East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 17, 1888, Image 1

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a ritin: Mint wtv.
i'ntnmi of III). Ilnlly or Hrinl-WiM-kly
HAST Mti:l(MAS mil fr.-cly nmUii ue
of llin I'.ASC OltlXlON'IAN lllirmy wlu-n-uvi'r
lliry ho iIi bIi i'. The ptilitli urn out -
llllllly I It 1 1 ll to t tllll Ollll'll Mlll'III'VlT
pio liirllni'it
pay for tho Si-iiitWi-ilily HAST OllH-
IAN from notr until uit'T inn .mi hp
lliinx. Two ilnllnrs wlfl lr for thn
y HANT OltKOONIAN for Hi" mmn
NO. 15.
)L. 1.
Loryea &
he Plumbers, Gas and
iit, nii ir mum rsrnuir. i iiv
... .... r cm i m
; i i
iving rutes.
1'II'IIV MIM'lirillir liriii, llll'fll'M irri
1 ft 1 . ....
ft 1J l J tj
i v i iiti i imii i ii im i ii niii'i i iiii
tho pipes. The Public
avins no
pay, ami buying their material
enameu to give satistaction, and, nestdes, iney guarantee tneir
..1 ..!..!
I ll ir I N ,
Had it not been tor tho character of thoir work and low
cos. innv pniiwi nnr. nnvn nm r.
111 Till
iwru utuy wuuiu uo ijiuiibuu 10
.1 1 .- . 1! 1
i . ii. . . i . i . i . i i
o talking sense to you, and
ew ana More uommoaious quarters
ourt Street, in old East Oregonian Building, !
n ji i
urn iimv ( nnvi iiimiiiv inc:ii((i m
: i . a . i ..
..i.i.. .1 ... i .1., i
mi l i- 111111 II 111 I 111' Ml'lVil'l IIIIJI'M
i .1 .... i 1 . . P II. T -
1 I M
iiiii. n i v JD'iiiiim, i i riv.ni"
Will Appreciate this
hiked Ne
as cheap as any linn, thoy can
lin sunn n nnrrnniio-n no r nnv
imvu you can wituii you arc in
.11 1 1 .1 .1
i. 11 i - -
Tin: 111:111111.10 vx taiiii t him..
Strlko on tin' Snntii I'o-Strlkfl In lowu
Thirty I.lvr I.ot Aiililriit on iMiiwiiru
I.nrkiMviiniiii I(nllrniil II. 11. llltioi'i
Ctiilm Allowutl Tim i:iiinror lliirlril.
Tim Haiitii l'n Strllin.
Kansas City. Mo.. arlI 1(1. Thoro
is not u wheel loavini: lieroovortlio Snntii
l'u road. HttiiilrodM of 0111 ifruntH uru
luldovur. It Irt now wild Unit tliu ntrlke
wan inutipmitod bocaiiho it iitiinl;or of llio
Nintu ro HtDokholduiH woro lantuly In
lorostod in tliu V. It. .t O. romi. Tliu
HtilkcrH of tliu forinor. tlic A. T. & .S.
will rout till tho (J. Ii. k. O. ult'iklr Im not-
tied, Chief Arthur eavHthu A. T.HtrikowiiH
without authority from liiin. Tho Htriku
(Ion tii 8") ciiih of orl8halilo froij-ht, and
oiovon liuiMlriMl earn ot iioral mercliaii
dino botwoon California and Cliioago.
Ninon Alonry.
Wahiiinhton. Maivli 111. Tho amount
of Bold, hIIvot and mirraney in tho Uniteil
Thirty Vloilmn.
Ni:w Yoiik Mardi. Tlio total niimhor
of vicliniM of tliu Into Htorin, iih far iih ru
)ortod, aio thirty.
Knllroml Ai'chli-iit.
IIimiiiamto.v, N. Y Maivh 1(1. Tho
l.ast liouiid train mi thu Doluwaru Lack
uwiinna A WoHtom road Jiiiiih.m1 tho track
near lioru to-day. 1'iio broke out, mid
thruo foai'lii'H woro burnuiU Ono juikh
oiiKor wan killod and u iiuiulKr injured.
Htriku In Iimtii.
.Makxiiai.i.towx, Iowa, Maich l(t. Tho
omkIhooih of tho Central railroad of tho
Iowa H.VHtem struck at nix o'clock tliin
ovoniny Thin road Ih in thu haiidn of thu
United Slatert Court.
IrUh Colorn not Allnwitil.
Xkw Yoiik, March 1(1. Mayor llowitt
has ixHued an order prohibiting u dl.-iphtv
of lrlnh coloro on tho Now York City hall
to-morrow, tho 17th.
Thu Ki'iiulillraii Turin lllll.
Wamiinoiox, March lo. Many Uo
iiblicau nicmlicrri of tliu cauciiH com
initloo will not votu for thu ICaudall tarill'
bill becatihu It reduce thu tax on whisky.
It irt prohablu that a now bill will lo
frainud by a minority of tint WuyHtVc
Meaim Coininllteo. It will abolisli laxen
on tolacco and luixnil tho tax on fruit
brandy, will rudiicu thu nuar onu half,
will kivo Iwuuty of two contHa oiind on
thu production of domextiu nupir. Mo
oilier I'liaiiKUri will Ihi recoinoiuled. Such a
bill will recefvo all tho Heimblican
votcH oxcept jiortslbly four. Thu quoHtloit
in whether Randall and IiIh follower will
votu with thu HuiiiibllcaiiH, rather than
fur thu MUM bill.
Slrl.oM' Iliivn til" AiltiintiiKii.
Kanxam Cit, March 111. Tho xtriko in
becoming moro Hriou.-. Thu liovanco
I'oiiiliillloo x;iv llmt thu HlriU'ii will inn-
tinuu; that uien will htriku at tho ratu of
ono mad a day until inatlerH tiro net tied.
Thu men arc holid. Thu lie-up in com
plete in many placun.
Anollier l'u vol itliln lli'ilnliiu.
Omaha, Maiclt lt(. Jiulco Dundy'H de
cinion in tliu injunction miho will bu favor
ablo to tho itill;ei-H, an lie Iuih remaiked
that thuru Ih no law to conivl men to
work if they choose to quit.
A llnllrolil Inillctril.
Ni:w Oiii.kanh, March 1(1. Tho irrand
jury havo rctiirned an indictment uKaitiHt
tho IllinoiH Centnd railroad for violating
thu Inlei-Statu commerce law in charninu
iiujiiHt and uuieaKiiuablu rat oh for traim
imrtation of cotton from Canton to Now
OrleaiiH, alno for imjiiHt ilincriminatioii
apiiiiHt tho pooplu of 'ow OrleaiiH.
IIikIi'UU WiiiiU Momty.
Nkw Yoiik, March, 111. tien. Adam
Hadeaii will brliiK' Hiilt aiiiiNt tho helrrt
of Ci'encral Grant for :i.i)00 damauM for
writing his liook alwut (Jen. Grant, ami
for other Fcrviceo.
ratal llnllroml Avclilriil,
Wiiitk 1'i.aixs, N. Y., Marcli 1(1. A
miow-plow, piifliod by four oii(,'inuH,
jum)od tho track near Sharon thin after'
noon, killing tho oiiKinoor, conductor,
hnikuman, and llieinan, and K'tlouHly
tnliirlnir fnnr ntlior luimonH.
wui mr ib in
CiiAULKbTox, S. C, .March 1(1. Tho
Morning World nownpajior, publlHhud
hero, comes out Hipiari'ly for Hill for I'ix'h
Aflrr U3 Yt-nm.
Wahiiixoton, March 1(1. Thu third
auditor of tho trcaHiiry notified Senator
Mitchell to-dav that ho had certified to
thu second controller for payment of thu
claim of llolivar It. Itinhop, of I'eudlcton,
: Urcgon, of twuuty-llvu Hundred dollarn,
for projerty ilestroyed ly tho military at
I tho CuHcadori in 1 &';',
A lllll fur I'ri'iini'iit.
WAhiiiNUTox. March 111, Halo intro-
, duced a bill in tho Sonato to-day to jilaco
, (jcn. John Freoinont on tho retirerl lirt
, with thu jank and pay of Major lionoral.
In Koiithrrn C'alirornlii.Too.
San Hkiinaiuuno, Cai, March It!. Thu
eiigineerri on thu California Southern ipilt
work Huh loreiioon.
i ilrl Ilrotrneil.
Oiami'IA, W.T., March 111. Min Jenny
Gottchell, used 1(1, v.hilo Unhiug, full into
tho water and was drowned.
In lenrl' llehulf.J
I'outlaxi). March 1(1 Charles Aliiers.
riSa? in !iJWiS:
' Ho Is sent by tho woman's JiusDand, wlio
(ia anxious to pruveut her going to tho
I lHjiiitcntiary, though ho does not wIhIi to
! nvor kimi lior iiirnlii.
Jury Will OlKnjjri'i..
r)iiTi.AXii, On., March 17. Tho jury
inthocaw of C. M. Harding antl l'earl
l'age.cliarged willi roMH!ry,havu lieen out
twenty-four Ikhiih. It in believed that
they will dlHuirreu.
1oiiti.ali), On., Marcli 17, .'I p. in.
Wlicat i.-i quoted hero to-day at 70 cents
a btisJiul witii a downward tendency.
roitiouiN ni:ws.
Hurlnl ofthn Kiiiporor.
ltmn.iN, Marcli ID. Tliu funeral of thu
Into Kmpuror took place to-day. Thu
woathur was extremuly cold, vet hundreds
of thousands of people occupied tho snaco
behind thu soldiers. Kvery w ludow along
tho "I 'nter dun Linden" was crowded.
Thu military display was magnificent,
though somber, 'lhuiomainswerullnally
dc)osi(cd in thu royal mausoleum at:):lo,
p. in.
' Will I'rolmlily k t .'Montuim
Matlock brotliors aro in receipt of a let
ter from thu Montana, Agricultural, Min
eral, and .Mechanical Association, ru
questing them to bring their stable of fast
animals to .Montana during tho coming
season, and thoy would lo accorded all
of thu privileges of tho dlU'erent tracks.
Owing to a decision made against thu
Matlocks at tliu West Side Driving Park
last year, it was thought for a time that
thoy weru ruled oil' of tho tracks of thu
country, but this decision proved to Imj
unjust; and Matlock brothers aro again
in cood stamlim: with thu r.teliiL' world.
as thoy are with thu rust of civatiou.
lho Montana. Wiishlniiton, ami Oregon
racing ciicult this season oiler if4.",0(M) in
nrcmtuius. and tho .Matlock stalilu ot lasi
horses stand a splendid chancu of getting
their sharu of this laruu amount. Thu
dates of meetings at thu lUHcrent places
aro as follows:
Deer J.odgo, Montana, July 18, ill, L'O,
llutto, Montana, August ll, 7, 8, II, 10,
Helena, Montana, August LO, IM, --,
L'.t, lil, "ft.
Missoula, Montana, August l!S, .11, ISO,
ill, Sepluiulier 1.
hiKiUauu, uasiiingtoii, .eptemiior :i, i,
ii, (I, 7, H.
Salem. Oieuon. (Statu l'air.) Septemlior
17, 18, 111, 20, 21, a-'.
Walla Walla, Washington, Octolier 1,
2, !), 4, (, (I.
A iUu lllll
Krom I lit Now Turk Htiir.
Mr. Martin Koran, who noses as alalsir
lover from thu Cluvelaud district of Ohio,
hastens to inform thu country that ho has
licen taking counsel witii tho protected
moiioiKilihts of his district, and that these
sorely tlreil wago wasters aro uiiapH'as
ably opposed to tho lessening of taxes on
tlio people, llio .Mills Dill, nu declares,
is an attack Uou thu wisil moil, thu iron
men. tliu ulass men and vaiious other
over-imluigcd bauds f million makers.
llenco .Mr. l oran regards tliu bill as a
had bill an "attack, in short,iion Amer
ican industry." Just so. Kveiy bill over
nrcK'nted in tho InteicHts of thu millions
against tho rapacity of tho few has Irhii
denounced us u "bad bill." Thurmaii'H
bill against tho continued evil practices of
thu railways was a kid bill ; tlio interstate
commerce measure was a had bill. In
short, every ineasiiro calculated to glvo
lalsira chance is a bad bill in thu eyes of
thu ignorant, tho coirupt, or self-seeking.
It m u lit seem In tho present Instance
that tho legislation which will mako tho
pcsr man's dollar value- almost double
that will k'lvo tlio isxir family cheaiKtr
clothes, cheaKtr fuel, choajKir sugar
cheaier everything couui resuii it notii
ing but a Is'iielit to tho country at largo.
lfut no: a few rlcli iiionoisllHtH will not
bo uhlu to corner tho markets, create
"trusts," or accumulate money so ranidly
therefore this enlightened titostlu of (alsr
is going to put himself at thu beck of the
licit against thotnturest of tho ioor.
Tim Mtiellui: of "llio frlfiiiU of IllvUlon."
Another division meetim: was held at
Milton Kriduy. A niiiulwr from Weston
weru present, among mom .Messrs. Meen,
l'auly, and l'owurs. I'rior to tho publiu
meutimr a caucus was held bv a few of tho
leaoors, and tho qucstioii of a Hue was
discussed, but it wax impossiblo to agree,
tho Weston ieoplo objecting to thu lino
desired by tho -Milton men, mid ho no
lino was nronosed or adopted hi tho uun-
oral mooting. Thu following resolution,
which had l)een prepared by tho
"caucus" was adopted:
ltKhoi.vKii. That it is tho unanimous
deslro of thu people of Kastont I'matilla
county that un ci-uitumu division oi sain
county Iw made by tho Stato legislature,
which shall givo us suflicieiit tenitory,
tuxablo juouirty, and iopiilatioii, to con
stituto a self-supporting now county.
Mr. J. It. Kddy, who was present from
l'endiotou, lacing called upon, ollered a
motion to tho olleet that tho delegates
from thu Kastern part of tho county to
the county conventions bo instructed to
uso all honorable ullorts to havo tho
alsivo lesolutioit adopted, which was also
Samuel Morrison Is dead, aged ninety
one. Ho is the man who furnished
Grant tho plan for tlio capture of Vicks
burg. Thu gentlemen whosupplicd plans
for thu capture of Kichmoud will Inigiu to
dio soon.
Congressihan Foran of Ohio will ojs
poso i eduction of taxes. Ho thinks he is
a Democrat, but ho is like those unfoi
tuiiuto lunatics who think thoy aro Nu
cleoli or Alexander the Great.
HIllKCKi:t.S AMI Till: St'CI Ml TItUfcT
, 1'rotn the Rrndstrecln.
Sm Tho arrival of Mr. Clans Sprockets
in thu l'ast with thu heralded intention of
building a largu relluury in thu Held of
! thu Sugar llellnerios Co., has caused a
sensation at this particular time, ami
' much speculation as to tlio success of such
a project. It is no new tiling to content
I platu thu erection of another rullnery;
I thu namu of Mr. Sprockets In connection
I with it is tho only now fouttitu. Thu
1 erection of a lellnerv in llaltlmoro or
Philadelphia lias been talked of for a
year or two, but for onu reason and
another has nuvur got bevond a certain
point. Thu principal objection was in
tho fact that tho refining capacity of the
country was in advance of thu eonsuini
tion, and that slnco I8SI thoro has been
llttlu if any proll't in sugar rellning on ac
count of thu competition among ruliuers.
, The year ISS.'I, following tlio burning of
'Tho Harrison. Ilaveincyer A Co.,iellnery
I in Philadelphia (Sept. L'2, 1SH2,) ami pre
I ceding the completion of lho largo lellnerv
oi .Messrs. I lavemoxer iV r.itior, eiocica
to take tliu place of their lellnery but tied
in January, 18H2, was a very prosperous
year for lellners, as tho refined produc
tion was kent bv tliu help of a private
combination of rollncrs, below thu con
sumption of rollnod sugars dining the
most of tlio year, and tho averago dill'er
oi ico hi price between centrifugal sugar
mid granulated in 188.'! was l?,,e. per
pound, ami from January to OctoW of
that year this diU'ereiico was always over
lo. per pound.
I Centrifugal sugar repiesents tho stun
; dard for all raw sugar, and granulated
thu standard for all refined, ami it is
generally conceded by sugar men, ami
, conllrmod by fads, that thu cost of refill
ing is represented by Jul!, per niuiiiI dlf-
leienco between these swo sianiiaiiis.
Tho profits of rellning in 188.1 were there
fore very handsome. Tho end of 18-U1,
and the following years to 188.'!, saw these
rellneilcs rebuilt with a much eulargad
capacity, and tliu rellning capacity during
this iK'rlod was in excess of demand, as
Is continued by thu range of prices. In
1NHI tho illlierenco between tho two
I standards was reduced to an averago cf
I -ic. iter Hjund for tho year. In 188.r tho
I diirorciico was I educed to an average of
1 3(iC jier isiuiiil for thu year, It 188(1 to an
i averago of ll-Klc. per pound, and in 1887,
I to Octolier 1, an average of ?u-'. lxir
J poiiid, thus barely covering thu cost of
miinufauturo for these latter years. At
only two iorlods slnco 18S-I has tho dif
ference lietween tho two standards risen
to 1c. ier iKiuiid or near It. Onco dining
188(1 tho diHorouco for a few weeks was
U ll.lc. ier )iiinl, caused by the labor
strike, which forced tho refiners to close
a calamity and onco during 1887 tho
ill ll'ei onco rose to 7Hc. per pound for a few
days, by tho burning of thu llavumeyer
Migar Hennery a calamity.
A I out Octolier (I, 18S7. thu public Ix-gau
to beliuvo in a combination; rellued buy
ers became frightened and bought the
refined market up rapidly. ThodiU'crcuco
between thu two standards on October II
was ie. ier immiiiiI, or lMc. loss to lho
rolluer, but by thu lillh tho dlfl'eruuco
rose to lo-lltc. er ixsiiid, ami by.tho'.'lith
to 1 .'t-Klc. pur H)uud, but by the l!7th
raws had riwn, partly in sympathy with
refined and partly on account of the strong
statistical position, so that the diflereuco
between centrifugals and granulated was
reduced to ?4c. jnsr otuid, tho averago
illfleienco for tho month of October being
V- iHir iHiiind, or, say, tv. mr dsaiiid
profit to rollncrs. In .November lho dif
ference for each week was .,(.., lll-ldo.,
ue., -JuC, i:t-lllo., giving, say, trifCl-Kic.
prollt to rollncrs for tlueu weeks of the
month. In Decemls'r tho illlierenco was
i:i-lll(Uri-l(te. ior Kiiud, or, say,
It-KKiio-KU'. jmr ixiiinil prollt. Thu Trust
took full control of tho markets hi January
of this year, and thu average dlU'oroiico
between the two standards hi January
was 1 :t-l(ic. (sir pound, and in February
Ite. jier iKinni, a prollt of ?uc. ier
pound, a notable fact lielng that the
"Trust" aro iiialntainlng steadily a dif
ference in Price between lho two stand
ards, which was only attained In former
years by toiuisirary calaniitius. The
Trust may thoioforolsj consldured a jstr-
nuiueni calamity unless a icgisiaiuie, a
Congress, a tariir bill, or several Clans
Spreokols ntop hi to remove it, Ono
Claim Siireckels, with one refinery, cannot
do it. Tliu Trust controls 7H lK;r cent, of
thu business, and thu consumption of
thu coiintrv has risen 'M per cent, dining
the last six years, anil tlio time is very
near at liaild When tllO lelllllllg capacity
of tho country will have to bo Incicased
again to meet the consumption. Already
a few times in thu last two years all the
refineries havo run to their full capacity
without over-supplying tho demand,
'rhis increased capacity will no doubt Imj
made by the Trust themselves, if not
I done by others.
I .Mr. Snreckels, or another capitalist,
can build a refinery with (strfect safely ;
! that it will bo wanted, and that it will
Piove a monetary success by tho time It
i has Is'en completed, say one and u-lialf
jor two yeain hence, "Trust" or no
"Trllttt " null' lui .'rtiii.iti1i.il Au In 1 mill I.
,.., ..... (rv ww... -,I K lliirvilllilll, nil, nilllllin 111)211, Jirilll-ll
ing a rollnory to llglit the "'hirst," it is witii steam or hot air, with other modem
absurd. Ono loflnory would havo no Improvements. When completed il will
more cause or opportunity for lighting thu , accommislate one hundred students, ami
"Tnwt" than havo tho thiee .ioii-'I ru-'t ill U built so thai In case more acorn
lellnurios now running, 'lho Trust con- laudations am necessary additions can ls
trols 78 Hir cent, of tlio consumption of mt on ihout setious damage t i the
tho I niti-d htales, ami ono now xellnery
would reduce this eiiuiroi oniy ci- Jer
CCIlt.llStosiitO. WAI.I.At liP. WlM.KTT.
Nkw Yoiik, Maieh H.
A writer foils "how to ouchro wasps. "
lie will Ibid that it can't Ih done with a
1'inc hand.
Uuiiittti or Ship Itnllwiiy.
Tho system of carrying burdens on ship
wagons is receiving attention, and, It is
argued, if a vessel can safely carry a heavy
freight over stormy Keas, where half her
hull is sometimes out of water, pounded
by tho waves that break upon her decks
or driven iixn her abeam, tossing her In
their fury from crest to crest, and droj
plng her suddenly into grout "troughs of
tliu sea." It is idlu to supposutluit she can
not safely carry her burden w hen lifted
gently into a 'cradle.' mid Isirne smoothly
and steadily along over solid rall&of steel.
It is customary to speak of the sea as a
ship's "native element," hut no ship
was over yet built in the wafer. Ship
railways, however, have now passed lo
yond tho stigo of meie tcloulillc specula
tion. Tho air is full of shin-railway pio
jecls for all parts of the glolH?. Tho shin
railway over the Chlgueco Isthmus is al
ready under contract. A ship railway
lias also lioon surveyed across the Florida
eiiliisula to save thu (100 miles of dls
tauco around and through the straits.
Tills, wo are assuted, is a ino.t practi
cable route, and llio railway can Ihi built
for about one half the estimate cost of a
ship canal. Hut tho gieat woikiiiall
this programme, both as to tho magni
tude of its construction and its lestills, is
the Tchuimtcpcc ship railway of Captain
Kails, now in the Intuits of Captain K. I..
Corthell as chief engineer. This Is a
scheme w hich Is regarded by competent
judges us sound mid well planned, though
It is one of icmurktihle originality ami
M'iucss. Perhaps It is too much as yet
to say that the age of shipcanals Is giving
way to Unit of ship railways, but M do
I. esseps can hardly lie oxectcd to feel
quite at ids ease in the piesonce of this
new and vigorous movement. 'the Iron
and Steel Trades Journal, lmdon.
lint. I AirUiil.
ItowMAN llorsi; Charles Meeker,
Portland; A. N. (trover, llltmirck, Da
kota; It. J. Iteeves, Spokane Falls,
John Nelson. Walla Walla; C. M. Pen
nelt, (S. W. Harper, City; Win. O'Mallev,
It. (ircenbach, M. Muyllcld ami wife, II.
II. Lewis, I a Grande; .1. A. Kuchcr ami
and wife, Florida; Philip Schrollior, Nu
lla; D. J. Casoy, Portland; D. G. I toss,
F. Welch, Cltv; Gen. Ilarnes, Colusa,
Oil.; A. D. Clue, Centeivillo; Ii. Me
Reynolds, J. II. Topey, California; K.
Kress, Now York.
Vii.i.aiiii lloi si: t!. A. Stuiiiler Lewis
Ncacu, Portland; Ii. II. Adam, Vinson;
Ii. F. Itresl, .1. II. Iliinsaker, Portland;
Nate Cecil, Heppner; J. C. Yale, II.
Miistiu, David lirpisky. Harry li. Lewis,
J. I.. CratulsMii, San Francisco; W. P.
He-er, W. Dully, Walla Walla; John
Walker, JuniiK-r; H. S. Ilardaccs, Pilot
Itock ; J. Ii. (loon, Milton; L. D. Cog
gins, tiieolov, Oil.; C. ti. Ilolioits, The
Dalles; Ii. J. Welbiir, Hathman's Spur;
Thomas F. ltoylen, Pilot Ihs k; J. Shea,
II. Harris, Astoria.
Goi.DC.N- ltri.i: llon:ir-.l. Scdo.-o, W.
Sfouebraker, A. J. Hale, Pilot ltis'k; It.
Walker, Jacob Miller, It. Kinney, City;
II. P. Pelers, Itlroh Creek; lidward
Iteddy, Adams; F. Kensuey, South
America; J. ii. Itodwoll, Centervllluj I..
Deuoy, M. S, Fihhburii, Poitlaiidj ( . II,
llaker, Adams; A. Alvonl, Kaiuela, C.
(Ilusltor, l'llol ltis'k! Frank llaniiu,
Cold Spring; J. Jacobsou, Vaiisyclo; J.
Viiiiiueler, Montana.
Cniiiliniy l.nlior Cuiiihliuilliiii".
A decision of eousideralilo inteiest was
rendered by tho General Term of the Now
York Supreme Court in the case of Tho
People vs (iill et a!., a prosecution for
conspiracy. This was a case In which It
aiijieaicd that one llartt, a foiemaii in a
shoo shop, was pieveiitcd by the Knights
of lather from scenting cmplovuient at
his trade by means of coercion exercised,
over employers through tln'eats of stilkes.
Tho court held the delendants guilty of
conspiracy, saying: No doubt oxlsls of
the right of workmen to seek by all jxwi
bio means an increase of wages, and all
meetings and combinations having that
object in view, which are not dlslin-
finished by voilcneo or thieuts, and aro
awful theiefore, cannot lo leasouublv
comleiued or Juslly Inferfeicd with, 'llio
claim that llartt was a "scab" ami a dis
organize!-, chiefly iH'canso ho sought to
reduce wages, should not invoke tlio ills
asters of a strike. Hut if this must 1st
done to srfect an organization, orto hold
It firmly together, it should end there, ami
not resolve itself Info what tho law con
doms, namely, a determination that the
objectionable Krson, lho scab, so-called,
IhIiooIiI Ihi ilr vnn nwnv nml iimi-nntnd
( r0,i working, even for the sups)rt of his
family, within a distiict, large or small.
This is Oonsplraoy, pronounced, ami
I juHtly so, to ls ciiinlmd, and punMitible
j ,y imprisonment.
Tim imlliin Imlnatrlitl Srimol,
j Pendleton contractors nud cars'iiters
ul ilguiing on lho now Industrial school
u0 M, nillt tliis summer at the I'matilla
I Agencv. Tho plans and s ecillcalions
,UVe U'on iccolved fmm Washington, mid
thov are quite elegant ami clalxnate.
i Thov call for a building with a stone or
I...I..I. I . .,i. I ,...1
lcu,; of m main structure. Agent ( of
I fey has already calltwl for I. Ids. and tho
contract for tho building will 1 let
shortly ami the woik finished Is'fore next
fall. Hie building of Ibis siiiool is one of
tho provisions of the Slater Iill The
building will cost in tliu ncighlxnhood of