JU8DAY. MAUOH 8, 1888, thiu:i: oAtut .awaiius. .... - .1 ... Anvnnutlu o iMlillHliera oi mo jabi u..r.......... determined to oner nuvu n..... ......... . . . (uun rn IdU'fil First Awnntt . . I.I (Itn 4ltM rif HI 111 II nilHiuuimpt"'"' - - . ... li'owH.Uiif In Mm mlm s of tlio D.lly " BcmNWcckiy .aht Hccoml Award I Durum-" ..... ... . i uteri niiuiiniwiiiu s(n j j - ii iiifnrtvtiv. I'M nor inr nancm iur iiiuiii .... .. I ,...!.,,. !. Itild Or lOi lllIIlTlnt "111 i"K hiwjvhi iujvj Third Aw unit . . . .... I.. ..,.1,1 -..I.. JA (l.n l,. MAS tho larKCKt amount, during tuc ,4 Ititttf. fiwatvlA nre mnuc. Everyone filming ior U oy IMICPIUK nn nccowu iur iiicniuivi-K Khm Orvffoninti run. Co. KUKVITIKS. tlti I ii tit i ii 4u ii I kin tt t n u iltrnlti. w is tho "he H liv i tWown tut rMiir iuniiuruii .. .It A 1 1 . VllllgiltWII tWIH tV VI? Ill RKIIIOY, iUUnifKU. uuiiurn roiMjrL mm uiu wnt kuiu u . 1 .V I II. IlmiiturHliut. tlio Drummer lkiv lii lillltl.l IIIIKtllKU IU 1 II Stll'tl nit i iriHik 1'iiiiiii.v i7(!iiiin:iiiiii: 1:1111 vi'ii will bo coiuimihcu oi o.'I uoleirutoH. nrrlHliiirif. Dr.. (lXiKTiniiccil u Hum II mommy ovoninir. i no iohhwuh nom ironiiemiin lost u ciiikih tmoo on tno .V. ...-.. 110 I.OUU0 ClUI) KJKJIll. II IML'UHiUH OVUII t whlut nt tlio rcsiilcnco of Dr. Vin- Wcuncmluy. rcHi)onnH)lo mrty With plenty of feed llH 1UJ IIClUl 01 COHn Oil MlUrCS. ply nt tliln olllco. I vounc nnin imniod Ycoiul wah h IiIh homo in Wiilla Wall a ycHtonlnv iiinf, and rnmtulned ii fructura of tho it ICR. obert Wnrnor'H wihool. illntrict No. 01, foster, cloned hint Friday with nn en- Lilnment, at which u largo midlenco i present. IIhh Phronti llcalo and fnthor. who fo lcon vlnitln relatlvcH at Kiikoiio (or Homo tlmo I'UHt, returned Homo i morning. IVin. Vohr and J. H. Sullivan, of Echo, II J. M. Dowoy, of Alba, were each Interi licenncs vcHterday by tho County lirt to Hell liquor. taturdny. April 28, will Iw tho 12th nn- rerHary oi iwmon imi;,'o, k. oi i:, niui Soiiinnttco Iiiih lcen annointed to tlovino Iay of celebrating It. ). W. Ualloy'H do ltcx in lost. Ho in n wii oin(ur, intelligent, and a great tier around. J. J. ltalloray, Khij., II pay ?5.(X) tor litn return. k'hoco Koviow : Mitchell can boaftt of ring ono of the most genoroiw naloon n in tho Statu. Ho will not take moil in oxchnuo for driukx, but kcIIh cigara 1 given liquor nway. 'he Kurcka Flat fariuerH uro agitating i project of having tho O. & XV. T. mil d build a lino Into that ncctlon from dlula thin npring. They Imvo a fair si)cct of being miccesHful in their Tho unfortunnto Bteamer Uentloy, bo iging to tho O. 1'. Hailrond Company, Toil a snag Tuesday in tho Willamette ter, and Hank In (our lect o( water. Tho lamer carried ntwut iou lona ot lreigttt, bleh will bo only nightly damaued. Sho 111 1)0 rnixed an noon oh poHlhlo. pwo cow lxyB from tho John Day luntry pluylullV tripped nn unotronding linamun iii Wnlla wullu, throwing him blently to tho ground, Tho cow boys attempting to run away uroppeu a ntol, which was discharged, creating Insidomblo excitoment. lho boywero Iptured, jailed und fined. U. S. Murshul FurulHh Iiiih nn Indian kder arrcHt und in iail who cot drunk Id Btruck IiIh Hiiuaw over tho head with empty bottlo, intucting u paindil liund. Tlio Indian Iuih had hia exam lition before CommlsHlonorTustin, anil 111 bo taken to i'orthinil (or trial lc(oro dire Deady, leaving hero on to-morrow ening'H train, Tho Umatilla Real Kntnto nnd Ixian isociation sold this morning two lotH on o corner of Alta und Garden streets to W. ltoner. n coiiHldemtlon of a.200. Ir. Hojicr will tear down tho houses now cupied by Chlneso from tho lots nnd imovo his blackHinith bIiop ncroBS tho reet thoreon. and on tho . bito of his Licksmith shop ho will build a couplo of rollings. Following nro tho city oAkers elected M .Monday In Jacksonville, Oregon; rustees, D. Cronoiniller. re-elected, J. . Neil. K. Kubb. Charles Nickell. re- lected and Majc Muller : recorder. J. II. ull'er, ro-elected by 148 majority ; trcas er, James Croneinlller, ro-elecfed by 7 ajority j marshal, D. L. Curtis, ro-elected f 2d majority j street commiBsloner, im, .cnion, re-eiecieu oy hu majorny; Ity-cight votes wore cast. 0. T. Uichardson has purehnscd ihe .interest of his brother in tho Kichnrdsou llroH.' chop hotisc, and is now conducting u alone, no can do iouihi at inn post from ..eight o'clock in tho morning till threo lho next morning, with everything goouito eat that tho market nlloriis. JJaker Citv ltovelllo'. Jonathan Swift who in nntloubtedly well remembered by oia timers its tho tounucr ot tno om bwnt, or Marshall. Htut ion on tho Umatilla river is uursiiig his brother. Col. Swift, of this neighborhood. Tho latter is improving In health. Thu Lewis farm near East PortlanJ mentloiiudiin tho East Oiikcioniaku short time uiro. was houuht in trust for L. V and E. lh Starr, of Pendleton, In iiceord unco w jththo will of tho httcL. M. Starr, of Oakland, Cal. Tho iiiiiiexauill Droicct must not bo al lnui'il iii tn ii t .-hi ii i 7n. Tupntv niim Mill)' Hcriblng to 5U0 of stock will insure its success. Nftueamvo volunteered tomato tho twenty. iiiero uro tho others? Tl,.. II 11 .1. V .,..... .fill .1. ......if IIU . . V A... .l.lr....vT ..... .U ....... with their tuiiJc .and wind mill nt this station, which sunnlies their cnuincs will water, and will hike water hereafter from tlio town reservoir. A telegram from Wolla AViilla to-day noon' says flvo iucljen of snow fell there this forenoon, nnd it Instill snowing. Tho wind is in tho south. Desnain t Howard have ndded n lino of lioots und shoo.4 to thoir largo stock of groceries and other good, and uro selling tnem ut low prices. Grand family dinner will bo served next Sunday, at tho Villiird houso res' tuiirant under the management of Mrs Julian. Sinttli. Thoro uro eitiht commonial travelors with their samples in town to-day, und sample rooms uro m demand. llov. W. E. I'otwJno is in Wciton to day conducting tho funeral services of .Miss Edith Wood. Lulu HlmcB in vorv ill with . crvflinclns. conlntetcd by it fall tit tho wkutintr rink n snort inno ngo. V shootimr mil erv is in oneration on Alum street, next to J-iinilry'H store Town lots ami houso and barn for miln nt u low price. Apply ut this olllco. Edwnnl II. Killuini, representing J, Gill & Co. of Portland, is in town. A, HiilstOn. furniture dealer of Gnindo, is In town. County laxo) will bo delitinuont on nnd liner April 1st. Umatilla county Bcrip is Hellinir nt 08 ceiiiH. K. 141 Another (Irrnt Man Declliiei. I'liNDMiTo.v, On., Murchd, 1888. T Hi" KUttorof Knt Oreconlan. To my many mends wlio liavo bo earnestly solicited mo to lxicomo a can didato to tho presidency, I vish to state tliat,owing to lulling iicaiiu,! will Do com Dolled to decline tho nomination for that exalted und honorable lKisltion if tend ered mo. I trust that my many friends who imvo bo Dcrslstontlv urucd niv can didacy will become reconciled to this dis appointment. I havo lieon utlllctcd with rheumutism for tho past year, und now my eves uro lallliiK mo. und 1 could not hco to go to Wushington wero I elected : in fact, I now feel that I shall havo to leave Oregon, and jierhaps tho United States, (or u whtio, and return, to Mis souri, where I bono to reirain mv health. Trustim: that my Democratic friends will be able to select some othor available ciindidato with tho necessary JoifcrHonlnn qualitleutions, l respeetiuiiy, but iirmly und iositively, decline to liecomo u candi date. J. II. Tuiinkh. 1. S. I see it hns l)ecoino (ushlonublo to decllno nominations, heuco I doclino. J. 11. T. 1( VII1 Mnrry n Kleh Woiimn. Sovoml youugstcrs, since tho departure of Professor Morris, tho phrenologist, have amused themselves by feeling the heads of their playmates. The other day u bright little girl in tho upor end of town mounted u chalr.and latd her Hands knowingly und Morrts-llko on thu head ot her small hrothor. accompanied by this speech: "Hob V .you havo u lino brain nnd will marry a beautiful lady with ii largo amount of money, but you will Imvo to lw careful, ns you will havo uu iiisatlablo upietite for whisky when i-oii oucu gel snirieu." iiouuy having md his attention called to tho dreudful habit that is overshadowing him has iiiado u firm resolve novor to touch liquor, but ha is determined that tho Unit lady, with u lurgo uniount of monoy, who pro poses to him ho will marry oll-hund, without quibbling and other proorastlnut- ug nrniiigomeiits. A Hail Dentil. Mr. Clark Wood recolved u telegram from Weston hist evening, saying that his sister, Miss Edith Wood, was dead, having died in tho Wall a Wullu hospital, where sho was tukon sovoml weeks since, in order that sho could havo tho attention of better nurses and physicians than sho couid ut her homo in westou. .mss Wood was un accomplished and popular UU1IK IIHIJ', JIUYlIlg IIUIUV IIIUIlllB 111 'endleton und othor purts of tho county.' Tho blow wuh sudden to them all, and falls with great forco Mr. Clark Wood. Ho und Mrs. G. A. Hurt- man, un aunt of tho deceased, left on this morning's train for Weston, to be In attendance ut tho funeral, which occurs from tho homo of tho bereaved parents ut Weston this afternoon.. Kobbeil on the ItalU. This morning there anneiircd liefora Itecorder Crows ono Murv Harris, who claimed to havo been robbed on tho train yesterday between Wullu Wallu nnd Pendleton, of her ticket und flO in monoy. Sho is from Dayton, and on her way to Nebraska, but tho loss of her ticket com pelled her to stop hero. Sho had a young man arrested on suspicion, but nothing could bo proven against him, and ho was turned loose II sho has beoirtho dupo of u professional traveling sharp, any hopo of recovering tho lost projerty would bo nonsense, as their plans nro usually bo well luid us to defy detect ion. Wo Iioixj tho unfortunato lady may yet find tho lost valuables and go on her wuy rejoicing. "Tank you." ns tho man said to tho kerosene, when it offered to blow him up. A 0I.A8H in ouoouAriir. IVlnit Our llf prmontntlvon Know AJjeui Tho CnKrntlo lAlckr. From lho Viico8un. Johnny Mitchell, where uro tho Ca' eudo luniks? J. M. Thov nro situated half-way bo tween tho Northern Pad lie Kuilroatl and Scupposo bay. They wero commenced by Alexander in optwsltlon to tho Co lossus of Rhodes (tho N. P.) in H. C. 1402, tho samo year liacon wrote Sliukespcuro und Columbus discovered America : niui uro uccountcd ono of tho soven wonders of tho world. Tho wonder Iwlng that un outraged public didn't kill n derelict senator or two, and a half dozen suierin tendents. Josej Dolph, where nro tho Cascade Looks? J. N. D. Thoy havo not vet lieon dis covered Greely mentions tho fact that ho mighl hat) found them, only tho Jeimetto foundored herself on Ico. Tlioy nro niciiuouL'd Dy Josophusns being sit tinted in tliat fabled country of Atlantis. und rtoicmy ulso mentions them us huv ing been shorn Xroin tlio head of Sainii- son by ono J N Dfwhich last stands for Delilah), lho Indians in Oregon call them Skcukimi Chuck which, showsthat their legends run duck to tho lost trthes of Israel, und fully establishes tho fact that I should 11:41111 go to thu head of my class. ninny Herman, where uro tho Cns- cudo Locks? ell, really, I got mired down last sum mer on 11 piece of desert land in Hnmov valloy, und havo not had much tlmo to rend up my lesson. My 11111 told mo thoy were 11 lubulous monster who eats up upprojiiiiittons, und eleen Congressmen nnd fattens government olllcors, uiu! makes jieoplo swear, somo icoplo. but I can't tell where thoy uro us I hain't novor been Micro, but my ma sho says thoy nro nn awful good thing for mo and must ulwnys lovo 'cm: but I don't know how I enn lovo nnything I never saw. t?av do you 7 Then sayeth tho indignant teacher. "Go to your scats nnd study vour lesson and yon shall bo kopt in after school." So bo It I WHAT TIIKV HAY. I'ow of Tho Nuttiorntu Compliments 1'nlil Tlio Unity by Our KichntiKm. Arlington Times: Tlio Daily East OitKdONtAX is tho newsiest und most com plete daily published outside of Portland 11 tho state. Astorian : Tho East Oiii:oonian Iuih hloi somed into n dully, nnd makes 11 very creditable showing. It gives evidence of ability und has a healthy look. Wulla Wnlla Journal: Tho child is born nml its nnmo is "Daily East Oni:- (ionian." Pendloton may (col proud of it, for its 11 hoy, weighs 11 ton, und hns como to Btuy (or gcod. Success to tho ento-priso. Astoria Hoomcr: Tin East Ohkiionian published ut Pendleton, has Issued 11 daily edition. Like tho weekly, it is chuck full of news, und a credit to tlio city of Pen- iiciou. Salem Statesman : Tho daily East OhkooMian, tho Unit number of which wus Issued on lliursdav. is a decided success. und u credit alike to tho publishers nnd to tho town. Wo wish thejiowjventuro tho success und patronage It merits. McMInnvlllo Koportor: It is 11 pleasure to note that versatile sheet, the East Ok koonian. is coon to issuo 11 daily. It has published tho lwst weekly in ilia State. und will undoubtedly muko tho dally rank ns menus 1110 semi-wceKiy. success to tho llvo proprietors. Hotel Arrlvuli. Howman Houhk: Tom Johnson. Pilot Kocic; 11. 1., l.ruco, Uamus I'nurto; J. W. Hotts, Centarvillo: C. 0. Sharp. City: E. A. Vuy, 15uttor creek: W. M. Himoi Cedar ltuplds; I. II. Ward: 0. M. Me Cauimon, Stunsolls; J. T. Edwurds, Tlio wanes. ViiXAiti) Houhk: II. Millor. Milton: It. Albeo, Vinson; It, II. Hcndershot, SK)kanu Falls; Hon Hiscnstoin, Murtli L. Colin, Sol Hlumncr, W. W. Harris, Portland; John H. Watson, Chicago; S, M. Cooper. Charles M. Clark. John G. Sltiushm. Una.. J. G. Thurlwr. San Fran- isco; J. w. Jiitihirn, Jr., Uhlcago: Miss 0. Tur. Centorvlllo: Walter M. Pierce, Weston ; L. H. Geer, linker City E.J.Wilbur, Ilartniun'H mill; Chas, G KoliortB. Tho Dalles: A. C. .Tucks and wife, J. lJ. Swltzlor, Umatilla; G. Wulen- ton. Uleklcton ; w. u. Hliallo UOI.PKS KULK llOTKI.: VY. JOllIlSOll. Montana; Chas. Hitter, A. Kropf, Sacra inento;0. II. Pitrick, M. A. Dart, San l'mncisco; It, C. Ilinton, l'ostor; Wil son Jensen, uillainctto; Mn. Haley, Union; 0. M, Atwood nnd wife, South Cold spring; J. Davis; D. Plymouth, 'ontarvllla : Miss Hlchov. Eiigono Citv : L. H. Heodor, Adams; K. Ilurnos, 1). 'ampl)oll, Camas pmirio; Fred Schwuh, itv: E. S. Wutleman. Contervillo: H. S. Hindi, C. L. I3mmon. Portland: Miss Phronia Healo. Eugene : J, 1). Caninbjll und brother. THK KACK OF CltUIHT. Tho cnpylxt croup wns Rnllirred routul A time-worn In-sco, wnrlilTnuowneil, wiiosu rciiirni cinry tuivc 111111 iiten rlnl, Un Tho face of Uhr hu Nnzurcno. Anil every cnpyUt of tlio crowd With hi own houI lliutfneo e ml owed, rjentle, Hovctc, mnjent Ic, menn; Hut with Christ, tho Nuzarliie? Thru 0110 who watched them mndo com- pliilnt And mnrveteil,H4.vlnir, ''Wherefore pnlnt TIM ye lio xnre vour eye Imvo fecn Tho hco of Christ, the Nnr.nrlno?" All 11 MUtake. Tho editor of tlio Miltoii Euglo buvm that "Pendleton furnishes one of tho nastieet i-loughs of crime in tho Patillo Northweot." Ho ulso says thut "tho in- stitution known us tho Pendleton hospital is nothing more than a houso of ill- fame." Hukcr City Hovillo: Tho Milton Kudo man is ono of those pop guns that frequently go oil" half-cocked. Ho took a vagabond's word for it und published this slanderous matter concerning tho management of tho county oor house in I'ondletou, which no nils-styled "tlio Pendleton hospital." Tho Milton Eaglo man Is u littlo too previous. A Iloine-tnmte Ilroora Sweeps Cleuu. Yesterday It. 0. Ilinton. tho enterpris ing broom maker of Foster, was in town ith 11 sample ot each crude 01 ids hroom. taking orders from tho Pendleton mer chants truo drummer style. Mr. Ilinton has about 800 dozen brooms on hand und material for 400 dozen more, and there certainly is no excuse for tho merchants Bending away for tliis urtielo of commorco, as there can bo found no objection to tho quality and prices. Mr. Hintbn says ho is selling his brooms nil over tho State. and they are gaining quite a reputation. KnctN fur 1'nrniern. Do you got high prices for your crops? How much monoy do you muko 111 11 year? Is your farm out of dobt? For twenty-live years, tho "protection Ists" havo kept you down under u high turiir. Thov Pruto about "11 homo mar ket" and "diversifying interests" to belt) tno nirmer. hut mo the (acts Docs your next door neighbor pay you nny more lor wncai in tno "homo mnr ket" than tho shippers for LIvcrnool? Does tho manufacturers pay you 11 higher price man ine grain ncaicr r 1110 iiirniers are not "protected." Thov pay war turiir taxes on everything thoy buy, nnd thoy get no more for what thoy sell. More than half of tho workers of this country nro farmers and furnHuborcrs. Tho farmer is tho strong horso who lias to bear the burden of taxes, while tho wool is pulled over his eves. iou get (or your wheat tno prlco ut Liverpool, less tno cost of getting It there. Thu enormous duty on steel rails und on iron has Increased by untold millions tlio cost of tho rullwuys thut carry it, und so increased your freight and lowered your pruiit. i'.very 1100 and plow and (in-puii nnd stovo costs you more because of tho turiir tuxes. 1 our houses und your fences cost you more, xour clothes cost you more. WHAT 1)0 YOU OUT KOK IT AM.? Tlio duty on wool do you say? Well, only $70,000,000 worth of wool (prico paid farmers) is grown in this country to $000,000,000 corn $500,000 000 hay, $250,000,000 cotton $100,000,0)0 heirs eggs. ioi u tiuruotii 01 our larm products is wool, It Is hard to tax !!0 mon for one. Hut tho wooMiirilT hurts tho wool- growers. Why? Hecuuso tho woolen manufacturers havo to buy imported wools to mix with domestic wools, and tho duty makes tho price so high as to irovont their paying a good prlco for lomu-grown wool. Thus tho farmer pays more for his blankets und gets less for his wool. Eng land sold to foreign countries in 188."), $115,000,000 worth of woolen goods, where ..... .....I... i fuvt rvyii 1 'ri... ...I.... nf 1. VI PUItl MI.Ui;. 5l,irVU,VW, 4 ALU f'tlWU VJ. woolen nnd of nil farm products averaged higher in tlio free trade than in tlio pro tection period. 1110 tunii uiiects 110110 01 tno lurmer's products in favor of the farmer. Tho turiir on wheat, etc., Is entirely a sham, because wo exjwrt grain and do not im ort it. 11 wo wore really to shut ourselves up to "tho homo market," tho glut of pro- luce would ruin our farmers. The more freely Euroo buys, tho bettor olT uro American larmcrs. Givo our workingmcn work all tho year round, by help of freo raw materials ami more loreigu trade, and nicy win navo more monoy to spond nt homo. THINK AllOUT T1IKSK TIIINOS I When you vote for Congressmen, don't mind putty names, but find out If tho candidate iwlieves in ltevenue lteform und lower tuxes. "Protection" doesn't protect. Tho farmer needs freer tnulo us his truo pro tection. Willi toil. An exiH)rienced salesman, well ac quuiuted with thu general merchandise business, particularly dry goods and fancy goods. Hoforonces regarding char acter und ability required. Apply or ad dress Schwabacher Hros., Wullu Wullu, . x. Illoml Telia. NortTii OdDK.v, March 1, 1888. To Uoltln l Haxe, ami nil thoroiiKhhrriU; Wo nro pleased with tlio Holstein Hull "Jasper L" bought of you. His cnlvos uro e luuai yesterday and all of un rejoice to' 'Wight " San; and Silky Plow Tho following farniors hi Umatilla their county who uro suioriority : using them, will testify to "Jasper 1." has a son born see. It weighed 110 ikhiiuIs. Wo uro proud of him und ho Is king of tho pastures; wno can nsui inurr tours truly, John Woomdiaii and Family. P. S. I am otl'ered $50 for him ; don't thut beat wheat ut four bits a bushel? . John. London's Lord Muyor has 11 salary of f3ii,euu u year. Tho latest Republican ticket is Slier man and Miiliono, A Now York woman has applied for a iiivorco 011 tno ground that her husband Kurcd ashes on her head. What would tho ludy Imvo? New York real estate is so high that sho must not oxcct to have mud lavished ujioii nor. Tho city of Symcuso, N. Y., guvo u Republican majority of 2500 lust year. At tho lata municipal election tho party mado its campaign iiKn tho protection of salt, one of tho local industries, and wus Iwuton by 700 mujority. UK l). KEMI'EIt, Proprietor of tho Vive-Cent Beer Hull, Main St., oppoalto pottolllc, Pendloton. Pendleton beer 011 draught. W'lnm, llquoig unu cigar. ui 1110 ueab u mucin, n moon. melts U JOTiCE TO CONTUAUTOllH. netiien uiuh win uo received uy uioiown 01 Pendleton, until noon. .March the I6II1. for theKmUlDKniulgravednK of the kquore ut tho Intersection of Thompson street with llallroaa street, liluir Hrcel, unu tusiiii street. Tho ektlumles uud NptclllciitlouH can he seen ut tho town survey cr' oltlce. All bids must bo uddrew,ed to lho commlltee 011 strews und puhllu iiiipruvenients, anil murked! "llids on Thonipkoa street." Tho town reserves lho rlu'lit to reject uny nil nil bids. iiich5 d D OE8 THIS CONCEItN YOUT All persons Indebted to me bv note or ac count uro requested to roiuo forwurd without further deluy und settle same, as I need money in my business und must have It, If this tequeki;ls not complied with, 1 will place the notes und accounts In the hands of un attorney for collection. Pendleton, Oieon, March 6, 1RS8. . mcli7 dsw W. D. H ANHKOltD A. CO. J. F. Temple, W. P. Temple, J as. Trobaugk, A. R. Simpson, J. W. Simpson, John Crow, I. L. Barnes, Geo. Kinney, Geo. Aldridge, J. B. O'Daniel, Thad Armstrong, Jno. Bitney, L. B. Gilman, W. H. Reeder, John Timmerman, G. F. Kimery, And numerous others. Tho only plow which completely covers the highest stubble, nnd nt tho enino timo pulls with tho very least draft. To Arrive This "Week, -A carload of- Old's Tubular Axle Wagons, (Each Axle Warranted fur 1'tvc 1'cars.) A carload of PITTSBURG STEEL BARB WIRE (COVERED WITH RUBBER WATERPROOF PAINT) Tho lightest and tho best wire on tho market to-day. A largo and complete stock of Builders' Hardware, Mechanics' Tools; Shot Guns, Rifles, and Revolvers. Wo claim to have tho finest Una of HARDWARE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS! Of tiny houso in Kautern Oregon. Jewell Stoves and Ranges. Every custinj; guurnnteed npihiHt cracking; every tiro back warranted for fifteen years. Theso Stoves Load tho World, and uro sold ns cheap us tho cheapest. PLUMBING! A complete stock of PLUMBING GOODS, with first-class, experienced work men, enables us to do K'ood work, at bottom figures. ESTIMATES FUltNISHEl) FREE ON APPLICATION. mch7 dltswStlf Wheeler, Greene & Co. Frazer's Opera House, Friday, March. 9, One Mght Only! From tho Atluntlo to thu 1'nclnol A Nnw Department In Mlnttrolsjrl I. W. BAIRD'S am moth Minstrels! iolt ut tho Monster Array of Tnient Grt-uier uml Heller Hum Kver-wlth un Kntlru Nov Company for tho Hchmmi of 7 anil 'M. OUR MATOITL12SS ATiTTSTS! Low Bonodlct, John Mack, Ellsworth Cook. Albort Loach, John Dillon, Horace Rushby, Chas. W. Coodyoar, Jamoa Croon, Will L. Pollard, Byron Loach, Harry Dillon, C. W. Murray. Kuropc'ii (IrenteslHonsiitlnn, Tlio Itoyul IIumMloll Ilhiuors, lho llrlllsh Clloo llimls, flvo Inmunlu r, Kluht Orent Coineilhins) Kluht Knit Menl Tn Cloir Kxiierisl Kluhl Kuperh Vnculistnl Twelve (Ireiit HH'cliilUts new, uiiliii, nuvel mid rcllmil! Hfty l'oiiny Knu turio the Ulnit liniKli-iiiiikuml Ten Honu nnd Duiire A' llt ptnntHllon, uurolmtlu uiiiIkuu ttell Twenty HklllcJ Muslclons-ovtry mnn u solo pliiyerl Watch for the Grand Parade of Baird's Gold and Silver Cornet Matt Elder, Leader, supported by Major Gorman. Band, Military Drill KxperU, and I.tghlnlnif Musket Jwwlori. DAILY AT NOON j KltKKTO AI.M Listen to tho Hand! Heethe lleiuillfut Ilornsl llturtliu Hololslsl s-Hecuro your TlokeU ut I'letclii'r's Jewelry Btoro. moli5l it BOOT AND SHOElALi For tho next tlilrty duys I will soil at ton per cent, tibovo cost tlio largest and host stock oi boots and shoos that is in Pendleton, comprising: $2,000 AYorth of Buckingham & Ilecht celebrated boots and shoes. 83,000 worth of C. M. Henderson goods, who is considered one of the best manufacturers in tho United States. $1,000 worth of Sailor Lewin it Co.'s ladies' fino kid shoes, of tho Sailer Lewin make, Philadelphia. 1,000 pair children and Ahsses shoes. 500 pair of slippers, of all grades. Don t delay, but como and get bargains, at tho' Pendleton Boot and Shoo store. JAS. "WHEELAN, Prop.