East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 12, 1888, Image 1

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    ID A.ILY.
Hnvcnty-flTP cents In money or stamp
Patron of the Dully or .Seitil-AVeckly
1JAST IHU:UONIAN ran freely make inn
if tlm IMS I' (HtK(ll)MAN lllirniy when
ever they nn desire. The public urn enr
lliilly luttted to vl.lt tin. oitu-u whenever
an Inellued.
hvlll pay rortho Semi-Weekly KAST OHM.
KIONIAN from now until after 111" .Time
Hcnllntis, Two doltnrit will piy fur the
)lly KAHT OHKOONIAN fur tlm hiiino
TV I 1
NO. 9
. . A . I ft M M M 1 1 n I 1 UNIHIf
ciiiii n iiiiuui ktiiiiuaa
Assets, January I, I88B :
tlsli on liundjii bank, ,
mil cmMi iom $ 00,'),KO CO
( sliliilmmlsrif agent
runsmlsslou 1)30,117 03
l'litHiinil HcciueU In-
eresl 81,617 09
1 nl estate, unenctim-
leied 033,075 1)0
lnm on bond 11 nil
iiirlK"K0 (In' Hon)...l,U0i00 00
Iittm on Col lutci al
h'tirlty 70.0CO00
It'lf lilted Plate lion d. rullroiul
iJ,8flI,R2G 07
ocK.nnii .11111011111 name sioea v,j.u,i w
tal Assets, - - $5,288,603,97
CU cnpltnl 81.230,000 00
iwervo ror re insurance iickui
Itilidurd) IX'.' .707 01
itiindliur claim iEUftn ill
nicy licililnrn HtuplUH 3,18J,'ill 81
1 surplus over capital and nil
ibiiidoK i.mpasi
Ul premium received diirlnirtho
nr. s.',4v,;nu co
J'. il Inconio received during Hio
nr. 2,M,H2I BS
Iifonsu In nsscl.. '.12,017 M
Urease In net surplus............... 07
Insure In tlm old rcllnblo Itnrtford,
Carton & Jackson, Resident Agts,,
( rtBtroet, opposite J. It. Hhoomiikor's.
Riiardson's Lunch Counter,
Main Htrcet, Pendleton.
D. RICHARDSON, Proprietor.
ituurtorH for KoroUn 11114 l)oiurtlo
Iiu IiiiuIImm rittmMl ilif.. iiml Vitiu
kttho Lunch Counter,
Youm obtain cold boiled liiun.colil spiced
...in ..I .... 1 ...I ........ .....1 t...,u
oolibllod oiirii, vvu cooked In every Mlylo,
hottuiud unirvo, Jerked elk, venison, hum,
suui lierrlnifi bread nnd butler, etc.
Hoso Opon Day and Night
, I.unchts from Sc. upward.
Drybods, Fancy Goods, Cloaks. :tc
n s, Ladies' and Children s
Shoes, Hats and Caps,
For i
J It y of goods, reasonable- prlci-8 und
i nur iri'iiiineni, wo mm 10 mvo per
laniriiiiu. incua n
I oiler for mlo more limn
In Piston, Incltullnetlio niwlitly block on
11111, l I'lalu view nil over town.
Juste Site For a Fine Residence,
TheijloU will bo sold nt reanonable
Apply to
J axues Leezer,
Ieicr A Kuelilc' Drun Hiore.
inclil i court Ptreel. rendleton.
Store at Helix,
. R. BAIM),
Dealer In
Groctfes and Provisions, Clqars,
TLacco and Confectionery.
Will m y low us the lowest, forciitdt.
Prflprletor of tlio
lv, -tViit lleer Hull,
opposite postolllc, rendleton.
beer on ilmuuht. Vlue. Ikaiors
II ml
rs.of the bett brtiudu, ntock.
1 nt the KAhT Uhkooniam nltlnn
ut nrl
lint will prove they lire chenper
of any oilier printing house In
tlutn tl
It yon
dim Hiilinal estray, you can re
y exppndlnz iiM In advertltlni;
cover hi
in t it
it Oiikoonia. It catches tlicm
every tl
two hundred forma of leunl
its otllce, Ijwyein und others
nee ji
till forms C4ii be tupplled.
A linn
tilth a barn that will stable
uy to a. u. ., ai mis oracc,
uuonTii.Hi i ill II niiiiiMi r mini i
Pendleton Meat Market.
HnvlllE rrntW'tmil tlio nlinvn Mnrlcet. ffintl
bcrt'n old ntntnl, wo shall bo prepared nt a)l
nine to nuppiy mo peopia oi ronuiciuii
irnii me very oesv
Beof, Mutton, Fork, Veal, Etc,
That tlio market enn nlIord,ntul at
price nil can reach.
Henry Koplttko& Co.,
Comer 12th und II 8m,', Cathedral lllock.
ClaMei will reopen In tlio now bulldlns
HnitomlM!r 5th.
Tlio Institution U empowered to confer ncn
domio nonoro. forcniainuuc, miuiixs
ltKV.DIIlKD'iOll II. A. a,
c!3 lyr Vancouver, W. T.
rendleton, OreKon, Main Ht.,neur Webb.
.lust rccolved,
Satisfaction Guarantood i !
In every partHMil.'r.
" HuccessoM to
Denier In
Sash. Doors and Building
Otllce Main steeet, noar the dopot, Jul7
Headstones, Monuments
Marble and Stone
Kor designs mill iirlces consult Jessn Kail.
tin;, Main ktreet, 1'eiidleton, Kstlmates
ulven on stone work for bulldlnus, fe3
I'ltiprletor of the
French Restaurant
Main street, I'entUetim, Or., o;-
pottlta Court J To nut:
A first-class restaurant: all tho delicacies
of the sciison. Meuls ut any hour; both day
UIIU llllilll.
apt H-lin
Hank bullillni,',Court street, ronillcton.
Musical Mco
I'lauos, Or
eans, tud nil
kinds of inn
Mloh I liiHtru
liienlssoldon cliandls
9 AI. t. KI.VD1
kept In
.the Install
.,. .,, I',,.,..
The "Wood Man,
dutch jnaxjtr,
Miller Brothers,
Wholesalo and lletall Dealers In
209 Second Street, Portland, Or.
oirBend for our 'atulozue.
James Crawford,
Manufacturer of ana Dealer In
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Whips, Etc.,
Tents and Wag n Shoots
i for Salo
! Odd Fellows' Building, Main strejt. Ju2J ;
It AND Al.I.'.H l'1'.T 1JIM..
A (Invernnl's l'n.. The HIiiRRers Itotuin
liiir CittiRlit on it Trestle-Poor 1'eiirl
Vago's History Mrs Stitllvmi'a Opinion.
Itiindalt's ltlll.
WAHitiNiimv. 1). C.JIitrch 11. Hun
dull Iiuh coniiilotcd the tttrilF bill, which
will bo ititroiluecil tc-morrow. Tlio bill
rotieulM tho law iirovldiitj; for tiio iiitotnul
rovomio tux on tolmcco.fruit iitul timtidicH,
una reuticcH tlio tux on wli mkv to litv
contH tier gallon. It Icuvoh tlio preHotit
tittiir on lilothinir niul uoinbini! wooIh tin-
clumped. Tlio turlll' on uirxjt und otlior
woow in inroo ronirt jk-t jioiiihI. llio Dill
iiiniH to no u curcitii uniiuouinloto rovlHioti
of tho whole turilF hthIoih. It otrrio.- to
tho frco liHt u uri!o nunibor of urticloH in
tho production in which it Ih cluiniud
thuro Ih no infnriotiH forunrii cotiitiulilion
Hundull cluiniH that tho nun Iiuh noon to
intelliKontly ujtjilv conniHtont jirinciploH
to mi iinmciu'H oi liiiiiiHtry. iiu) luivun
tnircH to labor IntoroHtH nro nrcecrvod
tlitotighmit. Tho uHtitmitcd reduction of
iniurnui rovomio taxation will bo Hovonty
million ilolIarH.and on tlio turiir KcliedtiloH
about twenty-live million dollitrH.
All About h Governor' Puts.
Nitw Oiii.i:anh. March 11. A row oc
curred to-day on an Illinois Central train
ticcauKo tlio conductor reliiHcil to iuhh
Hoderick Lowrov. a nonliow of Governor
liwroy, on tho Kovernor'M family jiuhh.
TIiIh oxpoHCH the fact that Governor
lowroy him been Kiiilty of u luiwle
meaner, the LegLsla'airo of 18S4 having
made it a inindeniuanor for anv leuiHlutlvo
or executive olllcial to travel ujion any
railroad within tho State without paying
full faroH. It in alleged that Governor
Lowruv IioUIh iiaMsenover all the railroadH
in the State. Great InteroHt in nianifcHted
in the matter.
Aiintbrr Point Onlued.
CniCAOo. March 11. Tho ntriko Hltuu-
tion Ih tincliaiiKcd. It in learned to-day
that all tmliiH terminating KitKt of .St.
IxjuIh have ntopped laudimr "O" frelirht.
onitccount of tlio rcHolutlon to thin vtlect
paHxed by tlio eiiKineorn.
Mrs. Hnlllvan's Opinion.
Ci:sti:uVii.i.i:! It. I.. March 11. Mm.
John I,. Sullivaii, who Jh living here with
nor moiiiertwiien told oi tlio icsiilt oi tlio
.Mllclicll-Stil van lu it. Ha d: "I inn
Kind oi it. 1 winli .Mltcliell Int. I killed
nltn. lie Ih no fiood. lie will die u'bog
f?or, iih ho desorveH to, for bin' ill-treatment
to me. I never will live witln lilnr
iiKain. I am xbh; to get a divorce an
noon uh I can lilt a mortgage uikjh our
hotiHC in lloston."
AT1I Witllit Iteflelvurslilp.
Wahiuxuton. March 11. It Ih nndur-
ntool that ox-uHHembly man Wilcox of
J-.rto county. i. l .. will be anno n ted ro-
eeivor of the Mand olllco at Walla Walla
UHhingtqn Territory to-morrow.
Itnwmil nt St 0,000,
Cjiic.uio, .Match 11. Tho widow of
Anion .1. O ell has increuHed tho roward
oll'ea'd for the anvst of tho murderer
illiuin 11. 'liiHcolt to ten tlioiiHanil dol
larn. TIiIh oiler in good for nixty tlavH.
lleiujisey Talks lilt;,
Nkw Youk, March 11. Jack Doiiidsov
haid to-day : "I lmvo read tlio account of
the Mltcliell and hulllvau tight, but am
not a bit Hcatvd. I am not afraid to meet
.Mitchell any time to light to a llnlnli."
A Hud .Storm.
Nkw Youk, March 11, Afttrious ntorm
of wind rain hall and Hleet broke over tho
Atlantic coaHt this, Sunday, evening,
traveling in a northerly (lliol'tloii. Tele
graphic communication was Hint lost lo
tweou thin city and Washington, then lxj
tweeu hero and llaltiiiiore, and lastly Ihj
tween Now York and Philadelphia. No
Htorni ho destructive to telegraph linen
has occurred for many yeam before.
What Ailed Old William,
Dkiimk, March 11. Professor Hart
man, assisted by Dm. Van Lower, Leo
pold, and Thiemann, havu concluded a
postmortem examination of the dead Km
jwror. They roiwrt having found a cal
cii)uh tho size of a pigeon's egg, which
must havu caused intense pain,,
Kiillivan and Mitchell Iteleased.
London, March 11. .Sullivan ami I
Mitchell, the prize lighters, havu bejn ru-1
leased from arrest, and will arrive in
Loudon Monday.
Iiu Would lis Dressed Thus,
IIkui.im, March 11. Tho will of the
lato Kmperor has been oiened. It tli
roots that his body in) interred dressed in
hlHlleld uniform, a gray 'military cloak
over the shoulders, and a field cap upon
his head.
AVliu "Pearl I'aee" Is.
San Fiiancisco, March 110. M. Har
ding, well known hero, twenty-nix yearn
old, lias been a wayward boy and youth
hIiico ho was ten years old, Koino tiiuu
ago liis fattier placed him on board a ves
sel, hoping thu discipline would lie of
benefit to him. On his telcaso from this
feervico ho entered his father's otllce, but
showed no signs of improvement. Ono
of his victims id thu wife of a young mer
chant of this city. She recontly liecuino
heir to a largo fortune through tho death
of an undo. Tho liu&m between her and
young Harding was open ami notorious.
Finally she told her husband who was go
ing to make a visit to Portland,
und came accordingly. Tho vtwit of
Harding followed. Iti Is now behoved
that this luoichnut's wife is none eleo
than ''Pearl Pago," who, with Harding,
'II go to tho Penitentiary for robbing
mo man uicKinson in I'ortiatiil.
Tell Porty IVet.
San Fhani'Ihco. March 8. At the Cliff
iiouso to-uay, two men fell forty feet into
ine Hoa. inoy were rescued after mucli
uiincuity uy it itte Having crow.
Killed on n Trestle.
Saciiamknto. Can.. March 11. An tin
known man was caught here to-dav on a
ttvstlo hv an approaching train. Ho got
on one side and laid down while the train
imsttcd by. and he would have been all
right, but thinking tho train was past, he
raised tut and the steps of the rear car
struck lit in , cutting his head entirely oil'.
llnllroad Accident.
TttcsoN, A. T., March 11. Early this
morning the rear section of a freight train
run into the forward section! of Bowie's
station, derailing eight cars, three of
which were burned, ihero were no fatal
Last Friday. Hermann, of Orciron. was
excused irom further Hervlce on tho com
mittee on manufacttircH, ami appointed
on the committee on Indian depredation
claims, to 1111 the vacancy occasioned by
the resignation of Ihiciianau, of New
Jersey, who was apiointed a ineinler of
ino committee on maiitiiactures.
An amendment to tlio omnibus war
claim bill appropriated L'0,0j0 for the re
lict oi thu Protestant i'.piscopal theological
seminar' and high school of Virginia.
Having dlstiosed of tlio case of tho
Union Pacific ltairload Company, tlio
house conimitteo on l'aclllo railroads Ihj
gmi Friday to consider a method of treat
ing thu Central l'aclllo Kailroad Com
pany. reiiifletnu und Its Dally,
From Mi'iMpokanii Falls Itevluw.
The latest venttim In tlm ilnllv imiwif
line is the Fast Oregoniau. publfshed ut
Pendleton, Oregon. Tlio Fast Oregoniau
lias long Imjoii issued as a semi-weekly.
and Is one of the best conducted exchan
ges that comes to this ollicu. Pendleton
Is thu largest city in Eastern Oregon' ami
in fact Is the llvllest and most Important
placo in that stale outside of Portland and
Aatorl.i. If It 0)11(1111104 growing for thu
next live years as it has during the last
two or thrco years it will occupy. the hoc
oud place. The place Is large oinuigh to
support n irood daily paier, and that is
wiiuuno I'.ast urogonian is, . llio jieople
of jtltut city fhouldtako pains to hcu that
the' now daily llves'iind thrives. It will
do moro for Pendleton than any enter
prise that uonld Ixjset on foot, and tlio
public owes tho venture every encourage
ment. Killed III Cousin.
At Kvaiisville, Indiana, Louis Itichtcr
shot and killed his cousin, Miss Ixnits
Smith, aged 17, and then sent a bullet
through his own brain. Ititcher was a
son of Jacob Ititcher, a former county
cl,oi k, and one of thu wealthiest and k's't
known citizens in the county. Mls
Smith lived somu distance from theto.
Arriving at thu house, a terrible scene
presented itself to tho neighlwrs. In Iho
sitling room, near thu stove, lay the
bodies of the uiifoitimate girl ami her
cousin, in a pool of blood. 1ou!h was still
alive, but soon died. Disupjiointinent in
lovo wuh the cause.
Tho Itesurviitlou Survey,
The commission employed in examin
ing thu diminished reservation are prose
cuting the work iih rapidly as possible.
They havu gone over itWit one-third of
tho laud ho far, and havu already found
nearly li.OOO ncies of good agricultural
laud which had not lieeu allotted as such
by tlio former commission. At this rate
thoy will probably find nearly tho wholu
amount of tho lacklm: 10.000 acres, with-
out taking much of tho laud outside the !
diminished reserve. I hoy oxjiect to get
through with tho work In uliout three or
four weeks. If so, tho Halo will take
place yet this minima.
The Com Crop.
Statistical returns of thu agricultural
department for March show thu corn crop
to ihj thu smallest siucu 188. Thu total
is estimated at 08,000,000 bushels, a do
creasd of almut 10.000,000 bushels from
last year. The indicated stock of wheat
in tho hands of thu farmers is lilL',000,000
bushols, as against lli-'.OOO.OOO bushels at
the hiimo tlinu a year ago. There has
Ihsoii used in seeding 31, hW.OOO bushels;
for homo consumption 187,000,000 bush
els; exported, 111,000,000 bushels; visible
supply, 38,000,000 bushels,
He Would itt-iiiiilu Silent,
Sheriff ''Tho hour has como for your
death. You must prepare to go to thu scaf
fold." "Pin ready."
"Would votl like to make u hiuiwIi mi
tlio.gullowsV" j
"I'd llku to, but I guess I won't."
"Why not?"
"I wouldn't Ikj able to read tho proofs
lieforo It apiears hi tho paMjrs." ' I
Double .Murder.
At Woodvlllo, .Montana, thoro has been
a irisputo for Homo thno between John
St. John, a Frenchman, and Mrs. Uobh,
u colored woman, os'er ceitalu projiertv. ;
Yesterday St. .Jolin camo to town, Uiugfit i
a !iS-calihro pistol, called at Mrs. Kobli's j
house, and after a few angry words, shot
her and then himself, Ixiih "falling dead. '
Nim IuI dance at the ojK'ra haunt Fiid.iy
evening, March Pith Iirt class music
has 'pocji en aged for tho occasion.
Tkkcts $1 per ciple.
WASHINGTON i.t:rri:it.
From ourltcxulur Correspondent.
Washington, March 1888.
Hon. Samuel J. Hundull made a few
remarks In the Iiouso on Wednesday,
which seemed him a round of he.uty ap
plause from thu Democrctic side and
irom the galleries. It was during the
discussion on .Mr. Mills' resolution au
thorizing tlio Secretary of the Treasury to
p irehaso bonds with thu surplus, which
discussion, by tho way, was tho most In
teresting thus far of the session. Tho
tenor of .Mr. Hamlall's remarks was such
that little doubt remains that he will sup
IHirt tho tariff bill which has been pro
posed bv a majority of tlio Ways and
ileaus Committee. Ho closed by saying
that he hoed and lielluved the Demo
cratic party would at thu proiier time in)
found acting together.
.Mr. Hreekenridgo of Kentucky made
an excellent tariff seech on Wednesday
in the House. Hu argued that revenue
reform was necessary to tlio prosperity of
the country, and it was thu duty of the
Democratic majority of tho House to pass
a bill looking thereto, leaving to
thu Heiuibllcan Senate the respon
sibility of defeating tlio will of thu peoplu
if they dare to do It, by rejecting the bill
that has lieen ho carefully drawn by tho
niajotity of thu Ways and Means Coni
mitteo. Thu tariff bill, uon which the Demo
cratic members of tho Ways and Means
Conimitteo havu lieuu faithfully working
since the beginning of thu session, is now
complete, it has been placed before thu
mil committee, ami any lurtner delay in
presenting it to thu House will lie fairly
chargeable to the lteptibllcau members of
that committee, mu mil proposes to re
duce thu revenues of the Government
from $00,000,000 to 70,000,000 a year.,
Tho Government I'rintllig Olllco inves
tigation is still on. Every day oilers new
proofs of tho many benelllH derived by
that ollicu since it lias lieen under Demo
cratic control. Many thousand dollars
have lieen saved for thu Government,
while dio iiiuntltv Of work turned out is
large: than ovur beforu.
ino tricky iiinior Senator from Now
Hampshire, William E. Chandler, intro
duced a very Innocent-looking bill in thu
Senate Iho other day. It authorizes thu
purehusoof Alliert Oportl'stwo paintings,
''Tho Farthest North," and "Camp Clay,
or thu Itescue of Lieutenant Greeley iniil
Party." This bill will liear watching, as
both Secretaries Whitney and Endlcott
have refused to recommend their pur
chase. The attist claims that Senator
Chandler, who was then Secretary of thu
Navy, onleied tho paintings for tlio Gov
ernment. If hu did ho, hu exceeded his
authority, anil Congress should not help
him out of Ids dilemma. Tho price of
the two paintings is $12,001), which is
generally considered to bo much moro
than they are worth.
Hv tho way, a bill; has been in
troduced to create a National Art
Commission, to consist of fourteen per
sons to bu apM)inted by thu Pivsldent,
and serve without compensation. Their
duty shall hu to pass upon all works of
art which the Government tiroposes to
purchase, and to Hiierv!su tlio prepara
tion of plans and execution of contracts
foi nit wo k under Government direction.
I will just mention in tins connection
that the Washington philanthropist
whoso obsequies ttsik placu this week,
(Mr. W. W. Cotcoiau) lieiiuoathed an
other if 100,000 to tlio Corcoran Art Gal
lery. Another ltepubllcau boomerang. It
will )o iemenileivil that eaily lu the
present session of Congress a ltcpuhlican
member Introduced with a great blast of
trumpets a lesolutlon In tlm House call
ing on tlio Commissioners of Pensions to
show caiiMi, etc., why lie had exceeded
his authority by issuing what Is known
as tho "ono hundred dav" circular to
I,. union claimants. Tho House Commit
tee on Pensions lias iiuulo an adverse io
isort on this resolution. Thu Commis
sioner did not exceed his authority, and
lu Issuing thu circular the interests of no
claimant were Injured. On the contrary,
many wero Iwnolited thereby.
Senator Vest made a Hjieceh on thu De
pendent Pension bill Wednesday, in
which ho fairly flayed that class of slates
men who are always ready to poso as tho
Hjiecial champions of Iho soldiers' inter
ests. Ho said they wero turning llio na
tion's legislative halls into auction rooms
in which they could bid for thu soldier
yotu in thu coming contest. "Partisan or
non-partisan, my convictions require mo
to vote against thu bill ; anil I hope It
may 'die tlio death' in thu other brunch
of tho National Congress; and if not
there, at thu bauds of thu Executive. If
that lie unparliamentary, uiako thu most
of It."
A Heavy Charge,
From the Wullu Walla Union.
A gentleman just from Astoria slates
that just Isjforo leaving ho was lu con
versation with a ship captain nlxmt to
llllt nut t.i kl.tl II,, unlil lli.it lttu I'iiuunl
was loaded with L'100 tons of wheat, and j
that the charges on his vessel for towing
In and out of Portland, wharfage ami I
loading, amounted to $7,400. A little I
calculation shows that this is -f :i.rt a ton,
or about equal to eleven cents a bushel 1
that tho producer will have to pay to get j
his wheat out of Portland on its way to
market. This is a ptotty high ratu of ;
cqminiHslon to pay Portland uikjii every '
bushel of bieaiNttili'iiilscd in thu Inland'
Empire, but It Is Just what wo havo been
paj lug.
The Crown Prince has returned fmm
s in Itemo to lkilli to lw ii owned I in
per r
A llrrnklng.iip Nteduil.
Correpnndoncu of tlio Weston Lender.
It is seldom that any of our county or
local iMiH-rs will venture to discuss "tlio
most iiiisirtant issue that is confronting
tho people of to-day. The very subject
that Is most important to the people, and
every publication should be most prompt
to give Information on, is generally
avoided and disregarded. The great com
bination!) anil corporations that are con
stantly springing up always teceive from
many of tlio leading papers, support anil
encouragement, and urgo thu innocent
masses to step forward without hesitation
and havu their life's blood micked from
their veins, lu tho latest improved man
ner. These combinations and trusts
must be broken and thu quicker thu
break begins thu butler. I appeal to tho
jieoplu, and I 1iomj thoso that read this
will stop and think, why will wo contlnuo
to bo robk'd? Why will wo continue vot
ing for either of tlio two corrujit parties,
whoso only object Is to rob and plunder
thoiieople? Why not loin ourselves to
the rnion Lulsir Party? Itcurtalnly would
hu butler for us to uultu with tills oppo
sition party, and with peaceful methods
endeavor to battle down these monster
evils in our politics and again plant our
republic on a foundation of justice, equal
ity and fraternity. I am pleased to note
that tho editors of thu East Oiiihionian
are growing moro and more liliend In
their views, on tlio ixilltical question, anil
I think that great good will yet como
from it. Any party supiiortcd by tho
peoplu Hliotild seo that tlio olllces are oc
cupied by thu very liest men our country
allords. Such men very neldon, if over,
get there, they have too much honor to
beg at thu hands of thu people for ollicu.
I think that those who are always seeking
for ollicu uto tlio loast deserving, and
should always lw dofoated in tho conven
tion. J". 11. Dksi'.mn.
Hotel Arrivals,
Howman Ilot'si:. W. Goiuniol, T. A.
Cuthbellsou, Girurd, Kan.; -Miss Faulk
ner, Portland; S. McDowell, 1. Austead,
Itolso City; F. .Martin, Germany ; J. E.
Terry. Portland; W. J. Snodgmss, Lu
Grande; W. W. Ilonney, Tho Dalles; It.
Seaton, (Jainey, 111.; O. A, McGruw, J.
II. Canon, Weston; C. E. llrownliig,
e!lv II II Klnuw,,r i:,..,.l.. f'.,l . W I'
"V I i..,-ua,v.vu.J,VUI, ,1. .
llrown. Idiwory and Wesman, C. J. Jan
nuy. Maywood, Mo.; L. M. l'arrott, Cub;
J. E. Joseph ami wife, Mo.; 1J. J.Jn-
mugs, nan. ; d. c. iqrry, roruaniijA.
E. Crossmaii, Orouogo, Mo.; Col. John
llrndbiirn, Pilot Hock; Harry Wright,
Portland: Marion D. Eglwrl, Walla
Wallu; F. Martin, lmdoii: I). W. Mc
Daiiuuld, Milton; F. F. Lent, Pendleton;
J. 1'. Ipson, been Treen, M. Jorgenson,
San Francisco.
Vn.i.Aitn Hotisr. J. W. Simpson; C.
H. Hyers, Vinson; Joo WoIiIht, Jr., San
Francisco: O. S. Huberts, Fremont, Noli.;
mini, i.. it. I'.iiuaiM, I il v ; vieo, Minuet,
PlIlHtiitri'! (!l iiirI,M Vntttlruilitll N.'.illii.
H. II. MeCroy, LuGinndu; Dan S. Unv,
John O. George, llulter Cieek; Mrs.
Crowdur and son, Pilot Hook; E. II.
Clarku, Sail Francisco: Geo. A. Hani
hurt, Wild llorsu; .1. W. Poland, Pott
land: F. S. Mulllns. Walla Wullu : 1.
Jowett, Canyon City; Chailes II. Wil
liams, North Powder; J. A, .Matall, Po
catello, Idaho: .Mrs. J. Sanford, Pocateilo,
Idaho; Mrs. l-ruino, liakur City.
Goi.niiN Ki'i.i: J. .McCarthy and family,
Cold Soring: W. Coltrel, Pilot Hock; G.
H. O'Duuicj, Despaiu Gulch; George
O'lVinald and wifu, Echo; Charles An
derson, .Milton; J. L. Sprague, Jiuiliier;
II. D. MeDoiigald, Luna; F. Muuifntd,
Despaiu Gulch; G. Hussell, Despaiu
Gulch; Pat Smith, Cold Spring; Thomas
Evs, La Grande: C. H. Pratt, Wild
Horso: I'ninL- I'll In All,., . It l
Alba; D. W.King, country.
A I.ui ky lliiiKlur.
From tho Ioiik Creek Kaule.
Last week hoiiiu thief entered thu resi
duueu of Mr. McLaiighllu, on .Middle
Fork, in broad daylight, ami fumbled
around trunks and valises with his
"jimmy" in search of gold and silver. Ho
was very lucky lu not maidenly llii'llng
cold lead. Ho luobably hearil a noiso
proceeding from tlio barn, whero Charles
Duricll, with a six-shooter in his licit, was
quietly attending tho stock, all uncon
scious of tlio burglarious proceeding, and
suddenly fled without getting wealth,
Another Avioslle.
From tho Centervllle Homo Press,
Since acrostics apiiear in order, how
will this do?
Pilot Hook, '
The Way It does,
From the Iauis Cieek Kale.
When a iiiiiu buys a dollar's worth of
cleauud rice, ho must ay a dollai and
twelve cents iiiuio for thu ltd ill', making
When the imlKib is taxed ten per d nt.
for his diamonds, the Uack-imth is tai I
over . lie bundled and tin ir nt In
iih iiorsi sinx- nail1
.,. . . .. .
ii "i vei in io aio iMih pi-' iii
lii'c e.Pci i i ml otln i whjswtii iv
uarry vtrigui; v. i. iajiu, my; 1. II.
Allen, Portland; Martin L. Colin, Port
land; J. II. Junius and lady. Weston; A.
Wur.eilor, City; E. S. Palmer, Poit-
I.....I . I l IV.... .!,...
irilmne and ote f ir pr itcc'l n