DAILY AND HKMI-WKKKI.V, I1YTIIIV Et Orejfonln.ii I'.iblMilm C..iiiiiny, AT - oumioN. llAlI.YMUIMCIlllTlnN IIATKHS inn HIT Vl'lir. llV llllll . V ! 6110 m i)' "Is month", by i'"'11 "Si Kim 111 iv hit wick. by inrrii r. " Jjllllill' lllllllll'TK - HKMI'WKKWt.VMUIlHI.'UIITlOX IIATI: frl.in rnnv imt your. . iauiioriiiix iiiiiiiui" if 'mti I. ifnl.Aru 1 "'""" -v 1 . ... .... . l'fuinlum paper free toyciiriy -in":........ AIIVKIITIIfKII I1ATIMI lliiMulmi Mt rrttttm'nl'.) One Inch, or le, In HvMiAS'ry i Etwii Inelii". or li', In Ix.lli, imt inniitli... f ) BorVliroliirlH,M.jiiil-W.-.-Lly rlncli H IHT IIHIMtll .!: 'l"iV.-'i."'..'.r "Over Wren iiieniM, imir, .vi " r- ( Ovnp'"l!n- ViVelM-i.' lii ' liVlii", per Tlic'lT per nmlitl : ; 1 V' 1 HolM ii.iiii.ir.-ll .HUrllri,M;iiln I"'"''' Weekly or Dully. Hrt InwrlUiM. r Ineli, $1.0); each wiliwiiHMil lti-Tlloit, wh. NiciiI notlrcw, Km l Pr Hi"" '"'I' I" , i'ncrlloii. ( WKDNKSDAY, MAItCII M, I WW. Hnu.tlmxtrlko prnvalln, and won m to lie extcndluj, nitltor than weakunim,'. The Urotlmrhood of KiitflnciTM iimiiirl.it most of lliu U1.1t i!Ii1iii ith in tlmcouutry, inn! If they xtlek loclliur their placex am not f..inlli' llllnl. Thin enable them to ( maintain tliu nie;u longer than could b S ilonu liV liny ollitT -Ihh of lalxirerH. Ho xldeH Hid Hrolherlnxxl xeom to have tlio moral xlruiiKth of Ih-Iiik reaxonablo and right. Tho ('. II. i'c (J. road put on 11011 biothorhixxlinen, who were iimx".'ilineed nml inferior nii'ii. ill ledueed wngori. Tlm element In favciof llm htrlkers, not tin uallv nnwont in xueh movement, Im tlnit tliu public hit -nut wm lining H.ierlllecd, by puttiiit; on these ruw nml cheap men Tliu dullex of 11 hx-omotlvo engineer on nny road, nml exiecially on 11 road rarry Ing tho Iralllc that tliuC II. & (J. doc, lire of tliu limit rexxiiixlblu 11 ltd micron character, 11ml limy should Iki well paiil nml protected from inft'ilor competition. A commission prixliU'o company in Sail l'runciseo returned 110.1.1) lo 11 l-ox An gelc llrm a tliu nut prmviiU of 11 chili inont of oiiintji'rtiiml Ii'iiiiiiih, wliUli tlio hliippjr tlionlit too low. Thoy iMiiplnyril ilutoctiviM to Iruiii llm Hak'K, nml foiiml tliu fruit Inul hroilK'lit U7ll, wlili li won rotiiriiL'tl tu uvoiil uncut. Tim niiiiiu tliu Hvllillii-HK !' it " l'l" California nml Ort'tfm rrixlnco t'onipany." To 1111 im initial oliMirvur it would h'iiiii thai tluy wantod 11 littlo too much. Tho hIiIpikth nhoiilil havu had f.'O out of tliu (170. In no hort of liuxIiit'HH in niudlliit ho v.wy iih In tlio coiumtxnion IiuhImcxh. Orison hIiIpihth liotliT wild htuir to hiiiui linn who will ruturn nt Iwiit llvu ivr ivnt. of tho L'roHit rct'ulpH. Any iiiiunilHidim man who wnntri inoro than H.'i ivrtont. In uhoj. Tin: proipi'ct li now kihhI for llm uxual falliiio of nny forfeiluru leixlullon in CoiiKrcxrt. Tlm Itepuhlleaiirt are de.er mined tu ptotect the laud uriint railnuiU in tho hkmhx1i)ii of all laudrt now claimed by them In coiihcUcucu of thu buildiut; of rani), whether tlm lands aiu or have Iwon forfeit. 1I1I0 or not, while tlm I Vino cr.iU luxlst 011 tlm fordiiliiro of tlm fur foltahlit laudx. It may Iw remarked, In coiiiuwlloii with thlx, .th.it tlm iinlln.ity priw illspaliih'H fioui Wanhini'luii Uxin thirt Hiilijcct au) very much hl.iMdiu Ho-publU-.m ltallio.id iutcicKtrt, I'iiovi 11 dlxpatch publinlied elsewhere It In Judged that thu lmw of tho Mate ob taining moimy from the Kieruuieut in iiitixf.ii'tluu ol the wiir-cl.ilnirt miht an well Iw abandoned. The Statu xhotild now U'uhi to loiillie that it uiuxl ilevnd uImii lixelf, mid if thu Columbia ever in to tw oiwued, In do any km I darini; tho pri'M-nt generation, it muxi Iw done by tho Statu, im.iiiled by the general guverii. lueut. A t'Aiii'KrUwr from Hutlalo Ih eoiniiih' to lm Ueiviver of publio nionlcH ut Walla Walla. A nirivtduwr front Indiana U coining to Ki relhter of tlm laud otlkv ul livaiixton, Wyoming Territory. A cnrivt-Ktevr from Kentucky in eoiuhit; to Ki AhmvIiUo Juxtiiooftho Siipn'ino Court of Wyoming, IMdently tlm Trent dent tblukH that at leant mm plank in the biht IHmtjK'ratio platform did not mean nn tiling. AsuniKii olttirt U to lv tiuulo, in iu tMnl.iui-e with the Kir Ohkiiumas'i. niirvwtloii, to et a highway oivued Iv twivn heie and tho Iauii ctwk tx'nioii. Tho coiumUjeo to icit that place mid evainlim Into tlm mutter wilMw appointed thU evenliiK, Wo w thew may Ui no neglect mid failure thU time, but that the linivtlaiit buxinoxj may K puxhed vi- orvmxiy to u xiuwful terininatloii. It . may K done. It mux) Ki done. Mux Tm uukk wautxCAiiiKn'iwtoapiiro. ' i-r,Ki tu ii ..ii. ii ,i iiii-riciiii inriii r. to tcult Ainerioan uirU to it m v Ul wk fur that much tq HIM.'S XtMn Will" IntrnlKwer. ""''"'"T1'" ..rk .mil or ttinMHiiMolm A Mon- tuiiii Itimil. ,, .. 1'. II. .lohi.xon nml I). Hmtll, of Wullii Walla, Imvc Iwcn to Ilfjloi.ti to M.u what ihanto thcrt, mlht ho for writer hud tin inturviow will; tol. I . . Ilroadwatur, tho head of tho .Montana (Vnttal road, tliu woitterii oxtoinion of llio .Munltoha, and tho local rcpreMmln tivoof Mlm' 1 1 ill, tw tlio ttretit railroad hulldoriM familiarly ritiiou im NorlliwcHt. Wo found (,'ol. Ilruadwatur, who U hIho piwidunt of llm .Montana v.. ii 1 1 1 .... ,,i.,l .inn nt tlit ricli mi'll of Montuiiu, u vry. I'li-uHaiit iiiittMHiiiniiii, lllll.iil.u. ..1.'. w..., ---- . man 01 iiuhiiiuhh, uiiuiu ........... , . ... .... .......a iil'I.J llllll (lltf . roiiimi ami roiy, im v i-y tially hald hoad, fcatod ntliWdi!k, In t ..... 1. 1 .lit 11 liilll III "I i""r hih1;"". " I I I r,i nun tialKTH. I)IHIII1II1 llllll l-k (lll I I , . , ..11 ,.n., .r ,,.,.ii..ru (' . Ilroail'vnior lout iw nn ntli'iillvo our, mid In plain lantiajo j Htatt.il llm eltiiatlon. Wu hiui found that tlm Colonel know our country, iih rc-j HoitrcoM ami (-apiihllltioH, an wd iw wu do. Ilu porHonallv vlniltil Walla U tillu two vcarM nuo, ami han xlneo Ihou hud iiKontH th.Tuamllnall parln of htiHturn Wanli Inutoii and .NorllnTii Idaho, (attliurltij tlat.i of all kln.N nlmiit I m .''!r,v When linked If ho knew that alia W alla paid tiea'lv 11 million dollarK in freight hiHt vear.'t'ol, Ilroadwatur iild: 'Un; wu know llm rueclptM of every elation on thu Northern mid O. H. A N. from I'ort land to M. ruul.' "Col. r.roadwatar Htutoil that thu iIanitol.-i laid IHKI mill's of track lust year, that every mllo of Unit track lain to Ihi hiitfaced and lialhuted and that nil Hid litidxeM uiid IruHllort havu to Iw nimlo iHTiimnent lieforu llm road will Iw In tun illtlon for tlm ureal tralllc it will havu next fall; that It in iilmoxt art hi u Jj to do HioMi tiling art It warttotiiaku llm Kniilu and lay tlm 1100 mllertiif tMck; that the eompany hart projected WW mllert of fmlerH that have to Iw Imilt thin year, mm of Ilium liohci lo Hullo City, ulxiiit W mllert wuMt of Helena, on which a tunnel u mill) and a quarter Ion;' irt now tti proacliln: eonipletluii. ... "Col. Ilniadwater i-ald that It U thu do xiiu of hlrt eompanv lo teach tlm I'acillu co.ixt on thu xlmrteht line, with tlm lenxt IMjx.dl.lu Kriidcrt, "i"1 ,lll,t if "lllt car'iert llm road tlimiiuh u xleillu region, with littlo or no loe.il Ir.illle, tlm com p.iuv will hullil lateral linen or feedern. lieforu UiiinliiK'i'onxtriiclIoii lliey p.i- iK. ii to thoromi 1 v examinu nil paxxcrt and niuloi, hut Ihat they do not inK).'ii to iniikii their decNion known Iwforu limy are tvady toiDinnifUcoeonHtriielloii j 1 that to do hi would Iw to ulvu othorrt an opixirtunltv to head thorn oil'. .. . . ...... ti.i . it.. 11.. it iKMint Kiijfiie.neii nun miuih uh in prepared to ulvu 11 lllxjrnl milixMy to li.iu llm projected road outer liur limltH, Col. IWiiluiitcr xald .Mr. Hill will not accept Huhxldiex from lowtm ami ctlton; thai lm Iwllevert In buildim romN on liuxlnexrt principlcrt; that toaocuptit fill) xldv Ih to uivu tho iH'oulu itlvln t tlm null' My mi eiiiltahlu n:'ht to u voice In tho mauai'omcni 01 tnu roau." B. F. Shoemaker, AHKNT IDIlTlli: Iron Turblno Wind Englno, Duckoyo Antl-Froozlng Forco Pumps, ANI if. Ilitruttt .0 Vo.'n prrrlou lAme J'ttliit 1'or ItooJ'n, pi:ndi,kt)n, oit. W. D. FLETCHER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER Hunk liitlttllnir, fourt trt't,lViiicioii, Oivkou, Minimi Mor elm liilll i A I.I. KISIH - kept In KTiH'IC. I'liiiuis, Or .iiuii. nml nil Kiniin nf inn leu I ln'rn in. nix iilion .. .. 1..M...1. .... ... , ..). w rams mm mi Main Hlret'l, lVmllelnti, Ori'ison, Trnnsnots Conoral Banking Buslrtoss. Pmlileiil, Jammktkkl, Vice I'retlilenl, I.kiiman UUVM, Cimhler, Om V. Hamiutom, ('ollrcHons Mmle on Favorable Tvrms. npl u SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT, A.. I-I3UA.MJY PllACriCAl, BOOT & SHOEMAKER MhIu unit Webl)KtreU. KuHtern Mmtei lloota nuil Minim In Mluek. Perfect SI (liinrunte.sl. Jolin Sietoert, t.KADINO - MERCHANT TAILOR, J'eiiitlelou,0rek-oii,.Ulu 8t,,ueur Webb, .4 STOCK OF OOODS Jut ttcolved. J t JMIM" T ItOAII. I -- - Surprise Sale at FOR ONE WEEK! 1.000 Worth of Boots $2:000 worth of Men's rrnnclR! $8,000 worth of Saddlery Goods; $500 worth of Oregon City Blankets A lar'o lot of TRUNKS AND VALISES. f.0.,.. KAUIv AND OKT HAHOAIN'S, nt 1 :i uti..t.,l W. J. VAN SCHUYVBR fc CO., WINE AND SPIHIT MERCHANTS, 03 FRONT STREET, - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. AOKNTK ovdmc nintiir nnilRRnN ANf) RYE CJ (Milwaukee. Wis.) EXPORT PILSNER BOTTLED BEER. ARCA n IAN S P R f N G M I NE R A L WATER, (Waukensaw. Wis.) VEURE CLIQUOT PONSARDIN CHAMPAGNE, (Yellow TjlUKD. KKMPKIt, l'mprlftor of lh l-'lvi.(Vi.t llrrr Unit, Mnl n 8t.,opnwllP pmloillc, Pcnillrloii. lVnitllnti Iwcr on ilrmitflii. Vi'ltiw, ll(iint ipi.lH ir.ortlm luxt bnin l, 11 Mix'". ro.t I'ltl.NTINU Cmi lie Inul nt Hi" Kaxt Oiikiionian oillco nt ptlicx IIihI will prove llit-y nre rhini it 1 nt 11 tiin.e of nny ollur prliitlnu hoiKe In K11 lent OrrBoti. JSTUA V ANIMAI. If von Imve 1111 ntiliiiul olrny, you enn re-' roviTliliii livetiM-nilliU S2.) In inlverlUliiK III llio IIAXT OltKOONIAH. It entclicx tlirin every time. J Ktl.M, III.ANK-4. More limn t liilinlrdl fornn f liil Miinkx nt tlila mtloi'. iJiwypfH 11111I olhiTX ihimIIiik" IiiI furnixe iii hi' iippll.Ml. joit m :N r. t Iimi", wlih 11 Iwini tlmi will xti.lile four lior-ex. Apply to A. 1). H.. t till ollli'c Seventy-Eighth Annual Exhibit or TIIK HARTFORD FIRE, INSURANCE COMPANY, OK llAUTKOHt). CONN. Assets, January 1, 1888 : Cnxli on IihiiiI.Iii bnnk, nml cnli iiciii wm,.ti v CupiIi In tinmUcir HKriiltt nml in i-otrt) or . . , truiiml"liin 3SO.U7 ft! Itfliuunil iicciueil In- ... , , Ifrrkl 3117 W Kent ratntu, linrlielllll- Ix-reit tai,U7Jf Imn. nn txiiitlt inul niorticiKri tlxi llPi))..l,IIOrvl (0 Uiiuiu on Colliilfiiil xrcurliy w iia it; 2,tt.TI7 (0 In Unltoil Hlnt.'k IioiiiU, Mllrnml lock juul Nnllnnul I tank twk Total Assets, --J5,288,603,97 lili eiipllnl JI.'iWMi CO Itmi rvii f ir re linnraiue (IckhI xlan.liir.1). l,Ti.7W il Hiii.iuiiiiiinci.iini" "'17 1: Sri kiirplmi over enj ltnl nuil nil rolley liiiiiiiT'uiiii" .i,io,u ii IIHUIIIIU'I Ltt-W.-iW 81 Net premium.! rtci'lvw' iliulmflhe ywir. ..$J,iVUI0 50 'l.ilnl tiiciiine received ilutltii: llio year. 8ttA't R. lluT'iit III uitulx -K.iIVi fiS liii'ii'in.i III net mrlu - HO.'.T.l V7 lii'tire In Ihnnlilrclliilili'llnrtforit, Clopton & Jackson, Resident Agts., il.w PKNlU.KTON, OUKdO.V. ' Pianos, Organs ! ttoM by MIMS BROS & CO., Aro Fully Warranted. Ami untitle tlrm'x eiuirmitee U worth lMceuUon tho dollar, they will hiiiulle only First-Class Goods Wo havocome toktuy. Wo have mlnpteil fur our motto, "Honctt ileullUE nml fair price, Wo buy xtrlrtly for cash. We (tinll Btvo pureliiuen the benefit. Wo can soil you an Organ or Piano on monthly In stallments. Tha hut (Irumt Medal ylveii by nny koclely nn. M llli.r.l 111V llllltNII V'lllll. Tho Irnvekt tivk of these lu.tly eelebniteU Orpin ever on exhibition In Kiut. I m em Oregon t our wnrf j room.. Mims Bros. & Co. ROBERT BOND DKAl.KU IN BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD. I. II. khntukkt'(. 1 Cost! and Shoes; and Boys' Furnishing1 James Wheelan's, Court Street, rcndlcton. WHISKIES: JOS. SCIIL1TZ BREWING Label.) mcho.iwnm Richardson's Lunch Counter, Mnln Mreet, I'cn.llpton. G. D. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. Ilenitnunrlrrx fnr Kurolcn nml ivnmextlo Kriilt, Cntiillo. Cumuli llooiln, unit MM" At tho Lunch Countor, 'nil nn nliliiln colli ho licit Imtil. rolil xnlceil ticof, iilolileil plK' fi'.l, xnr.llii. nyMcrx, (1,1,1 imiiiit ciic,ei:i:xeixikiil In every xlyle, liollfiinmleoirn'.Jcrkeil oIK, vcnlxnii, mini, t'litiKvil ni rrwiu', urenn nun iiiiuer, eie. Houso Opon Day nnd N Ight t.unclitx fioni Sc. upwnnl. iiu'hlO.I FRED. GERBER Pmprltorof Hie French Restaurant ON Main at reel, 1'ctuVeton, Or., o- poiitti) Court House. A flnt'CliiM rrxiiiurunt: nil tlm ilollrurtra of tlix xciiion. McaU nt any hour: both day mm nlitlit. npl S-Ini PENDLETON LOTS FOR SALE, I olter for iil e moro limn THIRTY VALUABLE LOTS In l'riiillctnn, Inrliiillni; tho (Ik'htly block on llio hilt, In plulu view all over town. Just the Site For a Fine Residence. Tlieno prlcen. ton will bo nlil at rennotmblo Apply to James Leezer, At Ix'eier.V Kuebler' l)ru Hlore, inclit lw Court Street, lViuileton, Fred. Kemper, -PltOl'UIKTOU Or" TIIK so Beer Hcvll, Mnln xtreel, between Altu uril Webb xlreetx reiiuieiou, urri;on. I'enilletnn beer on .Iriuiulil. Wlnen, i)iior( k. in eiKnrx. A iieni.rus) pn'iv W.D.Hansford&Co IKmlem In Hard are and Tinware PD MPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promptly Dono MAIN 8T11EKT, fKMILhTON. A (huroof the publio patronage I solicited llH'tlWl.tiW LORYEA & ARTHUR Plumbera, Gas and Steam Fitters, Are the only nrocttcal mechuiilcn In town They do their own work, nnd guarantee ii Hamuli rejixir lur one year. They have no hired help to pay, and only ill-Hire to make wuge( on their work, hence iut vmi Kivw ottor Figures Than any other house lu town. They buy iu cheap n any Arm can buy Fivst-class Goods. mchl dsw New Store at Helix J. r. baird. Dealer In Groceries and Provisions, Cigars TQpacco ana tonrct lottery. The Star Bakery Leads! ,mrTxn-nnATT Jg NEVER UNDERSOLD. Our Customers' Interests are Our Own, and We .Give More for tne money iuu any other Dealer in the Country, v Wo would moHt rejiixjctfully Infoim you UOm WI6V1B MVWW& Ui Ami will null thctn iih low or loffer than M. twuiury. A CASH REBATE CARD! Ih furtilxhed to each rtiHtomer, which you hIiouM brln;x whenever yon coiuo to huv iroodH, and thu amount of your jmrehuHO will lie 1 puncliod out of it; and when you havu purchaxed Flftoon Dollars Worth of (hxjilrt for Cash, y m Hcleet from Boodrt In our Htoro to tho value of OTXTE5 DOLT-i-A. 3Ft. JF" JEL 353 El ! Wo have In ntock 11 full lino of tho (MODS; I'lCKI.HS, In lwttlert. ke; the lwat ntiality; .MACKKUKL, In e.i kert ami lieatiM. TABLE LUXURIES A SPECIALTY! It In worth vour time to call and litHiwet our lino of TOBACCOS, iw wo carry a DOZEN DIKFUUHNT 1IUANDS. Tor breakfast, wo would ndviVo you to try our Acknowledged to Ixj n dollntey tho country over. Thon, iSli cro nro other uti iicich which you may iiueu, hiicii un Cove Cheese, Epicurean Trout, Or anges and Lemons. And it might Ihj well for you to know that wo Bake Fresh Bread Every Day, Made of Hour from Ixith tho rendluton Holler MIIIh nnd tho Fnrniore' CiiHtoin MiilH,of which wo noil Twenty-Eight Loaves For One Dollar. Now N tho time for Ritrdunin, and tho fortli to how, tluu no and GARDEN AND (irown in tho Northwest, lo And beHides nil tbexo CONFECTIONERY IS COMPLETE From tho Sunny Genuine New And boHldcH, wo lmvo-nlwayn on Were ulxmt thu 'Imt wordH npoken, and they aro liuiortant wordH, iih night fall upproiicheH, If you want n lli;bt that won't hint tho eye, buy Tho Best Caudloa on tho Markot. .w(..w. -in. wi i fesvtim A MILL And wo don't cliargo a cent for grlndini; you EGGS AND VEGETABLES, "Wo can H IVn IltlVn mil- nn'll IL-n-TCtn fA. tlm 1Hln1 f.n.Ic. I In lint sm t AHlJ A f Al 118 vr... Willi HHqWU Ut IIIU UVIIIVIJ Ul (jWlUSi IV in IU UvHIIUl U iVUUWV Supply Customers Promptly. And now. kind sirs and eentlo mistrenKCfl. wn wfoli In uiv In vmi ttmt n-lmn voU uiiyuiing in tuo unuCERT line, You Can Save Money! By imrchaBing supplies for the household, camp, or ranch, from TUC fiTAD D A IfCDV W. C. TILTON, Proprietor. GOTTRT RTPTSP.T . fltat wo are now prepared to show you a WUWUii ill. W ui Miuv, can lw Itouglit nt any imico "h pan 01 mo ... . .it...... celebrated LUNK IH'.ANI) OF CANNED and ImrrelH; TP. An AND t'OPrriKS, ol urn nml ue'rti mui'.i; riiutin, nun rea gentle hounawlfo ami thrifty husbandman go Hlio may reap; It you wlsii gool FLOWER SEEDS, Hiiro nnd inako your itirchaHCH of uh. articles mentionod, our lino of Fouth Ih brousbt tho Orleans Molasses I hand tho licnt EASTERN SYRUPS. ut iiiituiiuvif u villi iiiiiiirii ;yu( u'J v OF OUR OWN, It for or you. If it suits your ineaBiire, wmii to nn Dity OR OTHER FARM HH eupply you. "DTO TWTfcT .ffl.tVfYtiT fl ' " MM4WMVI