East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 05, 1888, Image 3

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wo . f i(roraXJVCl
DA 1 .
MAKCH 5, 1833,
TIIl!i:i: CASH AWAltllN.
i.nl.ll.linrx of the KAHT OMMONIAN
'determined to ollVr tlirco cimli nwunls,
. ... -. i tatui n ffitttiU'N
l'lrt Awntilt
v nit.t.AiiM III imhl coin to tlio llrm or
flw'Siott money III advertising In tlio col-
llllllll H"l "' '
of tlio JJJlly mill Hcnu-wceKij- i.am
Hcc'iul Awunl t
v Dot.t.AlW III Kolil colli to tlio person
ulroiilzeH the olllce most cxtuiutvcly
iwurlntlim to tlio Dully orMciul-Wcckly
Oiikuo.nian, ultliur for imperii for tlioni
or for otliurM, during tlio your itsxs.
Tlilr.l Avruritl
kntv Holla its In gold coin to tlio boy or
under eighteen yearn of iirc, who nollcltn
crlbcnt mid puyii Into tlio olllco for miu
tloiix to tlio Dally or HcmUNVcekly Kat
jo.xian tlio Inrsciit amount, during tlio
of ltwi.
LvinW of tlio iimoiintN mild In will bo kept
fcrutely mid H.jcrclly by till ofllco until
inward aro made. Kveryono strlvllitf for
lawurdH will liuvn the privilege of check-
In by keeping mi aeVotiiit for tliciimclvi'N.
knt who recelvu conimlmlotis for tticlr
tk will not bo allowed to compete for
o nwurdi.
KnitUrri;onlnn rtn. io.,
I'lio icoilo of Wullnlu aro talkinK of
Mer workH.
Who Star Itcntuunmt Ih tlio "Iohh
iico" to net int'iilH.
lid Lyon, tlio iotiiliir 0. H. & N. train
iwtcr, of Umutlllu, huh in town .Satttr-
Hunt and W. T. Chalk left for
ami Vulloy iointH Saturday
jmgtry'fl choice chant aro tho "fcl
,m" to mnoko. At JuiiKtry'H. oimkmUo
jo jKwtollico.
.lolin V. Kluworth, of tho Covo, wuh
(ken to tho itHylutn at h'alotti thin week,
to in ulllictcd with Homo kind of brain
Wch. CiivIiicim loft for hit ranch noar
bHlor Saturday night. Ho nnyu Alnt.
jivincHH' hoalth Ih runldly improving
nee their diungo of renldonco.
kMiltoi. Kaulo: 1). V. Oitdcn. who ur-
rcd in Milton hint full from Wincc-indu
PBd from hum wont to Pendleton in
. i . . i i
I linrmiftitr imiVn lilrt homo with UH.
Graudo Gurotto: Tlio l'ino crock
1 IniHlnctiMiH Kittled utlitHt. McDuniol,
t .. .1 ....1.1 l IUI
tho county ttoard to lw oxpcmlcri on
road aim Juugo uoouatt iitHiniHHou iiiu
In. StmViLiin countv. ran awnv Willi
Ion AilamH. tlio 15-year-old daughter of
tcHidunt ot tliat niuco, went to itiuno
. . . ... . . i -i.i i .t
ii nmrricii nor. l ima watt ijciiiiiiiiiinu.
in knot wuh tied before ho arrived.
A contract lnw been niado by tho city
nnMl rit Arlttiirfnn with fhn l'arrnt
iI.aki inlin ivii mniilu fnn .J.rfflf.l f.
Hutu, hv which an uxccillcnt HVHluin of
uiur wiufen i til tnj in iui iiiu iiru vi
' " I. . .. til I k I I 41... .. I
n i-itv. for tlm mill ntlior nnriKiHUH.
Of tho twenty-nlnoapplicantH forteacli-
ond grado certlllcatcH, ten received
ird urudo certillcateri, and nine failed.
o lirni irraueii were uiveu. .uihm iansiu
. . I - .J fl.... -,.....!
eiuier, oi ncmon, mm iiiu nigiiuni
J. Diamond, tho clothior and hatter,
Winn Htnrn in in tliu AHMocIation block.
u Inut rm-iili'iiil ii vnrv hlri'ii mill llllil
i .. i .. ..f i.... n u 1...1..
itch aro readv for iiiHPectlon. lho now
..i f i.... i ; ..i.ii.f....
courno oi truiiHii ami win arrive
Milton Kaglo : K. J. Soinincrvillo vin
d .Milton on Wcdnowlay. Our citUoiiH
ill bo iileaxcd to learn that Mr. Soni-
orvillo win imiKo nix Homo witn im
wilt tho Ih'Ht of April : and, by the
ay, iiu in u i-.iiiuumiu iui niiuiiii nuiijuwi
I f 11.1.... ..1 tin ..7.1 . ....
tlio decision oi tuo iieiiuuiicau conven-
mi. i ill! iLiiiiiiiiiiUAiiin uuiiiii iiiil mill ii
tter uiun for tho poHltloii.
Union Scout: Jainea Hendornhott, of
? i I.. 4 II. t -I
10 UOVu, nan in tunii iiiu iuiu ('.ill ui
to week, llavini: heard bin niuno men-
nnml hm n noHniblo candidate fur tho Sim-
III U'fl IIHWIXI llllil lllxlUt it. 1 1 It Klllll llll
. . .1 ..I 1.1 II... I
i.II '.. M.M. . fc ..... ...v .. w. ....... -
..4 ll 41... .1 rx.. ....... t I1..V
. 11 1 I.I... 1. 1.1
io lient of lim ability.
Salem Stateuman: C. L. Hubbard, who
iih lx'iiii n retilrfont of Sulum for tho nuxt
I v vn-iisi tAfirou llilfl tiifirnlnf fnr Pnnilln
.... . i i . .in t
io future rcHido. Mr. Hubbard oxpcctH
I -.4 .1 1
xiiericncod cariH;ntor, ho will no doubt
cnuaiio in Loiunicuuu. ami. iwnm uu
HticccriHuu. uiiu many ineuuH oi mm
ml litu f:imt1v horn iiml tn ln1lr pmttitv
tali him Kood luck.
Wullu Walla Union: At a meeting of
io Hoard of Trade, on Friday afternoon,
ffni ffiTiutilnnililn iltkUMiawInn t u.'iiu iln
i. i. i ir ii? c n ii.i
a .Monday, to confer with tho officials of
ho Manitoba ByHtem, relative to bringing
iWl Ulf injllll,Vl 4 VUlllllllilCU IU lUillUi Mllll
1 .. . ...11.
horo & Karitern railway, with tho mimo
1.. ..I
Arlington Times: Kecnoy & Uooiner.
. V I",.'. . .
in i nun ri iii 'ii hi im in i1 iimhi ii mi
A 1! i T ..: 4 1 1. J It .
n the best Hha(o oi any nrm in the
ho wiro cdiro oil' from tlio Htatro t ravel inu.
nal:iriL ji hiYiirv nf wh.it would ntlior-
L-Il. ..wnt ...1. ....,. ...... t lirt ...linln.
(ru'lr. nml wa lmutmilr fnr Mintn n uiin-
' Amu fill UikiaMi
llaird's niitiHtrelH at Frazcr'H Oinsra
Iiouho l' riduy night.
STriio Eaht Okhcionian in indebted to G.
V. HoHcnberg for favorri.
Mix. Shackelford, iiroiirietrofs of tho
Star retatinint, Ih very ill.
Tho Vllliml Houho roHlaurant i receiv
ing a groat deal of denerved praino.
' Koy AVeHt and imported eigiim, liico
and frenh at l.ee.er & Kuebler'M.
You will navo inonoy by taking your
prescript Ioiih to tho City Drug Store.
Senator Dolph Ih tlio Oregon meinlKjr
of tho Republican National Committee.
Mr. 51. A. Itakcr. ono of tho proprietor
of tho WeKton header, wuh in town Sun
day. .1. W. Shcllon, Eq., of Union, in in
town, and will return homo in tho morn
ing. Work will Hoon connnciico on John
Gagen'H $..'5,000 brick hotel pr Court
Tlio town of l'cnilleton him a notico un
der "Now To-day" for tho grading of
MrH. Jainea II, Slater fa vlntting 1icr
Hon, K. J. Slater, at hin rcHidenco in tho
caHt end.
Tho county court will conveno WedneH
day to trannact btiHlncHH regarding tho
now court liounc.
Don't fail to help tho l'endleton paper
mill cntcrprlxc. In doing ho you aro mm
ply helping yotirHolf.
A naniplo c6py of tho daily or Komi-
WCokly 14 A HT OlIKUOMAK HOllt to UtlV lid-
drcHH tiiion receipt of tho name.
Itov. O. W. LuciiH wiih too unwell to
pa-aelt liiHt evening, owing to aHovcro
cold, contracted on his recent trip.
E. It. Parkea httH built a cozy littlo
houco In tho mint end nf town. It hiiHti
manwird roof and la very attractive.
Tho regular meetinu' of tho Board of
Trade occurH Tuenday evening. OIUcerH
aio to lx) elected. A full uttendanco Ik
Thcro aro now four or live prominent
Hhcop buycrri plopping at tho Villard
Houho. They can hIho all play whint a
littlo bit.
John C. fiwawh, who lias been abHont
in Eurono about two vcar. in clmruo of
tho Northern I'aeillc'H agricultural ex
hibit, returned to Walla walla Saturday.
Farmer aro ndvlfod not to allow their
dogH to follow them to town, an tho "doir
catcher" Ih mighty apt to capture them
and caiiFo their dual Iih in carrying out tho
Poter rarnicnllor in havintr IiIh Gambrl-
mm Hiiloon fitted tip In excellent hIuiihs.
'IM... I 4. '...Ill ...1.1 41.. 4.. .'l.
iiiu iMiiiuvuiiieni3 win linn greaiiy io mo
largo patrona'xo tho GnmbriniiH ciiIovh
L. I). Spear han loiuicd bin ranch. 112
niileH went of I'endloton, for n term of
llvo years. Mr. Sjiear and family aro
making Pendleton their homo for tho
La Grando Journal : Tho thrco men
moNtly Hpoken of among tho DciiiocratH
for tho olllco of nhoriir. aro John H. Elliot.
of Union, 1). A. McAlllHter, of I-uGnindo,
and William Fine, of Elgin.
I-oryea & Arthur have wrformcd an
excellent job of work in putting in tho
range, wator pipon, not water tioatorH and
batli ttilm in Unit.' now rcHtmirant on
.Main Htrcct about to Ihi completed.
N. 11. lliirrln. intcrctsted in novoral Im
Grando entornriwH. Ih in town to-dav. Ho
miccccdcd in obtaining a chango of venuo
in tlm ctiHO of tho State vh. IltirriH, in
.Mtiiiuomati county, lrom tnai county to
An oxchango tolln of "a youui: lady
loKlng tho koIo of her Hllpcr while enjoy
ing tlio intoxicating whirl of tho waltz,"
and HHkH : Of what prollt whh It to her If
hIio gained tho wholo whirl if hIio thereby
lont Iter tolo?
Sam ItoyiioldH. formorly in tho lumler
but-inoHH in Pendleton, and a live man
and a gentleman, Ih in town from IiIh
Ung Creek ranch. IIo HayH the Long
Creole mad, if over llnlnhod, will givo
reudioion a Dig Doom.
Tho trotting horno Mt. Vernon, rnihcd
by 1). W. JonkliiH, of Canyon Clty.wiiH re
cently Hold to partioH in Yamhill county
for 1.60J. Mt. Vernon whh Hold by Mr.
JenkhiH for a good prlco two or three
yearo ago, to Portland partleH.
Tho Daily Eaht Oukooman of overy
Saturday will contain tho iHUcrcnt wsr
viccs to occur at tho novoral churchcH on
tho Sunday following. Mliiintera wiHhiiig
tocoufer a favor to thin ollico can hand
in whatovcr they wlnlj to apjioar.
Hon. JamcH II. Slater panned throuuh
town on Saturday'H train on hit way to
Salem to attend tho mcctlni; of tho rail
road commiHHloncrH, of which ho la
chairman. Mr. Slutor will ntop in Pen
dleton for a few days on hin return.
Whilo delivering bin Hormon Sunday
ronlng Hov. W. E. Potwiuo wan taken
Hiiddenly nick, and wai foiccd to leavo
tho inilnlt in tho middle of hin dicouro.
Tho npoll wuh only toinjiorury In itw no-
verity, and to-day tno pauoni ih mucii
On Friday four vomiir men. John
Miller. D. Almnbaudi J. D. ColliiiH and
J. D. Hoho, frlemlH of Tom I.aceileld, ar
rived irom udoHHa, siiHHouri, to mako
their homo in Umatilla county. They
aro worthy, InduHtrioun young men aud
win miccooii.
MIhh Ada Dronet. tho Oretron uirl who
wuh tho victim of hack driver Daly'H al
leged UHHUiilt. for which ho wuh tried and
convicted, ban now nuido another utlldu-
vit, rcullirming tuo truth of tho toHti
mony, which bho doniod in an ullldavit
two or tnreo weeicH ugo.
At tho election of the dlrectora of tho
Umatilla lteal Entato and I-oan AHnocia
tion held thin afternoon tho following of
tlcora were chosen : W. F. Matlock, ureal-
dent j C. S. JuckHon, vitro preHidentj J.
u. naioy,generui nianagerj d. r. hturgts,
treuHttrer: F. H. Clonton, Hecretury. Tho
UHsociatiou ban already commenced IhibI
neHH. Jchho Gault wuh arrested at Pilot Hock.
Saturday, on complaint of u man named
Tell, and wuh taken before Justice Sharon
for disturbing a religious meeting. E. It.
Skipworth, of Pendleton, went to tho
Knob, and upixsured for tho defense, und
J. E. Miller for tho prosecution. Some
error was mudo in tho compluint, und
Gault was discharged.
LottiH Keith and wlfo returned from a
visit to Uukcr City Saturday.
J. 15. Keenoy is in tho lower country
looking after his stage linen.
John Cob oon had fresh onions on his
table to-day. How Ih that for curly vege
tables Four boot black stands were pretty
steadily employed most of tho day yes
terday. Two inch .water mains are being laid
on l.illlh and Aura streets In the lower end
of town.
Tho sistern aro having two largo fotin
talim nut in tho yard In front of their
Burr Johnson hud a lino Mason &
Hamlin nluno unloaded at his residence
this afternoon.
Tho rinTunnlnir Ih bcimrronlaecd under
the brldgo, which wuh knocked out by
the ice lust winter.
PatroiiH who do not rcceivo tho daily
Eaht Oukooman regulury will please
mukocomplainlH at this olllce.
Guver & FiUGoruld received a largo
Invoice of new text books this week.
Their library in now well stocked.
E. It. Purkoi. littlo threo yearo old
Iwy wandered away from homo and mo
ther to-day und whh lost several hours.
N. Rcrkolv. Jr.. und J. A. Parker, of
Centerville, drove down from that town
this afternoon, and returned this evening.
Tho portion of tho loveo constructed by
Contractor Miirtiu will probably bo ac
cepted at tho next mooting of tlio council,
Moorhouso it Co. havo lust received
from iNow York coats, aprons and vests
for tho use of bur-kcepcro. hotel wulters
und ImrlierH.
Pondloton Lodiro A. F. & A. M. will
hold a regular communication thin even
ing. There will probably bo work in tho
li. A. tiegreo.
l.-..ll.n U....I l.ilnl.. nl IV.ll I lu
X IIIIIUI JllUtlllllltl, IlllVIJ UI I. Ul llllllll, in
occupying tho pulpit in tho Catholic
church, in tho place of ltov. Do ltoo, who
is in Jiuuer uity.
Tom ltouike, wlfo and daughter ar
rived homo on Saturday evening's train
from u pleasant visit to relatives und
friends in Iowa.
Tlio Wing residence und four lots on
which It Is located will bo sold at slierilfs
sale nuxt Saturday, to satisfy u mortgage
held by Ladd k Tllton.
When Mlku Grat. occupies IiIh now
restaurant, now nearly completed, ho
will oiler iw uu Inducement to his guests
tho use of bath rooms free.
Fivo now powH have boon put in tho
Catholic chinch in the last few days.
Thoy were mudo by August Strangier and
are of Gothic stylo of architecture.
Tho upiHir ond of tho levee built by
Stroud A Smith Iiuh been accepted, und
tho money paid over to tho contractors.
Thoy did an excellent piece of work.
I). I). Ear), tlio piano man of Wosto'tt
says that Wcntoti Ih soun to have n flour
mill, us u man from Indiana is on his
way to take churgo of tho enterprise.
Watson it I.tihrH of tho Pendleton
pluining mills, received to-day by freight
u new plainer which adds greatly to their
facilities for doing good and muck work.
This linn Ih alwuys up with tho times.
Not all tho 300,000 gallons of water
pumtiod dully for Pendleton Ih used, for u
considerable iortIou escapes from tho
iuierfect reservoir and seeps through tho
adjacent ground. Tho reservoir should
bo cemented.
Tho bund alluded to Saturday, iih it
turns out on further information, did not
serenade tho successful candidate "vol
untarily," but wero employed by ono of
thorn ro serenade all tho t-mcccssfiil ones,
which they did.
It. G. Thompson is in receipt of u let
tor from Bill Cotton, who Iiuh boon in
lowu for sovorul ycuin, Buying that ho
will return to Pendleton in Muy. A iiuin
lerof bills will bo mudo out ready for
William when ho urrives.
In Saturday's issue of this puer it wuh
mild that tho East Oukoo.nian believed
that tho now court house would Ixi built
on Colic-go block wrru litigation. It
should havo upjieured without litigation.
Tho error wuh a tyjiogruphlciil ono.
John A. Guyer, Esq.. bus received
from Dr. Hobcrt Morris the diplomas of
tho Oriental Palm und Shell degrees. All
lirotheiu who received these degrecH
while Dr. Morris wuh hero In November
last, should cull on Mr. Guyer und obtain
their diplomas.
Tho First National Bunk of Pendleton
in doing tho largest banking business of
uny bank in tho State, with tho single
exception of tho First National of Port
laud, Ih this not a pretty largo straw to
show from what direction comes tho
wind of Pendleton's growth.
A. M. und Eliza Starr, formerly of l'en
dleton, havo Ixuight tho 1-owls farm near
Portland. Evening llopublieun. This Is
incorrect. Tho gentlomun und lady re
ferred to were never in Pendleton. .Mr.
und .Mis. Sturr of Pendleton uro relutlves
of A. M. und Eliza Sturr, henoo the mis
take Tho parents of u number of small boys
engaged in catching dogs uro ndvised to
prevent, iih fur uh jiosslblo, their Iwya
from fuither participating in the work, us
they uro liuhlo to bo bitten. .Marshal
French has told them rejicatedly not to
catch (logs, but many of them persist in
doing so.
A stranger whilo handling a pistol in
Wheeler, Green it Co.'h hardware store
this morning uccidontully discliurged It,
tlio bull passing through the glass topofa
largo show case, flattening itself out on
tho mirror in tho buck of tho cuso, smash
ing tlio mirror. It was fortunate that the
accident did not result in Iohh of life.
William Anderson, of Adams, returned
from Wisconsin Saturday wliero ho went
to buy u largo Clydesdale stullimi, Ho
brought back two lino animals, one u
Clydesdulo weighing 2100 pounds und
tho other un English draft horso weighing
1800 pounds. Thoy attracted great at
tention when they uniicuredon tho street.
Any information respecting John Wood-.
. .. . il 1 f .1... -M IT
ward, who liven in ino viciiuiy oi uopii
ner, .Morrow county, formerly of Pinch
beck, West Spalding, Lincolnshire,
England, will bo gladly received by his
sister, Surah Ann Woodwurd, Ferguson,
York county, Nebraska, jtostolllco box
115, or John B. Woodwurd, Pinchbeck,
West Spalding, Lincolnshire, England.
Chnreeil with (Healing Union County Vni.
rniitn Hit Kvcipt'. nml In ltTiitiirril.
La Grando had quite a littlo sensation
last week, caused by the arrest, Useuo
and recapture of A. .Mitchell, who wuh
found in possession of curtain count v wur
rnntH which wore stolen from the olllco of
tho county clerk ttt Union lust Juno.
Mitchell wiis making abstructH in partner
ship with Carroll and Wilson, and was
allowed nceoss to tlio vuuit wnero tno
wnrruntH wero kept in order that ho
might examine certain records necessary
to jK'rfect liis work. Ah soon us tho orders
were missed, tho sliorlir, treasurer and
Constalilo Ed. E. CutcH were notillcd,
und each furnished u list, also the baud.
Mitchell wuh HUHplclonod from tho first
und of courso wuh watched. Tho wufruntH
were found in Mitchell'H jwssesslon. Tho
nuinlier of wurrunts stolen wuh eighty-six.
amounting to On being arrested
in La Grando, Mitchell wuh left In charge
of Joseph Jones, but when the time came
to take the truin, Mitchell wuh missing,
und tlio olllcor could not tell where ho
might bo found, huving escujied whilo
tho olllcor hud stepped out of the
room a minute. Ho was discovered next
day in un old log cabin, und taken to
Union. Four or fivo jiersoiiH in La Grando
assisted Mitchell to escape. Mitchell is a
cripple and lived a while in Pendleton
Homo yearn ugo.
Change In tho O. Si W T. Onlclnli.
G. W. Hunt, president und general
mut'ingor, Iiuh Ihmmi in town sovernl days
looking nfter tho business of tho O. it W.
T. It. It., und settling nil claims against
said company and making soino changes
in tho management of tho same. H. W.
Wheeler huving censed to bo u stock
holder of tlio company. G. W. Hughes
wuh elected in his stead uh director, and
0. Herman, Hecretury. The board of di
rectors of tho company now consists of
tho following persons: G. W. Hunt, J. C.
Lcusuro, G. v. Hughes, und (J. Herinun.
Tho coinpnny Iiuh moved ItH olllco from
tho DcHpuiu block to tho Thompson it
Flack building, on Main street, where the
business will lo conducted in tho future.
J. C. leisure being attorney for tlio com
pany, nny informutfoii desired relative to
tho iiusinesH of tlio company, during tho
absence of the general manager can bo
obtained from him. Mr. Hunt left Sat
urday evening for Albany, to look after
his Interests thcro. IIo will ulso visit tho
sound, and will return hero In about ton
Tim New Schedule.
Tho now schedule of tho 0. It. it N.
Co. went into oiled Sunday. Tho Eust
bound train now arrives at 12:05 a. in.,
nud tho West-bound nt 8 p. in., leuving
hero ulKiut fifteen minutes utter arrival.
Tho Wulla Wullu train over tho Center
ville brunch urrives nt 7:25 p. in. und de
parts at tl n. in., and runs through to
Dayton, via Wullu Walla, taking u sleeper
from tho main brunch. Passengers from
Portland und tho Kant for iiii-country
points now conic via Pendleton, and thoy
will And it much more convenient and
pleasant than heretofore. Tlio freight
trains arrive from Portland dully at .1:16
p. m., leaving for tho East fifteon min
utes afterward. Freight trains from tho
East arrive at 11 :20 p. m., and leave for
Portland und intermediate polnta ut 11 :50
p. m.
lUlrd'n Mlnilroli.
Baird's minstrels will give.ono of their
flnopreformancciuit Frazer'sOiiera House
next. Friday evening. Hero is what the
Butte, Montana, Herald savs of them:
This combination was greeted w ith a well
filled house last night, notwithstanding
the inclement weather, und tho audience
were not dlsapK)lntetl. Ah this is tho llrst
appearance of this company In our city
many wero disosed to look UKn it us
ono of tho muuy.burn-HtormingcutorprisoH
that uro going ubout tho country. This
doubt wuh removed by tho entertainment
given lust evening, and it can lie truth
fully said that tho company is u good
one. There is nothing stale or Hat in its
coui)M)sitinn and wo can truthfully recom
mend Baird's Minstrels uh taking a front
rank with the lending companies now on
tho road.
Mr. I.otiPiuteln Wltlulrtmn.
I take thin opiiortttnity to say to tho
Democratic party nud tho voters of Uma
tilla county, that owing to my failing eye
sight, und lho probability of my having
to leave Pendleton very soon on account
thereof, my name will not bo before (ho
Democratic county convention uh ii can
didate for tlio nomination of county treas
urer. To nil my frlemlH who hnvo given
mo their support und comfort, I return
most hearty thanks. I havo never yet
forgotten u friend, und will always ro
memlier you, ono and all. I Iioik) tho
Domocratic party will "movo right for
ward," and nominate tlio bot und strong
est men in the party, to tho end that wo
may havo u complete corps of county olll
ciulH to Htipport President Clevelund dur
ing his next term of ollico.
E. LoillINhTKI.V.
Helmut l.lecllon.
At tho school election this afternoon
151 votes were cast. This Ih tho result :
For school clerk : A. E. Dart, 5(1 j F. I).
Husbrouck, 20; F. If. Suwtello. 51; It.
0. 14ingtry, 211; .Mr. A. E. Dart Ixiing
elected school clerk for tho ensuing year
by a mujority of llvo voteH. Mr. J. P.
BiihIico wuh elected director by ucciumu
tlon, in pluco of P. Zuhiier, whoso time
litis expired. A tux of thrco mills was
levied. A rojwrt of F. D.' Husbrouck,
ox-school clerk, will Ikj published to
morrow. Tunable- I'ruperty.
Following is tho totul tuxnblo projiorty
In Umutilla county for tho past nine
years, us hIiowii by tho ussessor'H lookH.
The uppurent decreuso in 1885 wuh duo to
u division of tho county: 1870, $1,5(1:1,741 ;
1880, 2,0!M,723; 1881, 2,tHl,025; 1882,
$.1,050,582; 188.', 13,895,002; 1884,t5,.57,
148; 1885, N.OO.l.lSl ; 1880, 4, 300,002;
1887, $4,180,207.
KntnrulUutlou BtatUUci.
Following is tho numlior und nativity
of rsoiiH who declared their intention
lieloro tho county clerk during tho year
1887 to liccomo citizens of tlio United
States: Gcrmuny, 7; HuksIu, 2; Portu
gal, 2; Denmurk, 1; Great Britain, 12;
Franco, 3; Sweden, 2j Switzerland, 1.
Total 30.
Leezer &
Having purchased of W. T. Chalk his
AVo arc constantly adding
New and Fresh . Goods, Novelties, and
Fancy Goods.
Our aim will bo to
Our Prescription Department
Will be SECOND TO NONE, and our earnest en
deavors will bo toiujike it uh object for thoso
in need of jndicjno to
Give Us a Call
Which have tho reputation of being
The Purest and Best Chemicals Manufactured
Will bo used in all Prescriptions and lleceipts.
Who may bo in need of SULPHUR, will do well to remembor
that ,wo carry in stock only tho
Genuine Eastern Flour Sulphur,
Which wo guranteo to bo'
And at a price that compares to its advantogc, and is convincing
that it is Cheaper to Use than tho inferior Oregon and
California Sulphur, usually sold in sacks.
Leezer & Kuebler,
Successors to W T. Chalk,
Despain Block, Pendleton,
to call
carry none but tho best.