WEDNESDAY, JVlAIiOII 7, 1888. Nov Simmons, whoso ntrnniro suiddo wiih roiorto(l by telegraph yesterday, was plowing on Howell umlrio. near Salem. with tlirco horses; Ho imhltchctl two of tho three horses, tied ono end of a halter- strap to the doubletrees nnd tho other end around bin neck, and Htarted tho THK llO.lltl) OY TUAIItt, Onircm Klrctnt A Lnrire Addition of Sow McikIhth I tlio AitvurtUhiK Hehetua li Fnll? Last ovcnlng wiih tho tlmo for tho reg ular meeting of tho Pendleton Hoard of horses, lying down untl allowing himself Tul: 11,0 evening wan stormy and tho WOOL ANI TIIK TAltlKI", Svtmllilo Views ofu Wool O rimer Iiic tho Tiirlfr lli'lp the Wool l'rodncrrn? To tlio Editor of tho Knit OrtKotilati, Amu, Oniuiox, March I, 1888. Doubtless jnany other wool growers of The -Head ;ht" Sang M7 Flow. TIIKKE CASH AWAHDS. TIlO IHltlilsllCM of tho Kast Oiikoonian Flrnt Awnntl 8IXTV Dom,aiw In Bold coin to tho firm or Individual who, tlurlntf 1110 year ions, exponas I I......I..I.... lit II... TIlO 111081 IllOIH' I" iiuuiiiiu 111 mo 11111I1U III II1U U.lll.l lllll nvilll- H tvn.J Kcrmiil Award t Koutv I)oM.Aiis In gold coin to tho pornon k.1... ittitPfilllyi.N 1110 OIIICQ IllOftL CXICllMVL'IV AST UHKOONIAH, ciuicr nir pnpcrn lur mum- ...I...... .1. It.... tbtd Tlilnl Awimt I TWKNTT Doi.l.Alw.ln gold coin to tlioilioy or ... 1 I.. 1 .... ... ...... ....II..II.. ... It I ........ I..,.. II... ..!.... ...1. crlptlotis to tho Pally or 8etnl Weekly East II LI IlIAri IIIII IIITLL-nL Mill Ull 11 . 11 LI 1 1 ULI LI1I1 Record of the niiKiuuh jmld In will bo kept nrcumtvly nmt H-crrlly by thtn ofllco until tin ii ur iinlu wltl linvn II10 tirlvtfncrn nt ntmrtf Inn it" by keeping an account for thciiiftclvex. AKi-nM who rccclvu commluMmiH for their ..... all ...III .... I... ..It .l , - urit win nub uu imuw I'll iu luuij'uiu iui 1 thco uwaritK. KnntOrcffnnlitii rub. Co., i I'KNPLirroN, Ounnos. ''c 1 ..-: 11. .1. a ..i.. ..i... .. . 1 1 iiiiu uni'Tifiti 11m 111 rnpnmr ni 11 inniitnri.ii 1 10 no cnoued and drugged to (team. - 1'?." . 1 ' id. u , " ' w" ' .. 7 . Tho following farmers in luuiuiiurn iHMiiir lirn.MoiiL. aiiu iiri'Hiiii;nL i .'niii". w ui..vni? unnuiu unu inu i - o Doing auNcnt .Mr. "Ikhh tlirco purest Harney Kenedy, of Echo, in in town. For meals go to tho Masonic icHtaur- ant. J. E. 1,011011 Is nilu) ifick .at tthe Pen dleton hotel. Tho tar Itestaurant is tho uliii'ii" to i'pt mollis. Wi'Ht-lHinnd uaHHCiiL'cr train 'iintiru iitTi inur iiiiriir. McMlnnvlllo is' to have 11 now school hoiiM) and court house. Tlio City Drug otoro uses tho medicines that can Ihj obtained. Tho Pendleton hotel has been closed to business since tlio llrst of tho month. Tho Dally East Ojikoonian. by mail. $1) n year j by carrier, 'S cents 11 week. Prescriiitlnns eoniiKiiinilnd ilnvor nkdit by competent druggists, at tho City Drug Work of cementing and hricklnit tho resorvoiron tho hill will lo soon commenced. Lungtry's choico cigars uro tho "fel lows" to smoke. At lungtry's, oioslto tlio poKtollleo. Aloxundor & Frazcr uro ojicning up to- Mil at Ihmm littInj tt lniiiiluntin tliij Ik IUIKU tJJVUHU VI liU41imjilU 1111' . D. HiuiNfoniA Co. trivo notice to riimi iiiiiin. u iini imiiiiiiiiiii i..iiiiitii imiiiir "n w ifviinv." Watson k Luhrs, of tho planing mill, roiKirt that their iiiihIiiphh ih liiiieh in- Mrs. N. E. Dcsnain is having hor rest- UUULU l 1 A UUIII L PLIUUt III! 111,11 IIIUIIIII1 nW lb A threo-ston brick hotel, on tho silo of mucK iiio iiaiiusuineNi in iowii. Tho Cassio Meek stock of goods at Con- iivi lllVi tuiuim.) i'uii,iiuri;u iy a. jv. Dawson, is tielng sold out at coot. PaHHongers coining over on tho Walla alia train on their way to fortland and the East oat sunner in Pendleton. Tliore nro four hotels and six restaur- jmisau renuioion. ami inero aro tro nit to Ixi built two mora brick hotels thin vear. The timo to open bids on tho Court Jiouao block lias Uon extended to April 1th, ling tho llrst day after tho probate court. Howell & Co.. furnituro dealers on Court street, havo lately improved tholr lilill'A nf IttlultiDMhi liV nHf ttir In ii iiiiip 1 uoor aiw iilng. Win. Vfwuiirt J. 11. Sullivan, of Echo. nro in town to-dav to rminw tlinlr llinmr license. HcmonstrahcoH havo leon hied against IxXh of them. .Sam McCaulov was in town vestor- day, and got tho now desks for school district No. 112, inadoby Watson & Luhrs, nt their Pendleton planing mills. Laura Nondel. of Woolbtirn. OreL'on. has sued Iniiiuil Wulkur. n luwiinlnr fnr 3,000 damages, for breach of promiso of marriago. Walkor haH ubscoiuled. James Whcelan has lust received ton dozen of James Means' seamless shoes, tho liest $3.2.) shoos fn tho world. I la has tho oxclusivo agency for theso shoes. A stranger who was looking at tho fire arms In hdgar'H pawn shop yesterday accidentally discharged a pistol, the liall passini: tlirouuli tno back wall, ilolnir no damago. All momliors of Damon Lodiro. K. of P., aro earnestly requcstod to lw in at tendance this evening at tholr Castlo Hall, as thero is work in tho llrst and third degrco, and other busiuess of im portance to bo liorformed. A red cow. owner unknown, whilo at tempting tho gastronomic feat of putting away a barrel of .apples and two gallons of butter brlno last night, from tho yard of Mrs. Despain, died in tho attempt, and in hor doath gluttons can draw many wise conclusions. Walla Walla Journal: Both of our worthy eotomiorarios seem to lx willing now to eall tho now Stato, about to Imj created, Columbia. Tho Union sagely adds: "Then when tho world nines tho to-day , Oliver They City, Mr. John A. Ix)ng is in receipt of tho sad intelligence of tho death of his mother, at her homo near lluntsvlllo, Arkansas, on tho morning of February 25th, after a long and p:dnful illness. Mr. Long has many friends lioro who deeply sympathlzo with him in his great ntlllctlon. Tho Democrats of North Pondloton pro duct held a meeting last evening, and nominated the following delegates to the county convention W. F. Matlock, J. 11. Kccncy, T. F. Hourko, W. E. Crows, II. J. Taylor and Hluford Stanton. This is a good solid lot of Democrats. Oilloer William Mcrritt, of HakorClty, was shot In tho leg while attempting to arrest a man named Lonsdale, who was trying to ollcct an entrance into a jewelry store. Another olllcer camo to Sierrltt'H assistance and together they Bucccsdcd in capturing tlio would-bo burglar. In tho window of Campbell & Wilson's millinery storo can bo seen two teal ducks and a "vlddy" studied. This ex cellent work of tho taxidermist's art was performed by Mr. Kalph Bernard, of Weston. Charles Bcniflcld has served out his term iu the penticntiary. and was dis charged last Sunday, diaries did not appear to bo naturally a bad boy, and may make a respectable man of himself yet. Tho Umatilla ltcal Estato and Loan association sold 5 lots in block 181 to M. B. Johnson for $1(UX) cash to-day. Mr Johnson will use this ground in conncC' lion witn ins rcuuicton nursery. W. S. Oliver and family leavo for Davcnjiort, W. T., where Mr, will engage iu the stock business, havo been residiuu near Pino Morrow county. Several firms and ersons havo already Iwgun to compete for thu awards, amount ing to 120, cash, oflorcd by .tho East Oregonian Publishing Co. N. J. (Jerking, on old Pendleton man, is over from his Grant county stock ranch, where ho is prospering, llo will remain several days. There aro now mora improvemcnta being made in rcuuicton at tuts tune man at the owning of spring of any previous year. To-dav has been mora like winter than for several weeks past, snow falling most of tho forenoon, but melting as it fell. During tho last seven days Watson it I.uhrs havo received thirteen car loads of lumber, uggrcgato 1110,000 feet. J. J. Shall and August Stangicr each havo a dwelling house in course of erec tion in tho upjier end of town. J. G. Wright, proprietor of tho Chicago store, is spending a vacation in Los Angeles, reuniting his health. h, II. Palmer of Pahnor&Itoy, typo founders and press dealers, will bo In town iu tho next fow days. Tho Pendleton planing mill is running lull timo. Eighteen hands aro at present engaged at tho mills. W. II. Kennedy, an old timo engineer of tho O. H. fc N. Company, is registered at tho Villard house. Norman Nicholson made proof lefore County Judgo Lucy yesterday on his pre emption claim. James A. Fee's office Is now located in room 11 over Lcezor & K.uoblor's drug store. Fred Kemper has recovered from his Into severe sjiell of sickuoss. 0. O. French is building u dwelling in tho vicinity of Dyers' mill. Moorhouso & Co. sell Now Orleans moluHsos. pros J. J. JJallorav was chosen chairman and J. H. Eddy secre tary pro torn. Tho list of applicants published a fow days ago In tho East Ojikoonian was read, and on motion the rules were suspended and tho gentlemen wero elected by acclamation, and wero declared full members of tho Board. Election of officers leine in order, tho following were elected by acclamation, to servo lor mo remainder ot tno year: rres- Kicut, John ). iiallcray; vico president, U. Aloxander; secretary, J. B. Eddy; executive committee, Lot LIvcrmorc, 0. b. Jackson, and S. Hothch Id. Tho regular standing committees will bo appointed at the next regular meeting. Mr. Wager, chairman of tho railroad comniltteo. rejiortcd progress, nnd on motion tlio committee wus granted iiirtner timo toretort llnally. Mr. Marston stated that as ho had not met with the encourairement ho expected from tho owners of tho gravel-bar and tho raco-track grounds, ho was not sure of lieing ablo to carry out tho proved advertising project, and on motion, it was decided to deter mo apjioiiitmont oi tho advertising committee till another meet ing. Adjourned till noxt Tuesday ovenlnir nt i mm p. in. flotol Arrhiili, Bowman Housk P. Norgmird. Sho shone, Idaho; I). A. Heodor, W. II. Keener, J,, u. Boeder, Adams; II. West- lilln t t. n T f1 II. llarr, J. J. Scott, I. II. Ward, (Juss oiatior. uity; m. a. r.akcr, Weston; John Vessoy, Pilot Bock; L.A.Morris, L. A. Dart, 0. II. Patrick, Wallula; Mrs. Harris, A. Smith, Harry Burokor, Walla Walla: W. Sails burv. Moscow. O. It. & It.; I). J. Sinclair, Portland. ViixAKii Housi: II. W. Mitchell, E. II. Keehan, P. 1). do Flon, Portland: Mrs. Hill, Portland; J.B.Sullivan, Echo; J. W. Beard and wife. Echo: 1). S. Har- dacro, Pilot Bock; Clem T. Bccso,Adams; L. Liebman, San Francisco; W. D. Shallcr, Philadelphia; E. E. Lance, Philadelphia; II. Miller, Milton ; Hank Vnuuhn, Centorvlllo; S. Crowdor, Con tcrvlllo; II. T. Donovan, Boise City; O. E.Adams, Pilot Bock; Hcnrv Stover, Country; Bobart Wakclleld, O.'B. AN. Goi.iii'.n Bulk HotkIi James Wilson, ueo. siniiii, weston; u. w. Johnson, iMoniana; j. a. .inns, jamcs uraig, Jtt nijiar: John Montgomery, Cold Spring; J. L. Dooly, Alba ; Chris Combs, Ilellx ; vm voss, j.cno; wm. iteiuy, union; A. ItoolT Halbert. Walla U'ldl.i; Jno Walker, J. Parks, Despain Gulch; J. B. Campbell, E. , Vinson: 1), B. Hartwell, II. H. Hurvey. City; Miss Klchanlflon, Umatilla; I), J. Coloman, now loric; j. u. leinion, i.ena; w. a. Sutherland, Walla Walla; N. Nicholson, Jus. Douglas, Cold Spring; Jno. McMul- Ion, Union; He v. rather Vernlllo, Lap wui, Idaho; Bov. Father Mercer, IIcpii- ner; uov. raiuer jtrouuard, rortianu. Cmlct Company Orcitnlitri. Throuuh tho otrorts of L. B. Llvermoro. son of Ixit Livermoro, tho names of twenty (h o Iwvs wero socured to a petition headed tltuH s Wo tlio undersigned 1kvs of Pendlu ton nKreo to organlro with tho help of Mr., J. J. Worcester, a Boy's Military vjiiipuny, ami wo promiso to iaiuuuny comply with tho rules and regulations that may Ikj adojited. Tlio names of tho iKiys hore follow: L. B. Livermoro, A. Manscll, C. E. Bean, E. Hwltzler, E. Peters, B. Starkweather, C. 0. White, r. ii. rsnoo nuiKor. v.. i. l'arirn ma. ii. i;. Carl, J. W. inno, George Bowman. A. lanu on wool oi imi no restored, in ans' wer to which I would resiect fully submit thu following: ii . .1 . ... ii... 1 1 ii... -e .rt,. iu iuiib iu inu iiiiiu inu until oi iniw wont into ofled tho lowest average prlco wool over leached was A'2 cents per pound in 181!); after and under tho tariff k went down to an average oi L'o cents for the wool product of the United States. In 1807 tlio States East of the Mississippi jiossessed about .14,500,000 sheep, alter nvo years of thw tariff, viz, In 1871', thev had decreased to less than 17,000,000. Does this look as though tho protective tariir protected the wool growers of this countrvv As to tho Immediate cfTeet of tho tariir on tho price oi wool, it seems to mo to have a tendency to lower tho prlco rather than the reverse, becauso It is necessary to havo tho foreign wool in order that our own may-do manufactured. To sav that a tarltron wool increases tho prlco, is Hko paying mat a mnii on cotton or silk will increase tho prlco of the domestic wool product, for cotton and silk urn Imtli mixed with wool toproeuro certain fabrics ; so witli foreign wool, it is of n different libra and our looms must havo it to thu extent of ulwut 114,000.000 lbs. anntiallv to work up tho l.'80,000,000 lbs. of tho domestic product. And now let us examine this a llttln closer. This 114,000,000 lbs. of foreign wool pays a duty of 10 cents jier jiouiid, henco It costs our looms inoro to nroducu a yard of cloth than it does to countries that havo freo trade in this staple, ami henco tho U'80,000,000 ihmiiuIs of our own wool mat is consumed must bo hone it at a fltifllciently reduced price to offset tho 10 cents duty on tho foreign wool con siimeii iu onier mat mo lanrics mav go l..A At. - .1 1 . " iiiiu iiiu uiarKcis oi mo world and com iieto with the output of foroiim woolen goods, and this must cor tain v Ihj miliar out to any ono who has watched tho wool market. Hlnco tho dutf was first placed on wool, our wool has declined iu price so that In live- vears it consumed over ono-hulf of tho shcop East of tho -Mississippi, and has stilled tho induntrv ..(!.. , t. uii every sine. r.. it. uamiii: O thorn 1 1 ii vii Crletl Too, From tlio Walla Wat In Journal. It's wonderful, almost divlno. how tho young cling to their homos! Tho other day wo Had a lieautiful illustration In 1 fn size, of it. When tho family of Joseph Kusscll made ready to removo to East I'ortlaml. their little bov was not ced. standing ulono beneath an apple tree iu tlio back yard, sadly pondering, whilo big icars siioiiiiy (iropiwd and unconscioiisiv bedewed the root of tho tree that hud sheltered him from childhood no. "What aro you crying about?" asked his mother. mid then lie burst out without ri-ntniliit unci Hohhed: "U. I liato to go uway, mamma: do not let us leave.'' Then he mentioned all the names of his little ..1... ...,.! a....... I t.l. iuoj iiuitv-n, tun jiuii, inu reu eo vviui tlio HKitted calf; lio loved them all dearly unit to go and see them no more grieved his littlo heart and ho cried bitter tears, for it was hero where ho was Iwrn and urst saw the lluiit ot duv: but that in lm. man, and although wo may grow old and leuuie in joreiun lands, vet that homo. .. . t. riii .. noui iiomo, oi our cinidiiood'h sunny uujn iiovur lusun un grip upon our UlleC" tioilH. Tim Xow Niipnrliitetiilniit. Tho Salem Statesman of Tuesday savs Iist night Governor Pennoyer aiiiKjInted nun. vico. n. jyownu L'. oi mis eitv. km. printendent of tho iienitontlary, vico uobert uow, removed. His upiioint meiit dates from March 10th. Mr. Down in! Is a well-known eltlznn nt .Marion, county, having resided iu tho Umatilla their county who uro miiHirlority : using them, will testify to J. F. Temple, W. P. Temple, Jas. Trobaugh, A. jx. oimpson, d. w. oimpsou, donii urow, . ju. Barnes, Geo. Kinney, Geo. Aldridge, J. B. O'Drniel, Tliad Armstrong, Jno. Bitney, L. B. Gilman, W. H. B-eeder, John Timmerman, G. F. Kinney, And numerous others. The only plow which completely covers tho highest stubble, and at the same timo pulls with tho very least draft. To A.rrive This "Week, A carload of I Old's Tubular Axle Wagons, (Envh AxU; Warranted for Five Years.) A carload of PITTSBURG STEEL BARB WIRE Tho (COVERED WITH RUBBER WATERPROOF PAIMT) lightest and tho best wire un thu market to-day. A largo and complete stock of Builders' Hardware, Mechanics' Tools; Shot Guns, Rifles, and Revolvers. Wo claim to havo tho finest lino of HARDWARE OF ALL DESGRIPTI0NS! Of any house iu Eastern Oregon. Jewell Stoves and Ranges, Every casting guaranteed against cracking; every fire back warranted for fifteen years. Theso Stoves Load tho World, nnd aro sold as cheap as tho cheapest. PLUMBING! A complete stock of PLUMBING GOODS, with first-class, experienced work men, enables us to do good work, at bottom figures. ESTIMATES FUBNISIIED FBEE ON APPLICATION. mch7 Ult Hvrlt tt Wheeler, Greene & Co. Frazer's Opera House, Friday, March 9, One Night Only! From tho Atlantic lo tho Piiclflcl A New IVpiirtinrnt In Mliiitrolsyl v-u.i.o. ... jMiiu, iiuorKu normal, a. .vianoii, county, Having resided In tho Kuykendjdl, V . F Onnuo, Holiert Hond, vicinity of Sublimity for thlrty-threo l-nink Moiilo, lta ph 1-olsoin, Dutr Do years. Ho has recently removed to this lfirrlu .liili.t nlunii r 11 HI. .......... ..t... IT.. . Lutoit Corpiirnlloii. Aiticles of IneoriHmition wore filed with tho county clerk yesterday of tho Pendleton Town Lot Company, with T. F. Hourko II. L. llcxtcr, Ijcq .Moor houso, E. M. Wheeler and .Moso Haruh as ineoniorators. Tlio capital stock was fixed at flft.000; thirty shares at r00 each. Of this fl 0,000 has aheady lieon subscribed. At tho meeting last night, the following ofllccrs were elected : J. J, llalleray, prcsidont; E. M. Wheeler, sec retary, and T. F. Hourko, treasurer. Tho company will buy and sell Pendleton town projwrty. Marris, John Nolson, W. 0.Kceney, Holiert Fletcltor. Dean Shull. Krunk Welch, ltoliort IUhnor, and Fred Gordon. Ijist ovoiilng at Wheelor'H hall tho twonty-flvo boys promptly assembled and tho Hoys Military Company of Pendleton was organized bv Mr. J. J. Worcester. Next Tuesday ovenlni' tho comnanv will elect ofllcers to servo ono year. This Is n wormy umioriaKing ami tno hoys should lie encountged as much as iwhsiIiIo, as it will make better hav out of them. An Idle boy is prone to mischief. city. Ho is a sterling Democrat and a man of tried integrity, and will undoubt edly make a must acceptable and ulllrlmit superinieiidoui. His selection will no doubt in n L'reat measure apjieaso uioso who wero dissatis fied witli Pennoyor'H action in tho re moval of Clow, and oxpectod that Me- I. W. BAIRD'S am moth Minstrels! kinnon would bo aptiolntcd lliu Statesman congr Downing, and predicts ful administration. undulates Mr. lor him a success- Hcparnleil Stall Hint Wlfo A Wulla Walla man who deals in second-hand furniture found in an old lounge which ho was repairing. Ho was honest, so hu sent word to tho man from whom ho had purchased the lounge. It turned out that tho man who sold thu loungo had hidden the money iu it when ho was drunk and forgotten all about it. Then he had accused his wife of taking It II... II. ..I ...........1 .1... II, Mill! Illll IUII WIIIV uimuuii llllin'li IIIU .. v salo of the furniture and broko up tho ;'il'",l!J!"I' ' family. Shu is now in Portland wo lie- ',,e.. .n'-. Addition to the Library. Tho following list ii liooks has been added to tho East Oukoonian library in tho last few days: History of tint Roman r.mpiro, in nvo volumes; i nonius uar Io'h complete works, in ton volumes; tieorgo Elliot's works, iu six volumes; Wulter Scott's novels, in twelve- volumes: lievo, but ho is still hore, willing to make up and lio forgiven. The Levco Nearly Completed. Iist night, Mr. J. 15. Wilson filed tho February estimato of lovcoi work, aggre gating 2,750.09; ulso tlw total cost to dato, aggregating m.W.W. Thoro still reinalns in tho levco fund f J.002.87, which is nearly sufllclont t6 coinpleto tho loveo to tho jioiiit originally intended 550 feet farther. Tho total length of tho complotod levco is 8,040 feet. Mr. Wil son says his services ns superintendent are now completed, urtd thanking tho council for their courtesies, ho awaits their further pleasure. Charles Dickons' works, in fifteen vol umes; Mim-ei uox'H inversions ol u Diplomat jn Turkoy; Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations; lilaunui's History of rolitlc.u hconoiiiy ; Walker's Political Sunset Cox's Freo Lund and Sumner's Protection iu tho favorito song, 'Hall Columbia, Happy Land.' it will lio adveitisinir what is des tined to becomo ono of tho greatest States in mo union." Baker Citv Democrat: Wo are In. lormed oy ono mat Knows that in u very snuri iimo mo ena oi mo man division from Green river to Huntington will lo ..1... . TT .1 L , - T 1 fl . uianti'ii irum iiuuiinmuii ui jjukgt i, iv. This change is brought about by the earnest solicitation of tho clerks of tho mail service, who prefer Baker City as a lay-over place. Gardenen Attention. For salo, a highly improved twclvo-acro fruit and vcgetablo ganlen in tho town of Union, Oregon. IinpnAvementwconsisi of brick cellar, frame dwelling, hot houso, hog and chicken houses, trout pond, 300 fruit trees, raspberry,' blackberry, straw berry, and asparagim bushes and beds all bearing, irrigating ditch, plenty run ning water, lino well, etc., a ready cash market for fruits, vegetables, hogs, chick ens, etc. raised. Fori particulars apply or address Mark Wilzihskl, Corner Frc and lino Sts., Portland, Oregon. ?'ront A "lliuted" Community. Cowlitz COUIltV. W. T.. at the liresniit timo, is ill a somowhat demoralized con. dition. Tho county treasury was, somo timo ago, "hold up" by roblorH for the county funds, fKOS.'-'O, and school funds to tho amount ol l,U7ll.68. Tho treas urer's lMindHiiieu have been iikL-pi! tn mako tho inonoy gooI. Tho now treas urer cannot find landsmen, us tho co- pio oi uuwiiiz are u iiiiio snv oi iiiutiiiL' their names on paper. The school HUcrinlonilent is tho only oflicer in tho county tnai receives pay, und us all the inonoy is gone, ho will probably strike. lUlril'n Slln.treli. Baird'? Miiiotrels appear at Frazer's Onera Houso on nuxt Krlilnv nviiilin. Iiiles "l0 Boston Herald says of a perforinunco men- Klvcu '' "'om In that city: "Tho Wind hor i neater was ojioncd last evening by I. w. Jtalrd's .Mammotli .Minstrels, who ii i . ,i t ncgan uioir loiinu annual engagc.uent. Alwavs the lieHt. llalril's .MIiiHtrnlx. IIL-.i gooi wino, imjirovo with ugo, mid this year .Manager llaird has brought us an entertainment refined, original and bril liant throughout, which suffers nothing in comparison with others." ... Now Lot the Kuglt! KcrvHiu Ac'" Yesterday ono of tho venerablo "kick ers" ut the lKjor houso complained at having to sit in a good honest chair, Ixitter than u great many, who aro not county charges, can afford, saying that ho thought u rocking chair might lie pro vided by tho county. Mr. Merry man told him that ho did not think tho county would go 10 wus unnecessary oxjHmso,Ut that they might pull enough feathers out oi the .Milton i.agte to make somo cush ions. -- In ono of his lectures Col. Inuorsoll usedtomako this point: "Jones steals $10 from Smith ami then asks tho Lord's look at tho Mounter Arrny of Tnlent (Irralrr mid IKttor tlnui Kvcr-wllh an Kntlro Now uoiiipuuy lor ilia ni'iixnn or 'm nun 'ivi, OUK MATCHLESS ART T STS! Low Bonodlct, John Mack, EllHworth Cook, Albort Loach John Dillon, Horaco Rushby, Chas. W. Coodyoar, Jamos Croon, Will L. Pollard, Byron Loach, Harry Dillon, C. W. Murray. Kurnnn'M (IrcutcNt HtiiHiittnu. Tho Itovitl llutul'lhtll Itlnitern. tlio llrlllnh (Ilea Hvh In iitimlicr, KlKlit (Ireot ('oiiiMIiiiihI Kluhl Kinl Muni 'iVn Clou Kxpfrmt ICIitlil Hupvrli VoculiktHf Twelve (Jrcut HppcIUiii new, unlipii-, novi'l mid ri'Iliii'ill Hfiy runny f'ea. lure the klnir liuizli-iiiakwriil Tun Honu ami Diuico ArtliiU ptuntatloii, ncrobatlu und con. toell Twenty Hkllled MiihlclunH-every mnii n hiIh playorl Watch for the Grand Parade of Baird's Gold and Silver Cornet Matt Elder, Leader, supported by Major Gorman. Band. United states: Taussig's History of the Present iaiifT. Bairno's Hlstorv of tho Surplus revenue in 1831 ; Mills' Priuc of Political Economy, iu two volumes: Perry's Introduction to Political Econ omy; Schoenhof'n Destructive Inlluenco of -tho Tariir; und a numtier of pamphlets on different subjects. Tho patrons of tho East Oiikuoman are at liberty to uso any of tho books of tho East Oiikooman library whenever they desire so to do. The Dead Alive. From the Baker Ctty Jtevellle, A gentleman just from tho vicinity of Brownleo Ferry, on Snuke river, Informs us that Wullaco Brown, son of Holjort Brown, who so mysteriously disapjiearcd from his homo during tho mouth of last Novemlier, and who was supposed to havo died from exosuro during a severe snow storm, and for whom ids frlonds and relatives made diligent search and inquiry, has returned to his homo alive and well, Ho gives as his reason forgo ing away that ho suddenly made up Ids mind to tuko a trip, and from tho ferry ho walked to tho railroad und went to San Francisco, at which place ho spent tho winter. His family are ovorioved at his return, but the neitdibors feel like I foiuiveness. Tho 1-ord fureived him. hut censuring him uoverely for his action, how does that help Smith ?" Military Drill KxpcrU, und I.IbIiIiiIiik Mimkot Jinctlorn. DAILY AT NOON I VIW.K TO A M.I i.i.upii 10 mo jiuiiui ncu i up iicuuiiiiii iiornm near iiio moiokini VHecure your Tlcki ln at I'letclu-r' Jewelry Htoro, mohSU U BOOT AND SHOE SALE days I will sell at ton per cent, abovo best stock of boots and sboes that is in For the noxt thirty cost tho largest and Pendleton, comprising: $2,000 worth of Buckingham & Ilecht celebrated boota and shoes. $3,000 worth of C. M. Henderson goods, who is considered one ot the nest niantitactnrers in tno United otatc?. $1,000 worth of Sailer Lewin & Co.'s ladies' lino kid shoes, of the Sailer Lewin make, Philadelphia. 1,000 pair children and .Misses shoes. 500 pair of slippers, of all grades. Don't delay, but como ami get bargains, it tho Pendleton Boot and Shoo store. JAS. WHEELAN, Prop.