East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 05, 1888, Image 1

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A riti:i: mhuauv.
I'alrnn or (ho Dully or Scml-Weckly
T.ANT OltKOONIAN cull freely tniilii- mo
or tho I'.ASf OltEflONlAN lllirnry when
ever lln-y no desire. The public urn inr
illnlly lutltod to xlf.lt tlm ofllcn whenever
11 hirllncil,
j Seventy-live cents In money or stamp
III imv for tlm Hi-ml-MVckly EAST OltE-
(IONIAN from now until after lm !""
ilcclloiis. Two dollars will pay ror tlie
Lully 15 AS t' OltKOONIAN for tho same
length of tlniu by iniill.
WOL. 1.
Bfllee tlooms l,2,3oml 1 Association Illock
m Pendleton, Oregon.
onice NeitTrlbunt oltlco.on Court street,
intili I'AnK.TtlnTIN.
nice In Association building, rooms
I and 17.
Legal btmtne.il of "II kind attended lo with
romptness. C'ollecllonii a specialty, umee
jbuliaiiitf, uvrr tho post office,
nil .muiii mint-i.
JHI119 1U1
J . ii MIT-M'I A W . A MS
M ft IVIlillkin'Ai'uini
Itooini No. mid Association illock, Pon
eton. Of.
i E ill Kuni .
Jltlcot-Maln Hlreo:, in Tliompion-Hnrn
hurt Hiilldliig.ovr mo rosi-uinc.
1 j.-.jii.j.iktrMi aim a var
A I I W m in " kj r. f?
OlTlre-Over Klrst National llauk, Pondlo
Ion, Or.
Will praollco Id court of Oregon
court il f Oreuoil Dtld
I Wellington.
Collect. ons promptly attended
I And Notary Vubllo. Olllce In " Eust Orego
nmn" building, rundluton, Or.
Pendleton, Oregon,
htonm Solid t) Association Illock.
Justice of the Peace,
And Notary Public,
Klllnirn on land received, and lltisl proof
aKon ki reuueeu ruies. uuuckuui; " pe
iamiiei.Tj heath:,
(iin administered
Offlcet-Maln Hlreol. In 'I hompion-l-luuK
llUlllllllg. ri'lUIIUIOII, UlCgllll.
th J. m. phuett,
Oltlce: OverMarlm , Moorhotiso 's store
Icorner of JoIiIimmi tniii w.urv siioeiB,ruiiuie-
ton, Orego i
f.Orillllll 1'II.VHICIUII A. nill'iiriMi
Tliodoclorollerii 111 Hirvlceii to tho nubile,
laud no inuKi'M iiiu iiftmiriiiiuu nun nu ran
(euro tiny din. uko wiieiu iiiimiichi hiii ran uiivn
lauv ellccl U in en at remueuca on jouiuun
near Court xlrcel
Olllcu liouu. fiom U to 11 n. in., from S to &
lii. in., mid from 7 tou p. in
n EO. W. KINO., M. I).
ufllco: Over MoorlioUMi it Co.'m kloro. Hen-
Milmipo. on iVi'bli klieei ni'iir Court Mrct.
Iltekldunce Hint olllcu uonnevted by telcpliono
Iwltll VlllHfll llfltfl.
I r;peulul uttviitloii givoit to tn (iiseuHCN or
.women uud children.
lltoom II Amocimlon Illock, - Miiln .Slrect.
Qtllce In r)lmpon'dnigtore, Helix Or.
Wntch, Clock ClirononiftiT 31ulter.
Itepalm In nil tho above branches.
All work wurninted.
Olllco nt Urlgg'a old .tnr.d, MiMn Htreet,
Pendleton, Oregoii.
w. scorr.
Contractor unit I'ruotlrul llnllder,
Kltlmnttn fiirulKtied. on application. To
alt ulu.eii of t'ouatnieiloii, either of frume,
brick or iron, loii-e.pomieiH'e houcneu irom
purtlea cunlemiilutliig building.
Aditn-HSt a MorrUon Blreet.
febJl tf I'urllHiid, Oretton,
Illackttilih arid WtiuouOIaliur,
Alia and Clunlun utreeti, Pendleton,
lllackiitnlth work of all kinds In the bent
I posnllilo manner, and on reaounble terms,
Pmprletor of the
'Itcuviillmi I'lirlorx
Malu Strei t, oppiilt Court Hoiue Hauaro,
In i .iiniiiHDirn new brick.
The be-t Win.
. i liji. dm and Cigars.
si Vim t PUtrDllH.
It. PAItKlis,
Pendleton, Oregon,
work a upeciulty. Enllmaleii fur
uUhiHl on fciiort iiotlitf.
P. INMAil.
Iliac t.-hiiiit h mill Wuitou llrpali'i-r,
IlDi'M-shiieinz a Sneclaltv. I
Corner Webb and Auru -Streets, Pendleton, j
poll HE NT.
A liouno, with n barn that will Mahln foil
nortcK, Apply to a. v. h., nt turn oiiice.
Notices not making mora than four tine
will bo Inserted In this column at tho ruto n
five cents an Insertion,
Can be had at tho East Ohkoonian ofllcc
at prlres that wilt provo they are cheaper
man mono or any otner priming nmi i"
Eastern Oregon.
If vou bavn an nnlioal estrav. you can re
rover him by oxnenillug t2.00 in advorllslng
111 mo i;aT OHltOONiAN. li caicues mem
ovcry tlm,c.
Morn I linn two hundred form, of Ifgal
blanks at this office. Lawyers and. others
needing special fornmenn be supplied.
1!v n resnonslblo nartr with plenty of fed
about iro liuad of cows on shares. Address
this ofilco. dAsw 21.
T 03TI
A No. in child's time, on tho streets In Pcn-
iilfion. Kinuer icavq ui tins omco.
Lost nno brown setter dog, lias no spots on
hlm.nuswors tn tho name of "Ilex." Kor his
return, or Information leading to his re
covery, fs reward will bn puld by
til fubSl
oh. I,
Hinall band of American horses, all
sue, (or sain. Appivio
. . 111 i v UIW II,
tu fcb2S lm Echo, Oregon
A mixed hand of slock horses for sale, in
small or largo lots. All good slzo American
horses can be een at lHrnuart station, on
tho O. II. A N. toad, six miles below Peudle
ton. Kor particulars addre.
tu feb?ft 1 1 ti Pcndlcloii, Oregon.
Illdswlllbo received at I lie olllce of (ho
clly surveyor until noon on Wednesday,
March 7lh. fortho lining with brlrk iili'l re
mentthuclly reservoir, In accordance -villi
plans and Hiiecilli allons. which can bo seen
at llothchlld and lleau's store. I'emlleton.
fobLS Id Town Hurveyor.
A snlt-ndlil stock ranch at Imnkrunt nrlros.
Ooo-I for any klndof stock,ospeclally adapu-d
to running sheep. Plenty ol running water.
outside rango, locan-d In Ynklma counly.
Hhecp winter on thri-n days to two weeks'
leeu. lurius io nun, juun-".i -j. i. i.
Ilox w, llmiyii,
frl fohl7 tm Klttltus County, V. T.
All peronns Indobtud to tin-llrm of Sehulo
.1 Hiiili r irn nniiel-d to rome forward and
settlo with tlie iiniler-lgned at otiei,or tho
accounts w I be plured in tlm bauds of an
attorney for collection, I mean business,
ami mii.t have money.
I'enuieion, uregon, ronruary 17, im
frl febl7 lm JOrtEl'll llAHLEIt.
A reward of nvn dollars a head will no punt
for Infnriuatlou leading to the recovery of
I tin following de.crlbed hoocs: one sorrel
mare, bald face, 7 on left shoulder ami O on
leftlliink. Onu sonei tuicyi-.ir-olil Iioiku
rolt, white les, (J on left II 11 11 It: one tmy
mare,twiycar old,braniled O 011 left flank;
one sorrel fllley, two years old, same, brand,
and ono bay llllev, branded 11 tup side down)
ill riglil nip. .1u1resHs
tu fobll lm Wo.ton, Oregon.
Tim purtnersuip or t-rnu rago- i ukiin aim
Inhn C Leasure, under tho llrm name of
Tiutln i lA-iiure. havlmr been dissolved by
mutual consonl, all permits having clulms
iguiiin suiu iirm win pu-asu r.-.i-ni 111-111 u,
no bv march 1st: and all persons owing said
llrm mint settle wllh 1110. iv note or cash, by
said March 1st, or costs will bo added.
uaicu ronilieton, uregon, i-eoniary 13, ie.
tu feblt 3w Attorney at l.uiv.
Oeorco II. M. Jolnikon holds n nolo signed
bv Jelluo and K. A. llanlwlck. Tills note
bus been paid, and I he nulillo are hereby ac
cordingly notified of thut fact
ronuioiou, uregon, reoruary u, isvi
foblOlm K. A. HAKUWICK.
To wham it mnv concern! All persons
knowing themselves Indebted lo tho estate
of James (I. McCoy urn hereby notified tn
settlo on or befi.ro tho first day of May, and
savo trouble and cost.
.MILS. J AM EH O. Mcnoy,
tu fel,7 Administratrix.
To whom It may concern: Take, notice that
thoHouth Ilrltlsh Kirenml Marino Insurance
Company of New Zeuland deilres uud "In
tends to ceuso doing business In tho Mte of
Oregon, and to withdraw Us cuiiltal there.
from, tub Hotn 11 iiitrnsii hub a
ooll fltfm Attorneys.
Pendleton Meat Market.
Having reopened tho nbovo Market, (Sail.
in'i 0111 kianu, we siihii oe prupumi ui an
times to supply tho p-eoplu of Peudlclou
with thBVory best
Beof, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Etc.,
That tho market cm allord,und ul
prices ull cau reach.
Iliioth and ltnrrrtl Nleamer Capsized
St-irins Troiilile In T.xns For the
Nurtli I'olo-The Htrlkn.
Wiishlngtou Items.
Wakiiinoton, 1). V., March 5. Hun
diill'H now turlir bill, wliich' lio lutH boon
worKinn on two yoitrH, will iirolinbiy In)
introdiHc-d to-inorrow. U.uitlall kuvh
bill to bo norfect nniHt 1)3 coinploto in
ovcry detail, untl ombnuo tho 'ohuKh of
tho bout cxicrt uvldoiico iittnliiablo.
i Jiu Aiiiimmti coniCHlLMt elect ion ciiho
coiiioh tilt to-inorrou'. IndlcntioiiH uru
that u Injttor party Htrlio will bo dovcl
oped, and that at least two davH will bo
reniiiied to iUhpoho of it. Tho other eon
tented enKo will probably not bo dlnpoHed
01 mm KeHHion.
Tito l'roHidcnt'H noNt trin awav from
lionio will 1h) to Went Virginia, whoro ho
win iro pronaiiiy in tnu inner part 01 iiiav
and Htay alut two weokn. Neither Mrn.
Cleveland nor Mr. and MrH. 1-iiinont will
accompany hlni.
A ponHlon Jiaa been Knmt?d to Ah I.in,
iv Cliiiminan of Sun l-runeiHco. Tlilrt 1h
tho llrnt ciiho on reeord of n Chinaman
bein urant.'d a noiiHion in thm country.
Ho lont a Ie-f whllo iiKMiHtitn! in tlrlni! a
ealnto on a vessel in 1CU7. Ho getH $S
Icr montn.
Tlm llootli unit llarrctt Craze.
San Fiiancinco, March r. Tito cn
Kitgeiiient of ilooth and I'liTett in thin
city oiietiH to-tlay. Tho huIoh for tho two-
wt'okH unttiffcini'iit liavo lioen enonnoiiH.
Tho lant two davit' Hides alone amounted
to f lll,UUU.
A Htenmor Capslted,
San l-'itANciHCo, March fi. Durina a
Kiuu yoHicniay, tnoMsamer Aiito uarrett,
which wiih in (iiiarantino, uneiiored in tlio
Iiay with Hovciitwii luinsenvorH front tho
citv of Peldn, dniKcd her anchor, and
Hilled violently uvuiiihi tnu wiiarl. All
tho puHHenueiH iiiinped imhoro. A tur
raniu 11 1 10 uiu ru-euu, 11111 nnu eniiHized.
1 ... .1 , . . 1
iNo iiveti were lont. 1110 (liiarantlneil
paHHcnerH scattered .about tho city. Tho
(Jarrott wan 11 Htarn-wlieelcd Hteauier,
valued tit .'!!),000, and wuh IiiHiirud for
U0,000. Kllbrts aro beliii! inado to riht
tor Ui.
California Hturios.
San l-'itANi'i.-o, Marcli 6. A kivoio hall
and thunder Htoiin occurred hero last
littht aliout eleven o'clock. Ituin and
tail ciiine down for an hour in a net feet
leluuo, and from nine o'clock till noon
yoHturdiiy it HiioMi-d heavily.
nACIIAM llNril, K.M.., AllirCIl 0. IJlirilli;
heavy ntorm yt-Htcrday rain oureil
through nearly ovcry roof in tho city, and
lurniiuro, carx.-tH nmi mucii iirouriy was
lamy (iiinm-'iMi.
San l-'itANcihfo, March 5. Saturdav
nlsiht nu old minor named l)!c!cf8on(who
ma iiccniiy mil veil in 1110 cny, wuh In
luced by a "filcnd" niimcd Huri'lntf to
HM-nil tlio uvcniii): witli a woman named
1'eail I'a-io. Undid hi and went to bed
and ident till Sunday inornintr, when ho
found hluiKcIf minus :)30, and a pild
watch and chain. 1'ituo and another
named llardinv were 111 rented, and 1(0
01 tlio money iccoveroii.
Man Drowned.
l'oiiTi.ANK. Uit.. .March 5. Adolnh
f'liniiilii-ix. 11 mini llTi vinti old. fell fnim
a ferry Kntoon at Alblua hint night, ami
wuh drowned.
'I roihl In Texas,
Ai;HriN,Ti:.AH, March fi. Mexican and
American Holdlcr hud trouble vci-lenlav
near tho bank of the 1C Io (iraudo river,
ml 11 nitclied bailie was dually fouuht. in
which two .Mexican woro killed and 0110
American badly wounded.
Hound for tlm North Pole.
Nr.w Yokk. Match o. Huyh Cell
.iiutlier. Mail of l.oiiHilale. hurt iiiHt ar
rived in thirt city. Ho faym "1 liavo
omo to America to io wimi no ono
Iso him over done, and that Ik to pene
trate l?riBshtAinerica mini tho United
Slates frontier to tlio Arctic Occan.thonco
'o by water to tho North Polo. My
only compaiiimm w ill bo my valet ami my
do;:. I think it is tho wron: way and an
nt rely mWliiWen plan to hcml out I a rue
expeditions on mich an orniud. 1 Hhiill
make mrom: cltoiiH to reacii tnu Polar
Hoa, uud beliovo 1 idiall Huccced in every
part of my plan."
The Striking Euglnei-rs.
untCAoo, .Mm cn 0. Hio eiilnecra 01
tho Chicago, iturlinyton & Northern wero
called out Saturday, tho causo Iwlns tho
intorchanttin of tratllc witli tho C. Ji. 1;
(i. (Jrunil MitHter Sargent .miyri hu iro
jxveH to light' it out on thn Uuilluktou
alone, and not molest oilier lines. Chief
Aitluir nays there has not Immmi break
in tho Brotherhood for novel! tliiVH, "Tha
men aro loyal ovor the uholu Hywtom. Ho
wtyn it will Ihj imjiossiblo for tho road to
secure competent ciiKiuco-H outBlilo of tho
lirotiiorhood for a year to como. There
1110 not threo humlred idlo coinic'tont en
uincers in tho wholo country outnido of
incmlwrH of tho Drothcthodd. If tho men
continue to Ktund llrm it is beyond ques
tion that wo must win."
No Change In thoMnrkets.
l'oitTi.ANi,, Ok., March 5. Kastom
Orct,"n wlieat is quoted at 71 cents jwr
bushel to-day. Nothing Is doint; in Kust
ern wool, but tho Iloston quotation for
tho product is 14 to Id cents.
A Pluro ofMlllou Justlcu,
Tutst Sunday threo drunken hoodlums,
J, Ireland, lv.' Ireland and I.. Hanks, us
nanlted and knocked down two Chinos
laundrymen, and afterwanl clioked an
other. Tho next day tho Itclands woro
fined ?, Then thov had ono of tho
Chinamen arretted for Hinokinti opium,
and ho was fined iC'O 11ml coMtn, amount
ill!,' to iJH. This mnv Ixi what tho Mil
ton court considers Justlcn, but tu out
siders it looks very much liko injustice.
Tho Milton Men llavn n Confornnee, and a
Division Convention Kcsolvrd on.
From tho lost ifsuu of tho Milton Kulc,
tho follouing account of tho tlivlsion
meeting is obtained :
Ah or call published last week 11 largo
concoursoof citl.ens and tax-payers met
in I'lieliis' hall and discussed tho merits
of tho till-i tttiKjrtiiiit question of tlivlsion,
on Wednesday afternoon. Weston, Cot
tonwood, .Mountain and .Milton precincts
wero ably represented, and soverul from
rendleton wero in nttondauco. Tlio
meeting was called to order by Scott
Hlchoy, and N. l'ierco chosen president
andJ. II, Cannon secretary. Mr. l'ierco
resigned chairmanship and Scott Hichoy
was cnoscu in 111s piuco.
Seeches concerning tho best method
of procedure for division wero inado by
w. li. Lees. 1'. A. Wortliington, J. K.
Klrkland, K. 1). McLaughlin. J. II. Can
non. I). McDonald, Jos. MeCov. N. 1'iercu.
J. Ii, Maliannu and others.
Mr. Wortliington was asked tho ques
tion by .Mr. lierco: Will tho Weston
people agree to 11 lino that runs through
tho grovo this side of Adams, or what is
generally known as tho "Milton line?"
1110 iiuestioii was answered: lliov
Moved and seconded that Milton ap
point a commiuco 10 comer witli Weston,
.Mountain, Centervlllo, Helix. Vansyclo,
Cottonwood, and other nrecincts which
aro 111 nivor 01 being included in tlio new
county, on Saturday. March 10, 1888, at
o'clock ti. m,, at Weston, In order to
agree on u lino of division, each pieeinct
to send 11 committee of four. Motion
unanimously carried.
Tlio following committee wero unpointed
tor Allium precinct: i. l'ierco, j. xs.
Stone, A. M. Kluiu and J. K. Hoon.
Alovetl that a notice Do mil) Islietl In tlio
Weston header and Milton Hindu invltlm:
ami requesnng an precincts us above
mentioned to Isj present at the conven
tion. Carried.
Moved that an immediate organization
of a "Division Club" bo clleeted. Car
It was moved that it comtuittco Iw an-
oInted to dntft by-laws and resolutions.
.Motion provallod and W. II. I-ces. J. II.
Cannon, I. ii. .Malianiia. I). McDauIcI
and II. I liowmer apjioitited as such
After a number of rotisim: speeches and
a free expression of sentiment regarding
divorce from the old county, tho meeting
Tlio Chinese hill reported from foreign
relationHcommitteo is not satisfactory to till
tho members of thu l'atille caist Jelega
lions, us it tloes not provide for abroga
tion of the present treaty an absolute ex
clusion of Ohineso, but It is regarded as a
stop in thu right direction, and ono which
will relievo tho federal courtH of the
trouble they liavo oxisjrioncod, and are
now enduring, witli tho haU-as corpus
cases. Sherman is said to favor it,
also Morgan. .Mitchell thought it a step
in the light direction, but a feeble one.
Tho pension bill was taken up, tlio
tending question Mug on tho aiiieud
incut oll'creil by Wilson of Iowa, to add
tho words "from infirmities of age."
Keck said )i)0,0dU.0U'J would not half
cover thu amount of oxiiendituro if the
amendment weto adopted. Tho bill
would settlo thu sin plus for all time to
The debate then drifted into a discus
sion of the larlll', during which lteck re
ferred to tho dumonetl.atloii of silver,
and attacked Sherman for It, llo sug
gested (reverting to the (tension question
that us tho wealth of tho country was
protected by the exertion of tho solillers,
tire senators on tho other sido, many 0
whom wero millionaires, should meet ex
iK'iidituies for pensions by an income
Voorhees submitted u iitimliur of Wash.
iugton Territory ineinoiials,
.Mystery, Itomunee, and Tragedy.
List Sunday night Joint Kennedy. 11
tenant on tlio farm of Mr. Jim Smith
twolvo lnllos Mjuth of Sulphur 'Springs
fexas, loft his house after siitjter ami ,
never returned. His prolonged absence
caused imoaslnesH to his wlfo and
.Momniv morning sno got 1110 nelghlsirs
to search for him. Search was continued
until Wednesday evening, when
nedy'H body was found near an old house
0110 mile frcm his hoiue. Tho hack of
his head was horribly crushed in four (tin-1
cos. inside the houm kIuiih could Imi m-hii
of preparation to hang tho man and the
nrintofaiopoonthegrotmo. Tho house I
1 nu 1 no noor. inoro was also Prints ol ,
uiu iiijio lutoni inn hulk, nuiu - niiuru 1110 1
lxsly was a hole dug in thoground-
lug '
evliloutiy ny hlmseii.
On tho preceding Friday a man well
mounted and armed had made sharp in-
iiuiiiesoiiuo wucio-uitouis 01 Kennedy;
w hen Kennedy was told ol this lie display
ed much uneasiness and declared he would
Immediately leave the country if lie know
this to le it certain man witli whom hu
mado mysterious allusloiiM of having had
a tragic dllliculty in W iwtorn Texas. 1 hu
general opini n is Ihut the In le by tho
sldoof his Issh was Intended to bo his
gvu 0 1 li was f..iuBl tn dig, while
1- 'iiiiiiiltod Mime robuery
- . and thut Ui enemy was
jiu ..1J1 for tlie irtolon money.
int .eduction fur February
A tf.eiU Alttlhixlisl revival Is progress
ing hi Now York.
Dr. MoGlynn has lieon grunted a iter-
iiiauunt injunction restraining Heurv
Gorge from forming another Anti-js,v-
Administers Deserved Itclnikt) to Hie
Ore toiilaii.
Somo tinio ago tho Oregoui.111, prob
ably getting its clue from that cur -pool
of political lies, tho Now York Tribune,
went out of tlio way to attack and de
fame tho lato vice-President Thomas A.
Hendricks, Thursday tho Orcgouiau
puoiishoti tne loiiowing reply:
Indianapolis, Intl., Feb. 13, 18S8
To tho Editor of tlio Orcgonliin.
A copy of your paper of tho 8th Inst.
lias lieun received. It was sent to 1110 1
Htimioso bv soma onu for tho tmriioso of
having 1110 read tlio arliclu in it beaded 11
"Curious Complaint." As to tnu mode
usually pursued in answering such mat
tors us ti woman I claim Ignorance, and
, if this is not in tho usually prescribed
way I bono vott will pat don 1110. It mav
lie that tho article needs no answer, vet.
in my way. I feel it a duty to answer it,
Thu writer of the article proves to mo
thu fact casually referred to in tlie sen
timents quoted as being mine, (hat thu
republicans aro very much more ready to
protect their friends than are democrats.
The manner in which this writer springs
with Hticii alacrity to tieiemi iiistiany ami
party friends bears out the truth of what
was said, Hut I wish here to say that I
never at any time felt or expressed my
self as complaining that tho widows of
(Jen. IjQgun and (Jen. lllalr should receive
ienstons, io sucii sentiment was ever
expressed by me. Indeed I am rejoiced
to know that those ladles are likely to re
ceive pensions. It is 11 great mistake
that I ever alluded to 11 (tension for my
self. I liavo thought ami so expressed
myself, that the government should give
1110 tlie salary that would have been due
mine, it is in tlio abundant I'nlted
States treasury and, as I am told is drawn
by no one. Tlio active vice-president
gets his own pay as senator. Tho reasons
given by my discreet (tarty friends for not
granting 1110 this pay is that it would set
a precedent. lint I suppose that tho
sumo would apply to thu itenslons, only
that Unit there aro a very low vico-preef-dents
to como in and very many generals.
Although wollvo in an ago when women
are much honored, tho wiiter seems to
mo to le very pronounced, and almost
unjust to mo; ho seems to forget Ihut I
may have my views, as many others
have, of tho fact that there aro during
seasons of war, battles to light at homo
that need eistl heads to command thu
forces of a well-managed government to
furnish supplies and Income to keep tho
necessary army paid, fed and clothed. I
consider in this tho one that tho writer in
that article so roughly tries to dispurugo
Is on record as having voted for all war
supplies during tho time that he was in
the Semite. And all that lie (this writer)
needs to do is to look at the government
records and know that his assertions
made cannot lw verlllcd by icconls and
dates that do not err. vl concerning
this, list imiuv in this land have homo
testimony to the truth of his loyalty to
render it necessary for mo to contradict
tho assertions of vour wr ier inado ovi
ileutly without knowledge of facts, In the
heat of passion rattier than fiom 11 deshe
to be unjust to ono who wassolteautifully
kind uud considerate of all those who in
any way dlllered with him.
Please paidou tlio length of this letter
and kindly give it publication. I liavo
somo friends In your far away country,
and would like to have them know my
views alstut 11 matter concerning which I
may have been misuudurstisHl.
Mas. Tims. A. lluMiiiu'Ks.
Snporlulemleiit Clow llemoted,
Saturday (InV. lViinovnr ii.nmvi-il Hub
ert Clow fiom the superlnteudeiic.v of tho
(K'nituutiary, tho reason assigned being
that ('low somo time ago, in violation of
law, employed convicts to work on his
farm in I 'oik county, no entry of such
employment having liecn made iioii the
prison noouri lor two mounts aiierwaius,
when thu fact of tho siijHjrinlendeiit's
infringements of tlio law had boon called
attention to by tho public pi ess. This Is
the cause of removal, with other teaVons
of like nature, that is stated in the olllcial
iinttfti-iittmt ,if lila iliiiuialltini liiimli.il liv
tho governor toClow.
IV Hoino time it lias been a matter of
mum iim,, 1. .,! ..,)., L.iv- 1 1 1 k,.il.,nw
differences existed between (ioveinor
. Cennoyer and Hiiperinlendcnt Clow, as
1 (0 tho inaniigeinent of (lie (teiiltentiarV In
Ken-Igoneral, and tisui the suK)rhiteudents
recent action 111 lemoving Hookkeotor
KngllHh paitleuluily.
Warden McKIunon. w ho Is commonly
1 ii,.l,rui,uul lu .imilmiii t..r tl,..
luatioii of superintendent, vice his do
jKtscd sinsjiior, it Is claimed had ls-ci
especially active in stirring up tho
and Mr. Clow.
noil will 1st Mdeeli-il liv ( iriviiriKir'I'iiniiiiviir i
II l-iilll llKllllill v- ulilli.il Hint Mi- V In. I
or tlio position, and Unit N. II. Meade, at
.resent simp guuid, will step into thu
tositiou occupied by thu warden.
A Correction,
To the Editor of Iho Eaal Or'gonlan,
Ci.i:auwatj;k, Idaho, Fob. '0, '88.
I koiit you a communication a shoit
time ago, mi the tatill, In which I Inad
verii iiilv miidit un oiToneotiM statement.
I said tlie ' Whigs advocated low tarill',
and ineludsd tho fioelraders, ami tlio
Democrats wore high piotetioiilt."
This sboulil bo levorscd, as it was tlie
j Whigs that weto high piutoctlniiisls, as I
I urn well aware, and I wrote the sentence
unthinkingly. Howuver ls,th Whigs and
I )lii(S'i'iits were for prottteilon, uml theru
i was, indeed, little iliflitieuce Itetvvoen
them on tliis isHiio. 1 d.-siru to inake
4.itti,r iuifrant or aim at di-honest mis-
IHW corr cllnii, lost yoll Slioillil Ilillik lm
lejuesenlution. L'mu. V.um..
Morn About Comity Dltlslon A Mineral
Discovery W. T. Finances A Spiritual
Yarn (lame. MrCool Hack.
Regular C.nrespondence East Oroionlnn.
jMoii CniiKK, On., Feb. 1888.
Tlio division convention held at Milton
to-day was attended by some forty solid
men of tills end. and they wero a milt for
division, Tho lino proposed last session
by Mr. Ciockett, witli perhaps somo
slight vailations, will be tlio 0110 asked
for next whiter. .V great ileal of unsound
censure has been heujied iqion our wor
thy joint senator, for his elloits in defeat
ing tho "Ia'o" county hill. 1 am no apol
ogist for Mr. Wager, or anyone else, but
I'm of opinion tiiat ho did just exactly
tho light thing hi defeating such a
"scheme" for it was nothing less, gotten
ii(t with two unjust and impure motives
0110 to iiiako thu new county Kuituhli
can, and thu other to secure to Weston
thu county seat. It was lit no who tho
just partition thu peoplu are clamoring
for, ami they should feel grateful to Mr.
Wager, or anyone else, who lent a hand
in defeating it. Now, if we go to work
like rational men, ami draw lines with
due regard for other people's rights and
equities, wo may icasonably hoito to ac
complish thu desired result. Wo don't
want to act in a manner calculated to an
tagonize this section or that, but try to
piill toother as a unit.
Notice of Mr. Heaglo's return from thu
"HuHido" initio in the Granite' creek
country, reminds me of a sample of ore
shown mo tho other day by Mr. 0. S.jn
drus, of Hussu creek. The s(ieclmen
shown mu was from a ledge discovered by
Mr. Ambus, near the head of Hussel
creek, some twelve or fourteen miles ftoiu
Walla Walla, and was thhtcen feet wide,
very rich in galena, a rough assay plac
ing its viduu at f'tUO to the ton, Tho
ledge has Iteen otcncd only a few feet.
Fuither (iros(iect may develop a very rich
lead. k
James Mcd'ool returned last week from
1111 extended trip to California. Ho vis-
lied uiu luinous raso Koines springs, ami
thinks lie wits greatly benellted by their
iteculiar curative properties, lio also vis
ited I .on Angeles, San Diego, and in fact
neiiilv mine nart of thn lfoliien Statu, hut
found no place so attractive us old Uma
tilla. It seems the finances of Washington
Territory are in a very unsound state I
was going to say, nut it's not a Mate et,
so I'll say comiuioii. 1110 last Legisla
ture made uppropiiut ions to the amount
of $,ri7il,lHH). Now tho Territorial revenue
is not sulUcicnt to nay thu Interest on
their Indebtedness. There have been a
great many attempts to duvlso means to
dlsKiso of Uiu surplus In the I lilted
States treasury : I know of no Isjtler way
than to turn thu Washington Territory
Legislature loose in there lor a few days;
then wo need borrow no fuither trouble.
A German, living not far fiom .Milton.
has perhaps bad us deep a glimpi-u into
tlio "laud loyoml tho vail," as anyone
living. 1 no lollowiug story, which ho
often tells, shows how completely a (ter
sou may be can led away by the strength
of ids Imagination. 1 1 o nays: "1 was
watching, all alone, by I bo Is.dsldo of a
dying friend, shoitly after midnight, A
calm ami quiet smile iuoed the featuies
of the lestless spirit. 'This quiet 1 liavo
often observed immediately picccdiugthu
denial flight. 1 hud tinned my head,
for thu thought of lading xn erics to save
my (Msr frieiiil almost wiccked my tiled
brain. 1 heard a faint sound, dud on
looking around, what was my astonish
iiient to sou, standing near Jils head, tho
outlines of 11 form about the size of a
small child, it had it inist-liko appear
twice, ami was cntiicly trausiiaicnt, for 1
could see objects beyond with little dllll
culty. 'I lie features went icasonably dis
tinct uud pleasant, ami t-cciucd to have a
look of anxious exjecliincy. 1'ieseutly 1
beard another faint sound, like tho
rustling of a wing, mid theru, near the dy
ing man's feet, I saw another outline, not
unlike thn liist. They iniitle 110 sound or
motion, but seemed intently watching
tho sphlt ebbing low. I lev hud not
long to wait, for the hands iiton tho dial
nan passed tno hour line; his race was
run; hu dosed his eyes hi a quiet slum
ber; a quick, convulsive shudder slustk
his frame; from out his mouth camu
spirit, of tho same translucent
natuio us the others, only much smaller:
tho angel which had taken up its (xtsi
tiou at tho dying man's head caught the
new-hotn spirit in its arms, ami stinted
on its upwind flight, when the other.
which I now s'rcelvcd was nu emissary
of the lower jcgions, attempted to iescite
the iiowiy-acquhcil piio Irom its moio
(Miwt-tful adversary. Tho struggle was
sharp ami decisive; tlio good angel
winged its way to tho realms of peace,
while uiu oiner, in an agony ol despair,
1 Kiuj
lit lllght Hi another direction. Ileio
tory ends, .No doubt the bad sphit
,0,,H 11 l,Vt"lim' ,f!,r l"",,ll,'1 lm(1 ,,,1h
i'l"i hinftJi iiiiukuil I1h niiirMs, our
friends might have known hi what dncc-
tion to listk for Homo of us when we shako
oil' this moital garb.
Seciotary Itayaul says that a new in aty
with China will lie negotiated within a
few days. Tlie tteuty will provide for tho
exclusion of all Chlnuoo except th.,.-e a'
credilwl to this country in u dil iii.itic
At broakftut Suturduy niorniiig, G.-.-rge
II. iktstwiek, Ituiilnuton railway luidge
Ihomaii, fuiully shot John ltox! a sink
ing uuglneer. To avoid lynching !. st
wlek as placed under arrest. H,Uirl;
claims Unit lio luut boon sworn in as
deputy shoriir. lie won in chuftjo - if til.,
engine, when lOixy uudollu-iH opni.,.irb. d
and eiido.iMircil tu take i h.iigi- nf it. n
"l1'-" """" l'"s" '"' l;"M drew
l'wl'"' "-wi.k Un a Me t him