East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 07, 1888, Image 1

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Patron or tlio Dully or Soml-Wrckly
KAST OltKtiONIAN cnn freely iniiko una
of tlio HAS T OllEdONIAN llhrnry when
oter they o de.lre. The public nro cor
dlnlly Invltnl In vIkII tlio oltlce whenever
o Inclined.
vcnty-flvo cent In money or tnmp
pity for tlio Semi-Weekly HAST OltK-
1AN mini nmr until inter 1110 iiimo
Ilium. Tu'ii dollar will liny for thn
ly. EAST OltEHONIAN for the oiiino
OL. 1.
NO. G.
'a ZLI
lD jl
04 j
i ml
in a
fee Room 1. S, 3 nml 4 Association Mock
Pendleton, Oregon.
Rlco-Ncxt Tribune ulllcu,oii Court street.
A houso. with n luirn Hint will ntntitn
horns. Apply to A. ), S., nt tills ofllcc.
loo In Association building, rooms 10
nud 17.
- - - OREGON.
will he Inserted In thin column nt thn ruto of
uvo cent nn lnsortlon,
Can bo hml nt thn East OnKnotnAH ofllco
nt prlrc that wilt prove they nro cheaper
limn moo or nny outer priming uouso in
eastern Oregon.
Hprccklc Will Tncklo tho Sucnr TriiRt
Tho Strike Molding lnt A Southern Cy
clnno-Uoiist News Pngo mill llurilln
Hold Foreign-Tlio I'rlnro llettor Kor-
illimml fur ICItifr.
.cgnl bushics of nil kinds attended to with
run tuiit-f . collection n specialty, omce
Main shod. Ill tho Tliomptoii-llnrnlinrt
aiming, over mc poii uiuce, jiium nil
Boms No. S nnil 0, Association lllock, Ten
clon, Ur.
If you have an nninml esirnv. vnu cnn re
cover lilm by expending S'J.rjQ In advertising
in i no i-A st uiikoonian. jt cmcucs mem
ovory llmo.
More Ihnn two hundred form of I mil
blank at this nillce. Ijiwycrs unit others
iit-cdlng special forms cnn h" supplied.
Insulin nml lllnckliiirn,
WASHINGTON. I). 0. March 7 Ynntnr.
tluv tlio Senate ruHiitnciI consideration of
Wilson's uniondtiicnt to tho iienslon bill
unit It wits lutitrtlillv d hciihhoiI liv ItiLMlln
Teller, riutt mid othcro. Tho Chair tiwk
tho lloor. unit runlvliiL- to Hi'ck until 1u
oloctloa of Urovcr Clovclund us I'l-otlilont
wun it prei'oitunt hiiowIii that no muii of
mo roimirv. nowovor nroloiiml hln iimnr.
uiii-u, nowovor imiciioir.iiioiiiHOlHHirity
or however tloirrailliiK IiIh iintoccdontH
might not itHpiro (o n nomination to
Ilroj-Miiln Htrcct, in Tliompiion-Ilarn
pun luiiiiiing, over mo roifuince.
ttillrc Ovur I'lwt Nnllonal Hnuk, Pontile-
. wr.
(VIII practice Ic courU of OreKon ami
luiilnulon. Collect. tnu promptly attondcil
ml Notnry "ubllc. Olllc6 In Eaut Ornto-
iiii " iuiiiuiul'i I't'iiuiotou. ur.
Ill' n j-PKtinnnllilp nnrtv wild iilnntv nt fr. il.
nhoiit ico hvntl of (-own on nhiirt;K. Aililrcnn
I IIUK olllcf. tlAw at
A Kn. 10 nlillil'M ilinp. nn thn ulriintji In Pnn.
uicton. I-inner luuve in thin omco.
rint nun hrown nelfnr ilnir. Iiiin nn himiIh nn
hliii.niiHwoni to tlio hum of "Ilex." For his
return, or information It-nillnir lo hi re
covery, J.5 rewuril will ho pnlil by
tu feb21
W. flAII.EY.
hmiill Imntl of Amerlrnn linrn.nll
izo, ior unit', Appivm
tu tola lm Kch'i, OrcKiiu
tho iiroHidoniiy by tho Hcmocratio jmrt
Tho iiHSortion that half tlio enrollpil hi
dlorM of tlio war had applied for iHiiiHioim
wuh it niiNtako. in iinsuor to llk'M In
quiry, " Hero in all thin iro nir to HtimV
r....:n i i. .... . l' . i
milium Kaiu. "ii is l'oiiil' toHtnii w inn
all the arroarH of pcntionn aro paid : wlion
ovory Holdior who Hcrved In tho war in
paid Iroin Ihoday hoinuiirrod adiHability;
iiiivii uvurv MirviviiiL' hoiii it im ihii nn
tho lolln. Tluit In whuro it in jjolnj to ntop.
If yoti don't, liko It make tho mont of it."
After cllloL'ir.iiiL' tho armv IiilmIIm until
III coneltiHion : "w nromiMo to ihihh tlitu
mil. and Im at nir tho himnniL'n in-iwl mi
tho othor Hldo of tho chamber, I hope it
will IKtMrf tho other IIoiihii nf f'nucm.uu
intd if it docH, lot tho 1'renldcnt veto it tit
niH iKJiii."
Jllackburn rololncd. Ho know nfl nit
ono Hin tlmt tho rroHidont had committed.
11 WUH tliutliavlmriluluutetl Iin-nHn' nirlv
... ..-11.. 1 11 1
in uiu iiuiih, no nait uovornod tno Am-
0 -
i hi w
Sautiiu a white,
oiiih 6 n nil 0 Ankorliitltm lllock.
Ii. KII.liIAN,
Justice of the Poaoe,
And Notary l'ubllc.
ii..... i..... i ...i .....i .i....t .
llliiKn uii iiiiiu I I'VVI Vt'Vl. I11IU I11IMI i'iimii.
:en Ht reduced rate. Collecting u Npe-
(V. i u u &
aim nilinlnUtPii il
Rlcei Main Street. In Tlioininon-Fluek
iiUKIiiiK. i-eniiiriuii, uii'uon.
. ... ..... . ..I ..u X. ...... ..J 4.111-
a inixeu onnu of mock nones rornaie, in orlcmi txniiio ho nlllilitillv u Iwh,.miIi.
nnnll or lnrRo loU. All ood Nlzn A merlcmi m, .. ' ,i . ... iV.ii 'i t , . fi '
lomeii Cnn borfnu nt IHrnhnrt Btntion.on w" H,,lcn 11 -'-'' handed administration,
tu febC.S Im
T. ft. IIOI'l'EH.
reiidlcton, Oregon.
thn 0. 11. A N. road, nix in 1 1 en bolow l'cildlo- HH to doom tho lust of tlio ItoDllblli'iin ns
ton. KorpnrtlculiiMuddroM, iilnintu In llu. ,ii,.ul.l....... t,. ,t.,u,.,.i- i
.ii 1. . .... .
uimiHiur. jieiornn to inirn h' iiHHertlon
tllllt AlcClullllll WUM lllllnil ti tlm ...... f..,l.
vn.rm.. nv. x..mt. . ..my. ..ft I ... . . ...w vuiuvv.
luwiMimi-ium, onicy, uinckDurn wild : "Tlio trout oman
iii.i.i.iiii.n n.ni.,.i . ii... in... ,i. from KaiiHaR in IiIh irolllicul ximl Imu not
city Mirvcynr until noon on Wetlnnndny, Hparetl oven tho xanctitv of t lou'ruvo. but
MumIi I. lit II.. 1.1. I. .1.1. .....I I. ... I . . .1 ( .....
mt,nt tlio city roen-oTr:i necord ineo wlfli " ) ' i-aniHan
iiiiiiu nml mice lleiinoim. wlileli fun bo Keen
hi Kotliclilld I'.ntl llcan'M utore. I'unillctun.
.1. II. wu.xu.n,
fclCSId Town Surveyor,
pOIt SA I.E.
A Milendld utoek rnnch nt bnnkriiiit iirleen.
nond fornuy kludof mncl(.(iiipelnllviiiliiiited
to rilim t nir kIioi'D. I'lt'iitv of riinnlnir water.
out.hli) riinge, InenitMl In Ynklmii county.
Hhcop winter on three dnyn to two weuku'
reeu. t ornu to Hint, AilureiHi J. M.T.
iiiia i, itur. II,
frl fobl7 Im Klltltn County, W. T.
aii iMirnoiiM niiieiiieii lothe nrm orsemiizo
.t inioier nro retiuevieii to roinn rnrwiirii niui
nettle wllh tho undonilgned nt once, or the
aceoiinlM win he lilurcd in tlio IiuihIm of mi
attorney for collection, I menu hunlnei),
nun iiiiini iiiivi- iiiMiiey.
i viiiiiriQii, urcgKii, renriiiirv 17, iss.
rrlfchl7lm JOSEPH llASt.ER.
kit. J. I. l'KUETT,
lOlllcoi OvcrMumton A Moorhouno More
&rni r of Johnaoii una court ulieetn.l'onuie.
11, uregon
lit. it. IlItEDUU.,
(criiiiiu IMiyHlrlnu JL Hurtfi'iiu.
((Iradiliited l'rimlnCleimiuiy.)
K'rhe iltiliir nlli.rM lilu kHrvlrp. tu llm mililtn.
Btil Im iiinlfMn ilwi niiuiipuiir.il tliiit l.n..tinl j rownril of five iinllnm n lienil will lin nnlil
pre nny dlHMUo heiomedlcnl aid cnn huve I for Information lending to the recovery of OHoaiied lynehini? on IiIh wuv to tho do
iy filed. Oltlce nt reiildence on Johnwiu tho fo lowing dekcrlhid linriei One sorrel i,ct. '
iiiiiu-, uniu iiirw, , on irn Piiounttir nun u 011 1 -
left think. Olio nonei two-vemold homo I A Kuiitliern Vtcliiun.
Villi, Willi" IVKn, l llll L'. IHIHH: lllltl llliy Vmo fllliriVM M.iri.ll " .'..lr...n
innro.lwn ven n il. Iirnnili.!! II mi li.ri rlimk. UIIM.ANH, JllirCIl I. A CVflOIlO
one rrel rllley, two yearn old.Hiimo brand. Piinsed over tho .SoiltliWOHtern tiortlon of
aiiiiHo mien moil an Haneoek mid .Me
Clelltin, wIioho nnblcmlHhod churactorH
aro nt to adorn tho briKhtcHtpatferiof Am
eriatii historv." IWeodliiK, itlaeUburn
Hilld tllllt While 1 Illllfot'l; ivhm i'Oiminin.1.
im: tho Union Armv. ami while wilimln,.
in hin blood at tJottyrihurj,', IngallH was
iiuiillIU 11 o armv. nir in tint rear, nrnuo.
cutliiL ICansiis .fayhawkors for rlllelntr
hen roosts. In condiifloii Hlackhurn
said: "rarty-man as I am, partisan ns I
confess myself to bo, 1 incerely trnnt
mat 1 mav nuver llml mv tnrtii nf tmliih.
servii-O proloiiK'ed to tho day when with
out warrant or oxciiko. Twill turn il..
Illsiratoly to traduce and abuse men wlio
wiuio llviiiK wero honorcd by till moir"
. tllrl Amniiilted,
1 vniiiLvniv.ii M.i n t li.t.l..
, ; i...n., ....., .mivii . iiumu
Ilohiiidin was brutallv assmilleil horn in.
day by ti colored man mimed Duvn Vlu.
Ho was arresteil and safely takon to Jail
in Kansas City, thouuli ho narrowly
in which ho will proclaim liuljiaria u
kingdom, and call upon tho jveoplo to
crown him klu.
I'oarl l'nBcTimi llerl'nl.
roun.ANi), On.. March ((, Tho exam
nation of 0. M. llardlujr and l'earl l'ago
lit tho police court this afternoon, showed
almost conclusively that they rubbed the
man, G. Dickinson, of at least three hun
dred dollars and 11 gold watch and chain
valued at $100, by steering him Into
l'eitil'sroom, ami uolmi throuuh hisii:iiitn
while ho was asleep. Hho claimed that
THE NEW FlSlll.Itll.S TltEATY.
A I.IUIoor Information mid i:xptnnntlouby
Herretnry llnynrd.
Ainendment of tho urgent dellclenev
bill to strike out tho following paragraph
"And tho publlo iirlnter is hereby di
rected to rigidly enforce tho provl.-loits of
tho eight-hour law in tho department
under his charge," having lieon leached,
noar lntpnieii 01 naio wny uiose linos
sliould bo stricken out. Ha 0 sa d thorn
wero persons in tho department working
by tho piece who desired to work more
than eiuht hours, who nroferrod to work
sho took tho monov and jowelry only to twlvo hours, and tho adoption of tho
1 ill! . . 1 . . . Ii ...1..1.4 1 .1 1 . . ... I. .1
Keeii 1111 morning, nut sue itmi iiunliuir "ukiu cuusirueu 10 mauo uiese
wero found tinrntlier nt tlm AlnnMi ini men stop work at the end of c Mit hours.
hotel, and no doubt robbery wuHintended. resolution might be used to compel
Sho is said tobo tho wife of 11 wealthy ! F00'1 "wklnginen to stop workufter eight
nours, ami to allow now, untried, greon
nanus 10 no nrougui into ine oiuce.
Hawloy said the nrovlslon. If it had tinv
meaning at all, was an attempt to forbid
a man to work more than eight hours;
therefore, tu behalf of workingmen, ho
protesled against It. It seemed to him a
piece ol ilemagogism.
Quito ti lively debate ensued between
uoar ami ilauley, which llmillv termin
uted by Halo withdrawing his amend
The President has transmitted to Con
business man of .San Francisco, hut be
camo I11f.it tinted and nut away with Hard
ing. Ilotii wero he Id in 0110 thousand
dollars bail, in default of which thev both
went to jail. Tho watch and if 1 tit) was
Another ClilurHA How.
roim.AND. On.. March (). This uftor-
110011 l.ung Sing tried to shoot Ah C!eo on
First street. Tho trouble lietwoou tho
celestials grow out of tho arrest of tlio
women which was rciwited yesterday.
lien J.uiiir b iil' saw the oil
liroachlnif. ho threw away tho
tried tn I'Mt'iiiMV lint. unu ivint itniil
now In l7 II togetlier witli u letter from Secretary
HOW III Jllll. l,iv,ir.l .ii.n.t.irv 11,., 1 '
"An insiioction of this documentary
Iloi.miooic. A. T.. .March 7. Suntlav 1 history will servo to demonstrate the
near bt. Johns 11 man named Alexander practical and important results nccuni
Klldd shot 11ml iiiHtniitlv VUlnil n uln.nn. I nlisheil liv the trentv nnu luimllnir luif.mt
uenier named .Mcuuw itutld tied to tho mo senate, oy which tho ipiestiou of in
M Kress the remaining documents and pro
', ,,' "li tocols relating to tho fisheries treaty,
od and h together with .1 letter from Secretary
mountains and has not been cimturcil
Tho trouhlo uroso over sheep.
A Light Sentence.
I'oirn.ANl). Oil.. .March 11. - Hermann
SlelninetH. who was recently ecrivlctod of
tho crime nf splitting ohjii the skull of .1.
1. w woniien wiin a natciiei last Christ
mas, was sentenced to-dav to a term of
six months In the penitentiary.
The Mnrket.
1'oilTl.ANI). Olt.. March 7. 1! 11. tn. N'n
hango in tho wheat or wool markets.
tar Court Htreet.
uiiicu noiirn.iiom mo 11 n. 111., ironi 10 0 1
in., 111111 innii 1 itiiipiiii.
P1 Ell. V. IJIN'fl.. M. 1).
ftllMll-! Ivor twirlimlh.. f't tu ntirn Tina.
Eleiiee. (ill V1l1h ktieet near Court utreet
leNldenui) mid olllce conneclt'il by tvlephouo
! Emicelul attention L'lven to the dlaenen nt
fonifii Mini viiiinren,
P It. ll.VKKElt,
loom II (UKOfhitlnn lllock, - Main Street.
lOllIco In Hlinpsou'd drug mure, Hulls Or.
nud 0110 hay tlilov. bimided It nip lde down) I)uisiana Sunday. Manv buildings wero
on right hip. AdilrcM ..RVN0II)Si tlcHtruycil. Ono man am'l ono child wore
n'oiton, Oregon. """--ii, nun mjvunu iiersous wero injured.
tu feliUlm
The liartncrNhln of Fred Pneo Timlin mid
John C. l oHHure, under tlio llrni iinnui of
Timlh A I.eii.uro, having been dlKHolved hy
mutual ciinnont. all nermiiiii havlmr IiiIiiih
lignum kai'i nrm win peiKH priMOiil lliuin to
mo by miircli lt: mid nil pernmiH owing inld
drill Illlll Keltlo Willi me. I.v mile nri-uuh. liv
inn -niiruu ur ciim will no niiiicti.
uiiicu roiiiiieioii.iiregon, Feiiruniy 1:1.
tu feblt 3w Attorney nt Uiw.
ANB A llltOWN,
m '
Currlnge ami Hlcu l'nliitern
1 Shop on Vincent afreet, near Court ktreet.
Catlmaten furnliihed on hor: notice. Or,lfi
Tom tho romitry will receive prompt utten-
lion. Slgu piiliiilug aopeclally. (inli'al
lloiitu uiHl Sln l'niiucr,
paperlKiiglmi gluxlug und
(tore n
tieotvo II. M. Jnliiifcini linlil n nolo alL'nml
by Jelhro mid K. A. Hnrdwlck. ThU nolo
llUH been nald. and Ilin niihlln nra herr-hv ur.
L-iiuiiuuiy iiuiiueti ii( iiiitt iuci
renuietou, uregou, Keurunry 0, ism, .
fehlOlm K. A. HAUUWICIC.
-io wr.nui it inuy concern! All peon
knowlmt themiiolveK lniUhlril In llu. e.mt
of Jaine. CI. McCoy are horehy niillfled 10
nemo -11 or oen.ro tno nml duy of Muy.und
1IU1IUIU ititii u:j.i.
. ... -Mil's. JAMES O, McfiOY.
tu fuW AdmlnUtrntrir.
hop, Court utreet, oppolte Til-
n't Star Ilakerv.
Proprietor of tho
0ra Haloou,
Court Street, adjoining Opera Houtc,
Pendleton, Oregon,
Fine wine, llouors und clunra. Davlnn
beer, nnknnwli.iliri.il tn i... tim i.ai ....
llruught. frTfek'l
Proprietor of the
'or, Main and Webb StreeH, Pendleton, Or.
rretiericKiiuar lieeron driuight.
Fine Wines, I.tijuom and Cigar. nl7tf
TO WllOm it III1V mi.n, nn,ln il,.,.
uio .71111111 nriimi r ire nnu .Marino IiiBuranco
Company of New vnlmni iiiuirm .n 1.,.
tend to ceue doing biuinesii In tho hf.to of
uicsuii, uiiii ui wiiiuiniw its capital more"
1, ., r , 0.h' NKW ZEALAND.
llV WILI.lAMfi. Al'H M-iw.ll
oollflKm Attorneva.
Npri't'lile Will Nllr up tlio Trimt.
iii:w 1011K. .March 7. Snreckles Imu
arrived hero, ami says ho Is determined
to Invest live million dollars in 11 sugar
refinery, and will tight tho sugar trust to
tlio bitter end.
Death nOUo Alrott.
Ni:w Yoiik. March 11. Ml iiii,i
Alcott died hero tills mornluc. Lnut
ThurMliiy sho went out to meet her father
on his return from abroad, und caught
cold, which settled 011 the brain, causing
1 . u . t i. .
iiui ueuin.
Tho Strike Still On.
ClIlt'Afll). March ll.Thn hIiIL-h nn 1 1 in
0. H. ik Q. has resolved Itself inton game
of freoxo out. If the engineers carry out
tho promises they made yostordav .tho
road can do no through buiiinosri.' Tlm
otllcials claim thoy Imvo tilled sixty jer
cent, of tho places of tho strikers.
V. H. Ainu of Wur.
Wasiii.soto.v. March (1. N'mvs lms
just reached horo that tho United States
man of war, "Enterprise," jirrhnjiit
Gibraltor'yesterdav. and will nroceeil nt
onco to Tangior to support tho demands
of Consul Phillips,
A Train Wrecked. j
NuilltASKA ClTV.Mlirch 7. A frolirlit 1
train which was beiiiL' rim liv u nmr nn. 1
glneor, was derailed six miles from hero
ternrotation ami adm 11 stratlon of tlm
treaty of 1818 between tho United Slates
and (.treat Jlrituin Is transferred and ele
vated from tho obscurity into which It
had lieen siilleretl to lapse since the dale
of that convention, and its restoratioi
from the practical control of minor am
local otllcials of tho Canadian niaiitimo
provinces. L'htll the treaty now landing
was concluded 110 available remedy seems
to have been supplied for tlio inconsist
encies, luconuruitles ami miltistiMablo
construction 01 1110 treaty ol LS18 to
which our I s hermen venr after venr Imvn
neeii siiniec 0 1. a n wn cn. nv tno inn
iriCHH of irnidual encroachments nf Cn
liadlan legislation and local port regula
tions, imu nimosi converted tlioirprivi
leges expressly reserved bv tho treaty
into Kources of inconvenience ami nx-
IHJiiso. Tho pretext or causes alleged for
arresis, lines, iieiontlons and other em
barnissments to American llshlng ves'
vim wiring 1110 years ihsii ami 18S7 wore
All Attempt to Show Favor to Wenllliy
now Chinese treaty will li h!lmiiiI I.v
Secretary Bayard for the UnltedSt.ttos,
and tho Chlueso minister for (lie empiio
of China, this week, and will iro sent lo
tiiu tu'iiato not later than Thursday. It In
understood that tho now treaty Is in-
Inti.l.i.l 1.. 1.-..1. 11.11 ..1 1.. il" I....
to this country of tiny Chluewi latwrors , ,m,'u'1 "J10" "Si infractions of tho
in tlio future, but thu lenresentatlvo of 1 wi.v of 18KS, or of Canadian laws
tho Chlneso empire In Washington has 1 1"1""011 in professed execution of that
brought to tho attention of Secretary ' ,'w; ,-" such vexatious action as is
Ilayaid tho fact that there are Chinese in lw'deil In tho lists of seizures, etc., Is
tho country who lmvo accumulated sums 1 "lot Ul,ul rendered imissiblo of occur-
of money, and lmvo made Investments in um" 1,1 'ro iy ine provisions ol tho
real estate In California. Oregon ami 1 lrci"..v now neioro 1110 .enate, and tlio
elsewhere. I amplest enjoyment by United .States
Ching Ven Hoon.tho Chlneso minister, I Wurmen of treaty rights and customary
says that his irovornmoiit s not onlv 1 """.piiauiy niio umier iniernaiiomu law
willing but anxious to prevent thu comlm;
of Chinese to this country. Ho artfully
declares, however, that it would bo unjust
to deprive tiny Chinaman in tho Cnited
States OwlllL' nronertv here. who. nmlnr
the present 7u w, is entitled toieinaln us
long as ho chooses, of the right to go to
Chimi and return at his pleasure, under
proiior limitations.
It is understood that tho now tn.iiv
will give Chlneso owing real or porsomil
nroneitv of tho value nf ilODD or iiiiu'iiiil
cerltiln privileges in iesect to travel that
are not enjoyed y their less imiH'cunloiis
Mongolian brethren. Tho coming of
UilnoMi luliorers In future will bo pro.
hlbltcd, unless thu six couiiuiuIoh can ilnd
iiifHHK) plant for every Cliinanmn, who
is willing to swear that ho has lived in
this country before, ami has accumulated
projierty of that valuo.
to-day, ties having been placed across the
.......i. pi... .. ii . .
.iiu iMntHjiiKui luiiunmu ran into i,.u 11... .1-.. - .1 .1
Of .Mnru or Leu luterent to thu l'l-onlo
or tlio Nortliweat.
Monday .'enator Dolph presented to
tno .-enato a jielltloii froui 11 niunber of
citizens of Washington county, Or., nsk-
inn nir an appropriation 01 ?.r,uuu lor im
provement of the Tualatin river.
Territorial Democrats 1110 complaining
loudly of the appointment of a Jusw York
man as Judge of tho Supreme Court of
Tho Joint Democratlo congressional, ex-
ecuuvo and campaign coniuutteo met
Monday and organized by tho unanimous
election of Senator Keunu, of West Vir
ginia, chairman, and Hon. I'liil II.
liiompson, Jr., secretary. Tho commit
too transacted no furlhur business than
to organize and liifoiumlly confer about
tho situation.
Senator Stewart has Intrruliu-nl unl..
stltuto for Senator Dohih's bill providing
for tho admission of Washington Terri
tory, ."-enator Mownrt's substitute
tho freight, wrecking the engine und a
niunlwr of cars und Injuring several ieo-
A Corner In Oil,
part of Idaho to Was 1 iiL'ton Terrllnrv
I It submits tho question of annexation to
10 jiortion
a voto of tho jieoplo living in tl
of tho Territory which it is iir
..w.. ...... ..I ..
X- ir . , . " ...w -..w.. uiiibii 11 in 1111ifinvil li
iNKW 1 OHK..Marcll 7. lho dealers linvn 1 unniiv tn Wiiulilmttnn T..r. UW' 111 till.
mado a corner ht petroleum to-day. For : event that there is n mnii.rilv or tho nn.
years tho price has been less than u dol-1 noxation of northern Idaho to Washing
lur, but it has lately lieon run tin (nun 1 ton 'lWriinn. tl
nlnoty-soven cents to 11.40. Territory is to bo included in tho nro-
1 . - ... . , , .
jxwun new ruuo 01 l asniugiou.
Stouo uiul Ilrlek Itfaiioii.
Peod oton, 1 j 1 j Oregon,
lombstonea and innnunieut nettlims
II3I.LOW BLOCK kibe riiooy PAnriTIONS.
cementlinr. nlnmnrliiv. nil Irin.u r
oie and brlcK work executed reaonably.
Pendleton Meat Market.
Having reopened the nlwve Market, (San
hert'a old ataud, we ahull be prepared at all
""f.t" aupplv the people of Pendleton
i nn mo cry neai
n . . ....
wu, muiion, i-OI'K, veal. JbJtC, St. I'ktkiisi.i ho, Jlarch O.-Ferdlnuml
01 oulgrtritt. is preparing a manifesto in , (ieoigo Henry ( orli-s, the inve ntor of
rui,t thf 'kt i"" ln"rl'0Ujnl .reply to the exiajcted ultliuatum of tlio tho Corliss engfne, died at fits home In
1 rice, an can reach. wr regarding tho Bul-ariuu iiuestion, I'rovidence, Hliode Wand, r. cnl
and comity is secured in ports ami liar
bars of eastern Canada and .Now Found
Tho corresHindenco will servo also to
establish tlio fact that prior to tho treaty
of reciprocity of 1K.YI, and subsequent t'o
Its abrogation, and in thu years 1870 ami
1871, vexatious and harassing adminis
trations by the Canadian autliotities was
practiced ami unchecked. As neither
tho treaty of 18.' I nor that of 1871 con
tallied any allusions to thu wrongs thus
mulcted iiniii I idled Slates llsliernien,
and as neither convention contrived tinv
remedy or provision against their renewal
and roielitioii, it liecamo necessary that
a remedy should no longer Imj unpro
vided. It Is belloved such ruinedv is
practibublo nud fully supplied bv'tlio
treaty now pending, and that bv Its'tonus
now and for the llrst time since 18H, a
just und joint interpretation is agreed to
ly Isith governments nud placed iim the
treaty of 1818, which ttlllroeiuo just and
hospitable treatment to tho Culled States
fishermen, and secure lo them, unmo
lested, 11 full measure of their lights; and
that under tho nroisiseil arrangement
every American fisherman, pushing his I home,
vocations in waters adjacent to iniiisii
North America, can acipiiro 11 clear under
standing of his tights and duties whilst
within thu jurisdiction of waters of Can
ada, or to such m)i ts and liarlxjis as casu
alty, necessity or convenience may sug
gest, without fear of oncountoiinlr unv
such harsh, unfriendly treatment as h'e
was heretofore subject to under the un
certain, unwarranted and variant inter
pretation of his treaty rights.
A clamor has been raised for 11 dlvlstmi
of I.os Auueles cnuntv. Tlm iirliu.ln.'il
reason, t Iiiih far iiil'i1 in lOml f r.r 1 1 in in-iiii.
osition, is Unit l'asiideua wants 11 Couit
house. Sho claims the earth, but is will
ing to compromise on a Courthouse
GcOrL'O Shoals, of Inillaiin. hml fnn.nttnti
iill about the way ho used to swallow
larnlniMiccillos when a bov until time
hcL'au to wmk out of bis sides nml h.iri
tho othor duy. Ho has recovered seven
to preserve as relies of lil-t youthful enthusiasm.
Dispatches from tho Northwest report
Along tlio Wtmrvea Export nud Import
Iliillrond ltii.liio,t.
From our regular correnpondout.
Poim,ANi,,0n., March.'), 1888.
I didn't get down among the docks and
depots in my former letter. If you think
wo do nothing in tho shipping line, just
take a walk over tho Morrison Street
bridge and treat yourself to n good look
til and down tlio river. If you were there
now you might count twenty-threo sail
ing vessels loading, unloading, anchored
"in the stream, "or wailing to bo escorted
to the sea. Besides this you may see at
any time ono or two lingo ocean steamers
receiving and discharging Immense tunui
titles of freight ; ferry iwuts constantly
moving back ami forth, between this
city and Hlverviow, Sollwood, Fust Port
laud ami Alblna; lino stem wheelers
coming and going to and from Astoria,
Vancouver, Cascades, and up Willamette
points; add to this tho rushing to and
fro of switch engines and constantly
moving trains in tho various nillroail
yards that surround tho city, and you
lmvo 11 picture that pretty correctly rep
resents tho every day apicarauco df that
part of this thriving commercial city.
But I was iroinir to tell you somcthiiiir
nlwut onrHhlpping. During tho year 1880
soventy-nino vessels, cleared this jwrt,
carrying uway to foreign countries 2,500,
000 centals of wheat, valued at iD.UOO.OOd :
IW.OOO barrels of Hour. Sl.'JOO.OUO! Il'iI.OiKI
ensesof salmon, $710,000; :),! 50,000 feet of
iimincr, .fiio.uuu. to inherent juris of tho
United States wo shinned 1.000.000 cen
tals of wheat, valued at $l,'J77,000i i:H,
COO barrels of Hour, $5(W,000; ll:,500,0OO
ixjunds wool, $:,'J.')(),000; :i!0,000 cases
salmon, .tl.OOO.OtH); 2,tKH),000 pounds of
hides. L'17.0(K): 1.000.000 pounds of lions.
$1215,000; mill slulls, barley, oats pota
toes, leather, tallow, huttor, eggs, pig
Iron, fruit, furs. stoves, oils, lumlier. etc..
sulllcleut to miiko a total value of all ox
ports I ! .000.000. Tho shins that carried
our foreign exjiorts brought in, from En
gland, (among other tilings) Portland
cement, valued at $'.'8,000; table salts,
Mo, 000: tin plate. ilCOOO : mult Honors.
$10,000; earthenware, (Fnglaml and
China) $:ili,000; from Australia, coal,
$ii:i,()iK); rice, (China) $5l',000; silks,
(Fnglaml ami China) $7,000. lea. (China)
$IMHK); eigars, (Cuba) .fLCi.OOO; tobacco,
(China) $1M)00: other articles sulllcleut
to bring total lmiKjrts up to $700,(100.
Tl... ..IIV....1 .1' ' .
iiiu luiiuniiiK ngtires aro noi'iue exact
amounts, but aro as close us can be reji
resenled In round numbers. I didn't
start out with the intention of Ixiriug vou
witn statistics; I just wanted to tell you
what all these shijis wero doing, anil tlien
I thought you would like to know what
thoy were carrying. Well, you see wo
bought of the foreigner i7iM).t)00 worth of
gixsls, but while doinu' sosolilliIinio.OiM)..
000 worth of our ow n products, ami that's
thu way to do business; that's whv wo
are nourishing. It strikes one comically
to notice the diirerencn Udween llm for
eign exjioit und imjiott lists. Among the
aner are lounn uuu wai s. 1.17: c av
Ihs, $1)17: Ink. $150. from Fnulamf.
'isli, $i',()00; 'curios, $l',(M)t); 1'iimboy
nits, $173; candy, $:'00, from China.
Igarelto paivr, $150: ma o Ca ware.
I'.OOO: dolls. ilt.ik'X). friiin liiirimiiiv.
Watches, $i:ii; IniltH preiiaralions, $s,
7iXI. from Franco: while llm exnort list
sliows nothing but wheit, Hour, salmon
ami lumber.
Another uotlceablo thlntf uhont tin.
ships that come nn tlio Columbia: Tlmv
are nearly all under British flag. Out of
inu imoio ncei 01 ins 111 int r were
American. Why Is this? Well, there
are several reasons. Pi lor to the out-
iieak of the lols-lllon Amoiicn owned
tho ipicen licet of tho world, but diiiiug
tho wur it was almost entirely annlliil.
uted, and has not been rebuilt to unv
extent, liecauso railroading promised
greater returns on investment of canital
about that time. That is one reason.
Another, and probably tho principal ono
is that Congress niiulo a law prohibiting
Americans from purchasing foreign man
ufacluied vessels and sailing thorn under
American Hags, Tlio object of this law
was to build up ship-building industry ut
home, but it oierated exactly tho ro
Veise. As iron and lnlsir wiii-ii'mii nuicli
cheaier in Knglaml, Americans could
not couioto witli them, Of course wo
can imiko wooden vowels, but they are
so out of favor among shipers, and it
costs so much nioro to Insure their car
goes that thoy are completely left out in
tlio cold.
In the dejiot lino there Is nothing hero
to brag about in thu way of buildings In
fact there isn't u decent jiassenger dojiot
in tho city but there aro long strings of
freight houses, and tho freight Unit is
hauled lu them dullv is enormous, Tlio
cars of the N. P., O. it. A N I'. P., and
O. t C. west sldo lines tiro all loaded and
unloaded in the big yards at the 1101 th
end, which is tho busiest place of thu
city. As soon as the raihoad bildgo is
coniileted, we are to have a line depot on
this side of tho river, and oilier terminal
laciilties, hesldes the big building at
Alblna. O. ei C. olllcials say a dnjiot Is
to bo built on tho east side, near tlio
bridge approach, that will lav in the
shade anything In that Hue In the North
west. Turn: I ..inks.
is still
Villi l-'IfiV Vl'll'-I rVkiflr.....tlr...Lj Af. ....... I 1,1.1... T 1 .1 Lnt'..,. ut,,.., ..I I..J 'I'l .1 . 1
' ? vuiiiiiiiiuiiuun, ..lum-n i.miivij, I .IJ1I1H1- ".loiuniiuii milium minim l IIIIIMIIIV IU1U I Thn luuir (
' ana, associate justice of tho Supremo Fri'lny. Tlio snow drifting badly In Da- I T,.,,
kini f'nmtnf i. ., . ti... ' ...i b,,t,i . ii, K'nrii...... ii.,in,. t i 1 1 protected on
-,v - ...ii., ...wiiiitn vuiiur, coi- ,..u ..ui mivih . .11.1111; nun ,iui lliuit'tl tllli',,
Ilinin M......1.H Tl. n nl lector nf IMIstnmu ir i In. . II -ri.. ..I II n fralolil Ir iln .. lul ,,f I.',, r. . f. ... 1 .. . . .I....u I llllMJtlll0
...... u, - ill? viu.i II I i llll O ; -;-;.". lllllll- ..."v ...,(,.,,. i.,., .lain, . Wlu.li
l.t r lmlilt fill !' 1' I !...,.,. ,.l 1II....1..1 i ' riw. jh.rm I......I...U II... .,..11... I.......I. ..I lM"'IS. 11 lieil
Mvni;i. ' i , ... . . ....wi, .uinnininiiiii. .' ....i. iin n,v uiiiuu it.nuiii ui ,u .....ll..
t,.-, i,., r... 1...H i.. . ... 1 i .,i... ....i.. i ii .i ... .. i. r .i tiuiMS loam
11 llllt. If. I.a ifl.... MhUHl 1UI UlU tlllll llltll.lllH ill .lllilltllllll . llfl ' 'I'lIlUI llll 11 t'l I I1HW11 llllll lllll
Tilled on nil hldeti
From the New York World.
armor! Taxed on all sides,
none, nun ne uiveu 01 a
iimiket through trusts und
tho. glow-moving mnieul-
get mud Komohodi' will mi
... . " - ?
t...,ll...r.,-. , Tl I . I , HUH.
r.Mi.in in ..iiintlhl. llli'nilllH 1llIIHI.
t i' i'hteenfi i't(Ie''i. aiidisdriftedatChe- '
luv-' iu Igi, o-e and lui iliac. Several The tnuguo of the humming bird Is
(rains art ,l, dan I n mads ha even- split aim t to the bat-', torming two
uu 1 i i i, ib Nednc- (av hollov tin .ids