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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1888)
p r i miiT.n DAILY AND Hiaf'WKKKI.Y, nv rn: i;,t orrcMiilon I'lllill'lilliB Otiniiny, . AT I.KNM.OT0.V, .... Oltl'dON llAfl.V HtllWIUITlO.V HATIIHS fJimcopy mt j cnr, liy mull...... ) ' Owi copy nix iiioMIi", ly mull UIW miy H'nvr:it, uj ihiii.-. HIIIKlo lltltlllH'IH- M'Ml'WKKKI.VHUIlM'llilTION IIATK1! Olio ropy P'T ynir. i'2 jV) Oiiii ripy lx iiiumM I ' mimicri" " l'rcinluiu piiper fire to-yearly milncrliicrii, AllVi:ilTlHI.V(l (f;M,i tiirrffrni'nl.) linn Inrh. nr Iran. Ill Nplnl.UVi'klv tier ....... Ill fi (in Ono Inch, or III Pally ner montli 1 to Two Inulir", or Im. In lintli, per inontli.., : lit Ovrrlliri'Olnclicfi.Hoinl'Wrchly, per Inch per inontli 1 i Ovur llirro Inrliri, Dully, pur inch fr tlllllltll I Ovor thr'o Ini'lii'H, In Iwitli, pur Inch pT inonti i n Kutlil niilipnrcll nilvrtlo'iiiuiitft In MmiiiI weewy or miiiy, iirm iiimtiiiiii, piar inrii, jl.mj; riirn niiiwiihi'iii incriioii, uk, Iicnl nollrci, ten ri'iiti per lltm rnch In rcrtlon. MONDAY, MAItCH 5, 1KS8. 80MK UHIilTIIINK NHVi:itHI. A coiiiiKHi'dMicNT of llio .Milton KsikIo iltwriiM lliu filltor of tin) IS.tur Oiikooma.v to uiiHwur (hi) following iiichI!oiih: Kirnt, ttlmt llnu kIiuiiM it fair ami jiint iIIvIhIihi Im iiiailn; it division would hi v lilt) new coiuil' riilllt'ii'iil tur ritory, wit 1 io'it rolililnn tlio ruinaliilnu iiiin r N'l'uiiii, would .vein HiiiNirt it hill In tliu lvu'iHlatnri) toillviili) tlm county mi a linn 1 1 nit iiillit ! iik'ix'ccI I iy tlm tuu fattloiiH? 'I'hlnl, will yon urn vour Inllii run) to tiring nliiint an iiiiili'rHtiuiilinu provided tlm inMiplii ni tliu hast rim Mir nlfy tln.'lr wIIIIiik'iiiih.h to meet you half way? 1. I think If tlm county Is dlvlilcil ut nil, it lino riiiinliiK near .Mr. CruekcttV "Tiiiu-ifluin" roiinty lino, uImivo Ailanm, lint not (Tom.hIiik tin' IJiiiatllla river, woiilil Iki itlmut fiillalili', iiltluiili tlm new nninty wmilil uvi'ii thru incliulti a luro liilinlmruf k'oi!u who wonlil jirotwt nlri)iij;ly iiKMliiMt It, ami win iki wMiuh tiro tntltlril to 1 1 to H.iini) ri'Hv(,'tfnl ooiimIiIit utlon ItH 1 1 110 of .Milton, 'J. If hy tlio "two fiii llonn" yon moan tliu .Milton "faction" ami tliu UYxtun "fiti'tlon," I cannot anawur, till I Unow what Ilio iiKrivmi'iit of tlm "twofaclloim" In. If tlniy iik'.iIii iDinlilnii, itri ,thoy iliil litHt winter, to ilivlili) on a "Ua roiinty" lino, I would not miirt tlm hill. :i. lVrHonally, I am iniito willing to (ihhIhI In lirliiK'inx ulmut "an iimli'rNtaml. Ini." Itnt It oiiKht to In) an uniluritaml liiK'llmt will unit al leant it ri'.tiin:th!o iniHirtion nf tlio ivoplo of (Vutervlllo, llulixiiml ViuiHycli) prt'i'lni'tH, an wellaH thoMH of .Milton, Cottimwootl ami WVh ton. Tho I'onviintiiimi will K) hclil HiNin, ami erliaw tlm raHlri.t ami liont way In to let tlm iiiiHtion U fulily ti'Mcd in tho riiiivi'iitiuMH. If all tlm irtIiii'Ih will winl fall tli-li'tfatlnnn of roiriwntativi) uu'ii, an amii'iilili) ailjiititini'nt oiiht to lo hail, If it In hihmIIiu at all. Two ycant iujo I was in favor of kroin "ilivlMlnn" out of tlm convention unM tho ilatform. Thin Hprlnt; I am in favor of practically ilcclillnt; tho "illvWnn iMiitlun," tmu way or another, in tin) convention. I'm liahly I nlull ahliln hy Hid ilecUlmt of a majority of Hint Iwnly. If however tlm IVmiKralle convention hlnmlil ailupt ono tliiiiK', ami the other convention aiinther, nnii;tlm veten imllcatcil that n majority of thu Noilo f.tvoreil tlm "other," wlmtov r that miviht Ui, 1 wonlil feel ImiiiuiI to h h jwt their oliiiun ami wl-hex, Ueinj; alrwtilyn puWie mirvaut, I am ili"iHM'il to reivivu Im-t nut Urns ratlter than to j-ivn . them, ami to leave the iuHit latino uuvlly totliirn. .1. I'. Waukii. Tim .Milton Kaulo prints an alleged ijuotation fmin remaiks of the I'matill.t county State Senator in (he fi'laturti last winter, ami wys it Is "taken from tho pnHlinm of the Senato,' This worn to lie another luntance- of ltn. titer lUiwinnrV .il running uw.iy with that Mt'ittl rotunl of truth which we are miro liu naturally has. Tho remark lie ipiotiM Is proKtlily alKiut ivrtectj hut Wlmnt, 0, Wlmre, Is tho "oillclul nnninr' of Itt lias Mr. Ilowmor yet to learn that thuro U no "ollleial rcoonl" what ever of any nianV ivmitrU iu tho lvls latum? lr wit,i. tako time ami money to make iinytliin nveintillui; a "park" of n,0 tuw unity Un, hut Ifmitst Ktilont), ami thu ionr tho km.1 work is ivnuuomvil tho Uttter. Tiik .Marion ivunty Kopuhlloan l'n vcntiim will W comiM ofl.iJIileUvattw. Why not lot all the UopuMirttu voterw Ki ilelouates ami ilono w ith it f No chanv lit the Mriko nituatton. Cattily factory ami carpet watvliotiw liurniMl at Milwaukee., hws nW.tKXl. IVter llerilio. tho Villiumlwt, ISt., iitlllioiiuiw, ot initiator ot tho ciIolratist llonlw ci.icho(i, Is leail. Tho iKtollUv ileimrtiueut have ilcciilo.1 to Inmux) to ht times a week the mail wryico fnmt The IhtlUvs to rrinevillo.ainl omlinuv tho kuiio in misvllautviw ail vcitiwiuents. AilvettK'ment will also U) utiiilo for a Krvuv from lanon t Hurns, fortttrt wiH'klvK'rMoo, ' A StlNHAV AI'TKltNOOS WALK. Mr. Klnut'n Nurmiry-A Olnticn nttho Vn iletrlopeil 1'iirk Clnmnit. Siiiulay an Kast OukooNia.s; roprcfcn tativo twik it walk up to Mr. Loitrnil Klmn'K nurHjry Kroiiml ncartho river In tho upper umf of town. 'iliotih ho Ih onlv making a sjIiiiiIii thus fur"Mr. Klain has .pilto u variety of timber, chailo ami fruit trees, ami yomiK t'linlon iiml (lower plantH. Ho has usoil tlm paM year lr'i.iXKi Ixjx eliler trees In planting linilier eultiireH, ami iiO.OOO inoro will ho mlded to his Htoek in it few tlityn. 'Ihey aro gr.jwnatTho Dullef. llolias hefido an axxortincnt of xliadoan ornamental treon, Hiich as magnolia, mountain ash, pop ar, taiiiaiuck, elm ami maple. Mo also has xpeciineiis of tho Acanthus, or "tieu of heaven," which when ilovelojicd is a "tiling of lieauty." In his gla-covercd lieds ho has voting cablmgo and ntull llower and other garden jilantu, already up; ami it largo variety of houe-pIantH und llowerH, which will ho leaily to ills k;ko of lieforo long. Mr. Klam'H Imliixtry xhould receio a gcsxl patronage, as tho planting of trees tind ifowerH is a duty too much neglected. Returning tho walk led us through tho future city park, hy no means a very In viting placo now; but which can Isjinado attractive in tlmo. A (stream of water supplied liv wasto from livers' raco and and from ' Hprings, (Iohh through thu grounds, ami iu ono placo Is wido ami oVoii; witlt alitllu dibit a good sized twind eoiild lw mado. Tho grounds cliould at least ho fenced as mxjii if M)'Hlblo, and n IxJttor Ixjglnnlng mado toward tlm future UrirL- 1'iirliiilid llniV lill'fllt 111! Illllllo flllNV Htiltaiilo oven this year for u Fourth of juiy ceieiiration. Iliittl ArrlvnU. Viixaiiii Ilot si: tl. S. .Merguiro, A. I) SiinpHiii, San I'ranclseo: (Iraco Motter, New York; V. A. Kberly, rmtlanil; (i. A. I'hlnnv, Sacramento; Dr. .1. It. I'll kington, lrM. lluchison, rortlaml; Ci, A. .Miintvro, ut (iramlo; A. Illew, hiiioj J. V. Slielton, I'nioii; N. It. Harris, Im (iramlo. (ioMics Ufi.i: lIorKiIohn Walker, Contcrvillo; S. Heynolds, San Chllilerx, Img Creek; U. lluil"on, Nebraska: T. (iavcH, City; .1. II. (.'auipliell, Helix; J. K. Illuw, Pendleton; .1. It. Itagmy, coimtrv; Jalxth Itarrel, It. Mellrixiu, I'llot Kixk; .lamcH later, country; .loiin PaikcH, Helix; .laeob Miller, A. I'. Hick man, A. Arnold, country; (i. A. Stottel, Porlland; .1. Wilson, Witunnr, Adams; Weill, woo. Smitli. Wisconsin: J. An ilerxon. .lauesvllle. Wisconsin. IIowman llofHi: lltoinas .ticMiy.iiooii ltlver; 1', W. I lay no, Ltwrence, .Mas. j Mockinan, who ami ciiihi, lowa; C. II. I'.srry, country: A. I'lnloy, .Me- i;onaiii lanyoii; pamui .Miiioncy, inn Dalles: i liurlcs tuxxlinan, wooti Kiver; (!, II. Yarney, It. I.. ICnlght, I.u (iramlo; J.J.Scott, city; John W. INjuuan, W. i p.. ...i.... n.;i.... . ii ii I.'...., ii'....,.... (J. II. .Malcolm, Alhina; (ieo. Townu, Thu Dalles; Peter I'alnu, Ccntcrvillu ; Dick V'vhotr, Albert (lerltart, Nebraska; M.A. flakcr,, W. (Voslxjy, Weston ; G. W. Johnson, Kameht. IKtltM. IIOYNiDN-lii CuniKi nrnlrtp. on f'tlilny, .iixrrn .. m, in inn won 01 nnurr noyn lon,:i Irn-pniind girl. nrr.u. Itt! Allia,Oriviin,.Ulniary 10, 14M, .Minnir, iniiiiinirr oi jniin unit Mllioil I til Kl,nl Uv )miri. Tho loss of buds is Hoinotlmes tliu cauxu ot death to tho parent Hem lttNMi;i,!r At AIIim, Orrron. Kei.rnsry V), lvi, jitnni, nun ui nilldll lUIX'I'll, III 1111' nf of iwrnty.Drc. A it i(lrl.,.,iltj .,li,lilu, .....iul.Mil f.I....l ., .ii Wr-,,,,t 1111,1111, faithful sister, dutiful ilauu'htor. ilovoted wife, ami it loving mother, bus clorcd her laisirs lit tlio inorulut! ot tier womuuuooil, Although nIio is pine, her example Is wiiii us tor our iicnciu. I.ifo is orL'auic Individuality; death Is Its ilitxolutinu. KiiowIciIl'ii i-iidrt whero communication ceases; but bevond death love lias ialuteit a raluutw of Iiuhi. 1". U.Miuir. sr.w TO.IIAY, ROTHOHILD & BEAN, IH'AI.KIin IN Dry Grinds. Fancy Goods, Clnaks. etc. Men's. Ladles' and Children's Shoes, Hats and Caps, Aim A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES. t-oriiiillty of rooi, rmxnnittile iirler nml kkiiitiiI mlr iri'iiliiieni, im mm t, clve f. i" LiitKf,,cl in inili.Vil Moorhouse & Co., Ilitvo Jut re.vlTfit, illrwt from Nrw Tork, GOATS, VESTS AND APRONS, K r tUrlcevpf rs, lUrbeni aua Walter. Moorhouse & Co. IIIOllJll i fOUUT BTHKKT, JUKlt. KKMJKUT I'riiprtftor of (lie KlvctVul llrrr Hull, Miiln HtoiH.tto,o.tomi, I'enUleton, IVii.llfioii r on ilmuslu. Vuc. llquoni JToTtCK to tMNTltACTOlUS. h.alr thU will W tiwlml by the town of J cii.tU'loii, until noon, March tl " IMIiVfSf tho gruvllu Hint graveling of Ihe iiuirii i f'f 1 k.e '"'mi'iiM ami twirioui iu VIS W.U iiin.t tw a.l.lre,s to thV comn ult on town n.vr. lb. rlht lo tVjeei y -nd U F razees Opera House, Friday, March. 9, One Night Only! Krom the Atlantic lo the I'nrlDrl I. W. BAIRD'S SVIammoth Rflinstrels? txik at Ilia Mounter Array of TnleiitOri'iilirnnil littler limn Kver-wltli nn Kntlro Now Computiy for tho Sintou of 's; anil OUR MATCHLESS AHTISTS! Low Bonodict, John Mack, Ellsworth Cook. lAlbort Loach, John Dillon, Horaco Rushby, Chas. W. Coodyoar, Jamca Croon, Will L. Pollard, Byron Loach, Harry Dillon, C. W. Murray. r,iiriir i vi ii'iut'Ki n.'iii.iiii'ii, iiil' ii.,iiiiii-ii i.i.ii.rin, uir iiiiii.ii .jirn i.i.i'.n, Ill niimliiT, Klk'lit Oreut Cuiiiiviliiinl Klirht Knit .Mont Ton Clng KxpvnNl Kluhl Hnp-'rh Voi alill Twi'lvn (IrcHl Hpfohilli-iR nrw, ttnlqim,,l unit roflnril! Hfly l'linny r'pu lurn thn king lnuitli-mnk-rl Ten Hoiik unit I ijinco A-tlt pliinliitlon, nciobnllc iiml gnn- ...... .1 i .... . . i -.. . i mi.. ih.,i lfll 't wptiiy mkiiicu Miiniciani-cvery miin Watch for the Grand Parade of Balrd's Gold and Silver Cornet Band. Matt Elder, Leader, supported by Major Gorman. Military Drill KxrfrlK, unci Mulilnltnc MimkcI liiHit'ii in Hie ii nun rco tin iH'ioiiiriii iioriin itriir tno hoioihini -.SfruroyourTlck ln nt Klelchci's Jewelry Hlorc. tncliSil U BOOT AND SHOE SALE. For the next thirty dnys 1 cost the largest and best stock of boots and shoes that is in Pendleton, comprising: $2,000 worth of Buckingham & Hecht celebrated boots and shoes. $3,000 worth of C. M. Henderson goods, who is considered one ot the best manufacturers in $1,000 worth of Sailer Lewin of tho Stiller Lewin make, Philadelphia. 1,000 pair children and iMisses' shoes. ouu pair ot slippers, ot all grades. Don't deltlV. but COlllO Untl mt. hnmta nt T.,.11.. Hoot and Shoe store. JAS. WHir;ELA.2Sr, Prop. SHOT GUNS FROM $5.00 TO $50.00, At the establishment of Taylor, Jones & Oo. Pnil IJ'M oinnnivii oiivittii, rii.iNjJLETON, OREGON, - - WINCHESTER REPEATING SHOTGUNS! If YOU intend mirnlinciMin 1 TiTlop T A New Department In Mlnitrelnyl ti..H.i.ti..ll itl... ,l. ii.itt.i. Ail... ii..t. n who pinyiTi JiikuIits. DAIf.Y AT NOON I KHKKTO Al.l.t will soil nt ton per cent, nbovc the United States. & Co ' Largo stock of apisrs, pistols, A.MMUisriTio3sr, And a heavy assortment of Reloading Tools. Of tho latest models. FULL LINE OF GUN REPAIRS. ; f ; " 1 lU JUH' 11 yu to buy, don't fail IT WILL DO TOUR EYES GOOD! For Sale Hnvlng ptirohosod tho otitlro stook of to C. MEEK, I will soil Dry GoOda,Orooerie,BootJ Orooliery, C3rOO3., St;o.r AT COST! Centerville, Oregon All porsonodoslrlni; bargains eliould CALL AT ONCE! I. R. DAWSON, fo2Slm JUST READ THIS . . UNDER at fiostl MERCHANDISE, formerly uolontfJ tho ontlro Block, consisting of Millinery -AT- PR AZER'S OPERA HOUSE to call anyhow. mid.