East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 15, 1888, Image 1

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a rni:i: liiihaiiy.
Patrons of thn Dully or Heinl-YVcrkly
KAST OltHUONIAN run freely make me
of tho, 1!AS I' OlllUIONIAN library when
ever they mi deslro. The public uro cor
dially Invited to visit tlm olllre whenever
mi Inclined,
jmy forth HemMVeelNy KAST OttK-
lxrt iroin now mini
I,.... fr. .li.llnra will tlftV fllf tllf)
NO. 13.
L. 1.
Dealer In
sm -h. ma ww m ww w- m m m mm
And Proprietor of the
siook. i;orn meat, unop rceu,
etc., foraule.
Agents for Knnpp, Hurrell A Co'i
..ii . l- l n -!
IbUliwiai impiviiiviik ui I u wain
prepared to ship wheat or receive
Grain for Storage
In QkI.. ..l DnnuuLinl Qllntitln
at lowest Prices.
V ft,sl ! iirBV...,!
..I ..1. 4...... ....... 111..
I'uriiitiiUi cm iiuvo iruiiEiiv imhu, iuahuji
I I ri M I V 1 SV. tail I VIT
viniy nrui miiiiiit minn mi i.fiiiiiiiiMBHin
miiaiu dmiiuk raiiui
VT.nTJ Xr. PATTOW. PrntiB.
' lliivo oncupil in Iliclr now incnllou on
Hit TVmirf CfAwn
w r
a v.i a un rv n v . v i
If. J. DONALDSON, Proprietor,
Continue to carry a lull llnti of
Perfumery, Toilet Arti
cles, Paints and
acknowledged to bo the fluent oil or In
tlio world, In bulk, at fifty cenU
per ounco.
Yin TT7in nninmin it nnnim
VA i MUUUIIU 1 iul) 1Ui A
H Mil IHT I IIM II1HI HIFPinHIll II T II J 1 1 f S-ill IT 1 1
Pharmacist, and customer ciin rely upon
having their preseilptlon compounded
accurately and ut bottom prices. No sub
stitutlm.' one article for unothcr In pro
scrlpllnn. No Boys or Apprentices
Employed to practice on the public, Should
you need anything In nnr line wo will
give you u bettor article for leu money
than any other store In town.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
John McGarry,
Deuler In
First-class goods only In slock. Pro
duce bought and told,
Cor, Main and Webb Srreets,
PENDLETON, - - ' - . OltEQON
Lwery, Fed, an I ale Stable,
J. B. KEENEY & CO., Props.
Put up your animals and your
monoy at this stand. Thoro
Is no hotter In town. Our
patrons and friends will bo
welltr atod.
Dealer In Now and Second-hand
Household Goods
And manufacturer of
Tinware, Coppcrware and Sheet-Iron
of Every Description.
Tin Roofing a Specialty
Ulvn it n trial.
H.F.Johnson ftCo.,
Prescription Druggists.
Requisites for tho Toilet,
Stationery tic School Supplies,
Fine Imported and Koy West Cigars.
Oppolt VI liar. I Hotue,
A Nil
Cull and examine price.
Largeit utock of furniture lu Euitcrn Oregon.
Howell & Co.,
MnrkomleA t'avau.itth nulldlnif, Pendl
ui'i ton, Oron,
Notice In herabv ulvon. that nuniuant to
un ordor iHmifld out of thx County Court of
Umatilla county, Oregon, duly made and
entered on tho ItUh day of Februury, 1888, Haiti
u iniuiiiH woiuuy win xuii 10 ine umiiriii hiiu
bed blddem, and In HUeh lot and parcels iu
muy be deemed moat udvantaneoun. Its vul
liable real intiilo In tlm town of Pendleton,
in mutt couniy, commonly Known ui i.oim
Houko block, ultuuted belwoen Main, Court
and AltH trfftn. In Uih heart of the bunlnc
iMirtiou of tld town, and coutatnluit eliili
((hii (18) oih fronting on Main, Court and
Cottonwood Btree'a. Scaled proinmulH for
the purehanu of iinld property, or of any por
tlou thereof, wl'l bo received by thn uiidi-r-
Khtnvd, the Oiiunty Clerit of uld county, tit
uuy lime prior 10 nine irciocK in 1110 tore'
noun of Thursday,
The. 10th iluy of April, A. I. 1HKH,
And nil persons so bl'ldlutc will be required
to make payments pursuant to such sealed
bids prior to lu o'clock In the forenoon of
fitld tlHV, At said last mentioned hour all
lots and parts of lots not thon sold will be
ottered for sale ut 1'nbllo Auction, In purccls
to suit bidders, and as muy uppeur most ad
vantaKPoiw to said Court.
The county has u feu'slmple estate In said
property, and will execute proper deeds of
conveyance to purchasers ut the timo of sale.
The purchaso price must bo paid one-hulf In
ensh upoo the day of sale, uud the remain
der on or before October 19,1888, purchasers
to give their mites for the same with per
Hoiiulso urlty to be anpioved by the ' 'ourt.
The proceeds or sulenre to be paid Into tho
County Treasury, nud wt apart for the pur
pose of crectlnu a new Court House und Jul)
for ml it county, for which purpose suld
Court ha created u new fund known ut the
Court House and Jail Fund. The County
reervos the right to reject unj and all b!d.
Ily order of tne County Court.
frl feb2l If County Utt rk.
Miller Brothers,
Wholesale and Iletiiil Dealers In
2u0 feeioiul Street, Portland, Or,
!0rSeud for pur Catalogue.
VllllK, H'ii.OOU.OOO.
Snow at Troy Thn Dmiimli; Casn; Jury
Dlsncrne A I.ixly Injured -Honiiann's
Plea The AVukoii Unad Grntit Dlfllciilty
With Mnor A Tcrrlblo Powder Implo
sion A Flftht wltli ISnmllt.
Know nt Troy.
Titov, Nkw Yoiik, Mitrch 14 Thoro 1
over four feet of Know on n lovol In thtu
city. Snow ilrlftH In Homo partH of tho
city reach to tho nocoiul Htory of bulldlnuit
una travel on tlio Htrect in ut a niiinatin
Tho Htorm Abated.
Nkw YonK, March 14. Tho romrtH
iroin ino utnerunt piirtH oi tno country
Htitto thut tho Htorm hits abated. Trains
urn bcinir tltiif out und tralllc imrtlally ro
Hiituud. Twenty funeralti on route to
Calvary ceniotory woto cotnjcllctl to
cotno to u mop on nonien uvcnuo, turn
city, on account of deon hiiow drlftH. Tho
corpEOH had to 1h) taken out und into
Iiouhoh In tho vicinity to remain ovor
niKlit. A nutnl)cr of tlio irlemlH of tno
deceuued und Hotno of tho ilrivern of tho
carrlaeH had to bo dug out of tho Bnow
drifts to provent freezing to death.
A 37,000,000 I.o.
Nkw Yohk, March 14. It in estimated
that tho total Iohhch and actual outlay
occanloned by tho lato nuvcru Htortim will
reach in tlio .Stuto tho enonnottn Hum of
0,000,000 und iu thin city $7,000,000,
n total lorn of $27,000,000 from tho Htorm,
which wuh tho Huvcrcrit over known.
A Diabolical Deed.
Si'itiKOPiKM), Marcli 14. Dr. (3co. M.
Cox it United Stato IVimion Examiner,
broke a bottle of vitriol in tho f.ico of IiIh
huii'h iuiHtreH8, Imrniiit; out her oye ami
le8troyluB her hundHomo foatttroH. Tlio
vitriol burned KiHheH in tho IIohIi that
look an if it tnifxlit have Imxiii done by Ikj
itiL' cut by a piece of rouih broken kIumh.
Tho agony of tho woman i.s iiitotiHa, and
hiio lies at tno point oi iieatn.
A Fleet Wrecked.
Nkw Yoiik, Marcli 14. Of tlio twonty
nine Htaunch IwatH which inmle up tho
lmrlor licet of Now York only two uro
Hafe iu Hjit. Nino were wrecked iu tho
Htorm Monday, uud tlio other eighteen re
main ontlrnlv imlu'inl nf. Tlio oxtstrIini,ii
of the men of tliolwatM that were wrecked
waH terriblo in the extroine. It hcoiiih
mintculouH that there wuh, ho far tin
known, no Ions of life.
HeriiiBiiu's Plea,
Wauiiinotox. March 14. Tho hwt
Stato to bo heard by tlio committee on
riveru aud hurborit won Orogon. wIumui
ciaiuiH woro proHontcu to-iuv. nermann
tnado an earnest and forcible ell'ort bo
foro thocomniittco tho momtorH of which
Hcemcd much iutorcMtcd, unking many
lue8tionri. Hermann exhibited wimple
of many of tho chief productH of the
State, und altogether womcd to mako a
gixxl itn ii or-rti it on the committee, lie
naltl tho entrance to tho Columbia wax
miHcoptihlo of us groat improvement uh
wurt ilie Colilen liute. Tho channel In
ISM wuh thirty-four feet wido : now it Ih
only eighteen. Three feet more wutor
over tho bur meant mlllloim of dollurri
iidtled to tho prolltH of tho produccra und
HhipperH, us it cost t-.dO per ton to havo
oxs)rtri iloted over the narrow und
hIiuIIow entrance and exit way.
The Wiikou Itoud Ornnts,
Wahiiisotox, March 14. Tho Interior
department Ih mukingu deterinlued ellbrt
to rcfttoro tho forfeited wagon road land
gruutH of Oregon to tho public domain,
witli hopcH ot being able to accomplish
thin worthy object.
Illtllciilty With The Moors.
Wahui.vuto.v, 14. Thu MooriMh An
thotitlen Heem dlHM)Hed to dinregard tho
proviHloiiH of tho treaty with thin country
miide iu 1880, iu refusing to release from
prison certain Moorish subjects who uro
under American protection. Tho State
dopuitmont lias given tho government at
Morrocco u fortnight to uflbrd satisfac
tion. A California Lady Injured,
Nkw Yoiik, March 14. Among tho
nassengerri on tho Chicago express train,
into which tho Atlantic oxpresn run ut
Dobb'H Forry Monday, wan Mro. Itoll, of
California, who wuh on her wuy to Eu
rope. She hud both logs brokon In thrco
or Course.
rniLADUi.riiiA, March 14. At Clinton,
on tho 1'hiladelphlu, Wusliingtou & l!ul
timoro railroad, u hiiow lxuml train wuh
run into, and n number of passougerM
were Injured and tho conductor killed.
Gresham Decides,
Ciiicaoo, March 14. Judgo OreHhuni
hat) decided that tho Ilurlington road has
no case ugulnnt tho "Wabash, uud refuses
to grant tho mundumuH comiielllng tho
latter road to handlo tho othor'H can).
Harry Kiulley Dead.
Portland, Oh., March 15 Hurry
Smllov, known in tho horso circlcn, com
mitted Htiicido ut tho Kmpiro House, in
Tucomu, Y. T., yesterday by HWullowing
laudanum. Ho left a note Haying "1
cannot keep Mruight. (iood byo. Sond
niv innnnv to (). Sinilev. l'ortlaml." This
naiiio jiurty Hwinciied W. J. Jlorrow, of
Heppner, uud J. tj. Wilson, of Salom, of i
foverul hundred dollarn about it year ago. 1
A Powder Explonloii, I
Oiiass Yai.i.i:v, Cai, Jhirch 14. At 8
o'cbx'k this morning an explosion occur-,
ed at the Kuieka mine which sli(s)k tho I
town llko a btrong cjirthquako. A
quantity of "vigorito"' jiowder hud ox-i
plodeil lu a dry-honto, entirely duiuoljdli-1
ing thut structure. A young mutt named
Suinuel C. Trobllcox wuh killed by u Hy
ing stone. William Shields und John
1'iiul woro fatally injured. Tho men who
wero under ground were hoisted out, and
wero ull Hitvcd.
Fight With Iliilldlts.
Nooaus, Aiu.oNA, March 14 Mexican
troopa havo had a desperate fight with
u largo patty of banditti near Los Item
idioH. Tho bunditH w'oro headed by
ThoudoHlo. lVmal, a brother of tho ban
dit chief recently killed, and an American
named Qill who wuh with tho bandits,
wero killed. A largo amount of arum und
utnunltiou wero captured hv tho troops
also imortunt papers were found on tlio
body of tho dead chief.
A Voluntary Leper.
San 1'hancihco, March 14. Tho story
comes from Honolulu that Kcenan, tho
murderer sentenced to death herein 18S4,
uild who hud bin sentenco commuted on
tho condition that ho would undergo tho
oiierution of bain; inoculated with the
virtu of loprosy in tho Inturestt of patho
logical Hclenco, Inn begun to show HlgiiH
oi tno dread disease, lie was inocu
httod u!)out four yeurn ago.
A Wiinmii's Suicide,
MoNiriiKY, Cai.., March 14. A MIsh
Hyun, wlio.e marrige engagement wuh
rccontly broken otr, Juincil overboard
between huh place and huuta Urns, und
was drowned.
Thn Dnminlir Cuso.
San Fiiancisco, Manili 14. In tho col
ebrated case against John A. Demmig,
charged with tho murder of Henry Hon
hay son, tho jury woro unablo toagrco,
and wero discharged.
A Married Couple Accldentally,Meet After
un Absence of Tweuty-llvs Years.
Tho commencement of a wonderful
narrative in tho lives of two persons dates
buck twenty-live years, wneii John L,
Smith and Catherino llrady wero secretly
married In county Cavau. Ireland.
Smith wuh a jioor boy, while Miss Ilnuly'H
lather wuh u well-to-do tanner. .Mr,
Jlrudy was ho furious when ho discovered
his daughter had married without his
consent mat lie remseii to recognize
Smith as bin son-in-law, or permit his
daughter to live with a man whom she
had married. Ninth resolved to emi
grate to tho United States, earn HUlllcleiit
money to sond for his wife, uud take her
away from her father. Ho lost no lime
after ho lauded in Now York in liudiicj
Krio county, Pennsylvania, where ho ob
tained work on u farm. There ho saved
his money in Iioinih of soon having sulll-
clout to fend for his wife. Ho wrote her,
liut.xecelved no answer, After u your or
two no came to tlio conclusion sue nun
Ikjoii Hiituciontly Inlluonced by her father
to discard him, consequently ho learned
to forget her, and, after some years, mar
ried uud started west, fettling in Oregon,
where ho owns a lino farm of land and
quite u supply of live stock.
)xwi ull this timo Mrs. Smith hud
her troubles. Tho letters written to her
by her husband from tho United States
never reached hor. So she came to tho
conclusion that Smith had dei-etted her.
and to get uwuy from her associates, who
weio accustomed to jilsj her on lieing
neither maid, miss nor widow, she re
solved to go to Now South Wulos. Ar
riving in Sydney, slio went to work uh a
domestic, lieing u lino looking woman,
she soon attracted uud udmired u intiii
named Viiughan, whom she married.
After twulvo or fourteen years of married
life, Vaughun, whllo out on it surveying
expedition iu Queensland, was killed by
tho natives, leaving his wife childless uud
with but little means. In this condition
she struggled along for some years, und
llnully cumo to Sun Francisco.
AiKitit two weeks ugo .Mrs. Miuuiiuu
went to the Alcazar theatre, On one of
tho side seats close by where she sat. was
a man with gray hair uud u weather-
iH'iiten lace. During mo intermission a
young man vacated his sent. This brought
tho farmer lu full view of Mrs. Vuughau.
ino lurmer saw Airs. Mtugnun'ri luce.
I lu naid attention to her voice und hoard
hor laugh ut some remark made by a lady.
no Kept ins eyes riveted upon tno woman
und waited impatiently until tho
nlav was over. When tho audience stood
unto leave, ho kept us near Mrs. Vuuuhun
us ho could until tho sldowulk wuh reached
when ho excused himself to tho ladies.
and boldly asked Mrs. Vuughuti if her
maiden name was not uathonnu iirauy,
and if she was not from county Cavoii,
lrolund. hlie unswercd yes, imt wished
to know why ho asked such a question.
Iiu said 11 she would U'lvo him nor undress
ho would call uud inform her why ho did
so. Ho wus furnished with thu uddress,
and culled next duy uud made himself
It wusjthon discovered that tho young
couple who were married lu Ireland -)
years Ixiloro. mot In HiiHcity. hintni lieing
a widower und Mrs. Vuuguan it widow,
A second uiarrlaL'o wuh deemed not nec
essary, uud tho old ties wero simply re
newed. .Mr. unit .Mrs. muiiii uro now
upon their ranch in Oregon.
Tho first stato election of tho President
ial your will Ih) that lu Ithodo Island
April 4. Tho Stato gave Itlalno a plu
rality of (I,4:t0, but tlio Democrats elected
their governor last year by a plurality of
L',t).4. Tlio Democratic state convention
is called for Monday, the llitli lust, uud
u lively campaign is promised.
Now York World; It is about timo
for lllaino'h third letter declaring his
llrst and second to havo been sincere.
It is haul for it nubile man to Ikj ox looted
to mako ufllduvit to a l'rusiilentiul declin
ation, ,
Tlio Science of Sciences and Only Hey to
tho Word.
If according to tho laws of order or
der itself can oxpresn itself in no other
way than in tho most perfect form so
also according to tho laws ot otder, tho
disorderly may not enter tlio halls, the
stately halls of spiritual jurisprudence.
Yuit remember that tho man without the
wedding garment was refused admittance
to tho marriago feast. It was tho mar
riage of love uud truth ; the marriage of
Christ and tho Church: and so it is was
written When Jehovah Uud had driven
out tho man, (who took counsel of tho
scrtHHit of self-conceit, uud thought him
self us Uod, knowing good and evil,)
lie inudo cherubs, or guards, to dwell ut
tho cast of thu garden of Intelligence and
wisdom, and tho tlamo of a sword turn
ing itself hither and thither, to keep tho
way of tho tree of life Uon., II, '.Nl. 24.
Tho East is tho source of light and civil
ization, and it continually seeks of itself
tho way of tho tree of life. Tho letter of
tho Word in terriblo denunciations, that
Mash like a tlamo and cut like a sword,
guard thu hidden manna of tho tree of
life, to tho end that tho truth bo not pro
faned, and Its meaning Is turned hither
and thither bv many different und di
verse sects. Thus guarding tho way to
tho tree of life, to thu cud that tho truth
Ixj not profaned is made' necessary, as
every soul to a latgo extent chooses and
makes its own surroundings, uud it is
disorderly to t.eek life uud lifit without a
rccouir.atlou of tho source of life uud
11 tht. Tho sense of tho letter of tho
Word us n guard is slgnllled and also de
scribed In thu Word by cherubs. Cher
ubs were said to dwell iu tho east of tho
harden, so cherubs of gold wero placed
upon tho two cuds of tho mercy seat,
which was upon tlio Ark iu the tuber
nuclo Hx., 110. 18-21. Tlio Ark slgnl
lled tho Word, because tho decalogue was
In it ; tlio cherubs there slgnllled a guard.
So also thu cherubs titou tho curtains of
tho tulioriiuclo uud niton tho veil Fx,,
ill, l-:tl. So also tlio cherubs carved
uon thu walls and doors of thu temple of
JoMisalem 1 Kings, 12. So also it was
written concerning tho king of Tyro
Thou scaloit up tho sum, full of wisdom
and perfect in lwuuty; thou bust been
In tho garden of Kden; every precious
stono was thy covering; thou, O cherub,
a i-o thu outspreading of him that cover
etli; I have destroyed thee, O covering
cherub, iu thu midst of thu stones of Hie
Hx,, ."'I. Ily Tyro Is slgnllled cogni
lions of truth, antl hence by the king of
Tyro, tho Word whouco those cognitions
uro. Thut tho Word Is slgnllled by tho
king of Tyro und it guard by hcrubsis
muttlfcH In- this Thou sealost up tho
sitiu ; ovcy precloitH stono wuh tho covor
Ing; thou, O cherub, uro tho outspread
ing of him thut covureth. Ily precious
stones uro slgnilled truths; so it was
written of thu Now JoruMilotu tho Now
Chinch. Tho wall hud twelve founda
tions garnished with ull manner of pru
clous Motion Aikjc, 21. The wall und
tho foundations of tho wall can menu
nothing but thu externals of tho Word,
which Is llko a wall with its foundations
which oilcloths uud protects it city. Tho
covering cherub Is dojlroycd in tho midst
of tho stones of Uro that Is to say tho
letter of tho Word und Its meaning is ex
plained by thu stone:) of Uro or tho truths
of love; heat or lire corroqionds to divine
heat or divine love. Slucu by cherubs Is
signified thu Word iu its ultimatcs, and
also u guip-d. It is said by David Jeho
vah bowed the heavens, and camu down
and nxlo ii)it a cherub 1's., -I), Shep
herd of Israel, who sltteth iiK)ii a cheru
bim slilno forth l's., HO, 1, Jehovah
sitteth upon thu choruhlm l'ri., 1)1), 1.
To rido niton cherubs uud to sit ujiou
them moans iiimju tho ultimutu
sense of tho Word. Tho spiritual
sense of tho Word is thus guarded
lest any one should jiervert tho genuine
truth, und force it to confirm even what
is false. Iu;ersull holds not tho truth it
self up to ridicule; of tills ho lias no con
ception, hu strikes only at tho guard.
His mistake consists hi not distinguish
ing tho wheat front tho tares, uud is ut-
tuiiiptiiig to Pluck up ls)th by thu roots.
Tho spiritual kiiiso was slgnilled by thu
vusturu ot the Jord, whlcli was wiihoui
seam, and which was not divided by thu
Jowh at thu passion of tho cross.
And 1 saw and Iwhcld u white cloud,
and Ukjii thu cloud, ouo llko thu Son
of Mun: Ahi. 10. Slgnllled tho I.ord
us to tho Word. Ily tho cloud tho Word
in thu literal seuso us thu letter, und by
a white cloud, tho Word In the literal
sense us it is interiorly, Ikjcuuso white is
predicated of truths in the light. Now
us the 1-ord represents himself to John
uh the Word, or truth, therefore uh seen
bv him hu Is culled tho Sou of Muu.
Tho J-ord often said that they should sou
tho Son or .Hun coming In thu clouds oi
heaven, not earth, in jiowur uud glory,
not iu jicrson. Ily tho clouds of heaven
is meant tho Word, in tho seme of tho
letter, by glory tho spiritual sense uud by
Kiwer, thu ljrd's power through tho
spiritual sense. Thut this is thu significa
tion of tho clouds of heaven may bo seen
iu many passages. Theio is none llko
unto thu (iod of Jerusalem who tidetli
iu heaven, and iu umguiflccncu tuou tho
clouds. I's. (hi, 4. Jehovuh ridoth upon
tlsj cloud. I, 10. (iod rode iioii the
Cherubs, and put for his tent tho clouds
of lieavoii. 1's. IH; 10. 11. Juhovuh
creuted over overy dwelling place iu
ion, a cloud by day, for iini all thu
glory shall lie a covering. Is. 4, ". To
ridu signifies to instruct in divine truth.
Iu thin hoimo Jod liduM Unjii the (ioiitls
of thu luttur. 1'oor wouiy souls who
drouin of huuvon, whopiuy: "Thy king
dom ooino," and fig it every itop of the
advanconmnt oj thu kingdom of the llv
1 Itnr Uod unon earth. Many with hearts
all broken with losses, nil weary witli
dragging tho crosses, too heavy for mor
tals to lear, with Uh hunger uud with
Its thirst, tho fien.y uud lire of the bruin
that grasps at the fruitage forbidden to
quiet its fever and pain, to you thero
como words of cheer, words of hoio, not
in tlio depths of the gloom will you Hud
them, they are altovo the horizon, they
are among tho stars of knowledge, tho
cognitions of truth uud wisdom. Itcst in
tho Ixml und wait patiently for him.
I'd. 42, 7. Itest in tlio Word und wait
patiently for tho revelations of its wisdom
from on high, for iu tlio lightning tho
Word or w isdom was with Uod and wuh
Uod, and without him was not anything
nuulo that was mudo. John 1 . You who
uro troubled rest with us when tho I-ord
Jesus shall lie revealed from heaven.
2. 'flies. 1, 7. To tho degree that wo
iHjrcelvo tlio elllcaey and philosophy, tho
lovo and wisdom of tho Word, so Is our
faith. Ycit.M).
.lodge, Dean Decides a Question of Adop
tion, Fiom theHalcm Statesman.
Tho citso of Mary K. Ferguson vn Surah
A. Jones, action for tlio ioscsslon of real
projierty. was it peculiar and interesting
cuso. Tlio pluntlir, Mary K. Ferguson,
nee Mary K. Junuer, was tho grandchild
of 1). W. Jones, husband of Sarah A.
Jones, tho defendant, who was Jones
second wife. On April 2, 1877. J. W.
Jones and wifa tiled etitiou iu tlio county
court of Marlon county, for tho adoption
of Mary Kllun Jenner (tho pluntlir), then
it minor 10 years of ago. Her mother.
Kiiimu U. Jenuer, who hud lioen divorced
from her husband Junuer, uud liecn
awnrded tho custody of Mary Ellen, gave
her written consent to Htich adopted. No
notlco was given to Jenner of tlio udon
tion, but II yours nfter, in 1880, Mary hi
leu wrote him of tho matter, and ho an
swered, upprovlng thereof. In 18SIJ,
Mary Kllen went to Seattle to live, at tho
Instance of Mr. uud Mrs. Jones, und tho
hitter Hied a iwtitlon in tlio county court
asking to lie released from their parental
obligation und thut thu decree of adoption
Ih) declared cancelled uud of no otfect.
This etltlon fur renunciation thu court
allowed. No notlco of any kind was given
to tho pluntlir of the latter iHitltlon or of
the court thcroalxjiit. Thu plantitl' hud
meantime lsicotno married to Ferguson.
Jo.ies died intestate, uud now tho pluntlir
sues the witlow for her Interest In a jwr
tion of his real proorty. Tho defense
'iuiniM thut she was not u legal heir.
'fiio court llnds: I. That tho decree
of adoption mentioned Is binding und
conclusive upon Kininii U. Churlesworth
and Suruh A. Jones, her successor in In
terest; 2. l'lalntili' Is owner and unti
tled to possession of tho undivided ouo
half of Jones' real property her mother
lieing thu other helr,l subject to defend
nut's dower. !l. l'lalntili' is entitled to
judgment for thu possession of said real
projierly antl for ouo dollar damages.
'lite property involved is ulsnit ltV
acres of hind ulwut seven miles south of
town, which, when the estate was divid
ed ufter Jones' death, Mrs. Jones and
Mrs. Jenner, now Mrs. C'hurlesworlh,
had agreed to allot by deed to tho for
mer. Mrs. Churlesworth makes no dis
pute of her daughter's heirship.
Thu cusu will doubtless bo upoa!od to
tho suiuemu court, thu defense making
thu point that plalntlll' was not legally
adopted, Is-cuuso her father was nuvor
iiotillcd of such action iu accordance witli
Ueo. II. Ilnriiott is attorney for the
plululliruud ltumsuy k Ilingerhum uud
Seth It. Hammer for the defense.
Solid for lllnlne.
Thu Allegany county (N, Y.) Itcpuhll
can otrurs to accept any subscription Ih
tw con now und June IHth, payable only
when J. U. Illaiiiu shall houlcctcd 1'icsl
dent of tho I'nlted StuteH. That Is to say,
November llitli next! "Of course, In
cure of Mr. liluluu's death, this ugi ce
ment docs not hold." Thu Heptibllcan
furthermore oilers to sond Its Issues froo
to uuy uddress on thu condition thut tho
recipient pay thu usual rates for thut
journal iu cuso Mr. lllainu is nominated
ut Chicago in Juno. Thn editor pithily
says that thu public "now has a chance
to get a common country journal, edited
by n 'd d country scrlhblur,' dirt
cheap for a little whllo." lu all Justice
to tho editor of tho Republican It must Ihj
acknowledged thut his oilers uro most
Lost Ills Arm Through Kindness,
li, NuK)ll. un Italian rancher, hud his
arm crushed Isitwecn thu laws of u cow.
at Dayton, Nevada. Ho observed tho
animal was choking from a jiotuto stuck
In its throat, und thrust his arm into tlio
cow's mouth and pushed thoiotatodowu.
' When he attempted to withdraw his arm
thu Is'itst closed its jaws and held Naolt'rt
arm with such it grip that only hv prying
thu cow's jaws oH!ii with an Iron bar
could It Isj extracted, Amputation was
All the .Money Expended,
From tlieSutem Stutmnuu,
I). 1. McD.iniol, chairman of the Iswrd
of commissioners for the building of the
I 'ino creek wagon road iu I'liion county,
for which tlio legislation oi' ;ss.i appio
printed f lf, 000, made hlsrcpoit nf ex
penditures to tho Secretary of stale It
appears that $I2.ri,'t:i,7') weio paid out for
tho building of the road, luldges, i tt ,
ami 2, lli(l.2o for sundries, ;itl. riu a
fmw, etc.
Tho first pa our every published in ( l
i i fori i la wain tno Cnllloruluu, piloted at
j Moiibsroy, hy CVsUon A Kviuple i.'o i
I 22, liHli.