East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 14, 1888, Image 3

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    MOAY. MAUCH H. 18S3.
bM.VI1i.I44i COUNtV ClKANClinti.
Titii Ii6Aui 6tf ViiAiVri. j
111121? CASH AAVAI1DH.
IsIrth of tlio KAHT ui ni""-"
ili.nl in t.irer throe amu iiw.in.,
Hiimmryl, iwn, in nil "
I'lrnt AwhmI 1
t .J I tt ('(till ruin to llio llrm r
Li... tlin vmir IMS. expend
iini'y lit mlvcrtlshi In tho col-
U.illy iiml scini-wooKiy i-..i
Hi-ooiiiI Award I
I,, roln to tlio ticn-on
llr.i'i the "lllw '""I1 cxtcliKivoiy
ItlotiHtnthu Dally orHi-mi-w iimiy
Uiak. l'IIIilt for imperii Mr mom-
Irotliura, clurlnK t lie year lK-rf.
Thlnl Awnrtlt
IDom.aiw 111 Hold coin to U10 boy or
1 fIkIUccii ycurn of ne, who koIIcIIm
tuiiil piiy Into the olllco for sub
to tliu Pally or fJflMl-Weolily Uaht
M'tliu lurxeitl niiiount, ilurlliK tlio
of tlic titiitiuni pnm 111 win iiu
Ey mid H.-cretly by IIiIh olllce until
ti uro mode. Kvcryono nirivniK wr
h will liitvu tlio prlrllugu of cluck-
kcvplliK nil necoiini inr iiiainicivin.
Klin receive coiiiliiuuuiiiiit nir mir
I not bo iillowt'U to competu for
nl. , ... ...... ....
Jinn urcKninnn ihiji.i.4
Iton.ilutloiiK Adoptnl-Tlio nrniiBcru Mkoly
tn liicrcmo ltiiild'y Till minim r in
lliimtlllii County.
Ah noted ti few tluyH no. tho Dologutorf
of llio Uriiiigorn of I'iniitillu County mot
In Poiullototi on tho una him., ior ino
tmrnoHO of electing u ilelcy:utu to tlio State
UruiiKo, which will moot In Salem on
tho fourth Tuesday In Jlny,
V. A. Humplo wiih thu delcKiito.
Tho following rcHolutloiw wero adopted,
and ordorod publlfilicd in tho Laht
Oiti:aost,N und rondloton Trihtmo.
HoMlvcd, tlmt wo, tho delegated of tho
OrmiL'orH of Unmtlllu County, Oregon, In
..t.v,miinii MHMiMtililed. do itiKtruut our
A H'lrltPtl Mectlnp: I.nul levelling C mmlt
I Appointed A rurtlnlllrpnrtMiuto
Tliu Long Creek Itontl ."Mutter Tnkeii up
Agnln Opinion of tlin Gmmty C'uiiit.
A inniiltiiif nftlin Itmirilnf Trillin.
liurHtmnt to will, wan held hist evening.
About twenty membcra uero prot-ont.
Tho pronldeiit, Mr. l.ulleruy, preHided.
The report of ox-treumiror V. S. Hyero
wuh lllcd, Hliowing tho ruceiptH and ex
penditure. dating tho paid year, unci u
bulnneo of fl.M.& in tho treasury.
Tlio application of Frank Utiprut for
memltcrHhip in tho liotml wan read, and
on motion tho mien were minponiled, und
1 I I.. .... IK.U ll.l.l.lt.lllllult. 4llltJfll,l
VUIM vllll'.Hl lir-nvii..v., , , UI. J'UII1IV niiniaiHiiunwnntJ vivvn.ni
delegate to pronent to tho eonniilorutiun t)10 Hpoclul eonimiUeu to eoiifer with
of tlio Stato Oranuo tho following do- jir, cj. W. Hunt and to coupler tho
1 .. .1 . ... iii... 11 c. w n ...ti-.....i I.,,.
eianuioiiH. , , miiuor 01 uiu u. n. . niuium
Wo demand Ithat tho noxt Legwlaturo to i'etidloton mudo u report, Hulwtuuliiilly
reiieal tho foneo law of North Lustorn ,wfollnwH:
Oregon, and that tho common feneo of Thoy appreciated tho Imporlaneo of tho
tho county, ait u fouco connMIng of two mattor, and thought all iiohhII.Io eneour-
wlrcH, with poHtH not at intervalH of twenty ugemont and luwlritum'o Hiiould Iks given
M f t ..... 1.1... tl f f.M . " . . ( . . ( I ll. .1 ll .......
leej, no recognized hh u lumm icuvu mi m it, out ciui not uoiiHiuor inui inuio mm
UiIh portion of tho Statu. any twHsibillty of raining tho .:W,000 do-
In fhilf Will IfHtllL'O litr 1 limit Tlini- 1 1 irtilt rt I f.
atul regtilato freight eltargc.con all articleH that probably tho town would provide
01 iratlHIHinauon Oil ruurumn in""" i neCCHHiiry rtglll-01-aj uuu uuihji uroiiiiun,
Btiito, una proveni iiikctiiiiiiiuiumi nt leiwt 11 1110 roaiicuiim 00 uroiiKiu (lunu
rcliatefl in favor of any porxon or cIuhh. i10 n0rtli Hldo of tho river, and recom-
Tliat tho law tx ho amended aH to pro- inomiU( tho piiKHiigo of n reHolutlon in-
vldo for tlio election of an UB'seHHor in Htructing tho nccretary to conimunlcato
each precinct of every county In the- witli Mr. Hunt, and requent liim to tm-
Statu. That wo Iwllvo tho tarilr Hiiould curUii, lM Hikm tw practicable whether
bo taken off tho neccHaitlos of life, and thin could bo dono.
i 1.. 1 .... . . .1.1 1
retained on an luxuries. The reiwrt wiih utiopieu, uuu uiu run-
Theroaro but three GrangoH in thiH Olutlon miggcsled wiih pasned, and tho
cniintv. Two of them wore organlr.eil by muritiirv wan Intruded to furnlHh Mr
IcalHgoto tho Miwonio rcHtaur-
k1 Walllo 1h braUuinan on rcgu-
i!r ljoHtaurant 1h tho place to get
L,.,i. u
iulliKiiiciit tax lint for Walla Walla
luuountH 10 0,tUU.i..
iiuitir utor of tho Cottauo
: La Orando. in in town.
i HniHt Ih Improving hi Slur Sa
r putting In a now front.
iitv u. s. Murwimi l-urn mi canio
pom I'ortl.iiul tills morning.
ermiiu, Hecretary of tho O. A .
tl., In over from Witlhilu to-day.
lierco, A. M. Klan and J. ll. Ma
luf Milton, were In town Tuesday
ki .(. iv.uiwiv nm niiiklnif tliulr "Ar-
IV J.lfHIIV,. ...w r,
tt" ono of tho most iopuiar ro-iortn
it k. lluvKMilurliiL' thu winter. Ono of
thuf'o Ih located at llontloy'H Hchool houno
1 Kuriinv iiiitl tlin (ithnr 111
iii ;wnm ,ji pr . ---
South Juniicr. The other wiih organized
lltlniiu urn ri.i'fl Viwl from all IliirtH of 1 1 10
niiK' iiwibtti'f llitif il irniiitfii linnrLrilli(iil
within tho roMpcetlvo nelgfilwrltoodH.
Accordingly arrangeiueius are m ikj
made to nectiro a lecturer, whono IiuhIiichh
It will ho to oivunlzn Giiiiil'oh in thin and
adjoining countleH.
I'ltbiio meeungri win no iioki in inner
cut localitieH, when all who may dofllro
will navo an opitonuuu.v oi uxpreHNiiK
iliitmiuilviiu. u'liKtlmr llinv lm L'nmL'('rH or I r i.
IIIVIIII'Vtvir il ..w...w. O ' 1 VJOIIVIIt
nui. i uiiuer ino nuim w nun iiranvnn
'ho farmerH of thin Hoctlon tiro fast Ur, Cohen called up tho aivi Croak road
Mu iL-niilni. I tlwt fiii'l that llinv amiclaHH. ...ni(..r I In unM u'ii Inn) luin talking
tiniuHt ioitlHlatlon and dlHcrimliiatlon, tiro thl' drcek now for uliotit two yearn, unil
made to Iwar moro than their Hlmro of jt WttS xm t0 do Homething that w
l.itclitnu rrimv nm ulrntitf hi tlin Ivnlinf I t.! wt:t.. .1 .iuiilfij
Cn. received two full
coed from tho 12ut
or JonoH
UIh of now
bnniition whoro to buy notary or
.iii.in mii1( heatt can Ikj found
l"iN'uw-To-dav." '
E .. . i 1-..1...
YJ. 11. KoontlS, UIO louiuiuroi j.vim.
b onterprlHlug, progreHwlvo clllwn of
tv..lv lain.', wart in town ycHterday.
ni . . . . ; ...
WaHliimiton Territorial llopuhlieuti
.. ...Ill I .. I. ..I, I l,'l Li.iulmrir
pinion win ih: ntm iiuiiih
Kd. and will confint ol 117 dolegatJJ
hk Javand Hurry l-rantisaro giving
t...,f Ai..v,mii,ir ,v razor h hioru ii
Bof Uurnett'H itnK!rviouH llmo paint
I M. Starr and inotlior left hiHt. nlght
Iholr future homo at .Mount moor.
Starr. Sr.. wl l remain In rentlleton
ort will o longer.
fco Walla Walla train did not leavo
fnwirnliiL' until KtU'J. It wulted for
L. ..jt.i.,.,,.,,1 f... t,.),l Iii nrilnr to taka
nil carload of cattle through without
IT. .... .. . lit
k.i wi iitiivt nm mi tor uiiuor "iOH
Piy" for tho construction of tlio Mat
bargent brick building on Main
Bt. Thu DltlH win do oiHJiieu nui
HneHday. tho 11 Hi liiHt.
T. Wh to. iiM Htant icretary ol tho
It w. T. U. H.. loft for Portland on
nvmiliiir'M train, to roill.llll KUVUrtll
fck. From rortland ho will go hurt
Li vlnit to bin Darentrt und friends in
banv. Now York.
t tlimn vnnrri UL'O ono A. I). Hicll
Ih was convictatl In rortland ol lorgory,
I bontenced to Is yearn liiiprlsoninent.
Supremo court has nun rovorned tho
gotnont ol ino lower court, uim iucu
x will Do (ll.seimtwi.
lv l." M,itlvi1f mill lloliort Sareunt
ivo' let tho contract for tho building of
i. f.iimilatioii wans 01 Uieir uuw uricn
i l.nllt mi .Main. Imtweoii
IIIVIIIIHI 1 'V ' W - - -
Ita and Wobb rtreet, to Mierwcodi-c .mo
I'linu. at 14 cenlH a euoio ioai.
Sliniriiin. ono of tho prominent
irmera north of lV-iuUeton, wuh in town
day. llo wivh tlio wncai uueiy non
.... .....i in.,i'u'j If tli I'liinliiL' cran will
ill. unit twflvra ..a n .
Ivn nui lnuu fmiri biivlna to lm rcHown
Wr .i.i i..
inniTountoi mo excessive com
luring tlio part winter.
ll....t ! .tiv .if (tin rnluirl
Inquiry being uiado ubout tho adver-
tu.,. .,t,n f .rniutuiil I iv Mnrutoii ,t .mmrilll.
""i!""" i"up"v" ; ; ". . '
tlio lattjr gentleman Bald that iih vet no
-I-eozer, Marrton,
AV. Wheelor, ritss
Invvlnif I'otnnilttecH!
On MeinlxjrHlili
On HtatlHUCH il,
Gerald, llhini.
On LoaiMlatlon Wairer, oung, h. M
On IHghwayH AloxauUer, urceno
MoorhottHo. ....
On FInanco Kothchlld, J.ivcrmonj
(.v..,.. ...w .... n UllllVj F.VV'V.-. IV1,
of thu ellleacy of organiration. realizing im Wugor moved tliat u committee of lour
lllOV 00 UIO IKJliey Ol ouiur cnowun nimru iuj iiiiDolnieil 10 VIHIC UlO JAIIIK urcuit iu
interoit Ih hi HtrlklngcontniHt with thelrH. Ki0n and adjacent and Intormed
ihey are ooui in nun
nml llin iirnliirllfifi tn
tlil.wl I ......t. ,u,j.M' in tin ilium mill tlin i!nit
vii.v... ... I IIU'IW Hivunmiij v ...... w . .... ...
Tho Grange as an organization Ih non- tlioreof, and ieiort ua early uh iiructlcablo
ti,irllv,m In mlli.lfiii iinii.uinliirlaii ! vnt. I iAil, iix...l
...... , ... .v..n.w.. . . IU illU I'Vlllll.
lU'cordlng to tho instruction given by tlio Tho mattor wu dlHetiPHed nt boiuo
worthy nuiHtoin of both Stato und Nu- length, mid tho motion was carried. Tho
tlonal Grungos, It Ih plainly made our nresident announced that tho moinbor.1 of
dutv toootiHlder all ipiCHtlottH which may u,u commltteo would not lw uppolnted ut
concern tho public, whether thoy bo po- tlmttliuo, uh ho wished to put on tlio
lltlcal, commercial, or local. Yet wo uro committee- only Hitch men uh would bo
to diHciiHH tuem uh grange, us urouiem, Hru t0 uo ami ultend to mo inuiier.
iil u ivi1IMitiiiiu lnvlntp iiuliln nil liarlv I i i..f.. .IU.,nuMt..ii tltiitirtilimiu.mviii
ll'i. iw iii.ivi,,,,,, y .,(, -"- JHll IIIU llinvunniwii , ,i w ."flv -
or Hcctfonal projudlco, and uccoptlng factH nlu North Fork canio in for u Hlmro, and
uh wo llnd thom. . In niiinl)cr of inembcrH of tho Hoard quite
it Ih tliu object of tlio urango to doai freely expressed their opinion ol tho pros-
f.itrlt. ii-ltli illl f'lllUMi'M. milllltllttlL' nil I tfliliil. litiuuriluirvtliitlllltK
II.I..J v. .............. . uuivrfuiiuiy vWlll,llllV....,..,v..-v....,-.w....
friendly terniH, to far uh jiesHlblo, with an,i olmtinately refused to lend tho least
iraiiHiHjnaiioii unu ouiur uiiiiiMiovn, uu-1 uHslstanco or oven mo sugiuusi um-uiu-
maiidingnoiiiiug more mail in jum. agementto tlio enterpriso. uim iironu
Tho Gningo, after twonty-ono yearn of ., Doniocrat roniarked that it was
oAi'srznn ik 'fin: iuvkr.
Mr. Ilnunii mid 111 Thrc Chltilren Nnr
rowly i:epe Drownlns In the Uiirn-
tlllit. ,
Yesterday afternoon as Mr. A. H.
Haniia, who liven near tlio mouth of I
Wild Horse, wiih fording the l inatllla
near tho railroad bridge, the wagon was
upset and lie ami IiIh tlireo children were
thrown out of tho wagon into the water.
The river has been rising lately, and tho
water there Ih tmlto deep and swift. Mr.
Haniia, who lum been employed In haul
ing gravel, started to cross the river,
driving a span of mules, attached to a
farm wagon, with a bed on It. When In
about tho deepest and roughest place, tho
mules iKH'tttnu uniniinuwuble, und swung
around, headed up stream, eauing tho
,,i t, nfiirliirn. tn tlin wairoll with
Alt lliitimi U'l.t-n lilu thrnn I'hlliirim. two
girl's and u boy, aged respectively, 14, 12,
I in -in... I....I 'iiu l-ill.
UUU 1U Ullin. 1HU HllpVIl ,V.II "l.r, .....
sixed, and floated oil' down stream. Tho
oldest girl being nearest Mr. Haniia, ho
llrst caught hold of her and Iwro her to
tho bank on tho other smo ot ino sireain.
Ho also shouted to tho other children to
hold fast to tho wagon-box. Thin thoy
did witli some dilllculty, tho noy iicttig
assisted bravely by IiIh sister, except for
...i.., ..ir.vriu i, ,.nl lilm mi tlin box and
kcap him thero ho would doubtless havo
iMJC'ii drowned, ah h wiih no un rani-
.,1,.l,,lv imili.r wiilnr for a lnlnulo or two.
and it is a great wondor ho wiih not
drowned. After placing the older gin in
safety Mr. llunnn, assisted oy .nr. .ascv
.....1 .'.tlwii-u wliii uiirn nnur wbnn tho IK'Ci'
l,i..l fvf.niirr.ii I ulli'i'nnilnil 111 riMlcbllll! tllO
othur children, who had drifted sovenil
r . . . ' et
lmtif Ittul vnrdrt down HUUiun. wi cuuipu
ltn ii'nni t
liiUJ iiuiv --.-. .
T.....'..l.vnu MI..1 f.ir ti Mimi it wiiailiniinht
ono of tho children would dloj but thoy
wore soon rcsuscituied, ami no ihtiuu
mint liilnrv was itono. Mr. Iluumi lost
i.tu ,,'l1 viitvnrnl tiwils with which
lm hail lM.nn worklni.'. his own and tho
bov'H coat, and some other artlelcH. Tlio
(1.. ..,.1 ..nl v. Illi tlin rininlllL'
llllliun Hilling v.. ...... ..-w -
gearoof tho wat:on,and were iccaptureil
r...r.n ,11111, .IlllV
'"" "'"V , . .... ,
Thu reiort camo 10 town jusi un i:-ii-day'H
ICAhT Oiiiicionian wiih going to
..r.w-i n. i uiiviiml iwi-Kdiis had been
drowned, ami a rejiorter wiih dispatched
With till 1KMJIDI0 HJICCII l uiu nvim
the accident, but ho wiih fortunately ami
i .11.. ,llui,i,lii(il In Unit tlio
iiluivn Win tlin onlv foundation for tho
rumor. It wiih il lucky and narrow
ekcupo for tho children.
Hotel Arrlvnli.
v.n nm linifwr (J. A. Stoiulor.
muni """ t
? CM i Vtmcnnvnr J ill 111 H II.
AUIllllltWt A ll" .
Koontz, Jicho; u. u atww iv, oi)tos,
Are You Protected?
Those who believe so thoroughly in protection should not
go nny longer without insurance on their property, of whatso
ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a polioy in a good,
J. K. ilagonbuek und who, City; T. B.
Fol'er, M. AbruhaiiiH, San ItiiucIhco; G.
W. 'kneo, St. I'aul; 0. Herman, Walltilai
oxiwrlonco, tlndn itself onbcUer footing,
tliroughout tho United StutcH und Can
ada, than it over huh neioroj ami u ino
farmern of this section do not avail thorn-
u,. id ..f flu. tvminftta It iitriiril:4 ntlinr In-
calltlen, It will lw on account of tholr own
ittipldlty or negllgonoo.
probably tho tlmt Instance on record in
tho country whoro ti County Court had
refused to ullow pay for oven Htirveying u
,ion,., tiii.lllVilV. Illlt 1 1 in 1 nn tlin coll-
Mvivnraiij ......., , it
trury roqtilrod u liond of private citlzoiiH
that thoy would pay ior ino Hurvey innoru
allowing tho county mirvoyor to do tho
nuiki ...
It Heomcd to 1)0 tho gonernl opinion
n I. T Jt.. I... K..l..l
Senator Dolnh hurt received n letter that thero wiih no hopo of encouragement
fr,., tl. tl.lr.l .niilltnr nf llin trnaHliri'. from tho lireSCtlt tOUilty LOtirt, UIHl lliat
.....i..t i.i... .i.... .i t....t,... ,.r I u it,-iiin imiut lui flnnn bv Intllvid
UOlllvlUK UUU UUU UIU uaiiiiiiiiiiuvii v I mm. iino v.v..v ..v -
tho chilli of Oregon vs. tho United Mates, ual ellort.
.... fi V . ' till..-.. 1..
OVH nil Oil IK'LOimi ui juniuu v iun un 111
,r 1 i . . . i . ii . t ....i.iir..
Una luiiiti iAii 1 1 tlntitf 1 ll til 1 f lint it trt fniihil
llin rvu vuiii'ivivn ii"" " - - -
Unit tho provisions of tho act reieia'tl to
...ituw.l in iniv rmiwiiiiiililn I'lilljltrllrtlilll lyn
V......W ttj .... t.WV Hv.
nvli iiiilml In miiliittofi iiiiv nortloli of tho
amount claimed. Tho Itonm of tho claim
aro: For pay of troopn, mippllen und
transportation, ii7,5tJvS.,J- ; bounty and ro-
llnf liiimlu luMllnil to viiluntnorM. tlil!).-i;!4.-
01 ; interest, H3,817.87j total, tlW0,8:'0.-
ii nnlnrlirluimr 1 nilll ll'tnll 1k)V.0I1 HliafCH.
lie profit to ba divided in September an
Luully, Kddio agreoing to make gooil any
osm:h from tho orighuil twentv. It is u
;ood trade for both of tlio gcntloinen.
Mr. Wm. Whitnoy, train dispatclior at
Umatilla, of tho O. H. & N. Co., and wifo
indboii, wiSro in town yesterday. Mr.
Whitney remarked to his wifo as thov
kvalked along tlio streot: "Pendleton in
bowing fast; electric HghtH, brick build
ings, and other substantial improvements
usually seen iu largo cities."
If you uro already a subscriber to tho
llnllv V..KT niivnnxuv. hv carrier, at Uo
cents u week you can have a second copy
1-4 ..1 . .. 1. ..,,-v ami iIf tr mini
r ,if fj-iiiv rfllfi fnr milv IS PTltft ft WCfik.
Tlio nrico oi tho paper by mull for u year
is fa, but you can havo a second copy
hcnt to unv friend for a whole year for 3,
A gentleman from AValla Walla eaid
vAQtanLu fliot Yin udiv a irroat. nmnv tin
horns loafing around here, who had been
driven out of Walla Walla. Thero is no
noA.1 nf IVndleton lvelnir a catch-all for
Wullii Wolla'ti nr nnv nthcr town's
trash, and tho sooner they are invited to
m .11. A. . 41. I
depart, ana compeiieu w uvtcjn, mo m-
(in mnt on. tho Hoard adjourned to
meet again this evening, wnen ino com
mittuo will lio upioiiitcd.
l,.lllli'iil Mi'i'tlnir I.rt livnillnK.
Tl,n nllnuiiii. I'liiiiniiinlcatlfin has bonn
r..Ii-,.,l nt tlilu nfllcn ! 'A vurv inlurest-
ivvvmv,, ... ..' . .r . . .
iiii! nubile meeting, free to till, wiih held
in tho Court houo lust evonlng, by tho
li...i,vr,i(li. nltliiiiu nf South I'entllutbn
nrnclnct. for tho iuiri)oso of nominating
utiTiriitirlntn iloloL'utuS to lxi Voted Oil Ut
i,i. iirimtiriiivi iii im limn mix! nuiiiriiiiv.
I..VI .......... .V" w .. - . ( .
Tlio following named partien receiving
iim iiii.iinvit iiiiinlHir nf votu.i. wore de
clared to lw tlio choiio of tliO throng,
assembled: A. 1 bhull, John .Murnliy,
John IJHe. J. M. lientloy, Gip Wills,
Huvn Itoss. Aftorsomo very choice or
atorical HUggestions tho meeting closed.
"T, l. iiowani, viiuiiinan,
I II. Dnviiiiilii. Snorotiirv "
fit Ih sutmosed tills in u prohibition
tlckot, in disguise. Kd. K. 0.1
A Narrow Kx-ailH.
Mr. Sam Garland, of tho Indian school,
canio near being fatally Injured aliout a
A team ol horncB ho was
coining urounu tho same oiu ring wun ino drivini! run uwuy uiuiib
UA,,,nl,l nUnul,,, l" , . , , t . , . I rl1 V I I 1 , 1 , .1 1 1 , r.iwl 11 1 llllll Ollt OVlir tllO CUlHll'
pviuu uiu viiviui iiuinvn, uiiivi'Miuuvuv,, i iiiivivi .... ri . i ...
. . 1 i. ...... I .....l,. llin liniunu linnltl In llllvl
1.11.4111 I1I411U4 UIU ... ......
From the Louu Creek Knglo,
Tho motion of tho Iing creek mail iu
Hying ull around tho circumambient
hoiizon before it reaches I'eudloton is
called circumvolution. It is tho hardest
word wo can llnd to tiro ut thu sleepers
who should cortainly "wako up ubout
thU matter," ho hero goes, goutlemen
Circumvolution 1 Wo uro certuinly pros-
iiering, for in no town of Uh slzo in Ore
.. .1?.:... 4i. ...i.ii i ,.,.ii... it,.i.,
louder than hero ; but our business men,
tring uiu pasi wimer. our now reauers anu our lovers uro grow- canio near
Mr. It. Aloxander has leased his band ing old and tired wliilo tho mail is slowly week ugo.
twenty chickens to Eddio Swltzler, coming uround tho same old ring with tlio driving run
i ..... il... 1 nn l.,.wv.j UA,,,. aI,I nlmnu L.,hinu f i,n. i.v . i -rf nv I litoln tlir.-l
Mr. L. 8. Wood U CanUliUte.
Tlio followini! letter, which Ih self ex
planatory, lias been received ut tlila
ofllco ;
Officb ok this Wkhto.s Lkauku,
Westok. Ok.. March 13. 1888.
To the Editor ol llio JSaat uregonlan.
Tho leader will this Week publicly un
auuco I. S. Wood uh Its cundidato for
(VJ.lt 1 4 ...1V.V4 ...w - " " ' " .
iutltnn lift Al-ilvl 1 1 OIL" '(111 IL ClIllSUlu rulllO
... I,,.,. 11,1(11 full . lirnif-iiiL' liis lower
iiinbt). Ho fainted from exhaustion
when the .iiiinlulH wero HtoniKid iu tlieir
fright, und lias just recovered entirely
from injuries received in tho runaway,
having ueen conimeu iu ma iju mutu,
n',.11,1 WiiIIii .Tminml Anil tlin T-nrd
. 1 . . " . iii ..v...
UOUllCO 1j. O. MvKXl Ua UH CanUlUUlO ior Diesneu Jllvlliuuum; uui iiivii,. ...,.. n,.v,,,,
tho ollico of County Treasurer, BUtiject to whoso wifo Iwcame tho mother of triplets,
.1.. .....I -I l.,..l. ll. ........... I 4 ,,!rtu .mil mm In IV nil SllllllllV lli'Mlt.
1111 UvlllIU Ul UVIU Ul 111U VUUIII1 ' WI11V-U- iV b444 v,,w ,-J. - .1 1.1.
tlons, und regardlesH of iwlitics. Vlien wo first heard of it, wo thought it
KesiKJCtfully, was unotiier of tlioso vilo jokes, but ufter
Baker & Hiukkovk. making duo inuulry, we found tho Item
- - t correct. Mr. Ilislion smiles, but never
Tho todm aud buggy which' went up laughs right out. It seems three aro just
Mn 11 (.treat ut such a lively rato last u 1 ttlo too n entv. llo is u man inai
night belonged to John Winn, und had don't want tho earth, but such ia our ell
i "... .it.r. ... i... tm... iia.u
ucuu uriiju uui uuiiii nvoo. ..un i uiuiu.
they got away could not bo learned. , - 1 ,
Tlin .rUmcn wnu ulll.llf WnUl.
...v ..0.... .IV,tnn.1 4,..lninnn. Ul- UC-
..t..iAl ii'UK 4li.(t itiftrPlifllllllKA
division Bunerintendent, haa been pUced businesH, particularly dry (,'ojxlrt and
ii'w--J4, 'wv"-- -o - . a
i ,1 ..v.tlW.t Mnttm1 AttttK' ir mi
Hie Dally East Obeoonian, by mall, dress Schwabacher Bros., Walla Walla,
$9 tt year I by carrier. 25 cents a week. W. T.
Ii. C'liti'inm! Clnin T
Geo. A. Italiiu, HoIhO
K. H. Moons.
l..w,.,, Ait.iiuu
CitvjSam Wilson, Siwkano Fiillsj John
Hollund, Itocky lar; W. fa. l ord, Im
. 'mm m if . 1 i . . . T..1... Kin
Urando; ii. t. ncniiryx, vuj i oonu
Garrv, City, Win. Shishor, Vinson jG.
A. fclntlro, City; A. M.Klatn, N.l'Icrco,
Jan. Carden, Milton; Ed. A. llolland, fct.
lotils; .11. 11. ritiupson, noux; r, , .u.
Furrier, N. Cecil, Arlington; John Leo,
Salem ; lirs. Minpson unu sisiur.
...,. A. .v. linii. HiiTui Mm. Thomas
and clillii, Island City; John A. Schilds,
Ui urando; i. uaiiiuieroii, imir "Vi
Harry Baxter, wuiia wana: v. r.niier
and wifo, Mrs. C. l nrloy, hcho; u. .M
Funning, Vinson: I. Strum , l aker City;
J. A. Downing, wuuowii; u. r. luiuuuin,
iiii li.uiir. .1 n. Sluirii. T. Shari).
A .1. ....... T Mnrrluntl . MniU'lllllll ! HlOIIlllS
.11.411111 . w . .,.a a ..'v.. T . .
Klw:t. Vxinconvor: 0. llenoUcld.
- . w l . i. i. . g- i
Wtiiii uutin ki niiK. iiiri'ii cit't'k. . i
imit rv.ntorvllln: Fred Lout, lurch
...iwilft Iusitili Tuvlnr. HuL-orrMtV.
it,mAs- House. J. E. Terry: Ell
.Stonani; w. it. Jonnson, ui .iniuuu,
Smith, LTinatllla; Austin Brothers; J.M
Ti.r..ul,,.r nml ulfn. fiiiiiilrv: h. hinltll
4.4i4..q..v. ...... - -; ',..
Wulla Walla; J. i. .Aiananu, . union: .1.
T. LlenilllOII. aiiatUH; .mini inn ruyr,
r 4... T I tilmilinii Kmilrimn I tills !
E. M. fitepheiiH.Spokano lulls; A. Hoirn
Ing, lNirtlund; Will I). Barney, . h.
i.Ti 1. u ..1. i .ilj M',.11,1 U'nllii A
liaiH'OCI., 1' 1 illl IV Willin, 11 14444 4.., ..,
.1. ICnunii. I.11 Cainas; But Murry, rort
land; Ed Smith 0. Barricklow, m,
Million, AlDCrt 1.IUU0II, reaiue.
AVI111 Known IV. II. llBlrlly.
A luttcr ban been received ut UiIh olllco
from A. S. SiolKsnfoercher ol Kowon
ril.t.. iiniilriiiii tlin ivlinrniilMiUIH Ol Illl
llam'li. Ilali'sty, who, whon last heard
i.... 1 1 ..... 1 mi 11 riini'ii uim 11 cenain nr.
Jones. Bulesty'H mother ivcently died
and left un estuto to him. liaiesiy'H
many Irlends in aim uroium ueniou
U'nl hi l,o thankful for unv information
t.,, . il,r ,il. m., nl 111,111 1 nfnriiiutloil
lum vi 44441V. V..V ......v.... ........ .... - -:
unlit In IlllM OllICO Will 1)0 lOrWUrilCU
Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not
ho indulged in when it comes to taking out a policy. In tho
first place, pick out competent and
With whom to do your husiness those who represent none hut
the hest insurance companies and go straightway and insure.
When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your pecpers"
in tho direction of tho ollico of
Clopton & Jackson,
Located in the EAST OREGON IAN building, Pendleton,
whore you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma
rino, Accident or Life insurance, done up in
WA Itll-l'Af.M Kll-At tho oftler ' nt JuMlce
lill,..., ,,n T,,,..,l,.v Mum 1 1.1. I KM. llV Jim-
tlco llUlion, John Wnnl iiud Fanny
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In Pendleton,
The usual price for icaU matte brother
partlei, In Portland or the Eat, In from J8.0O
to $7.0), with cxpreM choree added. If you
need a enl, lend youronlor 16 u and ave
from 2.ro to 13.00 thereby.
East Oregonlan Pub, Co..
mbudtf Pendleton, Orego'i.
oi.i 1.1,!.. u.11 1 i.a rfinnlvAil hv IIia nniler-
ilKnfd until Weilneday, March .21, KM, for
bulldluKu oDoitory DrlcK uiuiainir, aw-oni.
Inir 10 the plan and peclnotillonn 011 exhibi
tion ut Dupalu & Howard', erocery tore.,
T ... I. U . .1 4... VI If V. ral.l UPllll4l.
unu jiiruiniicii 447 4. ..v.,,.. .,
The rlklitlt renerved to reject uny or all bid.
mcUK-ld dttiw 11. HAHQENT.
It is well to remomher that to ho secure you must insure in
ono of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Olopton &T Jackson, with a combined capital of moro than
If you contemplate insurance, call on them and get posted,
and it will cost you nothing. Remember their ollico is in tho
EAST OREGONIAN building, or address
Yiuiuon, iuu ueiivT,