E.-.ili..nnq i.p.iu.i'-r I tllO I) ISSCKU DAILY AND HK.MI.WIII.'Kf.Y, IIVTIIK Et OrrRniilnti rulill'hlng Cimiflti)-, I'KNDI.KTON, .... OltROON, ) . i r,i IMI I.Y HUlltClltlTIO.H 11ATIM! One ropy per yenr, by mull line copy Mx iii'mllm, by tunll Oiih nnpy nur week. Iy currier. MiiKle mimlrn,..,..,.,, u-t NKMI-WKKKI.Y HUlWCItllTIO.V IIATK1I One copy per yenr. U M Unciipylx rixitilliN 1 1 HIiiKlo ntiitilKTi) I'ruinlniri paper free tn yearly miliscrllii.Tn, .WJVKIITIIIN'l IIATMt Iilijilny A'lmttitm'nl:) Ono Inrh. or lem. Ill Pcinl-W'cckly per lll'IIU II Oiinliii'li,rirl('n, In Dally tier iiimitli....... I W Tun liu licu. nr Iixx. Ill IhiIIi. I Over three liiclii',Heinl-V'eeltly, per Inch iiertniintli- - 1 2.) Over lliri-o jiiclien, Dally, per Inch p-r month - 1 Vi Over lliren InelieH. In IkiIm. tier hell Her month t SO fnlM nMiHiirell invertleinent In Heml Weekly or Dally, llrnt Iiim-HIoii, per Ineli, jl.wi: eacn iiiikijiiciii hi'itiioii.im-. ttrn notice, Icn cent per line mcli In M'llKMI. WKDNKSDAV, .MARCH 7, 1888. AMi:itl(JAN TIN. Tiik luiiinitl (iiit-nit of tin In Hid whole wnrlil lit iilxjitt '10,000 ton. Of tlilx lliu inlnoH of .Malacca prixltico nearly om.-lialf, iiml lli'"o of Australia, mnl Cornwall In Knitliiml, nearly oiiefurtli each. Tim United States now iinHir(M iiiiinially Mock tin nmniintlnu to nlmtit faWMfiW, ami plate tin iiiiioiiiiIIiik' to M7,iM),000,or IH.tKHI.OOi). On Mock tin then) In no ilnly, hut on plate tin the duly Is a cent ixiitnil. The fnruluii tin imliHry h!iico last April Iiuh lieen In the lianilrt of "tfynilleuto" or "triml," nltico which lltno the price has ihIviiiicimI from an average of twenty eentH a oiinil to thlrty-lhe centH a ikjiiiiiI. Till recently all the to known tin of the world wax conllned the three dlntrlclH iiIhivo mentioned, and thexu had Ik'cii worked hundreds of Venn), The ('ornwall mines arc down IKMM) feet or over under tint level of the mi. 1'roin a coiiHlilenitlon of tliNhrlef state meni, mo uiiMriiiiicii oi tun recent nn noiinceinent that tin had K-en (Uncovered In Montana may Is) tinderxtixxl. Tin Iiiih lieen discovered within the past few months In the lllaek Hills, In lininunco quantities, and In u few years America wlllipiarry its own tin-stone, smelt Its own ores, roll Its own lln-plales and com vlo In forelKii inarketH with Cornwall und Malacca tin. The reasons assigned for tint lateness of the discovery are that inlnoix heretofore sought only the no- called preclotm metals, and that this tin tdono is within the limits of the Sioux Indian reservation, in which prossctiii) has N'cn prohihited, or attended with danuer. Tim llrst discovery was made over four years init, and some months afler the llrst lisle was purchased. .Not only Is the amount of tin in the Illack Mills deMsits snlllciont to render this country practically lndceni!cnt of all fort'lKM Hoiirces, hut the richness is far In w it s of that of any other mines. The loiiilm Industrial Itevlew ki.vh that "from he development of Dakota's unparalleled tin resources the development ami pro tfiws of the next llvo yearn will U vastly urealer. I he IihmI presH have Indivd much to Justify them in declaring that 'tlm Illack Hills district Is the most won dcrful tin region discoveied iimii the face aftlui iuhahitahle xlolie,' and that 'the Illack Hills contain an inimein-o and In tixhauslihle supply of rich tin ore, which will kHp thousands at work for an in oMimulilo numlHr of years. Besides that, the tin ctimes In such a form and so near the sm face that it can U reached mow easily and cheaply than tin Is reached in Cornwall or any other country devoted to , a similar Interest. In Cornwall td.tHX) miners are. said to Wt employed, and In the Hlack Hills 10.0 W miners at work in the Imuienso tin district would hardly more than chip the rich ledes contaluiiit; tin," The irovrtleH of the Cleveland mining ("oiupany already cover twenty acres of surfaco. The development is aUiut 150 feet deep. The 100-foot level drifts have Iven run east and west over fit) fevt each way, developing over 110 dvt in width uud riiuulnn oer 76 feet of Milid uri-U-n, ntrryiiiK live veins of tin vw. Nut oiilv han the end of the urelhou not Kvn reached in the east drift, hut from surface Indications It undoubtedly oxtonds more tuan'.W U further on; and, in fact, uio tin furnlsliinj; the richer surface croi . t.. . . I. . .... puis ues ivyomt in tills ground not wt ovned liy the end drift. Uio iMiniMiiy has already hoisting works, iMusistlnu'of a twonty-four horM power oiiKino ami Niiler, with cuilahle puiH and building, and luus develoiHsl iti plant far enough to put out :X) tons of oiivriUy. Owliu-totho umit hiw of the veins the total ivst of ntluln, trans lH)itiii? and lullliiiK has Uvn thou it J,y the eaivful iwtlm.itivs of cxpirts not to ivtil fS.(i0 jvr ton. Itish) KiluKd that thoso tln-mtiKW may pwvo as oxtom-Ivy and valuable iw roHjrted, and that the prvvhu-t can U kpt out t the handn of mmio roblvr "trm.i." iiio forelsn xvudicato within the last fow years has by combining nd viiiicedthu prlco of tin to the consumer aliout fifty per cent., and If this Amcr lean tin illctrict nlso falls Into the hands of a "xymllcato"' they will want It "protected" nlwut tun cents a otmd notwithstanding It can bo pnxlucod mucli chuaMjr than in Knland, and tho oro Is lunch rldiurj and then constimcrH will have to pav not only tho extortionate price now chared by tho foreign Byndi nilo, but tho American "protection" added. And when they have done thh they will bo o.xiected to go out and hurrah for the- tarill', which ban pro tected an Infant Industry. Tlli: I'UIIMO IIU1I.DINO "comiiini:." A vr.w dayH ago Congressman Her mann wrote u long ami pitiliil sort oi letter to explain why tho bill for tho ai- propriatiou for tho public building at .ua lem wan not paiscd yet. Ho cuM it wan all on account of Democratic lllllhustcrlng to defeat appropriations for public bulld ingx, Tho Democrats, headed by lllanil, had formed u conspiracy to protect tho mirphiH from being expended. A very dlirerenl story eomes from a re liable corrc.iondcnt at Washington. Ho Hays: "Thu puhliedmlldlng 'coinblno' in tho House has teaclied such pros;i tlons and Hitcli prefect Ion of organization us to constitute a veritable scandal. Whole days of the present session of Con gross have ln-en sent Isjtli in tho Houco and tho Senate, hut particularly in tho former body, in discussing tho provisionH of hills appropriating millions ofdollaiH for the erection of public buildings In every nook and corner of this vast conn try. A remarkable feature of tho case is tho ready, matter-of-fact fashion with which inenilierH enter Into thew disre putabio combinations to nvap votes In HUpjiort of each ollier'n s;t schemes." Whenever u public building bill is tit pages can Ixi seen scaiuiering from room to room, warning ineniliert) that Mr. S'o and-so'x hill Is up, and ho wants them all to vote. I hey go, and vote, localise each Iiuh u similar bill which has lieen or In to Ikj voted on. Mr. Ilium! (old thu rowrtor that "morn than half the incinborH have hills appro prlating anywhere from f'lO.tKK) to Jl'uO, OOO.OOO. .No man can alford to nntaL'o- iur.o any or the measures if lie has u bill which he desire to pass, nnd tho result in it combination practically Irresistible. Tim member who can work through a iilll lor a snug public hulldhig In his dis trict is HiiruoHMdng returned, and If ho hiw no large city in tho section ho repre sents ho Is not deterred. A small town will answer every purjiose. There are now several bills ivnilitnr aniironrlatliiL' money to put up oxikmisIvo huIMInus In towns oi lesh than four thousand inhabl lantM." A iHistolllco bullillng In Kalem muv iKjsslhly Is) necessary j hut no doubt host's )f tlieso bills aro simply steals. Hut Mr. Hermann will have to vote for all of them, in order to get bin pet bill through." San Kmneisco Marled In hv asklm for U-O.OOO for a iinl.lt.- I.nll.l lint ... I'NwmchSU leased Its apatite, until It demanded sriO.OOO; and this is only one example of many, .Mr.llland and his suiiorterH are not tu lit tvnsured. Them is a big "coinblno" to Hollander llflv or a htindn.l mint..,. lollars in puhlio buildings, a ureal nor tlou of which will .Imply M tb0 means of piaudering (lie jtopleri nionev. i rojierly ex.'iuling public monev in necessary improvements is ono thing: luanderiiig it unnecessarily throuuh tho loiniuueil eltorts ami votes of siirolnu A t'ne i.f Self-Deiilnl. Vram the Toxm HIHIiikk. Ho was brought beforo a Texas justice on tho charge of dninkenncM. 'Do von plead guilty or not guilty?" "I don't plead at all. 1 deny everything." "Do you deny having wen up ncro lefore7" "I should Hinilo. AVhy, .fudge. I deny lielng hero right now. 1 deny that you aro hero or ever havo been here. If you catch mo giving tnvself awav, just wako mo up and lot mo know it .' rroteellnK Cninp'Mltori. Krom tho New Vnrk World. The fact that coinixjsltoM are paid nearly twice an much in this country as in Clreat Hritain is cited as evidence of "Protection" Itnt uliatDrntectioil haVOtllOCOlllIHisitorM? There Is nothing to prevent tho "pauper irintcrs" of Kngiami or oi uio i;ominioir roni oomlntf hero. Meanwhile, and nil l.n .fl.ll.. ..ii.i.ujtlfipu urn lnv.til AT iur IIIU tllillU. lUllip'i""' ...v. cent, on thclr,"purchaes of foreign ImjiortH in order to protect somebody else. Ifnnrv HuckiiiB. of Nebraska City Noli. In a lit of Passion several Years auo nuulo a vow that ho would never xpeak to his wife au'iiin, and, although ho lives In the fame house with her and Iiuh neon her every day nlnco he ban kept his word. A monument which will cost 2.000.000 will soon Ikj erected in Panama to the memory of (Jen. Ifolivar, the liberator of Bolivia, Columbia. Keuador, Peru and Venezuela. Mien ol the llvo lopumcH will contribute .f-100,000 or the imrtKixo. Hammer & Estes rroptlclors o tho CITY LI V I2JiY FEED tC SAL J. STABLE. Bnlod Hay and Crain. Hpli-inllil Itlirs, Hlnclei nr lluulili', uud Nndille llorHVN ulivnj'N on hnnd llorneH honrileit liy tho ilny. Week or Itontli. Alt KlmU o( Keeil Per Male, lit rjmitll or OHAHQE3 113A.30N"ABLB! -AND- BATH ROOMS, SAYLOR & PATTON, Props I Tine oiieneil In their now location on Conn street. In Dcmln block, with nuw and vi-i;niiie(iiipiiicnis. ShavlntTt 25 conts Hnir-cutting, - - 25 " laths, SO conts, or 3 for $ I The "Klectrie" Is tho name of a now lnb recently opened In New l ork city The shoes of the ineinberH aro blackened hv electricity, thu doors are opened, the cftib rooms are hcutod and l uhted. and everything iertaliilng to tlio comfort of the chid is ierionnei ny tho subtle cur rent. HKW TO-DAY. OKH T1IH C'ONCKttN VOU? VII nernons Imleliteil In inn bv nolo or lie roinil lire reiiiiexteil In einc forwanl without Mrthor delay and (ettlo mime, iia I need money In in v Innlnrm nnd must have It. If IIiik reiiioM;U not compiled with, I will pluce ine ii i' unii in'roiiuix in me iiiiuur oi nil iiltoriiey for collection. renilleioii, Orenn. Murnh f), Ikss, inrliT dw W. D. II A.NMKOltD A CO. The Rochester Lamp 800 Candlo Power. -AT- grabK-rs Is another. nn. uregoiihtu harps uum nolhhiL' these (layn but "wool" and "sugar." "If Hiigar Is to havo protection," says this oniorii itlitlon of tho Now York Trib une, "sugar should lmo Protection. It In unjust to deprive wool growers of pro tection, ami give protection to stiirar nds ers, unit to wool iiiutitifiu-tiirvrH." In all thin there is an assumption that a taritl'iH Denellt to the wiKil-erowers. Wo denv inai it is. the Orceoniiiii. n lii,.v- . .... . " ' toon not ivlleve that it is. It will not wy no, howover, till after election. .Sru.1, tho horde of carjiot-bag otllce hnntem from Mississippi, Tennessee, Mrginia and .New York, are Hocking westwar.1, contrary to a plank in the Democratic platform. The jvople in tho Territories can't vote, but their neighliorrt in California, Oregon, Nevada, Minne ota and .Nebraska can. A lt.11,1 SlielUr. of lUiUiUty.ieamt v .UKik u tihi luck KaM. nd in his talks alnjut the citv ttl it was a gKHl p ace fur lk ijj,,,, ; d Itoyakln. the oditor atid ,-ropr e " of A. 1, IIOYAKI.N, n.U'nsT HOOK AND JOll I KIXTmt AMI NHWM'.U'KK ITUUSIIKH, Corner IdiUm and Ninth Mrwts, Jtoim City, Idaho. lardholl work done in tho moot approval mo.lorn htvlo. No half-soiiH) busincvs. Full immerelen or way-uudcr work gtiar.uiteeil. G, I. LaDow's Crockery Store, Court Street, In Hmt Nutlonnl llnrik llulhllnr. And nt tho unmo plnco you can buy n GLASS. SET OF FOUR PIECES, Knrtheimnll mm of FORTY CENTS. Coma nmld Inko t iKk nt my ktock. G. I. LaDOW, I'KNDI.KTON, OHKOON, PENDLETON CANDY Factory, It A YER ,0 SILSJlEEfl'roitrlct'i-s Mnutifnctttrers of Plain Candies and Taffies, And dealers In Flno Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Clnnrs and Tobnccoes. Givo Thorn a Trial. PHOTOGEAPH GrALLERY T. C. WARD, Tho moit nuccoMful Photographer, I nnwlnoiitrd In Pendleton, nt thonld ulnml nt the foot of .Mala street, near tho bridge, and for tlno Photographs, Tintypes, En larging and Copying, Cnunnt lm oxcolldl anywhere. All work etiuriiultHMl lo kIvo enllro mitlfctl(m. Hc- I'l-ruuii), yours, X. V. WA1U. Are You Protectel - - go nity longer without insurance on their property, of whatJ ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in ago Reliable Insurance Ci Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should tM i tit in i . uo lndiugeuin wnen it conies to taKing out a policy. In M lrst place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS i ROTHOHILD & BEAN HKALKIIS IN Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloaks, etc Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Hats and Caps, NII A- FULL LINE OF GROCERIES. lv of koixN, rruooniihle irlcf nnd rul r irnitnirnt, wo aim to nivi- i,..r. Konnuilll liriirrxi our irciiimi'iu, wo mm lo KlVf r. J.' IllCll.t II Moorhouse & Co., Have Jiut ncflvnt, direct from New York, COATS, VESTS AND APRONS Kor l-irkecpern, IUrbr-und Wnlier-. Moorhouse & Co,, mchSit (t COUHT KTUKKT, JHKU KKMl'EH, I'mprtetor of the Flvi'.frnt lleer Hall, Mnln Ht,,opnolit) no.tnin,-. i,.,ni.... i ... . . i - -..' . 1 1 XTn'r.;v.'"kh'-...v'n'. tion. VOTICK TO CONTUACTOHS. Kfrtll'd tlll U'lll l.l r.nl... .... .... IViidl.ton. mi lt mHinVMHre ' t 'e Utl" ho Krndliie nnd liruvclut r i,"E. ' f iiio iint;r.ectlon of Thomp.on .trVet with MLriU5&'7-.V. "' Willi I tMii n tho U.w .nrv viS, offl?? i! tm-t. unit mwC" murWiMi "Hid. on Thoiniiol T -Irt'it.''' T hi town rwrve. th ,hi to reject u mlnll Henry Kopittke& Co., DEALEH IN HAY, GItAlX, WOOD j.vn COAL, POPULAR SEEDS POPULAR PRICES Five Cents per Package If your inert-hunt iIoch not keep them, nciul forcntHloKuc. y. V7, Veuctublr, Flower untl Tree SeedH n liolcsalc and Jletall. Morchnnta Supplied. STARRETT, VAt.I,AVAI.I.A, W.T. With whom to do your business thoso who represent none be the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure! When in search of such agents, don't fail to turn your "peeper? in tho direction of the oflico of Clopton & Jackson! dceD-Sm B. F. Shoemaker, AOKNT KOlt TIIK Iron Turblno Wind Englno, Buckoyo Antl-Froozlng Forco Pumps, ". Ititnirtt prrlotiH or Jloofn. i0 Co.' , Urn Vulnt I'KNDI.KTON, Olt. Miller Brothers, nuieiinio nmi iieiatl Denlers In SEEDS! TREES! Al'I.UtY AND 1'OUI.THV BUPI'LIES, ETC. aw second Strict, lortluiid. Or. -Send forourt'ntaloBue, John McGarrv. Denier In- GROCERIES AMI. PROVISION'S Klmt-elnsj bikxU only In slock, tlnce bought nnd sold. Pro. BUYS nnd SELLS REAL ESTATE. Cor. Main and Webb SrrecU, PENDLETON OHEnnv New Store at ttHv -VUA) J. R. BAIRD, Dealer la Groceries and Provisinnc nn,-o 0, Tobacco and Confectionery. Located m tho EAST OREGONIAN building, Pcndletoi where you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, M rino, Accident or Life insurance, done up in APPLE-PIE ORDER! It is well to remember that to bo securo you must insuro 'M ono of tho Thirty Reliable Companies represented 1 Oloptoil & Jackson, with a combined capital of more th: $100,000.0(11)! If VOU contemnlnrn i v --- 4uiii tiiiLC. iii i iii i miiii ii ii f i t rt r. if I i - f w... w wWIlV QW W X and it will cost you nothing. Remember their oflico is in I EAST OREGONIAN building, or address Clopton & Jackson, Pendleton, Oregon. WEUBSTttKET. . . . PENDLETOV Witt sell ak low a. the lowest, lor cab.