East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 08, 1888, Image 1

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Seventy-live cent In money or stamps
Patrons of the Dully or SomMVeekly
I'.AST OltF.OONIAN cnii freely make use
of the i:ASI' ORKOONIAN llhrnry when,
ever they no desire. The inihlln nro enr
illnlly Invlteil to lstt tlin olllco whenever
so Inclined,
-will tiny for the Semi-Weekly KA8T OltK
1 OONLVN from now until after the Juue
flection. Two dollars will pny for the
l)lly KABT OlttiOONIAN for tlio same
! length of time by mall.
VOL. 1.
NO. 7,
r Olllco Room!! li it, 3 nnd 4 Association Block
Pendleton, Oregon.
Oftlco-Ne j t Trlbun olllco , on Court street.
Oiilce In Association building, rooms
and 17.
I'ENUt.ETON, - -
Lcunl ImslnoB of nil kind attended to with
nrnnintness. Collections ' specialty. Office
on Main Httoet, 111 tlio Tlionipsou-linrtihart
miiiuuig, over ina postomcc. jnuia nu
Itoomi No. Bnud 6, Association Block, Pen
e to ii, Or.
Ofllcet-Muln Htreet, in Thnmpson-llnrn.
iinrl ntiiiuiiig.over me i-oifuiucc.
OiMce Over First National Hnuk, I'endle-
on. or.
Will iirucilcn Ic courts of Oreron and
Washington. Collect. ons promptly uttended
And NoUirv Vubllc. Olllco In " East Urego
ninu" iiunuing, peuuioton, or.
Pciullston, Oregon,
Rooms h and D Asuoclutlou Btouk,
Justio of th Peace,
And Notary Public,
Vanbyclk, - - Okkoon.
Filings on land received, nnd dual proofs
Itiikon at reduced rates, collecting n spc
jiuiiy. ' nina
Qss udmlulsteitil
Iffllcet-Mnln Htreet, In Thomp'on-Flnck
linililing. rwiuiieioii. uregon.
rHHluiAH Anar nusiMr.isn.
nttlen! OverMiirston A Moorhousu 's store
oorner of John. on mid Court streets,Pendlo.
ton, orego.i
Ueriuau ruyxlrlan A Hurgcon.
(Oruduated-I'rimlu, (lei many,)
The doctor oilers hl services to tlio public,
nnd ho miikos the nssuriinco thut no can
cure nny dlstnsn wheie inedlcnl uld run have
neur Court street.
Ofllco hours, from H to 11 n. in,, from 2 to S
p. m,, una from 7 lot) p. m.
Q.K0. w. KINO., M. I).
Ofilce: Over Mnorhuiuo A Co.'s store. lies
iclcnco, on Velih fctreet neur Court street.
Hesldencu anil oltlco connected by telophono
with Vllliinl hotel.
Espealul utloiitloii given to the diseases of
women una children,
Itoom II Anoclntton lllocK, - Main Hired.
OHlce lit Hlmpson's drug store, ilcllx Or,
IIouh, CurrlaBje nntl Nln ralutem
Hhop on Vliuent street, uenr Court street.
Estimates furnished on short notice. Onlers
from the. country will receive prompt utten.
Hon, Hlgn painting a specialty, apl'.'d
IIfiio nntl SIum Painters,
paperhiinglnii glarlnz and
Utore a
Imp, Court street, opposite Til-
u s nmr itanerv.
Proprietor of tlio
Opera Haloon,
Court Btreet, adjoining Opera Houto,
Pendleton, Oregon,
Fine wines, liquors nnd cigars. Dayton
beer, acknowledged to be the bent, on
drnught. (ri feb2l
Proprietor of the
nor. Main and Webb Btreets, Pendleton, Or.
Fredericksburg Beerou draught.
Fine Wines, Liquor and Cigars. nl7tf
loiio and Brick Mason.
Pendleton, : : i t Oregon.
Tombstones and monument settings t
peolnUy; oementtug, plusterlnc. all kinds of
tone and brick work executed reasonably,
A house. Willi n burn flint will slnliln fnn
norses, Appiy to A. i). h., nt tins olllco.
Notices not innklnir mora llinn four llnm
will be Inserted In this column nt tlio rnto or
nve cents mi insertion.
Cnn bo hnd nt the East OncnoNiAN ofllco
nt prices Hint will provo thoy nre chonoer
iiiun wiose oi nny oincr pruning uouso I
cumvru urcgou,
If you havo an nnlmnl estrny, you run re
cover him hv exnondlmr S-2.00 In mlvertlslni
In the Kamt Oiikookian. It unlches them
every time.
More than twn hundred forms nf leirnl
blanks at thin oltlce. Lawyers nnd others
needing xpeclnl forms cnn lie supplied,
hrjasr-w reward.
Lout on brown seder doff, hns tin snots on
nun, answers ui mo inline or "ilex." ror in
return, or inrormnt on leiulltnr In his re
covery, go rewnru win on pulil hv
tu feb21 on J. J. HAI.LEIIAY.
0R8ES FOlt 8 A I.E.
.Small bund of American mnrcs and vounc
nurses, nu gnou size, ror snie. Appivio
iu rcuzs mi
Echo, Ort'Kon.
a mixrti imiiri or siock
horses for sale, In
smnll or large lots. All Rood site American
lt. ma. Cnu V. n k . ... It . ... t. ...
tlioO. It; A N, rond. six m ns bolow Pendle
d'Jtmn J ,, , WW .i.-l, lit 1,11 IIIIIII h B.Ulltfl,, 111,
ton, f or pnrucuinrs auurrss.
tu fcbIS lm Pendleton, Oregon,
Illds will bo received nt thn nftlon nt tlin
oity surveyor until noon on wcdncsiiny,
.uHren win, mr me nuing wnn iirieK nuu ce
tnent the city recrvolr, In nrconlnnco with
lilnns nnd siieoltlratlons. which can bn seen
ai iioiiicniiu nuu uenirsaior, rflinneton.
feljM td Town Hurveyor,
A snlendld stock rnnch nt bank runt nrlces.
flood foniliy klndof stock.esncelnllr adnnted
to runnlnir sheen. Plenty of ruinilnir water.
oui.iuu rniiKu, locnieu in insulin couniy,
Hheep winter on thr'e day. to two weuks'
feed. Terms to suit. Addrixsi J, M. T.
llox a, KO'lyn,
frl febl7 lm Kltlltus County, W. T.
All persons Indohted to thu firm of Hehulzo
Jk lln.ler nro reouu.ted to eomo forward nnd
settle with the undersigned nt once, or the
accounts will be placed In the hands of an
attorney for collrctlou. I mean 'business,
nnd must have innnoy.
i-eiiuieioii, urrgiiu, rciirunry 17, jss.i.
frl febl7 lm JOSEl'H BA4LER.
A rewani 01 live uiuiiirs n iiemi win no pnm
for Infririniitlnn leiidnnr to the recnvnrv or
tho following described horses! Olio sorrol
iiuiri', bald fnee, 7 on left shnulileriiiid O on
left think. One Mirim two-vear-old horse
colt, white 104k, u on left tl.inlc: one buy
mare, two years old, brunded U on left flank;
one sorrel III ley, two yours old, same brand,
and one bay llilev. branded It (up sldo down)
on right hip. Addrenst
u, w. iifivwniiDM.
tu febll lm Wodon, Oregon.
uiionru 11. .M. johiikon holds a nolo signed
by Jelhro nnd K. A. Hnnlwlck. This nolo
fin uvtii I'Mi,. uu inn itiiiu ma uvinujr uu-
cordlngly iiotlllcd of that fact
l.n t..v.... .... I.I .,.t ....I. IA
ronuicton, uregnu, ruuruary 0, itiM.
feblO llil E. A. HARUW1C1C.
To whom It may cnnreriii Tnko notice Hint
thoHoiitli British Flromid Mnrlno Insumnce
Company nf New Zealand desires nnd In
tends lovenkodolmtbusliiess In thu M.to of
Oregon, nnd to withdraw lis capital thero-'
Bv W1LI.IAMH. AIM! Wlinl).
oell 8l(m Attorneys.
Main St.r Pendloton,
(Next to Masonlo Building )
Gent's Furnishing
C. W. Brownfield
Pendleton Meat Market.
Having reopened the above Market, (Hau-
ueri' oiu siauu, wo suaii do prepared at all
times to supply the people of Veudleton
wiiu me very oesv
Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc.,
That the market can attord.and at
prices all cau reach.
iioitmiiLK holocaust in HfitiNO
1'llCLlt MA8S.
The Prrsldent'a Reported Interest I
Oregon tViishlngton News Latest
Frem the Strikers-Const mid Ststc
The President Interested In Oregon.
W (KinvdTiiw Miin.lt a 'ri,., v,til,,t,,,t
l)cinocrt!o Convrintlon meets in St. JjiiIh
on 'luestlny, Juno 6th. Tlio Oreiron
State election cecum on Mmnlnv. .Titno
4th. Tho l'reBlileut Ih oxceetlingly unxl
oim to lutvo the news More tho sun goes
down on .ninu otn una uregon huh koiio
Demoerutlc. wliich ho eoiisldnrH would bi
un oiulorwinent of his ttirifl' reform mes
sage, llio l?a'8i(icnt hus reijuosted John
Pi Irish, of Sun mnciHco, editor of tho
Alt it Culifornlii, to go to Oregon nnd do
wiuit no couiu lownrii eiirrvini! tlio statu.
Irish will go intending to unsist in orgrtn
izlng eounties which contain e'tics nnd
largo towns, and will sticak llimuehmit
tlio State on tho issue ruined by tho nies
sago. Tho PrcNident's last words to Irish
before ho loft Washington for California
woro: "Do not full to earrv Orntroti In
Juno." Tho President's interest in tho
njijirouehiug flglit in Oregon gives it a
iMiuonui inijionanco. t is said tlio Pres
ident has ollbrud ti lawyer in Buiralo,
niitucd 1). Ij. Wilcox, tho ixiHltlrm of re
ceiver oi tiuuiio monies at tlio Wit a
W llllu land olllco. Tliu l'roHldont Is Mnk.
ing by tho uso of natronitL'o to l-uIii
sirengtn in districts in now Vorlc where
no was signally weak in 1832.
An Oregon Claim Iteported.
Washington. March H. Senator Man
tlorson has rojiorted favorably from tho
committee on military utritirs tho bill
mithorizlnic tho Secretary of War to credit
Uregon with lii,31)8 for ordnunco stores
oorrowed irom tno state by tho govern
ment minng mo iee rerco war,
The UuiwU Station.
WAsiiisoTO.v.Murch 8. Tho committeo
lave recommended in favor of tho ustuli-
Ilslilngof a llfo saving station on Shoal'
water bay, and at the mouth of tho Um-
I'oslmsiter at Vostcr,
Wahui.noton. March 8. 11. T. Mnr.
ton has Ihjoii ajijiointed jHiMtmastor nt
ofior, uniatiiia county, urogon.
Sitnford II. Smith has Imjoii aiiointed
IMDstmastcr at Pulotiso City, W. T.
Another Hwlndle.
Ni:w YoitK. March 7. It hns lionn
ascertained that tt groat deal has lieen
engineered by tho Standard Oil Company
and tlio produce union. Intonsa oxcito-""
ment iirevalm.
The Strike Nprrndlng.
Ciiicaoo. March 7. Chief Aithiir H11VH
there is serious dumror that tho strika of
engineers anil llronien will siireadlargoly,
and extend to many other roads.
Mi.vnh.u'ous, .March 7. All nrothor-
nood onuincers and 1 reinen on tlin llnr.
lington A Northern left tliuir ongincs at
ten o'clock this morning.
Disastrous Fire at Nprlnglleid.
PritiNdKiiihi), MAbh., March 7. Tlio
lily ' Union ofllco is lmrne.l. Klv nr
eight jhjojiIo Iiavo loon Imrned to death.
flirs. I'urley, bocloty editor of tho Union,
us instamiy Kined y lumping irom a
indow. The inmates of thu coiiiimwIiil'
room woro shut oil' from any moans of es
cuiHj. Dozens of men, when thoy saw
that ogress by tho usual means was im
losnll)lo, rushed to tho windows and hung
usiHjiiiiod y tneir minds until their
trength gave out, and then dropped and
icro cither killed or fatallv iniurod bv
tho frightful fall. Forty tiers'ons woro iu
10 hilltorial room, and twentv of thnm
tiro inisHing. It is hoped thoy escaped,
but Homo of them may have iierlshod.
The l'ntnl Fire,
Sl'llIXCimxi). Mass.. March 8. Lntrr
developments show that six jcoplo wero
Kuien ami six severely injured in tlio lire
emorduy in mo i iiioii building.
Latent About tho Strikers.
Ciiicaoo. March 8. Tlio Chlea'-fi
lajiers of this morning havo tho follow
ng head lines, which indicato tho situa-
lion of the strike: "Tho brotherhood
ill sustain all luemliorB sustaining tlio
Ii. & 0. strike. Talk of settlement."
Other lines aro mora anxious for peace
than tho Burlington, Kxtension of tho
strike to other lines is apparently in
evitable. .FOREIGN NEWS.
The Knipcmr Hying,
Beiiij.V. March 7. Tho Knloeror
uermuny is dying,
, t
ti row lug Ilettcr.
San Reno, March 7. Thero is' yet a
ked improvement in tho condition of
Crown Prince. ' .
An Earthquake.
Pasadena, Cai.., March 7. A severe
shock of earthquake- was folt horo this
morning at 8 o'clock. Xo damage was
The Merlotln Murderer.
PoitiLANi), Mureji 7. Tho jiarty who
plujmed ho could produce tho )orHon who
murdered Kmnia Merlotin, tlio French
courtesan, has leen interviewed by tho
police. Hosayswlicn the sum of fifteen
hundred dollars is dejiosited ho will bring
tho guilty party in, Ho claims it will
tnko a mouth to do tills. It is said tho
money will Ixj forthcoming
I'age mid Harding,
Portland, March 7. 0. M. Harding,
with Peail Pago roblwd Mr. Dickinson, is
the son of tho Into Samuel C. Harding, of
San Francisco. Tho ca&o is bofoio tlio
.Grand Jury to-day. It in acloarcaso
iiLMiiiHt PiiL'o nnd Hard ii-'. and thnv will
- ! tloiilitlosH go to tlio tHjnitentiary. It is re-
porieu inai tiarditig'M relatives in .m
i-ranclsoo will make strong ellorts to
savo him from the penitentiary.
Poitmsn, March ".Walter Young a
colored man, is on trial to-day for unlaw
fully living wllh a white woman named
Mary Anderson.
Hoy Killed by Cars.
Saciiamknto, C.u,., March 8. A boy
named Hookor was run over hero by cars
this moriiln'f and killed.
Knstern Oregon Wool.
San Fuancibco, March 8. Scourors
have taken a lot of Uustern Oreuoti wool
nt 13 18 cents, but the total trans
actions aro sriutll.
Man Killed by Cars.
I)i:i!it Loixii:. Montana. March 8.;
man named John Oanlov was run ove
near hero last nhht. by 11 freluht train
aim instantly killed.
PoiiTbAND On., March 8th Wheat is
a triflo weaker to-day. Tho demand is
not ro great.
Of More or Less Interest to the Venule
of thn Northwest.
Tho President has nominated Edwin
holla, of Washington Territory, to lxj
nirent for the Indians of thn Piivullttt
agency (consolidated) in Washington
Al'WllUlJ. .
senator .Mitchell lias proposed an
amendment which ho will olfer to tho bill
forfeiting the land grunt of tho Northern
Pacific railroad along tho uncompleted
iwiion 01 tno lino, tlio amendment re
serves to the city of Portland tho right of
way neretoioro grained to tno rortliern
Pacillc for tho city to carry water from
linn ittin to l'ortiantl.
I lie Indian ofllco lias passed upon the
claim of Austin Itico, of Douglas county,
uregon, allowing 1110 amount claimed,
$470,60, for loss sustained by Itoguo
river and Low creek Indians in lH.r. llio
claim of Humey P. Shiimeis, of Douglas
county. Oregon, for loss by tho sumo In
dians in !).), was not allowed, tho ovi
denco being iiisufllcicnt. The claim of
Win. Ilutson, of Dnti'iluscountv. Oreuon.
of 8:M.50, was allowed. Tills loss was
niiutcd by unipqua Indians in 1H.V.
a sst oinco lias been established at M
ouis, Douglas county, with I). I), Hull'
postmaster, ucorgu Price has lieeu up
xjtnted postmaster at t'lttshurg, Loliim
ila county, in nltico of Peter Grouse re
.. Pensions havo been granted to James
n. itoin, Hock I'oint, Or., mid Nmitiel
Hamilton, Deon Creek Fa Is. V. T.
Tho iioHtniastor general, who recently
declined 10 increiiho tno man service bo
tween Fossil and AnteloK), lias now til
lowed the same.
Ilornmim presented to tho department
nuinerotit.ly signed jietltions asking for
tno establishment oi "range lights" at
tho eutraiico to 'lillumook bay and har
bor, and urged fuvorublo consideration,
in view of tho growing commerce there.
and particularly because of tho shifting
01 nuoys, which Homotimes renders navl
gat Ion on tho tho bur uncertain to
strangers, 'i his application is concurred
in by pilots ol tlio Columbia river,
Mr. Hermann also submitted to con
gress a memorial from numerous ex-Un-Ion
soldiers of Albina. Oreiron. asklm
for tlio passage of tho tier diem rate ser
vico pension hill now ;ioniling, which is
based on tlio principle of tho payment of
oiiu cent ior oacn actual iniyn service.
The Internal Revenue 11 111.
Tho Democratic majority of tho witvs
and means committo has submitted to t fie
full committee an internal revenue bill,
Section 1 of tlio bill provides for tho re
peal of all taxes on manufactured chewing
tobacco, smoking tobacco and siuifl', hjio
cial taxes iijioii manufacturers of and
dealerH iu loaf tobacco to tnko effect Julv
1, 188S, Uebatofor tho full amount of
tax on unbroken packages of smoking
and chuwing tobacco iu tlio bauds of
manufacturers and dealers on July 1 will
Ijo allowed if a claim is presented Iieforo
September 1,
M-ction 'i provides that niantifacturers
of cigars shall each pay annually a special
tax of $:(, and dealerH in tobacco 1.
Manufacturers of cigars, cheroots or cig
arettes will not lie required to pay sjieclid
tax us dealer, when the products aro sold
at tho placo of manufacture. Tho net to
tako eirect July 1.
Tho total reduction iu thorovoiiuoinudo
by tho bill is aliout ifLTi.OOO.OOO, of which
jL'0,000,000 is oil tobacco and $.'),000,000
on various special tuxes removed.
Iiy a party vote tlio bill was added th
tho .Mills tarifr bill, making 0110 bill of
David Dudley Field has rendered his
country a valuable service by getting
Congress to attach euphonious and
meaning Indian names to tlio nronoxed
now States.
In his firm speech auainst tho Blair
bill. Senator Ilnwluv uthnv.ii 1111 livnriiL'ii
of 2-1) words jier mliiuto. Ho also voted
as ho spoke, but not ho many times pur
minute ; moro's the pity.
Tlio shortage of Judgo Uarnoy, receiver
of tho Sjiokano laud ofllco, is over f-1000.
Of tills amount f2.-l-ll.-J0 is money taken
from lieu laud claimants, ami for which
no receipts could bo given undor tho
rulings of the department. It is a ques
tion iion which the legal mind is divided,
us to whether tho liondsmon cau s held
responsible for this money, which tho
courts will doubtless bo culled iqioii to
An Interesting Letter From Our Own
New Yoiik, March
It dawned on my thinker
17, 1888.
moment's warning that a few words from
your Now York special correspondent
nugm ihj aproiH.s, anu aiso to prove that
I'm still out of jail. I am pluving in bet
ter luck than Jlurg, us you see.
The few choice remarks which follow
ttcsiro to navo up)eur among your regu
lar reading matter, (no matter whether
they aro reudublo or not.) Thoii'ih to uiva
iiiem sirengtn you might suck a patent
medicine ad on each side as bracers.
U10K0 remarks aro not del rious. and
probably could stand by themselves, but
u win no saier to give mem tho support
01 a lamp ost or otherwise.
I had some idea of L'lvini! vou 11 do
tailed description of Now York, but con
sidering tlio number of volumes it would
tako, and being aware that 1 haven't
probably more than thirtv or forty years
r.f nr.. i.l 1 1. .i.i. . r
ui urn iK.-iuru nu, i nave, wnn uiucii re
grot, given up the idea.
I am stopping at a centrally located
pio foundry, recommended to mo by a
cousin, a real estate broker, and one of
tho boys. Ho is only a second cousin. If
ho was a neur and dear first cousin I
should havo felt no hesitancy in killing
and burying him long ago. Ilttt onlv lw
ing a second cousin 1 havo refrained
from being too intimate towards him. Ho
has also festooned my boudoir with 11 Job
101 01 pnoiogrupns 01 scuntiv chid ac
tresses, and, us a crowning achievement,
threw in Ids own picture with the lot.
Tho last was thu iinkludcst cut of all, ami
I immediiitely interviewed him to tho
olfoct tluit he'd havo to draw the lino
at Now York toughs or grlin-visaged war
would bo ileclured. Of course like every
well bred and patriotic Woitornor I brn-j
on our section of the Union on all occa
sions. Tho tracts irsued by railroad com
lianles nru Hat In comiiiirlHoti to mv nn.
fettered descriptions, and I ofton wonder
11 the temierieet can realize tho real lies
1 occasionally work in.
New York's nopulaiion now amounts
to about two millions, though it looks as
if the entire earth were located here, and
tho average Now Yorker thinks it is. It
would lie a mxsl scheme to shin about 11
million of tho inhabitants, and tho re
maining natives would Imvu it better
chance all around. Tlio appalling ex
tremes of poverty and wealth cannot bo
imagined by us of the West, and In fact
U hardlv realized by the wealthy class
hero. Tho rich landlord of course hus
his projierty attanded to bv an agent
who is oxjiected to keep collections up
without fail, and turn over the regular
lliOohli) of thousundH to an omiilover.who.
In most instances, sihiiiiIs the bulk In ,
....... ......... 1 ..1 1.1 . 1 . . 1
vai vnnun. 1 riiuiuu nui limine ineir
agents from Iwcomlng the rankest of an
archists, seeing daily tho great social
evils in all their hldeousness, ami where,
unless a great refoiiu Is forthcoming, will
shake the nations to their centers, and
lllHil 11 Itiilil'lntitati 4-rnuli
That tint niniiiitvil i-lnua Imvu llHln ivm.
eopticn of thu misery surrounding them
is very well shown In tho following little
story told mo bv ono of these agents, a
nr. m ".uyenow, a Junto rea estate,"""" iub. 11 in no ; msi
owner, with an ncoiuu of M.000. but
continually in need of money, was urging
mo ulout thu collections of a few rents
that bad lieen s Ilubt v iu arrears, ami
suggesting that such tenants bo ininiedi-! Tho Next viee-i-ienident.
utely nut out. Many a tenant I have put Tho next vlce-l'resident of tho Unltnl
out when it went burs lily against the states may )iosslblv bo something more
grain j hut 1 was, determined to let this , than 11 llguiehead a mere presiding olllcor.
unt lion ami gay man of tho world see .There is a possibility of his vote deter
ho hard side of the p ctuio. So, asking mining whether thut bodv shall have a
dm to accompany ntu to 0110 of his most Democratic br Koptihlicau majority,
backward temtntH, wo started out. I took SonutorH whose terms expire with tills
ilinto tho sixth floor of a tenement Congress are, with two exceptions, from
housu. and standing before iu small door I states which are strongly Democratic or
was about to enter when hu urasned mv 1 1 f t .1 1.. . . . ti.,. ..v,...,,ii..u ...... v.....
ami, and iHilnting to a little piece of
crape on the door knob wild: MhJii't go
In tlieio. somebody's dead.' Without
roplvim! I rouulilv pushed omm tho door.
and the sight was certainly impressive.
40 need to go into a description of the'
luiHoriiblo and cheerless HiirroundhiL's of f
iw i, 41 ..Minim nun ruiitii ill 11 .
chair sobbing in anguish, while two 1
smuii cm wren pluylngon the llir, and ,
not understanding their great loss.
ormeil a contrast strikingly sad.
'overed by a sheet in ono corner lav thu
mangled remains of the futhur. Hu had
I it'll a ruihoud 111:111, and met ids death
by Isjlng caught Uitwcen two cars, Aj-prtNii-hiug
tho woiuuii I told her iu hind
tones that her rout must 1m paid, and
that 1 hud also brought thu landlord
along to hco about It. I could seo that
the landlord was shocked at my cold atti
tude, but Isjforo hu could interfere tlio
iioor creature addressed mu by saving
that her husband hud fust lieen killed.
and thut under the clrcumstuuceH hIio
prayed I would uive her a little more
time; that f bo expected the KulghtH of
i.aisjr 10 semi nor twenty-iivo noiiurs to
bury her husband, and that in a few davs
she would try to got work and rottlo tho
rent. I immediately begun to kick, and
was saying thut the money must Imj forth
coming when the landlord shut mu up
with: "You're a cannibal S . and mv
good woman you can havo three moutliH'
runt tree, mid if the Knights don t semi
VOU that twdiitv.livii ilollarri I'll uliinil Him
funeral excuses melf.' Diving into
lis vest pocket ho ilshed up a ten dollar
'ill, and tin listing it into tho woman's
mud rushed out of tho room 11s if a vig
ilance committee wcru pursuing him."
"That's one landloiil I did up iu great
riuio," said S in conclusion, "and if
audlords would give mo llio oppoiluuitv
could almost daily show them exhibi
tions of equal misery."
In view of such scones does not this
foreign missionary work seem a satire?
Charily begins at uiirdoor. Stop robbing
our poor unfortunates by shipping money
to Africa and China to buy red llannel
shirts for the niggers or putting tracts in
tlio hands of the Mongolian I Why, four
of your converted celestial" were ar
rested hero a few days ago for gambling
and got .10 days each. They were all
righteous Sunday school Chinamen and
puiniiered and made much of by tho verv
ros)eetub!o church people who were ad
vancing them ho rnpidlv on the heavenly
Way. What a shock It must have lieeit
to tho Scribes anil Phaiisees to see their
Asiatic prodigies take such u tumble! I
think I hear u reverend brother remark:
"What would wo havo been but for for
eign missionary work?" Dear brother,
we as original Celts or Teutons, would be
far happier and bettsr oil" than thousands
in our overcrowded cities at the present
Jlut let us tako a brighter side of New:
York. Tho theaters, whoso name i le
gion, aro all running at full tide. Krm
into, tho most successful light o(era yet
produced, has just coiiijiletjd Its seven
liundreth night at the Casino. Tlio F.u
glisli tragedian, Henry Irving, is play
ing to crowded houses, and in fact there
is such a multiplicity of irood attractions
that it is hard to tako your choice. Union
.Square theater, one of the most promi
nent hero, burned down the other day.
was an eve witness of the conf iwratlon
and saw two firemen curried uwav bv the
ambulance badly injured. Kobt-ott and
Crane, the leading American comedians,
were running their great play, "lho
Henrietta," at this theater and will bo
out at least $15,000 by tho misfortune.
Tlieso Kusternors think Imjcuuso a fel
low hails from Oregon that lie must bo a
ruthless cow boy and able to vido any
thing from a donkey up. I went out
riding with foiuo of them the other day,
and thoy palmed oil' on mo the most dis
solute unluiul in tlio bunch. He was a
perfect renugado and run away with me
three times. When he wasn't running
away ho would put in his time wobbling
nlong thu road siduwnys. erenting block
ades of carriages. He thought ho owned
the entire hi tliwuv, but not sharing lib
convictions I felt correspondinslv un
comfortable. However, with niy'usuut
modest uruco and still humilitv.1 endured
It until we returned to tlio stable. One
there. I asked his owner what ho would
charge to ussussluuto thu hnito. His
ilea being flL'o I concluded that my
eelinirs were not hurt that bad. Mv
fcollmrs aro now iu stioli an improved
condition that-1 can take my meals iu the
usual way.
The doir-catcher is around us lar-'u as
life. Yesterday a jkhxIIo was coming
down the avcntiu with a dude attached to
the other end of thu chain. The dog was
not dressed In aS proKr form as his com
panion, not having his licunso on. The
dog-catcher mado one fell swoop, un
hooked tho )hxxI1o unit of the chain and
swiied the purp iu his wagon iu a twinkl
ing. Thu dude gesticulated wildly and
made several Incoherent remarks, hut it
wouldn't work and the procession moved
on wnn me dime closed 111 on thu rear ex-
! peeling to redeem his relative at the
! lK)'""1 U)r u liM&
I 1 'V" ",w nltut up. Don't
1 'hntioii whether it was ShukesHare or
oH'cnso 011 this trip, and if you give me
away I will prove an alibi.
Yours, Dick.
, ,rsey and California. The last election
, fr Senators iu these States gave two
Democrats to tho Senate, viz; .Messrs
Hearst and HloiL'ctt. Thuv will now Ihi
pivotal States iu the coming campaign,
Should two Democrats be elected to suc
ceed Messrs. Stanford (H) and Md'hor-
unii i i I iiii i i,i,.iru,i.iu ic.,111,1 i..,... ..
bare majority in tlio Senate. If two Uu-
publicans were elected, then the Uepub-
I lienns would have a bare majority. If a
! Uupublicaii should succeed Stanford and
'a Democrat Mcl'hcrsou, that would
I equally divide the Senate, ami give tlio
1 vice-Presldcnt a casting vote. On such
contingency, likowiso, depends the or-
ganlzation of tho Semite, and nil the
patronage of that body. This jwsNibility
will give to tlio Stuto campaign in Now
Jersey and California additional iin)Kr
tam e, and increase tho zeal of each puity
to win in the Presidential campaign.
Word funned for the llleiilng.
From the Cleveland 1'lulli Dealer.
All Hastum United Statin houator tells
this about his little girl: He says that
when ids family had gathered for dinner
Utile Klsio wrs too busy with her play
things so susjiend ami her mother called
her to come,
" 'Yes in a minute,' was tho resjioure,
Mint wo nro till waiting,' said my
wife, 'ami your papa is waiting to ui-k the
"She ciimu iu, clliulieil up Into her
chair, folded her little bauds demurely,
boued her head and said in a low voice,
'bet her go, (Jallagher!'
" I am afraid" said the senator, laugh
ing, "that tho blessing I invoked at my
table thut day was slightly Incoherent.''
nartv senilis in
same fix for a I'lesidentfal candidate that
the ancient lady was when she prayed for
a husband ami ( tied ujoud for "uuvthhig,
bail, anything, so it's iu tho sfiuio of
a mini."