SATl'ltDA Y, MAIiCII 17, iw, DAILY AND HKMI'WKKKIiV, MVTHK l!nt OreRtiiilwi I'nblMiltn: '.'nl!" T I'KNIil.iriON. - OltKOON ihiwhwii .......-. t';;:.::,1 ir;r KiVs: V.yV.;v.ii:::::r:::::::::: j tun' iropy i"r hiIi by rwrrUT IIAtl.V MfWIIIIT l KATWI Oiioeopy p'ryiwr. linn i-iiiii' .lv miintliH 1 ' IB'" Hllmlt' llllllll)'! I'niiiliiin t:iT fn i- Injriiifly milwrllwr". AHVUUIIMI.Nfl HATIHt ( lH)n 1 Atltrrtliiniiniti. I One Inch, or li s In cml-V. cKly mt IIHllllll niiti liifli.or If. In I mily per iii'iiill Two Ini'lii'". nr lw, In inlli. I't-r mm uvcrllin i'liiflM',i'iiil-Vtikly,pi'r innnm. .. ::::::"" i YA iv r IIM'MII' ttioil III ... it it) iii'rhich pur month : ' ' ,tr llirt" liii'hi', li.illy. pir Inch per Ov iiiiintii ' Overtlir" moll' s in IkiIIi. l'r turn per moti Hi 1 Kollil iKiiipiiri'll inlvfrllfiin'iil In H'-uil-Wtfltlv nr Dully, lint liiM-rtloii. per Inch, il.lHIJ i-'nrli iiliilli'lil llii'rlloil,IW. IH'iil liotlre, It'll ti'liU per MllD 1'iifll III forllmi. iiiiTouv or rni: taunt. Tho crisis of IH.'iT caused such a fiillhiK oil" In tvvi'iiun from ilnlios that then' wiim i iitllo-itloii In IX'll lowaril a higher rmnni of iroti'ftlvo ilntltti. What In pi'ii cr illy railed tlm .Morrill tarlir law M'tl , tho llntiMo in tlm wnnlon of ISMMI'J, thu, huhhIoii iriici'tllnt! LlntnlnV flft'lion. ItH 1 ohjfft wan partly, no donht, to attract vott'M fnmi .I't.'iiiiHylv.inla and othi'r pro i tdi'tionlftt Slater to tlm Iti'pulillcaii paity. It waa not iin'iiHiiri', :ind wan aflor ward entirely Hiin'rtliid hy inorii i-x , tri'iim iiiniMiiii'H. Imlt'cil, tht' iiiti'iitlun, uotoriliii to Mr. Mortill liiiiiMflf, and , uthi'r iiiinrli'rH of tin mt'aNiiri', waa Hlmply to rcHlorn the-rati' of IHIll, Ono 1 iinKirlunt cluiupi wax that from advo-l lorom to Hp.t'illi' iImIIih, whli'h r.ivu , Vtrititur oiMirliiiilllcH to tln piott't'tionlHta to Ini'ri'aMiilntli'H ht'yonil what wan iron crally hiiikwih it, Ut Hut inti'iition. Tlm I duly tin iron and v.ikiI wax Im n'aN'd; hut Ki'ntT.illy p"akin tlm act of IHiil uuh a HKKlcr.itc ini'uHiiri' t'ompari'il with thon uftcr.vard t'liai ti'il, to Hurt an t'lniTK'i'Mi'.v, and iiiidntaini'd Ion; aflcr tlm I'lniTKi'iicy had, for wHIfIi piirNiHi', Tlm war Umii, and nlhcr ai'lrt with iatH'd during Ihill hy uhit'h dulicn ui'to liu'rcaiL Indt'i'il, from that tinm till lHU'i them wa-t no m-Hnlim of ('onrt'fH, and Hi'arri'ly a month, that an iiicri-.i-'t) of tlnth'H wu nut mailt). AIoiik' with thin inarM of tarltr h'iHlatlon an ImmimM in r.ivi'-uuv' Hvnti'in w.iih or;ani.i'il. Ily tlm ait of July I, IKil'J, Ht'iillc taxca went lmNi.t'il on tlm priNlui'tlon of iron mid Mtt't'l, txiil-oll, paper, h-atlmr, and otlmraitlileK. A p'lioral tax uuh im IkjnoiIoii othtvr maiinfai'tiiri'H. LIiviihi'm wem ntpiiri'd in many iHi-npation. ItallrtMil and uthcr I'ompanit'H with , i t.i taxi'd on thi'lr k-rota rt'ttdptH. A nwnim Htamp had ti U attached to almiwt uvcry , htirt of ilot'iiincnt ii'til in IiiihIiii'M. To oIlHt't (law lainltina m homo mamifactiiroi another act, that of .Inly 1 1, ISiV.', un p.iHi.'il, willi the intention mid ohject of iin rcitliiK iIiiIIch to fiich an uxtcnt iih would cll'it't I hat olijoi t. Tliu InciviiHti of tlntii'H waH HUlltcicnt In nll'ord tlm iloiiu'ittic piihlwctu i'oniKiiiH,itlnn for thu Internal taxea which they had Ix-eu coinpjllikl to pay. All (hi wan, mid .waa nndiTMliKxl to l', I'Ntreino liyihlatimi, iiuivHHlluttMt only hy the war. Tlm next reatoHt advancu wax inutlii liy tlmact of June :!0, IMII, which haa layn dii laie.1 hy nni wriler In haw k-iui jjlm urealcft ineaiin of taxation wlilcli 'tho world has m'cii, Mvery tiling iin nglnahle wa tax si, and heavily, 1'ic iron fin ton, railroad iron ft, nii'ar two ivnta a aind, wilt i cenla a hundred weight. Tlm government iiilleete I fmm eight to llfleen Kircent. of the value o every llnislusl prmlnct. To; meet thN great fncreaK in Internal tiixen dm leu had to In raiatl again. Tlie principle waa to lax everythinii and ta it as high tin intwiiMK. .inn iiiiii in nueni ill) uu- ;H),.antnw,.me,lM. In to explain hy tt baa leen ikhhIIiIh tu keep up hi much nuch of that taxation ho loin; ufier the war. Aane writer has put it: "Kverv tloiueit- tie producer ht eame lKfon Courc : Kt what he uantixl In the way of tint ie.. I'rtUectiou mu riot; and thin, nmiwver, not mmely for the time Ivlii. I'lio whole tenor of the piiUlc mluiltouardthe ipiejt!ou of imJtt tlutie.i4 Kvanie di toitetl. Not only duriiiK' the war, hut fur Hivoral yearn after it all fceliiiK of opposi tion to high lmMtt tlution ahiuwt entirely din-ippoaatl. 'Hie habit of putting on a hili f.ittw as any one aAml Khmiiio mi stning that it eoultl hanlly U hh.iken otl'; and even alter the war almoxt any iui'nvu) of dutliw tUm.iu IihI by tlomesiic priHlmvw was ntulily iii.ule. The line WUwiwn pulilie tluty ami irivatointensts was iifttm Ut ight of by logiidators. OiVat fettunes were matle by changes in legislation, urgvsl and brought about by thotirt who were lHtnelltte.1 by them. The tarltr was atUvted by tbeie oaiK-s. Schemes for money making were huvr oratisl In It, and wow hardly nueMloued by Congres. When more enlightened iiml iinnlliih views ln-gan to muk" their wuy, ami prolostn wore imiilo ajf-ilnnt the u1)Uxi!4 itinl uxoflvf duties of I hi' war period, thefu had obtained, an wo rhall hc, too utroiig a hold to lw uaHlly nhakun olP' Souk imrsoii, purporting l write from Adams to thu Vton Imder, nays tho inajofily of the woplu In Adam pieclnct aw In' favor of division on tho l.'C count, line. This ntateinont Ih of very . .. . i ... n ft .. . ....... ( doubtful voranij, mn n u ti. w.itcr at frankly gives ti.u ..., . v(i want a uoiintv neat nearer ptroligl) III lavor 01 ronuiiiiiiiiiniK .u. I.ticv for county .fuit. PENDLETON ROLLEI: MILLS W. H. IIYIIKH & CO., IMipili loii'. Highest cash price for all kinds of grain. Graham, granu lated, and self-rising Hour always on hand. Corn nical, chop feed etc. Pendleton, - - Oregon. First National Bank OK I'KNDI.KTON- I.KVI ANKKNY. I'rmlilmiU JAI'OII Kuaxkii, Vli'i'-l'rmltleiit Hum r. HIiirixlM. .'nililcr, riiiicl n Kciicnil luinklne liaalni-ii. JlX:CTrIA.ISrG-ITJ On nil imrtNur IlKiworlil BOUGHT AND SOLD 1,'iillfi'llniiH .llitilc ill nil I'olut) mi lli'nxiiiiiililt' tprniM. PENDLETON CANDY Factory, It A YlUt ( .S7 LSItlii:, t',oirlri'.v MnmifiirtlirtTN tit Plain Candies and Taffies, Ami tlrulcpi In Finn Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobnccocs. Oivo Them a Trial. Headstones, Monuments R. F. BEALE, Marble and Stone Contractor. rtir ili'tlKliH unit prltvn ronlllt .lt'n Kail , .mih Mm.,, 'ivntiitum. iiiiimi,' '!lv," "" "u,w w"'k '"r 'aniiHm.. fci John McGarry, - Kt'iilt'r In - GROCERIES M p.RovisiOiSrs Kllnl-cliim kihkN tiiilv In tix, l'fo. tt lf Uiutlit iiiuUtilil. IHTYS and SH1.I.S REAL ESTATE. I'tn. Mulii iiml Wotiti ijrri'i'U, I'KNDl.trrox oitlldON Honry Kopittko& Co., I'UAI.KIl IN 1IAV, OiiAJX, WOOD AXI COAL, WKII'.IHTUKKT. . - . PKNIX.RTON TT3Tn.Tl flTT'T) VJI XLIJLV JJ JJJJLX) I I'mptlrtDr of tho French Restaurant -ON . .U.i fa ttrt, I'vuttUtoH, Or,, o) Court limine. ..Ail?1'0'"" t,'rt'l1rt! "It the Uellrarlm siiii iilelit, ' lr' lx)", ,,ft' i pl vim' Main 81rt't't, IViutlvlou, Oresou, Transacts Conornl Banking Buslnoss. rroUlent, J.xts Ktkl, VlOO t'(VlttrUt, I.K1IMAN IH.VM, CtuhU'r, llKe-V.llAviLTON. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. Ht II is mm in m PROPERTY! Two and Hundred Choice Building Sites! Rich Garden Soil! Fine Springs of Pure Water! Valuable Rock Quarries! Comnu'iicing on APEIL And continuing from day to day THE Eastern Oregon Agricultural Association Will Sell at, PUBLIC AUCTION! At the Court House, Two Hundred and - In the town of Pendleton, Oregon. Also Buildings, Stables, Improvements. TERMS: One-half cash on day of sale, and one-half payable in ono year, secured by noto hearing interest at tho rate of ten per cent, per annum. For Description of Lots See Posters. Surprise Sale at Cost! l?01l THIETY DAY'S ONLY! $8,000 Worth of Boots and Shoes: $2,000 worth of Men's ttoocts; $8,000 worth of Saddlery Goods; $500 worth of Oregon City Blankets. A largo lot of TRUNKS AND VALISES. I'O.MK KAKI.Y AND (il.T llAltOAINS, at James Wheelan's, I Ordera hy mail Kolleitetl. Court .treet, lVntlloton. I W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO J WINK AND S1M1UT MIOKCHANTS. 03 FRONT STREET, - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. ; AOKNTH , CYRUS N03LE BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES; JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING tu., (mllwauKce. Wis. EXPUKT PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. ARCA DIAN SPRING MINERAL WATER, (Waukcnsaw. Wis.) VEURE CLIOUOT PONSARDIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) mci.o.uw s, Notary and Corporation Seals In VomUoton, . FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EARH. , "" umiuiBiu Tlio uaiinl price or t'l nmile liy otlirr iiirtli,lii I'orllsiiil or tlio Hunt,), (rum t 11.00, with expren cluin;i niUtvil. If you lU'i'il u "fill, .oiiilymir oritur to u. , iui, nve from to $3X0 ilicri liy. East Oregonlan Pub, Co,, nihil il If Ppnrtlptnn . . .,H,vv,f UIVJJUIM Richardson's Lunch Counter, Mulii Street, IVmllitnn, G. D.RICHARDSON, Proprietor. lleHiLnmrler. for Korin 1111,1,. rruiu, (.'Hmnrtt.rHiiiHiUiooiU.iitia Nuu. I At tho Lunch Countor, i fCin,v;lur?lU!l!f,u'1 '. cot.l ipiroj Klti' ,' teH 'Mlne. nyiu'r., eultl tHillcl met. em 1., ...A,..'.....' hot Ivii nml iMdv, Jfrkitl elk. lii... .moktM lierrlue, bre "1 n. butter, ;"t"' l"lm' Houso Opon Day and Night mchtOtl uch""w''uwM. Forty Town Lots! 4th, 18SS, until all lots are disposed of, Fortv Choice Lots! Fences and other and Other Particulars, and Boys' Furnishing ROTHCHILD & BEAN, DKALKUS IN. pnn(Ja pnnw p j ni t Mn'c I nri!!!' mil ' Shoes, Hats and Caps, A?. A OF GROCERIES. FULL LINE Korqunllly of kooiIs, reiiHoimble nrlcc 11 ml Kciienil fair ireuliucnt, we uliii to Klve per fect .atl.fiiclluu. mch.Vil PENDLETON LOTS FOR SALE. .W oiler for tale more tliiiu THIRTY VALUABLE LOTS! In IVmlU'ioii, liicludim; tho sluhtly block on the hill, lu luln view nil over town. Just the Site For a Fine Residence, Thetiv ot lrlce. will bo mitt nt rea.onnble Apply to James Leezer, At Leeier A KucblerM Prui; siore, mcia tUw Court street. IVmllcton. IrDP Fill WSV ,CI. iMh. K. O J-uh. Co..Pntllton.OrOD The Star IS NEVER m i &.LkJ fcjw- w. - U-lVe MOre IUr Olio AU.uii.ojr uxitvn any other Dealer in the Country. Wo would inoft respect f til ly Inform you Complete Stock of Anil will mjII them n low or lower than A CASH REBATE OARI la furnlched to each ciintonier, which you nhotild brlnir whenovor you come to huv gootlH, anil tho amount of your purchaco will ho punched out of It; ami when you havo purchased Flf toon Dollars Worth of tiootlH for Cash, you can colect from gootlH in our ctoro to mo vaiuo ot i OTXT3E3 DOLL.A JcL -En.E3HJ! Wo have In ittock it full lino of tho celebrated I.USK llltANI) OK CANJid (i()OI).J: PICKMCS. In iKittlea. keua mid barrola: THA8 AND COKKEKS.l thelH'Mt tiualityj MACKMHKb, in and lloatiH. TABLE LUXURIES A SPECIALTY It Ih worth vour tlmo to call and Iiisikh t our lino of TOBACCOS, iw wo cam DOBHN IHKKUHKNT IIItANDS. Kor breakfant, wo .M icnowietigen to no n cieucacy tno country over, inon, ngain, incro nro otner at tlclea which you Cove Cheese, Epicurean Trout, Or anges ana juemons. , , ... -1. . .... ... Aim u niigu. uo won ior you to Know tlmt wo 33ake .Fresh. Bread 35 very Day, Miulo of Hour from lwth tho I'endloton Uollor Mllla and tho Karmora' CuMoiu MlllH,of which wo Hell Twenty-Eight Loaves For One Dollar Now Ih tho tlmo for jsinlcnlnu, and tho turn, tu miw, 1 1 mi uu iimi GARDEN AND (irown In tho Northwest, Imj And lxHtden all theo CONFECTIONERY IS COMPLETE Kroin tho .Sunny South In brought tho Genuine New Orleans Molasses I Ami hodden, wo lmvo nlwaya on hand tho lxHt EASTERN SYRUPS. LET THERE BE LIGHT 3tufV3EjSL3P,3F"I3NT3E3 Oja.3NT3LD3L.3E3S Tho Next Candlen on tho Markot. U'l.n,l . o ..vw.v. JVU n, vur r tt grouiul or A MILL OP And vn tlnn't i'liits.. ...i... . . " fcv ..mum gnuiung u ior vou. yott wifh to huv EGGS AND VEGETABLES, Wo can tu 1..,..., . ..... u.,r 0 wugon ior tJ.o delivery of good, It Is no bother or troublo for usto Supply Customers Promptly. t.,.i .. T" ' u" ' K"ul bira ,ul (vuo mtstresHes, llllVtllllUr III flirt You Can Save Money! By purchasing m.pplles for tho household, camp, or ranch, from THE STAR BAKERY, W. C. TILTON, Proprietor, COURT STREET, - - PENDLETON, OB. Bakery Leads -AND- UNDERSOLD . ii that wo uro now prepared toHhowjoti Goods in Our Line, can lw bought at any plaeo in thla part old country. eaua and kegsj DKIHI) J'UUITS, and Yt& would ndvino you to try our may need, mica iw (wntlu hounowifo mid thrifty huHbamlman fl hiio may reap; u you wihii good FLOWER SEEDS, Biiro and inako your pua-lmscH of tw. nrtklcrt mentioned, our lino of ungrouml. wo can furnlfih you, tw wo hav OUR OWN, If It Hitits your pleasuro, mi I niPii 10 niiy OR OTHER FARM PRODUCE, Bupply you. wo wish to rav to you that whon you want B w Bk 4 t I I