10 K ft MAKCII 5, 1888. 1HM0CHATI0 H rATK CONVENTION. ti. ii.uritli Kt,i!i Convention for tlm Htatu of Orouou Ik hcruliy culled to ..,! ,,t P.. iii ctoti. I mat ilia county, on Tuefday, April II, 1HS, tor tlio purwo oi ...I. (....ill. . . I , II I'll, Willi 1.11 Ifir Ilf 1IIIA;. ContjroHH, ii candidato for Jiuljfu of tliu Hiti'iuttiu Court, nix dvH'iitfri to thu Nit - tlonal Uemoeratii' e.:onvuiiuon win nj , ii limmtf'X! to rat IV IU various (limnci ,, , 2. ,. ,', wir otl r m hIih iw y n Kdy c e if m? l o (tt ' i!l C.mUtion will bo .o.hrm! of ir..-. . i.t,.,.,.M.n.,iK,rtloI.d to the various I tO till' VIlrlOllHI ... ii.ti.i.. I., . .. . ...t . S ,...,., -i r,.r ,,11,1,11.. to Y, .. . 'I , t .; of l'shii, huin nty and ono for VUIIKIUnn ill uiu (.-iivuwti ono iicieaiu or eacii co,m . u overv L'ou and fraction over 100 votes ho CIlHt. In accordance with naid apportionment, tlio reHcctivo coiinllcH will Ik) untitled to the following reprcwiiitatlon: linker- .In i llciilui 'I MnllH'iir 1 Clackamas 7 .turloli C'liitxoii , Morrow t Columbia 3 Multnomah 17 Coos I Polk Crook Tillamook 'I Curry 'I Unmtlllii X liouxlai 'I Union ..H (llllluio 3 Wusro 8 (Iriint ft WHuliliiKtoii Jorknol 7 Wiitlnwii ..'1 Joveiitillis 3 Yiiinlilll 'I KlHIiiutli.H. 3 Jak 1 T ol.it I I JUKI 7 Tho coiniiilltco rcMiwIfiilly rccomiiicnd that thu (.'oiinly Conventions for the ejec tion of dclctfalcs to tho Slato Convention, unless othcrwisu ordnrcd hy the local county e'oinuiittcu, Iw held on Satuiday, March I I, 1HH.-I. II. Coi.iik.miiii, (Jhairman DciniKTatlc Statu Central Committee. ih:m(iciiai it; ciutNrv e:eNVi:.s rniN. A Demis'ratie County ('ouvcnliou is hereby called lo meet iu Pendleton, I'ma tilla county, on Saturday. .March '.'Ith, for thu tnirH)Hii of clectiliK ciKlit delegates to tho l)eiiiocratie Stale Convention, to be held In Pendleton April :id, 1KHH, mid for die purK)se, If the cunveiitlon shall deem itlwst, of iiouilnaliiiK a full democratic county ticket, to Iw voted for at the next election; and to transact any oilier busi ness that may properly come lxfore thu convention. The convention will Iw comtHised of forty-live delegate's, uptxirtioncil anions thu several precincts as follows : Aituni I Altn n e.'iiniKi ...3 eviiicrvlllH 3 coiioiiwimmI i I'lcho 3 Knrninpiiirnt I Knilrr I lli'lli I .lllllllilT I Mllloti I Miniiiliilii I North I'trullrtoti tl South IVinllclon II Union ....I Uin.itlllii I VuieiTrlr I Vln.nii I Wrilon ...I Willow Mirluii I Yoiikiim 1 . Tnml .ir. tS It Is also iccoiuiiiended that primaries for the election of deliv.ites to said con-. vent Ion bo held iu the various pieciucls 1 on 1 1 hi 1 1 in i i.i v oi .miiicii, ai . ii emeu- 1 1. il. . i . .. . f ... l . . t i i. . m., except iu Pendleton, where " M tec-1 ommended the polls hball Iw owned at II o ciiM'k a. in. Pendleton, Or., February i'nth, 1KHS. W. M. IIumii.i:, Chairman of the PemiMratic Central (.'oiutnltU'e. HIllllMM'ie) MIM)i:t.lNV. UIMI-.MAIIi: Mill.. Water is not the onlv ulivsieal twevnt e'Oiiceimsl In cairyiiiit the earth's solid lualeriuls from place lo place, modern In estlSitions phisiim that the dust cairied by the wind piodiiccsiiftoiiMiiiiL: chauues tn tlio Hitumtion of die laud. The thick iletwsils eoveiliiK ancient iiilusaii' now lsilieves to lme Ihvii laively luouuht i iy ino air. I n ncii tiiuuf ii I tlutr l tit I C if ! i- tliovun's dtiMrii4lou of a val leilal muI- formation iu China, mentimiM h;ini; sou 1 1 on the Hanks hiuli moiinlaiii. iu .Mexico ela of Mrata tml ileM.ited by the waters nor by the dis-ouiiHwitiou of the rocks, but proiuvi hv die duM niisiHl from the plums by the wind and lull on 1 1 10, IiiIIh. Idem' deNbils itiv iioin nni in iHSI lei'l in llllcklli'i'M. (dowitn; liner widi inciva.e in heilit, and -aiiitx m inu i ii ii ot WKoiittion M:lV mi .mi MHHir. Mnv Xoaliunl now 1 ntiilit gtmt niiin km uf wild t-aiiU. wlii. li lmvi iltwvutlist Iruni tluM' lik.) ,v th farmum iliniui: tin .Muoit whim wlii. li . n.li'.l in iwis. Hunt Ing tlu aininitlN i im oi-itj. llnilJHU4W HIHItt. TlH'tfllllM' U Itot I'ltnilv tiiiiiiwil, um tin anim.iU ii..iw M.,.iniv fur iimtftikm iilmut HiUKi'Ih llllmlv.itli QliK tuiiiiiiKi'revHn. iu wlii. li pr.mii (tell U vun ilitlUiilt. Int., t),. ii. nu,v tl.uli al tlw xlitflit.vl ul.uiu. thsMiiiun (ullV uw'Htw lluet iiiitlur liorw m iiiuu.-uu tuilow lltttiu. If. l. MIIUr, of lViliu. Ims to Otttwl iIm. iM.iMiioii ,4 limuiu iu Hh IumIi of ilogK ioi.r. limn mu vr vut l.v (UwuiriiiK llw IUI U tin. nniiiiulH (01 CmV wuuIIm. Wlu-n I w" .IM.rnt Mr. i:iUrJU ;iMle, .ii.li n..tiMMiM uh (Vini.wit,. EUigrma kiww.) Hvwa-I in H Jj..,,. nuutiHW l r,,tttIOi. u.wj.Uh m iwul t- ih.- Ktmml irtil.lt.'. awl WiW U. j.mrna. .k'v.Wtuour.mw piw, 1 run .mi) MM) lliut II uuiUn 1114' ntl wr)- rr)." THK I MVtk.ei. MlLVKirr, 'Hum UiiniM H,.n myiuht l.v tlu K, Ui. Wlxir ..( IK,.. un,l fitt, X.rl rtwml. 1Ih Umi .! ilnw. tb.wtWtt l.Mtvi fcnmu u m ,1,-rii .IwmUtry. U iui Ihmh ttiTat.s, i,i ,aiH.t fv rvtaiji mm ii Mm .kn..x o,.- imm. -lUi. (im ,.f iu- t l,Vii. al SuJl1, T" r, wk M,,'wiiiiu.-1 my in .MiiiiMU) Mith irtUium in Uixa HUM- lUl.t ..U. , ; U. .. l WImiiivI.,UhI.w, U "J llcun vi.,-.. i,., ,,, ,,J -JWUU .-.ii u,-i 1, ,,.m,ilttw lle H...I..K. . v , ,u,j ithuuw,or il IIh-v aiv .ilu., U ioiii'.ui.hI ui.l. ,. ' nuemmi uh'iuktikiMi n... .1.11 . MONDAY, other noipinotulllu vlutiiutit, It tears them tfn,ni.iiuI ttikw.lliMiillHlt'-J unittnjf. with Hdtliini, iwtiiw-liiin, calcium, nuu? nullum mill iiluinniuin, tlio tnctalH he tioinu lii'iitcil oven to reiliiuM l;V the forvor of ItH embrace. Iron I l imn, Hlk'litlv wiirine.l, burnt into hrilliiint IllflllmiU ulll'll OXIKJMmI to it, llliltt- , iranvru tlio fume. JAen the noblo mot 1 iiIh, uhiili oven at u iiifllinx liuiit proudly -,. Ll ll... fnurllliltinll of OXVlfi'll. Hllt'CIIIIll) ii.ij ,.i,,.im!,mI inm ut moderate tvm i ,lur,ltU,.H, (ilucH in duvourcd ut oneo.uiid inr fi.iiKiiM to iu water ny foniuui n .i.i..'....u I.t,.l. ..iimIiInImk ultli ItH 10 tlio I ilrmnill III I N III ( IIlHIIItlll lUIIJIH i ll(,r, (,lis(.s"oIvin liydro-lluorlo acid, . uni liheratt-H ozone." A HCIKNTIKIC ODDITY. Tlio model of an eiirtiuiiiuko Ih ii unique ; PItUH that has boon con ft Iff "'tll!,,, flie model of an cartlHiuuko in ii unique I tientiy una laooriousiy ioiiomK o. i u. UOIIll " iui,.iuur.. uccurato reeorilH of a modern hoIhiiio' , iicemrato records ot a mestern seis no- i rapli, Prof, t-eklvu hurt Kiit.veede.1 In I Kliapini? u lonifro 11 of copKjr wire) fo uh to uranh. Prof. Seklya hart succeeded In ' " v ""Ttil , . ,:,Lt ,,u-rM,m. die Intrlcato path desctik-d hy a shaken Sot of tho earth's surlace. inu nuclei iiihk- nilles fifty times thu ground's absolute motion iluritiK seventy-two seconds, and riiHionbleri a ball of twine unwound and tiin.u'M itiiun III ii nindlvcll licatl. Xtllll k-red Iiiks show tliu proress of die shock for each second oi time.', msKASi: is woiik. f-'edentarv occupations aro reputed to bo attended hv nialudies tisi numerous t() mention, but even tho (jut-door weirk of the ionu-llved farmer Is not u iwrfect Kiiaranty of freeilotn from all iilImcntH. A iK)tuto dimrcrs disease, which has been iivexllL'ated hi Prussia, results from strained tiosition of the Ies iu pitherln". K)tatoes. It nllcctH the nerves of tho feet ami Ivl-h. nrislucliiL' e'oldness, nuuilmess ami pain, with it clumsy and limpiiiK t.Mit. It may continue for years. A curious phenomenon is icortcd by Its sole observer. In an atniosptieru near fre'cinu isjint. the drops from a iiioittiire-ladeu pine's lower branches reached thu uionud In illiquid Mute, while I hose from lliu'iinin'r branches, ten feet hlL'her. froze ilurliiL' thu fall. Kicsh icsearches by Urown-Sequard and d'irsouval conllrm tliu e'oucluslon that dm air emitted from tlio Iiihk con tains a owcrful organic Hiison, probably an alkaloid. Further evidence of thu niitiim of 1 1 to iwison is behiL' soituht. The shadow of thu total solar e-clipsu of last August was lilly-slx times as lulnlit us tliu liwlit of thu full iiiikjii, us estimated by the t Itiiu ii.Miulrcd to iihotoL'raph u lanilscaiu. TUB IIOVITIAN I.AKK. Tim uovernmciit of ICuypt has lieen iHTSiiaded to maku surveys which prove tlio existence ot a ilepii'ssod region nearly sixtv miles lomt hv twetilv miles wide, reachlm- a deiitli of L'.V) lo J!00 feet IsjIow blli Mle. This detiresslon lias for sev eral years been lield by .Mr. C. Cow Whltehoiise lo lxi the site of the wonder ful arlillclal Like .Micris dcsciiU'd hy lleiiMlolus llclitlously many have Iw lleved with a circumference of lot) mlh's. The iulcrc.t at last aroused iu I'uypt makes it piobalile that die Nile will soon In' admitted to tills valley by a canal .. eleven mites num. i lie creation or res- lortitlou of this i-reat artlllcial lake ureal artiiictai awe win ulvo fertility to a wide area, and will lediico die iiuuual iuuudalions of the Nile, while storiim water to replenish the river in dry si-asons. Tu llnimxui)' Wonirii. I'roiii Wnllii Widlit l.'nliili. .Mr. ltoss, a horse man, with his wife and baby, have hcuu living iu lids city all winter at dm Auiora hotel, ami froiii nil outward uiitKiuraiirori tin, 1 1 1 1 tat f nnllv aiqs'aiiHllobeKetllmxiilouK'liarmouioiisly, but on l lnirn luv afteriUHin, .Mrs. Ko's, leaviiiK lier Uiby iu chaw of Mrs, Pvle, went out ami has not since returned, Of coiiix', the IiiisIniiiiI, wlien lie dipcouTed Ids wlte salience, commenced uves hint inii, and foiiud that i-hc, iu I'omnauv with a .Mi I'ciry, had left on die afternoon train for Walbiln. tln.tr tiekotri ImiIih' imr cha-e'd by a will known urass widower, who has Km kei 1'iiitf eouii'uny willi Mrs. Perry of late It Is not known whom die women have pine HaiuMaa I The Rochester Lamp I MOO C'ttmllo Power. AT- G, I. LaDow's Crockery Store, e'ourt Hlrwt, In KIM Nntl.uiul ll.nk llnll.lliig. And at tlie iinio plmt ymi enn buy n GLASS SEJ OF FOUR PIECES, IWlliainHllMim of FORTY CENTS. Ctotuw andil take it l.ik at my .look. G. I. LaDOW, dw metis It I'KNIH.KTON, OltKtlON. HALL & BURNSIDE, S. HKYNOl insh,uoora nnd Bulldln; Mntorinl. nati'e M.in ...,, I,,... ii., .1, 1H., SByentyrighthAnnuaU Exhibit .1 , . ,i..rfy tub' ' HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF IIAHTKOIU), CONN. Assets, January 1, 1888 : CnlilliliiilulofiiBelil iM,v;,io;i,;:.'.i..:'.mi.7 02 ltcnt mid ncciued III- tcreit 3W' 09 Itnil fUnto.iliicricuiii- bercil C3l,07o00 fniH on Imnilj will morliiiKC H' IIcm)-.I,IWjOO CO f,ans un Collstuint Hcctiruy ',"" tn Unltfil HtnlPd tonils, riillrontt nlork.iind Niitliitnil Hunk nlock S, 120,777 13 Tolal Assets, - - $5,288,603,97 CWi c ipltnl JI.SMOOOO llfnervi! lor ro umuru'icu i"iii ,,, k t...n I-S72..07 III (iMli,iniUiiir"cl,illin '(17 i I'olley liolilfra'suiplu 3,l)).iiU 81 Nrt wirplim over capital nnd nil llnbllltlcN l,aw,29 8l V.'... ...nt..l.t. ,.M,lirl .lltrltll, llm w.r JUWIIOCu 'Jolal Inconie ri'cvlvi-u ilurlnir ,no rti a Inrrcli'ii''ili"i!iels fffl'J S Incrcnuo In nil mrplun 110,27.1 V7 In mire In tho old rellublo Hnrtforil, Clopton & Jackson, Resident Agts., dw l'KNDI.KTON, OltKOON. PENDLETON LOTS FOR SALE. I olTer fur Milo mora tliuli THIRTY VALUABLE LOTS! In I'ptullcton, Incluillnic tlio ulittitly block on tlio hill, In plain view nil ovur town. Just the Site For a Fine Residence. Tlifiio lota will tin noli! ut rcakonnblu price. Apply to James Leezer, At U-czcr A Kiicble'r'i Driiic Btore, uiclil iliw Court Htrvrt, IVndletnn. J. H. KOONTZ, Denier In GENERAL MERCHANDISE And Proprietor of tho Henrietta Flouring Mills, -o ECHO, OREGON llluheslrnsli price paid for rrnlii. nrnhnni, eirnniiiiiien nun Peir-rimni; uour in Ntock, Corn mi nl,l'lioi Koe.l, etc.. forsiile. AKt'iits for Kniipisllurrell A Co's Agricultural Implements and Bain Wagons, Are iirepnreel te ulilp wlivnt or rcuelvo Grul 11 forStoniKO. (Iniln Paukie nml Jlnrve'storM1 fiiippllo nt lout'Nt I'rle'e'N. I'amll! (iforrrh-i a Sprclaltu. FariTlBr ers, Attention Wire and Picket Fence, rabbit tight anil bull strong. A i'enoo which will last a life time. IVico only 50 to 75 cents a rod. For sale in small or largo quan tities, at FAILING'S Carpet Store, Main stive-t, ne;tr the bruise, lVlllUl'ti'll, t Infill. W. D. FLETCHER, WATCHMAKER fi J-.WELKR. Uncoil. M luteal Mer elmuill.-' Waun., Ur k it.U at BU. Men Itrutru. u. n s St... " IU. H1 ll I"' lit I'IKll. t- AnTrn A A. A TJIHLTI T"D Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Aro the onlv prnctleM mechanics In town. Thoy do their own worn, nml guarantee it nnninil rpnnlr for one year. Thoy linvo no hired help to pay, and only desire to nmieo wages on ineir num, ,..-..... they can kivd Bottor Flguros Thnn any other house In town. Ti, tniv a clienn ns nny firm enn buy rif.st-clasH Good. mchl ilsw W.D.Hansford&Co Dealers In Hardware and Tinware PUMPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promptly Dono. MAIN 8TIIKKT, I'KNIH.KTON. A shnro of tlio public patronage Is Middled liiclil-dAsw First National Bank. OF 1'ENWiETON t,KVI AKNY. JACOB FIIAJSKB, 1TCSIU0UU iiBt-limm". Uhbi If, Kturaln. Cnnhler. Transact uuot,ernt bankliif hnslness. K:cH:A.isrQii On nil pnrtiiof tho world BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections Mnilo ut nil I'olntn on itenmiMHiuo irrmn. Main Htrcot, rondlcton, Orceon, Transacts Conoral Banking Buslnoss. President, JammStkki., Vlco I'rcsldont, I.kiisian Hmjm, Cashier, aiV. Hamilton. Collections Made on Favorable Tcrmn. . npl 12 NEW GOODS An IminensoK.ock just received, which wo nro now ntrcrlnic nt prices thnt iwton Ish the oldest Inhnbltunt. DRESS GOODS, kanoy goods, 1i081kiiy, l.vdiks ani)Mihsi:s'i;nijkiivkah.siioi:h, huppkiw, oiiOVKa, 111 nno.NH, i,.ci:s, coiwkm, novklti ks. Men's, Youlii's, Boys' and Child ren's Clothing. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises. COMK AND KXAMINK OUIt TOOK Alexander&Frazer MAIN HTUKKT, N. W. HIESTAND, Echo, Oregon. DEALER IN Gen. Merchandise Pendleton Holler Mills Flour. S'lOHAG KaHtl rOJiWAJlDIXO I QllKUKY A P.UKKe, j Al.ll.VVV lltllX AVeiltKN, Alhany,Oritou. M.vcMi.NUTei,iUt,i.wieiuitib,Iiio PounnR I Mmiufoeltire ; HtMW Kaln. Wtr Wheels, a Qr,it Mill Muchluery. j ll . fr..n- miJ tnonler. rn M..kiii,i m all iu various forms. M'l City Drug Store, V. J. DONALDSON, I'roprletnr, MAIN 8THBKT, I'ENDI,ETON,Or., Continues to carry n full line of Drngs, Statlonory, Placquos, Porfumory, Tollot Arti cles, Paints and Oils. . ARents for tho AfiFHKD WltlOHT Perfumes ucknowlodecd to bo tho llncst odors In tho world, In bulk. at fifty cents por ounce. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEP'T Is under tlio ninniiRcment of a tlioroiiKh rimrmnclst,nnit customers can rely upon liuvltiff their prescilpllons coni)ounded iiccurutoly and nt bottom prices. No sub mltuilng ono nrtlclo for nnothcr lu pro scriptions. No Boys or Apprentices Kmployed to prnctlcoon the public. Hhottld you need anything in our lino we win Klvo you a better nrtlclo lor lcs money thnn nny other store In town. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ATTENTION, Stock Breeders! I will nukolhoSKASDN 1)1' 1HH8 wllli my WELL BRED STALLION Garfield, 8toek, I'levelnnil lliiy.one-foiirtli Cly.lrsdali'. nvc years oiti, oreu in iiunoi i.ou iiiiimrn'i, to tills countrv last full, olithteon liands hlKh, wolithl 1,711 pounits, at My Ranch, in Juniper Comuienelns lUEfU'olx 1st. TKItM8-Scn.on, mini.'. (I'.'; Hpcclnl cnntructs I'listuro furnlilioil at tl per month THOMAS NICELY, fe!7 JtJNII'F.It, OUKC10N. SALE OP COURT HOUSE BLOCK IN PENDLETON. Notlco Is hereby clren, that pursuant ' ) 1111 ordor lisiieil out of tlm e'oiuity Court of L'miitllla county. On-con, duly niit.lt. mid i'litreit on tho lull iliij of Kel.iliory, IS.nnlU I'lnntlllii County will Nell lo the likli.-sl and hot llilil.'iv, 1111.I In mi. Ii lots nml parcels no may hv.leciuvd inoit lulvantaneoiiH, Its vnl liniilo real eatato In I he town of Pvu.lli'toii, lu aid eouiily, eoinmonly known us'oiiit Hoiuo lnoek, Klluiilcl lietuceii Main, Court anil Altavtrrels, in tho hei.rt of ih lnilnr portion of hielil town, mid eonlaliilni; eliih li'.tn (Hi lots frontlnc on Main, Court and Cottouw.Mid streeis, hi'iilini iiroioialK for 1110 ptircnaxeorNiiiii properly, or of any por tion thereof, wl'l Im receive.! hy tin. under- Niuiieu, iii county cierK of 1.11I1I cimniy, nt any time prior to nine o'clock In tho foru noon of ThurMliiy, Tho lUtli day or April, A, It, 1KSS, A111I11II perKoiikNoljI'l.lliiK will he reuulreil to malic paymeiils piirsiiunt to Midi healed Iilils prior to lu o'clock lu the forenoon of mill liny. AtK.ild lut inentioiud hour all lots mid purls of lots not then hold will ho ottered forxi.le at I'uMlo Auetl In pmcel to Mill lilitilers,iinil as may i.ppenr inoxl inl vaiitaii.'ous tonal. I Court. Tho eouiily tins afro simple etnto In wnlil pniiierly.aml will execute proper deeds of .'onveyiinct. to pureliiix-rs at th.i Hint of iilo. thu pureliiiv prieu must bo paid one-half In i-in.li iiMin Hi., diiy of nii'o, mid the reuiiiln i .'ronor lxfor Oi-i,il...r in iu,r..i . ... 1,.., uw.i'n I ill lliu Bliutu Willi i.T" 'soiiulsu urilytohouiunou'd hy tho .'emu. i 1 ho proceed of saloi.ro to lie paid Into tho l omity Treasury, mid set apart for tho our posu of erectliiK it now Court IIouo nml Jnli I for salil county, for which purposu suld e ourt has ercatrd a new fund known iu thu llViurt House and Jail Kund. Tiio County , reserves tin. right to reject nny mid all bliU. oy oriur oi inu couiiiy conn. ej.A. ll.VltT51.VN, frl feb'l If County Clerk. Great Rock Island AND ALBERT LEA ROUTES. Tho direct nnd popular lino In connection ' 7"" 'iut. Kuiiitny from Kt. 1'uul ami Mltiiieapolls To Chicago unit tliu i:ust. To Nt. I.oiiIm unit the Noutli. To Uvh .HoIiicn, I..'uv.nvrtli' Ati'tilniiii unit Kniisa city The Onlv Line S""'""" wi j at C.mnc.l utulT-. UavSuwSiiff ZuSWlSi 'IlIC.KiO.VMl LI, I'eU.NTH KANT. ruuinun ralavo Slteplny ami j-aiuco J)inlnu Cats! Aeeompany tlil flout. all through Express Trains on Tlekeisfor sale by H eonnei'tlni; railways. and connection nm in n, ' depots, ifS'.'J'i'0""""0" fUKnrdlntr rate-., maps, etc., apply to any wup.ni nteut of thkli. U. IL.,' or tNoliMn Paellle Hallway Coin. nles,orto W. C. ALl.u-AY , HeUet Auent, el. It. ,t .v. Co., Pendleton, Oresou. CHAN, KHXKDY, tJen. Aiie-nt. No. t Wtethliijjton St., - . Portland, Ore. KA' lIOMHtOOIC, Oeu. tfel.iind Vat. Aet. C. It, I. A p. j. . Clilootfo, III. s, p, HuYD. o. n. T. and P Bi. m. a sf. i.. n-y. -'I10 Mltinei.polls, Jllun. 1 lUKBlb in tho Unlleti Hlatcs, CnnM nnd Kuropc. MlJ Elogant Pullman Palaco Carij KmlKrantHlecpliiKCars run Mirouirli on rJ OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAlX Kreo of clinrso nnd wlthottt clianxe, Closo connections at Portland for Han Kru.'!r" elheo mid Plliret Hnonil IViln,.. .--1 Kast hound passenKer arrives nt '1:!1 , linst hound lrcli;lil arrives nt 6:in. m-d. parts nt OiOO p. nt. ' West lioutid na'soiiRcr arrives nt 3:20 t West bour.d frclKht arrives nt SilOp.m.'e. pnrtsaHtlSp.m. v IValla U'nll uud I'tiuUletnn Mrn.v t.cnvcs nt 0:00 it. in. for Wall a W)lt...fl rives ut 4.00 p. m. from Walla Wullii. ' ( To Huu Krunclico, I Leave steamship wharf, Portland, U miil nlulil. ns follows! I Orecon Wed, Jon'y 4; Coliimbln. Hun Jn e HtntoThus 11 11; Oregon, MoihIht h Columhln. Krl ' 10: Htnto Tuesilsv Oresoc. Hat " 'Jg; Columbia Wed Kebl'3 10 I'oriiniin. I.envlnc Hpnnr st wnnrf Hun Krnncli.coM KB n m its followsi I ..oiniiioiii i ucs jnii ,j; nunc, Hat jn U Oregon Wed lit Columbia Hun Jin liJ HtaieTliurs.lay Jim igjOreKon Mnn Jsn zi'S Columbia Krl Jim 27i Htieto Tuesdnr Jan al llittes of l'nssite. Includlnil meals nnd berths. Cabin, ..... i,(n HteernKe, . 8fl Itouti.t Trip, Unlimited, - . soki Kor further nurtlculars Inntitroof nnv a.m! orino coiupiiny, or a. u .Maxwell, A. U. t.9. . . . -.. . . i i:---f "-.."n is i , i uriiuiui, ureK.in, A. Ii. JUXIVKU,, A. 0. 1. A T. A. W. II. 1III.CS1II, I amernl MauiiKor. W. V. AI.I.OWAY, Auent. l'oitdleton, Oreif.in. Tn Ran Fiw.isp.n H'fll A V MUU tlUUVUVVl VUIlll Hy way of tlio Oregon Sc Oaliforuia R. R. Anil !oniie;rtionn. Tho Moimt; Sluxsta Route.! e)ulckcrln time than uuy other Iloute, Ilotwcvn It)KTI.ANI) AND HAN KHANCIHCO. Leave Portland at 4:00 p.m. daily. I Through time, 39 hours. . Excurainr Sloopors for Sd Class racsongors on oil! through trains froo otl charge J-ietv riooi Iorlliiii.t tn Nnrrumnntsfl u ml Nun FrnnelHCO t FlrNtM-lriMH lliilliult.'.l rf3O0l FlrNt-eliiHs, Minlipil ttOMl S.'.'ond-.'liiHN, I.liiilicd 13.0 I Ticket Olllco: Cornet' Fund Krout NtH I'ortlnii.l Or. i:. i. itooiiiiH.a. k a i'u. akohl It. KOKIII.KU, Mnuuijer. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. THE Northern Pacific, Railroad! TUB ONLY UNK UUNN1NO Pullman iW.iee .S'ffri,itf Oir Muinlflcenl l)iy Omirhrtl K'liimnt .'liifiinmf Slrrnlnii Oin. II7A Jlerlh J-We tj Chary?. I From Orenon r.nd Wasltlnnton Point I to tho East, Via 81. Paul nml .Minneapolis. Tlio enljl lino runiiinif I'an.cu jiinintf cars. (Muuls 7J vents.) Fullest Tint.' I'.ver lntlo Fro the Count liver tlio !orlliern I'nclHe Itiiltroml To Hloux Oily, Council lllulfs, HI. Jeeph, Atehlkon, Loitvenworth, Kansas City, liurllnitton, tMllncy, HI. Louis, Chlcngq und nil points throuL'lioiil tho Knst and Mouth eust via Ht, Paul and )Iluneuolls. KMIOHANT HI.KKl'INQ OA1W Are hauled on regular express trains ovfr tho entiro leniith of the Northern I'uclfle Hullroiul, A'ltve auuiii .iniiciinniKiua. in. Leave t'ortliinil 3 p. in., dally; arrive st Minneapolis or Ht. rani 12:30 p. in., noon, fourth day, Connection made nt Kt, Paul nml Minneap olis to till points Kiul, South nnd Houlheait. I'ACIKIO DIVISION. Train will leavo Portland dally at 11:00 P. tn., connecllntr with t). It. N. Co.' bots for all points on I'uuet Hound. A. I). CHAIUrON. . eienernl Western Passenger Auent, No. 1 Wiuhluuton Ht., Portland. W. O. ALLOW AY, Asent. Pendleton, Orecon. WM. GARDNER & CO., Sanitary apd Beating Enginesrs. Mnnufaclurers of Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, KOK DWELLINGS Oil PITI1LIO lit II PIN1' Hpenltleatlons nnd ostlm liMillni. I)iill.lln In nny try. Oorrspnndcin't u l,, OFFICE: I34YH1.- . i Portland, Oregon, i" rrz 1. iu Mini inini nrinninni vi " risr esiacwus jen strAswrsr i t1! largest und best . quipped lu IlieluIaBu P.mptre. Kasteru pr ces. V? O Put, in. Pendletiu Oreiron iliu