East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 15, 1888, Image 2

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taxed, were mine
ufactiircd of Iron,
1 d V ! cotton K'jod
taxed, were under the act "f IRK) admit
til free of duty. Iron, and articled man-
-winl mill woolen Mini
I lit f.w.f tur.ut .if fill
article over which the tuilll' contention
1 lint been mid In Im'Iiijj nmlntalned weio
taxed about thirty or cent. ierIiaM nan
the iire-ent tax. Steel, co'jer, leail, mid j
. ... .... i i.i.
koiiio other article, were iuiiiiuich uiiii
oliKOON. 'men ii'lowcr duty than thirty r cent.,
I became lit to that time there wax not j
iiAii.VKCiHi'mi'rio.viiATwi ulllelent wcallhund "Influence" centered 1
Pl.nlH to Hl.a,-3 M-laHon
JtfK'.M g,otherwNe. Thirty K,r cent, wim then
,m.,.WKKk,.v Hunsi a.rno.v I 'f Htee,. paction." Now It Ih
Oiiiimpy .iTTi,r. called treasonable and. duftrudive free -
MlV'!mlxlrmtU 1 W I '"n'0, U',mt w,w """'K1'1 even extreme ,
proleet Ion fort v yearn ago, In denounced
daily a Ni hi:.mnwj:i;ki.v,
i:t OrcRMtilMi I'ntttl tiliiff (.'iiiiipntiy,
Haste Oregon Agricultural k'nj
The Star Bakery Leads!
Two Hundred and Forty Town Lots!
I'rriiiluiii iiiiit frw toyi'iirlyniilmcrllK m
aiivkiitim.mi iiatim:
(lilt)iln) Aihfrllinn'iilii)
Onr Inrh, or lei, III Kciii.Wi"lly mt
iihmiIIi tim
(Inn Iticli, (ir Icm, In Dully liormwitli I it)
Two Int'licn, or li, III luitli, iht Inmitli .. A Hi
OvtT tliri-n lii"lif,M'iiil-WM-I(ly, irlni'li
'IT llllllltll 1 'l
Over llirco IiicIh"), Dully, mt Iiii'Ii mt
niontli , I '11
Over tlip-n Incho, In Imlli, n;r Ini'M wr
IIHIIllll t 71
Kollil iKiiiiuiriMl uilvrrtUciiii'titH In Hoiiil
Weekly or Dully, mat liiM-rllou, rr Inch,
$1.01; t'HCll Mllll1lll'llt I IMTI hin, .
IjmmiI lliillp.... lull iimiIm lir lllli l.ni'li 111
. 6
. Our Customers' Interests are Our Own, and W
other Dealer in the Country.
an reo trade now. Why thin change offhoice BulldinE1 Sites!
n i it i.,.. .. ii... ...... i i..
Iiicun ; u wim 11111; ij ihu win, mm ivi
legislation growing out of the war, an we
sliull chow. The average of thirty ier
cent, up to lHiiO, In any civilized country
would have lieen considered protective
In the highest ihjhhIiiIo degree; yet u
profioHltioii now to return to the tarill' of
18111 would ho considered hy tlioo who
favor "protection" m a destructive freo
trade measure, c.dciilaled to destroy Ihu
Industrie of the country. Thing went
along for eleven yearn without any great
friction or trouble, hut In 18."i" Congress,
thought theio was no reason or excuse
or Iiimi'it imiiIiiIiiIiiIiil' I'vcii ii tlilrlv 1MT
cent, duly, and accordingly reduced It, on
Hie wimie, loiiiKii'i iwcniy-iour per cent
Rich Garden Soil!
Fine Springs of Pure Water!
Valuable Rock Quarries!
Commencing on
APRIL 4tli, 1SSS,
And continuing iVom tiny to day until all lots are disposed of,
hu Oregon Agricultural Association
Will .Sell nt
At the Court Hou.e,
Two Hundred and Forty Ghoice Lots!
Jn the town of Pendleton, Oregon. Also
I Buildings, Stables, Fences and other
I.i:t ih reanoii toL'etlier a Hide aliout
thlH thing called the Tarlir. b-t im droji ( ,htofiaw nialeiialMWeie admitted free. ,
liiero UHHcrlloiin and eiillhetM. anil inn i 'i'i... i... ..I .. .i..il.. .... il... ..I,.. I.. ii.. ,.(
....... . .( .., . iii-11-..-i...Miiiii-r'.i. ....j ..i.'iu mm J.
Hitler u few indlHpii table factM. m,iufactured arlleles wiim brought down
It Ih too generally hiiiiimimI that tliti I in il... l,,i.Mt iH,ltii i'Vi'1' rciiebcil In Ibn
Tlirlir tllU "I'lolei llve" Tarill that Illl- i liMnre t llm i nnnlre hI iKtft. Ni.lllii.rl
jmiwhiiIhx iiHiu nearly all the iieceHa-1 mhelr imv great oulcrv or opKiHllion 1
He of life, Ih comet hiug ancient and en- lum,t jt. f, H.,,,m,, to '0 conceded that
erable, ami that any meddling with il, i ,,,,,. WUH hm,v ,M ,t,tv in ru
nny reH-al of It, would lie an Innovation. ,ww ,, ,ux un tM lmvmtw 'f f0
Thin Ih a mlxiukc. When w.iHH'ak of Ihe , ,ut I)M,.H, ,K,H.,() ,ntl .-rn, 1W
"war tarlir' and of "war taxation," we , ,i, war.lH,ri,Kl. the larll!'. while "nr
urn literally correcl. tectivu" In a flight degree, an anv tariir
I lu. reanon thin Hynlem of taxation in lllllHt u w,mlll mw k. tmlt aioi0
NN.ken of in tliiH way in that It Ih connee- fr,. lra,t.. Tm n11rv M(,u.r ,,rH,r,.,
led with the exirordlnary llnaneial mean. , llll(m m( it ,,, , T1(, WJlrv wu
llteH neceHHllated by the Soulheril lte u,nl-n...i . in. ) i i t hi..'.
. . - ... "nl" ""il ihu n.iiniiim in lint in'i
iHdllou whirl, wh in progreHH In thin , ,,.,, The u-ople demanded the lowc.-t
oun.ryiwen.y.nveyearHago. iworetiiat ,ax )K,HHi,i,.. Tlm ..lirilt l,,,!,,,.."
, " . ' ' ' " ' wiih practically laid ayldu. Agllallou on
..,.n . ., rl, h .....,.,.. , ,,.,n 10 ..,,., ,,,,,!.. ,.,lilM., III10Ht t,n.
readern, but we nhall prove that It Ih true. ru, ,, 11(or ,, M ,M() f
m "prolecllvo" featuicH of .he tail.r Ih mv ,llxilllllllfn,, lnu, ,f lmM!
ilttll III Hill Utlf (itnl iti.tlilm i.l-.. t I ' 1
" ! I I Itav1 1111111 mL v i ri j wiiu ii- i .... i it .i .1 ..
i,.. . .... . " . iniMimiurv .HHiiiMHi lorwuru on uu Mill
ally, the tarill w.m purely a war measure, f 1mtan,M llH , 1M I1(lll.r
ilcMlgned to ralce an Iiuiuciiho ami ur- .. ...... .. ....
, . ., ' .iiaiiiimriiircH iiimoihiicii ; n Ml inert! WIIH i mriTIHTn i .
genlly mivwury revei for extraonll- , ,,, ... , i TERMS: One-Ill ens h nn i nv of coin ,.,,! n.,l...ir I.I-
llliry PIIMHIH. H. , 7 , .-..-..,., nu , - , wuw-naii jnyauiu
1 1 lit. twill. I...I tllU.II lr.ll.1 lllllllllf.li.tllr..r II...I Itl mm I.JItllt t. ........ I I... . . . . i .... .
I I., .ii. . . I .., , ............. .mm.. ...ii-in. iii.ii ... will; tuiu. r?i.i:ii i itii v iniifi I inn ri i ninnn.. ... .
I lirillNirai III HUM 111 III IHIIII. I Mil II'- .. .... ..
I lllllt Ulir.l lll.f Mlltl .il.llllt. ....r..!....!...! II
Wo would inoHt rcHiKjet fully Inform you that wo are, now prepared to nhow v
' ilv
Complete Stock of Goods in Our Line, 1
And will hcII them as low or lower than can Imj bought at any place in thin part of! J1
Ih furnlHlied to each cilntonier, which you cliould bring whenever you como
to buy goodn, and Ihe amount of your purchase will bo punclu'd out
of it; and w lien vou luivo jpiirchaHeil pf toon Dollars
Worth of (iooiIh for Cash, .von can Hclcut from
goodrt in our Htoro to tho valuo of
3 OST 33 DOL3L.A. 3t 3F 3Et 3333
, , , , , , '"ley were not imilicicn
i uent iirlicleH to trace c iiw v and c.ite'.i.. . .1 n .1
1..11.. .1 11. .1 . ,.r . I" I'emocral e
fully the hlnlory of the pnwnt larilf, and
iiiirram iih origin ami growth Into the
"OctopiiH" of to-day. Any hiicIi a "pro
tective lariir" wan never Ihoughl of Ui
fore tho reU'lllon, and would never have
1h!h thought of till tliln day except for
that event.
Such a hlnlory will xhow that Ihe ex
IgoneleH of Ihu civil war went Ihe extraor
dinary event which caiihcd tl 1.1 .hilt. id .hi
lniMirlH tol-eincreawil; that IhiwdulloH,
"fri'ii tniiln"
lariir of IK57 bad the approbation of the
leading mauuf.u tiirerH, im well iih of pro-
ducerH. They had not yet learned
Ihe art of public plundering. They
had not yet l-cen taught, by war
legiHlallon, that It in cany for a few to
grow rich at the exi-ence of the producer.
In hurt, an we have nald, there in no
thought Jir Idea of a "protective taiiir,"
iih that pliRine in now ouiMrucd, till the
oucolhiiH Ii.,.k.,I .,r 1 1 ..f,. ' w"r- " Idea or lather the tarill1
llm.H-m 1 f..r ll...ii. Ii.u iih. f.-r ...l- - j1' I'ei.t, Ih
vale and h-IUhI, purien, and not for the ''.T' tt,l"1 w,,H,ly1 " l'r,"l",, ,f Ul,r-
Umelllofthec try. A hi.lorv of the ' l U u,v' "'"" ur legWaliot,
oxlHll.ig tarllt Ih i-lniflv a hi-Wv of Ihe 1 "' rt1"1,l,w "'!lrH' ,iki K'"1 H,r,',,liH ,,f
way lu wh(.hthewartaveHWe,eiln,HMHl,;,'l,,;l!'" ''7 "'"
lelaimsl, ewn imre.i,,Hl, ami sterna- . '' ' I" ' H"t Ihe fact ban not
ullMl;and of Ihe ho far i.,...,;, ..,-fi ' r over-Hlale.1,1 nhall hIiow
uttemptHal ie.hicti..n, lefurm, and a n j "' H,"",,,I'""1 rlU'l'H on thin qucHtiou.
turn to the former and proper ilem of J. 1'. W.
laMillou-llMl in. of laxlmr HiIh
im nioro Hi. 111 iimwtin. J J!u ilnvil In tlisul. (iiMiiyo will Irv ami
The p.o.ent tariff in alleget.air of ,,,. rKS ' '
ern g ow.l . Ah e ,hal Uhow, i. in The devil may KMlead, but Cleo. IVan
wholly a warm.MMiie, maintained ml ..irt uiul llu tniHi-" Inn 1 1
'tr' T ,l ,M,I,",, 1 for ' : ' '
MIIhIi and mercenary inetlveH. Wanli-1 -
ingliiu wan not a proteciiouUl, Uhuiimi ,' l'"1"'' t'level.tml ban fallml, It Ih
IheitiwiiH no "protociiuu." In the NinNijMl,,1,,,',,,:f'v,',HI,',k on hlrtllfe. l'erl-
ami In Hi., .iv l.tnl it. ..1 ........ 1 . lilllil TiiliM.rMin 'I'litu I j ..1 , .1. . . .
' .ii nun u'i III IN HON llhCII, j i'iii lllMiril
t ----. v . . v ... iH.V
in one year, a-ettred by note bearing interest at tho rate of
iuii jiui vx-iii. j?ur niiiiiiiii.
U'n Inivil III ulruil- ii full II.. .1 ..f II... ...,l..1.n.l...l t ItCJI." tlI)lvM M ..... S
..v ....... ... -". ..... ....11 ... inu iv.-11'iiiuii-u ui'piv iiivj.i; ill' i'ATTiq
HOODS ; PlfiarcS, In IkiUIch. kegs mid barrelH! TIC AS AND t'OFI'KFs A
the iK-nt quality; MACKKItlvh, in caiw and keg.nj DUIKI) FUUITS. and'Kl
mid MeaiiH. ' ""J
It Ih worth your time to call and lnsec our lino of TOBACCOS. 11s wo carm
do.icn 1)NTi:im:nt imiands uvtJl
111 1110N1 iiayn. 1 hem wt "proicciion"
in thin iMunlry till the war. Thin will ho
nuwrttoa great many riMilern, but it Ih
Ihe truth. If we were to advocate a ie-
iiirnioauy larlll whaieier that wa in
thing that the Privldent bun fitll...) In
Oxi: of our dinpalcheH thiHinornlng navn
that "tmvel in at 11 KlaniUtlll." Tlmi 'la
almut tho moHt curiiiiw phenomenon of
For Description of Lots and Other Particulars
O T- A '
ouu .(.'osiers.
Surprise Sab at Cost!
Goo2ds-0 WOrth f Mn'S and Boys' nislmiff
$8,000 worth of Saddlery Goods;
$500 worth of Oregon City Blankets.
A largo lot of
J ames Wheelan's,
Onlen. IV H..1MUHI. Court Sta-ot, Pendleton.
, . : . . . " inu iiiohi ci no h 11 icnomenoi
';: ; fir w. I - ev0r
- i mi' iniiierH. 1 :
Hiforethe war we h.nl In ihN country 11 "" t:1 OieKiixn, hou of the famoiiH
a Nywlem of (arill" duties whlih, UhhikIi , ,uvoliit, t ill lo In Portland on Ihe I'lnt
not arranged completely 011 a "ftco Irade" I,ik1, " ls " " ,our of ",0 wiitry, and I
Hj-Hteiu, wrw very me.lenile Indeed l tt-v 1,'1'llmi WeMixit metrojollH.
wniiurUm with the pr.w.nlH.VHten,. and Tin: IViiuvra'tle prhu7rie7 aw to Ik
whleli would K tsuiHidereil mnk fiee- held Saturdav. U,t iw voto for mnl
ImdelH.u now. The dulioH U on wiihIWo, buHinehH men. No craukH o
lin.rlH, for llfleeu yearn, Ufor the out- i rooU need applv.
bioak of Ihe civil war were tho. im. .. .. r. '
! ,xv: r- i mm ami ,;;.. .. l.. !;!'V,,.l.lllU..r4H,n, "v'UMU0
jmi. ineoiii ivmmralie kuIv uas '. " 1 , onue iwgen
"frv. trade" Kirty. In the ol.rtimeH it , ' ,,,l"h wl mMUwi In po.
..... ....I ..f.-.l.l . I . OHO.
...tn nut iiiuiiii inu IIHIWIIKM id im Known
iih itueh, either. It wiiHoivnly ami ilU
llucllvely a fieo trade mrl. oral le.it
ItH ideiiH and legislalion would K denom
tnatod fieo-lmde iiUw and fnv-lnule
legiHlalien now. The act of lsiu wan
mhnhI by the IMiuocratie mtty wiih the
Jivnly-avowml and llm oni.n.i......
pmvwl iuteutiun of pulling into o'lvm
uornuni SllttET, . PORT! aun
CO. (Milwaukee. Wis.. EXPORT PILSNER ?'RnTT. pn"8"1
, ' nich9 dir 3m
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Poiulloton,
lion, an far an ,HWe. the Tprinol, f , ,U"1 W"U ",ttde
fixv trade. Thin intent!.... . ... ... 1 l'"ftli', In ISirlluiul or tho Hunt, . from ia.ro
oj..w,wltlimirv.flmn.e4 uil.Us. ir yoa
ui'tM tt.enl,icna jearonlor to m, una ve
from tifOtoJ.w tlu-rrLy.
East Oregonian Pub, Co,,
W,,,,J Pindl.ton, Oregon.
imiiy ami minutely carried out. lutieH
rteai lmioKkl uKn a iuiiiiKt of
iitiehw; but thet dulltw, in coin
iMrlMjn with u,, imwsl nimv
he war, wem few and Mmdl. Tea and
Vlliv., which In furmer timea had Uvn
Smith WALKING Cane
lxok at them, try one, and you win have 110 other. &
Every P.ow Warranted to do Cood Work or no Sale.
' -" SALE BY .
Latimer & Fifleld
Tor lireakfiint, wo would ad vino you to try our
Acknowledged to Ihi 11 delicacy tho country over. Then, again, tiiero nro other nt!
llIll(J tl'llftll Hull . I -I. .... I
..vitn .iiit.ii fWl limy IIL'CII, HUL'll UH
Cove Cheese, Epicurean Trout, Or
anges ana .Lemons.
And it might Imj well for you to know that wo
Bake Fresh. Bread Every Day,
M-.l.. f l I t..... 0 J,8
"uur ,rul intimi'lloton ICoIler MIIIh nnd tho 1'unncrH'
Giihtom MlllH.of which wo Hell
Twenty-Eight Loaves For One Dollar
Now Ih tho tll'l"'!''fr. U10 gentlo hounowlfo and thrifty l.UHlmndmnn J
lorill 10 HOW . tllilt ho .mil uln. ....... . if i .... .' i I
' - " . luiijij 11 you nimi iooii
Cirown In tho Northwent, Ins miro audinnko your purcliiuscH of iih.
Villi beHldeK tlU tltOHO lirtlclea mn.,lt..n.l ll i
- w....n,.,( u,,, ,lu 0i (
From tho Sunny South is brought tho I
Genuine New Orleans Molasses!
And besidoH, wo lmvo ulwnyn on haml tho lwnt EASTERN SYRUPS.
Uto IJchI Candler) on tho Markot.
Whether you want COFFEE ground or unbound, wo can furniah you, as wo hive
If It miitfl your pleasure, d
EGGS AND VFRFTARI P5v AD (ITU CD rinu nnnniinc
umtn rflnm rnuuuuci
Wo can supply you.
A wo lmvo our own waon or tho delivery of good,, it 0 bo.horortroublotor unto
ouppiy Customers Promptly.
You Can Save Money!
W.v purchashiK Buimliea for llm i,.,ti.v. . . .
mm "..iiu,, camp, or ranch, from
W. 1 IH ON. Pronriornr
And wo don't charge a cent for grinding it for vou.
you wihii to buy
COURT STREET, - . P1,Wm. n