo ono of thu
most nubile tboroiiuli-farus In tho cllv.
for you can go to hast Portland for tl'ii
samu von can nnv whnrn In tho cltv.
Wp iiad an election hero Monday for
school clerk, and among tho candidates
was a young lady, in every way qualified
for the iosition, but thu undo tax payers
weru so uugallunt us to defeat lior.
Sliaino on them.
1 understand there arc a groat many
plans. In tho hands of our architects, for
buildings which will Ihj erected thu com
ing summer.
"Shu" had a big run at thu Nuw Park
theater. From all accounts tho engage
ment of the llrady company has Imjcii the
most successful of any ono for sonio timu.
Kvery time I goto thu New Park it makes
mu tliink of a children's play house, it is
so small. They havo replaced thoso old
chairs with hoiiiu very nico ojHjra ones,
but like tho building thoy.aro too small
and too close together, but I suppose suit
thu young gents and their girls.
Theru is quite a boom in steamlioat
building in Portland. It is said there Is
moro liout building now than at any timu
for years past.
Spring tradu is ojiening'up in good
shajie iu thu wholesalu business houses.
Our merchants generally haVo largo
stocks In anticipation of a big trade this
Immigration is liegluning to rush in
ujion us from every dhectlon, and from
present apjiearanies there will moro
iieoplo como to Oreuon this summer than
at any timu iu tho history of tho State,
More Portland capital will bo invested
in mines than over before. You hear
more talk of mines at present than any
timu fur years. Our capitalists aro just
getting waked up in that Hue.
l do not near mucli about our reduc
tion works. I do not know what they
aru going to do.
J understand a irood port on of tho
fruit is killed around bore, csxclally
tieaches, apples so far don't seem to bo
injured much.
Tho Dalv case, of which I wroto von.
has ended In his conviction, and ho has
leon sentenced to ono year in thu jKjiti
toutiary which is ono good move towards
reform ; a little moro such justice will do
rortlund some good.
The narrow u'auuo railroad has se
emed thu old city levee for its depot and
ware nouses and win commence at once
to erect tho camo. There aro now llvo
railroads coming into Portland which
ouglit to satisfy tlio most consiimatu
grumbler that Portland is destined to be
a largo city. W. II, S.
Amcrlcitii fidelity l.umi mid Tnut (!om
I p.-iiiy OruuiilM-d hi t'cndli tiin.
Articles of incorporation of tho Amer
I lean Fidelity Loan and Trust company
were tiled yesterday witli Cotmtv Clerk1
I Hartmun. witli H. Sanrent. T. F. 'itnurkn. '
J J. II. Italey, W. M. lleagle, .1. M. l'liiett,
Lehman l liim, N. II. Harris and C. S.
Jackson as lncoriorators. Tho capital
stock of this company is 1,01)0,000; of
this amount about fkH),0.)J will lie sub
scribed iu Pendleton, about ifaOO.UOv) in
La Grande, and fltlll.OOO in linker City.
An olllcu fjwlll bu cstablMiod in each of
these three towns, ami branch olllces
will la es'nl.llshed In other places as
business of tho company require them.
The company will lie conducted on tho
plan of a buildinc anil loan asoc at oi
thereby Insuring to tho stockholders fair
play and no chanco of loss. Any ono
can subsciibo to stock, but no Individual
will lie allowed to subscrllio to nioru than
thirty shares of a value of $200 each. Tho
snares win ne paid up by monthly in
stallments of $1 on each shaio, exactly
after tho manner pursued by building and
loan association an over tno country
Wl.f.. ....... .. ...... t ..t i .
huh way oi payment oi snares enables
men wtui small means to lie among tlio
stockholders. Tho money of thu corpora
tion will bo loaned only to stockholders,
nut money leu witiit ne company for In
vestment or on tlmo certificates will bo
loaned to tiersous furnishing unv kind ef
good sccurity.and tho profits derived from
sueli loans will go to tlio stockholders.
Tho profits will bo credited to
them, and will go towards paving (he
amount siibscrilcd (o thu capital stock
by them in tliu first place, in proper
lion to thu size of each individual's miiIi.
scrlption. It is estimated, from a business
staniomi, mat if a ersou subscribes
to $0,000 of tho capital stock of this com
pany mat ny ino payment ot ;io a
month for live years with thu nroflts
i'i t . . .i i . .. :'
aimed; at tno end ot tno nvu years this
Icrson will havo a cash Interest in the
company equal to the amount of thu
capital stock subscribed by that erson.
Or iu other words by tho pavinont of
1,800 in monthly installments of l:!0
for llvo years ho receives a return of
0,000. '1 his company will assist greatly
hi thu building up of tliu (own, making
it easy nir ioopiu oi small means to
build homes of their own and otherwise
advancing tho interests of Pendleton and
tliu surrounding country. It is nothing
more than u saving's bank in which the
(UqiosilorH aru all stock holders. It has
proven a success wherever introduced and
tliuso associations havo lioen in operation
iu the United Slates since 1857. Iu
Philadelphia there are :00. Pendleton
cannot alibi d to bo without ono, at least.
Any person, of either sex can subscribe
io fitock.
Spring and Summer Season,
Tho PrliniirlrM.
Ths primaries iu North and South
Pendleton precincts wero kept oikmi to
day from 11 to 2:110. In North Pendle
ton tho "regular" ticket was elected, with
but slight opjKisitlon, as follows: W F.
Matlock, 8:i votes; 11. Stanton, 8:: W.
K. Crows. 7:1: T. F. Kourko. 81 : II. J.
Tavlor, 811; J. II. Keonoy, 81. Tlio scat-
teiing voles were: l or Josepn .Mtirpny,
28: lor W. II. Jones, li; lor l'lilllp Me
llrlan, 1.
In South Pendleton there was quite a
close contest. Thu votos weru as follow s ;
For H. G. Thompson, 112; A. IIuulov, 81);
W. M. Ileaglo, 8(1; Thos. Fit.Gonilif, 8(1;
W. A. Miller, 108; J. 11. Kobblns, 111;
A. P. Sliull, 40; Gip Wilis, J7; John
Murphy, 67; Dave Hosh, r5; John Dllr.u,
Thoso elected aro thcroforo, Tompson,
Miller, Healey, Ileaglo, Fit. Gerald and
Itobblns. At Echo It. N. Stanfleld, It.
Jones and Win. Iyd wero elected.
In South Pendleton tho Judueswcio
J. II. Dcspuln. J. iN. Durham and N.
Dixon: Clerks T. Howard and C. P.
Davis. Iu North Pendleton, J. Ilextur
and Jim Carilen weru judgesamlll.il,
Dickson and Minis clerks.
Tho Centervillo delegates aru J. Filing
ton, J. W. Stanier and A. A. McDuuiol
rntroulin tin Aiiicrlriin.
Georgo W. Sweeting, proprietor of tliu
Pendleton boot black stand, does not lie-
liuvo iu working for tlio championship.
but for money, lie says to tliu public, if
vim want a good shine, como to thu VII
lard House and patroubu an American.
Instead of patronizing a Hungaiiaii.
An Ohio man gave his sweetheart it
Wateiburv watch, luiter on hi tho court
ship they quarreled and ho shot her. Thu
bullet struck tliu wateii and saved tno
lady's life. Scoru onu for thu Watorburv.
it winds liku a norieuiuiiu, bin u is a mu-
Seventy-Eighth Annual Exhibit
ny THK-
Assets, January 1, 1888 :
Cash nn IihihI.Iii bank,
mill culi Ileum 003,21 03
Cimli I a lunula of nscnu
nur in coerno ni
tninnmiidoii 380.417 02
ItentH anil iiccruecl In
tercut 31517 00
Ileal ratnte, unencum
bered fil'LOTS CO
Imux mi linadu ii nd
iiiorlKaaci) (Iki. llen)...l,lttVX (O
Louim on Collattrul
Kccurlly 70,UU0
2,120,777 00
III United HtHtcH bonds, ndlroiul
hiock.uiiu iiuionai iiuiik hiock
Total Assets, -$5,288,603,97
Ooli capital l,a'iO)00 00
umerve ior ro nnurunco iit';;ui
miiiiiliirili li.717 01
OutMiumlliiif ctulitiH "irn i?
I'ollcy Holder' uiiu j,ivj,-w ei
Net Kuriiliu over uupltul and "11
llftUIIUICH I,iuil,vw ot
Net premiums receive" durliiK tlio
year. ....,... ...,iri'u uw
Total Income received durlnc I ho
vcur. 2M1J021 81
Incremie In atnelt 'tiflt H'i
Jncreaiip In net urilu...... .. H0.73 OT
? v mil1
ler ai
Presonte coin)Hinents, tuul bega to call your attention to tho i'uet
that ho hits opened un exclusive
Clothing and Gents' Furnishing
Goods Store
In Pendleton, where can bo found
above lines, comprising sue
all the latest novelties in tho
hi i
i wen Known
Fish, Glark & Flagg's Neckwear ; Brocaded,
and plain Silk Handkerchiefs;
An elegant lino of
Silk and Imported Hose;
A largo assortment of FANCY SHIRTS, etc.
Making a Specialty of This Line, enables me to
show a Larger and MOre Complete Line
than can he found elsewhere.
-In My-
Insure In tlio old reliable Hartford,
Clopton & Jackson, Resident Agts,,
Clothing Department ,
I have just received a
Nobby and Stylish Lino, Made by First-Class
Cutters, and I guarantee a Perfect Fit.
PricesVery Low.
The Hat Department
Is complete, comprising goods
From Thq Best Manufacturers,
Such as
And several other leading makers.
In boys youths' and children's
Clothing and Underwear,
I carry tho largost assortment.
In oxtending a kind invitation to all to call and examine
goods and prices, I remain, respectfully yours,
The Leading Clothier and Hatter,
Pendleton Building Association Ihiildimg.